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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1901)
i THE MORXING ASTOKlAX. I'KIDAY. JAXIXKY 4. 1001, i I OUR ANNUAL SALE IS NOW ON EVERYTHING REDUCED ..C. H. COOPER.. COLONIAL ARMT. Officials Discuss Dans for Enlisting Native Troops. NEW YORK, Jan. S.-A special to the Herald from Washington say: Army officer are discussing the prop osition fur a colonial army. "Th proposition for a colonial army," said Lieutenant-General Miles, "if de veloped properly, would seem to have advantages. The Idea la not an entire ly new one. as our present volunteer force of 35.000 men was enlisted ex clusively for service in the Philippines, and the pending army reorganisation bill provides for an increase in the army at the president's discretion, to meet the prewnt emergency In those Islands or any other Incident that may arise, "It seems, however, that the trouble in the Philippines is not of as tempor ary a character as has been predicted. In view of this it might be well to mode an army somewhat after Eng land's Indian army, where the natives of India are enlisted and made to do excellent police and campaign work." Adjutant-General Corbin pointed out that the suggestions for a colonial army are In line with the policy which will be observed by the war depart ment. "A man," said General Cor bin, "will be enlisted for service In any part of the country or In any one of our dependencies he may select. If he desires to serve In the Philippines he will be enlisted for a regiment serv ing there; if for Cuba, for a regiment serving In Cuba; if for New York har bor, for a regiment serving at Gov ernor's Island or Fort Hamilton. "The department will be glad to dis charge an enlisted man after his en listment has expired in the Philippines, If he si wishes, and in order that he may be In a position financially to en tire In business will pay to him the sum which would be required to de fray his transportation and mess ex ponas to the United States. Arliona nd New Mexico were settled by men discharged frm the army in those ter ritories after their enlistments had ex pired." Inspector-General Rreckenrtdge said: "I am In favor of an army the six of which shall be based upon Lieutenant Oeneral Miles' recommendation of one soldier fir every thousand Inhabitants of the United States." Senator Hawley, chairman of the senate committee on military affairs, said: "Precisely what should be done must depend upon current events. We are told that in Cuba and Porto Rico we can organize a veiy considerable and re liable native force, but to what extent this can be done In the Philippines is very Indefinite. There ou?hl not to be any hesitation whatever as to our duty of establishing a very con siderable standing army." REFUSES TO PAY TAXES. Muss Antory Demands Suffrage as Due Her as a Taxpayer. ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Jan. l.-The la test development In the woman suf frage fight, begun over a quarter of a century ago when Susan B. Anthony and her sister, Mary S. Anthony, were arrested and fined. Is the stand taken by Mary 8. Anthony In the matter of taxation of her property. She sends notice to County Treasurer Hamilton that she will not. In the future, pay taxes except under protest, until she is allowed tht right of suffrage. This action will Hkely result In a test case being brought In the court."" CUBAN PROMULGATIONS. Different Parties of Constitutional Con vention Submit Diverse Reso lution. HAVANA. Jan. J.-Th Cuban con- stttutional convention Is considering two promulgations of the future rela tions between Cuba and the United Slates. On of these affirms, in the first place, an acceptance of the Mon roe doctrine and the establishment of friendly relations with all nations, to gether with a resolution to proceed In all eases In complete accord with the United States, In the second place It proves to put at the dl?osal of the United Slates a portion of the stiore of any by of the north coast and of two bays on the south const for naval stations, to gether with concessions sufficient l ' tent for the purpose of defense and sanitation. . In the third place. It declares that Cuba will place herself on a war foot ing to help the United State In case such asslslance fenould be needed, while a fourth proviso Is an amplification of the first, second and third. The other promulgation contem dUus: First That the, convention Is vested with authority only to convene. Second Not having been granted leg islative functions, ;he convention can not arrange the basis of future rela tions. Third Nevertheless, should Washing tan desire such a discussion, the con vention la wilting to discus and agree upon an arrangement of mutual rela tion. Fourth The aspirations of the con vention are merely lo consolidate the country for re-contruction. Its ener gies are directed toward supporting the avowed policy of the United States, to which Cuba Is bound by Indestructible ties of gratitude, said policy being .bas ed upon the unequivocal preservation of liberty and independence through the American continent. The former promulgation embodies the desires of the delegates friendly to the United States. The latter Is a coun tercheck to the extremists. It Is con sidered that the former Is likely to carry. s PACIFIC MAIL'S FIGHT. After January !4th Southern Taciflc Instead of Panama Railroad Will Handle It New York Business. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S.-After January Stth the Pacific Mail I to handle all it business between Central American and Mexican Pacific points and New York and Europe by the way of San Francisco and the. Southern Pa cific's New Orleans route. When ex tensive wharf facilities are completed at Guaymas, part of the business will be ont via that port and the Sunset rout. Thla new departure by the Pacific Mall Is due to It quarrel with the Panama railroad. It I admitted bv both side that ll proi-pect for a set tlement of the fight have vanished. To aid It In it fight for Central American and Mexican business, th Panama rUroad ha enlisted the ser vice of the Pacific Steam and th Chilean Navigation companies. They hav a Joint service between Valparaiso and Panama and Oco. the latter being the most northern port of Guatemala. They are to extend their Joint services to this port, each company sending vessel hero alternately every two week. The first vessel Is on the way from Val paraiso. In consideration of calling at Mexican Pacific ports, the Mexican government has agreed to give the two lines Jointly a subsidy of IJS.WO a year. They also receive ubsldle from e eral Central American states. Pacific Mall official say that the mall steamer will continue to run to Panama, making all the old port of call and several new ports In addition. They say the Taclflc Mall Is bound lo lose considerable business from Central America and Mexico, 9 per cent of which consists of coffee shipments to the Atlantic seabonrd and Europe, but they hope to h ld a fair share of th traffic by quoting rate via thl port in conn-ctlon with the Southern raelfle. PRIZEFIGHT IN NEVADt. Being Arranged by Dan Stuart for th Latter Part of March. CARSON. Nev.. Jan. S.-Dan Stuart. th prUefight promoter, ha arrived here. He made the statement that he was here In the Interest of a prise fight to take place In the Utter port of May. He state that Jeffries. In all probability, would be her. When asked If FltlMmmon would go against the champion, he made no de nial but stated that lie had plenty of matt rial. He mentioned McGovern as one of his stars. Stuart ha secured land ft r n arena, which give the Im pression thai he mean business. NEPHEW OF M'KINLEY. Body of Late Paymaster Barber Brought to San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S.-Th body f the late Lieutenant George II. Bar ber, paymaster In the navy and nephew of President McKInlcy, ha been laken from the transport Grant to the Mar Island navy yard. It wltl b tram ported east soon. The body was taken on by the Grant t Hong Kong, the vesal making a special call there for that purpose on the way from Manila to thl port. Lieutenant Barber did of fever ev er! months ago. , 8TOHM IN STOCK MARKET, Price Swvpt Downward In a Torrent of Helling. NBV YORK. N. Y Jmiry i, 1101. Th long expected storm of liquida tion broke over the stock market to day and wept prloea In a torrent of soiling on a downward course. It wa not effectually cheeked vn at the close of the market. There were wld breaches by this Urn and (he precipi tate character of the selling gave th mark! an nppoaranc of seml'demom liitttl.wi. Speculator who were long on stock showed many symptoms of pan ic In Ihetr scramble to save the Im posing profit which the prolonged rise ha l indicated for them on paper. nrro MB EXILED PRESIDENT. Veneue!n Ex-President Now In Porta Rico. SAN JUAN. Purlo Rico. Jan. 1 Former President AndraW, of Vene- uela. who ha been exiled since the last revolution. I here. He expect to leave In th near futur and It I be llrved h will Join th Veneiuelnn In- urgent. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Jan. $.-Wheat. Wall Walla, 56H05. 8 AN FRANCISCO. Jan. S,-Wheat. May. 104V cash, U. LIVERItXIH Jan. J.-Wheat. March. ft. 3 V'. rnicK OF SILVER. NEW YORK. Jan. 1-Kllver. UV 1 new bny Coptule ttt tupenoi to Baiiam of tepdiD. Cubebt Of Injection n,fimw CURE IN 48 H0URSW th m diwtwiwth.W Out inconvmnca. S.-J fir til VCftt. If' nun nil iir iiinn'' Itlf Jlll.iv MM. A familiar nam for th Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul Railway, known all over th Union aa th Great Railway running th "Pioneer Limited" train .mn rtiv n.1 nlrht between St. Paul nd Chicago), and Omaha and Chicago, "Th only perfect train in uw woria. Understand: Connection ar. mad with all transcontinental line. aeouTlnf to panger th bet rvlc known. Luxurious coaches, electrto light, stejurt het. pf a verity tq'ialed by no othW lint. that your ticket read via "Th Milwaukee" when go'"; to any point In th United Stale or Canada. All ticket frnt tll them. For ratm. pamphlet or other Infor motion, H'ldr, J. V. C'ABET. C. J. EDDY. Trv. Pus. Art.. Oen. Agt.. Porila, Oregon. Portland. Or. J lbullll2l And All Forms of Itching Scaly Humors Are Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by CUTICURA. Speedy Cure Treatment $1.25 Batho the. affected parti with hot water and Cvticura Soap, to cleanse tha skin and scalp of crusts tnd icalei and loftcn the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cvticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation and inflammation and oothe and heal, and lastly take Cvticura Rewlvknt, to cool and cleanse tho blood and expel humor germ. Thi iwcct and whole soma treatment affords Instant relief, permit! rest and sleep lo the severest forms of ecsema and other Itching, burning and scaly humors of the skin, scalp and blood, and points to a PdJi Per manent and economical cure when all else falls, Price, THE SKT, fi.iSt or. Soap, sC Ointment, 50c, and Resolvent, 50c Sold throughout the world. , Millions of Women Use Cullcura Soap aaslstad by CUTICVRA Ol.VPilBNT for fkrwMrrlng. purifying and hauitryln th akin, fur ehmnslng th ax-alp of crust, scale and dandruff, ana lb toning o filling hair, for nnmln. whitening and 'ihiMt rd. mug and hand. Mr body rash, HrtUncw and lrrtUUt In H form of Whs for annoying Irritation. InfuunmaUnna and nmeUUnit. or loo frt or oITkbsSvo parttrtWn. la th fonao tnun fr uliwrallv wak no, and fr many aanativ antlMptlo pjrpnss which readily ugwt thMtwlMi lo woman, and upccfaOly mothers, and tar all lh pun" of th toilet, toath and aurwy. No amount of pcual" on Indwo tho who twva onnt unod It to law any other. ieollly for prwrv- Intr ahd purifying th akin, scalp and hlr of lnfn and children, mu TKUfHA HOAP nHnhlnn dollrste cnoltlent propertlr dortvtd tnun- Oil TICflU. th gmat akin rurm with Hi purtwl of cleansing Ingrwttmrta and th nvat rtifrwihlng of flower odor. No othr wfeiled p or ompmwhml is to t C"mximl with It for inervtng, piBifylng ami Ixsu tlfylng th kin. caJp, hair and karnla, IN" other rwgn or UfinawUo t&Ut p. hownvrr ienslv. I to tw nunturrd with It for all tl our noaro of the t-MloC bath mt nuriwry. Ttius It nmttilnm In tWN AI at O.VK I'HtCI'X via, TWKNTV- riVB CTJNTH. th IHXrr kln aivt eo plaiioa uap al th I1U8T toilet and litstr baby uap In tb world. rOUNDKD A. t. I7IO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OP LONDON TMK ()L1)IST 1'l Kl.f.Y HKK tllUCK IN TIIK WOULD. CjIi At, gH.smMHMt C ! Aoaolo In fulfil Miaiow, .mo.u.t J. B. F. DAVIS A SOX GENERAL AGENTS. WINFIELD S. DAVW HL'ltT L. DAVIS CAUL A. IIENRT 215 Saosomc Street, - Ssa PrnclKO,CaU SAMUEL El MORE & CO., AGENTS'. OTJK, ELEVE3STO?53 ANNUAL en l AEANCE SALE Commences Wednesday Morning,. January 2, 1901, at 8 o'clock and will continue for thirty days HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. GOODS AT YOUR PRICE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS. Buy Now and You Will Make Money. 1 Our L,oss is Your Gain u i t ft LADIES' GOODS LADIES' HEAVY PLAID BACK rainy day skirts, deep stitching round bottom, rlar price 15.00 SALE PRICE 3.5 LADIES' AND MISSES' PLAID Skirts, lined throughout with good quaJity lining, regular price $2.25 BALE PRICE. .1 $1.69 LADIES' BLACK FIGURED DRESS SKIRTS, well made and lined. worth S2.25 SALE PRICE U.39 LADIES' HEAVT BLACK CHEVIOT DRES3 SKIRTS. Tailor made, best lining, regular price $4.00 SALE PRICE $2.89 WE HAVE ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE CHILDREN'S LONfr CLOAKS LEFT Some very fine ones. Ages run from about lx years to fourteen years. You can have them In two lots. LOT NO. 1 FOR $1.49 LOT NO. 2 FOR $2.21 EVERY WOOL SHIRT WAIST IN the houK?. Some were $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00. They aJl eo at...: $1.60 WE ARB GOING TO SELL ALL OF OUR LEFT-OVER LADIES' COATS at price that will astonish the most shrewd buyer. Price will start from $1.50 for the lowest and $5.W for the best one. 20 DOZEN LADIES' COTTON BHIRT WAISTS TO BE CLOSED OUT AT 25 CENTS. FIVE DOZ. LADIES' SLEEVELESS COTTON RIBBED VESTS, colored. worth 2J BALE PRICE Uo 25-CENT LADIES' OR MISSES' JER SEY RIBBED PANTS, knee length SALE PRICE He LADIES' HEAVY COTTON RIBBED VEST AND PANTS, worth 35c BALE PRICE 29o REDUCTIONS IN Aa OUR UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S HEAVY WOOL DRESS Well made and nicely trimmed worth W SALE PRICE... 1.5 95-CENT LADIES' EIDERDOWN DRESSING SACKS, SALE PRICE Mo ODD CORSETS IN ODD SIZES AT ODD PRICES. To close out at 19c. SEE THE LINE OF LADIES' WRAPPERS we are offering at tills sale for 25 cents. A CHOICE LINE OF LADIES' FLAN NELETTE WRAPPERS, made with flounce, for 79 cent. 25-CENT LADIES' STOCKING IN stripe and fancy colors, t pairs,. .25c A 50-CENT LINE OF CHILDREN'S IMPORTED STOCKINGS, for ale price, per pair, 25c. WE WILL SELL THE BEST AND STRONGEST DOUBLE KNEE AND FAST BLACK STOCKING IN THE CITY, 2 PAIRS FOR 25 CENTS. ForlO cents you can buy the latent songs and Sheet music from um 20 dozen Kid Gloves, slightly soiled, sold for $1.25; sal price, to close them out quick, we have marked them to 25c Remnant of dres good, remnant of gingham, percale, flannel etc., at your own price. Children' Cap for 1 35c Ladle' White MuHn Underskirt, ale price 19o $1.25 Ladles' fine cambric drawer, trim ' med with fine lace, sale price ...69c $2.00 Ladles' fine cambric long chemise, wide flounce ruffle, trimmed with fine lace, sale price 95o Full-size white bed spread worth 5c, ., sale price , Umbrellas at Reduced Prices. Bin Reduction In Silk Ribbon Bee the wide silk, linen nd cotton lact-a we are aolling at 8c per yard. Beaded Jet trimming braid, llk grlmp por yard lo All our dres good marked away down In price. MEN'S GOODS Men' Heavy Fleeced Undershirt anl Drawer, each 45c Men' Heavy All Wool Undershirt or Drawer, each 75c $1.25 Men' all-wool undnnhtrt or drawers In stripes and plain color, sale price $t.00 Men's heavy cotton overshlrt made of the best material and well sewed, each COo Men' and Boy' all wool cap, sale price .,, , 25o Hoys' extr heavy cotton undershirt or drawers, each 25o Men1 suspender, each ISa Men' Leather Glove lie Boys' suits, double breasted, innde nf heavy Scotch tweed, worth $3.25, sale price $1.05 Boys' Knee Pants 19o Boys' waists, each 19o Boys' all-wool sweater $1.00 Boy' long pant mad of heavy cot tonade, per pnlr 50o Special In men' suit, only a few left, well worth $5.50, mile price $3.95 Men' strong working pants, sale price, per pair $1.25 Don't fall to give u a call. W save you money. We offer the bcHt bargain at our ANNUAL SALE 9m A W A T-T A MW m it-' :is ami , ,ii r- in' I.- ' " ' fi mi if ft - ..7 m m iwm w s v Mii"m"vrtn i n rr7ji