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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1901)
THE MORXWG ASTORIA. FRIDAY, .HAKCH I. Ml. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mail, pr year..... $4.09 Bent by mall, per month 60 Served by arrler, per month 64 8GMl-VTEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year, In advance, $2 00 All onniunlcatlona Intended tor pub lication should be directed to "Editor Aston n." Uuslness communications f all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astortan Publish ing Co." The Aitorlan guarantees to lta ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap lira Hon to the business manager. ASSESSMENT NOTICE The Astoria Women's Club has de elded to provide a place In which the boys of the city may' find innocent and beneficial recreation. It is a most prul&evorthy movement and will doubt less be far-reaching in Its effects. As The Astorlan has frequently asserted. ' attractions of a high order for boys and Ttmng men are greatly needed here. The public library and reading room Is an important step In that direction but reaches only one class of boys, those who are most needy and have tfie least home advantages being Infrequent visiters. A properly fitted up club, such as the Women's Club is planning for the boys, will make better men and more useful citizens of those who come within its influence and they will not be few In number. BUILDING & LOAN LAND CO. CLEVELAND A. A. CLEVELAND A. A. GRATKE. ANNIE GRATKE, EMMA GRATKE. GEORGE The end of the second month of the new century sees a brighter outlook for peace than the world has know for years. The troubles In China are practically settled by the complete submission of the court to the demands f the powers. The Boers are making a last feeble resistance against the im mense resources of the British empire, The evidences of Anglo-German amity, shown as a consequence of the death of Queen Victoria, have put a step to grandiloquent French oratory about an invasion of the British Isles. The Fil ipinos are everywhere showing a dispo sition to give up a fruitless effort to repulse our forces and the Cubans nav begun to recognize the advantage of making liberal concessions to their lib erators.. There has been no new revo Iution in Central America for several weeks and Carrie Nation is reported to nave peacefully gone back to jail. The world appears to be tired of war and anxious to return to peaceful and more profitable pursuits. Should that spiri continue throughout the century, the opportunities which it will afford for material advancement will make the present century one of much greater progress than has been any of its pre decessors. GRATKE. A. R. (Widow) GRATKE, ANNA R. HENRT, 0. P. HENRY. 0. P. MASONIC LAND & B'DG ASSN. MASONIC LAND & B'L'G ASSN. MARTIN. W. C. Mr. J. W. Patterson, night police at NashuJ, la., says: "In January I had a very bad cold on my lungs, and used half dozen different cough medicines and prescriptions from two doctors, but grew worse all the time. I finally bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and after using two-thirds of it 1 was entirely cured." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. The poker player is always ready to uphold the red, white and blue. AFTER LA GRIPPE WHAT? Usually a racking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness. Foley's Hon ey and Tar Is guaranteed to cure the 'grippe cough" and make you strong and well. Take no substitutes. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. As the dying grain of corn gives life to itself multiplied, so the death of a hope gives life to new ambition. Pneumonia follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. Take no substitute. CHAS, ROGERS, Druggist. It Icii't necessary to cultivate fools, They grow of their own accord. Eugoi.e J. Hall, the poet and publish er, t?ays? that one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice when hoarse ness threatened to prevent his lecture at Central Music Hall, Chicago. Noth ing else as good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. The rules anJ regulations of the printers' union are "rough on rats." Rob'. R. Watts, ot Salem, Mo., writes I have been troubled with kidney dis ease for the lat five years and have doctored with all the leading physi cians and have tried all remedies sug- eested without any relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am sound and well." If there Is anything In a man his op portunities will come sooner or later. CHEAP INSURANCE. Many a mam has been insured against l'irlght's disease, diabetes, or other dan rerons ailment by a fifty cent bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. CHAS ROG ERS. Druggist. When a man g.'ts lonesome he begins to realize what poor company he is. "I had a running sore on my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest of Chippewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars in trying to get it healed. Two boxes of Bamier Salve en tirely cured it." No other salve so healing. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. The man who is good at making ex cuses Is seldom good at anything else. BANNER SALVE. Teller, eczema and skin diseases yield quickly to the marvelous healing quali ties of Banner 8alve made from a prescription of a skin specialist of world wide fame, 25c. CHAS. ROGERS, Lrufglst. COMMERCIAL STREET FROM FOURTEENTH ST. TO SEVENTEENTH W. OF J, M. SHIVELY'S D. L. C, Notice la hereby given that the aseeiwment made by ordinance No. 2590 of tne City ot Asioria, uregon. entitled "An ordinance connrmlnir mieelal as essinent roll No. 41, for the improvement of Commercial street frvm the west line of sevenieenin street io tne went line of fourteenth street approved Feb ruary lit, isol, will be due and payable In United Slates roUl coin at thi otlice of the city treasurer on March Ith, 1901, and If not so pnid at said time tne Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the sanve. The assessment is as follows: ASTORIA & COLUMBIA R. R. CO.. A right of way 60 feet wide mcsw frontage of blocks 133, 134 and 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlvely I 9 00 HOWfcii, 1H1L. i!t half of Sot 4, block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shively 29 4i BOWER, PHIL r East half of lot 5. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 19 ii hast half of lot 4, block 134, City f Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 29 46 . I ndividod half of N. 10 feet ot S. TO feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 49 . I ndivlded half of N. JO feet of S. 7u feet of lot 2, block 133. City of Astoria, as :ald out and recorded .by J. M. Shively 4 49 FOARD, MAK'ILS I ndivlded h.Hf of lot 1. block 134. City of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Shlvely 29 it GRANT, PETER Commencing at a point on N. side cf Commercial street 1S5 feet N. T . . of SW. corner of lot 5, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 60 feet. ;-." . thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet .... N. of NE. corner ot said lot 5, thentv W. 50 feet to beginning, v... City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 53 93 ... I divided on-sixth of lot 1. block 135. City of Astoria, as laid cut and recorded by J. M. Shlvely .... 9 8: ...Undivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely... 9 S3 ...l ndivided one-sixth of lot 1, block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely .. 9 82 GRATKE. JOHN E. Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block H5. Ci'y of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. 'M. Shlvely ... 9 83 GRATKE, MARY Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely ... 9 82 GRATKE. WILLIAM Undivided one-sixth of lot 1. block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively ... 9 82 . Dower interest in above only. .West half of lot 5. block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 29 4 . Undivided half of N. 20 feet of S. "0 feet of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 4 49 .Undivided one-half of N. 20 feet of S. 70 feet of lot 2, block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 4 49 .Lot 3. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlv-ly 53 93 .Lot I. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 58 92 Commencing at a point on X. side of Commercial Street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of 'ot 6. block 135. thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 0 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 6. thence W. to place" of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ly 58 92 OREGON R'T & NAVIGATION CO... Commencing at Intersection of N. line of Water street (now Com mercial street) with the center line of W. Sixth inow Seventeenth street) thence W. along the N. line of said Water street to Its In tersection with the center line of . W. Seventh street( now Sixteenth street) thence N. on the center line of said W. Seventh street, extended, to a point 260 feet N. of S. line of block 134. thence W. and parallel with S. boundary line . '.;,, of blocks 134 and 135 to the center line of W. Ninth streetf now Four teenth street) thence N. along the center line of W. Ninth street, ex tended, to Its intersection with the S. side of the right of way of the - , Astoria & Columbia River R. R. - . Co., as located, then easterly along , ' . ' the south side of said right of way to Its Intersection with the center line of W. Sixth street( now , Sevententh St.) extended north erly, thence south to place of be ginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv J Vf Hhlvelv ?M K9 OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... Commencing at a point, said point being the intersection of the center line of W. Sixth street (now Sev enteenth street) extended northerly with the north line of the risrht of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence N to the Pier Head line, thence westerly along said Pier Head line to a point directly north of the center line of West Ninth street (now Fourteenth St.) extended, thence south along said center line of West Ninth street, extended, to the north line of the right of way of the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co., thence southeasterly along the north line of said right of way to the place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv .T. f Khlvolv MM OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... North 55 feet of lot 1. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv 3 M Shtvelv 3B en OREGON R'Y & NAVIGATION CO... North 55 feet of lot 2. block 133. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv J. IT Shlvelv . . M Ml O'BRIEN, THBREPA South 50 feat of lot 1. block 133, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv J. M. Shlvolv 1? nft O'BRIEN, THERESA South 59 feet of lot 2. block 133. City of Astoria, as laid out and PARKER, C. L. Undivided half of lot 6, block 134. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded hv .1. M. Rhlvelv . 90 ' PARKER, C. L. Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 4, block 135, thenae N. 73 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 4, thence W. 50 feet to place of be ginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 58 92 Commencing at a point on N. side of Commercial street 185 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 1, block 135, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet, thenoe S. 75 feet to a point CO feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 1, thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, an laid nut and raonrAaA hv T f QMvPl Kfl 00 SMITH, ALBERT Commencing at a point on N. side . , . of Commercial street 185 feet N. ; of SW. corner of lot 3, block 135, , thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 50 feet ; thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet j, m. N. of NE. corner of said lot 3, , . -. thence W. 60 feet to place of be- 1 '-' - ginning, City of Astoria, as laid smith, W. R Undivided half of the last above SMITH, L. G. K. Lot 4. block 135, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. STAPLES, M. D. Tot s. block 133. City of Astoria. loM nut nd pAcnrded h .T i ..J 1 'T.ZS'Jl.Zr ".: M. Shivery 68 92 PARKER, H. B U 'ii.i.-i. . STOKES, F. R. WOOD. SARAH F. WOOD, i . . .SARAH F. WELCH. JAMES W. WKI.CH. JAMES W. WELCH. D. H WELCH. D. II YOUNG. ANDREW YOUNG. CHRISTINA YOUNG. BENJAMIN YOUNO. BENJAMIN The following Is payable Sth. 1901: CHASE, W. B PARKER, F. L. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. R. P. N. INVESTMENT CO. STEWART. MABLE E Undivided half of lot 1. block 1S4.' Cltv ot Astoria, a laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely ) 4 !! oiocii uo, iny of Astoria, a laid out and rttcorded by J. Miiveiy i( n i omtuciH iiig ut a point on the N. lde of Commercial stivct IKS fet N. of SW, corner of lot 2, block 133, thence N. 75 foot, thence H. Ml feet, tl-.ento S. 75 reft to a point liO ffft N, of NK, corner of mid lot 2. thence W. 50 fot to place of beiclniiliig, City of Astoria, M In Id out and reoonhsl by J, M. Milveiy 5) 92 commencing mi m point on N. lde of Commercial street 15 fwt N of SW, collier of lot S, block 134. thence N. 75 foot, thence E. 50 feet, t Hence S 75 fmt to H polnftlO feet N. d NK. corner of kuKI lot 8, W. 50 feel to place of he. utnniiiK. City of Astoria, as laid out and ncordeil by J, M. Shlvely 53 9J i "divided nair or. commencing at a point on N. Hid.- of routiner- ln street feet N of 8V. cor iot of lot 6, block Ut, thence IS. feet, thence K. 50 feet, thence "v 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NW. conn of nld lot . thence W. 50 feet to pla.v. of beginning. Cltv f Astoria, a laid out and recorded by J, M. Shlvely Lot 6 block 133. City of Astoria, laid out and recorded by J. M, Shlvely , Undlxlded half of. cmnieiicthg at a point on N. side gf Commercial street s5 f.vt N. of SW. corner of lot . Mock 13. thence N. 75 feet, theme K. .VI feet, (hence S, 7. feet to n point feet N. of NE. corner of enld lot 6. thenc W, "0 feet to place of beginning city of Astoria, n laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 9 44 I lldlvlded imir of l it 3, block 135. City of Astoria. a. laid out and recorded t' J. M. Shlvely ;9 t 1 ndividiM miurtvr of lot 3, block 135. City of Astoria, an laid out anil reoord'il by J, M. Shlvely... 73 I ndUldeil niuirter of lot S, block 1 35, City of Atorla, n laid out and recorded by J M. Shlvely... 14 7J Commencing nt a point on N. side "f street H5 feet N. of SW. corner of lot 4. block 134. thence N. 75 f.-et. thence E. 50 ft-ct. thence S. 75 f-et to a point W feet N. of NK. corner of said lot 4 th'tt. e W. 50 feet to place of be ginning. City of Atorla, n :, out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 5 93 In Installments, the rt Installment due March at it point on N. side of f'miiiner. clnl street IM feet N. of MW. cor. 1 , ' tier of lot t, block 134, thence N. 75 feet, them IC. 50 feet, thenoe H, 75 feet to a point 0 fwt N. ir NH. lorm r of wild lot 2, thence W. 69 feet lo place of lii'iiliinlng, City of Astoria, its laid out and record ed by J. M. .Mhlvely 14 73 Undivided illill'er of lot 2, block 134, Lily of Antorl, laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlvely... U 1i Undivided (imrler of lot 3. block 134. Cltv of Antot la as Inld out and recorded t.y J, M. Hhlvely,... It TS lly order of (lie Common Council sf Dm City of AMorln, Oregon. H. 10. NKL80N, Auditor and Police Judue of llle City f AMoila, Oregon. Aatorla, Oregon, Feb. "3, 1901. ASSESSMENT NOTICE WH1TH, J. W WHITE, J. XV 29 44 5S 92 SEVENTEENTH STREET FROM IllMNU AVKNt'K TO JKHOMIO AVE NUE, J. M. SHIVKI.Y'H l, L C. V.. !.... 1 t. ..I.u l !... ll,., i,uiui.,iiiiiiil ......1.. I... !l, .,(..,.., V.. t'.kM at. . II. IH'I' 17 HI. .11 H... ,lv.,l."F l , l- try I,,.,,,,.,,,,,- ..w, .,, v IIIV City ef Antoii4, 1'ivgoti, entitled "An ordinance confirming l"Vtal iiieni roll No. 40. for thu Improvement of H-'Vi'ii'ivnlh el reel from I he south line of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenue a'rovnl Feb. 19, I'M, will be due and payable In United Hlatcs gold coin nt tile eltlee of the city treasurer on March Sth, 1901, and If iml no paid at Mid time the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the i-nliectlon of the same, The sKiiirin in na ioion; MAR I'll, l! Lot K. Mock !:, City of Astoria. n k'.VNN, AltCHIHALD K FULTON. C. W. FULTON. C. W f ILLKTTK. MARY I. ... HANSEN. JIM STEWART. MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. STEWART. MABLE E. STEWART, MABLE E. WHITE, I. V. WHITE. I. V. WHITE, I. V. .. WHITE, I. V, WHITE, I, V WHITE, IONE E. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. WHITE, JAMES T. . WHITE, J. W WHITE, J. W, yrf-Tf 1 fi-- WHITE, J, W. Undivided nuarter of lot . block 134. Cltv of Astoria nm lull an. I recordeil by J. M. Shlvely.... 14 7J I ndlvliled quarter of lot . block 134. Cltv of Astoria n Inl.l rr and recorded hv J. M. Shively 14 73 1.1H M'cK us, city of Astoria. as laid cut and rec ir.le.l hv T v Shlvely 58 92 i."l b. niiHK 13,i. city of Astoria. as laid out Hint recorded by J. r Shively 5H 92 I lldlvlded iUiirter nf, commencing at .1 iioint on N sld.. of Commer cial Mrt 1.15 f...-t N. of SW. cor r nf lot 1. Mock 131, thence N. fe.-t, th-nce E. 50 feet, th nie S. 7: fe-t to a point 50 feet N. of NK. corner of said lot 1. thence W. .V) feet t ) plnce of be. trlnilinir. Cltv of Astoria Inl.l out RIXl recorded . I " Vlivey 14 7J I ndlvldi-d nunrter of. commencing .it a tioii.t on N. Kid.- of Commer cial street 115 f-et N. of SW. cor-ii'-r of lot 2. Mock 134. thenc N. 75 feet, thence K. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point RO feet N. of VK coim r of sal. I lot 2. thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded l,v J, M. shlvely 14 73 1 ndivKKd (Uarter of lot 2. block 134. Cltv t Antnrll na Inl.l nut and recorded by J. M. Shlvely ... 14 73 ' Miiivnieri ouarter or lot 3, block 134. City if Astoria am InM nut and recorded t.y J. M. Shlvely.... 14 73 1 ' iHiiviucti ((mirier or. commencing at a point on . n,e cf Commer cla street H5 feet N. nt ' cor ner of lot 3. Mock 134. thence N. 75 fe-.f. thence K. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 0 feet N. of NE. corner f al,t lot 3. thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. Cltv of Astnrlll nm In 1,1 nut an.l recorded by J M. Shlvely 14 73 cininiiieij ciunrter of the last above ib'iv-rlheii tract 14 7J I nillviibnl "uarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer 'lal street 1X3 feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 1, Mock 134. thenoe N. 75 feet, thence K. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet north of NE. corner of said lot 1. thence W. 50 f -et to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing nt a point on N. side of Commer cial street IS.', feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 2, Mock 134. thence N. 75 feet, Uwnce K. 50 fwt. thence fl. 75 f.t to a point 60 feet N. Of NE. corner of said lot 2. thence W. 50 feet to place of beginning. 'lty of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. .J. shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 2, block 1"4. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of lot 3, block 134. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely..,. 14 73 Dower Interest only In last five IcHcrlbed lets and tracts. Undivided quarter of lot 2, block 134. city of Astoria, on laid out ai l recorded i,y J. M. Hhlvely.... 14 73 T "divide, quarter of lot 3, block 134, city of Astoria, as laid out J nd recorded by J. M. Shlvely.... 14 73 i.dlvldi'd qunrfer of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street isr, feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 1, block 134, thence N. 5 fwt, th'-nce K. 50 feet, thence S. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NK. corner of said lot 1, thence W. ;Q ft to plae; of beginning, City of Astoria, as laid out and record ed bv J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial stro-t 1H5 feet of SW. cor ner of lot 2, block 134, thence N. 75 f-j-t. thenc R. 50 feet, thence S. feet to a point 60 feet N. of NR. corner of said lot 2. thence W. 1.0 ff?i-t to place of beginning, city of Aslona. as laid out and record ed by J. M. Shlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 185 feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 3, block 134, thence N. feet, thence K. 50 feet, thence S. "5 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NE. corner of said lot 3, thence W. 5t feet to place of beginning, CHy of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlvely 14 73 Undivided quarter of the last above described tract 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing at a point on N. side of Commer cial street 1H5 feet N. of SW. cor ner of lot 1, block 134, thence N. 75 feet, thence E. 6 feet, thence H. 75 feet to a point 60 feet N. of NW. corner of said lot 1, thence W. 60 feet to place of beginning. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shively 14 73 Undivided quarter of, commencing Uld out by J. M. Hhlvely gj 31 . led V, block 52. City of Astoria, a laid out ly J. M Hhlvely 130 00 . Id 5, block 52. City cf Astoria, a laid out by J. M. Hhlvely ( Jl . Lot , Mock 52, Cltv of Astoria, t laid out by J, M, Hhlvely 120 00 Lot II, Mock 53, City of At rla. as Ui. I out by J. M, Hhlvely 3 )i . W. 25 fetd of N. I0O f.t of Im J. bl uk 5.1, city of Astoria, na laid out by J M. Hhlvely Jl The following Is tiAVlthlo In Installments, the first Inslnll llietll .In., t.ftk Sth, imi: WELCH. D. H i:. 25 feet of N. M0 feet and H. 50 feet of o 2, Mo k 53. City of Astoria, as lnl, out hy J. M. m,i.,..i.. ... WELCH. JAM KS W I.t 1. I.I, Vk 51 t Ml v .'.f Astoria 'i WELCH. JOHN W I.ot Jl. ,, k 61. City of Astoria . laid out by J. M. Hhlvely 75 00 Hy order f the Common Council of the City of Astoria. Oregon. II K. NKlJtON. Auditor and Police .fti1t?t ,t it,.. i'Oe ..t t 1 ..1 i. ASSESSMENT NOTICE ICLKVKNTH STREET FROM FRANK LIN AVENUE TO HAItlllSsi.N AVK- NUE, MC LURE'S. ',.tlee Im hnp.Kw Oil. II.. a ...m,, m . ....... t ...i. K. .... . - n... 1, ... 01 oiiior ny ordinance rso. X591 i,r I IM iMfv ,,f AHtrlfl lie........ m.IIU,I j. .. - ."'" "' . .." u io-iiiiinni e connnniiig special a seSMueni roll No. 39, for the Improvement of Eleventh street from ,outh Una of franklin avenue to north line of Harrison avenue, approved Feb is Hoi will be due and payable In United tales gold rm ut the .itthe ,,f the rltv treasurer on March Sth. 1901 and It nt so paid at said time the Common Counc I W 111 order V. l rants 1-moed for I r .. -i.'mun ment M follows: ' r M,e"- A. V. ALLEN VIRGINIA K. FULTON CEO. C. FLAVEL H. F. TUCKER VIRGINIA E. FULTON C. H. 1 AO E FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. . ALnERTINE JENSEN PETER E. HYLAND MARY C. FLAVEL NELLIE FLAVEL KATIE FLAVEL GEO. C. FLAVEL MARY C. FLAVEL NELLIE FLAVEL KATIE FLAVEL GEO. O. FLAVEL J. E. FERGUSON 3. W. SUPRENANT G. WINGATB G. WIN'ilATE VIOLA F. KANT J. II. MANS ELL MART HANSON 1 HERMAN WISE By order of the Common Council 0 Auditor and Pollc Astoria, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1901. . M 1. block 70, In the Town of A I'Ha, u hi Id out by John Mr. lure ' . I ah 2. block 70. In the' Town of' Aa t"rm. an (uld out by John Me. 'lure . Lit 3, block 70, In the Town if ". i"tla. us laid out by John Me. iun 17 11 34 ll li, Mock 70. in trie. Town "of Astoria, u.i laid oUt by Jhn Me. lure Ll 13. block 70. in the Towi,' of ".i.ria, ns laid out by John Mc 1 lure .Ll 14. block 70, in 'the Townof Astoria, as al, out by John Mc- Clure . It 1. block 91, In' the' Town of Astorw. ns laid out by John Mc lure .Lot 2. block 91. In 'the Town' 'of Astoria, as Inl.l out by John Mc Clure Lot 3. hlo,k 91, ln't'he'Town' 'of Astoria, ns laid out by John Mc. 'lure .Lot 12, bl.xk 91. in' the' To'wn' 'of Astoria, ne laid out by John Mc- lure ' I',",."W,J''(Lhulf ' bl'oc'k VI, III the Town nf .... '"H by John McClure ,. " 1 ,7 .Undivided onc-aijtth ( M ;LTI,,,M' "v1" T,,wn nf as laid out by John McClure. . 1 ja .1 ndlvlde.i one-slxih of lot IS block 91. In the Town of Astoria' a laid out by John McClure.. .' 1 sa .''ndlvldeil one-sixth of lot 13 block 91. In the Town of Astoria! "a laid out by John McClure.. 1 . .I'ndlvl.led half oft. lot 14. block 1. In the Tovrn of Astoria, ns laid 'ut by John McClure ,3 . J n.llvlded one.auth of 0 14' na laid out by John McClure.... 4 ri J ndlvUod one alxth of lot 14 Work , 91. In tl Town of Astoria.' 2 I 24 27 11 37 It I 34 25 25 it Jonri McClure 4 Undivided one-slxth o t 14 L'i'i'L91, ,.nth". T(,wn of Au f" laid ''ut hy John McClure 4 g IM 3. block 71. In the tv..,.. 1 10 42 31 23 31 29 1 41 AMorln, ns laid out by John Mc lure led 4 block 71. In the Town "of Astoria, as laid out by John Mc- iur t I-t 5 block 71."n the'Town"of Clure " ,aM Ut hy J"hn Mc Lot 6 bl.H-k 71. In " the 'Town of AHtorla, as laid out by John Mc- I II re IA1 6. block 90. In h Aitnrla. ns laid out by John Mc- j-ot 4, Mock 90. in ih"-i.,,;.'.r':: 10,1 Clure'' 'alJ Ut by Jhn M Lot 5 'bi'k'bo;' 'n"in'e"Town"of " Clure M 1 0Ut by John Mc Lot 6 'Um'u9i''h7 Town 'nf " ' Clure V Mc" f the City of Astoria, Oregon H. E. NET.HOM e Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. 10 41 H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 32L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car Will Reoetve BpeeieJ XiUktaMoa. No. Ml Duano 8L, W. J. COOK. Hn A fm Hu HUI J. A. FASTABEND GENER4L1C0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER GOVERNMENT PrtOP08AL8. Offlce of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., February 12, lflOL Beat, ed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived here until u o'clock a. m. March 12. 1901, and then opcned, for' furnlahlng fuel at the several military poets In this department, and at Camn at Bkagway, Alaska, and at Fort Llscum (Port Valdea). Alaska, for fli cal year commencing July 1st, 190L In formation furnished here or by aua' tormostera at poU. U. 8. reserve! right to reject or accept any ar all DrODOS&la nr n nv rva. - velopea conulnlng proposals thould ba marked: "Proposals for fuel at " and addressed to nnA.mi.n.i m Jacobs. C. Q. M. w