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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1901)
THE M0RX1XG ASTORIAX, TIT.SDAY, rCRKlAKV .19.. 1901. ..... Telephone Main ML TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION, DAILT, lent by mail, per year.. .tS.pO Sent by mall, per month .60 Served by carrier, per month CO SEMI-WEEKLT. Suit by mall, per year. in advance, $2.00 All coiiii'iunlt-aUoaa Intended (or pub lUation should be directed to "Editor AsloriAn." l.uslnetM communications of all kinds and remittances mut"J addressed to The Aatorlan Publish ing Co." The Aatorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published tn the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- licstlon to the business manager. The Pendletin East. Oregohlan thus congratulates the cltlxens of that en tirptislng city upon the completion of a Jr000 fund for a Young Men's Chris tian Association building: "Pendleton p:op'c have subscribed $5000 and some over, for the Toung Men's Christian Association to be established here. It is a good pl"ce of work." Those wtio were askd to and did not subscribe to tlie fund will have the benefit of the institution and be perfectly welcome. They tv-?d it. But, of course, they will not be expected to take a prominent part In th? work of the institution. However, if they repent they will be welcomed "into the fold. Public spirit is an excellent thing -to cultivate." . WITH THE PARAGRAPH ER. Reports of the serious illness of ex President Kruger are said to have been Shanghaied. Chicago Newa. Tidal waves of reform are good, but every-day morality Is better, and con stant effort more restful La Fayette find.) Call. Investigation might reveal the fact that Col. Rounevelt's press agent Is an old New York World circulatioa liar. Anaconda Standard. . , David E. Hill has politely consented to haul down his presidential banner until the inauguration procession gets past. Washington Star. Many int rejta arc pulling for an ex tra session of congress; worst among them the holders of the Spanish-Cubin bonds. Pittsburg Dispatch. As king of Oreat Britain and em peror of India, Edtvard VII. signs him self E. R. I. One more letter would take in Enn. Srring field Republican. The German emperor has been ap pointed field marshal 'in the British ar my, but it Is not thought that he will nork at it very much Kansas City World. Sophus Sehandorp, the great Danish novelist, has die-1 without a chance tc denv that lie wrote "An English woman's Love Lf-tters." Denver Re'- publican. When Albert Edward announced to parliament that he had decided to adopt the name of Edward, which six of Ins ancestors had bora? before him. he was guilty of a slip of the tongue, for Edward VI. died childles.'. San Francisco Call. Clergymen ure leaders in the crusade against dhoroes.' And they receive the fevs for performing the marriage cere- SCOTT'S EMULSION of cod-liver oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food- is a burden, it lifts the burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food, when you hate it, and can't di gest it? Scott's emulsion of cod liver oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. WeU fttnc! yon t Bttls to try, it you Hits. !COTT & BOWNE, og Feu! street. New York. nionyJ,liiUv precedes the application fr divorcca How would It do for these nUemn to lak- a han.l In In vestigating matters so as to be reas onably sure that the ceivnioclv they perform will stick .-Grand RnpliD Democrat. OUll SHIPHCILD1NO INDt'STRY. 8. F. Journal of Commerce. "The 'Shipbuilding Industry of the United States and lis Relation to ;he Foreign Trade" is the title of a ibvu ment Just issued by th treasury bu reau of statistics. It discusses the eco nomic conditions which surround Hi'' present state of the shipbuilding indus tries In this country In both their his torical and industrial aspects Histor ically It finds, that the use of iron. -la is In the civil war sounded the ,1 om of wooden ships as Instruments or national defense, and thenceforth turned over maritime ascendancy to the iro i-pro luc- Ing nations, In which 'Treat Britain had till then the leadership. But with tin' ascendancy of the United Sta. s in iron and steel production and the advent of roin-trv into the new era of ooe- . anlc resinsibllity, both commeiclalij and politically, the present period of our maritime progress Is clearly mark d oft from all that has preceded it. His: or- .. Ically our development in shipbuilding has reached the point at which the eco- nomic outlook is based upon the most favorable industrial and commercial con- , , . ditluns ever known in the history of our j p,, nant marine. Those conditions are : shown first in the Internal d.wiopniont Misunderstood symptoms of diserse of the shipbuilding industry. The n. (lea 1 doctoi to' :rvat something else 1 r.vhe.i the kidneys are out of order, tluence of the naval policy on merchant j Foley's Kidney "Cure will bring you . , . . , ,. , ,,;.,, Health when other medicines have fatl- (upbuilding has developed Take no substUllte C1TAS j?0q. Dlants tc a point of equipment with j EU. Druggist. tools and machinery, and to a scaie of u I Tutting quinine In whisky is one of production which, with a larger de- j the moJt popular compromises with mand for ships, would almost put the Conscience known. best American shipbuilders on the' j FREQUENT COUGH 1 NO olane as the British as to e t of pro-I intlamea the lungs. Foley's Honey and . , , , ,, ., JTar stops the coughing and heals th duction. The use of electricity In tn jn,,9. The ordinary cough medicines operation of shipbuilding plants, the employment of pneumatU; tivls ai.J th- services of ennes and den ick- in hand- iing heavy materials at every stage have revolutionized shipbuilding meth - cj in the United States to suc.i an ex- tent tint the best ship yards in Am r- , . , lea are even better equipped ifian those of Europe The chief obsta -It to slrp - building -in competition .ith foreign , ,hio builders is the lack , sumci nt j crd-rs at our yards to keep ile m busy 1 . . ,, ,, , .. cn a sufficiently uniform vMunte "f j work. I 1 Th difference !n the labor cost Droduction -r, foreign and Am'; :nn sliin yards is conceded to be ibout 23 ; ner cent er-Mter on the hull, an I 50 ner.cer, er en the mary in the American yard. This difference, if . , . ., . . accepted is correct, it is he.d. must b. overcome by the introduction of pi.-'-e- work methods of labor and tlu- stan- dardizing of trp and parts. T... re- port find-j Jhat as compared wish Br ish ships, c npaiatively little ji 'SJ'e: has been made in this cou-ury in . i:h-i of these respects, except in th - ' . . i ml . ,1.1. caiea upon ine lases. j n- bk- -mij- i; 7. :had on application, yards have turned out a volume - f t r- ! c. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., nage which has enabled-th-in t- u;i::z j Fort:and- ren- European methods of reducing cit j SOMETHING NEW. more generally than le th.- i-a."- on th . . . ,, . , " " Just published by the Southern Pa Atlantic s'-ahoard. ! ciflc Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re- The nrncr- on the like n tre'ur- purees of Western Oregon, which in rne on tne i iks n i r ""r--, cluie8 an excellent map of the state, tive economics has arisen larij-h irm "n.i contains information on climate,' ... . ... v v 'lands, education, etc., existing Indus- consolidation of plants, whereby sp-c- ,rla anii thelr P.arlabllitlea ializing could b- more general y ie- j veloped and uniformity in tyj. - of con- struction Introduced. Th- nsoiMati n i of shipbuilding plantK wjtii st-i-mik ing rMablishments sems to be atioth-: direction in which ecn"mi'-r In pro ductive cost of ships b"!z?d. ?hipbuild-.-rs complain that th - fluctua tion of prices in the st''-l iiia'ket ':iv-; been among the greatest hin '.t 'ne-s ti the deelr-pment of spael shipbu'lding In t,he United States, as compared with European prices, whU-h ar.- mor-- pta ble. The second part of U'f; i'.'i-i ry I- d--voted tc- the study of the mw--b 'nt mu rine as a apart of the n;ui"fi t: i:.,'.: :t;u Mve syfit'-m. Tt cite- th.- f-n t . n l.y fctatistics that with the giv.;h in th volume of ocean commei-f-e an r u.-. Ing iKirtion of our surplus v.- ;i!.h iias been handled by sea, o that th n.-'ion-al Interest has bec-n fore -1 to '''al: It self of agencies not if its -',t, irJTl. trol in order to reah and ur- iiUIn foreign markets subj-ct to thi uis crirrlnatlon of shipping 11 r-s iTs.;i,iz -d in the i-erviee of our tump-titois. Th-; srrouth In the volume of our foreign commerce is mainly responsib t for tne fact that American cap tai iuo-- jirai tlcally overcome Its timidity for invest ment in either shipbuilding or 'liijipipg. Under existing conditions, however, distribution by sea between the Unite- States and the outside worid is in for eign control. For the' fiscal yt-ir ending June, 31, 1900, Imports and exports by sea aggregated $2,089,529,606. o ly 9.3 xr rent vf which ;valu was carrier In American vessels. Numerous tables are given, showing the growth In our for eign commerce and the decline In Vur foreign shipping. IT CURES THE COLD AND STOPS THE COUGH. . t.iixuiive Uronio Quinine Tablets cure a -ulil In me day. No Ciuw no Day. I'r c- -J ctias. One of the objectionable foatuivs of a mw style of waist Is that it Is too fi:nk and open. PILLS OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Banner Salve In cur.nti plies. It is guaranteed. CHAS. !;i?l-:HS. Druggist. It's a foolish horse that backs into his stall h?n there is corn in the feed box. FROfcV BITES AND CHlI,ni.A(X3 quickly cured by Banner Svlve. Hie most r.'m dy in the world. cHAiJ. ROGKRS. Druggist. 1ho wmiw)nn a mnrk pf ,,ulu.;Ul, tion intended to allow a man to take hack what he hits just said. Fatal delays are caused ty exp-rl-mci'.titig with cough and cold cures. I'olcy's Honey and Tar will prevent a col I from resulting tn pneumonia. 'J! AS. ROGERS. Druggist. A shoe ought to bo able to tell Us Hit history, considering the length of ils tongue. ' I nave always used Foley's Honey and Tar eouith medicine, and think it i the best in the world." says Chas, i -lamer, a newsutaier oi tune, ia. i Nl,.llirir e!se &3 kKhJ CHAS. ROU- j EK Druggist. , j TJnSure prop4,r proportloiis a man ought to be a little longer up and down : man he is across, ( A MISUNDERSTANDING ; hich are simply expectorants, will not jiij this, as they keep -.he lungs Irri- t,,ted in throning oft the phlegm, j C'HAS. ROGERS. DruggNt. j Tf wme women pattern their halos as ! they do th?lr hats their a. quaintanc-s I ill probably pass by without speaking Dver yonder. ; I W. L. Taney. Faducah. Ky., writes: j ..j naJ a 9evere ae of kidney d sease 'nd three of the beat physicians in i southern Kentucky treated me without success. I was induced to try Foley's! &LXt Inl 00 me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." CHAS. ROG- ejs. Druggist A nice thing about the Ice Is that It i. nl'.l'HV annat-entlv Ul-1 0 1 n cp t.-. mjal j -.' - ------n w . . . - v. . jtne amateur snater nair-way. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. ' . j J ' ter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with ;lhlg gectk)n will ever develoo fresh ' Points of Interest and added industries, I in its prolific vegetation and among Its , nurftherlcss resorts of mountain, shore, and , pWn. Portland to California have been re- !nt!y equipped with the most ap proved pattern of standard and tour- jist sleeping cars, but the low rates of Uare will sUll continue in effect, , illustrated guides to the winter re- 'surra nf Pnllfnrnla fl.nrt AHznnfl mflv I Attention 18 also directed to such new fields for energy or capital aa pnimise lair reiuia. , Tnla publication fills a need long ex- Deriencea oy uregoniane, in replying to inquiries of eastern frltnda. Conies may be- had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C, H. MARKHAM. O. P. A.. Portland. Or 0 ( V U'Moit dinner tim. any i , 'III" I ftffl M r Hant Ko odor, Munr atylea. Hold Terywbere. II. Kl. m iiHuiaws These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam ot CopaiDa, Cubebs or Injections andrM CURE IN 48 HOURSyWUr the same diseases w'th-V out inconvenience. Srff by all rrnrtf;t!. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidocyi aad tiUddet ficbt. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a wotd this lella of (he Passenger Service .via,, f he Northwestern lino.. 1' Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, Free Ueclinlng Chair Cart. The 20th Century Train Buns Every- Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Clcctric lutittd Sicum tlratctl THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. OREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC H'TS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Alt agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. II. L. SISLER, General Agent. Trav. Agent, 2IS Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway, known nil over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trans every aay and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heal, of a verity eq-jaied by no othe. I See that your ttcket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. XV. CASEY. C. J. EDDT. Trav. Pssa. Agt., Gen. Agt.. Portland. Oregon. Portland Ore. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure; they naturally want the beat ervie obtainable aa far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palece Sleeping and Chair Cars on tHrough trains. DIMng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice! ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and jou will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any farther Information call jn any ticket sgent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Pass. Agt.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN tt A Tf nr -wr ZVA.1 LiTVAX, It Travel UXORIOUS The ''Nnrthur0iif0fn T.tmlto" inim eiertrie llirhrerf Ihrmhnur WK in.,Al and out. and steam heated, are with out exceDtlon. tha finest trains In the wrld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling puouc, ana altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art . These Splendid Tran Connect With the Great Northern Tire Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the' CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited.'' All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland, Ore. THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in toe city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Histers Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms aw a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all nonrs H.F.Prael Transfer Co ' Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING - All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. ' No. (3S Duane St, . " Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr ;Re. TeL 11IL ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lesre, roRTlJlNDT " IrrWi" ItOOa.milPnrUwnil tlnlon tpotfUilO a'm. 1 w p.m.iror Astoria and lnter-:40 p. linediate points, I" ASTORIA, I 7 am.For Portland 4 In-Ill :M e.lO p.m term diate points 1 10. 30 p.m. HBA8IDB DIVHION, lt.:. m. yjo p. in. SlSOil III ASTORIA SKASIDl- II ) U Ml l ;!. . IU I tew i. in. Siui'l oniy All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern I'aclflo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't and Pan. Agent WHITE COLLAR UNI Sir. HERCULES takes the place of t.ll.i:v UATZERT (Telephone Dock) Columbia River and I'uget Sound Nav Igntlon Company. The Hercules leaves Astoria dallv excepi Sunday ai t p. m. Leaves Portland dally exceut Sun -lay at 1 a. m. White Collar Line tickets, O. R. A N, tickets and llwaco Ry ft Nav. Com pnny tickets Intenhangeable on Her cules and Hussalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcott from llwacu and Long Reach points. Telephone jvo. ill. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. E. V. CRICHTON. Poiland Agent rim achkoulkj i liKl'AKT Krorii i orll.ii.l. ('tiles - i ilt I. iki Denver. Kl I'urtlaiiit W mh. o, null Kmi petll lijr. SI Limit, , 9 lb. Ill I'llilM Hint Kiul j Slt, Henvrr. Kll AtUiitie liorlti, iini,ihn Knit kxpre ( Cllyt m i(ll,t V t'iili'ago ami Kwit tt'll WH. l.-,t(in. Spokane tluklle. Mlnm-aiioi r'lyer. I". l'ul. Immtti, 6 p. m. Milwaukee. CIucikik ami Ki, F'oia Aatorut ' OCEAN STeAM5MIP5 Vll mllliin paU'a tub Jii-I In i lmilK?. 'nr !tui Kraiieici Hll Aaaivs I 7 n, m i Wain " hiii ''"'ui'his Klver sn-m i K' " V rt"d "d . i iy I. in ltii( , it m(s Mo day From i'urtland II in wii LaMKiTir Hivnil -y m t'i, i, (. - v fci suartay mtiuiii a Way-Laud a. 7 a.m. WlllMulli andVam-l I SO p. i Tuel.Tbur blllKUara ' Mo'i.,We4. ano But. or,rm city. Hayti.u ,v " fn. Way LamllOK" .' Klparla 3:46 a. m. naka Rlvte . Itlliaria to Lewliton L? fwlsta 9. uo a m daily tarn WlllamatU lttr I Wp m iuea, idui i DMiaiiu n ( iirvnllU Mnn. Wed o-.u.u., n'i nay i4nnuiK irrlUay . . O- W. LOUN8 BERRY. w. II. JIURLBURT, ATI. Aatork. wen. ab i. roruand. Or POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fat Time AND SUPERB SERVICE WE HAVE 2-DailyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, novei via me evening train. Both are nneiy equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOUIUST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CABS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicaio, Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, lioston, And Other Eastern Points Tickets Rood via Salt Lak Cltv and Denver. It Is to your Interest to urn THB OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from U. W. L-JUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR . J. 11. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third St., Portland. Or. J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER (0Jo.a1o1I m cj riff lUNatr -l HIST in . SOUTH n..nnl Vlfih .mt I'av I I Rtnvta Arrive Overland Exire Trains for Hulrm, ltosoburg, Anii- luml Mu,.ntlilllli1 7:30 tigdi'n, Han Kin- 115 M ill Cisco, Mojave, U Anirrlca El i'uso, t: SO a. ml New. Orleans and 7 .M p. in the East. At Wuodhurn (dally xci'it Hun dnvl iniiriilnir I train coniuvts with train for Mt. An sel, Hllvort.iti. n r o w n v 1 1 1 is SprliiKflold. and Natron, and evfii Ing train for Mt. Angt'1 and Hllver (on. Corvallls iudrn enr. Slu'ildan iuu.-n- ll":30a.m ,5 50 p in ll'.:ia m 114:50 p.m I ff-r. liilly pxcrpt Piuiilay. Dally Ilebate tickets on sal bi-twivn I'mt. land, Sacrami'nto and Hun Kimii'lai-o. Net rates 117 flrat class and III H-ond clnas, liultKllliar sleeper. Hate-a tickets tn EiihIitii imlnta Slid Europe. Alan Japan, t'lilnn, Hono lulu and Australia. Cun be iditalned from J. II. Klrklnnd. Ticket Airent 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pusenger depot foot of Jefferson Bt. I'ave fur Osweg.. dully m 7 M. 41 m: 13:30. 1:55. i 6:15. I 25 1.06. 11:30 p. m. and a. tn. on Hun.Hv only. Arrive at Portlaml lal v al l 15 S:30. 10:J0 a. m.: 1:6, 3 15. 4 30. ( :o, ju:w p. tn: K:iU a in. dally ri- ept Monday; 8:30 and 10 u6 a. m. on Sundays only. LHve for Dallas dally, except Ann duy. at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Pltiwenifer train leaves Dallas fur Alrlee Mondays. Welneadays and Fri days at 2:43 d. m. Rnturna Tuesilays. Thursdays and Saturday. hxrept Sunday. It. KOEHLER. Manairer C. H. MARKHAM, Oen. Fit. and Pa. Ant. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paal,Dalu!h,Minnpa)i)lis,riiii'a-o atfcl All Points East. DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIME; HER. VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, uining arm nurret Hmoklnic Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Jorthern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Offlre, Astoria, or Oreat Northern Ticket Offloe 268 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Inf orma- llon regarding Eastern trip, call on ur addreas, A. B. C. DENNI8TON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Ulah, Colorado and alt Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via ine union racine Fast Mall Line or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1J D.iys to Suit Lake. 2J Days to Denver. 3J Days to Chieugo. 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, unholstereri ourist sleeping cars, and Pullmnn nal- ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E. COMAN . Trav. Tass. Agt., fn. Agent. izi xnira oi., I'oniana, ur. Or O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A jj. COVEHNMENT PROPOSALS. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Rnr. racks, Wash., February 12. loi. Kont. ed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until ii o'clock a. m. March 12, 1901, and then oncned. fur furnishing; fuel at the several military Dosta in this department, and at Camn at Skagway, , Alaska, and at Fort Llscum (Port vaiaee) Alaska, for du cal year commencing July lat, 1901. In formation furnished here or by quar termasters at posts. U, fl. reserves rlifht to reject or accept any ar an proposals or' any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for fuel at ," and addressed to undersigned. 3 w Jacobs, C.,QVM. . ...... ' BllK RIFF'S HALM. . ' ( . ,(-; f,iv 1 iy virtus of an essoutlnn and order of sale liwuod out of the Circuit Ceurt uf the Hlntit of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the tdth day of January, IW1, upon Judgment pr dcH-ree- rtn. deivd then'in on the lath day of March, lu.i, In favor f J. T. Itoas, J. 10. lllg. i:lns, II, C. Tlumipson and K, Z, tr munoii, i x riner doing business under the Hum nailM of Ross, Hlgglns a. i I InlnllPi, and against Hi Ins 11, Mmlth, May II. Hiiillh, A, C, Fisher and U. :,. Flnlivsoii. defeudanis, for ths sum of liotilti, togittier with the costs and diahui sen, cuts of this notion herein taxed nt .'ii,iK) tog. it her with Inlerrat iliereoii fnm the ISili day of March, ivm. nt 4he rule of IU Hr cem per an num until puld, and (hv t t( ipnii hs writ 'Oimnauding and tf' lulling Pie to mlike sole of the folio, lug described. irl property, to.wlt; IUoiU li. IT IS, is niul !0, In the I'oun uf liiieuild, ss laid nut and re corded by Hilas it. Hinlth, In the County of ri.ltKop, Mlute of Oregon. Nollie in herby given that I w on Moinhiy, the 4l h day of March, 1MI, at the hi'iie uf 10 o'elm k In the forenoon or mild day, In rroiit of and at tlu I unit Ib'iiea dmir, In (he City uf As loiia, i latHup County, Oregon, nr at imlillc itu'tl in tn the hlgheal bidder for c.ill. Hie llboee il1cl lb, real p'opetyi or mi inu.'li thereof ns uiiiy be necea r- ii v to Huilefy l lie luduiiieiit. interest. co..ih iioiJ u II net ruing coals. THOMAS LIN VILLI, hheii'f of ci-iisop Comity. Oregon, A'lotlii Oi'eguii, January 31, JWI, NOTICE OF KII.INU OKHPEl'IAL AS.MKMHMICNT N, 41, N illcc Is hereby xlu-n that the biurd i f lln,itol time I'ompleted the spep. l,il nx, Hui,-iit for th improvement of I'oinmcreiAi aire, i fr,.tn tii wrat line of 1'oiirtietnh str'-et to the went linn of Si velileenth street, and have report-t-d the aine to thii common council of (lie city uf Antorln, uud the iue has l. , .-ii lll il mth the auditor and pnlh In-lK" niul liuiued und htlllilierrd Npee nil Aniniu. nt l(o No. 41, and the cominlllee mi street and public ways of (he t'oitiinon council of aald Ally lias l i n iiiH.inte, tu inei-t with the board ,,f aumiiora on the H ' h duy of rVbru aiy, lH. at the hour of 3 uVnck p. in . or mtlit .In y. In the council clutm Ix i of the i lly hall of euld i-Hy, then and tli.T.i to I'onKider. review, corrnt aid r.ii.ills euld HpeeUI Aement i:,ill No 41. Any person .objecting to -.aid nts.asineiii iiioxt file hi objections iiii-rriii In ruing iih the aiidltor and ., lce Judge. ii, k, NKLMON. Auditor itiid Police Judge uf the CHy of Astoria. Oregon. 1 'ate of Di t publication, Jan. 31, 1901 . notice for puhlication, t'lilt.-.! State Ijind Office, at Oregon '!t Orrgoti, Ic. 3. 100: Notice la hereby itlven that In com. ciiuiice with the provisions of the act f c,iiKr.- ,.f Jun 3, tin, ntltl d "An act for the nle of timber land In th tat' of California, Oregon, Nevada in I Wiinhington Territory," n rttend--1 i i all the Pulillo Ind Hiate by ct f Aummt 4. ll. Chrlatlan Peterson, r olnry. coiinly of I'lalxip, Htal.. of on-con, haa this day nied In thla ofDc nil ori tttt-ment No, U3J, f!r the I un liaw of the NE, iptarter uf section N ::, in township N. I north, i-ii K' No. I wet, and will uffer l',"l lo sbw that the land sought Is nioie xahiabie fur it timber or slon 'linn for agricultural purpose, and to "iiilillnh lila claim to snld land before i In- register and receiver of this Offlre .it iii.gon City, Oregon, on Thursday, io- :Mh ,y of Al-ril. 1MI. lie lilllliea ua witnesses: Ueorg Xfo-i-'iirlaiid, I Sunt A'lolph, Alexander Nor Miaul. Krlerl.-k Normand. oil of ON to-v. I'lalsop county. Or.-gon, Any, and all (..-rsons claiming ad-.-rsely the nlmve -dorrltted land are r-ipet,-, lo tile their claim In lhs m,e on or before said 25th day of April, ri. ( HAH. II. MOOREfl. Rrglster. notice of hale. In tin County Court In and for Jack son County, Oregon. In the matter of i lie .-siato of W. liarclay, I ''-ci-nsi-d. Notice I hereby given that under and y virtue of an order of sale mad by the lion. County Court of Jackson 1 'iiniy, Oregon, dated January 7th. I '"1. and recorded in volume 13 of the piohnii. record of said county, on page 4'" I will on and after March 1st, IWil. proceed to aell at prlvats rale, f or dish, lot 24 and i In block I. of i be town of Flavel Center, Clatsop ouniy, flregon. and the 8. E. U of mtiioii 10, tn Up. e N, of range 21 W of W M. In aild Clatoop County. IERTRUDB IIAKCUaT, AilmlnlNlrairlg of estate of Thtddeu W liiircliiy. Deceased, Ashland. Ore. K I. Itltli JOS. Atty, . Ashland, Ore. NoTK'IC OF FILINO SPECIAlk AS 8EH8MKNT NO. 89. Notice Is hereby given that the fcoard ! "f iiHsi-ssors have completed the spec' Inl aNSf-RMinent for the Improvement of KW-v. -nth street, from the south lino of lurikiin avenue to the north line "of ' Harrison avenue, and have reported the same to the common council of the city of Astoria, and the same has ben uud with the auditor and police Judge anil named and numbered flpec Inl AniiHsment Roll No. 30. and the committee on streets and public waye of i he common council of said city baa l "ii appointed to meet with the board of ansi-HHora, on the 14th du of Ffbru- "v. I'JOl, m the hour of 2 o'clock p. m of mild day, In the council chani le is In the city hall of said city, then aim there to consider, review, correct and eiiuiilijuj said Bpcclal Assessment "oil No. 33. Any person objecting to snld iiKMoHHinent must file his objections 111 feio in wilting with the auditor lee Judge. H. 13, NELSON, Auditor an, i police Judge of the City of Atorii, Oregon, , 1 '" 1 of first publication. Jan. 31, 1901. notice of filing special as sessment NO. 40. Notice h hereby given that the board ''xaeKHura have completed the special 'on nt for the Improvement of s 'vi-i,i.,i-ih street from the south line "t Irving avenue to the north line of I' tome nvi'iiue and havo reported the tail"! to the common council of the city of AHturln, and the same has been filed w"h UK; auditor and police Judge and limned and numbered Special Assess m' lit Roll No. 40, and tho committee "ii streets and public ways of ths com mon council of said cliy has been ap pointed to meet with the board'of as ysHors nn the I4'.h day of February, 'OI, nt the hour of 2 o'clock o. m. of said day, n the council chambers In in", riiy hall of said city, then and 'Ikti' tu consider, review, correct and . "Mian... saja Hpeciftt Assessment Roll Any person objecting to said assessment must file his objections inereto in writing with tho auditor and nollce Judire. Mm pJFiT.SON. Auditor and -Police Judge of the City "f Astoria, Oregon. Da'e of first publication, Jan. SL 10L