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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1901)
THE .MOKXIXG :ASTOKIAV SL'XDAr, rEUKt'AKV 3; mi'- gaily otoviam JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main 66L .TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year 16.00 Bent by mall, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month 60 SEMI-WEKKLY. Sent by mail, per year, In advance, $2.00 Postage free to subscribers. All communication! intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Huslness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to It! ad versers the largest circulation of any j newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap llcatlon to the business manager. Th Tacoma News of Friday list contained a handsome supplement de scriptive of the beauties of Wright Park, which was. on that day, being visited by the member of the state legislature with a view to its acceptance by the state as a site for the erection of a capitol building. The supplement Is a single-pag? sheet of book paper containing many excellent views of dif ferent portions of the park and an arti cle describing its attractive features and giving an account of the method by which the park came into posses ston of the city. Minister Wu declares that the fear that the Chinese would flood this coun try If permitted to do so is absurd. He failed, however, to cite any examples of the experiences of other countries within the reach of the omnivorous and omnipresent Chinaman, in defense of his statement. The fact is that the Chinese will go anywhere where they can make money and, after a footing has been obtained and success won by a few, any and every country on the borders of the Pacific ocean which does not care for the presence of the Chinese in overwhelming numbers has been compelled to adopt stringent regu lations for their exclusion. THE ENLARGED ARMY. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. So little are average citizens affected by fear of "militarism" that they show so special Interest in the fact that both houses of congress have passed a bill to increase the army of the United States to not less than 60.000 or more than 100.UOO men. It was the Judgment of both house and senate that a return to a regular army ' of 27.000 men for a nation of 7G,-M0,000 people was ab surd, and that theory will be heard no more. Speeches were made in congress, as a matter of course, predicting that the new army will overthrow the re- I public and that liberty will be put to death by the word or rille carried by the one man in a hundred, but the familiar rant was brushed as'.d? as the utterance of chronic pessimists or of those who have no real faith in popu lar government. Speeches of this kind awakened no echo whatever in the country. The people of the United States, with a few exceptions. believed that a regular army of 60.000 or lu. 09 men, according to current circum stances, is not too large either fi.r pres ent usefulness or to serve as a basis for future emergencies. In the war with Spain cur little ainiy was overwhelmed with the- necessities connected with a call for 200 000 troops. The nucleus of trained soldiers was to tally Inadequate. American volunteers hae made a brilliant record, but they must pans through a period of training, and there are staff duties that can 'only be mastered by experience. In a war of serious magnitude the volunteer! will always be the mainstay of the na tion. There Is no. thought of their dls pniurfei'tent In the army bill. A regu lar army of 60.000 or liW.Wrt would be but a central part In the forces required in a foreign war. The war with Spain called hundreds of thousands of men to the field. The civil war summoned millions. As enlarged, the regular army can serve only for a first !ne in iiiy important smmsle. I" 1NS the landing army was not large enough to man the seacoast defense. At llv pit-sort time the army consists of about lOO.Ooa men, and Is scattered n seven diif'Tcut parts of the world. nut of a tolai of MO company organi- x.ui'ius. according to a recent it-port, only Ui are at home. The number l.i the Philippine and China Is oi!; in Cu ba. J4, in Xlaska, 10; in Poito Rico, 7; In Hawaii. -. In the Home force are 36 troops of cavalty, 4S of in taiiliy. 61 batteries of'ry, 2 com panies of engineers and 1 signal com pany. One of the good works of the ureseiit energetic congress is the per manent inc reuse of the army to conform to the growth and widening responsibilities of the country. So man ifestly is this course nsht and prudent that the passage ofhe army bill was iv.viveu as a foregone conclusion and as an essential step in carrying on the business of the whole people. Influent, and has ralh'n to the low elat or a purveyor for hire of clnss prejudice, unrest, discontent and Ig norance of clal atrlff, Philadelphia Public. Ledger, The "common people" of the country n all their work, wages and welfare were allied last November "In the pro tection of their rights" to a sound gold dollar, full American wages, the honest ixecutun .if contracts, the stfety f savings and the advance of the general welfare. Against such there Is no law; but there Is Mr. Bryan, his paper and bis party, wernlng day by day to de stroy these fundamental rights and talking l.ving platitudes about t:.e job. providence Journal. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All drugglsta refund the money f it fails to curt. K W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 2ic. "So dink and yet so light." said the funny man as he looked at a ton of cool the driver had just delivered. PILES OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Kanner Salve in curing piles. It Is guaranteed. CHAS. KcHJi'ltS, Druggist. An irreverent writer says that Sat an's tall was probably due to his hav ing supped en a peal of thunder. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word tins fells of the Passenger Service via f ho Norihwcsicrn kino. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, TeerleM Dining Cara, Library and Observation Cars, Free Keclinlng Chair Can, The .'Oth Centurv Tialn Huns Every Pay of the Year. The Finest Train ,'n the World Clcctric Liihtril Sic.ini MVittcil THE HAI-GEIt STATE EXPUKSS. the Finest Dally Train Running Hetween St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections from the West made via The NOKT1IKKN PACIFIC. OK EAT NORTHEItN and CANADIAN PACIFIC K'YS. FROsV RITES AND CHIUU.AINS ijuickly cured by Manner Stive, the heal ng rem dy In the world. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. It is easier for a young man to fool his own mother than it is for him to Lh1 any other woman. Fatal delays are caused by experi menting with couch and cold cures. Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Th- more careful a woman is about her complexion the more careless she is about her housework. MR. I ;i J VANS "COMMONER." A nun who can combine starting a newspaper with globe-trotting is entitled to be- called the Great I'ncmnioner. "ew York Times. His ingenuous discourse awakens pleasant memoiies of youth, but it does not inspire confidence in his fitness to guide the destinies of nations. Chicago 1 nier-Ocean Mr. Biyan is a better editor than was it first suspected. He is going abroad as a Journalist, leaving his newspaper in the hands of competent newspaper men. Min-phis Commercial Appeal. Mr.- Bryjn makes a good defense of ir-e name of his paper The Commoner. Let him beware of the Populist fads and folhe; if he would n,.t make ills oriran "The Commonest. New lork ei'orld. Bryan's new paper has that freshness v.hich indicates that if it expects to furvive it will have to make some sort i . ; f A newly married man want- to of terms w ith th- sail trust in order to I know if a man should Ml his w ife 'I have always used Foley's Honey and Tar cough medicine, and think it , the best In the world." says Chas. .'iender, a rtewsuraler of Kile. Pa. Nothing else as good. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. Every bat gain you pick cp at an auc tion sale must be knocked down to you. A MISUNDERSTANDING. Misun lerst-xxl s-ymi toms of dis-cse leal doctors to treat something else -.vhn the kidneys are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health when other medicines have fail ed. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All asents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. II. MEAD. H. L SISLEIL Genet al Agent. Trav. Agent, 2tS Alder Street, Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD.' !., "PORTLAND Arriv 8:00a.m. iPortland Union rwimVliV1A 7:W p.m.lfor Astoria and lnur-i:0p.m.' imruilHl points, i i astoria: i i.a.m.For Portland V InniMiTi .w p.m.urmiiiat polntaJl0;S0 p.m. BKA81DE mVWION. II::U. in. A M) i. m. t::i a m n i hi i kl i. III. SutoLv oiiiv ASTORIA SKASIDK I 7 40 a. in 4 Ul II. Ill I'll Oil III IJ to) i m I. mi i, in All trains make close connection at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to ami rrom the East or Hound point. J. C. MAYO. Gen I Frt and Pasa. Agent WHITE COLLAR LINl Str. HERCULES take the tdae of B.MI EY GAT.ERT (Telephone" Dock). Colun bia River and Puget Sound. Nav igation Company. l'li. Ilerculea leaves Aitorla dallv rvcept Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland daily except Sun lay at 7 a. in. White Collar Line tickets. O. It. A N. tickets and llwaco Itjr A Nav. Com pany tlikci Interchangeable on Her- uie and Massalo. Through Port land ,'onnection with steamer Naheotta from Lwaco and Long Beach points. letcpnotm 4i, in. V J TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. !. w. crichix)N. P.wiland Agent HI. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" tra ns every day anil night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam h.i, of a verity eqJalcd by no othe. Sfe that your ticket read! via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Piss. Agt.. Gen. Ag'.., Portland. Oregon. Portland Ore. ' NOTICE- roit IIIDH,' NOTrcic or filing, or ari:ciAL ASSESSMWNT NO. 41.. , Notice Is hereby given that th board of assessors have cmpli'ld I he spec ial HSNessiiii'tit for the Improvement of Commercial utivet front tho west line of Fourteenth street to tha west line of Hevenleenlh street, and have report ed the same to the common council of the city of Astoria, and tho same has been filed with tlm uudKor and polc ludgo and named and numbered Spec lal Assessment Roll N'o. 41, and the rommldiH' on streets and public way blda I herrby reserved. of the common council of said city bus I By order of the County CihiiiuImIoiu been iipix'lliliM to me.-l wit It the hoard I rr' Court. II. J. WHKIIITT, of assessors on the mil uay of i-etirii ary, ISWI, at the hour of 'i o'clock m., of said tin v. In the council cham ber of the city hull of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct Ul( eiiuallie snl.l Special Assexmelit Roll No, il. Any person (injecting t said nsseSHinent nnin 111-- his ob)ectlon tlierelo in writing with the nii-lltor and police Judge. II. E. NKIHN. Blda will bo received by the county eominlssloiier' court of Clatsop County, Orrgon, until Monday, February 4th, J!H), at i o'clock p, m for ro-bulldlng tho Walluskl diaiv-bildgit, Plan and specification can be r''n at th court house. Hula must bo In compliant, with section 41(1 of tho law of Or, gnu, and a Uepoalt or onrtlflod chNik by each bidder of ten per cent of tha amount of the bid must accompany tha same. Tim right to reject any and all County Clok. Astoria, ore., Jaii, 1(1, ltkl, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Cnlted Slate (.and Office, Vancouver. Va.h.. Nov. V. 1W0: Notice I liercliy given that In ooin nllaiicv w ith the urovuiloli of the aot of Auditor mid Police Judge of the city cougivw of Juno 3. M?!, vnlllloj "All of Ai'orio, oreKoii. uet for thu ulo of timber laud In ilia Date of Hi hi publication, Jan III, l;w Mate uf California. Oregon. Nevada and Washing! on Territory," aa extend ed to all tha public land vtatc by act of August 4, KIM. Gcorgv A. Word, of Portland, county of Multnomah, tm of Oregon, hu (hl day filed In till oillce hi sworn suteuiont No, 2oy7, fur the puniisse of the Iota I and I, and K half of NW tiiiarler of wctlon No. 10. In to iihii No, to N, rangn No, I W i' t ...m m .... .... i . Kim nin mi. r irooi i-i piiiiw mat the laud sought I more valuable for III limber or lno than for agricultural pill poses., and to eAtahllall hi claim to mI. l.ui.l before the regitr and re ceiver of till ottlee at Vancouver. Wiixh, on Vediieday, (ho 13th day of February. 1W1. Ho name a wltnr,-; Burnarit Itlst. or Kiiapptou, Wiislilngton, Birn Hroi k. of Nae. Washlitglon: Alfn.i J limy, of Ktiiililiton. Wahljiton- William .Matheral. uf Knaptun. Willi. Ington. Any and all person claiming hn- ly the abovn-iiex-rtbotl liiol are r-iiiesi.-d to file thelrilalm In this utile on or befor snl, J Jth day of Kb ruaiy. Iwt W. It DUNBAR. Register. HKI'AKT Krom i ortltmL Hefore this silver coinage question fags out someone should advocate the issuance of 49 cent and 9S cent pieces. They would be so handy for the w-o-men on bargain days. FREQUENT '"OI "GUI N'O inflames th-- lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the coughing and heals th Ijns. The ordinary cough m-r licines which are simply expectorants, will not ci j this, a.s they keep 'he lungs irri tated in throwing off the phlegm. ( HAS. ROGERS. D:uggit. uet the needed supply '( elixir -TUutfs N", npar-il. Council everything. Yes, for a while until your extreme goodness wears off then you will know better. Editor has fallen into th- prac tice of an-at-urs who transplant th-'m-sehes to ;h sain turn ih'U of usiog up the transportation as fast as h- ten sfet it. II-- has already plan-.- -i a trip to i-turop. MI:inapo;s Trilj-j:.-. One must oi:nit ih- hu-in-ss Ji'dg .nent of th-- man who, wh-n h- r.- eived an offer t'i edit a j.a-r f--r s im-- one else who wanted to i d,i:n'.izi nis rep utation set about '.ipi';iuZdif. j; fur his own profit.- Brooklyn Eagle. W. L. Yancy. Faduc.-ih. Ky., writes: '"I Jiad a severe cas" of kidney d.s-ase and three of th- best physicians in southern Kentucky treated m- without success. I wis indue 1 to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottl-'gav- im mediate relief an I thr?. bottl-s cjr-d me permanently. I gladly re. ommen.1 lhis wonderful rwn-ily." CHAS. ROG ERS, Drugrgist. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS I Lazy Livers are many times the cause of various d swtscs. Ninety per cent of the American people are said to be troubled with liver and - stomach complaint such as consti'atioa, dizziness, indigestion, biiiounueea, sluggish liver, eto. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 and enr thma ilia. Thra toblaU act a gencl Uxa tlv. Tboy make the bver and atomaoh do their duty aa they should, lb moat obstinate case Tld to these litUe tablets. They ot Ko aad taa b proourad at PRANK HART. Suocessor to Th. 01 sen. 900-2 Com. St ir tnc '-oinnionr is an a'.'-mpt to aav cate an aiani'.'i'ii th'-.-re, if it i epre.-enis wnai jir. i.i yan si"id lor in his two campaigns, iK fa if. i-aiinot be rierniai-'.ntly averted. Wait till th- nov elty wears "ff and v .- sliall -. Syra cuse Best-Standard. Through Mr. Bryan's pap-r nins the idea that the A:n"ri-an p-opl.- ar.. di- -'ie(i inio two eJ.tss-s, and that h; is ih-; cbarnpion - f th- J-s-rvig sid -. Th" Di-rt of ih r p-d'Uiatijii that h'- - on- clernn.1" is pretty num-ious ri e!'-r-tion lav. hi. Louis ' ' - r -1 ni-.-r a l. Howlinif against prop.-r;y, or against ho s-pii'it which .s.-ks i-r-.p-riy. is po -r eniplo; ne-tit. The j.o r of today ar.- the rich of tomorrow. 'Tic- republie' is opportunity;" and no ma-, despair of b'-tt'-rim; los c-.iidlt.on , ho striv'-s earnestly ::iid d---tv-.-. lo do so. Washington Siar. A loan's opinion-, shou d be iiis r.-at- est lielpio -ei, and w h-ri Mr. iiiyan Is freed from those that haiijf ,tt his neck liKe a millstone he may pnbllsh a paier p'opie will r-a1 and alue. Until then the Common.- wi.'i ri''t do. lC-.en "the common people" want some- tiling besides froth. Baltimore Ameri can. Having bar revealed to th-m In the first iwue of Mr. Bryan's newspaper the want, n, unscrupulous demagoi;up. icialist and anarchist he proeh.iins himmlf to be, the whole people should rejoice that this very offensively com mon person has passed from the sphere of possible political power, standing or "I never s-e a name with a h"l lot of capital letfrs after it but what I think of Bill Nye's dog that had a tail so long it had to have it wound up like a coil of wire lope and ti-d with a fhawl strap," raid Billy Byrne, as he jabbed his ien into an Irish potato, and blotted an envelope he had addr.-ss.-d to an eastern college piofessor who wanted to know If Bat Crowe had ac tually been stolen by the Omaha In dians. Omaha News. When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable aa far aa speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our trains at-i operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlr ing car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. r-r any runner information call n any ticket e?ent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. C.eneral Agent. THE CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. rtilc-n. Salt I. !ik, Denver. Ft I Portland v, orth.Omalia Knn-"l-eelal i 1 1 jr. Si I.011U, ! 9 l.s. in Ultra i and Kml salt Uk. Iienrer. Kt Atlantic north, O.n.ihn. Ktn hxprena ,-,y H, ,,, '!' I"' t'hleag.iaiid Kl V4ll Wada. l.-Htuii, Spokane H)kue, Mltiio-o. Klyer. II', "I. I'ul, Imluili. hi. Milwaukee. ( hli-.o "it Waal. f om Aatorla (KEAN 8TEA.H5NIPA VII sailing iirl aut) Jeel to cliaujtr, Kor San KraneiK-tv-Hall Asatrl 4 p. ui 7 n. in a to a in 7am ''olU'iihia Rlror KU-un KxSuiiduv er. to I'ortliind an, ' ' ly Liu loi(i Uk IU x Mo day f . Krom Portland I . K.6sfr.ay (Vr,LLAJ'.,?,rrKv RVKR K."uX OrKO0 l t, Newberg. falrin k Way-Land a. I "a.m. Mlllaiiitt audVaiu- I U p. m. luei.Tliur 'hill Kit. ra on.,Vd, " Hat. Or. ..n City, haytoii J, " m Vy i.andiiK lilpdrla lsve dly ;i t'i a. m. 6 H 111 Saak Klvar. Kiparla to Uwlnton ' Lt IwUto i y .oo a iq dally WlllaumtUi Klvar 4- Tuei, Thin Portland t t'orvitllls Miin, W' alio n y ijtiiuuiK rrlilay a.W. LOUNSBERRT. U. HURLBURT. Aa-'t Awtn --o. i m. Ag c. roruand. Or.. SIIUKIKI'S H.M.I-:. 1 ly vlitue of an execution and order i I mlo Issue I on of tho Circuit Court i f the Still-' of Hi'eg n, for the County id ('l.its.ip, on i he :iii(h day "f January, IWl. UI--H :i llldgnielit ami decree ri'tt dei -d th -reiu on the ISth day of Miircb, IVK. in favor of J. T. Bosh. J. K, 1 1 lac gins. II. C. Thompson and l-:. .. l-'er- oiisou, purinei domg hminess utun'r the llim nun- of Boss. Illgglns A Co. lalntlt'-., mi. I .igalusl Silas II Sinlltl, Muv M Suiltli, A. I . l-Hlo i and H. :.. Klnl ivsoii, ib-f ndaii's, for Hie sum f Jiliij iii, l.ig'th-T wild the c"t and I'sbin s n.elits of tlila iietlon heieln .X-il al l.'II.KI ..K.-t.;- with llllen-nt ll.ereoii ffiin the 1Mb day of Mareti at the I.H-- .-f I" p. r ent p.-r lin- mi iii until paid, mil tb- e-.-u of and 1 1 Mi this writ oinmaiiding an-l re llllrlllK le to MIlA.- rule of III, follow ug d.seill.e.l leal proper!), l-.-wii: l. I 'I, K. IS, l'.i and JO. In the I'ow n of Id'ewlM. iis laid out a"d r orded by Sil.ii It Smith. In the '"iinty f i'p, St at.- of I iregon NotUc is ber-l'v glvn Unit t will on M-'lidav. ih.- ttli I iv - r Mi" li. 1'I. at Ih.' b' ui- of I'l o'clh k In th.- f -i.-nooii of said day. In flout of mil at th toillt Moll." door, in the '!!) "f .. loll.t. I litnop Coiinly, ii.g -ii, k 1 1 nl public -met! :i (o th.- high, hi bidder f -r C.ll. the llbe.e i!-"ellb-d real plop Ity or so inui h tn.-r. o as m.iv U- tie,- .irv to satisfy th.- )u. lament,, eo.-is and all aei roliig cosIh Tlli'MAS I.INVILLK, Sh.-'lf of ciusop Ciioiy nr.g'.n, Astor;a ih. gon, J.muuiy 31. 1'.hjI NiiTP K Eult I'l'BI.Ii'ATliiN. I nite.l St.lle Illl.l (lltlee. II ( ll;on By. i iregon. l.-c, :, l'.ioo: poller Is lientiy given Hull In c-'in- pllilllie wilb the provlnloii of I tic net of i-i.ngr.-KS of June 3, 1 HTS. i-ntt. d "An act f-ir the mil- of timl r Inn. Is In th. stales of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." n i-t.-n-l- e-l to all the I'll J.IK- IjiioI Htat.s t. uel of August 4. ll'J.', Chrlnlun Peterson. of Olney, county of 1'liiUop, Still- of Oregon, has this day filed In t ll- o,-, his sW"rn lnt -ni-nt No. 0319 f.- the pun hase of the NK. ipiart. r of section No. 1'.. In towtishlp N. 4 north. rang.- No. S west, mid will eff -r proof io show Unit the land nought is more valuable for Its timber or st-oie than for agricultural pin i-.h--h. mid to NOTICE 1-VU PUBLICATION. i ii Drpartmrnt of the Interior. lnd Olflca at urigon city. Oregon, Deem bcr IS, lww, Notice I ttr-rvby irlvrn ilmr is. .(t. lowing. named aettlrr baa fllod imtlo of til Intention to make final proof In sup port of hi claim, and that nld proof will bn niiido before Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, oq Ftbiuary I, llol, vii: AH1KUT SCIIOENEBI-XTK. II. K. No. IM17. for tha MU. nc nwu and N W h uf WW'Vi, H-c. 14. T. I N , It Ho ramra the following wltmaM in prove hi continuous rm.i,lp..,.. and cultivation of said land, via: . H. CtfTry. of Aatorla, Oregon; Pn 'r Olson. f Svniaoti. Or.-g..n. Auguat Hi uK-iu-bcck. of Bvenaon. Oregon; Wm. Hchociuls-ik, of Hyrruion Oiw.u, CIIA8, 11. MtxJHBa. Heglater. NOTICE KOll PUULICATION. I'nlte,) state Ijand Otllce. Oregon City 'Uegon. Nov. 23. lyoo; Notkv I hereby a-lven ihar in Plum- with the ptovialoii .,f th aot 'f coi gra of June J, in;, euttdrd . i n i r i ne mho of timber nd establish his claim to wild land before In thn state of California Oregon Ne- the register and nveivrr t Oils "iti. e v.ida and Washington Territory " aa al r.gon City. Oregon, on Thursday. rxtei.J (o a) lh iutlt- Lnitit titaiM the ;.',th day of April, lwi by act of August 4. MM. Mra Mary IB names us witnesses licorice M Farland. Oust Adolph, Alexander Nor mand, Knib-rlek Noinmnd. all ..f oi ney. Clatsop county. Or g.m Any and all persons claiming .id versHy the above-dcai-rllx-il lands are rijestiM to file Ih'-lr claims In Ihl oIUcp on or before said Ilth d.iy of April. 111. t HAS. B. MOORKS, li,.g,,r GO EAST VIA Km SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Dululli, Minneapolis, Chicago and All Points Eaat. DAILY TRAINS; PAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN-EQUALED. I Through Palace and Tourist Sleepera, Dining and Bufiet Smoking Library Cars. Tickets to Dolnta Eaat via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rate, foldera and full Informa tion regarding- Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. Ituxumous Travel The "Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the wrld. They embody the latest, newest and best ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Traina Connect With The (ircat Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian 1'aeific AT ST. PAUL FOB CHICAGO and the KAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Block System. W. H. MEAD, If. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't, Portland, Ore. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Jiwe an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Arnme Sisters Ladies Orchestra i still on the bills and presents nighllv a musical proirum of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms Rr. a feature in connection with the house. Palatable Innches will be served at all rinnrg MEETING NOTICE. .Notlc'J Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Co lumbia Blver Packers Association will be held at the office of the company, at Astoria, Oregon, on February 8, 1901, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of electing dir--ctors and for such other business aa may properly be con sidered. By order of the president. . GEO. H. GEORGE, Bee. - ' PlCTO WE HAVE 2-DailyFastTrains-2 TO I HE EAST :f you cannot take the mornlnjr train, travel Via the evenlno- train Ttnth ar (I... I.. , " noeiy C'lUlppeU. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PI:LLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS omJ'wS T0,;"8T SLEEPERS PULLMAN LINERS LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chk'aijo, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, Uoston, And Other Rastcrn I'oints Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THB OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and Kleeplng-car berths can be secured from G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR J. II. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third St., Portland. Or. J.A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BU1LDFP ' '.laser f oim-y, County of ClaUop. Ntatp of Oregon, hn this day riled In tm ofHce her orn taU-iiient, No. -3.a. for the purchase of tha HE quar-t- r of luutlon No. , In township No. I r'"' -N'o. 7 W. and will offer proof !o show that the land sought I mor ..luttble for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purpose, and to rs-lubllHlii-il her claim to Mill Inn.t K.r..M the Hegiatrr an, Receiver of this of. bee at Oregon city, Oregon, on Friday, till 16th dav Of Krbruarv lull Pile name n wllr.faaca- H,.'lv. .la.-r. William W. i'opc, Mary LVnek. Appoilonia Johnaon, all of Olney Clat 'P tNiunty. Oregon, Any and all p rmn claiming adverse ly th above-described land ar r. 'imated to file their claim In thla of- m on or oerore skdi iMn day of Feb fuary. 1W. CIIAS. II. MoOUM. ... Reflatcr. NOTICE KOR PUULICATION. I'nlted States Land Office, Oregon City, ii, ifvc. jru. ivw; Notice Is hereby irlven thai In rim. pllatice with the nrnvlaloiia of h. . of congrm of June 3. 1S78. entlUwl "An act for tho aale of limber land In th stal.-s of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." ed to all the pul'llo land states by act "f August 4, 1891, John B. Logan of Olney, county of Clatsop, stato of Or. Jfn, lias this uay flb-d In thla oiflc on aworn siaiemi-nt No. 6327. for the till ft' hfl mm fit K . I . .1 II m a a aa Notice Is hereby give,, that lb- board of section n ii .."'..m' i!' of assessors have compU-t.-d the ss c- rung.. No 7 W 'and will off..r Wrnr Vn lal asH-ssment Mr the Improvemen, of show thai the landl wuh I mSrTvaN Eleventh street, from the south line of imbl.. for Its timber and U mJ Thi. Si Franklin avenue to the north line of agricultural l arrlson avenue, and have r.-pori.-d hi, dalm ,0 ,am, Vf(,re the rig. the name to the common council f Ist.-r and receiver of this office at Ore. tne city or Astoria, and the same bus koii (Miv been filed with tho auditor and olo day of February lo) Judgo and named and numbered Hp-e- He names ns 'witne- Rnhn.iion lal Assessment Roll No 39. and'. be Olaser. William r Z. Ma -J"ck committee on str.ets and ,,ubl;c way. Appoll-mla Johnson, al of Olney CMat of the common council of snbl Ity has n,n, pminty Oregon been ..ppolnted to meet with the bonrd Any ami an iieraotls claiming . dv.,-... iJfr .' .. i t T'f . " ,,ru' r ,h' ve-decribed land are re- ii or nerore sa 1.1 l.ith itm nt irkn.. NOTICE OF SALE In th County Court in ;,n I f,,r Jack- son County, On-go'i. In the matier of the estate of Tluidd. us W. Ilarcluy, Deceasi-d. Notice Is hereby given that under ami by virtue of an order of sal.- made by the Hon. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, dated January 7th. mil. and recorded In Volume 12 of the probata records of said county, on pugu 4X0: I will on and after March lt. 1P01, proceed l.i sell at private rale for cash, lots 24 and 4H In block 8. of the town of Flavel i 'enter, Clatsop County, Oregon, and the A. E. of section 10, in twp. N, of range 2S W of W. II. In said Clatsop County. UEUTRCIiE HA IK 'LAV. Administratrix of estate of ThmH.-u W. Jtarclay, Deceased, Ashland, Ore E. I. HRIGOM, Atty. Ashland, Ore. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 39. of assessors on th ary in. of said day, In the council chnm bi-rs In the city hall of said city, then and there to consider, review, c-orr- ct and equalize paid Special Assessment Roll No. 33. Any person objecting to suld assessment must file his objections thereto in writing, with the iiu.lllor and police Julg. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of ihe City of Astoria, Oregon. Date of first publication, Jim. .'!!, 1B01. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 40. Notice is hereby given that the board of assessors have completed he special assessment for tho Improvement of Seventeenth street from the south line of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenue and have reported the same to the common council of the cliv of Astoria, and the same has been filed with the auditor and police Judge and named and numbered Hpi-clal Ass-ss-rnent Roll No. 40, and the committee on streets and public ways of the com mon council of said city ha been ap pointed to meet with the board of as sessors on the I4'.h day of February, 1901, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, In the council chambers In the city hall of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct and equalize sold Special Assessment Roll No. 40. Any person objecting to said assessment must file his objections thereto in writing; with the auditor and police Judge. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City oi a scon a, uregon. Data of first publication, Jan. 31, 1901. ary, 1901. CHAS. U. MOORI08, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllce. Oregon 'Hy, Oregon, November 12, 1800: .""lice is in-noy Kivn that In com pllancp with the provisions of the act ;;f congress of June S. 1H78, entitled. An net for the sale of timber lands in the stateH of California. Oregon Ne vada and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Public Mud Stales hy act of August 4, 1892, Ogden A. Hall, of No. 250 Morrison ntreot, Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has tblh day filed In this ofllce his worn statement No. B318, for the pur chase of the NE quarter of section 14 In township No. 6 N, range No. 8 W. and will offer proof to show that Im and sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aid land before the Register and Re vivor of this ofllce at Oregon CUr, Oregon, on Thursday, the 7th day of February, 1901, He names as witnesses. John Fin ley. of Astoria, Oregon; John Chltwood. of Astoria, Oregon; Herman Alhcrs, of Push, Oregon; George McFarland. of 01 ney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re ouested to file their claim In this of flee on or before said 7th day of Febru ary. 190L CHAS. B. MOORE8, Register.