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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1901)
NOTIOBl Books, Periodicals, Magazines, flux, Are Not to to Tr.tai From The ASTOiliA PUBLIC LEMHI JESHllOiL Library without )?:'mi one found gut.'y oL will bo liable to proacc VOL. Mil ASTORIA, OKB10X, TICS DAY, I EISKUAKY 19, 1901. KO. 43 i 1 The Superior Ranges ARE . . . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM TO BE WITHOUT FAULT c-. UteJ v. For Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE GO. AHTOUIA, OREGON Book Bargains Titl. H, Minding iiiul Author. . . . MI Just (he Kind for These Long Winter Evenings Five-Volume S-t of Kipling, KulJ Mm., Hcnty, Meade C 7tZ Ppn pt ttiitl other good author .... Vi J wl OXjl GRIFFIN & REED AMERICAN BISCUIT COMPANY'S Rlacaroons, ' Walnut Creams, Arrowroot, High Teas, And Many Others, Fresh and Crisp. R ALSTON'S HEALTH FOODS, AIL VAMCTICS " FISHER'S REST " CORVAUIS FIOIIR CHASE & SANBORN'S FINE COFFEES ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Fishing Supplies... Headquarters LOWEST PRICES. Foard 8 Stokes Co. A LONG RO W U-.- .-JvU Of our new and up-to-date Air tight Heaters tiro still on hand. Wo figured on considerable cold weather and purchased an un usual quantity; but tho weather has moderated, consequently sales r a vo een 8 ' aro ovor W. J. SCUllV. locked and must have tho room. ' ... n i 1.. rruiu now on inese hjut'imiw nvm ing stoves will bo sold at a reduc tion of 20 per cent FOR CASH. 431 BOND STREET, Uetfcten Ninth ind Tenth Streets C. J TRENCHARD, Conimlsston. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. . Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Ajeui W. t, 6L'ooarMlfleKxpreuCo. GREAT VICTORY FOR LOWER RIVER llahn Amendment to Hume Bill Passed. FIXED DEVICES VOTED OUT Vm of Trips Hi Wkttli lor Tiklof Silsioo Prohibited lo Columbia Vole of Home - Scooio Vet to Be Heife" From. lul ballot today. It I reported on re liable authority that tho thirty-two supporters of Mr. Corlwtt held a meet ing afiT the adjournment of the house this evening am) entered into a tom puct to stand by their candidate to the end. 1 '(JUTLAND CHARTER KILL. BALEM, Feb. 1. Tlkj nate thin af terixon passed tho house bill for a branch agricultural experiment station In Union county and spent the remaind er of the atcrnotin and evening reading III' report on the Portland charter, bill. The bill Iia1 not boen printed and had never been mad public, no K. Josephl demand'd thai it be read In full. The- 1'ortland charter bill in r. -ported to be tho ubj;ct of a trade by the senatorial aspirants and it 10 believed that the term of the charter will have a bearing upn the vof of some mem bcr, but this cannot b i;id upon au thority. Bo far as now appeals, the veto will be th aame tomorrow an today. MRS. NATION IS JAILED AT LAST Judge Says She Is Insane and Rebukes Her Followers. PLACED UNDER PEACE BONDS WEST I'OINT UltADUATION. thirty This Year on Account of Army Reorganization. W ES r I'OINT. Feb. 18.-The exercise i connected with the graduation of the first clat-s ot cadets of th military ai'iuK-my tok place today. An address (Special to The Aatorlitn.) SALEM, Kub. 18,-The f.ature of tlw lKliUtlVf Mrinlon today was the adop tion by a declnlve vote. In the houne, of ih.- llahn amendment to tho Hum.! bill, applying the n-xtrli tlons of that r.eamir flu to the une of traps, whevla and oib.-r flxeil devices for taking aal nion in th- cat una mo and bays f Otcgoii to the t'oiumblu river and tf tributaries. Cuimldoratlon of that ipi-aMut'e com- mt lu td In roinniiltw of the whole ear ly this bfti-riioon oy cpfclal order and )rw-i'd''d, wi ll n by nTtlon. until the r.ip mi. I wheel provision was reached. n n I'nhp sprang his am'tidineni and lie most filrli?J and protracted de- biile of the seiwlun wat nr clr.ltated. I 1 v- nlnHit uppar nt warning. Iliilui led off with perhaps the mtt I'-gical and forcible presmatlin of the ! merits of lh nmi'iidmcnt. Watson, of the Multnoin.ih delegation, and Whit ney, of Linn, alj etrongly support-M the An endment. t'olvig, of Josephine, biuked by Hob rts, .f Wasvo, chairman of the AhK coinmlitee, with other atrong spenkers. opp.-d the amendment. Colvlg's po- . Ill, in u 11 d ,. u-;tkt . I n.1, ... W. fiLii.lj ... . "... I "'Ing the usual number allotted. The of the amendment . up to on 0 clock . , ' . , , before Judge Ilazen today, Ihe war rant was aworn U by the Moexer Cold Htoragtf Company, Into whose plat.t Mrs. Nation entered yesf.-rday morn ing. Mrs. Nation acted aa her own attor ney In the trial. Judiw Haz.M placed tier under 2j00 bond to k'-ep the peace and ordered her to appear before him to tre oa.s of m-Venty-thnv members ut t. next term of court. " was delivered by ineral John It. j Mis. Nation refused to give bond and Uf' The enrly graduation of the .al l he woul.l a tn tail. She iii now Bat She Preferred to 0 U Jill for Awblle- Sbc Uyt That a Salooi Hit No ttibl to Exist Ii Aiy Ptact. TOPEKA. Feb. lS.-Mrs., Carrie Na tlon Is now in the county jail a the hold? Yes, against the prince of the powor of "the air, which worketh In the children- of disobedience. "We propose to organize n army of true mothers who are physically abbi and willing to Join In a crusade to dilve out the murdcrshopa by destroy- ( kl Inalriimf nta V' (1(1 nnt d. sire or Intend to Injure the pers. n of International Exposition tO CdC- anvone. We, In self defens", g) out from cur homes to the rescue of chil dren who are the victims of this traffic." H0I1SP VllTFn FllP ST. LOUIS FAIR brate Louisiana Purchase. APPROPRIATION OF $5,000,000 . NOT MIHS WILLA HD'8 STYLE. CHICAGO, Feb, 18, At m-:morlal ser vice ho)J H honor of Frances K. Wll-1 lard. In the Jefferson Park Presbyterian cWch, Mr. Clara C. Hoffman, f Kan- saa City, president of the Missouri W. U. T. U. and recording secretary ot the national union, mildly criticised the rnethois pursued by Carrie Nation in i Kansas. She said: "Frarces Willard was an optimist. . . Bhe wr. so gentle that the destruc- WASHINGTON, Feb. 1S.-A Wll to tlon of property never occurred to her. . a,uUlor,z the hold,n ' n lnterDa- Tulsl Appropriation to Date Amoaal Is $64, II8JS95 - Sesite Commltlet Cat Dowg Heavily River sod Harbor , Approprlalloas. result of her trial on a peao- warrant1 jf i;,(Ucr was to have been p mred Into tlonal exhibition of tr2 c.ntennlal an- tne ktrerth, as in Kansas a few wer-ks iu's'na purcmw, m ago. it would have been done solely by J"1' ln 1303' antl PPP'Ho had Frances i ii-iciur, j aocu iue uuune i"- I iim iiueauun or Closing (ne e- v I position on Sunday wai not mentioned the order of the owner. Will.ud had charg of thlnK-' SIX KILLED IN WRECK. Known Was Ex-Champion cycle Rider Coulter. Idunn the lebate. A bill io define th? word "consplr ,ti:v'' In the Sherman anti-trust law: to best Known was fcx-v-nampion avoid the possibility of lis bain held i applicable to labor organizations, was ! defeated ty almost a two-thirds vote. , class this year was ni-HIUted by the 1 drained in the hospital room of the sx persons whi were kllwd In th? rail- tailecf slatiment of the appropriations reorganization f the army. The men j county Jail,' where she will probably ' t Mui accident, near Mill City, Nev., ;of the present congress, showing that gradunfed tlay will Ix- given a fur- ttinaln for sime time. (yesterday, Clinton It. Coulter was the ; the total appropriation bills up to dat ktich until March 1", after which many Tonight Judge IJaze.i paced Clara of th' tn will be assigned to the Philip pines. The nrst ten members of th claw will be assigned to J he en gin -era' -r- vlce. best known. Several years ago he was ( amounted to K'HUS.533, omitting tha a world's champion cyclist In ;.rlnt ' W.ono.Oflo sinking fund, races, and one of the most notable cir- j t cult riders In America. He was 27 years fUVKn AND HARBOH BILL, old and a native of Mansfield. O.. where WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. The senate committee n commerce today conelud- runirUa Ms father ft. VI Coulter, a re- . j McDonald. Itose Grist and Mde;lru 1 8 ju! hard undtr peace londs. He de livered a scathing address to these i three Nation leaders. He express.! They are: Juhnson, of Or gon; ! ih- oolniot: that Mrs. Nation is insane fiiii-illl. of North Carolina: Pool o( .k.. .k.... .i. , n.. - niiu toiJ (iiai 1 1 1 urv rii.'Uinftca iii ' Wisconsin; Peek, of Wisconsin; Le.-. of methods of reform ought to be ahamed , w'as evidently killed outright. When North Carolina; Spalding, of Michigan; '0( themselves.. i found he was doubled up, with a large jj Dent, of Pennsylvania; Capita, of Mis fiiuil, Jevvcit. of New York, and Wil liams, of Missouri. ' This is an unwind assignment, five today he hud bc-.-n depended on to help I six following will be given th-lr chulce b'twe'n the ordnance, artll.ery, cavalry STATEMENT FItOM MRS. NATION. TOPEKA, Feb. JS.-Mrs. Nation nude the following statement today: "Headquarters of the Home Defend ers. Feb. IS. We desire that wi may tired pioneer merchant of Ohio. He 'e, consideration of the river and harbor bill. Action upon amendments heretofore adopted has been reconsidered and hole in one side of the bead, back of j various house provisions recast until the ear. The deceased had a ticket . the total appropriations have been i to Chicago and return. FIRE; NOW EXTINGUISHED. Shaft Where Accident Occurred. the amendment having volunteered to . " ' i have the aid and names of all men and W7ater Keing. Pumped out er o.; render such servl-e and acvopled con- ,'. T "., ,""u,7' " women of any color or clime to be Ildentlal point, and fad. from llahn j!?0 the Br "'ery' CBVll,ry "r l 'of us. Our motive shall be Nehemiah an I his associates faring upon 'ihrtr '-" "'"""jlv: U. 'And I looked and rose up and j VANCOUVER. v I unit KmI t H iafj rii ts nronlrii I I side of the Issue. kad unto the nobles and to the rulers .pedal this afternoon from Cumber i iduced below that made by the bouse. The Nicaragua canal amendment was voted down today. The bill will be r pirtel to the senate tomorrow. The committee caused n reduction la j t'ie total of the bill by horizontal ruts on aff important Items, these reductions f linriiinlln. t nn..rti It? all thjt an. C. Feb IS. A . " 'propriaticna of over $5000 Immediate cash appropriations, one-third in aU GOVERNMENT MAJORITY CUT. J. VS ,and' V? ? tl ' WWZ.ot mM for afraid of There; remember the Lord jtfter last Friday states that the fire, vv v t , 6 shaft As cont,nu,n? contracts. The reductions your hous.s.' Which is down with this" the shaft from an eight-inch pine was " T " . . . l it i n .tJ,tv .h, " ' amended by the senate committee. i;,.Li. n supineness of hell 'nonresistance the turned off ........... .. . . division ' u.,..., -,u. ... "he bill, therefore. Is practical y a C llg is a brilliant fighter and In ci'iijuncilon with Roberts every parlla-! .;,.l. i. .k. L. ... 1 vm'ir fl.xt vA'hloh is erfat and terrible, i. iii.niihi in Vn ......., , r,, m...., , ikuuI Amount of Vituperation Against . t . ; n abov.j these legislau r was exhausted In vain , Wld Taciturnity of British Offl- i and fis,U fr :Ur b,'ethrCn' y,ur 8n ,l"8 was MMy gained. , a8 .KHlnst the amendment. Th, disvii'-lon j cMt ,n parliament. j a,,d your d.auf"1;"' , J',Ur. U'? f"d the water whi-h had " pour ns ,nt0 I pacd the bouse or as It had been ;utcii pir over t'Vo hours ana wrore thf cru packed the house with an ab- i i.oxnov K.-h is Th.- flri ... . .. . i., ..ui.. .nk..Aa ii . I narfllvftlB ufan In fusinr Into th delu.l- . Thi. a .m.n .ha n.imm hpirin uruea u.Kiny .iviiKi.ii-u uuui-Hi-v. of ine first parliament of King Edward " " " , n " . " 1 "' - j btW measure as to amounts. Many pomtea ana even Diner references V1, whlt.h t(K)k la,e UKla rrtuItc1 u -- ... ana u is uu.-u luc,t , r.,xinto $60,0.00). i. . ... .... in., in thai Kj mot uau- tho tflPPa wntlA tnPV k. K.. ih1 uAilr aVtAQt fnt i tv" . ' ' between the upper and lower river Lrnmenfs normal majority of 130. ' ,s"n,b'r- We have proven that tbelhem. 0-n-n and fishermen were ex- Thi5 extraordinary sllninew of the Jwu8 is ,he on afe ' changed and a vwy violent altercation l)UlJlir,y of lhe 8troilggt Crttish gov- . wa'- Re,i!,t ,he d?v)1 and he wl" ,,ee- ! ' BI SALMON COMBINE. was at times only narrowly avoided, -eminent of modern times we the re- 1 -11 - !waAhingtr. Washington. 856.2M; Ta- The commute only rt loss than a Lu1t of lhe unjtT retorv for foMjrn , flant; . , . lrvt In the History of the Industry, bnrb( Wasnlngt0n. 1262,67. - Mirth the way through the bill before 'Bfflli ia trnh.rne- rfiMl t., : "T" rmy or nome-.ierenuew ae- on the Faciflc Coast.; The to- i As preeeniea to ine senate tne t: wm (include the following Items of direct' 'appropriations: ' Waterway . between IPugcl sound and Lakes Union and '"This rmy of home-defenders de-J it whs . oninelled t.i rl iiv ih Miiioum- I . .w. 'dares its Intent 'n Ms name. veari , , .aiiAwer qui siions reiuui'g to wie . . no-ut hour. Thus mnnv other Imiwrt-1 ...i.. .. the fathers and mothers who. as Gods SEATTLE. Feb. 18. One of th. larg- FOOTBALL PROHIBITED. ant and controverted sections of the , vlouil notice fron, the .(oners. John h9V me t ' ' 'est combinations In the history of the Minneapolis Classes It With bill a. e to be considered on the resuinp- Ul1((l gt.,leJ ,nt ,wrtur,v and ln ( agtlnst the mighty, and we are hare to ,naustrjr on lhe pacific coast is about : Wk f, M tlon of the matter tomorrow. The ul- fpUe of nn mwy large attendance wUlwUn'1 n" lhe 'Q-'y dar's Kof J)e to be closed by a Onffroy. wh- pro-J . - " ' tlmate fat of the bill, owing ?o lack mimi aot.d the tonH,.rvttUve party n 1ecT with the shield of faith We.moted the Wg Pac,flc American flaher-j ..INNEApous Feb 18 -Mayor ot tmie. I. doubtful. -May', vote .,Uwr -wrt... rm.n-l defense, and win have it. No-,,, on M und. . J" cLtZ 7t hous nlalnlv th l.-animr .,r the h....... . . ..... ... ... ....... 1 w hlskv. n.i tobacco or nrofan-ty shall i vw Vorw ith!An,es ,?su" traer9 lo lne captain ot . w -i in rvitiv in il erineiNni 111 ine eunuucL i as ..a - - . . .... urine our utrui insivii in to the lower river men, but whether the senate will have opportunity or Incll- of the wut Mr. Chamberlain. reiary of state natlm to receive and adOit the bllljtmit the isdlcy after Its passage by the house remains to be sfn. Many rumors are In cir culation as to what the future tac tics of the Jlscotntltcd wheel men will be, and II Is eeruln they will not yield tne battle until the la-t ditch Is reached. The house considered the surety com pany bill at the evening session, while the Portland charter amendments con tinued to occupy the senate us th.-y h:id during almost the entire day's ses sion. Among prominent measures which succeeded In gvttlng through one or th other end of the capltol during th brief Interval devoted to general busi ness wer the following: The senate passed Mattoon's bill to authorize school clerks and eour.ty judges to bid In property Md for taxes, and also the Poorman bill to prevent trumps from stealing rallvay rides. The house amended the Port- and voiui.teers' monument appropria tion so as to make the monument stand for all Oregon soldiers wUo haw served duty on the tented field. The Whitney mortgage tax bill wai defeated by the close margin of a vote of twvnty-ono to twenty-five. There was no change In the S M-ator- lor ine colonies, sam j of her majesty's gov- No man or 1 nn nnmhpr nt the tarepvt can- won'an who uses any or in -ii nenie- ments shall nave or need a?k to serve us. We will te your brother to heip ... k... ..... ..a .h.. In '.muni Hi-nun rv ttui'.n. urwi : ine m- , ...... , - . . I... . vou cleanse yourself rom ih? iilinine.s vaslon of Natal we would have accept- " 1 ' 1 ed the most moderate concessions, but of -,ne " 5 L . i fn,m the moment th, invasion occurred . anc"- Xe cannot Ui)e ou n 0ur busI" I and Hie Boers had fired the first shot, nerles in southeastern Alaska and Pu get sound waters. The deal. It Is stat ed, w ill include fifteen canneries and win involve an investment of $3 000 000. police today i gloves or any sparring matches shall take place In this city In th future." The mayor explains that under this category he includes football, baseball, handball and similar sporting: events Iness until you clean up. We are going i ANOTHER STORM IN ALASKA. I.. . . . . t . . v. . , I . . ,1 I the government dettTtnined that not ine nhred of Im1i'r'nih'nce which the Boers had abusl should ever agftn be coin'Cd. d to them." to place before the peopl? men and FEVER IN SOUTH AFRICA women who must be examples of vlr- tue and strength, who shall serve us I to reward good and punish evil. Kan- isas shall be free, and 'we will set her WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. rn a hill that her light may go to every Present Is Severest Winter Known for AmonK British Troops 19,103 Cases of Thirty Years. Typhoid Since War Began. Bills PORT TOVNSEND, Wajjh . Fib. -18. j LONDON. Feb. 18. The number of The steamer Faralion, arriving from cases of -typhoid fever among the troops dark comer of the earth. 'Come with . the north today, brings word that since the beginning of the war In South. Passed to Make Seashore Public "? and we wl" d0 thee K od 10r the ' southeast Alaska' is again being swept Africa to December is 19,103 cases and Highway. Lord hath spoken good cone.rnlng such , by severe, wind and snow storms and 4233 deaths. a ivv.i; " I that 5Vbruarv 12 ih Yukon and White WILL SMASH EVERYWHERE. . NEW YORK, Feb. 18. Mrs. Carrie OLYMPIA. Reb. IS Two bills were passed by th senate today, the ef- ! feet of which will be. If they are u tl mately enacted into law, to make the entire seashore cT the state from the '& Weekly, says: mouth of the Columb'a river to Cape I "A etlxn has no right in any place. Piti..rv. mihiin hichwav fm-ever II will snash the saloons in New York. A bill was Introduced In the house to prevent and punish public gamb- Pass railroad was again blockaded. Twecty-flve feet of snow on a level Is recorded at White Horse. The pres- In- Alaska Is the severest WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, Feb. 18 Wheat, Walta ever known since the American occu-I SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 18. Wheat. nail n tkl.., reni Q MdV 90! Pflfih 96. ling. The house passed a bill providing for the removal of prisoners to the state penitentiary when there Is great excitement among the cll'sens of the county In which a crime hat. bevn com mitted. The bill seeks to prevent ynchlngs. REMOVAL, SALE Commencing Monday, Febrwory 4, We shall mako tho following prioos; Iron Beds with brnss knobs $3.00 Iron Beds with ftillbross rail 6.00 Extension Tables $4.50 and up Our Combination Book Cuscs and Writing lKk wo make a 20 per cent discount from regular prices. .Par lor Chairs Reduced .in price. On Carpctts, lings, Linoleum, Window Shades, wc give. 10 per cent from regular prices, which includes, Sewing, Laying and Paper. . CHARLES HEILBORN & SON! MllwauKtv, St. Louis and Chicago, Just us in Kansas. But I must e'ean up ny'own house before I dare say to my neighbors, 'I can ten you how to clean yours.' "He breaks all the sina of the deca logue wno sells a glass of rum. The motive which leads him to "put his stumbling block in the way of his brother is Inspired by a spirit which violotes ali law. "The time for the saloon to go has conn. We are organizing an army of home defenders which demands that ihe 'nurdcr shop close or be closed by law. Otherwise, we destroy this des troyer by means of anything that will smaij. This Is a severe word, bu,t nothing can convey that thought so forcefully as the results. This army of home defenders is doing Just what Israel did as recorded In II, Chronicles, xxxl, I. We attack nothing but that which Is dangerous to humanity and heaven. ..." "This is one of the greatest warfares not against flesh and blood but againft principalities. Against spiritu al 'wickedness In high places. Are weapons not against the life, but michty to the pulling down of strong May. 99K: cash. 96. t ... ASK FOR . . . . 10c i "General Gcod" - - 5c CIGARS TWO UNEQUAL-ED SMOKES . - ALLEN & LEWIS, I t DIst.rlbMtors, Portland, Oregon