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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1901)
THE MORXIXG ASTOMAS; TKMAT, - MARCH-I, 1901 SPECIAL. THIS WEEK $1.50 LADIES' KID OLOVES DENT'S QWN MAKK. FOR $1.23 PER PAIR ' The ar flrit quality good and w hav til slxe and a good aasortment of color. All contract fur udvcrtiaiiiK In th Aatoi Inn arc iiuiJo on u Rimr untce of clrcuUtloii lour timcN lurKor than that of nny paper publUliol or circulated In Clat. nop county. TODAY'S WEATHER. PuHTI-ANH. Munli 1 W.ntmi Ou Kin nut Wiudiliitftun, cluutly and Ih mill uliitf nhinvrm, iikiI.t; Kul-rn Ori'if iii, clmtily ttinl iliiciLii'iiliiK. i''"l t r, Idiilxi, rlmi ly uni ilirwili'iiliig will) iKTHnioiiiil hIimit In 1 In inirtlwriii xir tlon, riml'T. AROUND town. J. M. Ili-rrv, "f 1'i'itlnii.l, l In Hi'' city. ilur r o rt : Wmt wind, nifiiy; lr, i)( uri d. II. M, Kdinlalun, uf Mi Mlnnvlllr, In In Urn illy, Thret flrt-eliia barber at the Oc cident ac-iln. Th- MitiiLiulia will -av today for I'uii't iund. Full wriifht cri'iutuTy buter, ite a roll at JkIiiimiii Hro. not lS-cnt meal. Rlilng RUur I". J. 'oi' ha n-turnrd from a Ci with friend In i'lata. r Jeff' rtaurant tha largt and beat. A trial will convince you. tlovrrnor (Iwr hn approved the Aa torlu mid Hfilili charter bill. Sweet navel orange from IS cnt lo 40 c'tita a d-n, at Johnaon Itroa. I). J. Collina and II. II Collin, of In dependeiire, or,, are at tlw Occident. Japane good of all klnda ohap at Yokohama liataar. (2( Commercial Bt. Il.iiry I.uiid and lavld Hood. Port land traveling tn-n, are nt tin1 Owl tli nt. V. M. Warrt-n niid n, F. M. War ren, Jr., were In Aatorla yinterdny on bunhn . 1 I-nr r K. Mclilnn, who wai one of OorMl' nut'iager luring the .-nntir-lal flitht at H:il"in, cunie down on the night train lant nlirlit. BK3T 1SCKNT MEAL; RISINQ BUN RESTAURANT. t . .... . .11. . . . HATS And CAPS In Endless Assortment of Styles and Shades ,50 .00 .50 .00 50 $ its $ ft ft ft B ft ft ft IS. DANZIGER It. D. ItotliHtclii ami K. H, (loidntone, of Hnnitli', regiali-red at Hie Ofddrnt lllHt nlttht. For riiit.-Nlc,-ly furirfuhed front room; no other roormra, 30 Coinmrr rial nt rx:t. The fine and forfeiture In the police court for the month or February bk xr u"t 1 IU7U. Th Aatorla IIox Ciwtpuny will run l ith nlKht and duy ahlfla commeticliiK n xt Moiicl.iy. The I-Kr.-tf of llmior. the ladl'V aux iliary of the A. t. r. V held a iim-i- I l)(C l"t nlKht. Hwedlnh Medwiiml Hummer Bmimigf unci cierveliit Wurst, HomethlnK fine, lit Johnitoii I ll on. Hiild-rn' honing inmp on Oraya riv er Will tnrt I'lMTiilhMiB next week with it crew of fifty men. Mi. ol. rittruflVr'a danrlliK Iiim will Uiv' a party (oiilKht, inakriK the luat dunce of the pn-aeiit aerlin. At the concluHl'ill of bUHlnem yt-ter-duy over tfooij m1 been iild Into the aheriff'a olttie (,n the x) tax roll. Th atenmcr Hue II. Klmore U now I'liolliiK fr Tillamook and Alnea, to ileiwirt a aiHitt na the weather per mit. The new launch Occident, built for the I'lu ker' AiwocUtlon waa rnemnir i' yrtticrday by the cunt'ima houe of (MuIn. Itlw and ahlne; Oold Itope, Thraah er, antl-truat, union-made plua; tobac co. Havo your toga. They ar val uable. The 4-ycur-uld du((htr of Iule Ownthney, who HUNiuliied a broken arm In an accident Wednesday, I progrv Intc nicely. For rent A five-room cottngo, fur nllud or unfurnlHhed. on Tenth atrect. near HarriM.n. Iniulr corner Tenth and Irving' Cream pur ry. America' flnet whUkry. Th only pur -oxl: iruar unteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAHLSON. Bolt Agent John A. Montgomery ha opencJ a hop at 421 Ilond atret and la prepared to do all cla of plumbing and tin ning at th toweat poaalbl rat. Mm. Fanny Htewart,, formerly of Walla Wallu, committed aulclde In San FrnnclHco Tuinday morning, by throw ing hemelf out of a hotel window. There waa a charge of grand larceny pending agnlnat the woman, which wait to come up the day of her death. Special Sale of Boys' and Children's Clothing Broken Lines 25 Per Cent Discount 4 Q Koalyn coal laat longor, I cleanr und niHke lima trouble with tov and chimney flue than any other. Oeorg W, Bunbom, agunu Tflcphone Ml. ' Tho cloned aulmon acuaon begin to day under tho provision of the Hume llnherli-W bill pitaaed at the lant legla luture, and will continue until April I illi. Mr, Harah D. Urookncll, of Olney, HI., urrlved In the city on Wednea day evening and will make an rx-nd-cd vlalt with her alater, Mra. Tho. Ituaaell, The Hghthouae tender t'olumblne wa unable to get to Tillamook rock yea terdiiy owing to rough weather and will make m other efTort to deliver aup pllra todty, Tin gymmiHtlc apparatua of :he ath letic club will probably be turned over to a cummlttee of the Wornun'a Club Kho Intend to (It up a club and gym minium for the hoy, The Norwegian at earner Hi arpnno with a general cargo for the orbni, unit the llili lh hlp, l!i( kliulniin, rn route id pugi-t aound for wheat, pnoe-d out yent'-rday mor'ilng. Heverul new (lunllduti-e will be Ini tiated at the next meeting of the Aa tor ImIkv of Knlghla. The Initiation fee dim b -fii t inporurily reduced a an Incentive to pioepectlve member. Mra. Lydht f.'urlyle, proprletrfaa ' of IxkHli-y H ill ul Heaalde, waa granted a il'i-ree of itivop e y. Hler.luy In tie circuit court fnim John W. f'urlyle. The comiilalnt ullegeii non-dupport, ne-gl'-ct and Ill-treatment. The ;,.y. J. ,M. Cole, who recently returnis" from Hie K.JI Inland, where he Hpent eeveral year ax a miimlonnry, (lillvred a lecture on the and the pei pp. nt the S olvation Army bar mcH lant night. The Kvcry Monday Club announce the utile of nt for the mijig and dra inatle r.-cllal In which will appear Mr. J. T. l!ot, Mlwi lu-ba HobiHi.and Ter rMcKcaii will opeifon MomUiy iiurn- llltf rt 9 a. 111. ul Crlltln A ll,.,.,r If... nerved n-ul will tu- M n-nt and gallery 2 5 cent. Itecltal iiik'H place at KIhIi- n uM-iu nouxe, juircn am. The Inventlgatlon of the pilot' o ih I nlon of Hun Krunclaeo by the atate b'glHluiur.. deveoH-d the fact that the twenty pilot belonging; to the organl illon in. raged ITw In monthly earn ing. Thl I reduced aoinewhat by the I'cbale made to Die big Meamxhip c.iiniiiiiilrk, who decline to pay the reg ular f'-c allowed by law. It. pnintitlve H. I.. Kddy. of Tllla m.x.k cuinty wax presented with a handhom; Koid watch by the Mulino m.ih county ieegn(l,,n uMn hi de parture fi r home. The gift wim In rec ognition of Mr. l-Mdy'a ciurtey In giv ing legal alvice to the Portland! r. there having been no lawyer In the del egation. Sidney IMI and Ml M. KUnor Duffy were marrl.M ymterday at '.he Metho iltel chun h parnonag-? by the Itev. ft. F. Itowland. The ivremony wa pri vate, the only wltnease being Mra. Lu cy Hitchcock, of Portland, and H. S. Ionian. Mlha Duffy I a native of Illl iwU ami taught achool both In that mate ami 111 Portland. The O. It. & N. Co.' amall twin ircw Rteamer Canby, which haa been lying on the beach at Fort Canby since lut September, waa brought over to town limt Wednesday by the Nuhcot ta. and I now being made ready to Micam to Portland. Hhe I to be haul ed out and receive a thorough and much-needed overhauling preparatory to going Into commlmilon for the aum mer. At 9 o'clock thla morning the re aerved 'at fur the mimical force com edy "The Star Hoarder" open at tJrltfln Heed'. The play la very clever with numerous good npeclalty feature, including an excellent chorus. Clwa. H. Hoyle, aa the atar boarder, will keep you In a prolonged atate of hilarity and win be ably assisted by a capable company. The play I well deserving of patronage fnm thoae who wiah to apend an evening In never ending iimuacment. K. O. Waltera. :he ahoeman, haa re covered from a long Illness and I now upon for hulnes at the old stand, corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. For the next thirty day he wi ; !! alt Ids winter gooda of men' and boy' nhixs. all up to date and first class In every way. Prlcea will be cut Just In two. In addition he 'haa employed a llnt-cla shoemaker to attend to the euatom and repairing. Price on all work will be cut accordingly. MARTIN WANTS DAMAGES. Claim Coal Chute Waa of Faulty Con struct Ion Resulting In Painful Accident. Yesterday' session of the circuit court waa largely taken up In hearing the case of Joseph Martin va. Brown and McCabe. The plaintiff I a steve jore who was employed by the defend ant June 26 last loading coal on the Monmouthshire. The chute broke and plaintiff sustained a broken leg In the resulting accident, for which he ask damages In the sum of 15000. The de fenae sets up negligence on the part of the plaintiff In continuing to work near the defective chute, after he had seen that It was dangerous. When the plaintiff a case waa closed the attor ney for the defense moved that a non-suit be entered. The Jury was ex cused and after hearing the arguments Judge Mcllrtde overruled the motion and the case will be continued thl morning. John Ferry, of Seaside, charged with rap-?, faili-d to appear In court yester day and his ball consisting of $250 In cash nnd a like amount secured by bonds of local merchants wa declared forfeited. Ferry's whereabouts are un known, but he waa seen recently In Portland and it Is believed he has left thla part of the couniry for good rather than face the ugly charge against htm. In the case of A. V. Allen vs. David Hanson, action on uccount, Judge Mc Brlde ovrruled the. demurrer of the plulntlit that a part of defendant's an swer be stricken out. Court adjourned to S:30 o'clock this morning. CONDKNSED FROM CLIPPINGS. A mammoth rabbit drive I being ar ranged to take place at Blalock Island next Tuesday. The steamer Rosalie has been releas ed from the dry-dock at Esquimau, after having undergone extensive re pair. The Hoqulam ship yards plan the erection of a Targe shed to cost (300 In order that work may be continued In the winter. CaDtaln J. I Smith, formerly In com mand oi th steamer Grey Eagle on th Upper Willamette, died list Saturday at hi home In Newberg. The body of Mr. John Hranton, who died suddenly at Waltervllle, Oregon, thl week, will b exhumed for exam ination. Poisoning I auapected. Cltlxefi of linker City have petitioned Land Commissioner Hermann to et aside aa government reserve several thousand acre of land at the head of Elk creek. Port Ludlow, Wash,, claim the rec ord for o,ulck-loadlng, baw-d on a re cent performance when 422,000 feet of lumber wa placed on I he' steamer Port Htcphen In ten hour. The fund being raised In Halem for erection of a Y. M. C. A. building Is nearlng the 110,000 mark. Already $0I.'(1 hJ been raised and when the total reaches $"f00 active building oper ation will lie commenced. The Oerman government ha recently ordered large shipment (t Washington flr to be used In the construction of battleships. The Germans have used Puget aound timber In veas-la for their navy since 1HHH, and the order have Increased each year. The farmera In the neighborhood of '"ohllle, Wash., ar excited over the discovery of natural gaa and oil In the vicinity, A California company haa a man on th? acene who has been quiet Iv h-aitlng all desirable land and bor ing will be commenced ahortly. The town of Malson In Washington la governed by a receiver because of a petition by creditors of them unhipal Ity whose total claims aggregite $;!. The gamblers of Heattlu have defied the authorities and persist In remain ing men f r business despite numerous raid and warrant. Captain Jason Wheeler, w-ho was a member of the delegation of Indian war veterans appointed to urge con gress to puss a bill providing for their claims, ha returned to his himie In Al bany and says that the President fa vors th pussage of such a measure and It will probably be Introduced In the n'ar future. A FORTUNE FOR CHARITY. A rl( h man'a statement that he In tends to devote almost hi entire for tune to charitable works has aroused much dincuion. Th: Is because It will accomplish much gvd. It I a praiseworthy endeavor, but there are minv other amende which accomplish jutt a much good. Take llostetter' Htonuu h I'd ttera for Instance the gnat American remedy. For fifty yeara It has k-iiivd constipation, dyspepsia and all the III which arise from weak dl uestlon. This medicine will keep the smutch In good stiape and the boweis regular. It Is a wonderful restorative tonic and health buHdor. It Is also a prevention for malaria fever and ague. Ask for It and Insist upon hav ing It. See that our Private Reve nue Stamp cover the neck of the bot tle. VESSELS COMING. Following Is a list of ships due from foreign ports for the Columbia rivtr. and the number of day they have been out: Caleta Bucna. Port Carlisle, Hr Bk 18 Callao. Cape Wrath, Br Sh ' 118 Hamburg. Margaretha. Ger Bk Kent. Ger Sh 18 Willy RIckmiTs. Ger Sh County Linlithgow, Br Sh Nantes. Fr Bk Hong Kong. Buteshire. Br Sh 43 Astoria. Br Bk 43 Swanhllda, Br Sh 40 Nercus, Ger Sh 31 Monmouthshire. Br St 25 I'ntvers" Br St A da to, Br St Madagascar, Br Sh Indravelll. Br St Mozambique, Rr Sh Carmarthenshire, Br St Iqulkul. Scottish Glens, Br Sh 61 Dalhlalr. Br Bk 43 Ruthwell, Br Bk 38 craigisia. Br Bk Manila, Tnnox. Br St Thyra, Nor St Saint Bede. Br St Nagasaki Dimdale. Br Sh 37 H. Hackfeld, Ger Bk Santa Rosalia. 44-Andrada. Br Sh 108 Comllebank, Br Sh 40 Thistle, Pr Sh 21 Antuco. Ger Bk 15 Santos. Talus, Br Sh 55 Shanghai. Forrest Hall. Br Sh 54 Khyber, Br Sh 34 Sslntau. Helga, Br Sh Ecuador. Ger Sh Valparaiso. Carradale, Br Sh Glenogle, Br Bk Wei Hal Wei. Bertha, Ger Sh 127 Yokohama. Rathdown, Br Sh v. 148 52-Oito Olldemelster, Ger Sh 105 Arthur Fitger, Ger Sh 29 Niobe, Ger Sh 21 Nerelde. Ger Sh One-half the population of a village know all about how the other half live. Lamps Oil Heaters Agateware Jardiniers China Crockery . Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Artwarc Giat AffiBricanlmportini Tea Ci 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. f( Special Sale Jf a Bottom Prices J tomevi fi Just j BIO SHIPS AT PORTLAND, Almond Branch Mishap Shows That 1'irt friable to Meet Demands, Th? ui f Matron H rOMlltt Jl tit t h rur-e nt collision of the big British whalebaek Aimond isruneh with the Morrison street bridge In Portland demonstrates the futility of bitf Veaio-la trvlnir (. II.. charge and take on cargoes at that iri ramer man m-re. jr. as ha been stated, the city sue the owner of the wnaieoacK ror fl image It I safe to pruilct that slmlllar vemuia will nr.t , In a hlirrv to recelv eharlera trtim Portland miles no other engagement are available. ror u VeH"l ,,t HA feel .r leu tl.o run up the river Is not a difficult feat, but for larger crift the voyage. Is be set with countless danger and Incon veniences. And once n the port It 1 impossible to lake on a full cargo, part of which must be lightered down the river to Astoria. There Is reason In all things and assuredly the repeated failure of dep-water craft to load satlsf iftnrlly at Portland means that If traffic of this description Is to be developed Astoria Is the natural ter minus. Notwithstanding the fact that the route from the mouth of the Columbia river tn Alaskan fiolnls Is mile near. er than from Puget sound ports a big transportation company that trld the experiment of running a line from i-oriian'i. nas aoawionea m urgeon nort and thereafter the southern ter minus of the line will be on the Sound. HEED MAY GO OCT. New Operative at Midnight and Another Man Will Doubtl Get the 11 um. Th new laiv p-ovi-mlnir the fSnh enm- inisiiion will leecKne oieratiee at 1 o'cl x k tonight and Fish Commissioner Reed expect to go out of office with the old law. The new erimmiton will be composed of the governor, secre tary of s'ate and state treasurer and It Is generally understood that H. G. Van D-jH-n of this city will be Reed' successor. Mr. Van Dus.-n ha a very thorough knowledge of the fisning sit uation and will make his headquarters In Astoria und"r the provisions of the Mil. It I underitood that he Is Sena tor Fulton choice, and as the Clatsop senator wus instrumental In getting the bill passed his endorsement will carry weight. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa clflo Co. In a phamphlet upon the re ource of Western Oregon, which In clude an excellent map of the state, and contain Information on climate, lands, education, etc.. existing Indus trie and their capabilities. Attention I also directed to such new field for energy or capital aa promise fair return. Thla publication fill a need long ex perienced by Oregonian. In replying to inquiries of eastern frrands. Copies may be bad of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MAAKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or WHERE DO YOU BUY YODR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? 85$ Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he give you the bet then la to be bad in the elty for th least money? Place an order once and e. C. W. BiRR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. B7S Commercial St. ASTORIA, OR. TBIJCPHONB, KJU) 9M1. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE VIA. WE HAVB 2-DailyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAPE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, boston, And Other Eastern. Points Tickets godi via Salt Laka City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to usa THB OTERLAND LIMITED. Ticket and sleeping-car bertha can be secured from O. W. LOUNSBBRRT. Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP. ' Oeaeral Agent. 13S Third Bt, PwUand, Or. $Mftea. mmni staJpiaasr THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT FISHER BROTHERS. Astoria, Ore. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CICARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for Tamlly us or keg Mr. John Kopp la proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. Horth Pacific Brewery BEFORE YOU BOY Jl PIflllO OR Al Otpjl It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO HOUSE 0PPICC: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, aud with our special facilities can sell a tine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes, . ILER'S PIANO Ill We Rent New CANNERTMEN, ATTENTION? I own one of the best salmon can nery sites In Alaska and will give a one-half interest to any capitalist who will build a cannery on same, or I will contract to furnish cannery with 25.000 case of salmon per year, at ltt cents per pound. Address, CAL. H. BARKDULL, Skagway, Alaska. THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting the city will find the Louvre an attractive resort where in to spend the evening. First-class va riety show is always on the bills. New performers every week. Don't fail to see Prof. Hunt's "Dog Paradox and Monkey Show," now on the bills. Pal atable lunches will be served at ail hours. SOUTHSRN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the pleasurea aitord ed by the Skurta, Routa la tha w ter trip to Southern California aad Arliona. Renewed acquaintance with this section win ever develop fresh, point of interest an4 added industries, la Us prolific vegetation and amonx Its numberless resorts of noun tain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta, train) from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the movt ap proved pattern of standard and tour- let Bleeping cara. but te low rates of fare will still continue tn effect. Illustrated guides to th winter re torts of California and Artsona may be kad on application. C. EL MARK HAM. O. P. A PoTBand. Oregon. A GENTLEMAN'S Sf.'O'lE I what a olgar la. It will tlokl tha palate of the faatldlou without d pletlng his pocke tbook. Titer Isn't a cigar rolled that Inert Is so much pleasure, richness or perfeot atl factlon hidden In It folds for th money aa there la in a GKNEnAL GOOD for flv cent. A box of these lusclou cigar should b on every man's dresser. WILL MADISON I beer supplied at any time. Delivery I in the city free. in Typewriters. HOUSE Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 &nlth Pf esifer Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L- M. ALEXANDER 1 CO- Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealer 346 Stark 8L, Portland, Ore, F W.MTECHKIE, Local Agent. pisber's Opera House L. K. SKLIO, LMe and MaBager. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 The New and Latest Mu sical Farce Comedy WW : THE STAR BOARDER 00 . . CLEVER . . 00 tL"ENTERTAlNERS"tfc More Music than a Comic Opera. A number of Elegant Speclaltie. A Hoat of Charming Girl. New Songs and Medley. Fun Fast and Fwlou. ADMISSION Reserved seats, 75 cent; gallery, 60 oent. Advance sale of seats opens Friday morning at Griffin A Heed'.