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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1901)
THE MOUSING ASTOKIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1901, BEGINNING WEDNESDAY January 2, 1001, our Second Annual Gloarance Bale will commence and contlnuo for Thirty Business Days. r Uils KM j All contract for mlvcrtiaiiin hi th Antoi inn it I'm inuvlo on u gnur antoa ol circulation four time lnrncr tlinn that of liny piper IMiblUhcJ or circulate J in (.lat nop county. TODAY'S WRATH Ell. C, C. t'litrh. the Hfold logger, waa in Alorl yeaieriViy on bunliiciw. of the Niirthwi-mnrn Hn', wm In the city yesterday, looking after buliir. C. Jt. COOI'IWH OltEAT ANNUAL HALK IH NOW DN. JXJ.N T MIBS IT. J. O. Itittiihorn In down from Port la ii.l looking after hl riihlnc, buliii. POKTLKI, Jan. .-Wfirr Ore-1 Whir do you t your Sundsy dln Ron and Washington, now; colder and i nrt I take rain at U Central lioUU irotit)ly continuing cold fur several Uuy. Kniicru Oregon, now and cold- MU Forrester, who la teaching School rr. probably continuing cold fur cwral at Kiialon, wa In Itio city ytierilay. 0a Kaaicrn Waliliigion and north- ( rrn Idaho, niiow and !uld"r, probably The Occident barber hop haa three t .mlliiuiiia cold r-ir wvnil day. , prat-cl" tmrbera unur H new man. Imuran MiTavlnh nd Colonel K. 0. IIumIi are din k hunting on the C'lul op Plain. AkOUNI) TOWN. N. If. Ilnln, of H'aldx, waa In the city yrnlrrdny. Cilnln fled, 0. FlwvH waa In Port land yd'rilny. H, J. Jtiwrll, of ottlnnk. I rrlnliTcd At the Occident, Oeurg I'.nriley waa tip frm Ntw A torla yrterdy, Charles Wander, i.f Melville, wa In the' city ymtenlay. Mr frank Hchelnagel It confined to lumia by lllne, J T. XH'abe, of Portland, la reg Uirmt at tl) Occident. Mix llhoila lludoon, of Gray ltlvt-r, waa In the city yesterday. Maurice Minn, of Portland, la regl teml at (l.o Amor House, The trk Prim Victor haa sailed from Honolulu for thla port. O. C liana?!, of Warrnlon. wad In Astoria yeier,liiy on buslnea. MIm ni-n Uwn la visiting friend l l)vn IUvr for a few dya. AuUNt Krali. Ht of thla city, wai dimn frm I'ortland yoat'rday, PoK Ill-cant meat, rtlilnff dun IXea aurajt. U Commercial atrL John Chit wood. lh vrt'ran toitgir from YounM Itlvnr, la quite III. JcfTa rmlauranl tha larrat n4 brat. A trial will convlnoa you. John P'lnan, of the (toaaldo box fa tory, waa In Attorta. ywtrrday. ' WT.T IB-CENT MEAL: IURINQ PUN ItnSTAUflANT. KVr.llYTHINO OttEATt.T UKTiVC Kl Vtm TIIK NISXT THIIlTY DAYS AT COOPEIfS. J, V, Took waa down from I'ortland ycatcrday on huliii connrctrd wllh bla t-annvry Intrn-ata. C. V. Overbauah, Iravrllna- frrlKhi aK-nt of tb o. It. N.. wia In th city yratrrday on bunliiM. Otto itrhiH-n aiiraltH'd one of hla an kKa iuli awi-ruly on Wcdnraday whll cimallnit on Twrlfth itrrct. Harry Hull, of Hia'tlc. fonm-rly of Aaloria, arrived In the city yrater.lay at mld-dny, on a brief buin trip. Thi ateamahlp Ht, ih'A flnlahrd load ing at Portland '.nut ntirtit. and will prohuhly anil tixlny for the PtilHp plnra. J. P. HanrlKht. formerly of thla city, died at the Mnrl(M hoapltnl In Pan PranclM'o on New Yeafa day of para lyata. Dave P. WltlUma haa aold out hi bualnra Intereata In thla city, conalat in uf hla burberahop on Cu'rnnvrcl&l trret. Thrr anowfall of fourtwn In chea out on Grwn mountain on Wednea day. which I ult heavy for thla re a Ion, Mlaa Lulu Et haa returned to Mr Mmnvllle toli e. Khe waa ai companled yeaterday aa far oa Portland by Mr Eatee. Vedneday' Palem paper My: At brrt Dunbar, of Aatorla, waa a vlrltor In Palem yeaterday. Mndinir the day with hla brother. Hon, K. I. Dunbar. who I recovering from hla recent III neaa LOW PRICES ON OVERCOATS la bos urn op (URr.KT MADB IN PtkrtCT TVLCi KERSEY OVERCOATS Former price $13.50 NOW $8.25 TAN COVERT TOP COAT Formor price $22.50 HOW $U.75 OXFORD CRAY Overcoat Former prico $20.00 NOW $13.25 MEN'S FRIEZE ULSTERS Former price $15.00 NOW $10.15 BOYS OVERCOATS Former prico $2.75 WOW $1.75 Extraordinary low prices will be made on all broken lines. First cost will not be considered I w :i Ur . - I W i , r $ m"" ".'."" .ji ,""i Correct., r DrcsMr . Wear... , mA, ,'' The .. v- - Adler... v ClOthlnf UM4 t-UU UIW LAIHA. ..S. DANZIGBR.. Flmll Nyman. lately with the i !W Hive In thla city, haa ami to Pn Fian cInco, where h will attnd bualni-aa oollene. C. Jf. fOOplCH'S oriEAT ANNUAL HA J, 10 IH NOW tN COMB KAIll.Y AND HlXJUItJfl BOM12 OK THIC UAIt OAINS. Crram Pur !y. imenra'a flnet wlilnkv, Ti only pur Rood; (uar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN I CAIILHON. Bjle Aent. lUlph Harder, of Melville, waa In the city Wedneaduy evenlnir on hi way to CorvallU where ho la attxndliiR the atatv aKrlculturul college, llolyn coal laaia lone, I cleaner and iimkee leaa trouble with atovi and (hlrntiey Hue than any other. !eorg W, Hatiborn, aitent. Telephone 1311. The HrlllHh ahlp llliilrhoyle arrived down the river yeaterday at noon. Hhe Mliid four lien from the locaJ bnard lnu houe cumbliiutlon ymter.luy after noon. Mle Nellie Jeffrey atari thl morn In for Han Krutx lHco on a two-month' vIhII. Hh will b aeoriixinl"d a far a Portland by In r alti'r, Mia May Jeffr, y, The cerllllete of the conil'-tlon of the improvement of Tenth tret wite Itled In the auditor'! ollUe yetrday afieriiiKin The work waa d'ne by Con tractor Clinton, and coat $IK!60, Contractor if'iuxton expecla to flnltth the work on the brldue arrow the tap per Ncanlcum ao that team will b nble to croM by Mon-'ny or Tmadny, He waa up from Heaatde yenlerdny. The Pouthern I'nclllf train, at Port limd. from Han Kranclwo In the morn lna hue chanirei It iu hedule ao that better connection are made with the A. tt r, it. It. The train now arrive at 7:20. The p-venue cutter Perry did not en out yeaterday ua (he weHlher wa u. h aa to make It practically Impoe rllilc in do anythlmt In the way i t a search for the miiwln or Vabl-4 hli that my be outaide. It' a Reiitleman' whiskey, a pure dellcioua beveraite and a icrund appeti-r-r. Don't forget the name, "I. W. Harper" whlrkey. The kind your anuidfather utw-d." Pld by F.ard and Htokr Co.. Atoriu. Ore, The Imhthouoe tinder Columbine went (Uwn to the bar yeelerday morning but found the weather Um threatening to go wutviJc. If the weather I uch aa to permit ahe will leave out today on a trip to the aid to navigation along no the couat and on the Pound. The transport Athenlnn, Port Steph en and Arab have aalled from Nagas aki for Seattle, and It la underitood tlo-y will be dlHmuntU-d, on reaching nort and turned over to their owner, from whom they were chartered for crvlre between the Plate and the Phil ipllm'. In probati! court yeatenlay W. F. Mc Gregor waa appointed administrator In the vaute of Mr. Itertha lte'nnuUt. deceael. Mr. Anna Fulton, admlnia tratrlg In the emate uf A U Fulton. de-eaej. filed her final account yea terdny. It et for hearing on Feb ruary 4th, William Douty, a aman t the DrtW ih ahlp Iri(.dule, aa taken to the hiMpitul Vedneday evening, vufferlng with rheumatlHm. He had been III for tome tune and aa he allowed no eigne of Improvement It waa conaldered beet not to take him to era and he remained at W own request. , Th r.ritlnh ehlp Frankiatan. the fourth of the Aumint train Meet to leave thl port, arrived out at Falmouth on Tueedai. after a run of 127 day. 8he ku the (lowest of the fleet which left during that month, though her pannage waa iiMde In better time than the fast est from Pan Francisco. Five ahlp from the Day City have reported out, while none of the August fleet from the bound have reached port. Mr. Jensen, who live on fJlxth street reported laat night that her daughter; a girl about ten yeara of ago. whs missing, but uleo,uent Invt t gallon brought out the fact that In stead of returning- directly from achool the girt had gone to a friend' houw and did not come home till about I o'clock, Judge Gray returned yenterday from a buslnesa trip to Portland, where he went a a niemlier of the special com mittee appointed to tonfer with var ious nn-mber of the lea-Mature on mat ter of much needed legislation. The object of the committee to net In conjunction with and to offer their co-oH-ratlon to the legislator In the forwarding- of such legislation. On the first of the new year the tiaiiK'.inlln ntal line etnrt off with the car situation eJy. There are car enough on the coast to care for the tntde. Thla la a condition that I very different from that In the Kast, where shippers are crying for cars harder t linn the Piu.iflc coast haa ever done. While It I true that the heavy wheat shipment during the past three month have placed In thl territory a large number of car, yet a year ago when the wheat shipment were also heavy then wa a shortage. The easy .-sr situation l due to a greater extent to the f.ict thnt during the past year there has been a larger number of new car built for thl territory then for any other aectlon of the country. A deal I about to be ronsumated for the floating of the Urltlsh bark Poltal loch. which la tranded on the beach near flout h itend. Captain Young I authority for the atatemcnt that the contract ho been let. but who the con tractor are i not known. Mr. Wane, ' MAPS MEETING". t'ltlxen Met at FIsher'a Opera House Loot Night to Discus lioycott of O. B. St N. Co. A very enthusiastic me me'-tlng IfifT w held In Fisher' opera house lust evening by the citizen of Asto rlu. The object of the meeting aa stat ed In the call, wa for the purpose of uniting In a combined effort to iccure common point rate to thte ctly and also to unite (or the protection of home merchants and local Interest. The meeting wsa presided over by J. K. iilgglna, who acted aa temtxirary chair man, and F. L, Parker waa named a eTeiary. The chairman called upon Hon. c. W. Fulton, who staled the object of the meeting' and gave a brief outline of the matter a It now stands and read the agreement whic h had ben signed by every merchant or shipper tn Astoria with the exception of two, one of which had, however, since promised to sign It. Mr. Fultnq w followed by numerous othr citizens, who briefly expressed Ihelr view on the matter, and among whom were D. K. Warren, Ju'ige K ,wl by, F. P. Kendall. B. Van Dusen. B. F. Allen, K. 1. Trenchard. Herman Wise, judge Oray, C. J. 'urtl and A. V. Allen. J. T. Lacey voiced a profit a to the boycott being extended to Ja cob Kamm'a line of boats, whli h wa answered by Senator Fulton end a lively debate ensued. Mr. Iouneberry, local agent of the O. It. It N. Co.. wa present, and wa asked to speak but de clined upon the ground that he na not authorized by the company to aay anything and preferre' not to do so. It waa then moved that the present committee of five who were recently ap pointed to look after obtaining slgna he representative of the veescl' under- I ,um) m (h(, 8!rT...m,nt ftnj attending writer with Mr. Potter, one of her owner, have been on the ground look ing the matter up. It la laid that af ter they have thoroughly viewed the Situation the contract will be let. Cap tain Ycunc report that the veH ha weather-d the storm In good bape. thoturh she moved up on the beach a little farther. He says that no trou ble will be found In floating the bark if experienced men are secured to do the work. The steamship Mllos waa due to ar rive In yesterday but ha probably been delayed by the heavy easterly winds to other buslneM. be lnT-a?ed to a committee of twenty-one, which motion waa adopted and the additional mem ber of the committee will be r.arned later by the chairman. .BAD DEATH. Mr. Captain Kindred Dies Very Sud denly Yesterday B. C. Kindred Injured In Portland. Mr. Kate Bachelor Kindred, wife of Captain Henry Kindred, died ry sud denly at her home In thl city yes- hut have prevailed lately. She come I terday afternoon At o'clock In the Thl morning at o'clock the ad vance ale of uut for "The Idol' Eye' bv the Boston Lyric Opera Company, at Fisher a opera house tomorrow eve ning. will open at .Oiitnn & need . xne large number of principal and a errand chorus of male and female voice, nunv be ring over thirty, will make thl pro ductlon one long to be remembered Dy Aatorla theater-goer and without doubt the opera house will hold one of the liiryest crowd of the aeason. The mall carrier from Waldport to Newport Inst nlR-ht say It la reported that a echooner came, ashore Wednes day night about seven miles touth of Alsea bay, bottom up. The vessel I about one hundred feet In lengtn and Is supposed to be the schooner Joseph and Henry. The echooner Joseph ana Henry la owned In Pan Francisco ana run between that city ana eouin western Oregon port, and waa sighted several day ago oft the coaat bottom up. The four-masted British bark Provi ince, 16M tons, Jone. master, 27 day out from Acupulco, arrived In port yea terday afternoon at 2 o'clock. She (jonios in ballast and 'Win load wneat at Portland. Captain Jone report considerable rough weather during the run up the coast. Two days off the mouth of the river he aiRhtea what Appeared to be a four-masted vessel of some description, but aa the wind waa blowing a gale and the ea very rougn he was unable to make her out. While on the voyage to Acupulco one man waa killed by railing; from aion, nut no accident of note occurred since then. Four almond-eyed Celeatlala were ar rested by the cuntom house inspec tors on their arrival on the noon train yesterday. They came from Se attle and were thought, to be here In violation of the exclusion law. They were examined and two of them were found to possess papers while a third held a habeas corpu writ which serv ed for Identification. The fourth could not show good cause for Deing in tnis country and la being held In the county tail to await an examination today. The Chinamen all stated that they came from Portland, hut the olllclals had in formation that they boarded the train at Qoble. The tnc Tatooeh, which tows many of the ship in and out of the Tocoma harbor, has gone to San Francisco to bring back a monster dredger, which Will be used In clearing out the mouth of the Pllohuck creek at Everett. The Tatoosh haa made several tow to San Francisco, but not In the weather that haa prevailed during; the past few week. A dredger la an unwieldy craft In a rough aea and a howling gale and seafaring' men are watching the pro- greas of the TatooBh with interest, a It will be her first severe test since her launching last year. About eigh teen days will be consumed In making the trip. lo T. M. Ktevfn tt ..o.. ana came the larget cargo that ha ever reach ed thia part from the Orient. She pio neer the lit ft of Oriental liner thut i to nadi port this year, and is being operated by . firm Just to find em ployment until the time of the perma nent establishment of the new line to the far Fast. The Milo had more freight offering than she could handle and one wa left at Yokohama, and will probably be brought over by the Eva. which I to follow on the Portland route. The Immense amount of freight offered I a guarantee that much busi ness ran be had by the new line with hltle effort. Mmmm ' ' On acount of a compromise which haa been effected the HbH against the German bark Pax here In the harbor wa released yesterday and she la al lowed to continue on her Journey. The libel was brought In the name of two men who had been engaged by the cap tain of the vessel to go to sea with him. He told them to report at Asto ria and when they did, he told them that he would not need their service and offered each of them $5 for their expense! and trouble- They placed the matter in the hands of an attorney, who brought tult In the United State court for the amount of wage which would be due the men at the end of the Voy age and the essel was detained. Some tumprvptlse wo made between the cap tain and the men. by which they re ceived a certain aum. of money, Just how much they refuse to say. These men were not ahlpped through the reg ular channels, of the sailor boarding house and It Is probable that the objec tion to their making- the voyage came from these Interests. A DUNKARD COLONY. A colony of Dunkards have purchased the townslte of Sunnyside In the Yaki ma valley and will settle there In the same manner as they have In North Dakota and other Western states. The purpose, according to those who are the advance agents of the colony. iHs to found a settlement that will be noted In all part of the West for its temperance. Christian. ty and educa tional Institutions. In the beginning It 1 the Intention to give homes to about one hundred, but within a year It I SHld the colony will Increase to be one of the largest of Its kind In the West. SLOYD SCHOOL. The regular claseea of Mr. D. P. Dyer's school of manual training, or Sloyd. will resume work tor the win ter and spring this week, Saturday. The older boys will have a practical demonstration of the usefulness of the course. In assisting In unpacking and setting up the new benches. The session la called for 1 o'clock. Mr. J. W. MacCormac, of Franklin Ave. will give full Information as to terms and hours, upon application. Thla school bids fair to be the popu lor occupation of our youth during the rest of the scholastic year. A CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends who assisted ub during the illness or our late mother, and for their generous sympathy In our recent bereavement. CLYDE HATLra. MAUDE BAYLES. morning, when Captain Kindred, who la on the dredger W. 8. Laid, left home she was a well aa usual. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon a neighbor Went to the house and found Mrs. Kin dred lying on the bed unconscious. The neighbor at once summoned Mr. C. W. Holt, a sister of Mrs. Kindred, and a physician, but medical aid was of no , avail, as Mrs. Kindred had suffered a severe hemmorrhaKe and tiled In a very Wioti time. The dredfier La Id was enuajred ts terday In dilng s-me work off Tongije Point and Captain Bubbidge with the Mlier went up and brounht Capialn Kindred home to hla salj bereavement Mrs. Kindred was 1 year of age, and had been a resident of Astoria for ever thirty year. She has three tit ters and two brothers now Jiving In San Francisco. The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been fully completed but will be made today. Almost at the same time of Mrs. Kin dred's sod death ?l ?nm from Portland, stating that B. C. Kindred, of Hammond, father of Mrs. W. C. Holt an 1 Captain Kindred, of this city, had suffered a severe fall and sustain ed a fractureof his collar bone as well as quite severely Injuring his arm and shoulder. ENGLAND'S APMT AND N.VY, It was recently stated that England would be unable to cope with a swift enemy, and that both the army and navy is Inadequate to meet a sudden Invasion. England Is. In this Instance, like the Individual who allows disease to slowly creep Into his system through a stomach too weak to properly digest the food taken Into It. To strengthen the stomach, there Is nothing; better than Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters. It cures dyspepsia, constipation. Indiges tion, liver and kidney troubles, and as a tonl. It Is Incomparable. The Bit ters strengthens the nerves, produces refreshing- sleep and gives renewed strength and vlgnr to the system. It Is undoubtedly the best medicine In the world for debilitated systems. Try it. See that our Private Revenue Stamp cover the neck of the bottle. Lifelike Busts and Figures. Royal Teplitz, Royal Dres den and Terra Cotta Busts. Some of them Tho SIjvo The Nubian Th& Turk . Tho Arab Sapho Afra Our Prices Just Like Finding Money. Great AineriGasImportiBiTsa Co. D71 Commercial street. Astoria. REPOPTOFTHECONDITIONOF THE Astoria National Bank At Astoria. In the State of Oregon. at me close of business. December 13, 1900, RESOURCES. Loans and discounts JH2.6S2 55 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,451 78 u. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 12.500 00 Premiums on U. 8. bonds 1.500 00 Stocks, securities, etc 32,082 13 Hanking house, furniture, and fixtures 3.833 01 Other real estate owned 10,280 00 Due from . National. Banks (not reserve agents) 5,763 Due from State Bank9 and Bankers 5.3S5 87 Due from approved reserve arents 22,000 39 Internal revenue stamps 387 33 Checks and other cash items.. 1,799 45 Notes of other National Banks S3 00 Fractional paper currency. nickels and cents 503 15 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, vis: Specie $12,403 10 Legal tender notes. ... 641 00 Bedemptlon fund with V. S. Treasurer (5' of circulation) 43.044 10 625 00 Total 32S6.90S 50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In J50.000 00 Surplus fund 9.250 00 Undivided profits, lew expens es and taxes paid 4.507 22 National Bank notes out standing- 8,150 00 Demand certificates of deposit 397,156 68 Time certificates of deposit 18,664 38 Certified checks 99,175 22 214,996 2S Total J2S6.903 50 State of Oregon. County of Clatsop, ss: I. J. E. Hlggins, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly ewear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. HttKilNS. cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of December. 1900. GEO. C. FULTON. Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: D. K. WAkkkn, . A. SOHEKNHCKAU, Directors. vcj iz;n rrj y at: ij.iti. 1 -J OUR ..SPECIAL. f ' 1 This year'n Annual Sale will ho like all our Annual Sulos m sale m m mm JUST ONE-FOURTH OFF Without Reserve anl Without Waste of Words I off tlio price of Men's and I Joys' Sxv.Ui I off the price of Men's and Boys' Overcoats off the price of Men's and Boys' Hate off the price of Furnishings, etc., etc. THE RELIABLE JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of Kdaze's Mince Meat, Qaeen Olives an! all kinJs of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, ASTORIA, ORE. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. T034CC0 AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN) Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New Typewriters. if.-- Many new improvements added. See our latest New Art Catalogue Free . . . L M. ALEXANDER A CO. Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark SL, Portland, Ore. F VT, M'KECIIKIE, Local Asent. QvnvruuiruinfuinAAJruiuvvrij yuwrm uvruiruvuvuvvuannnvip c w r rT,It? f ir""k W"i FTT W A V T rS el a PORTLAND PORTLAND. OR. g - The Only PlrstClasa Hotel In Portland REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. U. S. receiver to Nils Olson 160 acres In section 26, T 5 N, R 10 W; receipt. Nils Olson and wife to The Astoria Co. same property, $S0O. J. H. Wood and wife to John E. Du Bols SW quarter and SE quarter of section 36, T 6 N, R 7 W, containing 320 acres; ta. R. L. Jeffery and wife to J. M. Wood same property, quitclaim. Bridsret Grant to Jobn r . urant ana Peter Grant 60 feet of lota 5 and t. and north 50 feet of lots 7 and 8, block 114, in Shlveley's Astoria; $1. ANNUAL MffiETINa. The rejrular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Alaska Fishermen's Packinsr Company will be held at the office of the company. Astoria, Oregon, on Wednesday the 9th day of January, 1M. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors to aerve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. JOHN NORDSTROM, Secretary. fisher's Opera House I. E. 8EL10,lnee ni Manager. ONE K5GHT .Saturday, January 5, 1901 The management has the pleasure announce the special return engagement of COL, W. A. THOMPSON'S ' to BUSINESS FOR SALE. Good general merchandise business. Best opening on Columbia river. Good J. D. M'FARLANE. Knappa. Ore. Boston Lyric Opera Co In the Greatest of AH Comic Opera "THE IDOL'S trir-al Effects, !' : Ch'-nn opens at morning. Crt:nn & R,-l's i;