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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1901)
NOTlOlW Hooks, Periodicals, W"zo,:.. C c , ASTORI.'. PUBLIC LIBRARY A950CIATI0K. will bo liable to prosecution. VOL. LIU ASTORIA, ' OKISfiOX. SATIKDAT. PEBhTW 16. 1901. XO. 41 v y . . . 0 The Superior Ranges ARE . . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM TO BE WITHOUT FAULT nipitfr ' -,. . ,n ..,., i Urn raii.i,.,. ' Por Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO, ABTOHIA, OlittC.ON Book Bargains tiKi cioti.. I'x.uini it.,k., (J(.(m1 e $rr Sl TitK-H. iSiu.lin an.I Autliors ICJI 2!p I Just the Kind for These Long Winter Evenings Five Volume SfU of Kipling, IIuIiihh, Jltnty.Mftulo Cl 7C Ppn Cpf nitit ollur goud uutliora .... V" J vl Oil GRIFFIN & REED AMERICAN BISCUIT COMPANY'S Macaroons, Walnut Creams, Arrowroot, High Teas, And Many Others, Fresh and Crisp. R ALSTON'S HEALTH FOODS, ALL YAKICTICS " FISHER'S REST " CORYALLIS FLOUR CHASE 0 SANBORN'S FINE COFFEES ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Fishing Supplies... Headquarters LOWEST PRICES. Foard 8 Stokes Co. A LONG RO W Q Of our new and up-to-date Air tight Heaters are still on hand. Wo figured on considerable cold weather and purchased an un usual quantity; but tho weather lias moderated, consequently sales naV0 keen sow We flro om W. J, SCUlly, stocked and must have tho room.- Ait town ctbcct rom now ontlcse splendid heat 431 BOND 5TREET, jng stoves will be sold at a reduc- UeUcen Ninth and Tenth Streets tioil of 20 per cent FOR CASH. Q. J TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom House Broker ASTORIA, ORE Ac.di W. r. 40o.. tod fMlBo KxprtM Co . NO VOTE ON SHIP SUBSIDY BILL Minority Declare They Will Pre vent It. NO BUSINESS IN HOUSE Y'eaierday Devoted to Obilmcllonlit Ticlici - Delegate Wilcox Secure, I'naal mom Vole of Committee En titllni Mim to Scot. war, Hi? suggest that all but flamp ron hd'I Hhey be confirmed and Hihi emigre pus a resolution creating the grado it vl'-alnilral with th under standing tint thi'W two ofll'v-rw be given tint poitioii. victory for wir'ox. WASHINGTON. Kb. 13.-Ii.-K0tf Wileox, of I l.i wall, today n:nr"i a dis tinct triumph In securing a unanimous vo of I ho hu committee on elec tion', confirming hi rlKht to a cut In t h house of r''iri!'iit;itveK and iMildlni; the i hnrge filed Against him w.-r.. not Mut1K'l-nt to warrant IiIh removal. ALLEN BILL HAS RIGHT OF WAY Hume Bill Superseded by Skillful Maneuver of Hahn. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.Tliut Ui opposition to th hlplnic bill In tho m nutc will not pi-rrnlt a vii to be i.ikin on th; rii'-amire ut thv pre nt session wtm Hindi i War during tbu td's- iiiK H"Ui. n( t'Mlity . h'-n.Io-i. For iu-v- ral da 11, It hni b--i evident Hint III uuuld In- dlltbult t K'ln uiiuiiliiiout I 'onvnt t take a vidi upon tlK' in"im- 'itv but iii'l until lute today wun thf fiitr k n.iH'rtlun n id- that a vote uld not U" 'iiid. At IN' cum lufl''i i f nv'-riil bourn' r.n.-id' iiiiiiir. .f hill, Ti'lh-r upnoiiiici'd IiIh imiii.i".' to i .-v.-fit a voti- at thin ffi'.n. In tin ni ii 'loiii'i nH 'rh hi l' i I ii d th.t h' would not loi'dint to orvfi.u, eni'(jisi;mi:nt. I'H hidi-t of National V. C. T. lid Joii i! at Work of Mm. Natl' n. Clili'ACO. Feb. Ki.-Thi; K-cnJ to day cay. Mi I. M. N. KU'Viiih, priHldint of thu W. C. T. t'., ha writ th follow n(f iiii'wuiki.' from hi-r homi In Malmt to tli. fdltorn if the I'nlon Sltfiial, tli? ' iTfian: "1'rint hi many g'xn ihliiKM ax you ran of Mr.i. Carrie Nation; hIk- c rtaln I ly ban ai.C 'miiliHh' d much." It wnt the llrt Indon-cini'iu ie!vn (Mi. Nation by lh- W. C T. t. olHci'in. thu;:h .'OINT.S viti-Ki;u. SENATE'S a)URSE DOUBTFUL I Evident Ulllnellen Will Win Greit Victory la Houtc - Democriii Said to Be Planning Compromise With Mc Bride Forces. ' fSp?tda to The A.itorlan.) 8ALKM. On-, F-b. i:.-l'.iprefnta-llve Hume vuwmxlvil in g'lUnx hln fluh bill out of the ei.mniltti.'i' today. It wax ri-r'rt-d favorably by the unanl mou committee and had U-'-n tr;ale a Hpi-t'lal order for, at 2:30 ji. m. I'M filly, introdU'-ed by Iteprenentative Alkn, prohibiting all flxhlnjf txi cpt by (fill n-ta above tid'ewati-r on the Co lumbia, waa reported by a minority of the lommltte and, through a nklllful Inn all'i'J fun-'-H, at 6 oVImk thU M'..iiln fir-lti..l U'llh vim lmt..1if tu ..n i.r...nei,t to vote and that It I ' ' . "1 " n.,.,1 b" "vld-ut ... ,,. adv,Ht. . of u. I k'"' ,hr'-' J',ln,H- 1 h" MUn' "al "f bill Mint no v.,-,- ,ould be had, TM,lh M"1 WM tWCa,y barr""' "f Mfky' -i..!..,.....! ..ii. o.,.1 . icxo-t-vo and twenty ia- of i. ... tii i i . . ' , . i .1 . . beer tuiTfd Into the (itri-et loin -Mill lili, whij itiHlmcd that cV-h- .,li.. ti... .i..,i.rl.o t, ..... ''"" "f dentroyed. - - ! t 'fi in if tin - n if Uu "ntt wouM riKtt! In KANSAS CITY,. Feb. 15.-A M"- ""! j IldIllam.nt..iy rnaneuv-r by lbprant. to the Tin-. t fp.rn I'-rry, Kam-a-. ' tivP Hahn ,h(. mlRority t ((f Fill-,., women, .follow. of M. Na. t)(J ,,,,, waj) ai, , ll,.rt-u ..111. .t ......u 111 ..'..I.m l ltl..' ctandlnB aluad of the Hume bill for mini pading and Anal parage., xne ilutne bill prohibit. Ashing with axed and l'M t 1 If tut I tk llt'lli it tL-rf!... wi t itiMiiie will) th" wiHhea of the m;i- joii.y, T)l-i;iCA. Feb. !". Tt-miK-runce -o- (handler !iiTt.-1 that the p,.tion ! ''le irKi om n the ibpot at .orii, Kan of the iiM,..nitloii wan urt'ixiHter.uH and ,a,,' n'1' mornlrnr and deKtroed a Ibmn-i, r-ilylng .i Ti ller, be- pu.f lored In hln denunelatlon imiho.lH of the o.pontion to defeat the 1 1'l "". utcd. nieujiuie. i cratlc "nator, the plan In to run Inman PVI)I ACIAI.T III f 1T for governor and In return for th- CAI LU3lUIl hlLLtU Oawive HUDPori OI ine .Min-neii-an.'- i Brill? faction, MeHrldij will be r turned to the nennte ta lUlccce;! Hlmori, , and Mitchell will b- hlf cidleaga". Thl i conilng'-nt upon no election retuitliiij at the present le-Mnion. FIvJHT DW:I.AItEr OFF. AV.ut $:.n,V) Taken In for Tlikett Will , B: Jtefunded. CINCINNATI. Feb. l.'..-Thfl J-rTrieH-ItuMin toi'lest neheduled for tonight waa deciarid of Judicially yeBterday and offitiaily uday. The lgmi"iiaiit feature of Judg.-. Hoi limer'n de.-lIon la that the Haengerfdt Athktk: Club In 'enjoined also fr'nn aco-ptir.g hereafter from the mayor any permit for uparring matches, glov con lent) or prim flshta. The entry in made ro iw'Ciplrig a to apply to all nuch evert in Hamilton county and other plac. About J.'AW) taken In for ti' k-tr will be refunded on the piexenutlon of ti k eta. Manager Brady off-rtd to conduct an enterpiUe at any time durirg the c tun ing we;k fi r the ter!:flt of the rfaen rferfest Athletic Association and on be half of hnnneif and Jeffrie. The as sociation formally accepted the propo sition and announced that there v.outd a i auction of uea'a for a performance arly next week. LAWS MFST BE OBEYED. COLUMEL'S. O., Feb. 13. (v rnor Nab la determined that there shall be appllaneig In any of the roat -streams no mfTJ prlz-?flghts In Ohio. Hi; de- SIXTY MINERS frightful Disaster in British Co lumbia Coal Mine. FUTILE ATTEMPT AT RESCUE run and ,a" "" inmniin rmia nemrojea a xnin action will pivclpltate i ame m- iare" iutt''t1ty 't liiUor. Xlinnurl I'a- Kht In the committee of the i of the ; lr"' ''tlU lalt! ray tbr crunaiKr will u before which It must go on acc Flt.IHrSTEltlNU IN HCl'SK. WASHINOTOX, Feb. 15.-li:der the U-mbrfhlp f Cannitn. iralrmin of the cttunlttee, a lot.g flll btmter consumed the time 'of the h line t'tlay. Cuinon it ir.-d the houiie to pro reid tj'tH Hi miudry civil appropria tion bill, while nhi- Demm-ratf ilislretl to d-'Vote the day to tho conrlii ration of private claliiis. I: wan the t;ay uiob r the rul-i wh: h could ! d voted to i In lion at thlx '!, Krenn aid notice luiil in-nt cut yesterday iisklng me IV'Ihh rnt I., he in their eHt to day. A a renilt Cnjinon was out Hlid but he kept up the tight all day. forcing all .-alln for three houra nnd"'lati'r llllbuKli ring In the commit tie of whole. The net renult was that the whK day waa waate.1. O I . K i ) M A R ('; A It I N E HI U U WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. A the n ul: of dt liberal Ion of the senate He puUvnn steering committee today, the oleoirnrgarlne bill will pn.bably 1 pulled up In he senate tomorrow to the !.'ivporary dieplncment of the ship Mibldy bill. Thre is etery rea.son to Ix lleve u will fail of action. Indeed, there In quite a pi-nerol understanding thai nft-r tomorrow there will bo very little conil deration given to any meiu ui. the appropriation bill and colKi ience repitS, A It IB LANDS DIM WASHINGTON. Fob. 15. Represent ative Wilson, of Idaho, or the house, committee on arid lands, today tiled a favorable report upon the bill to ex tend thi. provisions of the Carey ad Indefinitely. This net, passed In ISM, gave to each of the arid land states one million nciv or land upon consul i ration that the Mate would reclaim them within ten year. Since the pas .ige of the. bill, Idaho, Utah, Mon tana nnd Wyoming have made appll cation for the segregation of 950,000 acre for reclamation. It was four.d, however, that the landa could not be re claimed within the period fixed in the Carey act nnd this bill extends the time Indefinitely. SCH LBY-S AM PPON CONTROVERSY, WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.-Senator McComns is making an effort to se cure a compromise which will permit the confirmation of the president's nominations advancing the various offi cers of Admiral Sampson's fleet for nier Itnrlou conduct during the Spanish Ji 'INT I HTM WARNED TO CLOSE. Tdl'KKA. Feb. 13.-T.xlay at Ante- and bays, but omit any reference to such appliances In the Columbia riv.r. Whlli the Allen bill has the right of way It is the purpose of llepresenia tive Hume to move a suspension of the rut. on Monday and j.lace his b'U on Its final parsage. Thin action will precipitate a bltt r whole. count of carrying ai appropriation of general funds for payment of salaries of flyh wardens. If the rules are suspended and precedence given to the Hum bill. lope, Kanu. a large company r w o- l it I the Intention of Repre niative men. headed by, the ministers of the town. t-.tlted-"lTfii the Jointisls and g ivc them Jut flft.-cn minutes io i-lnsn?. Th.- woni.n were crmed with hatchet. The J ilntlst idos-d Immediately. The same pna-esa was n'ieatetl at Cotton w..c! Fall. TWO JOINTS l'.AIDED. WICHITA. Kas., Feb. 15. A lit acn si- inl says: About 100 I'ruhibltionlsts. men, wo men and chll Iin, living mostly outside claree that within a few days he. will didvUe the FherlfT of every county and tn mayoi of every city and town that the law of the state forbid prizefights within her limits, and that they must be obeywi MAY MGHT IN COLORADO. DENVER. Feb. 15. Otto C. Flnto. jiaruiger of the Colorado Athletic Asso ciation, hop.? to secure the Jeffrifs ituhlin fight for thi city. He has tele rafhed Manager Brady an offer to pot a guarantee of $10,000 to bring off th; event here on any date in March I In H.nM K.. a ,-LlA nntn lh offer be acccrtd a rooflesa arena In Hahn, backed by the Fishermen ! I'n Ion of Astoria, to make an effort to amend the bill by insetting In the sec tion prohibiting fixed appll mees m coast streams the same restriction as to the Columbia river. It Is predicted by many in a position to Judge that this amendment will carry and the great battle, carried on for many years by the gill netters against the fixed i Tribune from Cincinnati says: appliances men, will be won so far, at i Jim Jeffries and Gus Ruhlln may j least, as the house is concerned. jmeet. In a Graeeo-Roman wrestling j What the fate of the Hume bill may j match within the next ten days. An . lu In th un.1fe hoU'evir la iinOthPr .nfftf- haa Kuun mail, tha 1171 Tti..?TlIqta or INk. ra.d.d two Joints in that town ,,, lHt ,' ,lllIMp r" . ...h.,. i mat n. . rnn. last n r lit. Th. . Iiiobo.l m. In I Indln'erence. httle excitement prcvail- w'nlth K.OW spectator can be accom modated will be constructed especially for this occasi in. WRESTLING MATCH INSTEAD. '. ' t r CHICAGO. Feb. 13. A special to the ln. SIMCIDK OF TWO FARMERS. Roth Hung Themselves In Barns of Neigh bora. GLNESEE. Ida.. Feb. 13.-Two farm- owners are here In stiwg force, deter- losition has not yet be.n accpted. Man- mined to prevent any legislation what-lasers Brady and Madden have taken ever, unless their wheels are respected. Amoi g other Important . change, which will te effected by the Hume bill, if it becomes a law. Is the abol ishment of the otMce.of Fish Commis sioner Rjcd, and the substitution for the present organization of a board consisting of the governor, secretary of i it Into consideration. It Is said a purse of $3000 ha been guaranteed for the match and that It may be conducted In Saengerfest hall. era living north of town committed j8tal.. an(1 state treasurer, who are buiiide lift nUht. Ivor Larson, aSed charged with the sole responsibility for 50. and Ole Ofnes. agvd 7S, hanged I the maintenance of hatcheries, con- thems.lves without any. apparent ra on. Lur.m stopped on the way from town 1.11 evening at tbe home of a neighbor named Twees. The latter was aston ished tl.i morning to find Larson's body hanging In his barn. The suklde of Otness was equally queer. He hanged himselMn Larso.i's barn. Larson came here from Oregon two years ago and leaves a wife and six children. He served for eight years us a sheriff In North Dakota. WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. House Will Visit Everett Next Week n Saturd.iy. OI.YMP1A. Wn., Fib. 15. -In the house this afternoon the Jones reap portionment bill was reported bak fa vorably by the oommltUe and sent to the state printer. The house decided to visit Everett next Saturday instead of tomorrow, as originally planned. The enatj passed a bill appropriat ing 1(0,000 for a bounty on beet sugr.r. trol of the license fund and enforce ment of the rish law generally. A mas ter warden and deputy, with local officers kt.own as water bailiffs, are to form the exrc'utive force tf the new board, through whom the provisions of j tne new bill will be administered, There are many objections to this change and that section may be strick- j en out before the final vote Monday. MORE INCENDIARY FIRES. Oigauizt-d Attempts Being Made Create Panics In Chicago for Purpose of Robbery. to CHICAGO. Feb. 15. Four small fires, all of which are believed to have been of Incendiary origin, were discovered today at different times on as many different floors of the Hotel Majestic. Following evident attempts at Incen diarism last night in the Palmer House. Gieat Northern and Hotel Grace, to day's fires have created considerable Every Possible Meant ol Reaching Entombed Miners Tried la Vals - Accident Wat Is No. Shaft, Union Coal Mines. VICTORIA, B. C, Feb. 13.-A fright ful explosion occurred tod.iy In the Un ion Mines owned by the Welling" ton Colliery Company of wnich Ja.me9 Dunsniulr, premier of the provlncv, W the principal shareholder, and it la be lieved that sixty miners pirlshed. The explosion ,ook place about It o'clock this forenoon In No. t Bhaft, one of the workings of a big coal mlna in.e. There were sixty men In'lt when the explosion took place and It Is feared that not one of them escaped. The explosion Ignited the mine, wrecking the ihaft frtm midway down t i th? bottom and filling It with a sol d macs of rocks, earth and timber. Tho first explosion was followed by several mere, while dense volumes of smok'3 i.isulng from vent holes indicated that die well a gas was doing its des tructive work below. As soon as practicable afUr the ac cident, men of the morning shift In No. 5 organized a rescue party. No, is situated about a mile from No. 8; but the two working are connected by a tunnel and through thi channel an attempt was made to reach the un f .rtunaie fellows In the wrecked shaft. They had not cut their way many yards through the debris when they ncountered a Ire which rendered the ulaca untenable and ob'.IgM the party to de-fist A' 'toneless message came tack by telephone to the surface con veying the heartbreaking news to anx ious relatives of the Imprisoned men, whiwe urging was not necessary to In duce the relkf party to return to their apfarently hopeless task. Overcome at last by gas and smoke, they withdrew from No. 5 and com ne-nced work on a long cut from N. 4. the only other means of rescuing the men. A tecond explosion occurred In No. 5 shift tonight, but it had been expected and all the men had left the workings. There were no casualties. This explo sion prevents any iurther efforts being made to rescue the entombed miners through No. 5 shaft. The only way la which any of them could escape would be by reaching some remote portion of the workings to which the fatal gases and smoke could not penetrate. The gas of a coal mine does Its work in a few minutes, hence the hopeiessr.esa'of the task of saving men who had been in it for hours. The last report of the Inspector of mines pronounces the shaft as comply ing with the regulations governing coat nines. ROERS OCCUPY MURRAYSRURG. CAPE TOWN. Feb. 15. The Boers occupied - Murraysburg, Cape Colony Februarv 7. REMOVAL SALE Commencing Mondny, Februory 4, Wo shall make the following prions; Iron Beds with brass knobs $3.00 Iron Beds with full brass roll C3.00 Extension Tables $4.50 and up Our Combination Dook Cases and Writing Pesk we make a 20 percent dircount from regular prices. Par lor Chairs Reduced in price. On Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Window Shades, we give 10 per cent from regular prices, . . which includes, Sewing, Laying nnd Paper. CHARLES HEILB0RN & SON The saiury of the master warden is nxed at the same amount, $2500, now received by Fish Commissioner Rped. The deputy warden is to have one thou sand dollars and expense's and the wat er bailiffs six dollars a day while ac tually employed. Hume's bill In many elher respi'cts Is the most drastic and voluminous bill offered on the fish question for years, Other Important events in the house the defeat of the Edson bill to make Incurable Insanity ground for di vorce; an accusation against the com mlttrti on comiiince, by MUler, cf j hol bng up the bill abolishing nickle-in- the-slot machines and the passage of a resolution relloving the committee of further consideration, which returns the bill to the house; defeat of Wat son's bill prohibiting free lunch in saloons; passage of bill by Simson mak ing It a crime to remove oysters, lobs ters, food producing fish or animals placed in charge of the t-'tate biolo gist by the federal government for propagation. Orion's bill to compel pay days to employes at least once a month ai d prescribing that payment be modo In lawful money, nd prohibiting, the use of time checks, due bills or script under penalty was defeated by a de cisive vote. The onty change on the senatorial vote was McQueen, who. voted for Her mann, after having supported Hon. Richard Williams, of Portland, for one day. Th3 Corbett strength Is still un impaired. The Democrat will contin ue to vote for Inman and are trying to convince themselves that the Her mann men will vote for their candi date rath"r thaiv let an adjournment take place without an. election of sen ator. If Impossible, to elect a Demo- excitement. The police department be liever t'. at organized attempts are be ing made to create panics In the big lrotels for the purpose of robbery. MILWAUKEE SENTINEL SOLD. "MILWAUKEE, Feb. 13.-The Mil waukee Sentinel has been sold to Chas. F. Pflster and another Republican cf this city. The Sentinel is the oldest newspaper in Wisconsin, having been established In 1&37. CARTER DENIED BAIL. Ex-Army Officer Remanded to Peniten tial y to Await Action of Supreme Court. LEAVENWORTH. Feb. 15. Ex-Cap. tain Oberlin M. Carter, U. S. A , serv ing sentence in the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth for defaulting the government on harbor contracts, today suffered another defeat, In his attempt to secure a release. Judge Hook, In the United States district court, refused to release the prisoner on ball and or dered that he be remanded to the penl- tentiary to await the action of the Unit ed States supreme court on an appeal In his habeas corpus case. I' S ... ASK FOR ... I "Charles Carroll" - 10c "General Good" - - 5c CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portland, Oregon