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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1901)
.TUB :.MOKKISC ASTORIA,; TIEMJAY,. PEBhTAKY - 19, 1901. SPECIAL THIS WEEK $1.50 LADIES KID GLOVES DENT'S OWN MAKIS. ' FOR $1.23 PER PAIR . V ' Thct r first quality goat and wo havii all .I.e. and a good assortment of color. All contract! for lulvcrtminu, In the Antorliui bi'o iiuiJtf on a Rtiur. tin tee of circulation four tlmuH In rue titan tltat of uuy paper pitbllwheil or , circulated In Out wop county. TODAY'fl WICATIIICIt, I'OHTL.VND, Vh. l.-Orrgn, Wah tiiRlcm ami Mull ), generally fit lr toddy, AKOUNl) TOWN. MUM Anna Oiatkn U vtlllng la Port lan1, Three first-cUs bather, at th. Oc cident again, John T. Whalley, of I'rtlund was In the Ity yatorday. Htriitty (roth tun, two dosen fur 45 cents, at Johnson Urut, Item 15-cont inoal. Rising Restaur, ant, 111 Commercial itwt. Jeff's restaurant th. largest txst, .A trial Hill cnvlno you. and Hwt invr oranges from IS cents (,, 40 emit a 1 "", at Johnson Uroa. Where di yu "i your Sunday din. tier? I tako mint at th Central Hotel. Mr oii.l Mn. II, C. Itertleson. of Wchifr, Idaho, arc at the Parker Houimj. Jiinni'i goods of all kind cheap l Yokohama Llaiiiar. tit ('otittarclal HI. Japat car buy wuana situation In amall fAf'illy, wher. h can attend achool. jnquiie at (I3 Commercial Bt Mr. F. Jawaon and M' Conatanc. Itign'ild. of MmlmUHi, Waah., were th.- guest a of Mn, A. J. M Carter. Sun day. Th barge Waabotigal, for Han Fran cIsco. loadwt with lumber, sprung a mall ek yesterday without apparent cu and putnpa wiv plaoed aboard to niak" tin- vvm-'I ready to go out today. BKST l&CF.NT MEAL; BL'N RIC8TAURANT. RISINO (it A BUSINESS 8 IT WILL PAY Y01 i Clothing, Neckwear, 1 Pants, Fancy Shirts 1 Hats, Silk Suspenders, I Shoes, Fancy Vests, I Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, 1 Trunks, Suitcases, AT S. DANZIQER'S F'rices Always K FULL Earl & Wilson and Full Dress J. 1C. llllUtroin, a native of Finland, wa granted lata first paper, of oltl ai'iifhlp yesterday lay th county clerk. Mhc and shine; lald Jlope, Thrash-i-r, iiaatl-truHt, unlon-umd I tj ac lobar Httvi' your latitat, Thy are vm. imbltv The two miuarv-rlHIfori reported tut ld Hitinl.iv uiro not lit sight If t lity wln-n at tug waa sent to bring thrill In, t'lvnni iiir rye. America, finest wlalck'-y. Tlu only pur. Kooda; guar anteed rich and nmllow. JOHN L. PAIILHON. fiol Agent. W King, representing Waulliotnn At'",, t Igur !-wli,m of Portland, arrived In Hi" illy on lautt wining' trnlil on laiiHiiif-w In III Interval of tain firm. , John A. Montgomery laita open a Iw.p jt 43) Hond at ret and la prepared m io all tiiton of plumbing and tin -tilng at tht lowi'at piaaibl tatea. Itoaiyu foal luMia lngr, la clmu'er ind ni.tkin I'n truublo with atovea and i liliuix-y flu." than any ollu r. Oeoygo W, Hnnboin, .igfiat. Ti-phofe 1311. (iuo. II. AlUii. (wo wH-ka In advancu of "Tho Htar Hoarder," which plitya hT March 2. waa'ln llaw city yt-aUr- day In conaultatlon with Manner 8'f II. T'n iii'iaibi-ra of the i-rt-w of the ttlrknvra drrtvd at AatoiU and two of the diortcri w-n nrretiL y trday for drunkPiincaa nnd creating a dU turbance. If you want growrh-a tlta,t nr gio- irrl'-a. gooila Uiait all on their mcr lia, giMMla that mukn ruxtoinrrs and kT thoin, go to A. W. Khlplcy, th rilliililf griHur. . -t flma. I. rwU. of Dutte. Montana, who haa U n vIMtltig with hut brother and lair. Jorg and Jtta. for a couple of wrka, ift for that olty on hut ev-nlng'a train. Th Chinatown cch-hratton will nt the week out, but no big vnt.rialn menta are planned beoauM of tho ab fence In Portland of ttve leading mm bera of the local colony. f.J PROPOSITION 1 TO BUY YOUR ft the Lowest LINE OF Collars; Cuffs Shirts : ' ' i' j I i : -'I , ' ' : ' W bn tha"utr, Illck mora cm In lid yfaterdaty'ClaarUa laillew; a atow away, waa landed, He claim to bav hern forcibly placed, on an Oriental va e In Portland by an aciiualntanc. fale'tp,-ithy.-I will m glad to ana wi'r any quatlotaa cmK'eriilng It, Acute and vhronlo dlanaata and dvforniltlca treaU'd. Conaultathm fnei Vr. Itho dai C. HUka, ofllte C73 Coiiiii'frtUil Bt.- If you'vu imvr trl"d our "iVrf'C tlon D.end" Java and Mocha you'vti mlaeil one of lli. ph-oaurta of Hfti. Our cuatoiiKfa uuy li'a thn beat In town; th'-y ought toknow.-JOIlNHON JMOH. Fred ltlU'k'A'"ll, ii a a rnpoy ul the C'lutaop mllla, waa taUum to Dm laoa pltnl to hatvi hla tight foot attended to, It having ben m aerloualy Injured by oontiu-l with a ilrcuhir mw that aiiipaittttlon waa nti rury, The reiiialna of Thonana F. llealy, u eairpenter i-mplnyeil at HenHon'a canip on Doep river, who wna found dead In hla i'iia Huiiil.ay Tiionalng, wir; ant to Portland y-t-a'lny. llealy Waa about 40 ynna of ug. and P-avt n widow mid duualiter hIio r aUle In Portland. Ili-iaau failure wiua the euua? of death. Tli) IfiltlHh ablu Ikii U-uirf and the HlckiM'ra xvnt tu to Portland ycaler day afternoon. The Hcottlfli II 111m. londed with grain und Hie Feirl 8. 1 liiiii'iii, of Sim Fruncbito, canie ilown the iixer yi'terJ,iy. Th llrl niiined la 1'MdeJ wlm griln for Kuropi and the Th niipaon will take a yurgo of hiNika fo AU'iko. liie Ji-riiian hIiI Peter Itlekmera. 141 day froi't Hong King, t'hliia, urrlved Hiiml.iy, and proa up th river yeiiterday, wing to the captain tak ing an un-aptcted "uraa aooth of Auitiml i ine hln wn p mt'-d overdue and h"jvy relnaurauee offer.,'l on her. )n l'ht-. iiib-r 1?. u aulior mimed Krulx Jiiker Ml ov-'i bi'iird and waa drownd. Krtsl Kulan, who wu rrleo:d uirJer MinM-tul... m ni no. Bt : he t in t w aalon cf court will be tr irr.'t'A-J at l'oriiund Haul returned l Aa'.y:lu. Kuhn plead ed guilty to lanvlng atolvii $11 from an old Hutu at KeuMde und d':r 1 to le fund th' ininey. InnteuJ, h went ) pnrtlnii'i. it"t itito ba.j company and Maa rec--itly arrvaud tm a charge of !ilghw.ty ndibery. Judgu-Meltrlde eign d the warrant and a telegraphic order fur Kuhn'a arrant waa forwarded to Portland. Jiillu" Tohl, the young Oi-rnmn lad who waia arr.-ateil recently, charged 1 1 1 having Htolrn braKa caaUnga from die W'harra a-ij mllla, waa given an oiln t chum yeaterday. Pmaecutlnf A Uorncy . Allen ntntetl that ihc cotn iilnlning witn."m- were wiling the boy ihould b- riieuaid and the prla.inT'a falhiT anauervd for it that hla futuro would be law abiding. Judge McPrlde cenaured the youthful prlaoni-r for get ting Into trouble but UKtved to aua tund a"titenee contingent upa future good Iniiavlor. CIRCUIT COURT SESSION. Onlera and Pate for Trial Passed I poo by Judge McBiide. In the clrciilt court yeaterday," Judgi Millrlde UK-aiding, the aenaatlonal fea turv of the ptoc-ccdlng waa thu Weal complaint lit the cae of Ktta va. U t,l, Woxt. for dlvon. in which Run yon wits appointed -referee to take tes timony. According to" tho plaintiff'! ttory ahe war married to the defend ant December .' 187, and ha haa mis fvuted her from tho first. She rlaliru to have (.uttered beatings and once af ter chastising her. Weat crammed pa per down her throat until suffocation waa threatened. O'.her routine buslnei transacted was aa follows: J. D. McFarlane vs. J. J. Ross et tied and dismissed. John Chit wood vs. Sophia taggeit et al order for confirmation of sale. Alexander Harkvtat va. R. S. Norrls el al. oecraji of foiwloaure. ttjul t.ilile avlnffs & Loon Associa tion va. Jas. T. and V. Bullock order for confirmation of sale. C. O. Tick va. Charles Wolseiuteln demurrer overruled by consent and de ferula nt allowed until Thursday to ans wer. 0. R. Wirt vc Mary H. tiolnenwebtT dismissed. M. D. Staples vs.- Masonic Building & Iin Asuoiiat'on settled and dts- .nUied. V. H. CViffey va. C. L. Sfjcncer Judg men i by default and order of sale of attached property. Campbell Broe. v Andrew Berg- same order. Luther and Sidney Campbjll vs. B. J, Callahan settled and dismissed. P. Lnwler & Co. va. Emma and Louise Thompson default as to latter. (i. V. J-Hiiborn vs. Otto Kletsch et al. act for trial March 4.. A. L. Cleveland vs. O. K. and LIi ale Van Tassel Judgment and order of saio et flttacna property. Heilborn & Son vs. P. O. Smith default and judgment for costs. The following Jurors were excused for cause: John G. Hayberg, B. o. An- stadl. Oml Alopaoua, Gua Adolph, W. J. Pehvor and P. C. Warren, j . COUNCIL. AGAIN PROTESTS. Message Wired to Salem Last Night Opposing Charter Changes. There was a full attendance at the council meeting last night and while considerable business wa stransacted during the short session, the mpt lm' portant matter dlscusaed was the alt uatlon ' at SaJem j'atlT ; to ' charter changes. It was The unanimous opin i si;.. rears. No other soap in tlic world is-used so much; or so little of it goes so far, All torti of ptnple om PtW vp, all torit I me Mil W, (icUUy druK(iiik ion of the councllmen that a final mes sage of proU-at be sent the Clat-op delegiition. , In It ilie leglalitora were urged to thoroughly explain the objections to the proposed amendments and show the helpless condition the city's affairs would immune If the t-bt limit la fixed at $210,000 Inst ad of $15,000 more. The applications of Auguxt Dankinon and R. J. Owe"na for llqu-r llci'na'Ti were refiTrtil to the committee on health and pllce. The aam- dlap'ml tlon waa mad of the appllcatl m from M. I Aater, for a rebate on a pawn broker's llcena f ir the preceding quarter, paid under protat. Thi- i" tltlon of JohiiHon and ' arl on for a Honor license waa granted. The petition of property own-Ta ak In if for a atreet I'ght at T, lid und Puuiie streets Wus p-ferred to the com mittee on atrefta, na waa also the rt-monatraiu-e MKned by thirty prop.';rty owners of the vicinity r,t. x-Jng aKalnati drain on Thlrty-eightn t.lrei. The atreet auMrintendi:t parted thut the following aectl na of atmia were In need of repairs: Aator, from Hlxlh to Claymln"", Franklin, from Fifth to Vlfte"nth; Grind avenue from Sev enth to Fifteenth: Sevtnt'vnth. from ! Commercial to Fraaaklln; Kxihung-, fr.nn Fourteenth to Tweniy-thlrd; Com lK'pial. from Third to Seventh. The above re ort w-aa referred t committee on streets. It was intimated by the auperlntend "nt thut unl.s the charter provisions for the bonded debt be extend.-l many of the BtP-us ould have to be per manently cloaed or until such time aj the city treasury ciuld be replenished. A number of bills were referred to appropriate committees to b audited, nnd vou"her wer? prtantei for ac count ordered pad- at the previous meeting. Ordinances were Introduced by the city attorney to Yonrlrm the three aaaemment rolls hereinafter des cribed, and w'il ui.der a auspenslon of the ruls. The assessments refer to tho following work: Improvement of Commercial street, from; Fourteenth to Seventeenth; Seventeenth, from Irving to Jerome, and Eleventh ttreet from Franklin to Harrison avenue. A resolution was pans d directing a meeting of th b-ard of equalization on the night of March 14, to pans upon aaxeyamenl for lmprovmenfof Tenth street from Exchange to Grand, and Franklin avenue from Twenty-sixth to Thirty-first. Pr. Henderson reported favorably on the petition ny V. H. Barker, for th emrtlon of a sevr on Thirty-fourth street. Council adjourned to next Monday nlsht when the telephone tax ordinance ind several provisions, for licaenali.g merchants win be submitted by the ways afld means committee for action by the council. VP AND DOWN THE COAST. The Vancouver and Albernl shipping men have asked the Canadian govern moot to appropriate funds for the erec tlon c thr ' additional lighthouse along the reef bound coast. An ordinance haa been Introduced In the council at Tacoma authorizing the construction cf a bridge across the Puyallup river at or near the eastern termlnue of St. Paul avenue. The Tacoma Ledger says that there Is a prospect of the erection at an ear- GANGER Sufferers from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearanceor a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part ot the Dody, gives the first warning. 1 To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be aiminatea from the blood every ve stage f it driven out This 8. S. S. does, and is the only medicine that can reach deep ieated, obstinate blood troubles like tkis. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer begins of ten in a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: Aamnii pimple come on my inw snout an inch below the enroll (lie left side of uiy face. It gave me no pain or luconven elnee, and I should have forgotten atmnt it had it not beau n to intlume and Itch ; It would bleed a little, then scab over, hut oiilil not lieM. This continued for sometime, trlien my Jaw began to swell, becoming very, paiuful. The Cancer be ran to cut and spread. until it waa as large na half dollar, when I hOHnl of 8. S. S. and determin- f ed to eive it a fair trial. ! and it waa lemarkuble what a wonderful effect st had from the vervbeiririnlnir-the ann brown n heal and after taking a few Unties dlsapiwared entirety. Tbia was two years ago) theiearesiill BO algna of tbe Cancer, and ray general heatln jontinuea good. Mrs. R. Shirks., La Plata, Mo. S is the rVatt of all vO purifiers, and the NX NvV onlv one puaranteed kJH V-is -i purely vegetable. Send W WJor our Tree book on Caticer, contatnine valuable; and interest ing information about this disease and wnte our physicians about your case. W loake no charge for medical advice." '" THE SWiff SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. ly date of a govrnmit warehouse and oVk at that city, At present writing nothing more tangible than the pros pect has developed. The first shipment from the Brtr Hill cotil fl. lds est of Chehalls, Wash., Is ;xperted In Taooma. MarLh 1. and the promoters hope t; eatablUb a'profi fali trad; with California and the Hawaiian Islands. I'rorpctor have found of oil in paying quantlHos In J-tckaon c"unty and arrangements are being made to sink w.ils near Ashland. Companies will b; form'd and wo-.-k be gun In the n'ar future. W, I). Hoyce, a Chicago publisher auil paper nunufwturir, la figuring with Washington lumbermen for spruoe und cdtonwiaod for his mils. If he tan contract fir a -tup-.Iy at I2..V) a crd he will take large quantities an nually. C L. Walters, of Juwrau. b'Heves that cH -ku raising Is as profitable In Alaka as gol I mining. He ow ns a henmry near Juneau, Ulu re he has over 2000 fowb, and n"Xt summer, to gether, villi hit brother, Mr. Walters wid start a dmllir farm a. bawsjn. The Washington Oyster Cc , wfth headquarters at Seattle, repreenta the consoliaatlon of th? liwtcrn oyater ln tereata on Puet sound, and the propa gation of Llue Polntj will be commenc ed or a large scale. In April. Frank D. Illak und F, D. Palmer are at thi oead 'of th n'i' company. The P.u.keye Cijl Mining Company, opei-.-tiin,i the Guthri.' group of claims n the North Powder dlwrlet, has brtn lnco'riorated for I2.M0.O0O. R cent extdvatlona have uncoverel a large ledgi that assays over $S. The pro-inot-rs are Wisconsin capitalists and the principal ofllce will b. in Milwau kee. The League of Seattle is urging war upon the slot machines. As MM as warrants can be procured the -nahlnes are being confiscated and proceedings will be commenced against Kilo m keerK-rs who a low minors to play. The crusad-j against all forms of vine In the Sound city has -emjlted an tvo loitery agents agreeing to leave town If (.rosc-cution was suspended. It is retorted th'it the parties who have ben doing development work on som ledges of coal near Stella. Cow litz county. Wu.hington, have s'ruek a five anil a half foot ledge of coal of a supt nor quality. They are now mak ing arrangements to have a railroad cjnstructed from the mine to the Co I umb la river, a 'distance of about four miles. The promoters are greatly en couraged, and will push the w-yrk along aa rapidly aa possible. WIUELESS T E LEG It A PHY. Successful experiments have recently bten accomplished In wireless telegra phy, and its adoption will undoubted !y be a good: thing, and revolutionize many w'ays of doing business. One wnV-r has gone so far as to say that wlreleps telegraphy is the greatest dla covery of the age. We beg to differ, Don't overlook Hostetter's Stomach Bitters when you talk about the great things Of the world. This peerless med icine has done more to promote health and settle stomach troubles than any other medicine In "existence. It -cures dyspepsia, indigestion, malaria and constipation. It never fails. Try It, and be sure and get the genuine, with our prKate revenue stamp over the neck of the bottle. Don't let the drug gist pal in off a "substitute." WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? 34 Commercial Slreet. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the city for the least money T Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 573 Commercial St., ASTORIA, OR. RED 2061. TELEPHONE.. GRAND ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL BY THE SONS OF HERMANN - Tuesday Evening, February 19, 1901 Eight grand, first and second prizes will be given away to the best sus tained character and to the finest cos tume. Music by th Columbia Orchestral, augmented. The committee In charge promises a good time and all axe Invited to attend. MA&KKD (USNTS .V,w i . . ..I1.0Q MASKKD UADIES. : ' 80 SPKCTATOR3-" 50 CHILDREN B0 ' USING A X V ,e CUTICURA y w."V I CUTICURA BAD complexions, pimples, blotches, blackhead, red, rough, oily, mothyikin, dry, thin, falling hair with itching, Irri tated scalps and dandruff, red, rough hands with itching, burning palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, and baby blemishes, prevented and cured by CUTICURA SOAP. Millions of People Use Cuticura Soap AaaUUd by Ccnccaa OrjrrnxsT, exclualTely, for preterrltiif, purifying, and beautifying the akin, for cleansing the acatp of enuu, tralei, and dandiulf, and the itopplng of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rouh, and tore hand, for baby rashes, ' Itcblnga, and chaflnga, and for all the parpote of tlie toilet, bath, and nuraery. Mllllona of Women oae Ccticcxa fkur In the form of batln for annoying Irrltatlona, lnflammUon, and excoriations, or too free or offenlfe peniplratlon, In the form of wahe for nlcera. tire weakneaaea, and for many aaiuUre antliteptlc porpox's which readily anggeat them aelrea to women, especially nothera. No amount of perou&iton can Induce those who . hare once naed It to oae any other, especially for preterrlng and purifying the akla, scalp, . and hair of Infanta and children. No oUier audkntrd snap I to he compared with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the akin, aralp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domeatlc toilet soap, howettr expennlrc, la to tie compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nuntery. Thin It vmliir,e in Oxs Soap at Omb Pbicb, rli, TwESTT-rm Cests, the bmt akin and eompleilon soap, the BST toilet and BEST baby oap in the world. Sold throughout the world. THE PLACE TO BIY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. We Rent New a Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. T0B4CC0 AND CIGARS.... .. Supplies of all kimls at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. . A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets o) JO miilv Modicinos. Cough Honey. Kidney and Backache CURE. Blood and Liver Bsmedj and rve Tonic Great Blood Cleansing Remedy for Spring. Headaches, Constipation, "Tired," Nervous. Dyspepsia Cure Golden Relief St. Vitus' Dance Aikyour druggist for Almanac for 1901 containing descriptions of the Remedies as Certiflcate. of the moat remarkable cure, ever achieved by medicine. FOR SALE BY CHAS. ROGERS. 8OL05 AGENT TOR ASTORIA. lsinii - i j SOAP. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE Is what a cigar Is. It will tickle the palate of the fastidious without de pleting his pocketbook. There lan't a cigar relied th&t there Is so much t)lcas:ire, richness or perfect satis faction hidden In Its folds for the money as there Is In a GENERAL OOOD for flt-e rents. A hot ttf these luscious cifrars should be on everv man's dresser. WILL MADISON FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. Typewriters. Many new improvements aldeJ. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kiclupive I'acitic Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland, Ore, F W.MTKElHSlE, Local AKeDt. For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or. "Cold" in ANY PART of body. Colman, Mich.. Sept. 27. 1900. For a whole year I could do no work aud walked only by holding oa to a chulr. I doc tored with four different physlcluus but re ceived no relief. Tlio use of two bottles pf Dr. Fenner'a Vldnev and Danbaeha Cura I gave hie; ft perffct'Cilfg. J. Al. McKwfr, Cf.nevA, Crawford Co.. Pa., June 18, ltaoo. Tlir-o years ago 1 had a severe attack of Erysipelas and blood poison, hreuklna out on in v head and face. My uhyslcian attended me for several ti.onths without result. I then took 3 bottles of Dr. Fenner'a Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic und secured a complete cure. Khank Bahkman. Middle boro. Ky., Sept. 7, 1000. My wife has suffered lonx with dysiK-psia. I tried all of the pepsin preparalious and all of my own prescriptions without avail. I finally preacrilMd Dr. Fenner'a Dyspepsia Cure and tho use of it effected a cure. Mupy other similar cases that have come under my observation have been cured by hla lays pt'psla Cure. Dr. F. J. I-kbanoikid. My Dear Dr. Fenner. Fredonla, N. Y. " I have used Dr. Fanner's Golden Relief for many years for the diseases and accidents for v li'-h it Is advertised and hare found It iin.v cuaol to all you claim for it. J. BOTH ESPY, Presiding Elder M, E. Church. Used for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Old Bores, Sprains, Colds, Grip, Bore Throat, Oolle, Dysentery, Bowel Troubles, It la unfailing. Akron, Ohio, Jan. $, IMS. DrM. M. FENNER, FiwtonU. . T. "We hit sold man? doiras of yonr fit. Vitas' Daws . Specific and eery cami has tm-n rnrM bv It. It ha. proved a binning; hfw." AM.M-fl.AUK PltrOfO. '