THC MOKXIXG ASTORIAX., TUESDAY, JANl'AKY 1. IQOI. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OF SCRSCRTPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, per year 0 00 Bent by mall, per month SO Served by carrier, per month .60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mail, per year. In advance, $2.0 Postage free to subscribers. All communications intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of aJl kinds ajid remittances must be addressed to The Astorian." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers :he largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap- llcatlon to the business manager. Under the subject. "Hell Let Loose," and with a border of deep mourning, V. L. Stead, the eccentric and radical Kngtish Journalist, has published an ar ray of testimony and facts lending to show his countrymen have gross ly violated the rules of civilised war fare In the management of the cam paign In South Africa. The evidence Is conclusive and comes direct from men on the field. It explains, as Mr. Stead believes and comes very near proving, the rause of the recent renew al of hosti'l'.ies on the part of the Eoers after the war was supposed to be over. With their homes destroyed and their wives and daughters selling themselves to the English soldiers for food with hich to maintain a wretch ed existence, or left defenseless to en dure the brutal assaults of a saveage Kaffirs,, there appears nothing left for the burghers but death. War In itself Is barbarous enoush, but it can be made infinitely more so than Is neces sary, by unscrupulous officers who per mit the accomplishment of every kind of outrage in the hope of frightening an unconquerable enemy Into submission. As Mr. Stead maintains Is true In this Instance, the result of such a policy used against a bruve people Is us ua'l;' tb reverse of what was antici pated. The Portland Evening Telegram of Saturday last, under the head, "Deeper Channel Necessary," asserts that "a ship draw ing twenty-four feet of water went down the river to Astoria this wc.'k steadily and easily." The refer ence Is to the Chlng Wo, which was very "steady" while It hung on the hog. back but the movement down the river wa not as "easy" then as It would have been to a vessel of lighter draught Rot there is something refreshing In the fact that the Telegram goes so far as tc publish In its columns the fact that "a portion of her cargo was ligh tered to Astoria." There is hope for Portland. There was a time, not very Jong since, when the admission of such a fact in a Portland paper would have cost someone hla Job. But ''the world do move." The progressive editor of the Telegram even goes so far as to admit that "the river channel must he deepened to about 30 feet. Or etoe Portland must fall In with the proposi tion to move the port, so far as deep draught ships arc concerned, to Asto ria." Let the river channel's depth bo what It may, the Telegram will find that when common point rates are printed Astoria "deep-dranght ships" and a good many others will stop a Oregon's natural port. MAL-NUTRITION You may or may not be eat ing enough; and are thin. You may or may not feel well some folks don't know what it is to feel well. This is mal-nutrition. You are not getting the use of your food. Take a little Scott's emul sion of cod-liver oil. Begin with a little; increase ; but don't overdo it. . Take as much as you can without upsetting the stomach. Feeling well is bodily happi ness. We'll trad jroo s little to try, U jot Mkt. tCOTT it DOWNS, 409 Fesil strnt. New York. - THE NEW CENTURY. We have entered upon a new century The past with its mistakes and suc cesses lives only In memory. It was, above nil, the century of mechanical (U'Teloumot. The present bids fair to be the century of commercial develop, piciit, particularly as regards our own ration. It requires no prophet to wee thai this century la to place us at the head m commerce, as the last has plac ed us ahead In every other respM. It must peeds be so. The past has fitted us for It, the present demands It. The center of commercial activity, with the awakening of Asia, Is shifting lo the center of population. U He on the shores of the Pacific, over which Amer ica lules, the undisputed mistress. The nation of the world, and China, century the leaders In every sphere of activity, are left behind in the west ward march of progress and civilisa tion. America, the greatest producing naiion of the world, and the Chinese, the greatest consumer, are upon op posite shores of the Crreat American Sta. In this fact lies not only the as surance of our coming commercial de velopment but equal assurance of the final supremacy of the Pacific coat over the Atlantic. We are in the center, then, of the arena of the new century's greatest activities and to us and to our posterity the century ppena with the brightest possible outlook for the coming years. GOV. GEER'S TEXTBOOK COMMI3 SION. Salem Capital Journal. Probably never in the history of Ore gon has the appointment of a commis sion with small emolument caused such general Interest a the naming of the forthcoming school text book, commis sion. Even the election of the United St.ites Renator Is not much more com mented upon by the press of the state. This Is as it should be, for the selection of the text books for our rising gen eration is of vastly more importance than the personality of a senator. Gov ernor Geer has wisely laid his plana In this matter, and in following out the ideas expressed In his widely circulat ed newspaper interviews on this sub ject he intends to be guided by prin ciples which mean something for our state rather than by individual favor itism. This again Is as it should be. The nan named on this commission should be not only of the highest type of Amerlcau citizenship, but they should be good business men, as well as men versed In the needs of the grow ing youth of our state. Their work will be a sacred task, and only men should be placed in charge of It who will contemplate their duties from that point of view. Above all things they should be far-seeing, and able to know before thr-y act Just what the ultimate effect of their work will be in Us re lation to themselves and the public. This may seem to be asking a great deal, but why not? Is not Oregon en titled to the best men In the public service? Are not the Oreg-on children entitled to the best that can be had? Now Ik tht vital time, and If the right kind of a commission is named, such an one as the governor has outlined be chosen, these high Heals will have been met. If the commission should be made up of inferior or mediocre talent It would be too late to get the results jesired, hence the great wisdom of moving rightly at this time. If Oregon ever comes to the front, it v.ill be necessary to have her schools take the lead, and there is no Imagina ole way In which this can be so well done as by giving our teachers and r.upils the test tools to work with. Thre are few homes In the state which are not nore vitally Interested In this 'me question than they are In who Is to be president, or whether our govern ment is for or against certain policies. What a child gets out of his school work is what tells in the future of our commonwealth, and his facilities for getting the most out of these years will have the most telling effect for our Mate. Three Influences seem to be at work to shape the selection of the commis sion. First, the limitations of the con stitution, pointed 'out by the governor, including members of the laat legisla ture who voted for the bill, and per sons who are holding some other lu crative office of election or appoint ment This also Includes the county nuperlntendents. Being a reform meas ure, its faithful execution precludes making up the commission of persons who are responsible for the conditions now prevailing in the textbook busi ness In Oregon. Persons are being petitioned tor aM highly recommended who not only opposed the Daly bill, but who would be perfectly satisfied to keep all the present text book at pres- nt price, ai-.d who would even keep the system that has worked so bad- it there la to be any substantial reform under the Paly bill commission It must be made up from new material and from men of such business' ability as to be able to resist the commercial ism that h,, nMt-.iw i it.- ... .-.i " "" ",,u tns involved this state and adJolnlna- states In .....n.!,,!. w... i.. - v Instances become vital Issues In tto . i""1"1' vregon nas no desire to k up any of these scandula that have uillleied Washington, Idaho, California and other sjtates and with their ex- perience before us. Governor Cieer is art In lts .,. .oi.i,...i . making up a commission of gentlemen of such character that their name and rtput.itlons will stand like a wall of granite nsainst all Inlluencea while serving on the commission or In stand ing by their work after It Is honest '.y and fearlessly completed in the in terest of the people. TO Clltt l COil) IX OXC DU Take Laxative liromo quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money f R rail t curt. F. W, Grove' signature Is on each box. 2Zc Even a slow man can catch the gr.p. Pour ye down, ye gentle rain drops. ,i iuiuui ceas.nfr. witnout stay, I have got my friend's umbrella And he's two full miles away. THE BEST SALVE IM THE WORLD ! Tvn.AH T. . 1 .utc Mire 11 is niaue rrom a picacriuuon Dy a wiae v known ikin lyZY,T' ..T"..y.:.yj' l" m'?MCorrect-Attest: C.R.THOMSON. iur pur, ourns. scaias. ulrem. running, nra an.t .11 .1,1. ji. , . o -- anil, uto- There nothmr so irood. CIIAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Meet your wif with a amiU on your l(a ' I ... W . .. . . i'. iwya an "Kenans, jiaan t he D.- tor wait until the odor has abated sumewnai? Many have lot confidence and h p s well as health, because they thought as well as health ho,lu th.. .hn,.-h. their' kidnAv riiM.A Foley's Kidney Cure Is a positive cure for the discouraged and disconsolate. taae no Mh'fr. CHAS. ROGERS, 1 wuggist. This Is a badly mixed up world. On? man wants an appetite for dinner and another wants a dinner for his appe tite. Fvery medicine .'s an Innovation ni he that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for tlmo is the greatest Innovator: and if time, of course, alter things to the worse, and wl3iom ana counsel snail not alter them to the better, what .hall h. th J shall not alter tun- 1 Looking for trouble la one wit nf I nwnfit. ' The person who Haturbed tha eon. I rsM to Ti" rTr 8?t' :JZ?$!2 ani I 1 ne beet Iin salve In creation Is alJ I kuu,. iiw rrmeay snouia De 1 used with great care, as it may brlna- on an affliction of the heart. Nobody ever flatters you for fun. S1000 WORTH OF GOOD A. H. Thurness. of Wills Creek Coal w Budaio. O., wrtUs: "I have been atrieted with kidney and bladder troub- le for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. Other medi cines only gave relief. After taking oieys Juaney uure the result was sur prising. A few doses started the brick Just, like fine stones, etc.. and now I have no pain across my kidneys, and I feel like a new man. Foley's Kidney Cure did me llfWO worth of good.' Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. In answer to the question. "What is a rig? ' the editor of an exchange fur nlshes the information that it is an out fit for which a young man blows In the fruits of the labors of a week for the privilege 0 letting his best girl hold the lines for an hour while h holds ber. Cold and cough cures are numerous, but the one that leads all others In merit. Is Foley's Honey and Tar, which is in great demand these days. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. A woman Is a queer combination. While she delights in the littlest bit of a foot, she Is not supremely, happy unless her nat is as Dig as a cartwheel. FOR PNEUMONIA. Dr. C, 3. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., say: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar In three very severe case of pneumonia with good results In every case." There Is nothing so good. CHAS. ROGERS, uruggist Men and women ought, perhaps, to enjoy equal rights, and yet if we saw men wearing millinery and kiss each other on the streets we would throw bricks at 'em. FOR HOARSENESS. BenJ. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind., says he had not spoken a word above a whisper for months, and one bottle of Foley Honey and Tar restored hi voice. It Is used largely by speakers and singers. Take no substitute. CHAS ROGERS. Druggist, She saw It In the window, and She raved about it till She bought it, then, Just like all men, tie raved about the bill. A cold, cough or la grippe can "nipped In the bud" with a dose or two of Foley' Honey and Tar. Beware of substitute. CHAS. ROGERS, Drug gist. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYINfi ANH FXPRFSINfi Livtt i nU -ArtOJinu AH Good, finlpped to Our Care No. (U Dun St. W. J.'COOK. Vti Astoria. Or. Res. TL 11IL 1 REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, ' At Astoria, In -the Stat, of Oregon, at the close of business,- December 13th, RESOURCES. , Loans and discounts. .I2S4.509 M Over.lwm a. iiiy.I an.t im secured , , 4.004 M , IS.inXi . RMS T4 H.3SS M , 4.217 SI . 42,394 S i:j.u M tw T4 V: 8- und to secure clrcu- i latlon I Pt'H.-ka. securities, etc.. ' ner real estate ownen tm. rm,. v.n i i....w. inot reserve aircnts) Due from State iUink and Hankers Due from approved reserve agents Internal-Revenue Stami . Checks and other cash Items t (0 280 h n Notes of other National Hanks Nickels and cent Lawful Money Reserve in via: SimvU 104 Mn Legal-tender notes ... 30 104.5M Uedcmption fimj wr,n V. 8. Treasurer (5 of circulation) 825 Total . 1.56J 63 LIAHILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ (10.000 urptus fund 25,000 I'ndlvuleil profits, eg expens es and taxes paid 34.080 71 National Hunk note out- 1 I a . a n . ,C Z StVte" Itanki'ind " Rankers lit tl individual deposlla subject to check. .S404.S04 OS Demand certificate of deposit 103.644 3 610.349 01 Total 1831.661 S3 r." State of Oregon. County of Clatsop, I. S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my know ledge and belief, S. S. GORDON. Cashier. I ..... . ... hu imt ivn n.i vorn tn brnM m 1 th 'n.t ,inv f rwwmh,. mm Notary Public I i-iry lum'C. I . rr n J.Ayj".-VMj .... J- ?OKN Directors. I CTADI 1 iklb lilt, ... AolUKlA AMI) lULUi'iiA RIVER RAILROAD. ... - itit. BMlKt VT T"V a a :00a.m. Portland Union Derjot!lt:lii a m. ' p.m.ror Astoria and lnter-:0 p.m. mediate points. I A8TORIA. ' 7.Sa.m.For Portland ln-fll:Mi 6 10 p.m.lternu'dtate points 10:J0p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. ASTORIA SEASIDE 7 4.ia 4 tv p. m p. ui. 8:JOim 8 l m. a. .10 p. in. 11 no in 12 SO p in uu p. in 'suiuUy uin All trains maka eloa ennnertlona t I oble w,th " Northern Paclflo trains UUD" wna " nnern facino trains to and from the East or Sound nolnta. j. (j. UAiu GenT PYt and Pass. Agent ...... wh rn ah 1 in 1. "HI I L VULUnll LIML c ui'dpitiuu.-i... .l. . BAH-KY GATZERT (Telephone Dock). Columbia River and. Puget 8oun4 Nar- The Hercules leaves Astoria n "tepi ounaay at I p. m. Leaves Portland dallv eicent Run. day at 7 a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N. tickets and Ilwaco Ry Nav. Com- pany" tickets Interchangeable on Her- cules and Hassalo. Throua-h Port. lttna connection with steamer Nahcotta ,ru"1 liaa ana tong ueacn pflinti. . . . v1Ie'eIpno.n wo- 11L A- i; T,h2!)i.,?$ Agent. E. W. CRICHTON. Portland Agent TIMB SCHEDULE From torUimL DEPART Arsivi Chlrag Salt Lake, Denver. Ft ortli,Ornh. Run- 1 tj, Hi t'liin(iMDd Eait rorllaiid 'petial 4 p. m. 9 IS a. m )lt, l)cner. fi Atlantic dortn, (iinaha, Kun city, Ht 1, 111U, Ch.lragc and Kqat VVhIIs Walls, Iwlntna, Hpoksne, Mlnnepo Kxpreu (p. m. 7 s. m Hpoktne Fljer, ( p. ID. I Li. Ht. i'sul. buiulh. Mllwiukee, ClUCagi 8 Warn Prom Astoria OCEAN 8T8AM5HIPS All Sailing I)t tub ieet Ui clmnKe. for ino Franeuoo-Hslk 7am Columbia KWer Kteim Ex Buuday en to fortlsnil and Wy Ltndiu 4a rn x Mo., day From Portland a in WaiiAJaKTTB KiVEK 4:80 d. m Br Ui, la- ' E Sunday I ' iOreiuu t'ltv, Newners, raimn a nny-uinaa. 7a m. Willamette sndVsm M d. m. Tue,Tliur blllltUers Moi..Wet auaMU KM'f'in City, DayUin i; ana rn. way i.andinKt Lt ixiwistu Klparla U)hvi dly 3:151. m. 9ask Rlvsr, Klparla to lewlston Mi 10 dally (am Willamette Klver ,S:,"R..,n Tuea, Thui Saturday Portland 1 1 Crvallln Moil , Wed and way i,aDdln .Krlilay O. W. LOUNSBERRT. W. II. HURLBURT, Agt. Astoria Gen. Pass. Ag't. Portland. Or., J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein Uospendtbe evening.' The AmmeHister La(Jieg, orchestra is still on the bills and preee. - - !! nigtityr a mnsicai program ol exeepirmai merit, Handsome pool audi billiard room are a feature in connection I with the house. Palatable lunches will be erved at all noun I IrJoU Ho BEST0F EVERYTHING In word this telli of the Passenger Bervloa via. Who ' Northwestern lino.. Eight Trains Dally between 8t. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Car. J ive Reclining ChaJr Cars. The JOth Century Train Huns Every Day of the Tear. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Stcsm Heated THK n.Vl'CIRR STATE RXFRKHfl. the Kltient Dally Train Running Hetween 81. Paul and Chicago, via the Short Line, Connection from the West made via The NORTHERN PACIFIC. GREAT NORTHKItN and CANADIAN PACIFIC U'YS. This I also the REST LINE between Omaha. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All acsnts sell ticket via The Northwestern Line W. H. MEAD. II. L. 8ISLER. General Agenl. Trav. Agent. is Aiuer mreei, l-oruand. Oregon GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO c. pi n,ilnik Vtnn,.i! . cut M.raOl, UUlBln,.MInnfat)l)liS, I fljcaiTO and All Points East. DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIME: SER- Vlt'K AND SCENERY UN EgUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, uimng and Kuffet Smoking Library Car. Ticket to point East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sal at O. R. & N. Ticket Offlo. Astoria, or Great, Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trio, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pas, and Ticket Agent, Portland. POSSIBLY You Arc Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE ' Pictoa WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the mornlna train. J,rav,!' via the evening train. Both are ooeiy equipped, 'OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIMF w s a ' aw THROUGH SERVICE PTJLLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hour In time saved to Omaha, Chicago Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, Hoston, And Other RflKfprn Point. Ticket, .nod vl. Sait Ls.V. C.t, and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and Plng-car berths can be secured from . . n n",iT7.,S. n. - --- r n .n.nsJr rwi1 a.T' im MrA or ; ' Portland.' Or. eI mm 1111 1 1 r imm)" I 111 MM MM. A familiar name fof the Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great RUay running th "Plonscr Limited" tram every oay and night between flt. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect train m th world," Understand: Connm'llons are made with nil transcontinental lines, securing to paaaengers the best service known, Luxurious coaches, electric Unlit, team he.kt. of a verity equaled by no othe.' I1.1, bf that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when g"l to any point In the United Hiates or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, ntldr, J. V. CAH1CV. C. J. KDDT. Trnv, Pass, Aft.. Gen. Alt.. Portland, Omgon. Portland Ore. NOTICE IS IIKKKHY GIVEN. THAT The Common Council of Hie t'lly of Astoria hi) a declared lis il t 1 tiilnallxit and intention Improve all that por tion of Aslor street. In the City of As toria a lull) out and recurdi'd I'V John MtVlure, from tho went line i-f Hlxth tn-vt to the west lino of autld city of Astoria a I11KI out and r-t'ird'd by John Mi'Clurc, by removluii nil the old plunk and sirlngorH fnuu cuib to curb and by grading said portion of ld sireet frtuu curb to curb to lh in(nb llxhed mmle, and replnnkliig t ho same throughout the rlillre leiiKlh t liciT..f to the width of ten feet mi eiu-h sldo of the outer edge of the rluhl of way of the or truck of t tie Astoria Hlrrrt Railway Co., with miid fir plank, eith er red or yellow, nf i Inehi-s In ihlck- ness by 13 Inches uidu and 10 rl lung, which Hiild plunk ar to b luld upon strliiKiTs, two of wlili h on en, h side f ull street cur truck tliroiiulniut the length of snld linproveiiii'iu li.ill bo new stringers mid (lie remainder of the MtHnKcrs shall consist if Ilia soundest of (he old stringer now on said r tlon of said strevl. and the lret croa In tix at the Inlentm'tlou nf an!, Astor atreet with Fifth. Fotiilh, Thud and S,,-,iiid strwls shall be planked and Im proved to their entire width, All lumber to bo lined In said Im provement except 'he ci, mrlnsrr hereinbefore tlientlnn.-d shall be ginid und red or yrlluw fir lumber, anil said Improvement In matti-r of detail except herein ut Ix-r win.- provlileil shall be made aecorillng to ihe r quire inents of the 'PvUuIik nf nrdliiancs No. l'kJl f the City ..f AM'Tlu. rtitltled "An ordinance In relation o the Im- proveinent of streets" and strU'lly In accordiincs with the ptnns anl pri. rii Htl.itis therefor to ln prepared by the clly surveyor. That th,. coat and exnrnac nf aald Imprnveiiwiil, except the street cross ings, shall Iw defrayed by special a. svsJini'fit mum the lot, land and premise benefitted by auld Imfrovo- fiT-iiiiiwi, ociiriiiieti vy aitui llliprovo- nent. which snld lots, land and .roinliiea are hereby Included within a iecliil nxsessment illstrlcl, which said mem I M distrli't I as follows, to-wlt: II. n iiln at the northeast corner of lilix-k number live (5) and running thence westerly alonir the north line of hl.x'k No. 1. S. S. 4 and 6 to the nnrihweat cor ner of block No. one (I), ttipnre south along the wet Hun of blocks 1 and 1 to the southweat corner of lot one (1) In block number sixteen 0. then.-e easterly through the confer of block 19. 15, H. U and 13 to the aoutheuai corner of lot four 4 In block number twelve (ll), thence north In a straight line to the place of beginning, and con taining all of blocks 1. Z. 3. 4 and S and the north half of block 13, 11. 14, 15 and 1. all In the Town .of Amrla. latsop county, Htate of Oregon, a laid out and recorded by John McClure This notice Is published for rlstit (lava n the Morning Astorlan In ptimuatic to a resolution of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, dlivcllne: the same, the first publication thereof be. ns; in the Issue of Hnturday. the 3lh day of December. l'JOi). II. K. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City or Astoria. NOTICE IS IIERKIIY GIVEN, THAT A certificate of the completion of Ihe niprovement of Franklin avenue from the east line of Tw-enty-slxth street the west lino of Thirty-first street n univeley Astoria, by H. Normlle, contractor, under the provision nf or dlnance No. 2M5 of the Clly of As. orla, ha been duly filed with Ihe au. dlUir and police Judge of the City of Astoria, by the committee on street ml public way, city surveyor ami uperlntendent of streets, and that at the next regular meeting of said eoun. ell, too improvement of said street will be formally accepted, unless objections be mod against the same. II. K. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City 01 Asiona. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and or dT of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Orea-on. for tha County of Clatsop, on ths 26th day of ueceniiier, upon a judgment and decree rendered therein on the 21t lay of December, 19(10, lo favor of Tnomaa uoig, pmintirr. an asnlnat E Z. Ferguson, Sal Get and Clilug Oct. 1. 1 . . . . . . . . ....... ins wiie, una me ciaisop aim com pany, defendants, for the sum of tm7M, tjgether with Interest there un at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from the 21st day of December, l'lOO, the costs and disbursements of mis action taxed at 20.20, and the costs of and upon this writ command. Ing snd requiring me to make sale of tne following dascrlbed real property, to-wlt: All of the east thirty-five acres of lot No. 2 and the southeast quarter ot tne sou tn west quarter of section twenty-four (24), in township eluht (8) north of range ten (10), west of the Willamette meridian, In Clatson Coun ty, Oregon, thnt is to say, all of said lot two (ii, and said forty acre legal subdivision adjoining the same on the south that lies east of a line drawn tnrougn said subdivision parallel with the east line thereof, such a distance west of such east line thereof, as to niciu.H tnirty-nve acres of land of said subdivision, between the east line thereof and the lines run through the same; also an or lot numbered five (6), In block numbered thirty-three (33), In that part of the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, all being in the County of Clatsop, Btate uf Oregon, toBether with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that I will on Monday, the 2Sth day of Januury, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, In front of and at the court house door. In the City of Astoria, Ciatsop County. Oreiron. sell the above-described real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the Judgment. Interest and all accruing costs. THOMAS LINVILLE, Sheriff of Clatson Cnunrir Aitorla. Ore.. Dec. 20, 1900. fr . NOTICW FOR riTlMCATION. I4ind Oiric t Vaociuvor, Whlngtun, l'c. 10, 1!HH), Notice I hereby nlvoii that th fol. lowlng naiiied settlor has filod notice of M Inieiiihm lo make final proof in tipiiuil of hla claim, and that said proof will be mala before Ilia regUlor anil revolver tit Vancouver, Waaliinj. Ion, mi M.mlny. Jaiiuary V, 1WI, via; John H111U1II1, if Chlnoiik, Vli., for the N. W, '4 t'f secllon J.1, In tuwnslup 10 norih, raiis 10 l W, M. He name Ilia following witness! 9 prove his rintlniiotn roalitriue upon and t uliivnilon of said land, via: Karl J ililiion, of hlli ioH, Wahllir. ton, ulo Keitiaeili, of Waahougtl, Wash. Iniiloii; John ahil'oi'g. of Chinook. Wnslilnalon; Jem MnrUn. of Chi. Il.aik, N aalililton. W. it. Dt'NIIAIt. Iteglster, Noi'K'i: FOR I'fllLICATION. I'nlted rlniea Land Office, VafVouvar, Vnh Nov. SJ. I'WO! Nollco I hereby iflvrii hat In com pliance Midi Hie provisions of the act uf i'oii(iJt u( Juno i, Hi's, eulltled "An act for the salo of timber land in the late of California, Oregon, NensiU and Waolilngioii Trrrllory." as oxl- nj. 011 to all (lie puhllc laud state by e l of AtiRiiat 4, I.''.'.', ikotae A. Weed, of l ortliiiil. county of Multnomah, tt( if r-aon, ha Hi's day filed In this 01 tie hi sworn statement No. lusT, fjf Iho purclinia of llio lots 1 end I, and IC half of NW quarter of section No. II, In oi.liin No. la N, rans No. I W V, M, and will offer I'roof I ) show thai llio land Moimlit I iiior valualila for lis limber or stone tlian for agricultural put !.-. and lo rinbllah his claim 10 Mi. land W-ror the resistor aiu) re ceiver of (hi ortli- at Vmicouvar, Waali, 011 Wednesday, the Ulh day of IVbiuary. Wl. lie itainr us wHiieitars: Ilornard lllat, of Kiia'ploii, Waelilnstoii; Hicn tlrvM'k. nf Na. I. Washlnston; Alfrd J. (iiy, of Kiiapplou, Wellington; Wllllniii Mitlheral. i f Kuapptun, Waali. HKtli. Any and all rrii claiming ad terse ly the above., iracrilml land are r. quested f tllo their claim In (hi oltlce on or anil IJih day of Feb ruary, VM. W. It. DUNHAIL Register. NOTICE FOR I't'UI.ICATION. Drpsrttnrni of tho Interior. Und Office ai vrrgoiiiiy, irrrgon, Drcm ber IS. I'U, Notice la hereby given that the fol lowing. naiiirj settler has lilod nodoe of his Intend, m to mako final prKf In sup port of hi claim, and that said pruof will b inado before the county clora Of Ciaisop county, at Atorla. uregon, uo 1'ibiuary , vis: AI.IIKKT Ht'llOENEItECK. II. E. No. M7. f, ih of NWU and NWV. of Vi. 8, U. T. I N.. It Ho t'Oinc he following Wlln) to I --...-w .v,,vn, wtiowpaup iq pro,v ""uo" rldno Upoo 1 ".V r,,llv,l," f "U land, via: ' f1, "' Y- Astoria, Oregon; Pet- rr Olson, of Hvniaoii, Or.n, Aueuat ru.uriipwc, ot r vena. in, urrun; w'm tklloeiirbrtk, of Hvnison, Oregon. CHA, U. Moo KGA, Itgtr. NOTICE Kolt I t'llUCATION. Culled State Ind Office. Oregon Cltr Oregon. Nov. JJ. ljuo; " Notice is hereby iven (hat In torn. plume with in pruvlalons of the act f coigre of JutM( e),, An act for Ihe m of timber lands In he state of California. Oregon. Ne vada and Waahinirton Territory ' as extended to sit the 1'ut.iio nA ntatee by act of August . UM. Mr Mary Oloscr. of tunny, founiy of Clau.rp. State of trrKon. has this day filed In I his oltlce h"r sworn statement No. for the purchase of ihe HIC quar. ler of Be, tn ,N, 4 llWn(,h0 No i N, range N. 7 W. and wlU i.ff pr,f o sh.m that th land sought la Vnore valuable for l t,uhe, VT 0I,t ,nM for agricultural turpose. and in e. utill.hed her claim t0 ,id (j tot the Register sn, Receiver of this of lire at Oregon City. Oregon, on rrMay, the ISth day of February. IJUI. Hh name na wltr.ea.- u..i....i (ilnser. William W. Pop. Mary lnok Appo lonla Johnson. s of tUney. ClaN sop County. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-doacribed lamia are re. quested to Me iheir claims In this of m on or before said lith day of Feb ruary. 1901. CIAB. II. MlOREfl. Rg1ter. NOTICi; FOR PCllUCATION. drilled Stat. a Und Oillce, Oregon City i s;on. Ijpo. Jrd, jxK): Notice Is hen-by gVetl that In corn I'llanre will, ihe provisions of "he Mt of congr. f June 3. IH7S. entltld "An ? t o ,"'o3 ,,""b,'' lnd In th J Ln,lf"rn,- Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory" ex'end M to n thn pilh0 ,ftiT;tlleb7t of August 4. IHjj, John E. Logait. of '""-y- ' t Clatsop. ,tat of Ore- E's ny n,r, ,n thl. oinc his sworn statem. nt No. M27 for the purohaae of the ,x, n , lfi .. section No. 15, m townsh 0 N N hw,?.0i "l wl" & Proof to V.?.r 'httt.,h " ouaht Is more vaj- Lur ".' l,mber " than for his clnlnj to said land before th, reg ister and receives , hi. . ? I!? . , I names na wim.-asHii Hahastian Glaser, Wllllnm W. IW Mnrv InlJl Appollonla Johnson. .Ti 7SZJ!5Z ?' sop county, Oregon. ' iA?h '"J"" claiming adverse. I the above-described land, aii Z luested ,o tile ,her rilm?to "hU omo. on or before .aid lh day of Febru ary, 1901. CHAB. li. MOORICS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TTI..J ... . ciVv , P,a IJ,n(1 Oregon Ko 'r71.' N!'vnber 12. 1900: . an . 5 m com of cnnirrr.,,. "i m act ii congreN of junB . .K7g r " i'"visions "I the act vada nd w. rr"ornl. 0r,'K"n. Ne- of" No ZC0U 1892 oVC A. county- ofMm .VW ha. this day 7n tW. omoTO worn statement No. u 18, for the nur! and I will offer proo f W ".how f"f jouk-ht I. more valuable for U, timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to -.nKif-iT iTf"0." tur1 Olnev. dr.;' ariana. Of Any and all person claiming adverse. Iy the above-described land, are n quested to file their claim. In th?. of! nee on or before ,d 7th day of Feb, ary. 1901. CHAS. D, MOORE8. 4 Register.