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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1901)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN, , l'KIDAY, .PKUKIAKY I, 1901. gaily gtajtotfan. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main WL TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year 1400 Sent by mall, per month 50 Served bv carrier. Der month .60 , SEMI-WEEKLY, lent by mall, per year, In advance. 12.00 Postage free to subscribers. AH communication Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communication of all kind aiid remittances mut be addressed to "The Aatorlan." The Astorlan guarantee to It ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- llcatlon to the business manager. GOOD HO ADS INVALUABLE. Prof. I. O. Barker, of the University of Illinois, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineering, has made an exhaustive study of nad-bulldlng from a scientific as well as from a prac tical and social standpoint. He has not only mastered the work of road con struction on a scientific basis but hus thoroughly studied the financial and social advantages of well-built roads. In summarizing these he finds tight Important financial and six social ad vantages accruing to the community where such roads are established. Good roads, he slates: 1. Decrease the cost of transporta tionat some seasons only a little, and at others very considerably. 2. Give a wider choice of time of marketing crops. J. Give a wider choice of the market place. 4. Decrease the cost of miscellaneous travel. 5. Permit sale of products that might otherwise go to waste. J. Tend to equaliie railroad traffic between the seasons of the year. 7. Tend to equalixe the produce mar ket between different climatic condi tions. 8. Permit the cultivation of crops not otherwise marketable. 9. Add to the comfort and pleasure of travel. 10. Permit more easy intercourse be tween farmers and between rural and urban populations. This is an import ant benefit, particularly in a republican form of government. 11 Facilitate the consolidation of rural schools. This is an important advantage, particularly to the coming generation. 12. Facilitate rural mail delivery. IS. Improve the sanitary conditions, particularly In villages and towns. 14. Improve the appearance of the highway. In regard to the vantages of good roads. Prof. Barker says: "Too much attention has been given to the supposed direct financial advant ages of good roads, to the exclusion of the social advantages. Good roads are desirable for the same reason that a man buys a carriage or builds a fine house, I. e., because they are a comfort and a pleasure. Good roads rre to be urged for the same reason that good schools are maintained, I. e., because they Increase the intelligence and value of the citizens to society." ProerIy constructed roads from As toria to the rich territory adjacent would bring to us and to the country thus tapped not only most of the ad vantages which Prof. Barker has nam ed but a large share of the business which railroad lines are otherwise like ly to divert to Portland. strides of the American republic. Lont Hnsehery declared at Wolverhampton that the Americans were England' moit formidable rivals. This view of the United States Is shared by most of the leading statesman of Europt. Senator Lodge, of Maanul.useua, made a brilliant spveh In the senate on thin kubj-'ct recently, during the de bate on the aimy bill. He said In part: 'We hive proceeded In the process of our development until we have ex panded far beyond our own mirkets coinmeiilally, and we are btvaking Into . very nunket In the worll. It Is a part of economic development. We ar marching fast toward the economic su premacy of the world. Look at Europe and compare it with the United. States -Europe, it nmll continent thrust out like an outspread hand from the great Alan continent Into the waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, made up of peninsulas broken jp Into small states, h his been woik-'d over for u thousand years, at least, by men In the endeavor to draw out all its re sources. It was a poor continent at best, con pared to the oth rs. and It has been worked for centuries. Now look at ours. Here we are holding up the be.-t pari of the American cont.nent. a'l In the temperate xov. Iook at your map, a great symmetrical country, all under one (lag. all under one roof, no seiarate g.n eminent, your railroads runring in steady connection, carry ing freight from. the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lak-'s to the gulf. That means the greatest saving in con i f mufportation Imaginable. "Europe cannot meet It. It Is Im possible. Every separate state system. 'indeilie n are carrying us forward to the'-evui.omto supremacy of the world, It Is a treat position, but dnxilcd by It splendor do not forget. U perils, We look at thts grjnt development, and we all take Jeep pleuKiire in it, hut It carries Its dangers with It, and I want to see the United State Always pre pared to meet thoso langvr. We have no Munrrel with any nation I hope we shdl have none, and l have said nl ready that I see none that would wsli lo attack us but I wish to see the United Matt s to prepared th:t under these ne condition she will always be safe by sea and land. "The control of :h ocean Is vital to v. Thsii Is why I have always advo cated a nay a powerful navy we mm have. 1 wln to see our ai niv Tn K nU 'uKR STATE KXPUFSS. the . , finest Pailv Train Hunnlng lietween whether it is ten toousund or twenty I St. Paul and Chicago, via the Short thousand or a hu idr. il thousand str. ng. I l'ine oiganmed with the utmoit skill and ut- j most science, so that If the hour of per- i , , ! Connections from the Went made via n ever joes come, we shall Imve a sys tem wmcn we can expand on the in- BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via. fhe Northwestern lino. Eight Trains Dally between St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cara, Library and Observation Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. The 20th Century Tialn Huns Every Pay of the Year. The Finest Train ,'n the World Cloctric Liihtnl Scjm hV.itol stint, one which will not liiiuiod.ntely pro-luce and trouble and stum bling hiid hesitation as it did at the be ginning of the Spa.ilsh war. Make your army large or small, as circumstance: demand, but make your organization of that army the best, 'he mosr flexible t the most elastic. In the world." The NORTHERN PACIFIC. U.KEAT NOKTHEHN and CANADIAN PACIFIC UYS. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bionio Oulnine Tablets. All druggldty refund the money f it fails io curt. F W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 2;c. There is iu end lo the rings a woman w( ars. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All asents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. II, MEAD. H. L SISLER. General Agent. Trav. Agent, :iS Alder Street, Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD, UiW" J"P0UTtltfi" TAxn e;wn.m ii orumiii union iwpotu:iu a.m. :up.m.ror Astoria and lntr-:40 p.m imeuiaia points. I " ASTORIA; I MHa.m.lFor Portland A ln"-H:Ha.ia. v.iup.m.tiertn.Miate polnu llO.JOp.m. MKASIDB DIVIMON. 11:1.111.111. I m n. m. :M in I i m i. iu. 'Sunday uuiv ASTORIA SKASIDK 7 4H ni i i n. in It III Alt train make close connection at Guide with all Northern Pacific train to and from the East or Hound point. J. l MAYO, Oen'l Fr'l and Pass. Agent PILES OF PEOPLE testify to the merit of Banner Salve in 1'iirititT ti . d 1 i.. .. i ... . i .hi t i every s-parate railroad that she has. . i, D,-u, " am He sure you ar right then pause a Moment for reflection. enhance the cost of her articles. Her nine.s ar- old. Ou Just opened. We :tr l..'iiini? hr in all the lireat uro- : , , . . . u , , . FRST BITES AND CHILDIINS duels. e have bea'.en her adready In i quickly cured by Hanner S.tlve. the iron and steel. We can turn them out I "''-J".1 , heraI'nf .rvm-dy in the world. ICHAS. UOGERS, Druggist, at a price which Europe cannot meet. We are going to surpass her in other I ,." "V K ' : a m 11 more s ! than she doe a mou;-e. articles. She will have to take her coal j from us It Is a mere option of time mJ X when her last stnngho!d, the carrying ; Foley's Honey and Tar will prevent a cum irom resulting in pneumonia. irade. will be invaded. Already we can make steamship plates cheaper than she -HAS. ROGERS. Druggist. The first thlnir the choen::lktr nt can begin to make :hem. Only the in hn business is his last. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the ''Pioneer Limited" tra.n every a.y and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam hi-i. of a verity eq'ialed by no othv hie. &ee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket ageMs sell them. For rate, pamphlets or other Infor mation, nddrc-ss, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. TTav. Pis. Agt.. Oen. Agt., Poniard. Oregon. Portland Ore. Lots of penpU. seem to think It bad ferm to be polite in publi? other day I read In the newspapers ! " ' T, l I nave always used Foley's Honey ' mat we naa lanea a contract in u:as- ana lar cougn medicine, and think It gow for steel plates for commercial ln. w;,rI1"f s;91 clf- 1 'Jentler, a newadtaler of Erie. Pa. steamships against all competitors, and Nothing else as g'xxl. t'HAS. Roj. ..v.:., r-.A .v.. t-Kf. druggist. contract. "Before our ey?s is a splendid picture of the industrial future of this country. I believe that it is Inevitable that the great economic fores are nil A MISUNDERSTANDING. Misunderstood symptoms of disuse lea-J doctors to :rtat something else i'.vhtn the ki.lnevs are out of order that way. But does any one suppose ! Foley's Kidney Cure wil. bring you I neuun nen ointr medicines nave rail ed Take no substitute. CHAS. ROJ ERS. Druggist. that the other people like it? There was China. They are gasping for breatr. in parts of Europe. They are struggling everywhere to g"t an oen insj for an overcr-jv Jd txpula:i"n, for Railway travel ten-h's people to know their own station and etop a: it. FREQUENT COUGHING an overpro1uetin. That is why they Tar Bt the couhlnK and heals th Uns. The ordinary cough m" did ties w hich are simply expectorants, w ill not COMMERCIAL SUPREMACY. Tacoma Evening News. Ths st.HC3incn of the world are ab !bed in studying the one great prob lem of con rnercial supremacy. That Is the paramount question of the present nge, no' only for merchants and manu facturers, but for the trained states men and diplomats of the leading gov ernments cf the earth. The armies and nivles rf the great powers are em ployed not so much for the purpose of conquest as for the maintenance of peace and the promotion of trade and the 4xtefilon of commercial relations. Legislation is framed in almost every country with a view of securing con trol ot borne markets, whiie diplomacy seeks to open doors for foreign trade. In the contest for supremacy four great powers are earnestly contending, Great Britain, Germany. Russia and the United States. Our own country may be said to have entered the lists as a competitor of all Europe. Russian plans are quite as ambitious as our own. In deed, there are some observers who think that In the final struggle for su premacy the Slav will be pitted against the American. There Is no question that Germany and Great Britain are viewing with jealous alarm the rapid have seize Africa. That H why they hav- -ized the islands of the Pacific, 'hiua. )jot into trouble and In a mo ment tl.e Europan nations thought that th-re would come a n-w division and that th-y coull all gt in there and find economic rli-f. It has been stopped. The Chines- enipir- is going to be reld tog "her and its markets are opened. I b-'li-ve, to all the nations of tile world, an! I ! i h"t Think that I say anything improp-r "r that I boist unduly when I say that it w;n owing to the United Stat .- :he policy was adopted. It is a gnat policy. We be lieve in it. We are a!l in sympathy with it. but do you fupp'-se the other countries liki it? I doubt it very much. 'Anyrne whj has lead the newspap ers lately will hav- r,o'.:-:H that in the Vienna paiejs ar."j -isewh-re. there has been continued tail? tbrjt economic fed eration to shut "ir. ti- t'riit-d States from Euro.e ari'j o.vy the nth-r day M. LToy Piauii-ru. wto . one of the greatest, perhaps the greatest, of Frencii wn'-mif is, had a iong article in one -f the Vienna papfrj urging a "n-.b.i.!.' of Eur pe against us. In ci:h-r w .-.r-4-. 'hey f. the eccnomic prrssur- v.e ire putting upon them. Th-y are feeling it more and more ev ery Jay. They try t meet lis un- oourj;e'iiy in ;ne gr-at Ii"ld of eco nomic rivalry. I beij,.v.-. that v.ith our resources, With the character of our people, with our n'-w country, with our great continent, the victory ran only be with us, and that there can be but one end to that conlljet of e(or,oni; f: l'ces. "Now. Mr. rrefcid-nt, we occupy a great positii n economically. We are Marching on to a still. greater on'. You may impede it perhaps by legislation. You may check it, but you cannot mop the work of the economic forces. You cannot stop the advance of the United States. We may blunder h'Te in leg islation, which we may pass for this thing and that thing, but the American people and the econjrnlc forc-a which d:i this, as they keep -he lungs Irri tated iu throwing off the phlegm. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggi-t. The man who alms to be good m this world may miss fire In the next. W. L. Yancy. Paducah. Ky., writes: "I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of the best physicians in southern Kentucky treated me without success. I was Induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle "gave im mediate relief and thre. bottle cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful remedy." CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplatlnr a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet service obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINKS are paid to serve the public and our train are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging line at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dir lng car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class aer vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call jn any ticket ogent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Oen. Paas. Ar't. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agwit. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. WHITE COLLAR LINI Str UEitCUt.Krt take the plaiv of UAH EY 11 ATXKUT (Tel.phon.. Dock) Colun biO River and Puget Sounl Nav igatlon Company. I he llen ule leaves Astoria dally except ?Ullil.Ay at 7 p. m. leaven Portland dally except Sun- uiy at i a. in. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N tickets and llwaco Ry A Nav. Com. puny tltket Interchangeable on Her cules and Hiissalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Kuiioo and Iong lleach point. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. I'.wiland Agent PKI'ART rivH 5CMtilll'I.Bj Kron. ortUml Amiv 4 p. in 7 n. in M l Mil Chteun iil I. ike. Denver. Kt Portland w oitli.dinttli Run : fpei'!l t i Hjf, i,, V Uu. m niiritg i and Kml j Sll I tie. lleiiyrr. Kt At'jnlle (.orti,, ,ilni,m Klll. Mfin-M , , lty, St I. .in,, "w . tiK'Xod Kt Vtll, I, wUlmi; Spnkmie Xnikne, MiMie,,,,) V'ln r, li, "t Paul, bu uili ' t p. IU. Mliwiikw, flue n.i) 'iii ;ui om Aatnrla OCliAN SrtiAMAMIP til Mtillini Ptl.a tuti' Je I In rliuiiKe. k'or Ntu Kraiieitetr-Hall' NlVTlCW OF FILING OF, HP10CIAL AW.SKHSMKNT NO,' 4L Notice I hen by given ihl ths lawrd cf assessors have coinplclod Hit sla'f lal nimeiwment for tht InipMvemeiit of Commercial street from th' west line of Fourteenth aired o tht went line of Heveiileenlli stieel, and Imve repoli ed the same to I lie common council of the city of AnioiIh, and Hie name has been Med with the auditor and police luduo ami limned and numbered le lal Assessment Roll N. l. and the ciHiimltttHt on slreela and public way of the common council of suld city has been nptolii(od lo meet Willi the board of uxhchmoih on the Htti iluy of Febru ary, 11101, at Hie hour of i o'clock p. in., of said day, In the council climii bers of the city halt of xald city, Hon and there to consider, review, corr.i t lll'il riil.illso Mild Special Actlieit llol No 41. Any poMoii nlijivtlug to nld assessiiirnt mint file Ills objection I hereto lii wt'lllnii wild Hie mi lllttr and police Judge. II K, NKUSUN. Auditor and Police Judge of llle City of Astoria, Oregon. Pate of ill t publlcol Vll, J it II ill. Ilt hill-.KIFF'S SALE. IS)' vlllue of III! eX'VUllon : ii or, t sale sue out of Hie Clii 'lH Coin' ef the Suite ot iivg'ii, for tile County ot Clatsop, on the ilftli day of January '"'"l. upon 'i ludgiiient and deciee ren dei-,1 lb run on t It 1Mb day of March ivn. in favor of J T. llos, J K. Dig r.lns, II. C. Tlioini.soii mid E Z. I'Vr ,.uson. piii iiicn doing Inpl'iei"' tin ir the Hi ni nun' of llt'Kt lliiiKUi" K. I o llulntll'v nod uij.ilusi SUnx II Smith M.iv M Smllli. A I'ltlei and It :.. Fllll n sou, def 'lldillllS, foi llle rlllll . I f:lii;i 4t. fog Mli"r Willi llle C"SU an disblllHeii.eliU of this ,u lion h -l' lll taxed ut J.'Oim togethei- vv ltd lllli K-Kl lliereoii ri m the 1Mb day ef Mar I"'". at Hie rale .,f pi n i cent p.-i mi lilllll lllltll lulld. all I the , o- id ilUi mhiii (!ih writ eodniiiindiiiK .nid re llllrillg pie to lllltKe llle of llle follow 'ng described leal pi, e-wil HI01I.4 PI. K. I v I' and .'" In 'lo I'oW II of bl ew II I. us luld elll ,ind te ordrtl by Sdis II. Smltli, In lh - ''"iinty t ' l.ltnop, Si. lie .if I Mvgoil N.itlte I- llel-dn (ion llhlt I ll Mond.iv, Hi,. ti .n .r Man h. PI. at he ,i in- of ID o'el, k III llle f leii.i.. f said day. In fr . nt ( an I at th lOUU House d'il in llie City ef A torl.i. I lal. top I'.niiity. I'l. it 'll m il at public llii llm In lie hlh-hi! bid I' l f ! .Ill. the iili.ive ilnllbd cal (ii... My I Sn IOII ll Hlee, Hi,) lh lie, -K S.1IV lo slltlfv llle III IliIO 111. inl'lint mid all ai i i elng , .'h;-. TH' 'MAS 1. 1 N VI 1.1,1 :. She! Iff ,.f i'IUk.ii, I'.mihu l'iK"ll Attoiln (Iregoti, Jilitlaiy .11, I '.Ml NOTK'M FOIt IIID8, ... frm HnrtUiiil i , 10 All 1. 1 u v rrif u virn 4 SO U. IU K tii"' nZ:;:;.;. ir:. : i tulniii A W-Ii,,l . " 7 a.m. W ami Vaiu ! I ) ti ui. Tun, I bur hill Klttu , iei.d. aiiUtiat. Onrm Clly. lUyUia .t rrt. H) bandiPici Klprla lBV illy 3 . m. U IMI .m Kliiarla to l-wlitun i dally Snaka Rlvar. i tarn WlllauintU Hirer llle., Thill I'orlaiiil t. Cnn.illN Mull, Med ..u.u7 , nun n; I40il Friday ,1:lii p in , O W. LOUNSnERRY. W. H. HURLBURT. Ag't. AftorU. Ceti. Pass. Ag't. Portland. Or., ll UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL h VIA SHUHTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago and All Points Eaet. DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN-EQUALED. Throusrh Palace and Tourist Sleeper, Dmintr and Buffet Smoklnsr Library Car. Ticket to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry.. on tale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C, DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. The "Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the wrld. They embody the latetit. newest and beat Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great .Northern The .Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all clasnes of tick ets are available for pannage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Iilonk System. W.- H. MEAD, 11. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ore. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cart Will Receive Special Attention. No. R33 Duane St., Astoria. Or THE LOUVRE Strangers vimtirij In toe city will find the lMivre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Misters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents inblly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at nil nonrs MEETING NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Co lumbia River Packers Association will be held at the office of the comnany. at Astoria, Oregon, on February 8, I'M, at 11 o'clock a. rn for the pur pose of electing directors and for such other business as may properly be con sidered. By order of the president. GEO. H. GEORGE. Sec. W. j. COOK, lurr Res. TeL 111L NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 39. Notb . is given that the board of hhhi-hmoih have completed the pec lul asifc-HMitiriit for the Improvement of Kb venth street, from the south lint? of Franklin avenu" to the north line of Harrison aviiue, arm have reported the same to the common council of the city of AHtorla, und the same has been llbd with the auditor and police Judge ami !iaui.-d and numbered Soc ial AsKesMiicrit Roll No. 39, and the committee ln streets and public ways of the common council of said city has bi'i-n appointed to meet u-lih thw lumr,l of a.HB.-sHors on th- Hth day of Febru ary, l'Mtl, ut the hour of 2 o'clock p. .... n ii, iy, m me council chain-b'-iH In the city hall of said cltv then and there to consider, review, correct ...ei r.iuinze Kani special Assessment Itoll No. ,'t:i. Any person ohlectlna In si. Id assessment must file his oliJecUonB i.e-ieio ,n wining witn the auditor and polbe Judg-. II. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon, I'ate ,,f first publication, Jan. 31, Sol. NOTICE OK FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 40. Nolle; Is hereby given that the board of assessors have completed the special as.MoKHin. nt for the Improvement of Seventeenth street from the south line of Irving avenue to the north line of Jerome avenue and have reported the same to the common council of the city of Astoria, and ihe same has been filed with the auditor tnd police Judge and named and numbered Social Assess ment Roll No. 40, and the committee on streets and nubile ways of the corn mon council of said city has been ap pointed to meet with the board of as sessors on the 14 h day of February, l!fll, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, In the council chambers In the city hall of said city, then and there to consider, review, correct and equalize said Special Assessment Roll .o. 4U. Any person objecting to said assessment must file his objections tnereto in writing with the auditor and nonce jutige, NuTli'E I'MK ITlI.t''.TI"N lilted St lie lllld (lllb e. il 1 l K" 1'iiy. MieK.ui. !., r.Ml. Notice Is hereby Klvcii Unit in illulice ll the pr iU..riH ef tlir net of eongretoi ,.f June 3. rutin d "An act for the sub- ..f tliil r Inn U Hi the lilli of ('allf.Miilii. iii'K"ii N' Wi ln nn I Washington Territory " in i tti n I e lo all (he I'llbll,' Ijiii.I S':l!. bv ll. t of August 4, I Vt.'. l'lirl!i.iri l'.te.ii of dlney, county of "l.i I p Slut - o Oregon, Inn. this duv tll.-.t In lllH oltle. Ills HUOni "tat'llielll No f,.r the purchnse t,f the NT. iii,iri. r of tII'ii No. 2. In tiitihlp N i. t iioith range No. S went. an, win i ft. r prisif to mIiow that tin- bind "iight In rtHre vulunble for lln timber or Mone than for ngrlcultiiriil pintx'X'K. and to establish Ills i lillil to I land In-fore the register and r of this office nt Oregon Cliy, Hr.goii, on Tlmrvluy the :.rth day of April. I'M He llllinea as wltlleiMiH le-o(;e M- - Furland. (iut A lolpli. Ab-xaiidir Nor. maiid. Frederick Notni.iiid. all of n. Iley, Clatsop county, I r goi Any and nil persons clilming ad versely the above-'l.crlbei land are requested to ie . r i 'iilum In this olllce on or before r n I, '.'.', day April. l'JM CHAS. It. MnoltES, lt.Ki.f r NOTICE (iF SALE. In Ihe County Court In an I f .r Jack son County, Oregon, in the matter of the estate of Thud d- us W. liarclay. lleccus.Kl. Notice Is hereby given that iin.b r und by virtue of an order of sale made by llie Mon. County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, dated January 7th. I'.'Ol. and recorded In voluinr ll! of tin- probate records of said county, on ige 4S0: I will on ami ufter March 1st. I'M, proceed lo sell at private rale, for cash, lots 24 and 4S n block 8, of the town of Flavel Center, ( 'la tnon County, Oregon, and the S. E, of section 10. In tp. 6 N, of raiigv :s W r W. M. In sild ciatjwip Coiiniv GEKTIll'DE IIAItl'LAY. Administratrix of estate of Thad leiis W. Itarclay, Decease,. Ashland, dr.- K. I. KRIGGS. Atty. Ashland, Ore. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of tht City of Astoria. Oregon. Date of first publication, Jan. 31, 1901. Ajtorla. Ore.. Dec 28, 1909, SHERIFF'S SALE. Dy vlrtm of an exxutlon and or- der of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the 26th day of December, 1900, upon a Judgment and decree rendered therein on the 21l oay of December, 1900, In favor of Thomas Dolir. nlninllrT an t mrnU.i ? fc. Ferguson, Sal (let and Chung Get,' ins wire, ana tne ciatsop mid Com pany, defendants, for the sum of imiM, together with Interest there on at the rate of 10 per cent ter an. num from the 21st day of December, ptoo, th costs and disbursement.- 0f this action taxed at S20.20, and the costs of and upon this writ command ing nnd requiring me to make sule of the following described real property to-wlt: All of the east thirty-five acres of lot No. 2 and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24), In township eight (8), north of range ten GO). weit of the Willamette meridian, In Clatsop Coun ty, Oregon, that Is to say, all of said lot two (2), and ald forty acre legal Hubdlvlslon adjoining the same on the south that lies east of a line drawn through said subdivision parallel with the cast line thereof, such a distance west of such east line thereof, As to limlud-j thirty-five acres of land of said subdivision, between the line theraof and the lines run through the same, also all of lot numbered five (G), In block numberd thirty-three (23), In that part of the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, all being In the County of Clatsop, state of Oregon, together with the tene ments, hereditaments nnd appurten ances thereunto belonging; or In any wise appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1901 at the hour of 10 o'clock In the' fore noon of said (Say, In front of and at the court house door. In the City of Astoria, Clatsop 'County, Oregon, sell the above-described real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and. all accruing costs. THOMAS LINVILLP! Sheriff of Clatsop County. Hid will be received by the oounly cnminlMlnnere' court of Clatsop County, t'lagon, until Monduy, February 4th, 1901, t o'clock p. in.. fr re-building the Wnlluskl draw-bridge. Plans and McirlcMtois curt tiff seen at ths cogrt house, Ilids must be In romilliic with wet Ion 4141 of the laws of Ore. linn, and a deposit or rerlllled check dy wu li bidder of ten per rent of tht amount of the bid must m coiiipiiy tht winio. The light to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. Hy order of the County Connnls4nn. .is' Court. II. J. WHEKITr. County Clerk. Astoria, Ore., Jan, 15. 19UI. - NOTICE FOR PUIIUCATION. Culled Stales Land Oltlce, Vncouvr, Wash , Nov. 21. 1900: Not b it U hereby (liven that In com pliance with the provisions of the art of t-uiiltiYM of June 3. ISi.1, mil tied "AO ml for the sale of limber lauds In Hit aiutea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all llie public land states by act of Aim list 4, I J'JJ. Ocorgn A. Wocd. of I'ortbind, county of Multnomah, slate f Hivgoii. is this day filed In this tiftlcv his sworn statement No, 2ou7, for the piu'cli'iae of llie lots 1 nnd I. and E liulf of NW (junrler of socllon No. 10, in toutudtip No. 10 N. range No. I W., W. M. and will offer proof t show thai the Und Ki'iinht Is mora valuable fur Its timber or stolid (ban f'T agricultural purposes, and to pMlnbllalt Ills claim 10 wild land before the register and re ceiver of this ottlce t Vancouver, H'anli. on ediiea lny, the 13th day of February. I'MI. lie iinuiea a witnesses: Ilernard. Ill-t. of Kiiappioii. Washington; Minn Hrock, ef Nar, Washington; Alfred J (it ), of Kuupptoii, Wonhiiigton; W'iilbiiii Matherul, of Knappiuu, Wash Ingtoti, Any and all irsin claiming advtrse. Iy the above-described lands ars rt. .iii nl.-d (o pie their ilnims n this oftlce en or Islorc nul l Itth day of lwl. W. It. DUNIIAIt, llrgtiler. NOTICE Fult PCHLICATION. Di i nrtinriil of the Interior, Iind Office ui Oregon City. iregou, Decem ber 11. lisw. Notice Is hereby vlven Ilia i !. ..1 loHlng-imimd set Her has ttloU noHot of hi liiietitb.ii lo make final proof In tup poll of hi) claim, and that said proof will be lliudn before tin countv cU-rk nt Clatsop county, at Asiorla. Oregon, on Fibiuary b. liwl, vis: ALllKKT HCItOiCNKIIHCK, H. 1C. No. 9117. for (ha HU. ut nwu and NWV, of Htt'W. Hc. 14. T, I N, It He ramrs the following wltneaana t.n prove hi continuous rvaldenc upoo and culuvatlon of said land, via: V. H. Ciltry. of Astoria. Urrun: Pet. r oison. of Hvenson, Orvgun, August Si boriiebrck. of Hveiison. Oregon; Win Schermbeik, of Hvenson. Oregon -UAH. II. MGORKfl. Register. notice for pphlication. l iilb d stnt,. La,1(1 ort)l.. Oregon City Or.g..n. Nov. 23, IJOQ; " notice i hereby given (hat In com lunce viuh (he provision .,f tht act t roi gres of jullfl j cm,r4 Aii ii. t for tht aula of iiml.e 1...1. In the state of California. Oregon N- a. bi and Wiishlngt.i Territory." m .o.lru i an wie runu,. Aftlj utatts ') ct of August 4. IMI. Mrs Mr ' .las. r. of nin. y. County of Clataop. state of, has this day filed In tlu office h-r sworn alnt.-inent. No. .01 me ,niiinae or the HIC guar r of aeiilun N'.i. 4 n i.,.hi.. w N. range No. 7 W. and will offee t,r o sbow thai the land imnhi 1. aiuubie fr its iimb.-r or stont than t agricultural t.urDosra an.! i uibllnli.-d biT claim In aald lun.l w..m tin. It.-gistrr and Receiver of this of .1. e at ongon City. Oregon, on Friday, tbi l.'.th dav of Kebeuaev iml She i.arne us wltnesaea! U.L.n.. ilas. r. William W. Vppollotila Johnson, all of Olnev. Cut'. - P ourity. Oregon. An and all h rw.ns claiming advemt. ly the above-deoiTibed lamia are re- I'i'sieii to m their clalma In this of- oe on or o-rort said 15th day of F.b uary. i:sj. CHAS. 11. MiiORIM. Register. NOTICE FOR PUHL1CATION. nlte.l Stat. Ijn I Office. On gon City. Oigon. Dee. 3rd. 1900: Notice I hereby given lhl In nnm. pliauce wiih tho provisions of the act o conge.- of June 3. lH.g. entltle.1 "An t for the said of limber lamia In iha stales of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," on extend- o in an me putiiic land stnten by act f August 4. IH92. John K 'lin y, county of Clatsoti. stal nf fie. em, bus this day filed In this oiflce bis sworn statement No, f.327 for the purchase of the lots H, 12. 13 sjid 14. i section .-no. 15. in township No. 6 N. ii'ge No. 7 W. and will nir... r,, tn show that the land sought Is more val uable for Its Umber and storm than for agricultural purpi and to esUbllnh his claim to sold land befort the reg iHter and receiver of this office at Ore- gori City, OriH-on on KH,(n !. n,h day of February, 1901, ie names as wltnenws: Bahaatlan liUMT, William W. I'otw. M.t- n.,v Appollonln Johnson, all of Olnev Clat- "op county, Ongon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly Ihe above-described land. ne m. 'lu-sted to file their rftims In this ofilct on or before said Uth day of Kebru ry, 1901. CHAS. Ii. MOOIIES Register, NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. 1'nlted mates Ijind ftme rren I'J'. Oregon, November 12. 1900: Nollco s heretiv irlven In mam. liance with the provisions nf the act f congress of Juno J, 1878, entitled. An net for the snln nt In the states of California,-Oregon. Ne- ami Washington Territory," as Xtl'lldcd n nl ,hn Pnl.ll, Tji.. ulai. by iict of Amrusi 4 1 rw,i,.n a ir.n "f No. 2f.O Morrison ntreet, Portland, county of Multnomah. State of Oregon, "as this day filed In thla offlea Ms "worn statement No. 6318, frw the pur- -one or me ink quartur of section 14 In township No. 5 N. ran Nn a w. and will offer proof to show UMU tfte iii.i sougnt is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural Purposes, and to establish his claim to sa d land before the Ilegister and He-"-Ivor of this oflice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Thursday, the 7th daf of February, 1901. He names as witnesses. John Fln ley. of Astoria, Oregron; John Chltwood, of Astoria. Oregon; Herman Alhere, of I ush, Oregon; George McFaxland, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-descrlbed lands are re fjuested to file their claim In this of fice on or before said 7th day of Febru ary. 1901. CHAS, B. MOORES. Reflet er.