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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1901)
t THE MORNING A3TOKIAN. TICSDAY, ITJIRIAKI L 1901. Telephone Main ML TBHM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. lent ' by mull, per rear 18.00 Brat by mall, per month CO Server by carrier, per month 60 gEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance, $2.00 All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to "Editor Astomn." business communications f all kinds and remittances mun be addressed to "The Astoilan Publish ing Co." The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap llrstlon to the business manager. constitution Is acceted.f Cuba vlll be divided Into six ehlefuVms, suVdlvlded The high-grade entertainments now being given here by local talent are a credit to Astoria and an advertise ment of no little value. The musical, t-locutlonary and histrionic abilities of our local performers b-ar omparUon with talent usually found In cities of much greater population and are an evidence that in the struggle for the acquisition of wealth and position the higher arts have not been neglected by our young people. Pendleton. Biker City and Salem are making desperate efforts to secure each a Y. M. C. A. building, while As toria has not even an association. As a social and literary club fjr young men, possessing all the opportunities for enjoyment and Improvement which can be had anywhere without degrad ing associations, the Y. M. C. A. is an Invaluable addition to any community. Astoria needs a good gymnasium, a clubropm wh?r young men may spend their evenings at billiards and other games usually found In such places, and all the advantages of evening edu cational classes and reading rooms. These can only be provided at a price within the means .of the ordinary young man by the Y. M. C. A. It Is time that Astoria had one. Into smaller chlefdoms corresponding to the municipal dtstrlo's. IM'ry govcr-nor.eK-U'd In reality by u local clique, will consider himself Ind.pcndint, as will also the mayors and these with their confederates will be lords over the property of the taxpayer. A few years of this will cause ruin or r billion. He asks th convention If It does not ktnw the history of Cu ban municipalities up to recent times. I'ntil Cuba has four times its present population fiscal autonomy i:i the prov inces Is a chimera. To ruppose that the electoral oody will Iv able to curb the excesses of 1 cil i liquet is wil fully to yhtit the eyes. M my y.nis arc necessaty before Cuba has a real elec toral boily. The Is'.and should have the form of government for which U is lilted. Of course, such a project as Senor Varltio define would preclude the idea of consulting the United States. When this government intervened, its pur poses were clearly defined by President McKinley, who said: 'I ask the congress to empower the president to take neasur.a to secure to the island the establishment of a stable government capable of maintaining order and observing its In ternational obligations, insuring peace .. ... . i... .... ana tranquility ami uie wuiny -i "i citizens as well as our own." janci In that same message the president declared the war In Cuba must stop "in th: name of humanity, in the name of civilisation, in behalf of endangered American ir.terests, which give us the right and duty to speak out and act." We remember, of course, how gladly our intervention was accepted, and the policy so clearly outlined was acclaim ed everywhere in Cuba, except, of the liquor traffic the greatest curse of the human race. Louisville Courier Jo irnul. The trouble with the prohibitory law of Kansas is not the dilllculty of ap prelH m!ng the violators but lack of a big enough and slung enough public backing to compel Its enforcement. Kansas tlty Journal. Her war upon saloons when carried on by l lotous disregard of law and order has u much wider pernicious influence than Is marked by the boundaries of the locality of her own operations. Council liluffs Nonpareil. Mrs. Nation's method:? and character istics are not commendable, but doubt there Is for.-e m hlr ,,0il lmlt lm, oflviaU are neglecting; their duly and thereby giving cvuso for su.'h wild crusades as she is Indulging In. Hart ford Pit. The female fanatic docs not even dif fer in her alms from the women and the men who have Just succeeded in breaking down thj discipline, piv.not Ing the drunkenness, and endangering the health of the United States uiiny by destroying the eastern. New York Times. The cause of sobriety was nev.-r ad vanced by lawlessness. You cannot I make men temperate w ith intcmpei - Men canrut te reformed with an ax. The destruction ot pivperty as a cure for the evils of the liqu r traf fic is none the less foolish and ivpiv- w : I. . . i . . . t . . . . iieiisiuie uecause u is commuted dj a woman. Chicago Times-Herald. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Tassenger Service via fhc HorlhwBslcrn lino.. Eight Trains Daily between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The I-atest Pullman Sleeper, Peerless Dining Cars, l.fbrary and Observation Cars, Kive Kecllnliig Chair Curs. The 20th Century Train Runs Kvery Pay of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Clectric Lighted Steam tidied THE BADGER STATE EXPRESS, the Finest Dally Train Running Itetween St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the REST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Air agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. uv. Portland! ArrW 8:00a.m ll'ortlimd Union rWiiYlu -1A 7:Wp.m.for Astoria and lntr-M0 p.m." Iiueuiaie points. i I ASTORIA. 7.4Ha.m.)For Portland A ln-)ri:Ma., s hi p.m.iierm diate points 10;SO p.m. MCA81DB DIVMUON. Il::s. m. VHO p. in, !:;;u n m -W in. , ;W. in. ' 'Sunday oiny ASTORIA SEASIDE 7 4i,ro i ti i. in II ( in 1J V) p m 7 mi l. m All trains maks rlo connections at Gobio with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and Pas. AgtmL W. II. MEAD. Genera! Agent. 2IS Alder Street. H. L. SISLER. Trav. Agent. Portland. Oregon. There Is not mucn mystery about these strong-minded Wichita women. They have given an account of them selves and may be understood. Hut there Is a good deal that Is not appar- eourso, among the Spaniards. It is not ; wi,.hi m u-h, THE NEW CUBA. Butte Inter-Mountain. Evidences that the radical Cubans In tend to ignore the United States In launching their government continue to accumulate, and 'many of the wisest men on the island do not, on this ac count, look hopefully into the future. Senator Varino Is the latest to ex press his views on the situation. In an open letter he says he sees danger In the present project of the radi cals, which, at first sight appears to be & purely abstract one into which well accepted constitutional principles are incorporated, principles which might be made subjects of academic discussions. Nevertheless, when examined with more care, it becomes clear that the project is dominated by a principle which is no other than rule by local chiefs. He formerly attributed the de fires of certain elements of reaction against the Spanish system, which was centralized, and at other times to the spirit of imitation in those who con sider the present state of Cuba the goal. Instead of a mere stag- of its development. He now considers the. desire for fed"ralim as natural In a backward community, where social in fluence is concentrated In the hands of a few who wish to preserve their power. Senator Varino declares that if this only th-? right of this government, but its duty to see that the pledge of "a stable government, capable of main taining order and of observing lis in ternational relations" Is established. That much is due t. Cuba, whether the ambitious chiefs want R or not. It is the duty of this government, too. to redeem that other pledge of Insur ing upon the island "peace and tran quility and the security of its own peo ple as .veil as our own." Having rescued Cuba from the Span 'ards and held suardlanship over it during ths whol? period of its trans formation, the ivorld will hold this country sponsor f"r the new govern ment when it is finally established. and ftroperly so. them that their wives should feel so desperate a sense of responsibility for the management of civic concerns? Harper's Weekly. IT CURES THIS COLD AND STOPS THE COUGH. Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 5 cents. A woman will always :il you that the way she has to put her hair up now on account of the style isn't near a becoming to her as the way they used to hx it. A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" tra:ns every oay and night between St. Paul and ChleaKo, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam het, of a verity equaled by no othe. Sfe that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when goin to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pisa. Agt.. Gen. Ag'., Portland. Oregon. Portland. Ore. WHITE COLLAR LINt Sir. HERCl'l.KS takes the ulacn of lt.Ml i:V OATZERT (Telephone Dock) Coluu b.a River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company, lhe Hercules leaves Astoria dally xcepi cunuay at i p. m. leaves Portland daily except Sun day at " a. m. White Collar Line ticket. O. R. N tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav. Com puny tli kets Interchangeable on Her coles and llassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Naheotta from ilwaco and Long Reach points. Telephony No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Atorla Agent. l. W. CRICHTON. PoUand Agent iiiolfuo PKI'ART Krtim l orllinU liilca. S ilt Like, Donver. Kl I'lirtUiul Miiili,)inh. Kim- fpecUl i lijf, St Lout,, I.Sh. m Unriif ami Ka.t Amrjvs i i. in PILL'S OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Banner Salve in curing piles. It Is suaranteed. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The older a man grows the harder It is for his ife to g..t him to a church entertainment where there isn't going to be any supper. MY SISTER'S BABY My baby is full of abounding life and joy ; my sister's boy is a puny thing. The difference is : my baby is healthy. He takes his fill and sleeps; and he grows. My sister's boy gets fully as hungry, he cries with hunger; then cries, I think it must be, from weakness; his food is a burden to him. Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil" will set that poor little boy in the way of being as good as his cousin. Wt'H tend you little to try, if you like. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl itreet, New York. MRS. NATION'S CRUSADE. The rumor that Mrs. Nation is on the pay roll of the glass trust is de nied. Minneapolis Times. The lesson is that Kansas should either repeal prohibition or enforce it. Ppringfiell i.I:ss) R.publl.-an. The railing performam i-s are a dg niricsm warning that political c irrup tion Ins its limits. Host. :i il .b- It dies not seem t v-. urr-d to Mrs. Carrie Nation to tear down lhe Wi. hita 1ail. Kansas City Star. Mrs. Nation evi l-nily do-s not share the popular superstition regarding the ill-luck that follows th- breuklng of a mirror. Peoria H?r lid-Transcript. FROST BITES AND CHILBLAINS quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing remedy in the world. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. You have never seen anything sad der in life than the husband of a wo man who has a theory thac m n have 16 be "managed." FViial delays are caused by experi menting with cough and told cures. Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. Cil AS. ROGERS, Druggist. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS A man i. g-nerally stid to l,e 'liounded" by his creditors and just plain "dogged" by his wife. "That Mrs. Nation is ralher enthus iastic in her methods." "Yes. Wouldn't she have b-en a ter ror if she had taken to di ink?" Chi cago Record. Mrs. Carrie Nation may be endowed with whining discs, but th-re is a sur pilsing amount of syrrimhy viih her through jut News. th- country. Omaha Experience appears o demonstrate that it Is just as diffi'-ult. to '-nforce prohibitory laws as it is to enforce li cense laws Wilkesban-.; Pa.) Record cf the Times. Hut there is m-U.0,1 j th- rnadn-s.1 of these women. If they are charg'-d with lawi-ss viol-iic.-, they can pl-ad that thry are fishtinij against lawi"ss-n'-ss. Toronto Globe. Mrs. Nation's m.-tlio'ls are viol.-nt. but she is demonstrating very clearly that the salens in Top.-ka can be dos ed if the officers of the law want to close them. PhiUd'iphia North Amer ican. If the saloons ar? running unlawfully, let the authorities close them. There can certainly be no law that authoriz es a notoriously insane woman to de stroy private property. Louisville Dispatch. "I nave always used Foley's Honey and Tar cough medicine, and think It the best in the world." says Chas. lender, a newsdealer of Erie, Pa. Nothing else as good. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. The average' weman would die per fectly happy if she could only know that a certain man would come to the funeral and cry. When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dir-lng car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at tu. iaui Tor Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any farther information call m any ticket ogent, or correspond wllh JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent, THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. At'nntlc hxprese ') p. tu. , StHiknne Viyrr. 6 p. in. Suit, l.'iier. fi Uortli. (iiu.ilm. Kmi City, Hi I. .11 w. (iilrago slid Kl , Vll Walla, l.'WlMou. NlHjImif. Mll;ne, , IK Ml. Paul, I'uiuih, Mllweiikiy, I'lileugn mid K,t. 1 Kiotu Atrl OCEAN STKAMJMIPA All Sailing lute aub jeel to tlinliKf. l'or sail Kraiicuco Haiti S 40 1 III . H 111 Kk Mllliluy i'"!ii'iil)i Itlvt-r Ste uni to I'orllntid and Vj I. hi 1 1 11 in III x Mo day ... Ttom Portlmtil j . OifKOli lilv, NewberfJ KrBin A VUlld a. IVillamrlta and Vain 1 ) p. m. M0'i.,W4. 7am Turi.Tliur lilll IClrora ud St. (ir,,, tily. Daytou .1 n ay l anjum and rn. Klparla lve dly 3 i'ia. m. 9nak River. itlparla to lwlaton i .uu a 10 i dally 6am Wlllaiu.iu Itlrar , , In Tue.,Thui 1'erllaiid It CurvallU M n . Wed Salunlay und Way tandiiiK Krlilay O. W. LOUNSBERRY, II. MURLBLRT, Ag't. Astorlfc vjeu. 1 u.ih. ab i. rurtiajid. or.. SOUTHiORN CALIFORNIA 7 , , j tjMKtUKVB BALE, Hy vlituo of an rinoutlon and order nf aulQ iwued out of the tiiW-Court nl of I ho Htuty of orrgon, for tho County . Noubl among the pliuwre nfford od by th Hnast Routs Is the win Nr trip 10 Southern . CWirornm na r t;),,!,,, ,m (io Juih day of January, Arlsiuui. Renewed acquaintance wiin rtKlt( ,, juJiriiiriil and dm-res rn- thls section will ever deVvl.yp fresn (i,u(, ,,,,.,,, ,,, lKlh (ly of March, points of interval mid add.M industries, M$ () us.)r lt T ,,0)1((i j M Wgm In Its proline vegottttlmi and smong lis b)I))( j, c Thompson and ID. ifi. rr. numtwrlcss resorts of smmntain, snor. umi1 ,mnil,, doing buiMs under ,i,iie,v hiiu iiivii,, TIW IV Portland rent I ir 01 proven pattern or of Lw-MhT HI, (ha costs and . " ,V..:. ... a ..VrLi disbui sen.enis of incss reaoris in "-. piinnei doing buiMs under and plain. u, ,, m, f UirKiiis a oi two dally Phasta tnilns from , l(l1N ,, ll(t(lllm, HIU( Hnll) nd to California have bwn re- M( 8((, A c Flwi.r Uf enulppcd with t most ap ; ,,,llhy drfeiniants. for lhe sum fur will ni II I continue in effect. Illustrated Kuldoa to tho winior r- (hls . iicHoii herein tailed at l;'0 ,00 touetlur with llltrnal l lu'r ; !i Arisona my be '''''' rn..ti the ism day of March sorts of Cai rornla and may be 1 i ( f Q aiiav vh n'im m-i C. II. M AUK II AM. G, Portland, A.. Oregon, t ) 'nai 1 MiATa lilLI'L.O l 1 kVt i,lM in ! vi Leave 'T:W p. 111 S S0 a. 111 Depot, Fifth mid 1 81 reel. Overland Express Trains for Sulem, KoKrlturg, Ah land, .Su'iainento, t'gden, Sun rntii clsco, Mojiive. Lie Angiii'H, El Pimo, New Oiiciiiis and the East, mini until paid, 11 nd llix coxis of and il'ii this writ .oiniimiidiiig and r Miilrlng iie lo miike null' of the oow. 'ng dcMcilled H'ul propiiiy, (o-wll; ltior. id. 17, i.h, is and 0, In lbs I'owu of lillonlld, lis luld ll and re corded by Hilns i. Hinitli, In tiu County of ti.itiioii, State of Oregon. Not lie In Iiirly ylvcn Hint w on .Mondiiy, the ith d.iv of March, 1M. .t the lidir of 10 ii'cioi'k In the forenoon r on id day, In fiont of uud at tlu 1 ouit lloiii.e door, in iIik lily of A- toi 1,1, l littmip County. Olegou, n ut public 1111 II 1:1 lii the lilghenl bidder for imIi, the ubitVK il"i'lib"d r'j plop.-liy, or lull ii tln-i'i'of 11 111. iy U,. imcs- Artivo ":,,v I" witlHfy Hi,. Jiiduno nt, mirrest. o,.iH mill nil iici ruinu eosia, THOMAS LINVILLK. MieilT of li.ilop Coiimy, Oregon, A'.toim CieKoii. January 31, 1WI. "J II fl 111 NOTICE OK IMI.IN.) n.' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No. 41. !!7:Ma.m 50 p in Dallv At Woodbiirn (dally rxcrpl Sun duy). morning I train connect with train for Mt. An gel, Sllvellon. II r o w n a v 1 1 1 r. Hptingrii'ld, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. I'orvallls pnmon ger. Sheridan piLsscn-ger. "0 p. in Notice la lotrby Klven that board f Mjoaoi lm vo completed the lrc. in 1 arm umii'-nl for tli Improvement of I'oiiinicicliii slivri from the weal lino f l-'otll lei nth atl 'ct to thu went Hun f Si v nleeiith atreel. and IlilVD report d the unn' to the coinmoii council of the city of AkIoiIu, uni the an'ne baa been ni d wllh the miditnr m,, poll, nioKe niiii name. 1 and nuiiite-ii'd spec lal Anaenann lit Roll .No. 4. nlld the cuiiiiiiltli'e on atit'it mid public, ways or tne common council of mild city hit ix-cii iipuiint'l to inc. t with Mm board f iiiwoiiMiia on th,. I th day uf Eebru. ary, vm, til lh hour of 2. o'clock 1. I" I Ml . of Mill ilav III lhe ,.,11111,. II ,.1,.,,,. bcr of lhe illy hall of aald illy, ihrn and there lo otial,er. review, corr.i t l!,l I'lltl i ll.. ,H .1 U11..- h A.u-...a ,...... . . - - ....... ...,,, vi, 1,. 0 1 lo-uute I eke Is on im U ).-Iii I'ihI. It, ill V.. 41 ...r. 1. 1 .. ... land, Sacriimento und San Kramisco. ,l, mseaament uiu.i file hi objections liAien fif iirai c iisa Ullil ill aieoilil I It.. if. .in I., v.rilit... ..01. .1... - , ,1 . . , .iMu.H ...... in.- hii aini v...,. ...uioum i.iee,,er. polliv JiolK". . E. NEIJtON Jiuieg ami tickets to l.Jlxtern 110 ills in, lit, ,r ,.11.1 l' I.. I.... 11.. .1... in,! .-!or.,.. 1 1 11 I "" " '"" v"7 ...... ...... ..,,.,.,.,,, , .,,.. ,,r aiiiriii, nr'-ifoii. lulu and Auitnillii. Cn he obtained 11.1,, r n i,i,i.. n,. 1..1 11 iui T, .1.... , ...I ' " 5 : W P m I 'ally i-xeept Sunday. from J. R. Klrklaiid. Ticket Aircnt Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Piisonger deoot foot of Jefferson 81. I''vi' for Oitwrgi dully a! 7 SO. 'i.H in. 12:30. 1;SA. i 2b 6:1V 2S I 04. u: JO p. n. and a. in. on Hundv niy. Arrive at Portland dul y at M IS. :30. 10:30 a. m.: 1:35. S.I5 4:30 I -0 i", iu:w ii. in: una a m. Jul v n NOTICE lX'K PL'ULICATION. I'lilto! Stab I-aiid Ortlce SI Ore Clly, Oregon, Ic. 2, llWO: No(l,e la hereby ulvni that In com- PlUno with ilia provisions of ths act r cngrea ,,f Juno J. ISM. rntltl d "An act fur Hie .ale f HiuU-r lailda In th tut. 11 of California. Orruoii. N' and Wanhlniftoii Territory." a rxtrnd- I lo ull the I'ulillc Ind States y act .f Auuuat 4. IK:, Chiinilafi petrrson. r inmy. county of Ciatiwp. Stat- of cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 m on 'r'-K""' ", ''"' nlrJ ' "Wee Sundays only. M'1" "" lnt--miit No. t33D, flr the lA-ava for Dallas dullv. eicrnt Hun. 1 ."n ",lK" " "p iuari.-r of section day. at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland ' "'.. 1,1 '""""''l' 'N'o. north, at :30 a, m. '"' N'. west, and will offer Pasaenicer train leaves Hnlliia (m l"1' " "how llmt lhe land amie-ht I Alrlee Mondays. Wednesdays and Tn- '""r" vnlimbie for II lliiilwr or at-n lays at 1:13 p. in. Roturns Tuesdays. "mn l"r nKncuniiriu puriH.a, and to Thursdays and Saturdays, Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER. Manager. C. II. MARKIIAM Qen. Frt. and pass. Agt. GO EAST VIA ii uxurious Travel A MISUNDERSTANDING. Misunderstood tiymptoms of disecse lead doctors to Treat something else vhf.n the kidneys are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you nealth when other medicines have fail ed. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. It's easy enough to gft the men to go to church until they get mairied. FREQUENT COUGHING inflames the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the coughing and heals the Ijns. The ordinary cough medicines w hich are simply expectorants, will not do this, as they keep '.he lungs Irri tated In throwing off the phlegm. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Fanatici.,111 goes very far when once tinder way, and fanaticism will find a fruitful field among people who believe You can always tickle a homely wo man by telling her how overestimated you think some other pretty girl Is. V. L. Yancy, Taducah. Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the host physicians In southern Kentucky treated me without sur:f.w. I was Induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave im mediate relief and threa bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. Probably no butterfly thinks any of the other worms will ever be smart enough to turn the way he did. f 1 I hese tiny Capsules are superior mto balsam ot Copaiba,- . Cubebs or Injections and,,r.v CURE IN 48 HOURS VIUL". 4 the same diseases w;tb- out inconvenience. Sold kv all Drurif'tt. The "Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both inside and out, and steejn heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the wsrld. They embody the latest, neweat and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Rlock System. Vt. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agpfll. Traveling Ag't. Portland, Ore. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fa-t Time AND SUPERB SERVICE THE LOUVRE Htranjfera visiting in tn city will find the Louvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amrnfl Misters Ladies' Orchestra is hUII on the billo and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, iiuudsome pool and billiard rooms an-a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at nil uonrs BAHHER 8ALVET the moet healing salve in the world. CI. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive SpeelsJ Attention. No. f&8 Duane 8t I i Asterla. Or.' W. J. cook: Mr Res. Tel. ML WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO I HE EAST If you cannot take ths mornlnv train. travel via the evening train. Both are nneiy equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PELLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LtRRARY f('AFE) CAR f REE RECLININO CHAIR CARS Hours In time saveJ to Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, .New York, IJoston, And Other Eastern I'uints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and D'-nver. IV,.1- t0 your Interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. & n. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTH UOP, General Agent. 135 Third St, Portland, Or. SHORTEST P.NO QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Dulmli,Mlniii'Hjii)lis, Chli-aso and All Points East. DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIME; 8ER- IiwK A.NIJ HUKNERY UN-EQUALED. HtiitiiiHii hln i l ilnt In mild Imid b'-fms tllr rrl(,r Mild of this (imi at Onkuii t'lty, ori'ipxi, n Thursday. the ::.lh iluy of April. IWt. lie iiiiiiw" na u Itiii am a. (leorse U,'. '"in bind. Gnat Ad'dpli. Ali-xnmbT Nor. inaiid, Kiidi-rlik Nurtmiud, al of nry. Clalaup rminty, 'rgin. Any iiii.l nil prrooiia claiming ml- Mr-ly tbe ulivr.ili.acrlb''d limd sr r.iii-s-,l to llln I ht-r claims In this l!li" mi or bifoto rsld 2Jth das' Of April, l'il. t'll AH. R. MOORKH, Register. NDTlfE OK HALE. In the I'l.uiily l.'nurt In sn.l for Jrk- son County, on-gon, In the nmttrr of tne i-htiito of Tlmdd-us W. Harcloy, I ien. ,). Notir,. s hereby given that under and by vlrtui- of an order of sale in,1e by tli' Hon. 'iuuty I'imrt of Jackson I'ouiltV. Orivoll. iliiti'il Juiniiirv Tlh l'l. and rernrili-d In volume 12 of the probata records of said county, on page I will on un.l after March 1st. I'l, proceed to a. II ut private rale. f"r ciinIi. lota 24 ami i In block I. Of tin- town of Klnvel Outer. Clatsop I'ounty, Oregon, and the 8. E. M cf ectiun 10, In tp. 6 N. of range 21 W if W. M. In wild i'lalip County. GERTRUDE RAIK'LAT. Ailinlnltitrtitrlx of estate of Thaddeus W, linrcliiy, Deceased. Ahland. Ore. E. D. IIRKNifl Atty. Axlilunil, Ore. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO, 39. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Not be lii hereby given that the board f assessors have nwipletcd the spec ial asNt'sament fir the Improvement of Eleventh siren, from the south lino of Through Palace and Tourist 8leeptrs, I Kranklln avenue to the north line of willing ana nuiii-i Minoklng iiarrimin avenue, ana nave reported L,iDrary cars. I "'e siunc to tne common council or the city of Astoria, and tho same has Tickets to points East via Portland l"n filed with the auditor and police and the Great Northern Ry., on sale Judge and named and numberrd Spec at O. R. & N. Ticket omoe. Astoria, lul Assessment Roll No. 3D. and the or Great Northern Ticket Office rominltfe on streets and public ways a0 ssnnoirftaj or the common council of said city has ZOO YIJRRISON STREET, 'tl'polnted to meet with the board -,. " iwinxoi-a on uie mn nay 01 rrDru- PORTLAND. ary. I'joi. at the hour of 2 o'clock d. For rates, folders and full Inform.. of wild day. In tho council cham- tion regarding icastern trip, call on or '" r" ln ,he '"y clty. thcn address. A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and there to consider, review, enrruct and cijmilisa raid Special Assessment noil No. 33. Any person objecting to H.ild aHsi'HHuient must lib! bis objections thereto in writing with the auditor and police Judge. II. E. NELSON, Auditor mill Police Judge of the City or Astoria, Oregon. Dale of llrst publication, Jan. 31, 1S01. United States Land Olllce, Oregon C'liy Oregon, Dec. 3rd, 11)00: Notice 1h hereby given that In com pliance wiin tne prov isU.ns of the act NOTICH OF FILINO SPECIAL AS 01 coiigri-sa or June s, n, Pntlll, "An SESSMENT NO. 40. UCt for thu said of Umber lands In the state or canrornia, Oregon. NevA,m nii,. u i,nmi. lisn 11, us 1 1. - 1. a nt L J,,l i ffti hy ucl 11HH''n nt for tho Improvement of ntneJ L, ,rU , hn B; L0(?an- of f-ventcenth street from the south line n , 1 IH J p.v m,'T ,"tah:,"f re "f Irvl"f ttv,!"" tn lh0 "'"" ot h s sworn s atemlmt No Vh " J' r""10 ftv"nuo ttn'1 h"Vli rtrt' A the 1 17,1 ih, , , hZ1iJ"T , ,h" ""' tf l'o common council of the city ?t ltnl L ft1" ; and 14, of Astoria, nnd the same has been filed n i w VVlWt?Hie,D N"' 6 N- wl,tl o auditor nd police Judge and it S tui thW.'nn., wll'07''r pro',ft0 n,unei1 nnJ "umbered Special Asass- l, r It. MmPJr ht, '".'I1"0 vaU ","t " N"- nd the committee liable for Its timber and sUne than for on .n-.m. ..v'n ..,.. TXVTr10 TM nc of d cT-y ha. been ap- gon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 16th SOL the 'h r" of XT i . ,io!., c , H,ll1 day' ln the council chambers In as witnesses Salum ian ih i... u-n --1 .1... a S'zZSk STftt17 & cmVs.der,BVev,ewr'correct Tnd Appollonla Johnson, all of O nev C.nt. I oii.. u t,h TnKflril, m V a Snob 5OTTntoSuS uuestea to nie tneir claims In this nlflce I noiiea liidire ir m nut an n oias FrS. Register. ' Date of first publication, Jan. 81, 1L f ;: V v-V v. Vj r