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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1901)
THE MOKNING ASTOKIAN, SINUAY, fEBKl'AKY 3, 1901. .. R EMNANT SALE. i - . , Having 'iiHt cloHod tlio ihohI succoHoful Cleitranco fjulo over given in Ah trm wo Imvou nurnbor of KotnuuiitM of alt kinds loft. 'TUI C F PCI ' IV ODD LINES r Sits All contructi fr itJvcrtminK l (he Atoi Inn tire made on u Kimr nntco ( circulation four tlmcH iNrgcr limn lliut of any paper published or circulated In ('.lat op county. TODAY') WEATHER. pnltTLANIi, lVb. 3. -Oregon, mm or miiu. rxcrpt probably fiilr In thr lutiihwpot portion; Washington, (t'Iit 4tlly fair weather. AKOUNI) TOWN. ' Bwcet apple cider at Julinon Uro. Three flrst-cU barbers at th Oo cldrnt Bualn. I'liiulr Mi'Mt-t ve, of Iii'lumi, U In town fur short tlm. Mr Williams, nt Chinook. U stop, jilnti at i ht Parker. Mr, mil Mr, C, Leln nw' b cr, Friday, a mn. Viicm t hut mean biHne lit pausl K r' II) null sale. 'I'll" talk r tli" town-lnnlgcr' $10 mlr if men's MUltM. Chas F. Ili'K'T". of llwaco, In r-f tt f rrl ut th.' Parker. It. It. Irvr. nf Ht-ll, Wah In a KU't at the Pnrk'T. "W. Johnson, of VU Ore.. ! lp 1'.iik at th Parker. Coroner W. C. A. I'ohl lml buln In Hvrtirn yestrrday. F, . Kryrn. elf H. Bttl, U In th city, o. guest nt the Parker. HttU-tly fresh vttu: to l n for M vrtiU, at Johnson Uro. (tint If Kloekton I at horn from J'.trtlnml for fw day. Rot U-cctit meal. Rising Restaur- nt, III Commercial ilwl John H. Johnson, of Olncy, had bul ne In the rlty yesterday. Thr baromrier took full ymtrr.lny and tin- Indication nre that rodr w neither for a few day tan bo ex- peeled. liKKT H-CF.NT MEAL; RISINO SLN HI.STAUllANT. r I abiji I - i in i I! JLXJ PER 118 CENT Y0I'L1 NEED NO URGING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR 10.00 SALE OF MEN'S SUITS In all the Leading Weaves and Styles Ours Is a Genuine Clearance Sale of BROKEN LINES Two or Three Suits of a Kind BEST $14, $15, $16, $16.50, $17 VALUES ALL GO AT $10 S. DANZIGER wo want to clowt out the lot and o; fUfBj( rates on all remnant am JrfT'i riturnnt-tli largest and bt. A trial will convince you. Edward iluniiit, f Olney, wan In town yesterday, a gust at the Astor. Mis Inmun, uf Prtlatu1, In him-iiOU' rt fr dnyn with frlnnMn In tin rl'y Mm, Clmrli A, MKIulrc, of BtmhM" vImK'I with AnIoiIh fri i)(ln ynti-rluy. A. It. Mlllniii, of l'lmnou, h rin-ml liitf HunOuy with rrl"iniit In ttu illy Vlnr tin you art yur Bundoy din n. i T 1 tnk ) mine nt th Cutitral Hotel Coinni'l John Adiilr, of North Yukliiiii wan ninoiiM yintirdiiy'a vlNltnm to A tnrlu. Mi'Mluiiwii (i. I'. Kultoii uiid II. K 1'rin'l h-ft )"ntiTdiiy inoniinif for Ha Inn. Ivlitor Illio kford, of tin- 'lut kiinl.- c hlif, wu In the rlty -Htcr duy. I1. D. Alliiian and H- tt Krd wrfi; ntnoiiK llii rorllund arrlvnU limt cv'ti liitf. W. J. Kihui ii ii' I J. W. (lull-. tf ban KniiK lmo, ii r ri-gllT-J at ".hi; Oct! lent. II. D. Jiw-k. of H.-ttllk. arrlvnt hint pvciiIiik and la lopplnir at t ho )cl dint. J, It. Majl-n fume over from IUa rn ymti-rdiiy 11 nd In u iruint lit th ( t l lnt. Ilur rriort-Wlnd. north; weather, cl.iir: bar, rtiuah. Nothing In nlKht outnl'l". William Turnbull. of CuttilamM. wan In Aatnrla ymtirday, atiiliif at the Krldi-nt. lli-pnM-ntntlvr Allm ramc down from Hali-in yial-rdy to ,inl umiiiy with hi family. ONLY HIX MOKW DAYS OF THK tlHKAT ANNUAL SAL13 AT C. II I'Ool'KK'H. Khik y lialdvrln nppli ii II l r box Choice Unlilwm niiil" 'so ixt box. at Johiuon Itroa. Thomm Itocn, of Itlnhop Rcott act diimy of rnrllaml. la apendlng Sunday with Aaturia frlxnda. At tin lt niiM-tlngof the TeumittiTj' I'nlon a -omiiiliti-e of thr woa ap pointed to draw up a wngv Kcnle on whlrh action will b? taken at the next iiMH-tlna. ALL SUITS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE MARKED WITH A GREEN TAG 1'raaldent Fulton ha Introduced a bill In the iHuat to amend th charter of lh city jut Vrrnton, ....... f. ...... tt.. . - .. w.A i II. 1 T). ....... rived from Vurl Htevna I ant evening, ri'ViHiering at ma t'araer, FcrKiiaoii Ik Houli)n have the cm tnu't fr pluelriir a nw roof on the Aatoila Iron Work bulldlnv. lOdllor Cornwall of ttio Columbia Ulv er and OreK'm Tlmbermiwi called on frlenda In the city yeaterday. Mlna reurl ICatea returned yeaferday from roitliitul, where pIi hue been via ItlriK for ''iie tl'nc with fnenda. C. It, crKU'Klt'H ANNUAL 8 ALU roHITIVKLY CUmpM ON HATUIl KAY HVKNINO. THK TII INHT, You can auve about 40 ier eetit , lakliiK ailvantaae of the batKiilna to be liinl at DaiillKera 110 rult aaie. Mr, end Mm. Win. K. Holt and II K Alhert are among the evirilnic ar ;lvla from rortlutul uarlerei at in Oicldent. The lt of Jnrora to wrve at lh Feb iiiury term of the elreull court hegin rlnif the IMh will lev drawn by Sheriff l.lnvillc lomorrow. Yenienluy belna the ly of ju e Victoria' funeral the Hrltlah vlcf-cori mil' olllce waa cloxiil ari'l ninny fair In the cliy lowered. Vnm pure ry?, Amerlca'a flneat whiki y. Th.) only pure a nida; ituar unteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAItLHON, Hole Agvnt. The HlealllKhlo Oeo. W. Klder left out tor Hun Kruni lmo yeaterday. hhe to on :o mu kN of oyatera and Z.'iDO bun Ihn of ahookH at thin port. The M'liixniilin will pi ninthly li uv,. fo Tillnmook rock toiiuy. l upoiin unt oty mud" nu effort to net out feeler day, hut the Imr wan too rouah. John A. Montgomery him openel nhop .it Hond at ret and l prepared to ,o nil cuic or piuniinnic nn ulna- at the lowest poaaible rate. ItoHlvu coal liuita I 'nit r, la ind make lea trotihle with ntove and chimney flu'' than any other, Oeorge W, Haiiborn, ,. nt. T'l. iho::c 1311 The funeral of Mm. lleen Bvennon will lak" place from the railroad duc at 11:30 today, m-rvlct- being at (ire-i wood cemetery. Itev. J. McConnao will nmdate. Jiiiiim Keatlna'a new launch ICukI' made her trial trip yialerday after noon. I he le nt h ax a very flue ap ii'iirantv iilul nhowed up well In th IIUltl'T of HJieed. Kiltie llower, dauKliter of Mr. and Mr, r. F, llower, who haa been III for a oiik tlmv, la now ro-overlnic and will be well in a few day. Hhe I un di-r the care of Ir. tte. W. II. Marker Intend building tw double hou on the alte of the old l.elnenwcbi r tannery. The contract ha already b.en to Ferguvo llouaton, and work will mxn te gln. Ark Wo III" fhlnetu. nhllocrnt who turn H run. h n . nlliherrv tint and oth it tiroirt-riv near llwacii. Wu In towi hi ranch ami that he Bella a good deal vi.!.'riiH v 1 1 it mjivii n. niia u .owa on of butter. Ii'tiglng oim ration have begun on all the MrcttiiiK tributary to (iruy har hor. and a the n.lll are receiving heavy order It I exp.-cted that th cut will greutly exceed that of liuit ye. Wulter I'eteraon. fonnerly of th Weatern fidun nftice In thla city but now coniKHted with a brokerage firm f 1'ortland. wo In the city vUl.Ing old friend yeterday. He return to fortlund thl morning. The ttprlng term of the public1 mhool hegliia tomorrow. The work of the winter term now ended ha been credit a bli In every way. The numb r of promotion wa larger thun ever before and of thetie a good pniKirllon were 'honor pupil. The Kcllpne Hardware Company ha received an order to i up ten Hrldgi & llciich "Superior' Moves and range ut the new (junranttne station next vk. Manager Laws state that the government hiu adopted this make at all Its station. The new steamer being built for Captain Hnslem and Sklbbe la near Ing completion, and will be a b.-auty when the workmen are through with her. Though built with a view to car rylng freight It Is believed she will de velop a good rate of speed. There was a conference Inst evening of councilmen and others, regarding. It Deueveu. tne street railway matter. KfYiirta nrrt he4no mAjtff in no alitor arriA proviaiona or tne proponed ordinance mat it will be acceptawe to he com pany and the council Monday evening Northern Pacific officials generally are protesting that the Soappoone-Pltt burg railroad proposition la not Intend d as a feint to head oft any other project In the same direction. They say the company has been investigating that section for a long time and that the road Is certain to be built. It will pay any person Intending to purchase a piano or organ to e Wm. Wallace, agent for Eller's Piano House, f Portland. He Is located at No. 224 ommerclal street, Astoria, and has some fine samples on exhibition. Sec- nd-hand Instruments bought and sold Terms to suit purchaser. Call and gee him. The big steamship Strnthgyle, of the unto, Fe Oriental line, found the chan net depth ItiHuttldent on her up tr.p from here Friday evening, and a little liHtance from Tongue Point went aground. She was obliged to remain there several hours for high water be fore she could be gotten off. The ves- I, moreover, was only partially laden and the Incident further demonstrate! he dltllculty and danger of attempting to send large ships up the river. "The Angel of the Alley." produced for the first time In this city on Thurs day and Friday evening next at Fish er's opera house will mark another tri umph for those successful managers, Sullivan and Harris. It comes to this city heralded by the press of the coun try a being the most thrllllngly real istic production of the year. Dealing as It does with life In that wonder ful section of New York, which has sheltered so much misery and crime, it cannot fall to interest the public bJvery scene is literally taken from life, and no detail of stage-setting is lacking to make a perfect representa tion of these alleys and underground resorts of a great city. Seat sale open Wednesday morning next. A. It. Hammond la expected horn rom New York oon, al'l with hi com ing will probably come a Nettlement of the sawmill iueton, It I understood that the Columbia Land A Investment Company ha submitted a proposition to Mr. UoMiln regarding the Tongue Point prop'Tty which that gentleman beleivc will be satisfactory to Mr, Hammond. Secretary II. M, Lorntnen, i f the Co lumbia Hlver Flahennen's Protective Aoelatlon. ha returned frcrn Halcm, where f'r 'nne time he ho been work ing In the Interest of reed-d fish ieg. IhI.UIoii. He any the lawmaker are IntercMted and that the outlook for fair consideration of llshlng Inierent at their hand I, Mr, !irnt aen will return to the capital Tues day. The steamer Kvlchak, belonging to the Alaska Packer Anaoclatlon, which wu undergoing repair at the wharf of the Union Iron Work, Kan Francisco, sank at her doc k yeali-rd ,y morning from n'.ri.i; unknown cause. Khe Is of about 6'0 ton d spliic'incnt and was launched about a year ago In Portland. IjiKt summer she ran on the Aliskan coast as a tender to the cannery sta tions of the company thut owns her. The committee on arrangement has secured for the grand ball to be giv en by Astoria Aerie, Fraternal Order f Kafcie, ut Foard & Kloke' hall, Wednesday evening, Feb. , the armii-ss wonder. H uber, who will give exhibi tion of skill In the manipulation of hi fed that are truly wonderful. H" will paint picture that will ost'iil h all. This Is hi first appearance here. The lam of nruslc ha be-n secured and thlM danc e will be the event of the sea son. The ship Ar.luuniurchun and Ma. rl tianlsh have been stricken from the overdue lint at the Merchants Kxchange nt Kan Francisco, where of , per cent had been quoted. It Is said that the indifference of speculators, based upon the rctrti that the ease of siilmnti which were utipposci to have come ash ore from one i f th -s" ves sel, were covered with barnacl.s. and lliut they bad therefore U-en long In i he water, wa the reason for crooning the ships from the list. Qnlet prevailed In the old town yes- ...... tut, 1'hi.r. u-i.41 llll. fit Intor-eul or importance hapis-nliig anywhere. N-lth-er vice nor virtue wus rampant. .-'ciirceiy anythinn stirre.i along tne water front, and the court and varlom public office of the r.ty had practical ly nothing to report. One old saw was ... ... .L.iiu I. V,.! uf ih nnliee iit.-il ii in. u' ' . ... i court, however, but It was not for pub lication, so there is nowntig io suy about It. It ! understood also that a Mck was registered at one of the ho ies of the city soni'-tlme during the iluy. but the particular could not be earned. Ast. rla was wry sooer yes terday. FIK.vr SI'IIMAWN.: CAHLIC. Which wa male from an ordinary v. ... i,im,l,ii,..l with L'lilla n reha. was laid acnv the KngliHh Channel ubout II uiiM ilm about the ame that Hostetter's Stomach ltlttein. the world renowned dyspepsia cure, wut firt Introduced to the pub f.iuillv medi cine during thise years almost eclipses that of the submarine cable, while t ilay It ttam's aloie as the one re. table remedy f-ir .ivspepniu, lndlgstton. flat ulenc. constipation., biliousness, mr- ii.Mt,a. t- ltommnltt If vrul ST" a luffeicr fron these disease. It Is be- "eaiise ycu have never tried the mtier. Try it at orce. If you would be well, ii I. .ii iin'tivihw v.Mir cn'lre nvRtem. ,1 ",l , - and produce sound sleep, and good Health must naturally imiow. CAPTt KINC. WILD HOKMES. The Snow Storm Imprisons a Large Hand at Slcan Marsh. Tli .in. u-rA uiiiib) fVHI or more wild h.irM Kn.iu-.! In nt Slcnn marih. which Is about 80 miles southwest of Silver lake and 15 mile north or la nax in .Hun agency, by the heavy snow whlcl et in with the new centur)-- Hi' snw Is said to be at least five feet leeo vet and these horses are liable to starve to death before spring as the snow Is too deep for brouslng, While these horse are wild bands that have been allowed to roam the range and become as wild as deer, there are many well bred horses among the band who fell Into dissolute way by getting Into bad company. The val ue of horses caused by the wars makes this Slcan marsh band worth looking after and thl week the owners who are the Reservation Indians and white stock raiser of Silver lake, haw start ed men out to carry from the upper end of Klamath marsh hay in sacks on snow shoes to these imprisoned h .rse.1. Their hungry stomachs and Imprisoned condition will cause the tamer horses to follow the men with the hav which will break a track through the snow and the wilder ones will gradually fall into line ana oe tolled off Into captivity through their stomachs and not their reason. They are bunched up in several small bands and If It was not for this great storm would not be captured, as they are neet footed and in their wild and undis didined habits refuse to be captured and are capable of wearing out innum- rable relays and saddle horses wnen on the range. Thesj horses and their ancestors have become wild and rr.gnt- fullv numerous during the past nneen years of low prices In horse flesh, and have consumed, much of the range grast, that would have done better ser vice to the white man's Interests if consumed bMhe more profitable eat- le and sh,eep animals. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Columbia liver, main ship channel from Tongue Point to Jim Crow Point. Notice Is hereby given that south side of channel be ll buoy, reported adrift on January 26, 1901, was replaced on Its tation January 30, lwi. uy oraer or he Light-House Board. W. P. PAY, ommander, U. S. N., Light-House in spector. For Sale by FOARD & STOKES CO, Astoria, Oregon. KENTUCKY TWO MORE FOR M'BRIDE Williamson and Roberts Are the Recruits. THE SALEM SITUATION There Wis i Quorani it the Cipltol Yesterday inJ Another Ballot Wis Taken. Contrary to expectation, a quorum answered rollcall yettterday morning In the house, only nine being absent. In joint scHHion there wa a Hurry of excitement when Kobert. cf Wasco, ami Wllliuir.son. cf Crook, heretofore voting for Hon. Oeo, H. William., .ast their vote for Senator Mclirlde. These wife the only change except through absence. Following Is the vote In de tail: Corbett, 22; McBrlde, 19; Smith, I'.; Hermann, 8; Moore, 2; Fulton, 2; Ixwen, l. From pr.-s.-nt Indications several com mittees will be worked to death be foie the end of the session, and unle i hey accomplish something soon, there m ill be some bills that will never reach third reading. Among the com- j mlttee almot hoic-fisly wwamped 1 ! the committee on finning Inlustries. This committee has about twenty bill to consider, and a yet ha soaiceiy made a beginning. The fish bills before the Oregon bgls liture c.'vcf almost ery stream In th" rt.if. Many are conflicting and if '.he c.imtnitt"c on fisheries, after digesting all. evolve one general fish bill satis factory to th- majority of Interests. It will earn the everlasting graitude of lh people of reron'. The eannery "im want one thing and the fishermen anotn.-r. Even those living contiguous to the jam' streams have different idias In reference to open seasons and other fHhlng regulations. Out of this labyrinth of conlllctlng opinions, there fore. a.n entirely satisfactory bill ap- !. an next to impossible. Senator Ful t .n's bill Is perha the most radical measure before the assembly. It places the election' of the state fish commls slon In the hands of the legislature Another committee that has it h.inds full, although making good pro g.css. Is the committee on assessmen and taxation. This committee ha un d.-r consideration several assessment bills and also Whitney's mortgage tax bill. The committee on game, forestry and came fishes held another protracted meeting yesterday afternoon, and many more suggestions ir. reference to cnang es In the game laws were received. HOC HOO DAY. Mack Cat Tosk Possession of Astoria Yesterday. Yesterday was H. Hoo day in AtO' na. The emblem of the biaca. cat orae was seen on ev.ry hand. The street .4ir management tendered the order the cl two special cars which were gaily decorated with flaming banners for an excursion trip stating that an "On the Roof would be held at in Occident hotel In the evening. The As torla members of the order. F. D. But xer and Harry D. Gray, of the Clatsop Mills, and N. T. Sorenyen, of tne bor enscn Logging Company, are to be con irra.tulated on the excellent entertain vn mt provided for the occasion, which was highly appreciated by all present The following ofticials presided: Sna"k of the Universe, Sidney n. cawston !-n!or Hon Hoo. E. N. W'heeler; Jun lc:r Hoo Hoo. Tom Claffey; nojum, R. L). Inman; scrivenoter. J. A. Haseitine jabberwock. W. H. Braden; custoca' tlan. O. M. Cornwall; arranopcr. t, Zimmerman, gurdon. N. P. Sorensen. The follow Ing candidates were initiat ed: W. F. McGregor, Frederick W 11 Ham Hardy, Chandler Bloom, Leonard Abratn Mansur. Theodore Lendis, Per ry A. Trulllnger. Albert Brix. C'has. c. Mast en, Herman August Heppner, John Callaway Mayo, Johann Enill Wolff, Mark Hartfield McCall. Matthew Ed ward Murphy, Herman F. Prael, O. G, Hughson. Ihe banquet which was held at trie Occident did credit to that famous lo cal hostelry. The tables were arrang ed in the form of a horse shoe. The menu cards were printed on two pieces of Clatsop county spruce, daintily held together by red silk ribbons. The pro. gram was a work of art and a credit to Superintendent D. Futser. and Har ry U. Gray, of the Clatsop mills, who arranged it. Telegrams of regret were read from H D. Foster and Frank B. Cole, of Tacoma. ', The local Hoo Hoos did themselves proud and every member present went away with a feeling that they had oeen treated royally. , BUSINESS FOR SALE, flno.l cenernl merchandise business. Bert opening on Columbia river. Good reasons for selling. Address. J. V. M FAKLAN(., Knappa. Ore. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive 8 peel a Attention. No. KM Duane St., W. J. COOK. MgT Astoria. Or. Re. Tel. UIL DYSPEPTICIDE Tha greatest aid to DIGESTION. WITH THE CHUItCHKK. - Hei Vic e today In the various churchej of the city will be a follows: Meeting at the Salvation Army hall every night at I o'clork and on Kun day at 3 p. m. and evening. All wel come. Oerman Lutheran ervlce In the Con Hi "gat Ion a I church on Hunday at 2:20 p. m. Sunday school m 1:30 p. m. All welcome. At the Norwegian Evangelical Luth eran church today both aervlces In the Norwegian language. In the morning at 10:45 and In the evening at 7:30. e PreAbterlan church, morning ser vice at 11: evening service at 7:30; Y. P. 8. C. E. at 6:30; Sunday school at 12:1j; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. A very cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Services usual today In the Swe dish Lutheran church. In the morn ing In the Swedish language and in the evening In the English language. Subject for the evening discourse Is "The M-iwenger of the Covenant." Rervlc at the M. E. church a f! low' Class meeting at 10:15 a. m.; Sunday school at 12:30; Junior League at 1:J0 p. m.; Epworth League at t:20 p. m; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pator wl; preach both morning and evening. The usual service will take piace at the Haptlst church today. The sub ject of sermons are a follows: In the morning, "Knowing Chrls.1;" In the evnlng, "The Lord' Commandment." In the Congregational church, morn ing at 11. and evening at 7:30, there will le held the usual ervlce. Theme for the morning hour will be "The Inex haustible Itlches of a Believing Chris tlon eHart." The theme for the even ing hour will be "The Un.-een Book." Sunduy school ,t 12:15. A welcome await all. REAL ESTATE. Mary E. Stanley to Nellie Stanl y lot 1. block 1. Grime annex; $5. L'nlt.-d States to Mary S. Morgan west half of southeast charter cf sec tion IS. T 8 N. It VV; patent. A. A. Cleveland and wife to Alfred A. Cleveland, Jr. block 5. Clatsop drove, and north 20 feet of south 70 feet of lot 1 and 2, block 133, Shiveley; United State to heirs of E. T. Mor gan, d'H-eased southeast quarter of section 23. T N. R 7 W: patent. A. H. Stone to J. W. Williams city property. Astoria, 300. JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of . . .STOCKFISH. . . Helnze's Mince Meat, Queen Olives and all kinds of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for lamlly use or keg Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes beer for domestic and export trade. i North Pacific Brewery BEFORE YOD BUY A It will pay EHER'S PIANO HU 0PPICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers Northwest, and with our special organ for less money than you oday. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos tho Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber makes, ...EILER'S PIANO GRAND ANNUAL MASQUERADE BALL BY TUB SONS OF HERAlANil Tuesday Evening, February 19, ICO 1 Eight grand, first and aecond prliea wilt be given away to the best sus tained character and to the finest coi tuma. Music by the Columbia Orchestra, augmented. The committee In charge promise ft good time and all are Invited to attend. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa clflc Co. ia a phamphlet upon the r source of Western Oregon, which ln elude an excellent map of the itata, and contains Information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Indus trie and their capabilities. Attention I also directed to such new field for eneigy or caplial as promise fair return. This publication fill a need long tz nerlenced by Oregonlan. in replying to inquiries of eastern friends. onies may be had of local agent Southern Pacific Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM. Q. P. A., Portland. Or. You never can see some women with, out thinking what a horrible thing It would be if pins had never been in. vented. The nverare man los? cbout half of his reMglon every time he loses his um brella. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE is what a cigar Is. It will tickle the palate of the fastidious without de. pleting his pocketbook. There Isn't a cigar rolled th&t there Is so much pleasure, richness or perfect satis faction hidden In Its folds for th money as there Is In a GENERAL GOOD for five cents. A box of these luscious cigars should be on every man's dresser. WILL MADISON ASTOKIA, ORE. beer supplied at any time. DeUyefy in the city free. PUJIO OR flfl ORGflfl you to write and piano price regulators of the facilities can sell a tine piano or can get them elsewhere. Write together with eight other good liii38a