u A- THE MOKMXG ASTOKIAX, SUNDAY, JAM'AKY If. 1901. t ? 1 OUR ANNUAL SALE IS NOW ON EVERYTHING REDUCED ..C. H. COOPER Ol'Tl.OOK MOKK FAVOKAl'LE. Gemr.il Kitchener Report Important Victory Over tri lioer Force. NEW YORK. Jiui. 19.-A dispatch to the Triliune from Umdon s.iys: Central Kitchener continues to give favorable account of the Uritlsh oper- ations aini his laconic wnni;vies ar;c!uJei ttv task of allotting the grmt to accept tin- contract for the ship on the board term. Mcran Iros, ,f Setttle. already havi crilly notified Secretary Un of their porpose to accept the award In in their case, so that. alltMuirli some tivhnlcalitii rvtnain to hi' dl.-ipcsed of In connection with the contract, the navy department pr.ictuwlly hius con- j n'en they capture. Now how l Jt 150 hot of the lb to father the body. HUliop Votter mtid In penkln of the vigilance commute list nlnht: "t thlik that a body of earnest, hon. eat nten who would promptly report to central rommltt every violation of tne v f,r ln. reatinlnt of vice which came under their notice, o that the people of the city mliiht know the ex lent of official laxity, would render a ervlo of tho very greatest value." Koforilng to an objection made by w of the member of the committee of fifteen to the employment of young men In the work, the bishop said; "That has struck tue m ruilier funny. Soberly ! don't hoc how the young men of the city are likely to fall Into any greater danger than now meet them all over the city. Of ooitrw. I do not advocate any promou-uour delving Into the secret of disorderly house, or any mirtlcipation In liambltug. Hut there are few n.en In the city who have not at one time or another been solicited to vie, or rHii It flaunted In the street. Mow it Is golrg to hurt them to make record of that fact uiui report It to ;he central committee for liivestlK(loii I oonfis I don't see. 'I haw on my desk a letter levelxed this mcmlng- from Harlem telling me of the exIst-Muv of a disorderly house In a certain street and of "the roping In" of men hy two policemen In plain clothes who get 'heir pay out of the expanded by the new.-paper correspon dents. Colonel Grvy. with his New ZcaUnJvrs. has won a signal success over $00 lloers near W'tuon-burs. and ; ct rci'tr.ict for naval construction w.ak ever let in the histoiy of ihe Am rioan navy. If congress adopt the dcpiirliiioiit'5 CoivilW's victory on Vlaklaag: road ; su.csv:ion for corstruclion in the pend has increased in imp mUiicc as fresh details are rtceived. The Boers are meeting with serious lew, especially when they take the offensive and at tack Britisa uosllioiis aiid lines. They are not guiiMig any advantage north j (or the shi;s Jos: of the Oran.ce river. wlore the ltritwh 1 th:s case a lot c st. 1 ir.g t';'.va! bill and provides for four lew ballli ships and two .v: aoivd crui sers. H is the purine of the navy de part'nert not to prep.ir new plans, 'Hit to invite !i is up-Mi the plan Used r.tracted fir. In will be taken to- .if-und Ivst dur i 1 a ha'f from the TV iloslgt'.S campaign ha t.-: l.Hn nt-'nupt. I by J ward re, .v-Hn t the invasion of Cape Colony. The raid- .tug the iu-'t year ers have m-t made pivcres.! during the ; eftort to so.-ur-- .;i;l last fortnight and the at irta ha ub-1 f-r the hi sh'p. rijcl at (."ape Tnvn, when? the truth j The rot1, st.-p :m th nvr.ter of con is perceived that loyalty has been stlm- ; ;niction is the m.itt. r of cpcmiig of ulatcd by the ir...'.: .n end that the propos.'! it th- wMiru of s;x erul- Cape Dutch are r. Uss favorable sep-- on than they were 10 tiv 11 -r caus 1 w hit h t Ing to hurl a young man who sees that from across the stre t to icput the matter? ' It seems to me that no reform such as we wish to s.v accomplish '.I can he brought about In any way save by the persistent pub'lcation of alnindant instance of thdlce crruptlon nml .-ol-lu.ion with vice. It has been dow n that the whole city Is siiffer'.itg from a rvlgn of terrorism on the p;irt cf the ptdliH? force. n the cast side this I particularly maiked. Many small tradesmen do business there solely by grace of bribing the police." The bishop told f other furm uf police rapacity. He cltl the case of a policeman who f un the l.st son ,.f one of his friends recently. The policeman simply did his duty Iti taking the mii.iH th In-pr-vj Olysnpla type j D"v 10 m station wher h, w is fmn l k t.la." m V, hriiarv 1. These I a "t,1 lilt,'r l' a'1 o'or brthr Hut It i .urnusej in iiiin.ai j- circles that j 1 Is h. iJn-Ml De Wei and O-.neral 11 tha the bis ship . ' ihj . i-'n f a :Tll just f :h lisp- ,.niie their forces and attempt to the csr-cutn of tft ' d- pa.; men; tnat deliver a crushing blow at some plnt.ome of th-; smaV.-t shipbuilding .-on-on the lines of comniuiiicatl.'n o.'.'een ' cerrs and those n-'w to the liushiess Johannesburg and Ladysnu'.ii. The .vho failed to s-vure awards f.-r battle Beers are persistent and resourceful in j ships ml aimer d cruis rs may stvure carrying uu guerilla warfare under the , c-n'racts within th.'ir ability, for It Is most unfavorable condition!, but the ' d. jhtfiil If large ,0m-'i ns will be In ultimate failure of their supply of am- ; position to hid 1 .w for u:.y of these. munition must bring the w;sr to a: I end. The response of ihe yeomanry to a second call to arms continues to be tatisfictcry. Recruitirg is in progress at many points and it is evident that the number of volunteers a-k-d f ir can easily be obtained. The war oihee is cersnroj in irary quarters f r hav ing recourse to half measures which will not produce much in.pression upon ; WOl'Lb r.VKTITION (LIVIA. A.-tom ,.:rg Pf"po.U Ma le by Chill to other South American i.lov-.-t n:n- nts. 1- r p utern than ' "lt' Polloeman apix-ared at the boy's J of it Is nrtU,e on tnree successive uays a'W de manded payment for flndliiir the litt!--fellow. 4 I'm afraid that Indifference is at th -bottom of a good deal of the trouve. What wv neM most of all is a constant concentration of public attention up on the present condition. That Is what I believe to be ess-mtliU to reform I , --r iu in-ner jf j,e , i niii'iij-n n than through such a vigilance eoinmit tee as I advocated In St. Haul's church." . M-.W TOP.K DKFKNDI'.n. j Comptroller Coler Says' It's Not i Black as It Is Painted. the I-oer leaders. The ministers ecm i"h:n r--.- ::;! more anxious to save money than to r reposition t NEW VoT'.K. J.-n. l'.i. A sp-ct.il to tr.e --ra! l fr-.m ash:ng:--n says: lrf..rn-at:..n has I n r-v.lvoj In an XKW VOP.K. .Ian. 19. -Comptroller V. ,i oua-ter in W.ish!r.e!on that 1 Coler. of N-w York, siw.ke last i.icht ! tii astounding j h,,for,, Ihe Outlook llub of Montclalr. convince the Boers that England is ' really in earnest and r-s-lvrd i!iat tl.e 1 war shall end only in one way. f ur S-ui;h American v j Ul suby.y.t w., - The f,tf of SPECIFICATIONS REVISED. M-ci-i. and th' ! a further sign Cost of H.itt: ships Now riaced Within j niinist-r. "ust-l; Contractors' Bids. attitude ,.f Brazil. Arg-ntina and Par- laci.iv c11n.1t b- l.-arn-d. luit :h-Te is WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The board ro exp-.-ttati..n. in view f the deter of naval construction has completed the ! mined refusal of Peru, that steps will revision of the specifications nf the bat-I t 'K-n in line ith th- "hillan pro- -vTrm -tus -.na; te-i.:a t- partiti .neii X).w York." im. ;ig :h,n. j nig ad.re was a defense of what Th;s pr--j--i'l.'n na,- pr--niptly re- . h mlll th vreatet i-itv in the world .1 gov-inm'nt, as, -y creat clty,- h- said, "stands In s displeasure, has .he dare of conlliclinir ami confuslnir nemment to 1 ughts. No matter what the cause, the icuna. The 1 sr,- 1.. nr,, i.in i,,i r-.-iti-st.t; the Chilian tleships with a view to bringing the ; I,nc,'1'ti- cost within the figuM of the bidders. Bolivia Is a The electric light plants have been re tained in the specifications, but oy making numerous sman cuts and reduc ing the fund reserved from the total cost of the ship on account of Inspec tion, the deslrej result has been ob- w-ak r.a-i.in and could not singly resist an att;uk by the troops of any on- of the nations named, with the p tssihle -x-eption of Ptiraguay. much less th-'- uiilt-l f-rr- of several g'lvernments. The prnn.sit!on to partition Bolivia talncti. and President O-Ic-tt and Judge I is not the first neve Chili has made to Payson, representing both the Newport '--'rang-- P-ru and Be; News and Bath companies, are prepare 1 n""" w:th Chill an Inuring the nvoy was er,t to thi; l!"!:vUn camt' f-r 'he purpuse of in hi. ::.b I'r-.-i'l. nr i.a.-.a ;., abandon his P- ruvim al y. l.yt the .it'.- nipt was un successful. It Is b.-!i'-.-e.! h-r- that ''Mli's propos al to p;u'lt!'.n Bolivia is) du- to her ire to n ! 'h- a'iiance -xistinz tie- tw.-.-n ;nat uuntr it is said. tha. l, lns'-sson of the ptovinct-s of Tacna and Arli a. Sufferers from this herrible malady nearly always inherit it not neceisar.ly from the oarents. but tnav be from some ! d remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first litUe sore or ulcer uiaVcs its ap pearance or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, gives the brst warning. ' To cure Cancer thoroughly and perraa-1 Iil.it-.- in a chkag , Block Destroyed nently all the poisonous virus must be Property Worth :".' ilimtnated from the blood every vestage " A it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and , j the only medicine that can reach deep- L-l- A,''-. Jan. l?.-Four firemen leated. obstinate blood troubles like tki. 1 K '"l1""'- ;in'l "w wor-h of prop- When all the poison has been forced out """v 'I'.-stroy-J in a fire last night In I of the system the Cancer heals, and the tat Benton blw-k, Sl-W Staw street. . Reward Offered by Omaha City Coun U13CIUR: UOCI 1CIUI1J9. Cancer beginsoflen in a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: I .. t , I FOCP. FIBKMMN INJURED. up to view and tht? brlxht spots are lost sight of. The city of New York I at prsert In the thrcx-s In one of those peculiar convulsions which break out n all great cities. The prevailing opin ion that New Yoik Is a wicked city Is the result of the efforts of a few men. whose Instincts are so good that to them everything beyond th-lr own shadow is rottenness and black. From what is being said about New York it would appear she has a corrupt gov ernment and an Incompetent govern ment and that vice and crime flourish on the streets and everywhere. Every evil place which nourishes with or without p"llce protection, mch sinkhole of crime and moral degradation Is be ing pointed out and her own citizens seem to vie with each other to see who could paint ti e fair city blackest." NV-w York, the comptroller declared, was growing bettr, not wort Her and f'- r j. In order. 1 revenues aggregated thr?c-fU'irters of may formally take I , million t-arh wnrkinc d.iv. She unent more for education, more for charity, more for public Improvements, more for the benefit of the public than all other cities of the country together. Her expenses approximate thotte of the national government but nowhere In ihe world was so much good done and so many improvements obtained. F5s II A 1 mall iiimtile came on my law about an inch below ihe car on tl.e left tide ot my face. It gave roc nw pain or lutinveii- tfince. and I should have forgotten ationt it had it not begun to i-ifUmeaad itch ; it would hleid a little, then scab over, but would not heal. Thij continued for some lime, when my jaw began to stt-ii. becoming very painful. The Cancer be ijan to eat aud spread, until it wasas large asa half dollar.whe-i f h' ard tf 8. S S and d--termin-ed to give it a fair trial, find it was lemnrkible what a wo-nerftil enert It had from the very beginning ; the gore besran to bealandat't'rtakmga few Ixatles duappearid entirely. Tbiswastwoye rsao; thcieareatill no algna of the Cancer, and niv general heatlb jmtinuesgood. V.Hi. R. Shikkk, Ia Plata, Mo. ST is the greatest of alj blood puriuers, and the Xy ''V only one guaranteed KjjJ pwdy vegetable. Send for our free boiik on Cancer, containing valuatile and interest ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for medicnl advice. IHE SA-f I Sr-EUHC C3., ATLANTA, fJL .virs. jam'-s i-hman, wife .,f the Jani tor, und I-,, r infant ehii, wi.re carried out hy fireman. The injured: K. J. Buckb-v. captain: FOR ARREST OP CROWE. cli Slakes Total of 118.000. I'livuii, iiicna-1 Me add-n. a. i.ii tha ,.u conn. D-r.nls I'atrick Sniiih, all hal glass. CHICAGO. Jan. 13. A special to the Record from Omaha says: cut 'uy falling I'OI.K.'i; ARK CORi't.PT, Rlih'p I'ot'.er Sp'-.:ks Situation In N- VORff, Jin. 1').-The 11 last evening it wag decided to of fer a reward of 13000 for Tat Crowe, dead or alive, irrespective of the sus picion that he may have been concern ed in the Cudahy kidnapping. The con ditions make no reference to any pr- ' licular crime. This makes a total of it tenon r.n emu-pit lie;i.l. Worl I : " ' I th- Reforrii 'oik. I Nhl'cV says: The viilanc- cor,:rnilt.-e favored by iiishop i'ott-r is b-.;ng formed by ln divlducl memb'-is of tie- diy (lu,, Ther'f vill not b- ''m of tlern, nor e'wi. and only ii.,;n of t.rld and prov ed trust-.vnrtl.ir.'-ss and ton.-' rvatlsm Walla, WV455; bluet-m, 67. will be 111 the van ;.. TV. PAIN FKANCIH' Jan. ja vvneai I PRICE OP SILVER. NEW YORK, Jan. 19.-Sllver, C3. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Jan. !. Wheat, Walla ter may not exc total jium- 1 5';0. The City Clu! as ati organization Is not yet the officlM sponsor for the com mittee of vigilantes, but after the or ganization has been perfected a prop osition may be f-ubmlttc-d to tht m'.-m- May, 102; cash, S7,4. CHICAGO. Jan. IS. Wheat, May op ening, 74i'S74T4; tloHlng, 74'(,74'. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 13. Wheat, May, 6h. Tad. DIAMOND HUOOCIl 8TOLKN. Taken rtvm Rivnn of Wife of Famous Hong Writer In Her Alwence, CHICAGO, Jan. 1.-It wait learned tivlay that diamond bMivlt valued at t-00 was stolen from Louise IUvwer, wife of Fwslerlck Howers. the souk writer, last Wedn-nday, while she was absent from her Hixirlmcnts nt one of the prominent hotel In this city. Mrs. How ern left last evening for N'w York city, so It was Impossible lo learn the details of the theft. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Notable am n g the pleasures afford ed by the Pnasta Route I the win ter trip to Southern California and Arlionit. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop frenh point of Interest und addiM liiduairl. s. In lis prolific vegetation and amonjr lis niimlierlcss n-sorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trains- from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most ap proved pattern of standard and tour ist sleeping cars, but the low rates of fare will still continue In effect. Illustrated guide to the winter re sorts of California and Arlioua may be Hind on application. C. H. M ARK1I AM, O. V. A.. Portland. Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad TIIK DIRECT ItOUTR, Montana, Utah, Colorado ail all Entflrn Points Olves choice of two favorite route, via the I'nlon Pacifie Fast Mall Lint, or the mo urajulo Hcenio una. LOOK AT TIIK TIME. 1 I)av8 t i Stilt Lako. sl lW.s t. IViivi-r 3 Pitys to Oliimp). 4J Duy.s to Nov, York. Free nudlnlng chairs, upholstered tourint sieciiiug cars, and l ullinun pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. THItKY. W. K. COM AN, Trav. Pass. Agt., Oen. Aitnt, 1.'4 Third St.. Portland. Or. Or G. W. IXUNBIRKKT, Agent O. R. A N, J.A. FASTABEND CENTRAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PIANOS s ORGANS x A Storeful Take an Awful Tumble. Hip Why and Wherefore, When intl I low -An A.stounriisiy I'ropositJon Lowcsl I'idiio Tritcs Ler een In I'rlnt. (li': to ihe i..':Cici! ib.ith cf our partner's uncle, which i:eresl-t.ite.- ihe iii.ii.ict..ti' Mttlilteit of his csla'e. we are crtni'i'llcd to buy cut .1 i.lini g j-.uti:er' inter-i-l 111 llita concern We l-ave never borrowed a single dollar of ti.debt.ilm-fcs oiitslile of the Ill in since cotn n -1 . :i:i: bi::-:t.e.-. nor do we feel lh.it we want lo lake aiuilher partner ,i.t , i: 111 ii , We are theiefore coiifninb-il by the invcmlly of ......Clu at li .;t or.e third of our present etm k lino cash or short- tin-.e I ipT. anil :e;,lu!i;g that only the imt ettrnnrdliiiirjr Itultice nu iilii wii! ai'cui u ll.-h thin purpon- In the limited time ut our com mand, we have de. Id-'d to commence this (Ttiinaday) illuming, ut 10 o'cloil;, .1 special cIitsIiii; out sale of our Portland Mock lit such low jirlci. Hl'-ii IlKiirea. the eipia: of which have never heretofore been M-eii in print. Our sto k is all of It liraiiit-iiew, our ItmtruniMits lire the very finest ai.d lilghcM grade 1n11i111f.il tuied In America, and Includes every rata loglie style of the thrit; greatest A Inci ban pliilliMliiikers. the Ctllcker Ing, the Wiber and lie Kimball, us well as null well known 11111I old e::tabllihed pluUis as the Pease, the Whitney, thu Wbee'axk. Hie lie. ker & Son. the lliiiie and the We.-vr Hrothers' Orchestral; mid. Ill order lo acrcmpllfli the ohjet t In view within the time specified, we are offer ing each and every one of them for sale for less money thau dealers ordinarily buy tbcui for cash. As to the r'rltrs. In onlcr to proP."t Ihe Intercnls of dealers who hand lo Kimball lunl Weber and Chli -kerlug plan s. no ib lliilte prlcm ut w hich thrae Imdru mui:ls are now for sile tan L.e iuotid here, but eveiy new piano and oiitan in siix-k will be mi!iI at le.-s than the ailiml wholesaln billing, and a disiuunt of from ID to uU per cent on actual rush cost will be made on every slightly shopworn, rented or srcond-hiuid piano You w ill llnd here uow some lino square plalioii. t'lili kerliiK. Stein way. Hallctt & Onvls Kratibh ft Itach, Fischer, mid other makes, for sale at i'i'. $11 and I'i'i, respectively ; strictly iip-to-dnlii aipiarea, worth $sJ, $110 and $130 rinpHthely, ut the lowest estimate Severul see-uiid-hiind uprights, and used orKans, for a mere xoiig. $1117 mid $147 will secure choice of several beautiful briind-liew $;"5 uprights, of well known New York make, that have never been sold, Kant 111 here In the West, for less than $j:ia. And otr ;r Instruments will go fur still less money, though all are good, reliable pianos. We offer a strictly high-grade, fancy seven and one-third oetuve piano, full swinging duet music rik, revolving lock-hourd, with thte? pedals, the third a soft or prartlrfl pedal, fur t'il'i which Is less than half price. A funcy-flgurcd llrnzlllan uiahogiiny rase for fU more money. Some a lltllo plainer, yel very beautiful, Instrunienls for $22S and $19C-at leait $JIK) below the regular retail price of these or sume grade of Instruments In this city or any other city, fiirgrat cnbliiol grand tlzo, thorougtily reliable, fully warranted upright pianos. In lualiog.uiy or uk, Ktundlng four foot nine lnclu high, with latest dunt desk, roiling fall-lsKvnl, und three pedals, Instruments that wa guiinui ite cannot bo bought In Chicago or ut the New York factory for lews than $:!."i. each, will en during this sale for $178. Rosewood canee for still lets money Another well-known make, recognized everywhere In th trade as Ihe most honestly ronstriictrd, moiit perfwtly flnlshnl, most reliable aud must durable pluno maile. In beautiful plain mahogany or oak or wal nut caii-s. lelail prii-t-D $S25 and $350. for $172, $1S3 and $196. - On fcrtky Terms of Payment. With the r-xceptlon of U10 very hlglirwt-prlced styles, the rout of whic h ullgtilly i xicetls $.1fi0, nml on which terms of payments will not be l.'iade les. than $100 down and $20 n month, all pianos are for sale on payment of $15, $20 01 $J5 down, aiid at the rate of $6, $H mid $10 a month. 11c milling lo mal.e, styiu and design. Since all prices are bai.ed on the actual cash cost, those taking advan tage of the above-named easy teioia will pay Interest on deferred pay ii.ctiLs at th" rate of g per cent per annum. livery piano ar.d organ sold will be iiccotnpanled by the rospcrtlvo manufacturer's five yews' warranty, duly countersigned hy us, thus fully protecting the customer In every way. We personally guarantee the price and quality of every Instrument In this sale, and any ured piano bought of ub at thin time may be re turned to us within two years and we will allow the full amount paid toward any new Kimball or Weber or f flickering pnno. This bale, us above, will be ut 251 Washington street, In our new Music I1!(m k, commencing t 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning, and If you have any possible, iibc for a piano or an organ, come at once, and uu not delay, for times are prwieious now, many will take ndvuutuge of this opportunity at this time of year, and we will turn this stock Inio money or paper within a very few days. Store open day and night till stock Is closed out. . . . ASK FOR ... "Charles Carroll" "General Good" tar w 5c S CIGARS . TWO UN EQUAL, BD HMOKRH ALLENC& LEWIS, 5 iJlMtrltfMtorM, I'ortfnml, Oregon PacificNavigationCompany Stcmiiera"Siiu II. I'linorc." "V, II, IliurUon" Only Unc- Aatm lu to I llluiiUMik, t;rlhnld, iUy t:ity, hoiivlll. (.Vmnecltng si A.torla with tlia Oregon lUilnsul k Nlgtlod (To. ml alwi the Astoria . Col 11 in bin lilvtr It. H. for tiac Kranclsco, IVrOwsl Hid all points cm.1. Fur (relglit ami iwaiNiiiger rata p; ly U. HaniMcl Elmoro Co. (leneral Agents, AHTOIUA. ORX. O.llA. N.U. 11 Co., Portland. Agenut A. A 0. It II I'o , I'orllaml. (ll V. I.AM II. Tillsmia.k. Ore. UMI All Wholesalers and Retailers 351 WAHIN0TO1 ST. PORTLAND, ORIGON Mormon Ulnhonn Pllla ti i y '. . ut it Muhoo of ielfol. tiiiMM-l. r-r, nt t-tt , .14. uUrt k-OWt Mqnhuod. Iltl- Ollltv. Hiindacn,UnfitnMS to atrt, t ui c i Umort. Vnrloool or Cdnn Iput.on, Lfi, Quiikris't r.f n- rt I I cr-urg, ntop ir vous Twltchnfi of ry1rl. i iici ie u.,.-'....,. L ' -J JmiMn .i ) mtj it vrrv ftiin u-Jii. U-Ui K'l u ft it ( ftt fconrl. WJ I" 1 , I ll' l'' inull int-Hw4 OTfMM. Mmvitim ttt tma and untn, rrt, A 'f ) mil. A vnxit fMrtnM, n ewf MMir rtiii 1 t i pmn ii'nni tiwin n ill fUll 111! L I U l.l iril (J I Of New Zen In 1 ttl W. I. THOMAS, Aljrr.. San l'randco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SIIAKEHOLDERS Sttlisenlird Cupitnl, ' iri.diin.OdO rni.l ti ('ii'itnl, .... 1,0011,(100 Assrts, 2.S4.V1M Awls in I'liiloil Slul.'s, . . . 300,000 Stirj.lus ti Tiiliry Mnl.l. p, . . !,718,7-J Has Wt'ii I'uiKtw ritinj; on tli l'licilic Cimut yvii tweuty-lwo )rn. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Ui'siili'iit Ap-ntH, Astoria, Or. We Rent New Typewriters. Many iit-w iiiiirvtuit'iito aiMnl. 'W.-r-.V 's'' r Iat'.-t No. 2 Smith Premier Tyocwrlter Vir'P. N'Arti:UliiKit.Frw.... W'Hfivj,t:5, I. n. ALEXANDER CO- , YrCifjf? 'Jt5 Htwk Kt , 1'orlUnd, On. r W. M'KI.t II Mr, l.o-al Ajwd. .The Esmond Hotel.. POHTLANO. ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON S TS. OSCAR AN0ER8ON, M.uior. 2 Kuruurtu plan. Jan to i'f d.r. J Am.rlcno plui, 11.00 to llWporfl.y, J. C, rKNIiKlUnT, Chief l ink ri iruvuxnnnixnnnnru u truartnAnru uu mauvru uviuuuuiJinvruiiiiivAi inTRi.nM-rTi a t -v 5 H PORTLAND, OK. e The Only Flmt-ClnHH Hotel Iti Portlnnd m ruiAAAuuvnuvAAinruAAA(iAi nnnruvruvmru iwui nnntxmxn n uufi THE ASTORIAN Delivered nt yotir office, store or rcHidcticc, 60c per tnoitth. FOUINDED A. t. 17IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE l)f LONDON I HK OLDKST I'l RI.I.Y I IKK ()l 1 1( I- IN TIIK VVOKI.l). C"h A !, ... (ii,nik,cmm Cli Aa(a In Utiltrd Mt, ,fnri,g.g J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WINFIELD S. DAVIS liUKT 1,. DAVIS CAUL A. IIKNKT 215 Siinsumc Street, - - Sun Francisco, ChI. SAMUI-I. ELMORE & CO., AGENTS. "It has justly won its laurels.". Souos? aT Fisl Game, Hot and Cold Meats, etc., are ,g'vcu u iuu&i ueiitious navor vy using Lea & Perrins' SAUCE Till ilgMtai U oa ntfjr bottl THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE , (a,fe&& irnzwxjis or imitations. . . tons vvucix tout, itm,vtwTL mm ) i t - . r