bs liablo to pros AST0K1A, tW.fiOX, THUKSDAT, JAXU4RY 31, 1901. NO. 27 Mill f I " : . " ' ' " - . 1 in The Superior Ranges ARE . . . ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED THEM TO BE WITHOUT FAULT For Sale In Astoria Only by the ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. AHTOIIIA, ORKQOIN Book Bargains MO Cloth Hound IU.kM, ( !(!()( TilK'S, Uiiiilitininl Author. . . . S for $1 Just the Kind for These Long Winter Evenings Five-Volume Set.) of Kipling, KtbwHI, JiyliiicH, Unity, and other good authors IWIl.llolmcH, IInty,M(iilo Cl 7C Dpn CDf GRIFFIN & REED SOME SALT FISH SPECIALTIES Fine Bloater Mackerel, Imported Holland Herring, Genine Eastern Codfish, Salmon Bellies and Tips, Grimsby Bloater Herring, Etc. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Ten Per Cent Off ; or Cash SILVERPLATED WARE, CHINAWARE GLASSWARE, CROCKERY AND LAMPS UNTIL FEBRUARY i, iooi. . . Foard S Stokes Co. A LONG RO W Of our new and up-to dnto Air tight Heaters nre still on hand. Wo figured on considerable cold weather and purchased an un usual quantity; but tho weather has moderated, consequently sales llftVP lionn time V nrn nvnr. f ' J, SCUllVf stocked and must liavc tho room. From now on these splendid heat 431 BOND STREET, ing stoves will bo sold at a reduc Between Math aid Teitk Streets tion of 20 per cent FOR CASH. c. .1 Tf?ir ivjrru a r v , m m.aa mr.r Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping:. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Aot IV. V. AOoand PmIAo Kxpreu Co t. AGRICULTURAL BILL PASSED Warm Discussion in House on Polygamy in Utah. IDAHO GETS FISH HATCHERY Prciideot Hat Decided io Call Exlri Settle of Cooirei-PUa Mecli Will Geo cral Dliaparoval la Balk Homes. callers that the only rjuestlon rrn.uln. Ing undecld'd u whether ho would Issue the cull for an -xtr (esxlon of congress before or aft -r Ills second term begin on March f The action of the United Htates u pivme court In announcing that It would tuke a recess until F, b ruary II. whin It would meet, hand down derision and aljourn for another two weeka, waa cmstrud to Indicate an extra aeaalon of c'ni r. The court usually talc Ihl two week for recm In Keb.-tary. It I mirmlm-d that the long itcei -aw la for the purpose of giving the Justices a chance to devote their tlmo to lhe study of the 1'orto Itlro and I'hlllppln? easca thut they muy render thi Sw clilona by March i. Mr. Mckinley said to one t hi frlenila that an extra acalon would be called for Philippine b-glalat'.on, no matter what the decision of tho auprero court might be. CANNOT SMASH JOINTS IN BOSTON Imitator of Mrs. Nation Sent to House of Correction. THE CRUSADE IS SPREADING W ASh INOTON LKOlSLATl'Ui: Mouhe Emphatically ftefux'a lo Away WUh Oraln Inpi tor. Do Ol.YMMA, Ju.i. 30. The only fature WASHINGTON. Jiu. 30,-The antl- "ilygafii cruxad" which rmulted In JrhlrK Mr. Iloberia, U(ah' repr-aent-iictl .r, out of th liouae at the Inat nloti hud in echo in the liouae today duiHiK the conaid-rutlon of the bkiIcuI- urul bill. When the necilon making apftropi littlniiM f.,r iiKrtcultuial cH'-K" l of loriav'a leirlalatlve wiwlon hum the for the f V i'l .1 1 MtaleN nua mui-heri. I .u.hullf n-r,m, i,t th hrnim. in i n.. ". "f Indluna. (.rf .red an amend- a bill having for Ita object abolUhlng nieiii j.r ivl.!lng Ihut no money ahould ! the olTlcc of atate grain lnpfelr. The J',1 to the college !n I'tah until motion to Indennltely postiione the bill he iwi retary of oxn- ulture wua aatla-'waa carried by a vote of t to 11. nd llm' no Iruater or teacher In the iHiliuilon iir.u-ilccd iiolyKatiiy Th- a, ...nLen. came a a complete ' N" ' 'MINOTO WEAN. in pi ih.v isiiijc, wfio eut'cevdrd Rob- I Hi-, irh-d l-i vtln to h'ad It off with i l"int of order, uii. I l hen Inveighed ;-;iliiM it :r f! the ttftcrmuth of the l.ob. rlH iniK.Hle He Inhaled that I" l U .t II I V Whl II llllllir lit II. l.aat Undia r.oil.,1 bv .n,-i. .1.., ,J ,.r i ttl ont' UKln he conalruttlon of Hor. Mor. , f I'tuh c-oll-r-. were I " b?nvh trm "W" 0re' .... . ,jio i-iudourg, uregon, in Loiumt Twelve W. C. T. U. Wotnea ol Aalboay, Kan. mi, ?alat Towa Red - Bailaeti Me a Favor Reiubmliiloo of Pro hibitory Ameadmeat. Itepoit That Line Will lie Started I South From Scappooac. I TAC'OMA, Jan, 30. It U atate,) that (the Northern Pacific Itallroad fompany in, bia poi ic.tiiilHtH. and thiit one of them had n-viii ule und thlriy-nliie (hlldren. I'poii thia ahowing the houa- adopted I (h- ainetiilmentn wher'upon King r'- tuliiiteii by offering an amendment pro- viding that none of the money linul. ! Ko Ij an agricultural olh gt- in any! at.iica wlume lnhlru tore or tiunicigj have engaged In lynching or tvn guil ty of adultery or fornication. He af- I teiwnrd modified It no a to apply only j to th" agricultural college of Indiana. I It wan oerwhebinri(y defeated. hule.tuently. vhen the bill was re- I ported to the him-, the Landla amnd- ,,ar' " lww I"111"1 arrivo. at I'ort ment vms mrhken out by a vote of 69 1 4I,"I '"m anJ Tufted thai the achooner county, and aa faat aa buaim-ea war rant will extend It to the Pacific ntean. Tlie new road will paaa through a tln coal and timber section. Sl'HOONKIt KIONB LOST. Wreck of Port ItolerU Veae Found by Indiana With Membera of Crew Dead on Board. VKTOKIA, U. C, Jan. 30. The inuHim r vwuapa, onng-a ncwi mat jan- Klone, of Port ltoberta, Waah., had been found drifted on Dunnaa Island with two men dead in her. The clothe to . Th fil n l of the farmer were In rvldilic during Ihe day and voted Into the bill an ,ul lltlo.iul aiiproprla- tlon of for farln'r bulletins." i (I rh,,l,,en vr f'lund on the beach. The bill uaa iaf -d. TUv of the JeaU could not be leariHHl cr how muny were lout. '! IWKKASK Al'I'KOPItlATKiNS. I ' WASHINGTON, Jn. 0 -ISepreaont- CHKKUS AGAIN AT PKACE. live Mercer, of Ni bianka, chairman of I i he coinuiittee .;i public bulldlniTK and j AH That Now lU'nialna to He Dime ! Ki'ounda, tmlay Intrtxluced an omnlbua ' ta I ry the Chief for Treason bill InciiBHlng the cot of public build- InKa In varloua imrta of the country. It c.irnea about Jl.eOO.OOO. Among the liK'ieanig are the.-: Holae. Idaho, from! J.'nOWO to iO.OiO; Hutl. Mont., from JliiO.oiK) to I22S.OW; Helena Mont., from m.M to $325,000; Seat i If, Wn.. from $300,0.10 to $(k'.0,00?; limit of cost of ultra, $10,000. This bill waa framed, Mercer aald, upon repreaentatlon of the trcaaury de partment that Incnaaea were neceaaary to proceed with the coiwtrucUon of the building. FI5H HATciiEny Fon idaho. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30.-The aenate tod. iv piicxid ,i bll ent.'iblitihlng a flxh hntcher and flfh Flatten In Idaho. EXTKA SESSION NOT FAVUUED. WASHINGTON. Jon. 30.-A confer ence of Democrat and their awvlnle ; of the Popullata and Sliver HepubllcaiiH j HENItlETTA. I. T., Jan. 30.-Pcac among the warring Creeks has ajipar rntly tnn reached and all that now remain tc be 'done la to give Chltto Husbands of the women went along to BOSTON, Jan. CO. Mia. Mar- Ore' n, who wrecked a (.'am bridge atre--t bar room laat night, waa today wntenc d to aerve two months In the houi-e of correction. 1 1 es : ism i hsi on fa von E U. WH.'HITA. Jan. 30. At a meeting of bufcliHM men here tonight, a move ment was mart-d to aak the leRialature to reaubmlt the prohibitory am -ndment to a vote of the people, FOHTV-SIX HELPERS, lOI'EK'A. Jan. 30. Young m ri of tlon today organized a barn of forty six women ti folljw h- r h-aderahip and aaalat In wiping out Joints. These women will take charge of the woik In Top-ka durl.ig Mrs. Nation's absence. MEN'S HATt'HET C'LL'B. TOPEKA. Jan. 30. Young men of Parkdale, a suburb of Topcka, have or ganised what they iall a ' Hatchet Club." They favor Mrs. Nation and her mode of clot-lug the sal'ions. DRUNK ON LOOTED WHISKEY. ANTHONY, Ka.. Jan. 30. As a ae quet to the raid on palooiu here today a number of young men and two or three email boys became drunk. Dur ing the excitement they had followed the crusaders Into the saloons and se cured a quantity of whiskey, wine and beer. Mr. Sheriff, who led today's raid, worked all night procuring hatchets and iher Implements of destruction, and ft was 2 o'clock this morning be fore she had perfected the plans for the raid. rolT. JOINTS DEMOLISHED. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 30.-A special to the Star from Anthony. Kas., says: Early this morning before most cit izens had reached their places of bus ness, twelve women of th Anthony Women's Christian Temperance Uniou, armed with hammeis, hatchets and pick-axes, raided and completely de molished four "joints" i:i Anthony. The Cambridgeport Won. en Christian Temperance Union Is unanlmou-j In condemnation of Mrs. Nation's meth ods and has passed th: following ria olutlon: It'-solved, Thut as inemb.'is of the Cambrldgi nort W. ('. T. V. w dcploic exceedingly ih attltud.1 of the Kansas inlon ol r i4- and e derrcale the methods ldoptH fjr tin suppres sion of the aleoiia in those ec'lo;w. We feel th:it Mrs. Carrie Nation and others have Miayed far from thi jath of the pioneers of the work and have desecrated the badge of our allegiance, which stands for purity and peace, which is our Christian thought ami Iiure as the teaching of Him whom we serve. MRS. NATION ENDORSED. VI N ELAND, N. J., Jan. 30. The Rev. Dr. Ward Gamble, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church here, in dorsed and applauded the drastic meth ods adopted by Mrs. Carrie Nation In hr cruide against the saloons of Kao- sa. In his discourse beloie a large number of the most prominent women of Vineland last night. Dr. Gamble even advised the women of this city to e.oulate Mrs. Nation's example and smash all the unlicensed saloons or speak easies" in Vineland if the au thorities fail to do it. Dr. Gamble took the ground that, a the laws of Kansas prohibit saloons. this woman has- the example of Christ as a precedent In what she Is doing and the principle Is identical. Dr. Gamble was prepared for the bar be fore he entered the ministry. UNIFORMS OF ALL ARMIES OF WORLD Will Be Seen in Funeral Proces sion of 250,000 Men. WINDOWS RENT FOR 2C0 Proclamation of Klaf's Aaessloa 0lf4 Boeri-Ooverameat Recoplilsa Rf JiJed Memorial Services Ottawa. ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR. Municipality Will Issue Honda for Half a Million Dollars. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 30. Ry a practical ly unanimous vote, the municipal as sembly today passed a bill providing lor the Issuance of $'.00,000 bonds bear ing 3'4 per cent interest for a world's fair to be held in St. Louis In 1903 to commsmorate the one hundredth anni versary of the Louisiana purchase. Thu bum will supplement th JjGO.ytfO secured on popular subscriptions In St. Louis and a like amount to be appro priated by congress. Hargo, the chief of the Snake band, who has caused all the trouble, a pre llmhnry hearing and send him to Mus cogee for trial for treason. CONSUMPTIVE DENIED LANDING. Sick Victoria Woman Died on Steam ohlp Walla Walla at San Fran cisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3'.-Mrs. Mary Harrison, of Victoria, died on board the steamship Walla Walla Oil morning after having been de nied landing on the previous day by the federal quarantine officers. The wo man waa atllicted with consumption. will be held tomorrow aa the result of ihe declaration yesterday by Senator Fryt that he Intended to push consider ation of the ship subsidy bill to the exclusion of all other buslncsa, exe pt by vote of the senate. This conference' will determine the fate of the bill. If it is decided to con tinue a stiff fight and debate the meas ure at great length It means defeat thla session. I. alau develops that no one wants an extia session, and that one win be avoided If there Is aJiy possible way of doing so. It Is even raid that the Spooner bill will le passed In mMer to avoid such a session. EXTRA SESSION CERTAIN. NEW YORK. 3an. 30. A special to the World from Washington says: President McKlnley said to several GOULDS ARE RESTRAINED. MukI Not Pay Countess De Castellane .More Than $200,000 a Year. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Justice Reach toJay signed a formal order directing the trustees of the estate of the late Jay Gould not to pay over any iii'-i- ys! to their sister Anna, Countess de Cas tellane, more than $200,000 a year, end ing tee trial of the suit brought by a Louden dealer In antiques and bric-a-brac for $3X5,000 against the countess. RrfRI OF ANDRADA FOUND. Missing Lark Evidently Went to Pieces Off Vancouver Island. VICTORIA, B. C, Jan. 30. News was hrounl by the Steamer Quen City to night that much wreckage has been found on the west coat. A piece of teak was picked up on Bonllla point by the lighthouse keeper. It had the name Andrada cut Into it and it 's believed to have come from the missing bark which was blown from the Co lumbia river December 11. PRESIDENT MUCH BETTER. WASHINGTON. Jan. 30.-The presi dent has decided to resume his offi cial dinner parties, being Justified in so doing by the Improvement In his health. -SPECIAL SALE- of Lad its' Dressing Tables, China Closets, Side boards, Chairs, Pictures, Rugs, Parlor Tables, Bedroom Suites and Iron Beds. Call earlv and avoid the rush. CHARLES HE1LB0RN & S0N protect their wives. Among the brig ade were two or three school girls, un der age, who did some of the most ef fective smashing. A greater part of the havoc was finished before the police or mayor were aware of what was go ing on. The actual damage to personal property, aside from the liquor de stroyed, is estimated by the saloon keepers at $2000. For a time the whole town was in an uproar and It was feared that per sonal violence would result. The first Dluee attacked was situated In the rar (f a drug store, which was forcibly entered from 'he rear. It contained some costly bar fixtures and a valuable cash register. Within a few minutes the women had smashed eveiythlug In sight, but in their hurry to finish the job and gj to ottun- places th.v over looked the bulk of the liquor stored uwav. Half a block down the street, the second :-ene if Joint smashing was emu-ted. They found this saloon lockel. but axes were applied and the whole front was smashed in. Here their work was aiorv i-ompkte. The I buildb'S. a great plate glass mirror and Hverything In sight was reduced to the maximum of the Mrs. Nation idea. The proprietor wai smashed over the head with a tieer bottle and his bloeid mixed with the ilow of liquors on the llooiv The Jolntk-eper was struck by thy husband of one of the women. In quick succession two other places a short distance down the street were subjected to similar treatment, th- fix tures smashed and all the liquor turned Into the gutter. Today's raid was led by a Mrs. Sher iff, of Danville, who came to Anthony last night, organized the local temper ance won. en and planned the crusade, Mrs. Sheriff had previously destroyed a Joint In Danvill?. and she is credited with having given Mrs. Nation the first Idea for a wrecking crusade. Th sal ion keepers of Anthony each have a wareroom aside from their snloon where a stock of liquor is kept. The wo men did not know this and a consider able amount of the prohibited liquid Is yet unmolested. After the work of demolition was completed the crusaders held a prayer meeting on the sidewalk and "Nearer My Go I to Thee" was sung with great fervor and unction. ZOO DESTROYED BY FIRE. Seventy-Five Animals Injured or Burn ed to Death. IULTIMORE. Jan. 30.-The seventy five or more animals, confined in cages at Frank C. Berlook's "zoo." which was in winter quarters In the old cy clorama building, were today damaged or burned to death. The flames spread sx rapidly that it was impossible for the attendants to .'elease the helpless animals. CUBAN CONSTITUTION. Convention by Large Majority Inserts Clause for Universal Suffrage. HAVANA. Jan. .10. The Cuban con stitutional convention today voted by a large majority to Insert a clause in the constitution bestowing universal tuffrajfe and also adopted the prin ciple of minority representation. Business was in a paniky cotidition the United States would soon turn over the government to the Cubans. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Silver, tii'V.-. LONDON, Jan. 20. The queen's fun- ral j; recession In London, as Indicated by war office orders issued this even ing, v III be a gorgeous military pa geant. Detachments of forty regimuta. with an almost equal number of dla-, tinctlv? uniforms, embracing all the armies of the world, will make a con stantly changing picture. In addition to the brilliant entourages of visiting kings and princely envoys there wtt be military attaches of the embanska and legations of all the giat nation tf the world. All tbe field marshals unable to en dure the fatigue will ride with their staffs. The corps .vlll also take part in th'i procession, which will be two miles long. The war office dlrecta that Beethoven's and Chopin's funeral n. arches only shall be played. Some idea of the extent of the labor involved in arranging the details of the funeral will be gained from the fact that a firm of caterers has been In structed by the war office to provide breakfast and dinner for 250,000 troops. The demand for seats along the routs of the funeral is unprecedented. Ordi nary window seats are selling for 11 Since two or thrae days ago prices hai -risen very rapidly. One tenant la St Jame3 street obtained 50 for a win dow on the top floor. Store windows have been let for 130 to 200, bat the stores mostly prefer to let single seats at 10 and 15 each. The stores and hotels ir. Piccadilly, commanding a view of the Incline from there to Sit James palace, are getting immense prices, balcony seats fetching 23 and ' 30. The United States military attach here. Major Edward li. Cassatt, will ride in the procession with the head quarters' staff. Londoners are Just awakening to the full proportions of the obsequies and the result of days of mourning whlca to numerous tradesmen and other means absolut" closure and is caudng consternation. Suddenly to stop every industry in the United Kingdom and to turn the masses into the streets, with millions hoping to concentrate all along the stress with two miles of procession Is an undertaking which ha : begun to hi 'ippreciated by the police, but the public of London is dismayed to tind thit all the great market. Con ?nt Garden, Smithflelds and other places where the food of the metropo lis is supplied, are to be absolutely clos ed at the end of the week. The railways of the United Kingdom w ill reduce their arrangements to Sun day schedules. The restaurants and bars will be shut and the crowds win hae to wander in the streets. The closing of the accustomed avenues for the supply and distribution of food, drink and amusement from Friday ( Monday will mean a l'S- and inconven ience that only merchants car. appre ciate. AN AUSTRIAN VIEW. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. A dispatch to the Herald from Vienna says: Extraordinary significance is attach ed by the triple alliance to present events in England. King Edward's speech to the kaiser Is regarded as evl- -dence of a lasting Anglo-German un- (Continued on Page Four.) . ASK FOR MRS. NATION CONDEMNED. CAMBRIDGEPORT. Mass. Jan. 30.- Fchai - 10c i "General Good" - - 5c CIGARS I TWO UNEQUALBD SMOKES I ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portland, Oregon