THE MOKXIXG ASTORIAX. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1901. gaily &0toimt JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Tjlephone Main 66L TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year $6.00 eat by mall, per month 50 Served by carrier, per month...... .60 SEMI-WEEKLT. Bent by moil, per year, In advance, $100 Postage free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any aewspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap tlcatton to the business manager. COMMUNICATION WITH MARS. Nikola Tenia has noted on his elec trical Instruments disturbances which he claims could have had their origin nowhere excepting on one or more of the planets. He believes them to be an attempt of the residents of Mars to communicate with us and also believes that he can construct an apparatus by means of which we may communicate with tlwrn. It ta by no means certain that there are inhabitants in Mars, but scientists generally incline to the b.'lief that con ditions there are favorable for animal and vegetable life. On the assumption that nothing exists in nature without a purpose, the probability of the existence of human life on the planet sterna great. On the ground of the greater age of the planet It is also us ually assumed that its population, if there be any, has reached a higher state of development than ours. It ia altogether Improbable that the present century will come to a close without these interesting problems be ing satisfactorily solved, and it is not Improbable that Teela may have a large share In overcoming the greatest difficulty in the way Inter-planetary communication if there be Intelligent beings upon any of the other placets with whom to communicate. In reply to an unfavorable critic, Mr, Tesla wTote the following explanatory communication to the New York Sun: "In your issue of Tuesday Sir Norman Lockycr, in commenting on my obser rations, is reported as having stated: "Communication with Mars Is absolutely utside of the domain of practical science.' "Before I had obtained with electrical oscillations results such as were out lined In a recent article, I would have unhesitatingly agreed to this state ment, but now I have the unmistak able experimental evidence before me that the transmission of a message to that or some other planet is possible and, what is more, easily practicable. "Necessity of avoiding general de tails, unintelligible to the general read er, compels me to Illustrate the advan tage of the new means of communica tion over the old by a comparison which, though not exact, is sufficiently correct to convey an approximate idea. Suppose that the entire avail able power of Niagara, about the million horse power, should be turner! Into an equivalent amount of radiant heat and light energy to be used for the purposes of signalling. Assume further, that the observer in a planet at a distance of fifty million miles away would be able to utilize integrally the energy falling upon one hundredth of a square mil ' of the planet's surface. This would be a difficult, if not im possible task, but If he were suec-ess-. ful, he would then only have 1-3, l40,000,0OO.O00,0O0,0Wth of that horse power available for the operation of his Instrument. "On the other hand, let us examine how much energy could be conveyed by the methods and apparatus I have de vised. In this case we should provide a conducting surface, connect It through a coll to the ground, and Impress elec trical oscillations upon the system. Hy availing ourselves of certain adjust ments and artifices we should, according to my experiences, encounter no Insup erable difllcultles n setting up a move ment of electrical energy equivalent to a rate of five million horse power, with but a small actual expenditure and en ergy. Supposing the observer In the planet should avail himself of similar means, we should then have, as In my system. of energy transmission or tele graph without wires, two resonating attuned circuits connected through a ondenser. A great advantage would ae at once secured, since the energy does not diminish with the square of the distance, as with light, heat or Hertzian rajs, but In a linear propor tion to the same. "Estimating the capacity of the con denser formed by the earth, the planet and the Intervening medium, I find that we should be able to transmit In this manner to Mar,' at lnteral, energy at the rate of l-.V.OOOth of a horse IKiwcr, which in the tuned circuit on .h.i planet, by skillful construction and ad justment of ap(arrttus could be intensi fUd to a rate of one-fifth of one horse Mower, and a considerable portion of this accumulated energy would ! available for the operation of the ic- eclving Instrument. "Tho attainment of this enormous rate of energy delivery is made possible by the fact that In using these novel means we should not dissiatc the en ergy at the transmitter uselessly in ail to tho individual who has grown tired or ringing the changvs on. the census report.-San Francisco llulletln. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Rromo Vlulnlne Tablets. All drugglsta refund the money f It falls t-j cure. E W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2Zc. u man gases at stars he ia not necessarily nil astronomer; sonie : lines ho has Just sltped on banana skin. IE BANNER SALVE dofsn't cure your piles, your money wid be returned. U Is the most heal Ing medicine. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Heart iches in life are not found by sign posts of sad faces, for often a smil ing countenance hides a world of misery. when employing rays: we should simp ly 'transmit Ueotrical stresses through the medium. It Is as if we had a weight- uociors DIMS UV IIIVIIIIT o ev Honey and Tar to infants and children St. Paul and Chicago, via tho Short directions through space, as we should I ln liw to prevent pneumonia or croup, Lme- .. . "men are tatal to so many thousands I of babies. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. BEST0F EVERYTHING In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via f ho Northwestern . Sine.. Eight Trains Dally between St. Faul and Chicago, comprising T!: Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerle.s Dining Cars. Library and Observation Cars, F ree Reclining Chair Cars. The Hh Century Train Huns Every Pay of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Hunted Steam Hcitcd THE HALO Ell STATE EXPRKSS. the Finest Pally Train Running Between Man who blunts his conscience may in time render li Immune to the at. less, elastic bar extending from our i sacks f his Inner self, but he never forgets the first time he struck a blow I as right. J A. Unibert. or Rachel. N. C. writes: "I heartily endorse Foley's Kidmy Cure. It does what you claim it will do. and there is nothing tqual to it, and I thank you for the good It has done me." Accept no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. globe to the planet, and as if we were transmitting energy by pushing this bar back and forth. The above rough est.- inate Is obtained by ignoring the dis turbing intluences of the sun and of other planets, but by making all due allowances, we could still convey to its place of destination an amount of en- j If ou assviate with devils during . ... your waking hours you need not expect .rgy many million times that possible . ,, Vl, L ., " ... p " with radiant light or heat. As far, j then, as our ability of communicating i --a grippe coughs often continue for ...... , , , , i months and sometimes lead to fatal with Mars is concerned, fax from be- results after the patient is supposed to heving it imp.ible. we are Justified ' J1"- P1 the danger point. Foley's : Honey and lar affords positive pro in considering it practicable. I tectum and security from these coughs. Why should Sir Norman UHkyer 1 CHAS- KOPEKS. Druggist. doubt that the energy would reach the The average man giv-s advice bv the planet? Docs not the fact that electric j (C',"n Um1 acCl'll U by 'ho ?',,,'f1- disturbances are produced in the earth LINGERING LA GRIPPE COUGH. by changes in the sun offer a sufficient Connections from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHEItN and CANADIAN PACIFIC 11' YS. This Is also the BEST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. II. L SISLKR. General Agent. Trav. Agent, :tS Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER . RAILROAD. Lnn. PORTLAND. rTrrlvV 8;00a.m.Portland Union lVpolll:10 7;Wp.m.ror Astoria and lnter-9:40 p.m, mediate points, V ASTOHIA. l 7.46a.m.For Portland A ln-U:M.m. .Op.m.termdlnte points 10:30p.m. II: C . in. ft HI . in. II in ! hi. 3:. 10 . in. WCA8IDB DIVISION. ASTORIA I SKASIDK l1?. 7:40 a 111 4 l . Ill II W III III HI s"unliv miiy All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pavlflo trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. l MAYO Gen'l Fr't and Pans. Agent warrant? While I do not consider :i:y- G. Vacher. 157 Osgood S:.. Chicago. says: "My wife had a very severe i . i. ; . , . i . . ..... self infallible. I feel confident that I ' " " k'h VXs c . L ' . I .T . , a ery bad cough. She tried a bottle if am neither capable of mistaking earth- Foley's Honey and Tar and It gave im mediate relief, a oO cent bottle cured her cough entirely." Price 23c and 50c. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. quakes for novel electrical manifesta tions, nor incapable of noting what ) Mistress Did you tell the lady I was others. I did not state that I had ob- .out? Servant Girl Tes. ma'am. Mistnss Did she seem to have any mbt about it? Servant Git'. No ma'am: she said sh ktuw you wasn't. New York Herald. tained a message from Mars. I only- expressed my conviction that the dls- ; doubt about it? ...... . t u. . v . , .Servant Git'. No ma'am: she sai l sh etary origin. It does not follow that they could be detected by magnetic in struments. These are delicate only in a certain sense; in another sense they are very crude. Sir Norman Lockyer asks what ground I have for assuming Mars inhabited? I do not hesitate to admit that I am convinced of It. Per haps part of my conviction is derived from the persual of Sir Norman L"ck- yer's admirable papers. I am sorry he ! attaches no value whatever to my ob servations." TRIED FIVE DOCTORS. Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Valley. Ia.. writes: "I had severe kid ney trouble for years, had srWd five doctors without benefit, but three bot tles of Foley's Kidney Cure cured me. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Lv Garry It won't be long before you'll forget you ever promised to love nie. .Madge Don't sty that. dear. I wrote it clown In my new diary last night. Smart Set. AFTER LA GRIPPE WHAT? Usually a racking cough and a gener al feeling of weakness. Foley's Honey and Tar Is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make you strong and well. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. WITH THE PARAGRAPHERS. Aside from the fact that thirty-one state legislatures and several million i 'Thv cov fliQf ,.lrl Cln.fnv iu liiirpli- cases of the grip are in session, theja,i.. l0 write his name." country is doing quite well. Kansas 'Now, that shows the Injustice of tninsjs. iiere i couia nw my name City World. It appears from the Washington dis patches that President McKinley has had la grippe. Plain grip is good enough, or bad enough, for any of us. Kansas City World. t a check with the utmost ease, but u hat's the use?" Indianapolis Press. May it not t possible that the grip is not so much an epidemic disease as he result of suggestion from the af flicted to those who ar free from it. Minneapolis Tribune. A member of the Missouri legislature said that if Andrew Jackson w-ere alive today hc would be glad he was dead. Missouri may yet win a reputation for wit and humor as well as for mules. St. Paul Globe. The United States postal officials in Chicago have decided the weighty ques tion that it Is not an offense und'-r the law to write the word "rats" on an ei;e)ope and mail to another. San Francisco Chronicle. Developments in the sharp contest for the vacant marshalship at Nome indi cate that the most successful way of mining for gold in the froz-n north Is to know how to pull political wire a at Washington. San Francisco Call. It seems something like poetic Justice, that th.; millions of the dead London shylock, Sam Lewis, should go to Fan nie Ward, the guy burlesque actress. Probably no better way could be hit upon for putting the money in circula tion again. San Francisco Eulletin. The electoral vole of N-braska has been cast for McKinley and Roosevelt, the Republican state officials have taken up their duties ami the Antelope state takes its place with the redeemed. There will be no backsliding, either. Omaha Bee. The Chicago Tribune estimates that 50,00 persons In the United States have the grip. Allowing 1,450,000 mi crobes to each person, this opens a field of figuring which will doubtless appeal Chapped hands, cracked Hps and roughness of the skin cured quJckly by Banner Salve, the most healing ointment In the world. CHAS. ROG ERS. Druggist. GO EAST VIA A familiar name for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "'Pioneer Limited" tra ns every aay and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train tn the world." Understand: Connections are made with all transcontinental lines, securing to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam h.u, of a verity equaled by no othe.' See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pass. Agt.. Gen. Agt.. Portland. Oregon. Portland Ore. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains ara operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at ail Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlring car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell vou a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further information call jn any ticket egent, or correspond with JAS. c. POND Gen. Pass. Aa't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. WHITE COLLAR UNI Sir. HERCri.ES takes the pla.v of I!.Ml.i:V UATZKRT tTel. ph. ne Hock) Coluu bia River and Puget Sound Nav (gallon Company. The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except unday at . i. m. U-aves Portland dully except Sun day at . a. m. White Collar Line tickets. (. R. A N. tickets and Ilwaco lly Nav. Com pany tit kets Intcrcliangcitmc on Her ciiles am! Hassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from Ilwact. and Lomt 1 tench points. Telephone No. 111. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria. Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent. 771 J ii!Joll lio ir PKI'ART Kron. itirlUiitl I'hliMfi- S.ill Like. Ileinir, Kl ' 1'ortlainl w oilli.Omnh Kmc pei-il i Itjr, it l.tiul, 9 l.Sa. m Uiii'(i and K.i.1 Slt Iienrer. Kl AtUnlte (iorth, iiiimlm. Kmc I'M'"" ... illy, m .ltv H ntL. ' i'lt-iucu urn I VII Walla. I.lli.ii, Sittkanp NiKJkni illi.n.ioi Vly.T, IN. M. I'.til, iMiiutlij 6.. iu. Milwaukee. Clue anil Kail. From AaUirla OCEAN STEAM.MIIP Alt Mailing Pat. m,b jeel U I'liaiirfr. For Sau Fraiifiteo-Kalll AnaiTS 4 v in to a iii "am '"biml.ia Itlvrr Hleaml K,Suu,l, to rorllaiitl au4 ' ay I. tu lliif U lii Mot tlar , . From Htirtlaml ; . EsViu"., rM KttndT, vhuu - 1 , ,iCWUtVJ Mow A W'Uud. j Tarn. V lllaiiitt and Vaiu 1 SO p. m. Tuea.Tliur hlilltltara Xo'i.Wrtl. audrtat Or, f n fit., )y, A; aud Krl, Way l.andiuva i klparla 1,11V l 3 V a. m. "Iparla to 1-wliioo Soak ttlvar. Lv Ixwkitc a .ou a m dally 1 u.-. 1 titii Port and li ('i.rv.llL ii .... V.i tSalurdax , and Wajr UndliiK'v , . O. W. LOUN3DERRT. W. H. HURLBURT, A-t. Astotiav. .Gen. Paw. Ag't. I'orUand. Or.. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fait Time . AND SUPERB SHRVICK Xrt8;!? WE It AVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO I III: I2AST U you fun not take the morning train, Havel via the evening train. Hoth are finely c.iulppod. "OUR SPfiClAIril'S" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PI'M.MAN PALACE SLEKPKItH I'l'LLMAN TtM'RIST SLIOKPEILS PCI. I.MAN DINERS. LIHItARY (CAKE) CAR El Hi 13 RECLINING CHAIR CAHS Hours In time saved to Omuhn, Chk(i). KanMis I'in, St. Louis, New York, llostim, And Other I!ntcrn I'ulnts Tickets good via Salt Ikn Cltv and I .'liver. It U to your lutereal to um THE OVEKLANH LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car beiths can be accurrd from li. W. L MCNMIICItltY. Agent O. R. A N Co,. Aatorla. Or., OR J. H. LOTH HOP, General Agent. 135 Third St., Portland. Or. NOTICE FOR 1)11)8. Midi will be received by the county coiiwnlHHloiii'ia' court of Clatsop County, Omgon, iinill Monday, February 4th, IW1, at . o'clock p. m., for rebuilding the Wnllimkl dinw-brldgK, Plans and upecltlculleim can be aren nl thn court luiUHi. Illtls must be In cmnpllanca with wi'llmi 4U1 of the laws of Ore gon, and a tli'pi!( or certified check by cacti bidder of ten r cunt of the amount of thn bid must accompany the aatiie. The right to reject any mid nil hid Is hereby reserved. lly order, of the County Commtiwlnii. em' Court. II. J. WHICItlTT. futility Clerk. Aitlolia, Ore., Jan. 16, 1001. NOTICE FOR ITUUCATION, I'nlte.l Hlaiea Land Office, Vaiicouvrr. Wn.h.. Nov, !J, Vm: NoiUe Is liurrby ulvpn that In com I lliiin o with (he provlaloiiN of tho aot of congitait of Julia 3. IK'H, ciitltlej "An act for Hie anlo of timber lands In the Hluira of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waaliliigtoii Territory," as citi'iid i'd to all Hie public laud slate by act of AugUHt 4. UUJ, lieoriit. A. Weed, of I'lirtliind. county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, (ma thi day filed In this oilier hla aivoru statement No, :ui)7, for thu purcliiiaf. of the tots 1 mid f. and K huif of NV quarter of aootlon No. 10, iu luwinliip No. u N, range No. i y., W. M. and will offer proof l show that tho Uud H.iiiulit more valiluble for Its Umber or atoiia than for ki lullurI putt'oac. mid to cMtabllah hla claim to h.ld Kitiil lx f.n'o (ho reiilater and re cilviir of ihla oftlco at Vancouver, Wali. on Wedin aday, tho Uili day of I'elil lliity, I'Wl. He tiiiiiiea ,ia wltiiraara: llernard Klal, f iMiuiipiuii. Waahlugtou; Hint llttick. if Naarl, WttahliiHlon; Alfred J i.iay, of Kimppdin, WaahUigton; W il l in in .Miiihcrul, of Kiiaipton, 'al. Ingtoii. Any "n l all Krii cluliuliig advrae ly the ali'ive-deacriUil lamia are re. 'iiKMcd t.i fllo their ilnlins Iu (hla nftlce .'it or h'f.t anil Uth day of Fvb lull), I'M. W, It LUNIIAH. Rrglatt-r. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE IHRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points lives choice of two favorite routes, via uiu i.inon i acme rast aiaji Llns, or tne kio iirandit Hnlc IJnes. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 U.iya tn Salt I.ako. '2 Days to iHnvir Days to Cliimgu. a Du'vm to Nfv. York. Ereo mcllnlna chairs, unholatere.t ounst sleeping cars, and Pullman nal aca sleeptrs. operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E. COM AN. Trav. Pass. Airt.. Oen. Aunt. i. iniru Ht , rortiand. Or. Or O. W. LOUNSnEHRY. Afc-ent O. R. A N. NOTICK UK SALK li SHURTEST flNO QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paul, Diiluth.Minneapolis, Chicago and All Points Eaat. UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL T, DAILY TRAINS; PAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN-EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Smoklnjr Library Cars. Tickets to points Eaat via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Offlo, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. J.A.FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. The "Northweetern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the wsrld. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid production of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great .Northern The Northern I'acific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these superior accommodations and all clasHes of tick ets are available for parage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Dlock System. W. H. MEAD. II. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland. Ore. 0;cwnv!miu-ia J ia i nm MM m OAirrrn iM Jill II Leave I 7:J0 p.m 3:30 am Depot, Fifth and I Streets. Overland Expresa Trains for Salem, Roaeburg, xj,n. land, Sacramento, Ogden. Hun Fran-' Cisco, Mojave. Los Angeles. El Paso, New Orleans and the East THE LOUVRE HtranKers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre an attractive reitort wherein to spend the evetiinif. The Amme Hiaters Ladies' Orclit-Htra is still on the bills and prewnta nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, ilamlaome pool ami billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the houae. Palatable lunches will be served at all nonrs MEETING NOTICE. Notice is hP'by given that a xneclal meeting of the stockholders of the Co lumbia River Packers AHSOciatlon will be held at the office of the comoanv. at Astoria, Oregon, on February 8, 1901, at U o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of electing directors and for such other 'business aaimay properly be con sidered. By ordfr of. the president. UEU, H. GEORGE, Sec. At Woodburn (dally except Sun dav). mnmin I train connects with train for Mt. An sel, Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield. . and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver-ton !":30a.m Corvallla nnncn. eer. i:50 Sheridan Passen- gcr. Dally. HI 115:50 p.m 118: 25a. m fwlly except BuniUy. Arrive :15 a m 7:00 p.m n the County Court in and s.ih County. Oregon, in the matter of llie KHtato of Thuddi us W. Harclay, Deceaa.'d. Notice Is hereby given that under and Iy virtue of an onb-r of sale mudo by tne lion. i;ounty Court of Jarkaon county, Oregon, dateil January Till. I'.l. and r'i.'orded M volume 12 of the proliatu r'N'orifs of sanl rounty. on 4V): I will on und after Mareli lat. 1WI, proceed to a.'ll at private al f .r cash, lots 24 ami 4K In block 8, of tile town of I'liivl Cent.-r. Clataoi County, Oregon, and the S. E. 14 of HTiioii iu, in Iwp. 6 N. of range I'M W of V. M. In said ClatHii County GERTRUDE ItAlti'LAy, AdmlnlMlriUrlx of estate of Tlniddeua w. jiareiay, l used, Ahland in, E. If. M RIGGS. Ally, AMhlaiid, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE. Rebate tickets on sals between Port- Noi J,'lrrtTl't0 and 8ftn Francisco. Net rates $17 first class and $11 second claHR. Including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ?, i'1. hurm; AlH0 JaP'ln' Ch'"a. Ilono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained rZi?M- Tlcket "S YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot of Jefferson St. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20. 9:4 a. m; 11:30, 1:55, 8:25, 6:15. 6:26. 8:05, 11. iv p. m. and 9am nn anu t "fty .,r-ive at Port'an Jahy at Mije. :40, 10:00 p. m: 12:40 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; g:30 and 11:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, except Bun day, at 4:30 n. m. Arrlva at Vnrtl.A at 9:30 a. ra. Passenger train leave Dallas for Airlee Mondavi Werinmuiava mnA iri. days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. IT rIATll R. KOEHLER, Manaper. C. H. MARKHAM, Dy virtus of an execution and or der of sale Insued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the 26th day of uecemoer, iwu, upon a judgment and decree rendered therein on the 21at nay of December, 1900, In favor of 1 nomas uoig, pininun;, an j against E. 55. Ferguson, Hal Get and Chung Get, his wife, and the Clatsop Mill Com pany, defendants, for the sum of $i01!7.:S, together with Interest there on at th rate of 10 per cent per an num rrom tne .1st day of December, l'MW, th. costs and disbursements of this action taxed at S20.20, and the costs of and upon this writ command ing and requiring me to make sal., of the following described real property to-wlt: All of the east thirty-five acres of lot No. 2 and the southeast quarter of the southwest .'luarter of section twenty-four (24), In township elht (8), north of range ten (10), wen of u,,'. Willamette meridian, In Clatsop Coun ty, Oregon, that Is to say, all of wild lot two it), and i-ald forty acre legal subdivision adjoining the same on thu south that lies enHt of a line drawn through said subdivision parallel with the east line thereof, such a distance went of such east line thereof, ns to liiclud thirty-five acres of land of said subdivision, between the east line thereof and the lines run through the same; also all of lot numbered five (D), In block numbered thirty-three (S3), n that part of the City of Astoria, as ini.i out and recorded by John McClure, all being in the County of Clatsop, Htate of Oregon, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or In any wlHe appertaining. Notice in hereby given that I will on Monday, the 4th day of February, l at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon ot sum cay, in front of and at NOTICK I'tiR I'UIILICATION. DeinMii.rlll of thn Interior, I nd OfTlce at Urrisun City. Oregon, Dccin-b-r 14, Law. Notice la hrrvby given that the fol-luHliiB-iittinca settler baa nind nolle of his liitei:ii,,n iu nmko final proof In aup pori of hla claim, and that aald proof H b mudo before iha county tU-ra of Clatsop coflnt)'. ai Astoria, Oregon, 00 l'ibiutiry S, 1X31, vis: ALUKliT HC1IOENKIIECK. II. E. No. U7. for tho of NWVl and NW', 0f KW. Moc. 14, T. I N., II Ho ramrs the following wltnessr ta prove his continuous rwldetica upon and cultivation of aald load, vis: V. II. t.'iffi-y, of Aatorla, Oregon; Pet t oia. tn. of Hvniaon. ling. .11; August Ht Ikm netnek, of Hvrnaon. Oregon; Wra Schocm-beik. of Hvrnaon. Oregon. C11AH. II. Mix illKS, Rrgistar, NOTICE Foil PCIILICATION. I lilted Stittt-s Und onice, Oregon Cllr oitgoii. Nov. :'J, 1JO0: ' None la hereby given that In com- piMiicv with t he i f tha set f co, grr.a of Juno 3. IJIg. rntltbd An act for the a.ilo f tlmber lands In Iho atntpa of California in.t,.,n w.. v.ida and Wnaliington Territory.'" as eatendrd to , lhr ,.,.,. ljuu HUM hy ct of August 4. lsw. Mrs Mary Glajor, ,,f ,iey. County ,f ClaUop. m . V "r'K""- Ihla day filed In . .... r ikt aworn statement No. ""-. for the purchase of ih. hi. .... t' r of see don N. 4. In township No. I N. range No. 7 V, a,,d will offer proof .0 show that the land s.aighi Is more aluable for lis timber r atone than f-r agricultural purp.iea, nrul to ,s- l.llll!l. J her claim lo an I.I U.t tlifc It.giatcr an.) Receiver of this of Hi e at Oregon City, Oregon, mi Friday. Hit IjIIi dav of Kolirintru itni Hhe i.aniea ui llr.raa,-.' uk.... Glaai-r. llllatn W. Pope. Mary lnck Appoiionla Johnson, all of Oincy Clat "i County, Oregon. aiij and all persona claiming ad vera, ly the above-deacrlbed ta.n.1. m m. I nested to Me ihdr clalnw In this of- .... or u'-iore aald lath day of Feb ruary, 1901. CHAS. II. MllOItKH . . . Register. NOTICE FOIl ITUUCATION. Enlled Hiat. i Und Girie. Crrgon Cliy ort gon, iiec. 3rd. 1!KK: Noticti in hereby iriven itini in I'llance ulth thu i.rovUI, arM 1 if tK. m of congress of Juim 3, 1H7U. entlUM "An et for the sah. of timber lands In the Malta of California, Oregon, Nevada ...... iii.iiinglon territory," as extend ed to all the public land states by act 'f August 4, M92, John B. Logan, of oin. y county of Clatsop, state of Ore torn, has this day filed In this oince ids sworn statement No. 6327 for the purchase of the lota 11. 12, 13 and 14, of sucl ion No. IS, in township No. 6 N range No. 7 W. ami will ofr... nr.e . show that the land sought is more val uable for Its timber and atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to soJd land before the reg ister and receiver of thla offh'a at nr. gon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 15th "ii in reoruary, latsj. no names as witness: Sabaatlan .laser, William W. I'nn. M. n..,w Appoiionla Johnson, all of Olnev Platl "op county. Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse, ly the above-dcacribert land. niested tn fllo their claims tn this office oil or before said 13th rtnv nf PaK. ary, 1901. CIiAH ,, MOOIlIcq Register. Astoria. Clatson County. Oregon, .en the above-described real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. THOMAS LINVILLE. Sheriff of Clatsop County - Aat AAs ' Oen. Frt. and Paaa, Agt Astoria, Ore., Dec. 2. 1900, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Hulled Slates Und Ofrice, Oregon iiy, Oregon, November 12, 1900: Notice M herebv Iflven thnt In onm. ri - - aa ni'ii ill vvias iiiuice with tho provisions of the act I COIIgri'MH Of .Turin X 1K78 ontlllH An act for the sain of iim'ha init 'I the stat-S Of California Oreirnn Nn. vndu and Washington Territory," aa Aie.ioeo 10 an tne I'ubiia Land States 'V net of August 4, 1892, Ogden A. Hall, 'f No. 2f,0 Morrison at root. Portland. ouiiiy or iHuitnomnh, State of Oregon, s thtf. day filed In this office his worn statement No. 6318, for the pur hose of the NE auartor of section 14 n township No. 6 N rnnir No. S W. and will offer proof to show tbat tha I n n .1 . . ... . BwuKot ib more vaiuame tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purrwisea. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re-f-Gvor of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 7th day of February, 1901. He names as witnesses. John Fin- ley, or Astoria, Oregon; John Chitwood. . , . , . . -1 1 , -1 iaiui Ma. VI CROII, J Willi III I IT WU, A.Hirtnt dnin rl,y otAJ A"tora. Oregon" Herman Alhers. of Push. Oreaonr Oeoro-a MeFarland nt Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claim In this of (ice on or before said 7th day of Febru ary. 1901. CHAS. B. MOORE8. Register.