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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1901)
THIJ MOKNING ASTOKIArV SATlKIAY F C T A K V 1 6 ' ' f 9T) f . " THIS WEEK SPECIAL LADIES' WRAPPERS AT PRICES THAT TELL ' ' Beo Our Witidow for TIihii All coutrucU for MdvcrtiMiiig in the AhIkiIuii iiio inudo on aiiitr uiitcc o( circulation four (Iiiich Inrucr than Unit of uny paper ptiblUhcd or circulated In Out. Hop CoUIlt)'. TODAY'H WEATHER. PORTLAND, Feb. ). Western Ore. son, tain, cooirrj Wwrrn Washington, ruin, wind; Katrn Ori-gon, oeean 1'iiml ruin, probably part anow In the uiouiitnlna iinil foot hill; Kmt'rn Washington unit Northern Malm, wcn luiml mln, probably cooler In (lie south rrn iortloii. AROUND TOWN. . Three flint-cMa bathers at tha Oc cident attain. John Kopp, Jr. At liU Iioine, H. H. Worsley. town ycntirduy, In down wild iho grip llnr ret,oi t.-WInd, south, tttrong; weaitur, fog and mil., bar, ohnurid. J. II, Smith, of Portland, wim In th" fit y yesterday, a gusl at the Occident. Where do you get your Buhday din ti r T I lakt mint ut lb Central Hotel. Mia Ivy ' llnrki-r of Portland. In vl It In w Ml Peart Coli for it f'-w days. Fur aI-A fr"h milch cow, with calf; npply to Augua Juchs, Hkipnnun. jitl'iiiiiKi' good (f nil kind clii-up at Yokohama Itaxmir, I6 Ciftniiierrlal Hi, The IIUIVi' NOiif., nlfuni'T Hue II. Klmore l due to in Iroin Tillamook tout t'm4pia Arthur Opprrdndiia r. a Han Frauds c,o traveling man. wa In the city " I 'Til a y. of tfvunam, In Mr. J. llw glli-nl this illy, M'MH-fW. Mm. II. Portland. Whrrlty, MNi jv.trl J.u knon, visiting In tlii rliy, a I'imiIIiIk.-. of Portland, KUt of Mm. M Ilia 1. Munley, of city yesterday. Portland, ttm In Mi pik of Portland, U the gu'st ct Itrl-a ll'ibmm. Htrlcily fn-sh egg, two d-n for 45 cunts, Ml Johnson Bros. Mrs. J T. Uglify, of Portland, la visiting Muida In Atorl, Hofl 15-cent meal. Rising Restaur, ant. (12 CommrclAl strt. August Juhra, f Hklpttnon, vti In town yi'Dli-riluy on tulnn. Wanted -lI'Hiii'-work or clraning by the ilny. Apply 163 Water Bl. Ch:irl-s Hii'illnr, of Vancouver Vn It a iru-t At the Ator llou. JrfT'a rtataurant tht larjeat and b-t. A trial will convloc you. ( !! it MiTaiUnd. of Olny, hiiJ buin in I hp city yMuritay, John J. Fri'r. of Or'uon City, wai In Aatorln ymionlay on bulm,. Kw-t nivM oramfrg from 15 cfnn In 40 t'ntc a il"H'i. al Jhnon Uroa Mln Marlon Cliajir. of I'urlland, U ll(i)C In Atrl f"r a few iloyn. IIKST li-CKNT MEAL; BUN IlKSTAUrUNT. rusiNo (li-oi'Krt i:. HiuriilN. of Knlilinori, r ilvxit y-Mi-nlny and In a Kunt at tli ' II I I'l'Mll, Minf Ml HiitltTlutnl n lurn'-d y.-Kt'-r-ily from a vlalt of iK-vrral ilayn In porllahil. The UritUli iilrumKhlp SiraUiirylc lm nrrlvd t Hun rlro, wh"t (ih will i'iiupli-ti hi-r rfira-o. Th.. Knnih bark I Um-iffoui-auM i-ifarcd yi-cti'iMuy fr Uu'-cnutnwn with 111.710 buHhcm of wlwrnt. Mr. fiiliin, of th Vortland Fhturln MHIn. wm In Ihn rlty ThuinJny. re- lurnlria yrmofday morning. Jnpnn H( Imy want tritnaUOrt In mall family, whrr h' rtln. ntt'-ni fhclK! liKIUIrv til 1J fotruntyvUl ft. IVior Ornnt and lny Hwnblet wont i.wr to iiiKilwatT bnyi ywtfrday monilna to look aftr th-ir oyt-r ld. Ti n French bark IVmuH (iais1 at tin- riixtoiii hou yitpnlay with 1 13,- o'.t. tiuotii'i i f whNit. valued al 5,ow, Tin. annual rbrtion ot f)l!lcra f th" Aiiiorla Public Library AawnclarMn for the yrar t-nillnir Ki-bryry 1. 1901. wai h"-l.l thin month. ;Mr. H. F. Pnifcl a dfclnt piYHliU-nt: Mm. I. A. Trullln K-r. vlr.-preililrnt: Mra. NHion Troy. r, nerrn-tary; Mm. tioo. II. ueorgn, tii-nsuri-r, $17, $16, $15, $14 VU mmn lots CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE LOT " ' -- SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT I FEBRUARY 16th. The Ffiin'.'h.bArk OtHoral t poM'-f-frr, with a cai'K') of jcruin f.,r Kuropw, Im xK!i:tcd (Uwtv tin rlvfr1 m6rn ItiK. ' Mr, ami Mr, ('Ian-mi Urown will I'hvu for I'ort Townwrnd, VVawh,, n'lt TutM luy und rvNldiv thi In thw fu lur.', , - 1 lllm- and NhJn'r; Oold Uo(m-, Thranh-t-r, intl-tniMt, tinlon-muil" plug lobac con, Havt your t'lKO. Thny are val uable Jii'lif M, (I. Manly, of Portland, who in iHhrrly-liiKTiKii'd In Alaka canmrr-l'-, wan In Hi city yni-rday on bunl- Hi ow wanlrd -About d k"d and piu'iU'ularly "Irona; want It for xlx moiitlm, 10. T, Johmem, llnnihorn caniH'ry, Frd llaylii'iif him rHurnnt from a lM-diiy' 1 1 Ik to Oiuyn harbor and vl I'lnlly In (In- lulormt of Kanl & Hlok-ii. I'n-ani purs ry, Amfrlca'a flm.'at whbkiy. Tin only pure K'wdn; rum ueitwd rich and mullow. JOHN U fAltliHON. Hole Ag.nt. Tin tita-itttx-t ( of thi' Monday Club itv at I'it iikIi'Ii for a muitlcul tr.-:t for t ! iifopli; id Ant'irla to l (clv'n on Tu'-nday cviilnfr. March Glh. John A. Montj.iinTy Iimi opne) a Imp at 41 Hond mro"t and 1 prepared ! do all rlamnii of plumbing and tln nlng at th lowfNt poawible ratea. It'wlyn coal lojtti longi-r, la cleaner ind iiiiiki' li'nn Iroulili- wllh rtovm and hlmnry llu-a than any other. George VV. Huiiboiii, .iK-ut. T--li'phorc 1311. A l-l uir- will b itlvcn on Monday 'vi-nlna, February 1H, In the bane rent f iJiace church. Th' aubjecl will b Veidce," AdulU. 2S t-enu: ihlldrca, 10 CCIllK. I. i:. Muyhall. f the Kiiluina hah balcl.rry, will in. on coiniii'-nre the con- Kiruillor of th" l)h hatchery near It will have a cnpiirlty of ;,(inii,iii) i'kii". If you wunt Ki'ociMl. n that nr g;o rerlea, K'd tlmt II un their mer lti, giMida ttiat make cuKt uncia and (."p them, ko to A. W. Hhlpley, the nlhililu Ki'oc'T. i II HhuUie, of F.ilrhaven, and P. '. Klllall, of New What'-otn, both oromln. -til I v Mi iillfl'-d with 'he Mulmon UMliiMt rv of Piigct Hound, were In the Ity V'-Hlerdny. ivi'Hipittiy i will bv glad t ana- kit any iii.'ntldiiM ,:.ccrtilng It. Acute atut i hroiilc dli -iia.-a and dcfoi inHlin treated, t'onxultatlini fnv. Ur. Itho- dtl . HU ka, olllve f.73 (.'oinmrclal Ht, If you've never tried our "Perfec tion Iliend" Java and Mocha you've mined one of the plciumrea of life. Our ruNtuiiier nay It'a .the beat In town; tiny ought toknow.-Joll.NSON DUOS. Mr. N. (llnton IP entertain the V. It. C. at her nuldence on next Tliei!iy ufl.Tll.xm and eve Inir. Ite- Id'a the mrmlH-iH of the eorpa there will be pieaent a number of invited JfUestH. Tle C,.-rinnn chip Hrun'ehauKen. which arrived in In bnllan Thumday, 51 dayl fnmi (luuyrnaa, hna lot her charter l- not arriving In port hy January 31. I l-r tl' lay wa cauneil by continued north wlnde. rears It h a wonderful .soap that takes hold quick and docs no harm. . No harm ! It leaves the skin soft like a baby's; no alkali in it, nothing but soap. The harm is done hy alkali. ' Still more harm is done by not washing. So, bad soap i3 better than none. What is bad soap? Im perfectly made; the fat and alkali not well bal anced or not combined. What is good soap? Pears'. All aorta of Morn wll it, -pteUJIy drulau; all hku ot (jcouUi im II. s PANZMER Weather Obxerver Johnaon rxselved information from WVaiher Forecamer lleala that a coutheael atorm would ap- i.Hn on th MMiat lam evenlngr and that It would changti to a miuthweHt cab- In the night. The fa-t that the llitrman ahlp Otto (illdcmcleter, ou which 80 iier cent ! iiiHurance wa negxtlatel, la nearlng loi t hna greatly benelltted the Inanr ame Hpeculalom. They will receive JI 'S.tKW from an Investment of J32.000. Prudent Mohler. of the O. It. & N m iiuoteti a naying tlmt there in no truth whatever in the report from Ta com to the efrect. that the graded rltfht-of-way between that city and Portland hia ben purchned by the t'uloit I'aclflr Hallroad Co. JoNophiiie Tllngvllie, who la now un iter tne cnargi1 or the ioy ami oirln Aid Society, of Portland, was brought down from there yesterday to give tes timony in the caw- of John Kerry, of Hcaaidc. who la charginl with having committ'-ed a aaaauit upon her, The work of laying mine and tor lediM- alHiut the rntraiVH'fl to the Port Orchard drydock la anon to begin. A ahlpment of five cars of muahtvom an chors hiiR been rewdved by the quarter- maater'a deiuirtment, consigned to the V. 8. engineer, by the ordnance depart ment of the army. They are to be used to hold down the gun cotton mines and torpedoes. 12. 8. McComaa, the well-known Un Ion county miner and writer. Is hard nt work upon the manuscript of a bitok dealing In narrative form with the chief scenes and Incidents of that part of the Inland Empre. The title of the work Is "Breaking the Trail for the 8tar of Empire A True Story Re. mlnlsccnces and Adventures on the Plains and In the Mountains, Includ ing a Pioneer History of Eaatern Ore gun." A deed was filed for record yesterday whereby the Sorenson Lumber Com pnny sells all its holdings In the vlcln- ly of Seaside to the Necnnlcum Spruce liUmher Company for the consideration of 16000. The company, however, re tain" lis business on the Columbia rlV' r. W. F. McGregor has also disposed of his Interests In the Neeanleum Spruce Lumber Company, N. P. Sor renson and Frank Pat ton purchasing his flock. HegfirdlnK the playing of the wonder ful little child plonlHte, Paioma Sen rnmiri. the San Francisco Evening Post of recent date says: "Little Pai oma. Schramm's concert of last Satur day was a complete ovation. Hundreds were turned away, and standing room was sold until about 150 people, were allowed to stand around the piano on the stage. The programme was, with the - exception ' of. one or two of her own 'compositions, an entirely nfcw one, and contained som numbers go difficult that her playing waa marvelous from the standpoint, of Interpretation and grace. Her playing of Chopin scherao, b flat minor, whlph was the last p'ece on the programme, waa observed most critically by the advanced musicians of the audience, but nothing but smiles of approval and rounds of applause awaited this little one-for. her master ly execution of thla great pleee. Little Faloma haa a remarkable musical memory, that enables her, to play al her ni uslc i wkhott' tiotoB; tlit her in terpretation of th masters she ahowa herself to be not merely a .Child pro-, dlgy, but a true Ittrttst. . " j Edward 8hwartx. f the Everett, WushlnKlon, smelter, bus b"'-n In the city for the past few days and hna pur chfiecd all the wrap tin from the Pacific Shut Metal Work and the local can nerlia. The mtal will be taken o KvcrHt 'and theiy reduced for the pur pose of extracting the tin. A telephone license ordinance will come b'fore the coiincU on Ita third reading ut the meeting on next Mon day ei'viilng. There appear to b a ifeiii.n-.l opinion among th councl.inen of fixing a license on telephones but many of them think the rate of 1 pr year Is imr.-asoiiably high. "It la a species of the shark." I the verilii-t of a number of the l'x-al up irts nnn on a vi-y in-cullar ap'T'inei of the finny tribe that reiM'' on the b e Imix nt the II ink ('af1'. n Portland. The llith i brought to tha! city by a fisherman, who claims to have caught It In the vicinity of Hkamokawa, Wn. It ia about 14 liiche long, of a nil wry color, with dark Sxts, haa en r mouh eyes and head, and tapers to a rat tall. Its teeth resemble thofe of a S'liilrrel, and It was called , a squirrel Ish by one of the. viewers. WHAT OCR FLAG STANDS FOK. Wherever the American flag Is raised in token of sovereignty. U .stands for liberty. Independence and equality, What our nag Is to the nation, Hoxu-t ter's Stomach Hitters Is to the Individ ual, inasmuch as It not omy gives you fmedom from your a'lmcnl but pro tt-cta your system In such a manner that they cannot return. When you stomach gets out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you are so nervous that you toss about all night, unable to sleep, you anuld cer talnly try It. because it wBl strength your stomach, steady your; fovea, and Induce Sound healthy sleep, and for In digestion, constipation and b'llousnesi, there la nothing to equal It. Rheuma Hmii la also counteracted by Its direct action on the kidneys. Y. M'. C. A. NEEDED. -, ' PP8II CLVH MEETS. Heveral Matters of.Iniyrest pfirtanc Are Cmaldered, I in- ASTORIA. Feb 13. 1900.-lElitor As toriun.) In the Astorlan of the 13th inst. waa an editorial regarding the Young Men's Christian Association at MarbhriViJ. It would te hard. to giv an adequate naon why then; Is noi a lining Men's christian Association In this city. There may be many excuse? given but few reasons why there should not be an organization here that wcfuld give- to the young nnn of the city rallying place where they could enjoy the society of each other under the care of the religious Influences which the churctvs could give to It. I waa a little disappointed to And that the Christian ministers of the city did not respond with a word or en eouragvment to the subject you hav touched upon! Perhaps it lacked sensa lion; iierhaps If you suggested that cer tain Individuals arm themselves with tomn hawks or hatchets and annlhllnt the places that are made attractive to young men, methlnks the hardware stores would have such a cull for certain handy articles of destruction, as to b unable to supply the demand. The one reason why we have not Y. M. C. A. here and Marsh field has got ahead of us is that wv lacked the steo which the Astorlan haa taken th Initiative. The people have not been educated up to this. What would the business men say If we were to close the various fraternal lodges In the city? Are these not powerful Influences. In the makeup of a city? When the people of Astoria come to know what the Y. M. C. A. can do, . when they slop to think that the boy, the young mnn. the hope of our city, should" have some place where he can have the com pamonahip of his kind, the first step and a large on, too, will have been taken In our direction. A modern Young Men's Christian As soclatlon would do much for Astoria with Its gymnasium, reading and gune rooms, the evening classes that help young men In their trades and profes slons; its lectures and clean entertain ments, and all these permeated by a spirit of Christianity, Does not the city need something like this? There may be many saloons here, places that are fitted up to attract young men, hut these are simply excuses why there is not a Y. M. C. A. here. But while they are thus, they are In reality the very reason why there should be a Y. M. C. A here. HELPER, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. nidi are Invited for loading on cars about two hundred tons of scrap tin, For further particulars apply to R, V, Jones, A. & C. R. R. depot. WHERE DO YOU BUY TOUR GROCERIES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 656 Commercial Street. DOYOUKNOW 1. That he gives you the best there Is to be had In the ftlty-Tor tha least money? Plaoe an order; once and see. Last evening's meeting of the Push Club waa not largely attended, many member being out of town, t Salem or elsewhere, but the meeting wa one of Interest and Importance. President Kendall waa In the chair. The first matter that came up was th report of the road committee relative to the projects road to the Nehah-m. Mr. Carnahan stated th tt the road pr.ijer.t was on Its feet, and that th'r was nowr no question ts to Its be rg put through at an early date. He re ocrted a small balance on hand above whit had been ner-easary to tie ex pense ()f circulating the road petition, and it was d'-clded by the club that this should ' returned pro rata to the sub scribers. Mr. Carnaha-f stated further that the tax h-vy would secure nbnut S'l'i.wo In five year for the construc tion of the r .ad. Whether !on.n will l Isau'-d so us to allow of lrnrn'-dl ite cornpl-tion. or whether the funds that .errue from the tax levy will b" u"d as they become available. t to be de cided by the county court. It was th" opinion of the club that the pr sent rneirdcrH of the road cVfAmittej, hav ing as they do, accurate and thorough knowledge of road building a-d b-.-lng familiar with the route of the propos d highway, continue in that capacity. The view waa expressed that fa as It w is tKisaible white lab ir al me should be employed In bull ling th road. I In the matter of Prof, Washburn's ' claim to be presented to th- legislature fur WO fur sen-lies r'-nibT-d th" dam and kindred int-r sis by r-search. ex periments and propagation. It wai the opinion that this should ! allowed and Prof. Washburn continued in the i.fnYe two years more. A resolution to thl" eff.-ct Is to be sent to the re live to the legislature from trict. Thcr,- -w aa considerable discus-Inn of the fWherlea bills before the 'legisla ture. It was decided that a committee Including Messrs. Kendall. Carnaha'i and Gaston arrange for th pre-snc? of . . . . i - as many local Business m-n i i aeieiu Morulay a possible, and that every ef fort be mad there to secure th letrln- lation needed by the salmon fisheries In terests. Mr. Carnahan submitted a proposi tion for a farmers' exchange to be es tablished In the city for the benefit of fanners In disposing of their products and also to encourage further production. A GENTLEMAN'S ''SMOIIE Is what a cigar la, It will tickle- th palate of tha fastidious without df pletlng his pockethook. There Isn't a cigar rolled that thara Is an much pleasure, rlchne.ia or porfect aatla fartlon hidden In it folds for tha money as there Is In n GENERAL GOOD for five cents. A box ot theie luscious cigars should b on every man's dresser, WILL MADISON THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT - FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. iKOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. Rot tied beer for family use or kef beer supplied at any time. Dellvary in the city fre. 1 North Pacific Brewerq Will THREE BABIES DEAD. Be Burled In One Coffin loried In Unique Form. Fash- Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS.... Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. A ILL, EN, Tenth and Commercial Streets . Three tiny lifeless forms are enclosed In a pretty little casket at the parlors of a Tacoma undertaker. They are the . triplets that were born to Mrs. Charles Miller at the Fannie Paddock hospital Sunday. Two of them died Monday and the third Tuesday morn ing. The undertaker made specially for them a casket in the shape of a heart shield and the little bodies were placed In it side by side. The combin ed weight of the children at the time of their birth was fourteen pounds, the largest weighing six and the other two four pounds each. The casket Is 20 Inches long and sixteen inches wide and Is covered with white crepe. REPORT OF WATER COMMISSION. ASTORIA. Oregon. January 13. 1901. ITo the Hon. Mayor and Common Council of . Astoria. Oregon Gentle men: In accordance with section IM of the city charter, we herewith re port the receipts and disbursements for the quarter ending December'31. 1900. to. be as follcws: GROSS RECEIPTS. ' For the month of October. 1900 From account of water rates S 2.349 45 Tapping mains 2 50 Delinquent charges 5 25 FOUNDED A. D.1TIO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE . ' OP LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Ch A. sets. ... Caab Aaaata in United State, 9,016.935 J. B. F. DAVIS 4 SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WTYFTF.T.n 8 mVTW RTTRTT nVTS PlPT. 1 irVTV 215 Sansorae Street, - - San Pranclsco, Cat. SAMUEL El MORE & CO., AGENTS. 2357 10 For month of November From account of water rates t 2261 05 Tapping mains 7 60 Delinquent charges 7 75 For the month of December From account of water rates Tapping mains iKinjuent charges .-. t 227 30 $ 2226 50 1 50 6 00 $ 2234 00 Total receipts for quarter...! 6S67 50 Balance In general fund at date of last report. October 1. 1900 , 11,325 28 Pacific N avigation Cora pan y Steamers-"Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland nd all points east. For freight and passenger rates ap; ly Samuel Elmore & Co. Genera) Agents, ASTORIA. ORB. 0. R. A. N. R. R. Co., Portland. Agents A. A C. R R. Co.; Portland.. (B& LAMB. Tillamook. Ore. We Rent New Typewriters. Total ; $23,192 78 DISBURSEMENTS, Salary of superintendent $ 375 00 Assistant 210 00 Keeper at power house . 75 00 Keeper at head works 60 00 Clerk 225 00 City attorney 30 00 Treasurer, year 1900 12 00 Janitor 15 00 Rent of office and shop 75 00 Distribution system extension 139 95 General exptnse 27 41 Repairs to mains ... 10 60 Conduit 25 85 Power house 45 00 Telephone line 7 00 Office expense 17 90 Reservoir, No. 2 20 Stationery and printing 35 76 Otllee furniture 1 05 Tools 8 30 Bear Creek water shed, (140 acres) 350 00 Recording deed to above land.. 1'45 Clark & Buchanan for expert- ing books .-... 270 00 Advertising 9 00 Transferred to sinking fund... 1,715 13 Interest on bonds (semi-an nual) 8000 00 11,741 59 In .811,451 19 Jjeavlng balance on hand general fund of Respectfully submit 'el THE ASTORIA WATER COMMISS'N, Attest: . C.I. WRIGHT. J. H. MANSEL,1,, Chairman. Clerk. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. C: '-' 76a Commercial St, ASTORIA, OR. TELEPHONE, RED 2061. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free .... L M. ALEXANDER & CO- Eiclueive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark tit., Portland, Ore, F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent. BEFORE YOU BUY A PIAtlO OR Afl ORGAJl It will pay you to write -QLHTS PIANO HOUSE ' ";' v OFFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest,, and with our special facilities can sell a line piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. Write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim- ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes, ...Biers PIANO HOUSE... THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered at your office, store or residence, 60c per month.