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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1901)
THB' MOKXINO ASTOKIANr TURSOAY, : rCBKt'AKY- 12, 1901. THIS ESI . OF -: LADIES' WRAPPERS AT PRICES THAT TELL Hvo Our Window forTlicm All contnicli fur mlvcrtiHinK In the Astoiiun tiru ma Ju on n guar untcc of circulation four tlincn larger tluin tlial of any paper published or circulated in Clat nop county. TODAY'S W BATH ICR. PORTLAND, JVb 13. WoKlrrn Ore mi mill WmK'rtt Washington, Increas IiiK I . t i1 l tti'M m followed by nccaiilolial rnln, Kanti-rn Oregon, l'".iint'rn Wah Inirii'ii mill Muli", generally fair. AROUND TOWN. Thres ftrt-cl barbr at tin Oc cident again. Bar r-p ri - Wliiil, cimt, light; waili rr. ch-ar; li'ir, smooth. Mrs. S. A. It. mi will .'nv' today for In Han Frmniico, ReM l!l-cmt meal. Rising Restaur ant. (It Commercial ptrr-t. A. J John II. lli' f r.-i i y ixirl, prill Hinnliy In the city. J, J'Vilitiun, a Fi'T !. Iu"Iii.-m miin, was In itn- oil) yl'-rilny. Mr. K. l'rnl l vUltlg wlih port land frinid f'r u fw day. Jeff's restaurant the Urged and best. A trial will convince you. W. I'. llimlir Iiik returned from a lmi of .vcnl day In HmMI Tlir uti-nmi-r Hup II Elmore U due lu strive from Tillamook today. V. A. An.ron. -if Vancouver. II. C. ui it ii.rni vill..r io the I'lty. The British SwnnliUU t t Hong Kong fur thl i-'tt January 19. C. II Cnll'-nilir. of Kni'pt..n. l In thi ny. a gii'M at -.h" Occident. Kh.XT 1J-CKNT MKAI.; RISING nt.N restaurant. LAST IF YOU WANT TO SAVE ABOUT FORTY PER CENT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR 10.00 OF MEN'S SUITS In All Leading Weaves and Styles Ours Is a Genuine Clearance Sale of Broken lots.-2 or 3 Suits of a Hind $U, $15, $16, $16.50, $17 VALUES ALL GO S.DANZIGER WEEK Ml nit Annie ()ratk nrnl Ml L'ia I'Wl j"M yesterday In Portland, Hwcv-t nivrl orange from 15 cmts to to cnis a at Johnson I! run For mil" A fr.-Mti rnllch cow, with culf; npply to August Juclnt. Hklpiinon, Where do you get your Sunday Jln nrrT I inkit mine at the Central Hotel. J, II. (M.iirn. of the Umatilla Jt'cf lllililil. In In tlii- city on l"v" of ah I'lll'P, Josef T'ilinan, n native of Sv lliti-r-litnd, wim it'lml' li'i to citizenship yes terday. O, M. Stafford citiiiu down from Port land Insl evening mid Is Hi'l'IliK at thu I'urk'-r. M. (I. l'"oi berg, of Grant, came In hint evening and n KluK'i' d at the I'nrk'-r. it. A. Hawkins came ovi-r frrn llwa- (o yesterday mid l hlopjilng lit the Occident. Jl. II. HlrnniH down Iron: New Whatcom for a few doy, a ginst Hi (hr Antor. The steam n hooiicr Alliance Wnt to .(i yi-MlrnUy fr Hun Fr-nitlnco and way port. W. H. Criun, of Portland, ftrrlv -d on tlio rvi'iilng train and In rglMtrrcd at lh C)nlii-nt. T. K. Pitrki-r had kKitl buln'n li 1'iirtland yinti-rdiiy. returning on th fvi-nlng I ruin. t'luirli Pulton rnndi! a bimlnnw trip Purtlitnd yenh-rday .returning on tit (wiling train. A uk DM Jui'lio, of Sklpaiiuil, In offrr lug or xulc nt a ttusguln a fnnh milch cow with cilf. Tin younK urn of J. II. Duncan In vcrv III and doubta are entcrtalnvd of bin HTOvrry. WEEK SALE AT $IO . ! fc'DjtmhW.,' f Hllvrr city,' nU down on the fvnlng train and Ik Ntop 1'lng nt fh Parki-r, Mr, and Mra. D, II, Wrl'oh and diwghtiir are 'In Portland fof a 'few d'in' vInII with frlcndn. Mr. and Mra. (1. W, William arrived from Portluiid on the evunlng train and are tuirti'r'-d at tl"' Parker, II. Clirnon and J. If. Wallace wrre among Dm t'Vciiliig arrlvala f,om Port land uartTfd at the 0Tld"nt. A. Carlmin and N. M, Nclmm, of Chi- nook, wt-re amoiig th evening arrival and are stopping at the Parker. 11 (I, Van I'uii-n ban P'turn'd frorn Idahu, whi-r9 h haa b"in iurT"rlng with pneumonia, lie Ix now i-,nvalea nt. Hi iiw wanted -About 24x60, d'ck-d rind pailu'iilarly Mtrong; want It for tlx itioiiilm. T. Johmwrn. I Inn thorn ciuiiiery, A 13 jut rent dlvldond of tli" Ilulld in.f k Komi Iind Co. Iiilm b'-i n iln lnr i d, name being ( 'lyililii at the office of W. U Kobh, Prank L. Parker, clerk at the cum otn hoiii', iviurni-il nt evening from Portland, wIhti' lie him bi-en vlHltlng wveral da). Cream pure ry. America' fin cat whi key. Thi only pure godx; jruar iinlccd rich and mellow. JOHN J CAULHON. Hole Ag. nt.' Il ItUHmll, furnierly of ihia plat but now owni-r of a nyndleate of Ala kit ricWKpaprr, Ih In Purtiand en route to ( 'tiling'' on bllNlieiN. The ricrnmn eblp Alitterkairiji, towed by the ll.irvi-Ht Quwn, came ilnwn the river Humlny evening with a havy 1'A.rgii of groin for Kurojie, The HrlilHh bark Province, which ii:adc a mart for the ch H.iturday af I i tn n. did not g out that dny, but M-turnd and l-ft out Hunduy. Flnh Commlil iiuT F. C. U'-ed woi In tho city over Sunday, but left ye ti-nlav morning for Halcm, to look af ti-r the Inl'iYHt of tho flHherli'. John A. MontgonuTy haa openel i nhop al 4JI llund etrc't and la prepared to du nil eta"? of plumbing and tin mng at the lowest poaalble rates. tolyn coal loam longer, la cleaner ind make li- trouble with move and chimney llu'a than any other. George V. Sanborn. Agent. Telephone 1311. Work on the nw chool building at John Day will b -gln about March firm. It lii the intention of the mhool board there to have an elgbt-inontha' tirm. If you want grin-erle that ro gro rerli. good that el on their mer it, good that make ciiHtnmeni and keep them, K to A. W. Shipley, the ri liable grocer. PiiMTlnteinl nt Lyman will conduct a teacher' liiMtltute at WarriTiton, open ing March 16. Tin? county Institute at thla ilme wilt open April 17 and clone the Wth. If you've never tried our "Perfec tion Wend" Java and Mocha you've mlHed one of the plcaaurcs of life. Our cimtonier nay It's the boat in town; th.T ought toknow. JOHNSON' BROS. The Atorla ProgrciiMve Commercial Aoclatton will hold Us regular month ly meeting Friday evening. Business of Importance I to b: tranaiu-ted and a full attendance 1 9 deal red. The town has been ununually quiet for the past two weeks, no serious of fensea having been committed and not a Hlnglo arrest having been made In that time by the local police fuive. Herbert, the young son of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Dalton, injured one of hi tlngiTa quite severely Saturduy while playing with an old at arch machine. The member may lave to be ampu tated. The Deux Temps Club people will enjoy a dance at Foard & Stokes" hall thla evening. The committee In charge haa secured good music and prepared an excellent program, and an enjoyable lime Is In store for all who attend. The order Issued some time ago transferring Lieutenant Cloke from Fiwt Steven to Fort RlU y, Kansas, has been revoked. Lieutenant Cloke will remnln at his old post for an Indefinite time. IJndenberger & Alter have awarded the contract for the construction of a cold storage plant at the foot of Eighth street to Ferguson & Houston. The building will lie two stories high and have all modern equipments. 1 The factory of the Pacific Sheet Met al Works at Falrhnven will begin oper ations two months earlier this heason than usual, in anticipation of the big run of fish. The capacity of the fac tory is also tb be Increased by the ln- itallatlon of new machinery. Several Important changes and im provements are to be made at the II waco dock shortly. The trestle drive way la to be lowered two feet, which will greatly facilitate the handling of freight and be more convenient also for the passenger service. Still fur 1 Tim Vhlp Halo, or which uneaklneas . .... jf . ..m j. ... i ha linen HI on aowvni m mining life buoy from tho rhlp by the revenue cutter Grant, I reported cafe off Cape Heal. A Klnnlali KvangcHeal Lutheran church has been cstabllahed at Huln.on Creek, Wahkiakum county, Wash., and a new llf0 ihurch bulldln erected for the purpose, That district In jargi Iv Inhabited by Finn, and mui h good I expected of thl move of theirs to ward bttcrm'tit. The funeral 4 the late Chart Peterson was h'id fr'tn I'ohl's under taking room yeterday morning There was a large atiendancu of friend of the deceased, many b;lng member of the KlMhermen's Union, Tlie er vl.;i condiicei by Rev, Mac Cormac, Interment being at flre nwood cemetery. Oovernriw-nt engineer are making I vestlgallori and prejxirlng da' a to cofiildered with reference to future r. er and harbor Improvement. They have xubmllted to the local steam boat men long Ilts of question to be answered regarding the number of tons of various commodltl a well a the number of pisi ng-i carried the paM, and the ilsu are no being filled out. One of the most Huctnful, best at tended and most thorouKhly enjoyed enlertalninents of the seaxon wan th concei t last eveiiln gat the M. li. church The elaborate musical program which had bi-Ti jirejiared was r-nd-red with a flnlxh that was truly nrtlHllc. Kach number wan a gem, a"d the freiU'-nt em-ore betokened the hearty apprccla tlon of the uUdleliC';. The aU'H'-nce M large, filling the chUK h to Its capacity, W. A. Anderson, of Vaiu-nuv-r, 1!. C was n-iently In the city nuking In vestlgatlons about the iujiih of salin in wafbed ujtoll th1 beach al SKislde no long ago. He was the owner of th cargo of the Hrltlsh shin Ardnnmur chan. now 1lleved to have been Io: and his lnvcstiKation cniivlnctd him that th; vemi was destroyed. Th cargn was fully lnuied, so Mr. An lerron will not lose heavily. The body of Mr. Mary M. S -elv. who was murdered by her hu.-band. Frank SI. S.iiv. at Oakland. Cut. was sent to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Drummond. at Clovenlal". near Port Imd Mrs. D. It. Ladd a. slHler of the di ad wi.nian, accompanied the remains. In accordance with Instructions from the Order of Railway Conductors at Portland, of which H'vly wus a. mem bcr, Coroner McMah'an ha had the hupbaud body irepar. d f r transpnr tatlon. The (i.Ttnan bark Alsterdamm. Cap tain Cordis, which le-ars the destine lion, acordiiig to shliplng ni' li, of In' Ing the second largeia sailing ves.v In the world, his finished loading her cargo at Tacoma, The Alst-rdamm carries the rix:orJ cargo for the Pa Iflc coast sailing vesels. Reliable shipping authorities state that her car go of 63i5 tons of s.u k'-d w heat, pr. gregatlng about 2W),667 bushe Is the largest wheat cargo ever shipp-'d in a sailing veswi from the Pacific c,a.-t. She gin- to Europe. Tho d-nce at Hammond Saturday evening was. all that was anticipated, the biggest thing socially that ha appened rec'nlly. The various tribes of the Necarnle Indians hereabouts re there in sufficient numbers to make it sure that no half-hearted hi larity would be Indulged in or tolerated. They were there to "chose the glowing ours with flying feet." and they did It." A series of accidents was report ed, of little Importance, but there was othing of a serious character to mar the pleasure of th occasion. "Wnit a lowly tone," "Such an easy action." "What a teauty." These and many similar remarks were made by tho musicians who used the elegant Whitney piano at the concert at the M. E. church last evening. It Is a perfect Instrument, manufactured by the famous Kimball Comp.iny of Chi cago, has the most perfect action and the finest Trench walnut finish made to date. It Is for sale by Wm. Wallace, f Filer's Piano House, Portland, lo cated at present at 424 Commercial treet, opposite Sherman's Transfer Co., Astoria. ' Faelflc Lodge. No. R8, D. of H., gave one of its Inimitable socials last night. A short program was given, consist ing of declamations by Misses May Ferchen Etta Ahues, Mamie Kelley, Delia Jensen and Myrtle Fvrchen. At ter -this an Immense plum jmddlng, which contained many surprises, was erved. This was followed by a cake walk by the Misses, DelUna and Mar garet Blare. Fish-pond and dancing nd fortune telling by the gypsle queen followed. A delightful lunch was serv- 1 by the Indies. All present voted the entertainment a great success. Taclflc lgi Is noted for the high character of its entertainments. The bill Introduced by Senator Megler In the Washington senate and now In tho hands of the senate committee, on state, granted, school and tide lands Is of vital importance to Pacific county, and especially to the residents and property holders on North B.'ach, and the bill Is likely to become a law, mak ing the ocean beach a public highway. This bill, as far as concerns the south- I r X Come Just to Look 3reatlsiericaiIip(irtiiii.TeCo. west portion of Pacific county, takes In the seab'-ach lying b'twe-n high and low water mark on the Pacific ocean, .'umrmnrlrig at Car. Dlappnlnlment and ending at 8hoalwatr bay. This eabeach for more than fifty year haa been ud by the public .'is the only highway between Baker's bay on the south and Khoalwater bay or. the north. The county ha repeatedly bill out county roads from the Interior to connect with the seabeach, and thl I the only outlet for travel a a pub lic highway for a stretch of twenty mil' or more. The ord'T of President Hill of the 'real Northern, Issued two month ago, that a rapidly a possible Oriental labor alone that line sh'uld be sup- planle.l by white men at Increased wage is tying carried out with dis- li itch. t?lnc that time there has been a large number who have -en aked by th'ir foremen to m,t fr other Job. On the easti-rn divisions the dls chiirys are a'd to have been greater than In th- West, for the reiaon that thre I a grea!-r disposition among the white labor In those ser-tlnns to make trouble with the alien than In the vV'est. It i s;.at"d that since the order ha bun Issu'd over i'M Japa wr; have been lt 'ut and th;.t there are ,a the jirescnt time very few Chi namen on any of the divisions. The tieat trouble the road is experiencing now I in gitlng men to fill the Japs' ;il.ies. The v.v.rk must be d in", anl th'Tefore it is wild It will b nec-ssary to k"'T the brown men until Amer ican can be secured. KCHOKS FROM THK PRKSS. Kills' History of the United State of America. N'-v't tedious. Intlnct with life. LibiTilly conceived. It '."ids like a romance. The ext is exhaustive. Strongly to be commended. Comj rehensive and graj;hlc. It should be In every librcry. Terse vigorous, often dratiatlc. A well-printed, handsome edition.. Tyjk and ap-r are unexc'-ptlonal. A handsome addition to any library. Intensely and persistently Inten-jitlrg I'liencumbered by unimportant de tails. Marginal nou-s and profuse ilutra- lon. Method of execution decidedly super ior. A pleasing style without becoming prolix. Wholly free from s.xiional or poiitl cal bias. We cemm.-nd this histoo' t" every teacher. Thoroughly accurate, comprehnnsive mil s hnlarly. Illustrations are unusual In number and excellence. A ri.inpli'f. record of the events of ur natii n's history. Whoever takes up this history will ml willingly lay it down. Prestnted in a way to impress his torical Incident upon the mind. Well worth a jdace in every library wh r the best is appreciated. 1 IT.I.TC LIBRART BENEFIT. Entertainment to Be Given This Even ing at Hanthorn's Hall. PART I. Vocal solo, selected Miss Maysie Foster. Wake Thou, My Darling Goold Mr. J. Johnson. Polonaise, Eb maj Chopin Miss Laura Fox. Character Sketch, Luke ....Bret Harte May Morning ' Denza Mrs B. v an Dusen. Vocal solo, selected Denza Prof. O. A. Thornton. PART II. Ladies' Orchestra Six Cups of Chocolate," a piece of gossip In one act. CHARACTERS. Miss Ad.llne ven Lirkian.A Germangirl. Mrs. A. Finch. Miss Marion Lee A Southern girl Miss Louise Tallant. Miss Dorothy Green.. A New England- Miss Lottie Bennett. Miss Hester Beacon A Bostonlan Miss Sadie Crang. Miss Beatrix von Koxtlandt A New Torker Miss Sue Elmore. Miss Jeanette Durant....A French girl Miss Floretta Elmore. The clano to be used at this enter tainment is manufactured by the well known firm of W. W. Kimball ft Co., nd is furnished by courtesy of Mr. W. Wallace, ag?nt, Astoria, Vn man ran listen to a woman talk- ine babv-talk for five minutes and be lieve in letting women vote. The first week a man Is married he acts most as proud as he did the day he first wore suspenders. WHERE DO TOU BUY TOUR GROCERIES? HAVE TOU TRIED A. W.SHIPLEY? 656 Commercial Street. DO YOU KNOW That he gives you the best there Is to be had in the city for the least money? Place an order once and see. C. W. BARR DENTIST Successor to Dr. Ball. 75S Commercial St, ASTORIA, OR. SMITH FOR ; HERMANN This May Be a Step ia Cor bett's Direction. SCHUMANN IS FACETIOUS H)use Refuses to Reconsider Vote ty Which Woman Suffrage Reso lution Was Defeated. Hchuman, of Multnomah, almost suc ceeded In creating a panic at the Joint session of the assembly yesterday by rising to explain his vote. Everybody looked for a break In the votes of the Democracy. Members; listened with bated breath and lobbyists stood on tip-toe to catch every word that might drop from the lips of the Multnomah tombstone man. "I have voted for one man seventeen times," beg'm Schuman, "and time has arrived for u to elect a United States senator. Such being the case, I again I desire to cast my vote for Hon. Wll !llim Smith, of Baker." This speech brought down the house, and It was some minutes before order could be restored. The only change In the ballot yester day was the break of Dr, A. C. Smith, of Multnomah, from George H. Wil liams to Blnger Herman. Smith las been a McBrlde man and lias voted with the McB.ile faction until yester day. His vote f ir Her:iii r.n Is con sidered significant and It Is freely jre dicted that he will soon be a Corbett man. McBride's strength, with the exception of Smith, again went to Geo. H. William, while the Democrats stay ed with Eenator Sii'lth. The ballot was al follows: Cotbett, 50; Williams, 23; Smith, 25; Herman, 6; absent, 4; not votft;, 1. Immediately after convening at 11:30 in the morning, the house was given another opportunity to vote upon the senate amendment. Eddy moved that as a matter of courtejy, the vote by which the resolution war last week de feated, be reconsidered. The bouse, however, w-as In no mood to change Its attitude towards the suffrage question, and the motion to reconsider was lost by a vote of 28 to 21. The committee on game, forestry and game fishes reported a substitute for the general game bill, introduced by Eddy. The substitute bill is the result of much labor on the part of the com mittee, all interests and every section of the state being consulted in its preparation. In the senate yesterday morning Looney's bill to provide for the election of a dairy and food commissioner was read ths third time, but action was postponed until later. The senate passed a bill appropriat ing JS000 toward the erection of a monument to the Second Oregon vol unteers. CHINESE THREATEN WAR. Portland Highbinders Send to Astoria for Hatchet Men. War to the knife Is threatening be tween the Bowr Ling Tong and the Wong family In Portland. As may be THE PLACE TO BUY CANNERY SUPPLIES FISHING BOAT SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL SEWING MACHINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS IS AT. KOPP'S A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure t, r. Poni Tirwrv nt which I Bottled beer for Tamily use or kec Mr. John Kopp is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and expert trade. I North Pacific Brewery - :. . . i i . suppjised.'th'MIs a Woman In the inf f and It Is fnr possession of her that th Chines art onJ the verge pf hnstlll-lles.- Any day a murder may ht com mitted In the Chines quarter as ft re sult of the present 111 feeling ,for thn situation ha become strained. Inong Shu Wong' was kidnapped from her family .circle a week agv and her whereabouts are still a mystery. Two Chinamen called at th police stathm last Monday and reported to the au thorities that the woman was missing and that with her had gone t'00 In cash. Particulars at the time wero lacking, and It was presumed that Mrs. Wong had eloped with a queue longer than her husband's, and one whose Una of ancestral tablets extended to tha fifth generation. This first supposition has since proved to be Incorrect, and the statement Is made that the woman was stolen, kidnapped In Chinatown. While the m4l members cf the fam ily were absent a wtek ago three mem bers of the Bow Ling Tong, a stron highbinder organization In Portland, a bianch of the national association In China, entered the prernUes. The trio of thutr seized Mrs. Wong and forci bly carried her away. It Is believed that th--y also ransacked the rooms and stole the at the same time. The object of the kidnapping was for ransom, with the alternative of selling the victim as a slave. So far as learn ed, the demand for ransom bos not yet ben made. Ascertaining that the Bow Ling Ting; had Uken the woman and that the lat ter had ten coacealed In Portland, they began making efforts to locate and iccover the Celestial maid. Ill will has naturally become engendered between the despolted family and the highbinders, nnd each Is preparing for a campaign of aggression as vvelt a Of defense, In order to strengthen its force of fighters In case a climax is reached, the Bow Lin? Tong has sent to As toria for three of its hatchet meir. Hatchet men are those members of highbinder solc?tiei whose duty It is to murder whomever nnd whenever they receive Instructions. They are th scum of the Chinese nation, men that have left their native land for the latter's good. In China these hatch et men are frequently connected with the mandarins, acting as police, but generally as brigands. They blackmail wealthy citizens and have never been known to hesitate at murder. WHAT OUR FLAG STANDS FOR. Wherever the American flag is- raise In token, of sovereignty. It stands for liberty, independence and equality. What our flag is to the nation, Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters Is to the individ ual. Inasmuch as it not omy gives you freedom from. your ailments but pro tects your system In such a manner that they cannot return. When your stomach gets out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you are so nervous that you toss about all night, unable to sleep, you should cer tainly try It, because It will strengthen your stomach, steady your nerves, and induce sound healthy sleep, and for In digestion, constipation and biliousness, there is nothing to equal it. Rheuma tism is also counteracted by Its direct action on the kidneys. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letters remaining 30 days In the postofflce at Astoria, Feb. 11, 1901: Huckrter, Mr. AlmanTlti Gerald. John Briiweii, Maude Inglija, John Bower. Lena Larson, Mr. Fred Relldnominl, Delle Loomis, Miss Mary Balensifer, Mrs. G.Lee. Babe Coffe. Mr. Jack Vahn, Lenore Carson Miss A. WWiren, John Creighton. Frank Toder, James M. FOREIGN. Firth. Frank Smith, Mr. H. A. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE Is what a cigar is. It will tlckls th palate of the fastidious without de pleting his pocketbook. There ten't a cigar rolled that there Is so muck pleasure, richness or perfect satis faction hidden In its folds for tho money as there Is In a GENBRA1 GOOD for five cents. A box of these luscious cigars should be on every man's dresser. WILL MADISON FISHER BROTHERS, Astoria, Ore. BEST beer supplied at Jy time. Dellytry in tne city rrw. ther Improvement are contemplated. :,c TELEPHONE, RED 80W. ;