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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1901)
THB MORNING ASTOKUN, PKIIAr. PCBRL'ARY 18, 1901,, THIS SPECIAL SALiE'i OF LADIES' WRAPPERS AT PRICES THAT TELL Boo Our Window forTliom All contmcU for advcrtiHiiiK In 1l) AnUuUii lire iniiJc 011 u Kur antec of circulation four time laritcr lliaii that of any paper MiblUhcd or circulated hi nop county. TODAY'S WICATIIKU. PORTLAND, Feb. IS.-Wof.tcrn Ore gon, probably fair. In 1 h iiouth- rtl portion; W'u nlil iik n ft ml Northern Mull", grim ally fair. Ktern Oregon, fair. AROUND TOWN. Three fln.t-clni bnrbere at thi Oc cident main. tur i jMirl Wliitl. calm; weather liuy, lur, Moderate. I'urt Captain James 'J'i t ( 'ii In kuf frriiiK with tlio grip, ft (mi it A III"-1 w. i'f l'tlli, liit'l liiinliiciw In the city TtiTliy. Hirl.-tly fr-h i-kkh, two t-t--n f"r 4S trill, at llroa. I 8,, of Portland, left up on th niMin iruln yntprday. llr't llcnt meal. Rising Restaur hi. Ill Commercial klrwt. Th- steamer JrnnUt ha MtlU'J Iron) huii im:o for Dili port. WanHd -llouu' wotk or tieaning by the day Apply l3 Water St. Tli strainer t'ntcli lift Hun Fran-4-Im.ii f..r Anuria Wednesday. Jr(T r.ttaurant--tht largest and beat. A trial will convince you. The Iti UtMtt bark Port Carlisle l-ft Onlrta (or till orl February 10. Hamlin' $10 mil of Men' null lom Saturday night, February U 11 WT 15-CKNT MEAL; RISINQ BUN RKBTAURANT. $17, $16, wm I CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE LOT 1 81D.OQ I SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 16th. I S. DANZIGER WEEK IxuisiKir'n fin mil" "f Moil hum riw Hntur.liiy night, FVbrunry 11 BwB-t mvcj urtngeg from IS c'nii in 40 cull a docon, at Johnxon llroa Mm. Dr. Tulbot. of Portland, w tin- ki'i'mI of Astoria friend yenterday Fur aalA fresh milch cow, with air; apply to August Judis. Hklpunon Where dn vim K"t your Bunday din n.rT 1 takit tnlna at tht Contra) Hotel, Mr. nmt Mm. W. H. Htone. of pott, land, vIhIiimI frl'iiild In tin- city yv d-nlay. J. W. .Maxwell arrived from Tllla iniMik yesterday ami reglsteri'd at th I'ark-r. tin Moore, of Hun Kiuiirlmii. nrilvH hint evening mill I" Mopping nt the Vt'Mi'iil. J. It. ltli'hanliHin I down from li-r on bulnr itnd I registered a the Aslor, H. CallulHT vain" down from Tort land on the evening train. p-gWiertm at die Parker. The steainahlp Almond Rraneh um In from Seattle yesterday anil prif'-ed M up the r'vrr. L. Allilmff. icnremntliig Allen Power, of Portland, had business In i In- city yesterday. L. W. ll'-lnhanlt. of Portland, had buslnewt In the city yesterday, rglH lerlng at the Occident, 'Ha' French bark !ouet. grain ! di-ii (or Kurupe. -unw dowu the river (rum Portland yrsterduy. K. Him In. an. I E. II. Raldwln. of Cor. .alii, tamo In IuhI evening and nre iuurterc1 at the Parker. K. KlRinan and J. II. Iale came dowi from Portland on the evening train and gluten, I at the Occident. J $15, $14 Damlgr'i ' J10 Ja of MTi'g huUi cl'n Haturday night, February It. Tbn ateamer Columbia arrive 1 from Han FramlNco ytderday with little freight and few paawngerd. The French bark La fl.Khefoucauld arrived dwn the river yeaterdty w'lth a rarg'i of grain fr K'jrnpr Councilman Cook left for Halem yea terday morning tu look after the Inter ela of the Aatorlu charter amendment bill. The Oiriiwin nhlp Urunnhauaen arriv ed from Ouaywa yi-oterday. Hhe I under chartr to load wheat for Kn rope, Kliie ami ahlne; (I'.ld Hope, Thranli r. antl-truMt, union-made plug tobac ena. Hiive your tuga. They arc val uable. Mnjor Hiiilih, of the I'nIt'Nl Htal-a inmrleruiMHter'N olllce at thl pliu-v, hat ntiinied from a liunlneh (rip lo Port Siow uunti'd About 246'), dek"d mil piiriiciiliirly Mining; want It for lx month. H. T. Johnaon, llimthorn i atinery. The NorwrKlan teainlilp hkai-'nn i ume Into port yeterday morning ami proceeded to the 'Uiinnitlie Kiatlnri to uwult Innpectloii, Cr.nni pure ry. America' flneiit wiilfki y. Th. only pure :oda; guar untecd rich and mellow. JOHN L. t'Altl.KN. Solo Ag. nt. John A. Montgomery hit oper.el a hup Jt 41') Ilond utrc-t and In prepared to do all cltt" of plumbing and tin ning at th loweat ppittible ratei. Johiii"Mi l!n.. yi'Kierd.iy lnUlli. In their pliire of buxliifii a cunh r.'glitT of luti-Ht ilealgn and one of the finest iimiiufiii'tur.-d by the Nutlnnal peopl.-, Ifoalyn coal laata longer, la cleaner ind iii.ik- ! trotihlc with Mtove and chimney llu-a than any other. George W. tiiinbnrn, agent. Telephone 1311. A lecture will be given on Monday evening, Februnry 1H. In the bae.i:ent of (Jiiu'e church. Th aut'Ject will be "Venice." Adult, 25 cent; children, HI c-ntH. The tovbtt Oklnhama brought dn (r.nii I'lTll ind yealerday morning a lilledrlver engine tu be ue( by the O. It. ft N. t'o. iii rebuilding It wharf at llwaco. If you wuni grocerlea that aro gfo leiie. goods that aill on their mer its, gooda that make cutomeni and keep idem, go to A. W. Shipley, the reliable grocer. The Nuicy IUckenaon Welch Cabin o( Native liuughtem o( tin-gon gave a hall at FiHird & Stoke' hall lat veil ing, The dunce wiim thoroughly en- jnyeil by all present. iHttci.pathy'H aim I to remove the cause rather than treat Fymptoma of dlhcuNc. Consultation frv. Khoda t lllcks. I. !.. 673 Commercial street except Sundays and Mondays. If you've never tried our "Perfec tion lllend" Java and Mocha you've inls'M one of the pleasures of life. Our customers say It's the best In town; they ought toknow.-JOHNSON BROS. The young people o f the Iluptlrd church will have a valentine social n the basement of the church this even Ing at S o'clock. You are cordially Invited to be there. Valentine refresh ment served. Six men comprlalng the fire-room rew of the lighthouse tender Colum bine null the vetwel Wednesday a Portland. A new crew secured Bhortly ifterward left the boat for the same reason, that of dissatisfaction with the rations. Astor Union. Order of Washington. lebrated Valentlne'B day by giving grand ball at Hanthom'a hall last evening. A postofllce waa established i the hall and valentines to all ho attended. The evening was one of enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden celebrated the forty-fifth anniversary of their wedding Wednesday evening by tnter- tnlnlng a number of friends. Mrs. Holden received several very iretty presents as tokens of esteem, and the guests spent a few hours most ei.Joy ably. County Clerk Wherlty Is In receipt of a certified copy of a Joint resolution pased by the legislature to allow Clat sop county a credit of $2594.64 on the state tuxes of 1S92 on acount of an overcharge having been made. The cmllt Is not to be given until the bal ance of the tax still due the state and amounting to about $2400 Is paid. A report from The Dalles says the government has employed Taylor Hill. the well-known stockman of Crook county, to purchase 1000 horses, with qualifications suitable for use In the United States cavalry. This order will create quite a market for good horses end will add much stimulus to the al ready rising prices of horses. The regular monthly meeting of the Astoria Progressive Commercial Asso ciation will be held at Its rooms In the chamber of commerce building' this evening. Matters of great Importance to this city are to be discussed and It Is the desire of the committees who have reporta to make that every mem ber who possibly can will attend. Harry McDowell, formerly a resident, of Astoria, was found dead In hl bed yesterday at Chinook, where he hsa been employed for aome time. Heart (linens la supposed to have been the cause of his auddn death. He was forty years of age, a native of Boston, Mas., and has been on this coast for several years. He had no relatives In thla part of the country a far ax known. The Alaskan steamer City of Seattle, which ha been undergoing repairs for the past two weeks, Is practically fin ished and will sail North next Sunday night for Kkagwuy and Lynn canal and the steamer will undoubtedly have a full passenger and cargo list, as us ual. Th'-' word tme on U'V Hkagway route Is held by the City of Senile which has covered the dlstunce In a III tie over thrie days, making a round trip In seven days. The prospect fir the ncorporatio:i of the village of Seaside Is enc .uraglr.g A bill his b-en introduced In the as sembly by President Fulton and In th houM by Mr. Hahn. As the people of Seaside are anxious that their town i hull bo Incorporated at the present session of the legislature, the members of the Clutsop delegation will see to It (hut the bill gits hrough both houses, Tlie bill will doubtless I reported dur Ing the present week. The city board of cu..lixution wa In session yesterday uftemoori to pss upon the assessments made for the Im provement of Commercial, Kl'-vcnth and Seventeenth streets. Objection to th Seventeenth assessment were submitted by Jas. W.. John W. and l. H. Welch and an objection to the Eleventh street assessment was made by J. K. Fcrgu son, 'J. Wlngute, J, W. ' Suprenant, M I. Kent. J. 11, Manned, Mrs. C. A HaiiHon and II Wise, Mr. J. . Hamhorn, of ilim city, has recently be,.n In Port Angeles looking after the Interests of th,- Puget Found Packing Co.'s cannery td.tnt at tlu place. Arrangemints are making foi nulling up a u k if '.damn, i,nj ( netting the plant r aly for opt ration on the salmon run when the season ojn'iia. Mr. llurithorn will prt bably itlve the Angeles plant a rf'",l dal of his ieronal attentln during the torn ing year. J. P. Christ 'imen having charge in his absence. Citpuins Write and 'Young, In charge of the work of getting' the stranded bark PoltalliK-h off the beach at Token Point, have a crew of twenty-three men engac'd w-ith the work. The an chors are now all out to assist In keep ing her off and the one that Ib to do the kedglng in the dlrectjon desird has a steel cable 40H) feet lr. length attachej to It and tin anchor is In sewn fe;-t of water. The attempt will be mad during the high tld.-s of next week and If It is not succsstul then the men will be discharged and another attempt will be made during the high tide of next month. It Is slated positively that President Mohler, of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company, acting for the Union Pacific, has bought the North ern Pacific Interest In the old graded right of way between Portland and Tacoma, which was owned Jointly with the Oreat Northern. The sale was made originally to L. Oerllnger. of the Portland, Vancouver & Yakima Hue, and by Oerllnger was transferred to Mohler. The entrance of the Union Pa clflc to Puget sound over Its own tracks will make a connection direct with San Francisco and will leave this territory on the line of another transcontinental road. A musical performance of rare merit is assured In the appearance here to morrow afternoon of Paloma and Kar la Schram, the child pianists, who have played to delighted audiences In all the principal cities of the country, and are now making a tour under the manage ment of their father. These Infant pro digles are known as musicians of the highest order from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and their appearance here, as has Invariably been the case elsewhere, cannot fall to draw a large audience, This rare musical treat promised to Astoria people Is due to the efforts of the Women's Club, under whose auspices the performance Is to be given. The program will open at 2:30 at Hanthorn's hall. Admission, 60 cents; children un lor twelve, 25 cents. Lamps Oil Heaters Agateware Jardinicrs China Crockery Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Arlwarc. Great American ImportinE Tea Co- 571 Commercial Street, Astoria, ff Special Salc M a Bottom R Prices if yftomev if Just h 'Ell Jm LASS of paid win's Celery Soda eura s liMuliM-b t one. It In pin, ant, ! i M.i. rffurTmoenl drink that eUHmtnml'ntclr. Itclsan sn4 par (lien tli Uiu..elj. Ki-ullf quint th urrn nd rll-i- nit ,a.a. It ouraa tirk and lirToiinb-lieh-.elrkPnsn'l m-n-Ul ftl,u. IOC, 28c, OOc, 1.00 FRANK HART. iicror in Th. Olson. 800-2 Com. Bt It. Is five months ago today sl-ce the big German ship Petep Rlckmers call ed fnmi Hong Kong f.,r this p'.rt. The passage I ordinarily made In about fifty days, so that the big ship might be considered over three months over due. The fact that reinsurance Is not being paid on her Is becaune she de parted from the usu il route across the Pacific, and struck off down the China was. Just why the master chose this route Is uncertain, but it Is sjpp'S d to be on account of unfavorable winds that blow over the North Pacific at the season of the year when the I!ick mers was getting away from the Ori tnt. Five government transports have within the past fortnight assembled In the harbor of Seattle to receive or ders. Of these at least four have been, or will be shortly, leleised from the further service In the quartermaster's department. The action of the war de partment In dlsp-naing with the .t vlces of these vessels portends a radi cal departure in the method of ship ping supplies from the S iund for the army In the Philippines. It is unof ficially staled that except in the ca-e of animal transports, the quartermas ter's department will hereafter rely on established lines of sUam.'rs p'ying between Seattle and Manila in for warding forage, lumber and other army stores to the far East. A very pretty home wedding took tdace at the residence of the ' bride's motjr, Mrs. E. Layton, 3S0 Seven teenth street, Thursday afternoon, when Miss Lorene Engle Layton. of Port land, and Mr. Elmer C. Smith, of this citv. were -united in marriage by Rev. W. S. Short, of the Episcopal church. The bride and groom entered the par lors to the strains of Lohengrin's Brid al Chorus, played by Miss Charlotte Layton, sister of the bride. The bride wore a becoming gown of white or eandie and carried a boquet of bride's nwes. After the ceremony a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home at 380 Seventeenth street after February 22. Astoria peo ple will welcome Mrs, Smith to her new home and extend heartiest con gratulations to the happy pair. Mr. Smith has for several months occupied the position of cashier for the O. R. & N. Co. in this city, and if his suc cess In that capacity as a very genial, efficient and popular official is an Index to the future, we bespeak for the pret ty bride a worthy husband. WHAT OCR FLAG STANDS FOR. Wherever the American flag Is raised in token of sovereignty. It stands for liberty. Independence and equality, What our flag is to the nation, Hostel ler's Stomach Bitters Is to the Individ ual, Inasmuch as It not omy gives you freedom from your ailments but pro tects your system in such a manner that they cannot return. When your stomach gets out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you are so nervous that you toss about all night, unable to sleep, you should cer tainly try It, because It will strengthen your stomach, steady your nerves, and Induce sound healthy sleep, and for In digestion, constipation and biliousness, there Is nothing to equal It. Rheuma tism is also counteracted by Its direct action on the kidneys. UP-TO-DATE COAL CARRIER. The I. L. Elwood 9 a steel steamer, 498 feet In length. 62 feet beam. 30 feet depth and of 50S5 gross tons. She re cently carried the largest cargo of coal ever shipped out of Buffalo, almost S000 tons, consigned to the R. P. El more Co., at Milwaukee. WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR iGROCEPJES? HAVE YOU TRIED A. W. SHIPLEY? 658 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there is to be had In the city for the least money? Plaoe an order once and see. THE PLACE TO BIY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIE9 BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. jKOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled beer for .amlly use or keg fp Jnhn TTnnn f nrnnrl otstf vnulra I K.a .MtiRlUJ a -ri i ho&P frit AfTYMt urA arnftvt traY v- w uwa.w miw viv. j ItJ UIC UCTt North Pacific Brewery Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief Sores INFLAMMATION or PAIH inside or oat. USdl IllterilJll 1 V I Iwas 'ldenly taken very 111. excrutlatlng J pain inchest and very great weakness, great. flTirpil ORTP f!olrl Trinntnoria uroP of rsn-piratlon coming out of every Olires UAiTi lpnUienapore. Mysklniumedblueamllieltl could Sore Throat, Oninsv. Asthma.!not11 eunbi,ur- To wait fur doctor would V. I h.vHtAn l.trt (...A n n t in tills ovtva.n.ltv f rt .r. rt Viuup, crUHUUUS, Haar8eneS3,iUKkone tatle-ionful of Dr. Conner's Uol PVill TT,-m A -p den Kelief in the same of water and waa yu, oaiu Suc, x Ui Ul uig r evera.oour otomacn, uouc, Heartburn, Stomachache. Chol era Morbus, Cholera,Diarrhoea,! Dysentery, Flux, etc Used Externally Cures Fresh Cuts, Jams, Sprains, i' e uta a?'J for Fo,er"1 '.U11'.1 p"-8 n Felons, Burns, Cold3ores.iHead:it",YB fuund 11 unfaiUng- "" aches. Backache, Earache, In- FLAt W(K)D8 w. Vfct March Bt lfl00 grOWUlg nailS, COrnS, Kheuma-! Our little Aldlne a) months old had summer tism. Rusty nail thrust in flesh.iSStEia Chilblains, FOlSOn IVY, BlteS &We feared he would die. Wethencommeuced ne c t.: r in using Vt. Fenner's Golden Relief and it OUUXS Ul ruiSUUUUS kepuie9 ana insects. 1 St. Vitus' Dance. For Fall Information ofthis and other druggist or send to Dr. Fenner, Fredonla, some of the most remarkable Caret aver GRAND ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL BY THB SONS OF HERMANN Tuesday Evening, February 19, 1901 Eight grand, first and second prises will be given away to the best sus tained character and to the finest cos tume. . Muslo by the Columbia Orchestra, augmented. The committee In chaxg promises a good time and all are Invited to attend. MASKED GENTS $1.00 MASKED LADIES 50 SPECTATORS 50 HILOREN 50 C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 753 Commercial St., ASTORIA. OR. TELEPHONE. RED 2061. For Gentlemen who cherish Quality. For Sale by FOARD & STOKES CO, Astoria, Oregon. A thin worreon can nad. but a fat wo man can only wear tight clothes and look uncomfortable. A GENTLEMAN'S 5?.!0! Is what cigar la. It will llekle the palate of the fastidious without de pleting his pocketbook. There n't a cigar rolled that Inert hi so much pleasure, richness or perfect aatla faction hidden In its folds for th money as thvre Is In a GENERAL GOOD for five cents. A box of these luscious cigar, ho)ild.,b ,oa every man'a dreswr. WILL MADISON I In lh ll. ' have ven too late ana in this extremity I - quickiy and permanently relieved. F. P. Fix nek, 30 N. Washington St. Rochester, S. AprU Sf, 1B0. Libertt. Pa.. March, 11, 1900. I have used Ir. Fenner's Golden Hellef In 'rny (amlly foryears. It permanently cured me or a very lame oaca. 1 nave um-u h tor n.ilnar n,;.lL.I.. t.ftll:ilie l.pu,lio vnw effected a quick and permanent cure. Mrs. Jobs M. Sharks. "Akron, O., Jan. I. uoo. We have 1I ruuij damu of f-our SlVltut' luu.c Suwitlc, .ml erery cn wu eared by L lltu proTed blewlog. ALULXCLARK DUL'U CO." of DR. FENNES'S PRE8CKIPTI0N8, aakyour N. Y. (or pamphlets containing certificates of achieved by medicine. REPORT OF WATER COMMISSION. ASTORIA, Oregon, January 15, 1901. To the Hon. Mayor and Common Council of Astoria, Oregon Gentle men: In accordance with section 155 of the city charter, we herewith re port the receipts and disbursements for the quarter ending December 31, 1900, to be as follows: GROSS RECEIPTS. For the month of October, 1900 From account of water rates i 3,349 45 Tapping mains 3 54 Delinquent charges 5 35 I 2357 20 For month of November From account of water rates Tapping mains Delinquent charges I 2251 05 7 09 7 71 I 3376 30 For the month of December- From account of water rates Tapping mains Delinquent charges I 2226 6 2 50 6 00 I 2234 00 Total receipts for quarter... $ 5867 60 Balance in general fund at date of last report, October 18, 1900 $15,325 it Total 323,192 78 DISBURSEMENTS. Salary of superintendent $ 375 00 Assistant 210 00 Keeper at power house 75 00 Keeper .-it head works 60 00 Clerk 225 00 City attorney 30 00 Treasurer, year 1900 12 00 Janitor 15 00 Rent of office and shop 75 00 Distribution system extension 139 95 General expense 27 41 Repairs to mams ' 10 60. Conduit 25 85 Power house 45 00 Telephone line 7 00 Office expense 17 90 Reservoir. No. 2 20 Stationery and printing ,35 75 Office furniture 1 05 Tools 8 30 Bear Creek water shed, (140 acres) oO 00 Record! ntr deed to above land.. 1 45 Clark & Buchanan for expert- ing books 270 00 Advertising 9 00 Transferred to sinking fund... 1,715 19 Interest on bonds (semi-annual) 8060 00 $ 11.741 19 Leaving balance on hand In ireneral fund of $11,451 1 Respectfully submitted, THE ASTORIA WATER COMMISS'N, Attest:- C. I. WRIGHT, J. H. MANSELL, Chairman. Clark. ,