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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1901)
TMBMORSlXG AST6HUX.tlAAXY,"l,CrtfcWR1 I.V 1901. rr Tilephone Main 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year.... $6.00 gent by mull, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month 60 ' STTMT-WICKKLT. Sent by mall, per year, In advance, 12.00 AH communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to "K.Utor Astorun." Uuslhcss communications f all kinds and remittances must he addressed to "The Astorian Publishing- Co" The Astorlun guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- luatlon to the business manager. Last Saturday's Philadelphia Times contains a lengthy communication from Baker City, this state, eulogizing Let Bon Iialllot and his mouthpiece, the Ba ker City Herald, "the leadir.g puper of the Northwest." The part which Mr. Ballict has played In the development of Eastern Oregon Is pictured In glow ing terms, the history of his difficul ties with the Baker City Herald and his purchase of th plant are fully told and last, but by no means least, the prominent (?) position which that won derful (?) piper holils in Northwestern journalism is emphaslted. In the words oi Ma limes correspondent, The pi per was pushed rapidly to the front, until today the Baker City Herald is the leading paper of the Pacific North west." We fancy that this win be in teresting news to the Portland Oregon Ian, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and a few more of the secondary she Us of the Northwest which have been sj speedily outclassed by their formidable rival at Baker City. Mr. Balliet is certainly to foe congratulated for h's enterprise, not In owning the best pa per in the Northwest but In having as so earnest an advocate a man whose unparalleled capacity for lying quali fies him for a prominent position on the San Francisco Examiner. FROM OREGON EDITORS. For assessing purposes Croker is worth more money in England than in New Turk. St. Louis will show the world what a ereat fair really looks like if others pay the bills. Men who danced with the queen bid fair to rival in multitude the nurses of George Washington. Senator Town-; evidently thinks the Filipinos every bit as capable f self- government as he is. They may tie Mrs. Nation's hands, but she will probably use her tongue to make them sorry they did it. Minister Wu's plea for Confucianism would he stronger if he had some other sample to show than China as it now exists. Edward the Seventh will have plenty to do to keep his empire up to a stand ard where it can compete with Ameri can industry. Mrs. Nation has declined to act in "Ten Ninhts In a Bar Room," but she might possibly consent to be the star for one night in ten bar rooms. THE EXCLUSION QUESTION. Butte Inter-Mountain. As the section most deeply interested In the matter, California is taking the lead in the effort now being made to make certa'n the re-enactment of ihe Chinese exclusion act, which expires by 'imitation next year. To this end Rep resentative Kahn haslntroduced a bill to extend the provisions of the existing act to 1922. , It was in 1882 that the first act ex cluding Chinese laborers was pass"d. It expired in 1S92, and the present law. which Is much more effective and sweeping than the first, was passed in that year. ,. At that time the Japs had not shown any inclination to come to this country, so that they were not Included In rhe provisions. In 1891 there were but 2000 Japanese in the United States, Including students, merchants and laborers. Since then, however, there has been a great influx of Japan ese. It wa.s particularly heavy in I960, and It is understood' that this was largely due to the f?ar of the Japanese that their country was about to engage I" ?. great war with Russia. Whatever may have been the cause, this govern ment considered the matter of sufficient Importance to call the attention of the Japanese government to It with the result that such Immigration was !m- mediately decreased. There are, how ever, 'so many Japanese now In ihe country that the Pacific coast people generally demand that the exclusion In extended to Japan. Prof. MUuskuri, of th University of Japan, protests against such action. He says it wou'd certainly give his country greater offense than an open declara tion of war. He points out the wide difference between the Chln sc and Jap anese, and while admitting that the lower dosses of his countrymen who have come to the I'nited States may contain some und'Virable elements, j states that this in ly be easily remedied I by a diplomatic arrangement between J the two cjuntries. Japan, he says, has j had a long struggle l" recovering ihoo ritrhts as an Independent stat which ' she was forced to suniiid't- to foivisn j nations at the beginning- of her inter- i course with them, anil in ..btainiiig a ; standing in ihe civilize.) world. If now j her old friend, who n ay be said in j some s-ns-; to be almost responsiM-.' for having started her up in this career. should turn her back on her and say 1 she would io longer associate w ith her j on equal terms the ro.-e.-tm r.'. must r.(Cf-sariiy be very bitter. j It is quite plain that the extension of the anti-Chinese act. without modi - . i, fications. to Japan, wculd cost us the friendship of Unit nation, an 1 while , there worm to be mtle doubt a to ,,e action congress w ill take with r.-g-.i .1 . to the Chinese, this r.ew phas of the exclusion question is entitled t oii .tul consideration, parti uiarly as it been shown that the Japanese govern ment is entirely ali!e to control the emi- sration of the coolie classes t cou tries where their arrival might be object on- "ess of the Rio Grande gold gravel ex ,,,.,... . , iceds in many places 600 feet, or nearly able and ten! to disturb goeermental ; thPoe times that of the like beds in relatijns. i California, while the average value per TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ' ah aruggisu refumi the money f it ; fails to cure. F. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2c. There is something radically unnat ural about the youth who gives thanks f:r paternal restrictive advice. PILL'S OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Banner Sa:ve in curinsr plies. It is ;u.iranteJ. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. If young Americi hal his way. there would be rone but felt or woisted slip pers for house use. FROST BITES AND CHILBUVIN3 quickly cured by Banner feilve. the most healing rvm-rdy in the w.irld. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The alarm clock is a faithful s-rvan: and an unmerciful master. Fatal dilays are caused by exD-.ri menting with cough and cold cures. Foley's Honfcv and Tar will rrevent 1 a coia iron resulting in pneumonia. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The contents of the cradle move th world. ' I have always used Foley's Honey j and Tar c-jugh medicine and th:nk it , the best in the world." says chas. ! Bender, a nwadtaler of Erie, Pa i Nothing else as god. CHAS. ROG-I ERS, Druggist. j Ir. some lines of acCHiipn-hmet mar. muM become paretic b-f r- h- is ,.-n-sidercd brilliant. A MISUNDERSTANDING. i Misunderfctood symptoms of dis -.-se i iead uoctois to :rat something else -.vhf.ii the kilneys are out of ord-"r Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you nealth when other medicines hav- fail ed. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. Th? collet;? student who is profl.-i'.-iit In languages and muhemaUes gen erally has an original phonetic svst-fio of spelling. FR EQUENT r-QUGH I NG inflames the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the coughing and heals th lans. The ordinary cough medicines which ate simply expectorants, will not da this, as they keep )) lungs irri tated in throwing off the thle-'rn CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Leave it to a jury of inmate--, aril every insane ay!um ke.:-per in the coun try will be adjudged insane. W. L. Yancy, P.ujucati, Ky.. writes: "I had a severe case of kidney d.sease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without .tuccess. i was indued to try Fo'ey's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gav' im mediate relief and Hire- bottle curtd me permanently. I gladly i'-,-ornrneri',j this wond'-rful r-m.-itv." rjfAS POf ?AiS, Druggist. A good show is bcter th?n a toor serin jn. SOMETHING NfTW, Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. la a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon which in cludes an excellent map of the state and contains information on clirrate' lands, education, etc., existing ' indus tries. and their capabilities. Attention Is also directed to .-.j,h new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perlenced by Oregonlans. n ren'vlnir tr :opies may be had of local awm Southern Pacific Co., or from C H MARKHAM. G- p- A.. Portland. Or These tiny Caosules ar. s...... vi n,i.; . -------r"r u uuimuii oi VOpaiDa CURE IN 48 HOURSWIDY .uucu fir nfBt.nnc n me same diseases w;th- out inconvenience, Sold y alt rru AN INCOME FOR LIFE FROM GREATEST Of GOID PROPERTIES 36S0 ACRKS-9 MILES IN LKXC1TH 234 MILLION TONS. Richest gold-btarlng quarts, ground by natures hand Into gold-laden gravel. from 50 to 600 feet In depth over the entire property. In addition the cuiniany i wna 14 miles in length of ri.r bed, euh mile of which contains many millions of gold, situated on ihe Kio Grande, in Taa county. New Mex ico. OYI2U For Dividends READ THE PROOFS United States Official Report MADE TO COMMISSIONER, OF THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL LAND OF FICE, WASHINGTON. D. C. I ,,,,,. , , . a geologist and mining expert of j worldwide reputation. Professor Ben- 'jatnin Silliman, who sn.nt several montns "Uicted w ith the United States surveying corps : nd in his official report says: ( -Here are countless millions of tons . of riin koM fluarti reduced by the sreat forces of nature to a condition r -ady for the application of the hydraul ic process, while the entire bed of the R:o Grande for-over forty miles is a sluice, on the bars of which the gold derived from the wearing away of the gravel banks has been accumulating for countless nges, and now lies ready for extraction by the most approved methods of river minlnsr. The thick. I in the New Mexico beds than In any 'ether such accumulations yet disoov- ered. - have maJ, - recnnnfsnnee f ih whole of this gravel along the i Rio Grande, and have examined w ith all the care possible In the time at my 'command the character of the gravel nn.1 its contents of gold. Nothing. I , am persuaded. .;ince the discov- ery of California and Australia Is com . parable for Its immeasurable resources of gold available by the hydraulic pro cess to the deep placers of the Rio Grande, Other reports from eminent mining experts of national reputation pro nounce the property of this company the richest and most extensive known. Capital Stock $2,000,000 FULLY PAID AND NON-AS SESSABLE. PAR VALUE $1. EACH SHARE One-half the entire capital stock has been placed In the treasury of the com r any as a working capital. To comnb-te Pessary ditches and place on the river nej several gold steam dredires. the company row offers a limited number of its shares .at 50c PER SHARE AFTER SALE OF WHICH PRICE WILL BE ADVANCED TO m SHAR Applications should be sent promptly, fl rite for prospectus. Make checks, ni. pey orders payable to Rio Grande Placer Gjld Mining Co. 7 EXCHANGE PL'CE. BOSTON.MASS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable among the pleasures afford ed by the Snaata, Route is the win- ter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with, inis section win ever develop rresn points of Interest and added industries, in its prolific vegetation and among Us numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two dally Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most ap proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue hi effect. Illustrated guides to the winter re sorts of California and Arizona may be had on application. C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. V T 9 T--"y vrir . rt r w w 9 ri For Bilious aid Wcvous Litorder, luch t 4 ' Wind and Hain in ihe Stomach, Sick Headache, 1 Giddines, Fuln:s and S"ciiint afiermetl,Dii- , ' tineas tnd Drow:!ieas. Cold f ;!ia. Fluahing t of J . Heal, Lonof Appeiin, ShoriiiCfsol Breaih.Coa- j tiveneas, Blouhes on th Skin, bisturhed Sleep, , Frihiful Dreams, and all Nervous andTrembl- J ing Senssiions, ci:. T':ese laments all trihe . dom a disordrr-d or abused condition of ihe J stomach nd liver. ' Beeehmm'm Plllm, liken at directed, will 'i quickly restore lenia c I J cjniuleie health. 7 hcy J , r'omplly rtmove any obstruction or irregularity t ol Ihe system. For a . . '.Veak Stomach, Impaired DiztMtlon, Sick Headache, biwrJered Liver, etc., t tiieyact like matic-a few doses will work won- 4 ders upon fhe Vital Organs; Strengthening the .Muscular System, restoring ihe long lost Com- '. pltxion, bringing bsck the keen edge of Appetite, and arousing with the Ronohud of Hmmlth tbmnrhotephytlualauarffyot the humm lume. For throwing or fevers they are specislly renowned, ihcseare (act ajmiticd oy tnou- I Mnds, in all classes of society, and one of the bcsl guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitate J ' is that Bechnn'm Pllln htv th Laraeut Sale of mny Patent Madi- vine In Ihe World. This hnm been achieved wilnout ihe publication of levtlmonluls, tho fact being that Beech am' a Plllm rocommond them solves. beechsm's Pills hsve for many years been the Copuier family medicine wherever the English inguage ia spoken, and they now aland without rival. ' 10 cents and 25 cents, at all drug stores. ' Annua! sala ,000,000 boxes. 1(1(1 UILLION DOLUKS 8EST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger 8ervlc via fhe Northwestern feino.. Eight Trains Daily between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars. Library and Observation Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, The 20th Century Train Runs Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric liii'itcil .S.cjin Domed THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC, GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the REST LINE between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Norihwestern Line W. II. MEAD. II. L. SISLKR. General Agent. Trav. Agent. :fS Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Taul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" tra ns every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with .ill transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best sendee known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no othe. line. fefe that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. V. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trav. P.iSb. Agt.. Gen. Agt.. Poniard. Oregon. Portland Ore. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlrlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you win make direct connections at si. raul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call jd any ticket egent. or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO Sc NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. Ii Travel UXURIQUS The "Northwestern Limited" trsins, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out. and steam heated, are with- oui exception, the finest trains In the wsrld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations ana all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the ramous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the inienocKing uiock system. W. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't, Portland. Ore. TUB LOUVRE HtrauKera viHitinjf in tne city will find the Imvre an attractive reHort wherein to spend the evenintf. The Amme Hintfirs Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical procram of exceptional merit, Handaome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the liouHe. Palatable lunches will be served at all nours H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. Ett Duane St, Astoria. Or. Vf. J. COOK. VXt Res. Tel. 11IL 11IF III! II' flliliiT ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Usr. "1." P0'n,rZ 1 ArrWa",fvortland Union DepotllLiO a m, 7;0p,ni.for Astoria and lnter-;40 p.m. Imediatu points. . ""-"- ASTORIA. 7.45a.m.For Portland A in-Ill :Ma.ia. e.iu p in iierm.Miatu points Iw.sop.m, BKA81DB DIVWION. ASTORIA 7 :40 ft. Ill 4 !. Ill II (Ma m (I U . III. !i:.aiii in it I"' m. i.M) . in. SEASIDK l in lit Sunday urn) All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pacltlo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent WHITE COLLAR UNI Sir. MKUCt'l.KS takes the place of HA 1 1 MY OATZFRT i Tel. phone Dock), Coin, i b, a River and Puget Sound Nav Igatlou Company. Th Hercules leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day tit 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N. tickets and llwaco Ry & Nav. Com. xuiy iiiKets interchangeable n Her cuiis aiui llassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta rroir. i.wucu ami Long Ueiich points, leleiitnille .No. 111. A. J TAYI.or, Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. rvnland Agent rivin 5cm:iH)i.e. Kron, lortUiitt. PKP.tKf Aaain Hi lens . Silt Like. Denver, Ft Portland w iiiili.oniiilia Kan fpecUl n iiiy, m l.inii,, 9 I. '. ni I'll i-,i( , itinl lit j , Salt Like, Ileiirer. Ft .At'antli' i.orti, Kan r xprvui , i-nv. si I. .ni,, 9 . P.'.!"-... ' I''' ao and KaM , VV ilia Wa la. l..'rMui. 4 p. in SiKikaitr ikno Mir. neat). pikaiii Viler. IK mi I'.nl, iMIIUtll, Milwaukee, 'ticKu anil Kaal s Hi a in 6 p. In. K om Aatortn (KEaN STHAM3HIP3 All -Hllliin balra nib Jecl In rliaiiKe. Vir -an Krancno.-rVal -ni ii ii In Itlv-r ste im ' lo I'nrtliiiiil an I M t I. til luii a in K Miiula) 4a nKi Mo day ..earn wii.i.4mkitv u,vr 4 at) o. iu Ta. m. lVlllainilt. amlVain a , i tn Tuei.Ihlir lilllKlvara WO'L.Wwt and Sat. "nr. n t'ttr. Iaytiu A Way I anilmir ud rn. Kiparla lv dljr 3 4, a. ui. 5nak Blvtr. Itiliarla tu U-wlitun I.T Uwtull) ' y.uu a ia dam Will........ Tuen.Thm Per land I, f.,r. .-.IIU u ' . " ......n... ni. vr Mlti..l. ....I u. .......... . ..'.,, ,u 1 j "" "ni i.aminiK' rrlilay , O, W. LOUN8 BERRY, . u. JiuitLuuRT. Ag't. AstorU. wn. a., m i. i-oruana. or., POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE PlCTO(V WE HAVE 2-DailyFastTrains-2 TO I HE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PA LACK SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) r.An FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicatjo, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, lioston, And Other Eastern I'oints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your interest tn u thb uvciiuainu limited. Tickets and Rieeping-car berths can be secured from u. W. liOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria. Or.. OR J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent. 136 Third St., Portland. Or. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER "1 "A O OGDNaaxAsW Jl W m IVnot. Fifth nnd I Slnet Overland Express Trains for Hnlem, Roseblirg, Ash land, Sacramento, t'gden. Sun Fran cliK'o, Mojavs, Is Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and tha East. Arrlv 7:n0 p. m H IH a m 3;30 a.m '7:00 p.m At Woodburn (dally except Sun- till VI lllill'lllllS triiln connevts with train tor Mt. An gel, Hllverton, Brownsville, SprliiKfleld. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. Corvallls passen 117:30 a.m liJ:50 p III ger, Sheild l!:50 p m herldan passen- S:2Ja ill 5 Dally. Dully except Siliiday. Rfbntu tickets on sala tii'tivrn Purl land. Sacramento and San Pmnelm-o .Net rates $17 first class and $11 atond claim, Including sleeper. Rates and tickets in Eaatern unlnta and Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono lulu Mini Australia. Can he obtained from J. II. Klrkhiiut Ti.-k ei Xu.'tii 111 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot of J.'ffertsim St. Iave for Oiswego ,inV at 7 JO. 9.4$ . m; ij:jo. 1:65, J:J5. 6:15, 6 :!5. I: OS. JU p. m. and 9 a. m. on Sundtiv oniy. Arrive at Portland daily at l $5 S:."!!). 10.50 a. m.: 1:36. 1.15. 4:30, S.JO, io. 10:U0 p. m: 12:40 a m. dullv ri cept Monday; 8:30 and 10 05 a. m. on sununys only. Leave for Dallas dully, eicept Bun ilay. at 4:30 n. m. Arrive si Portland at v.m a. m. maBenger train leaves Dallna for Alrlee Jlotiduvi. Weiliiimlava anil F"rt days at 1:45 p, m. Returns Tuesdays, inursuuys ana Saturdays. "f.xcept Punrlay. R. KOKHLER. Manager. C. H. MARKHAM Oen. Frt. and Pa. Agt. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST QUICKEST LINE TO St.I'aul, Diilulfi. Minneapolis, rhicaso and All Points East DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIMK; BEIL ICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, I'uuiiK nii'i nuiii'i Hinoklng Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry.. on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Oflloe. Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full informa. tlon regarding Eastern triD. call on address. A. B. C. DENNIKTON City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Ives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line or the Rio Grande Bcenlc Lines. .OOK AT THE TIME. 1 J Days t Suit Luke. 2J Days to Denver. Days to diieugo. 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, unholntere,! tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman nal- ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRT. W. E. COMAN, Trav. Pass. Agt., Gen. Agent. n inira hi., rortiana. or. Or O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. & N. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Ofllce of C. Q. M., Vancouver Riir racks, Wauli,, February 12, 1901. Scal ed proposals, in triplicate, will b re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m. March 12, 1901, and then opened, for furnlnhlng fuel at the sevr-ral military posts Iri this department, and at Camp at Skagway, Alaska, and at Fort Llscum (Port Valdez), AloHka, for lin eal year commencing July 1st, 1901. In formation furnished here or by quar termasters at posts. U. S. reserve right to reject or accept any ar all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should h marked: "Proposals for fuel at " and addressed to undersigned. J. W Jacobs, C. Q. M. AND , (Miuiurrs saijc. 1 ly virtus of an e "cut Ion and order i f siilu liwued nut of the Circuit Ourt of tha Hints of Oregon, for tha Couaty of Cln t nop, mi the soth day of January, ))Hi, upon a Judgment and doi-reo ran ileied iheri'in un ihn lth Oay of Mareh, IK, in favor f J. T. Rons, J. 10. Hlg tilnx, II. C, Thompson and 10. Z. Hr hiikoii, purineia lining biiDii'ss under the Mi in natiii of Itoaa. 1 1 lUK 1 lis at Co., I liilntlPs, mid ujialhMl HMilh . Hnilth, May II, Hnilth, A. t. KlahiT and It. :.. 11 nl 'ivsmi, ilcfxiiiiaiiis, fur the sum or $ailii.ti, tog tier with thn rosta; an4), diahuiatiii.euiN n( tlrta "uctinii" h.-liHu' I.U-il nl $.'0.W ti,Ki'thi'l' ivllh lllteival tlK'teoii fim the isth dny of Maroli. h''S, nt the rati of Id r t't'ii t per an mini until paid, mid the ioi nf and imhi thin Mi-it I'oiiiiiiaiidiiig and re Milll'lng pie In lutika Ctile of I lie oov. 'UK ilrfi'l lli'd ii'rtl prop, i t y, to. wit; ItloiLa la, 17, in, 14 ami 20. In Uio I'own nf Meulld, as laid out and r I'oi'ilnl Py Hilns It. Hnilth, in the County of i'"i, Slille of ('recoil. Nolli e In Iter -by glvi'll Unit I w ill on Momliiv. the Uli .lav f Mai'i'h, I'WI, at tin' In ur nf 10 oYh k III Ihe fornOo of aaiil ilay, In front of and at tha (Mill lloilmt ,,Mir, III (he City nf A (oll.i. I'l.itHop Colllll), Olrguli, ae nt I'lllilK aiii ll in In I lie Mullen! Iil(,er fur i-.ii, tlx nliovn i'rlb''d reiil pii'ji'-rty, ei so much thereof as may b uncos h.uv to ntUfy the Jiiilumeut, interest, co,, i 1111,1 nl) uei I'l'lnif t'osla. THOMAS 1.1 n villi:. Mietl'f ,if Chltaop County, Oregon. Astoria nieyoti, J.inuury 31, 1!H)I. notice ok ph.inu hp special assessment n 41. Nolle,, la lieiiby slvrn that the board f aa.seaani-a have i-oinpleleil Ihn a tier- lul uaaeaami'lll for the Improvement nf oiuniei, u, street fr.. the rat I, tie f l'oiirte, nth Mr t to the vnat linn t Seventeenth aiiiit, uml have rrprt I lh" taim to the i'oiiiiiioii fiiiinilt nf the elty of Atoiln. and the aanie has lie.-ti ni'tl with the auditor and poll, Indue and iniinid and iiiiinh. re,! Hiee. li! Ai-iii. nt Roil ,Nn, , an,) IS i-iMiiiiillti-e on nlieeta and public ways 'f the common eoumll of aaiil i lly liaa Ixi ll ilpilntil to liie. t with the i,rd of aHK. ,,ia on ,e Hid ,ay f .Vbru .it y. I'."d. at tho hour nf t o'rloca, pt in. of nlil ilny, In the eouiiell fltMili lr of the rltv hull of aald ilty. Ihn iiikI there to I'otiaUli-r, review, eorr-ct m. I itit,ile aall Special Ae-.meit Roll No 41. Any peraon iilije,-un 0 iil, aia auieni niiiat rile hla objerduiia thereto m writing with (he aulltor and pollee Jll llje. U. NEI.SON. Amtltor and Police Judgn of the City of Aalotirt, Oregon. I'ute of iltat publication. Jan. SI. 190J. NOTICE KoR PUHLICATION. t'iitte.1 States lAtid Offlre. St Orrgon city, Ores-oii, Ivc. 2S. 1JO0: Nitiir la hereby given that In coin. (liutice with tho provisions of th act f eoiiirn-sis of June 3. 1HM, mill! d "An u t for the aale f 1 1 m I t in tha tat, of California, Oregon, Nvata .hi I Washington Territory," as rttend-- I '' all the Public !nd States by act f Atwuat 4. IVj;, Chriatlan 1'eteraon. of i Un, ). county ,,f I'latwp. Stale of '"eK,,ti. iu iha day nleil In thin oftleo hit awori iiomu No. tnj. riif th I !" "f Ihe NE ipiarter nf section ' .i. in InMtinlilp No. 6 north. ' K" No went, and will offer m f to how that the land nought la re valuable fur !te timber or atons than for agricultural purpoae, and lo -i ia 1 . 1 1 m it hla i l.ilin (o aali land befnrS Ihe rruUlrr mill rreelv r nf this orn. a ii or.K,, city, Ori'Koti, on Thuradsy, he I'.th day ,,f April, 1901. lie niiinea ,ia nltneaaea: ll.-orit Mi-- I'.i'l.nid. iluat Adolph, Alexander Nor ni.iiid. I'n-derl'k Notmand. al of Ol- in v. i lataop county. Or. iron Any and all peraoiia claiming sd-ierai-y the ntiove-deacrlb'-d lands sr re.iieHted i fi iheir clulnia In this ttlce on or before aald 2Mb da of pril, l'Ml. ('HAS. It. MOORES, Reglatr. notice of sale. Iii Hi,- County Court In and for JrW. noii County. Orrgon. In the matter of the eatiite ot Tliaddeus W. Harclay, I 'eceaai-d. Notice w hereby alven that under and hv virtue of an order of sale mads by the Hon. County Court of Jackson 'utility, Oregon, dated January 7th. I and recorded In volume 12 of ths probate records of said county, on page ': I will on anl after March 1st. IWil, proceed to sell nt private rals. r r i iiah. lots 24 and 48 In block I. of the town of Flavel Onter, Clatsop "win y. Oregon, and the 8. E. i of -ei-tii.i, io. In twp. ( N, of range 21 W r w. ,m. in suld Clatsop County. 1ERTRHDE HA UCLA T. AiliiilnlMtratrlx of estate of Thoddeus w. Harcluy, Deceased, Ashland, Ore. I. HRI008. Atty. Anhland, Ore. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 3. Notice In hereby irlvcn that the board of iinHennor have completetl the spec nil aHHesNtnimt for ihs improvement of I' veriin street, rnm the south lino of ''uiiikllii avenue to the north lias of Harrison avenue, and have reported the same to the common council of the rlty of Astoria, and the same has l"-'n fllid with the auditor and oollcs Judge uml named and numbered Spec ial AHseMNini-nt Roll No. 39, and tha committee tin street and nulilln wsvi f the common council of said city has o"n appointed to meet with the board r lutsiMHtirs on the 14th dny of Febru. "ry, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. . oi Hani tiny, in tne council cham bers in the city hall of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct and efu,izc tlli$ 8ieelal Assessment Roll No. 33. Any person objecting to Hiild assessment must file his objections thereto in writing with the auditor "id police Judge, H. E. NELSON. Auditor ii ml police Judge of the City of Astnrlii, Oregon, Date nf lltKt publication, Jan. 31, 1901. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 40. Notice Is hereby given thnt the board of iiHHe.snnrs have completed tho special assessment for the Improvement of Seventeenth street from the south Una of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenue and have reported the Hume to the common council of the city of Astoria, nnd the same has been filed with the auditor and police Judge and named and numbered Special Assess-tiK-nt Roll No. 40, and the committee on streets and public ways of the com mon council of said oily has been ap pointed to meet with the bonrd of as ?,?.H"r" on tne t4 n day of February, 1901. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of Raid day, n the council chambers In the city hall of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct and equalize said Bper.lal Assessment Roll w. Any person obJectlnsr to said assessment must fils his objections thereto In wriftnn- with th amlltnr an1 bollce Judge. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judg of the City of Astoria, Oregon. Date of first publication, Jan. 21, 1I0L