THE MOKMNG ASTOKIAX, THGKSnAY, JANUARY 10, 1901. OUR SECOND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SASi NOW IN PULL, FORCE Don't mlw) thin opportunity to Dry Ooodu at W11OL1-SALI0 All contracts fur nd vert whir In tlyt Aiitin luu urn Hindu on u Riiur unlet of circulation four time turner Hum (lint of any rupcr published or circulated In (ilut nop county. TODAY'S WBATHER. PORTLAND, Jm.ii. lO.-Wmiprn Ore. gon ami Western Washington, rain; KRirtt Oregon, Eastern Washington and Nnrthurn Idaho, geifislly fnlr. AROUND TOWN. liar rwrt: Wind. east; cloudy; bur, smooth. II. O. W.ilKordt, of Nshcotta. wns In th city In Mi evening. The Dutch tiwlt was towed to - yesterday afternoon. D, lWrold, of Ilwacn, mm over m the Nahmtts last evening. Drat 18-Mnt meal, Rising Hun Res taurant, 813 Commercial street. O. I. Oraliam. of Warrenlon, regis lirtO at the Occident but vcnlng. Jeffe restaurwnt-the largest and best. A trim will convince you. The Occident barbershop ant bath U the place I" go f"f flrst-clas vrnrk, c, h. coorim'it orkat annual 18 NOW ON. IHJN'T MIS8 IT. Where do you get your Sunday din. nerT I take mine at the Central Hotel Herman Wl ami It. M. Lornlsen Ml it evening tr Hniem on a bust lie I tip. The Ins Vosburg and Imrg Whe.-r for Nehalem left out early yesterday morning. KVKRYTHINO WtEATLT nEDt'C KD KU TIIH NKXT THIHTY DAYS AT COOPER'S. 8. Norinlle and wife left Tuesday evening for rVsttV, where they will jnd the winter. W. I.. Hobb ha en elected trens urer of the Irving Club In place of K. tJ. Rogers, rrUglied, The Air dub will give a darning tmrty at Kmrd A HtokiV hall on Thurs day evening. January 17th. PEBT ll-CRNT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. rimno LOW PRICES ON OVERCOATS ...tmc SWELL TOP OVERCOAT UKOB UNB Of TMI!5B 0ArM AAOB IN Ptkl'tXT 1YU 3 II .' f f sf Correct.. DrcAser Wear... The Adler... Clothing HI) W't ,V5.rv"S I : t !!-.: A Extraordinary low prices will be made on all broken lines. First cost will not be considered mirclmno First (Quality riUCKsi The Hrltlsh wKIp Brottlsh Ira ar rlvoil dnwn the liver yelrdny lifter noon a'(T a trip of eweral iluya. The llrltlah stctimKllIn Kalsow. Willi a carao of whent for Mt. Vincent, for ortfr, Iff t out yesterday morning. A dcllirhlful time l anllelpalcil Ml the grand mnm bull to lx given at lUnthorn'e hull on the evening of Jan- uiiry 11. A tiiitr Ii.t of Aeiorlun returned laat evening frm Portland, where they at- . .. ,... V......I...... Whllrt lvlt.ltevrt' ll'lltirtl Jill. .-.MH.r-w, ,..... - " luneral. Mr. and Mm. A. M. Bittllh relumed lai evening fr.un INrtlsnd. whent th'-V eni to attend th funeral of wr. w j. Kinney. Those desiring esn In elocution may rail on Mr. Kranrve I'arllow, 310 Hixlh itrert. tor, r nuiaiin ave. tnoin l-"Ie. No. M. I. of II . will Ulve a iimxiU ball on Momuy evening i. it iiHiiihi.m'M halt. AdinlK' idoit Tli dele f"r nale by the iniun- Ikt. Manuel (iaiee. convicted of inurdi r? Ii, U'lllliim llm-Miili at M"Uin lieou wa grained a m-w trial by Judg" Kl- llilt on Tiiciuiay, rr.'m Pure Ttye. mnra'e flneet nKA miw mire aoode: guar m.lw.l rich 'and mellow. JUllN U CAUt.BON. Bole Agent. Tlw mow out Nehalem valley way l repoilml lo be iulie deep. There liiia about two feel In the valley and in aome placee near the Summit It la five feel In depin. k Mnnliinmerv baa noened ahop at :l t'ond twt and ta prepared In do all claawe i piumomg ou i' nlng a. the loweat p"'1''' ratea. Itonlyn coal Umie longvr. U cleaner and makee leae trouuie wun auivr. nu chimney nue than any other. rg W. Fanburn, agenu J!iepnone un- Th warning In yaterdny't Aatorlan anent in Killing or roin "'"r .i n ..u...alv wllh a letter from Hlnle (lame Warden Qutmby to hlef llnllock, aaKing mm io are om nmtler waa inveatigaiwi, as ne nu received complalnta from thla tlpn. The funeral of the late Andrew Jhn Welch waa held from Orare church yemerday morning at 10 nvbu-k. Hev. t. u K.iiilii.llii I he aenicea. The funeral wiia largely attendetl. the lionecr and Illaloruai noriny won . u tu,.i Tli InHTTiienl waa in Ocean View cemetery, with private aervlrea at ine r". KERSEY OYERCOATS Former prico 1 1 3.50 NOW $8.25 TAN COVERT TOP COAT Former prico $22.50 K0W $U.7S OXFORD GRAY Overcoat Former price $20.00 HOW $1325 MEN'S FRIEZE ULSTERS Former' prico $15.00 NOW $10.15 BOYS' OVERCOATS Formor prico $2.75 HOW $1.75 The (lerman ahlo Kllbek and the French batk Loula I'anteur were both piwed to ara yeaterdny afternoon wltn eargoe of grain fur Kurope, Holh ve. le have in-en In the river alnce ue ci'inber lat, I. W. Harper la the "Oold Medal" whlakey of the wurlil. IHifheat aarda t 1'aria, 1WW. Chicago, 1W.t, new or- leana. nH5. Unbeaien and Unneatauiui Foard A Otokee Co., Aatorla, Ore. Water conauiiiere aliould bear In mind that Tliumdny, the I'Mh, la the Inat day uimiii which lo pay water ratea, In or iir to avoid the penalty of 26 centa which I churged agalnat all delin quent. Only one real eaiale Iranafer woa re corded yenterdny: K. .. Kergimon .o flu lid n A Imn Mnd oimmny-wei 4K feet of lot 3, block . Olney'g A- torln: al lot 3. bl k 4, rikipanon ad dition lo AM'irlii; 11000. Tlmre have bein two vcaaia In the river for the pt month by the eiine name. One la the French bnrk Alice. that left out the rtrat of the week, and the other la the (lerniun ahip Alice. on her way down the liver. Mlaa Murgiiret lllKKlna, of llila city. who haa lif ii vlaltlng frlenda at Plan furd Unlveralty fur the pnat two weeka. hue decided to remain and take a courae of atudy at that Inalltullon during the remainder of the college year, A big ralililt drive waa held on llutter ere-k, n-ar Kcho In Kiatern Oregon, on Himday laat. Ihitrreaulled in tne amy log of about 1M0 JiK'kralilJta. The rab- blla were Irlvn Into a corrul and were killed for ihe greater part with cluba The Norwegian aleanmhlp Norman .le .-ft out yealeriny mrnlri fur Hlmnuhil with a cargo of lumber. Hhe lacked one day of being two montha In ib river. Another nmpi or fori. land'a aperdy deapalch of big eteain- unlpe The iteanmhlp K'l.ert Adiimaon. from Nanimo, undr charter to load wheat for Ha'foiir. Outhrie Co., the Mima, ef T. M. Hlvni Co.'a Oriental line, with full Oriental cargo, and the Kva. of Hie Or'gun Oriental line, are due lo arrive at thla purt. J.iaeph fi.uiRh, a vngrant, v.a ar leai.-d for bi-titln on the atreete yea leriay. He win brought bfire Judge NcImhi who lined him t'A with a au penemn of aentence In cane he left town Irnnudiiitely or jiooner. He "tayed not upnn He? order of going uui went aooner. The Orent Northern la ruahlng the work of cnnalruiilng thirteen atee hrldgck along lie line In Waxhlngton. The work la now well under way and It la IhnuRht It will be completed In the uprltig. The new atructurm ate lo tnkc the place of wmalen brlilgen (hat ever ince the line reached the coaat have done gvrvlce. The Alaaka Flahermen'e Tacking Comprtiiy hcM their regular annual meeting yeHlerdiiy and elected the fol lowing direciora for the coming year; Jnhn Nordatrom, John F.nberg, , K. A. Fluher. A. Bi herneckau. Jaepx-r F'reat. J.)hn Kopp and M. Knuteeen. The di reciora will later elect their own f Ibera. After being abandoned by the own era, the captain and her crew, the team. r luiiua waa hauled off Duxbury reef Sunday and towed Into Son Fran rleen. The enlvage of the Inqua la due lo the murine underwriters, w ho when the veaeel waa abandoned Baturday, tent a tug out to the scene accom panied by another steamer equipped with anchor? and other apparatus nec eiuiary to save the steamer. Today Is the lnet day of grace for tray "purpa" before the pound will yawn for them. And unless the taxes are paid promptly and the new llcenxe m-eured thevAgle eye of the Industrious paundinaater will be bent uHn the un fortunate canine. Auditor Nelson has received the handsome brass license tugs and will supply them upon presen tation of license from the chief of po lice. The tea given by the Woman's Re lief Corps at the residence of Mrs. G. Zleg'er yeiterduy afternoon and even ing, was a decided success In every way. The rooms were tiu-tefully deco ratd with flower and national colors and the attendance was ixceptlonully large. Ihe sliver set was won by No, 11. The corps cleared a little over 134 above expenses and arc very grateful tor the Interest shown by the large number of people attending. The caneriea of the Cutting Tacking Company and George W. Sanborn will operate during the coming season In conjunction and win run out one can nery. This will greatly reduce expenses while the capacity of the one cannery will be sufficient to acoommodute the supply of fish obtainable. Mr. San born wun decidedly reticent upon the subject, preferring, as he stated, to run his own ouslnes rather than let the newnpapers run It: a preference per fectly compatible with good sense, but hnrdly pertinent. This morning the reserved seat tale for "the Colored Aristocracy" which appears at FUhor'a opera house to morrow evening, opena at 8 o'clock at Grlflln A Reed . Kvery performer la an artist in hi or her respective line nnd 'hoy keep the audience In a state of constant merriment for two hours and a halt with their new and novel program styled "A Rag-Time Carnl vul." The closing act, "The Coon Town 400," Is funny In the extreme. Don't fall to see the grand parade on airlval of the train today. Charles M. Hays, the new president of the Southern Pnclflo Railroad, arrived In San Francisco Satunlny, and on Monday assumed his duties as succes sor of the Inte C. P. Huntington. In hi new position President Hays Is one of the best paid railroad managers In the country, his salary, according to current gossip In the general olllce of the company, exceeding that of the president of the United State. While the amount of his salary haa never been authoritatively announced, It Is understood to be either $55,000 or $60, 000 a year. Governor T. T. Geer on Monday re ceived a telegram from Hon. H. w, Scott, editor of the Oregonlan, who la now In Florida, accepting nts appoint ment as a member of the text book commission. Prof. P. L. Campbell, of Monmouth, waa also heard from, with an ai ccntnnce. Mr. Ladd. of Portland, accepted several days ago. Mr. Colvlg will doubtles follow the course of these gentlemen, and Governor Geer hopes to Induce Judge 8. A. Lowell to withdraw his declination and has eent that gen tleman a telegram urging him to re consider ttio matter and accept. TT.i would be a matter of great satisfaction to the governor, who i anxious for I the commission to stand, as first named. W. J. Iniralla recently Issued a pam phlet acamat ths Hoys and Olrla Aid Hoc.My and this haa been ol'lclally ans wered by that Inatltutlim denying all the rhargea und stating that "the cause of complaint of Mr. Inalla Is theu: lion of tin suierlntindent In removing one of their wards, a young girl, from his custody. The superintendent naa hesitated In the first Inatiiiu about entruetlng the girl to Mr. Initaii s care, anl hml ontv itone so uiem the ex press stipulation that the society might resume the cualooy sna control oi nr whenever It saw fit to do so." Ijislrl. t Deputy Grand Chancellor J. II. Hansen, Maslsted by the following corrs of grand bxlge onicers, v. i .. H. Oikwlt; prelate, j. c. Clinton; u. K. of II. and 8., A. F. Hrakke; M. of F.., Ishki Ilergman; M, A F O. H. Keti'ii: M. of the W., W. U MoOroakey; M. at A., Ad'Hph Johnson, Installed the f illowlng oiflcrs of Aet'r lodg K. of V., No, 0 last evening: C. C. Theo. Jonnain; V. C, Albert Nelaen: I'relate, F. IC. Wright: M, of K., 1). T. Oerdes; M. of P., August Hanlelson: K. of It. and H., I. It. Illount: M. at A., Nale Junes; I. (1., U. Anderson; O. O., Albert Muilln. At the cliate of the meeting a lrg delegation of the Itathbnne Wa ter took possession of 'he nun sni proceedd in Uiy out an el"Kaiit spread lo which ample justice waa o"n. i ne lodge exienda a hearty Invitation for the lall" to come again. Mni. W. . Dyer, of Lewis and Clark. Wms fiitind lying unconscious In the Mad just beyond J. W. lU'ith'a place, about 4 o'clock yesterday afteru.e.n. Bhe was carried to mr nome aooui hnlf a mile beyond and although per fectly unconscious there seemed to be some signs of life about her and word was sent as soon as possible to Asturla t,.r ohvslrlan. Dr. Ulalion left late IhsI evening lo attend her. Mrs. Dyer la a slater of Fred Moore, and with was found lying uricons whs by ihe hr husband and family were moving unto ihe place where they now reside sod which he had nM'J ptirt'hiiaed. Mr. Dyer was found to lie dead upon the dia'loT arrival and In all proba bility was so when found. She was about 45 years of age and leaves thr-e children, one of which, a ly about 15 year of age, was the one that dis covered his mother. It a-en Mint she w.vs found lying by a log that crossed the fath and up-n which hhe had pl.ioe-1 some articles that eh was car rying preparatory to climbing over. She wos strlck-n. probably by heart 1lsae, as she was known to be sub ject to that and there wvr- no mark upen hr person except a ellithl r'.ratch i,n ihe lemnle. cau i protiably by fall ing Sgallit the log. Hhe had been miss ing iri hi her home since noon. COUNTY COURT. Report of Viewers and Burvcyors Nehalem Road Filed With the . Court Yesterday. of Count) court was In session yesterday aftenvxm and last evening. The peti tion of Otto Kraemer for the vacation of a portion of a street In the railroad addition to Ocean Grove was filed, and an order was made granting the petl li'in with the exception of portion own eil b E. M. Un.nes. The report of the viewers and sur veyors of the road from Astoria to a point on the county line near Vesper la Olney and the Nehalem valley was also filed. The report sets forth the advantages and necessity of a public highway at a practical grade through this section of the cmintry. It also specifies minutely the direction and lo cation of the pr"poed route and Is nccompanled by elaborate plats of the road. The report was read the first yesterday afternoon and was fully discussed. It will come up for second reading today. Jacob Kamm of Fort- land, who own property along the pro posed route, had made some objection to the route acres his land, ana was In court yesterday aftern-vm, accom panied by bis son. The difficulty waa satisfactorily adjusted, however. The session last evening was largely tuken up by pa.nalng on oil! and other routine business. Tomorrow will be de voted to drawing the Jury list ror the present year. REPORTS FO.ED. County Clerk Wberity and County Treasurer Thompson Filed Their Seml-Annual Reports Yes terday. The semi-annual reports of the of- flees of county clerk and county treas urer were filed with the county court yesterday afternoon by the respective officers. The reports were acompawea bv the following eonnnunlcatlon ad dressed to the Judge and associate com missioners: 'We beg leave to herewith suomit Catarrh ha become such a common disease that a rrson entirely free from .. . . i. , . . this Uisgusllnjf compiami is senium iu with, ft i customary to sneak of Catarrh ts nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at nrst, it very aoon becomes ao. The blood is ouickly contaminated By the foul secretion, and the poison through the general circulation la carried lo an psna ui iuc p". Salvea. washes and apraya are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the noison and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, end thus cures thor oughly and permanently the "worst cases. Mr. T. H. McAllister, of HarrodnMirg, K., writes i "HuTing been a terrible suflerer fiun Catarrh, eud being now ound and well, Ihe que tlon often put lo me is. 'Wht cured your' man iwer I feel It my duty to Utetbat SwKt's Specific Is the metlictne. I am roeh a true believer la Ihe tffirtcy of Swift's 8peci6c that I can honestly and miMcltntiouilv recom mend it to any one suffer- J recommended it to many, h td to use il can bear me out In the statement that It will cure anv case of CaUrrh U Ukca accoraV ing to direction,." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known.and the greatest of all blood tnedicinei and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until it becomes deep-aeated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send tor our buck on blood and skia ulseers ind write our physiciana about your case. THS IWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, tA . mum "SSF- r sr. 7 our eeml-anual report, covering; that period of time between the 1st day of July and the Slat day of Decem ber, I'M, both dates Inclusive, and we request that said report be eTperted. (Hlgned.) If. C. THOMI'HON, II. J. WHEItlTT. The report Is In excellent shape and shows the finances of tle county are In careful and scrupulous hand. ' Following Is a list of 'he t' tal ex penses of the different branches under the general fund for 1h jest fix months; County court $ 1 63 Circuit court M 45 Justice's court 47 35 Courthouse expenses ,., 637 1. County clerk's office , ,. 2SM 00 Hherlff a offlce I l.ViO 09 Iteccrder's office 170 M Treasurer's oHloe t:A 00 Assessors' olllce l.Otft 60 Kchool superintendent oinc.. 324 M Coroner's office I'll SO County Jull ... ti.t 47 Assessment and collection vt tuxes 4.H05 1 Charity : l."t 40 Iluads and bridges 2.324 f3 Insane 25 00 Election J.'' " Current expense Sl Tidal expenties 121.2 5 lss am i paid In taxes 4,01 77 Actuul expenses $17 21. M In th shove account It will b- no ticed thai the amount of 11.019.77 Is! taken from the total am'i'in-.. Thin represents the amount of t-ix paid on prujrty bid In by the county JufVe and belonging to the couity si a eiit of Its resources so that the paying cf thl warrant is merely formality to complete the business transaction and In PiimtilUnre with the law. The summary of the finances of the county shows the total of liabilities to be $102,s'...', 20, with resources amount ing to $42,540.34. leaving the total ln debt dne of the county at 4W.J54 it. The report as a whole was approved by the Judge and commissioners sub ject to exporting. BU81NEJ5B rOR SALE. Good general merchandise business. Rest opening on Colunib'a river. Good reason for Belling. Annrws, J. D. M'FARLANK. Knappa. Ore. There may be any number of people running for ofoc?. but the only way most of them will ever get out of breath Is when they die. Fisber's Opera rjotise L. K. 8 ELK). Leasee and Msnarer. FRIDAY, JAN. II IHE COLORED ARISTOCRACY CO, IN A Rag-Time Carnival A refined entertainment of Minstrelsy and Burlesque 25 Ladies and Gentle men. The best Artist In the Profes sion. Band and Orchestra, Novel street parade. Admission Reserved seats, "5 cents; gallery, 60 cents; children In gallery. 25 cents. Seat sale opens Thursday morn ing at Griffin & Reed's. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT The Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and intention to Improve all that por tion of Astor atreet. in the City of As toria ae laid out and recorded by John McClure. from he wei line of Sixth street to the west line of amid city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure, by removing; all the old Plank and stringers from curb to curb and by grading said portion of said street from curb to curb to the eetat- llshed grade, and replanklng the same throughout the entire length thereof to the width of ten reel on each aide of the outer edge of the right of way of the or track of the Astoria Street Railway Co., with sound nr plank, eltn- er red or yellow, of 4 lnchea In thick ness ry 12 Inches wide and 10 feet long, which said plank are to be laid upon stringers, two of which on each side of said street car track throughout the length of said Improvement shall be new stringers and the remainder or tne stringers shall consist of the soundest of the old stringers now on said por tion of said street, and the street cross ings at the Intersection of said Ator street with Fifth, Fourth. Third and Second streets shall be planked and Im proved to their entire width. All lumber to be usea m eaia im provement except Uio old stringers hereinbefore mentioned shall be good sound red or yellow fir lumber, and said Improvement In matters of detail except as herein otherwise provided shall be made according to tne require ments of the provisions of ordinance No. 1901 of the Ctty of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance In relation to the Im provement of street" and strictly In accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor to be prepared by the city surveyor. That the costs ana expenses oi saia Improvement, except the street cross ings, shall he aerrayea Dy special as sessment upon the lots, ls-nds and premises benefitted by said Improve ment. Whlcn sola lois, lanas ana premises are hereby Included within a special assessment district, which said district s as ronows, ro-wii: thin ning at the northeast corner of block number five (5) and running thence westerly along the north line of blocks No. 1, 2, S, 4 and 6 to the northwest cor ner of block No. one (1). thence south along the west line of blocks 1 and 1 to the southwest corner of lot one (I) in block number sixteen (16), thence easterly through the center of blocks 16 15. 14, 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of lot four (4) In block number twelve (12), thence north in a straight line to the place of beginning, and con taining all of blocks 1. J, 3, 4 and J -nd the north half of blocks 12, 13, 14. 15 and 16. all In the Town of Astoria, Clatsop county, State of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. This notice Is published for eight days In the Morning Astorian in pursuance to a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, directing the same, the first publication thereof be ing in the Issue of Saturday, the 19 th iVr Ct "c V'e; KELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of . . .STOCKFISH. . Heinle's Mince Meat, Qasen Olives mi all kinds of Holiday Ddicscles FISHER BROTHERS, Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. T03ACC0 AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. Ae Ve ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Stretts KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which J Bottled beer for Xamlly use or keg Mr. John Kopp Is proprietor, makes J beer supplied at any time. Delivery beer for domestic and export trade. j In the city free. fiorth Pacific Brewery Pacific N avigation Com pan y M..mii,T"Siiii II. Elmore." "VV. II. Harrison" Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oreiron Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoris 4 Columbia River R. R. for Sat Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates ap; ly Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. (0. R. Agents J. A. B C. ASSESSMENT NOTICE NINTH STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OP BOND STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF ASTOR STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. 2372, of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming special assessment roll No. 3 for the Improvement of Ninth street from the north line of Bond street to the south line of Astor strtet" approved Dec. 27, 1900, will be due and navabie In United States gold coin at the office of the city treasurer on Janu ary 18, 101, and if not ao paid at said time the Common Council will order warrants Issued for the collection of the same. The assessment la as follows: BOELLING, V.. i BOELLING. V. BOELLING, V. BOELLING. V.... ,, . .j'lraJTft ' BOELLING, ELIZA BOELLING, ELIZA..... BOELLING, ELIZA BOELLING, ELIZA I BOELLING. SOPHIE BOELLING SOPHIE BOELLING. SOPHIE POELLING SOPHIE ' BROWN CHARLES , BROWN. CHARLES. BROWN. CHARLES. BROWN. CTLUU-ES. CORBETT, H. W.. COREETT. H W CORBETT H W. CORBETT. H. W. , WILKINSON. ANNA. WILKINSON. ANNA. out by John McClure 30 49 WILKINSON. ANNA Undivided one-fourth of SVi of lot 1. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 15 24 WILKINSON ANNA Undivided one-fourth of SMi of lot 2. block 55, town of Astoria as as laid out by John McClure.... E 08 Th following Is payable In Installments, the first Installment due Janu ary 18th. 1901: fTIAR W B. Undivided one-fourth of Ns of lot iua-ix - l, bloik 55, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure $15 25 CHASE W B. Undivided one-fourth of NMi of lot out by John McClure S 08 PARKER, EVA BELL Undivided one-half of NJ4 of lot 1, block 55, town of Astoria as laid t oat by John McClure 30 49 PARKER. EVA BELL Undivided one-half of HV, of lot 2. out by John McClure 1 17 PARKFR. F L Undivided one-fourth of N14 of lot fAiiii, r . x bQck town of Astora laia out by John McClure 15 25 PAPK-TTt V L Undivided one-fourth of N4 of lot rAiiabn, Jf Wock Ki town cr Astoria as laid out by John McClure 5 By orinr of the Cnmmoa Council cf tto' City of Astoria. Oregon. Auditor end Attest:- Astoria, Oregon. Jan. 5, 13JL ASTORIA, OKC. &. N. U. F. Co., Portland. C. K R. Co., 1'ortlaud. LAMB. Tillamook. Ore. Undivided one-third of lot 3. block S, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure IIS M Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 40 M Undivided one-third of lot 5. block 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by jonu McClure 411 M Undivided one-third of lot 6, block 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 It Undivided one-third of lot 3. block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 55 Undivided orte-thi;d of lot 4, block 9, town of Aprla, as laid out by John McClure 40 15 Undivided one-third of lot 5, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 4 (5 Undivided one-third of lot 8, block 9, town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 S Undivided one-third of lot 3, block 9. town of Astoria, as laid out by John McClure 13 55 Undivided one-third of lot 4, block 9. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 40 65 Undivided one-third of lot 5. block town of Astoria as laid out by Jphn McClure 40 65 Unldvtded one-third of lot 6. block 9. town of Astoria .as laid out by John McClure 13 55 Undivided one-fourth of lot 7, block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 10 17 Undivided one-fourth of lot 3, block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 30 49 Undivided one-fourth of S. Vt of lot I, block 65, town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 15 25 Undivided one-fourth of south Vt of lot 2, block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 5 09 Undivided one-half of SM of lot 1. block 55, town of Astoria as laid out bv John McClure 39 49 Undivided one-half of S'4 of lot it U1UCK OU, wr II l laid out by John McClure 10 17 Undivided one-half of lot 7, block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure M 33 Undivided one-half of lot 8, block tio. town oi ASiona as laiu urn John McClure 0 S Undivided one-fourth of lot 7, block 55. town of Astoria as laid out by John McClure 10 1 Undivided one-fourth of lot 8. hirvoV ss. tmvn of Astoria as laid II. E. NrT.roN, Police Judge City of A.t'na, i