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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1900)
Tlih. MUILNINU ASlUtUAft KKlUAi I'ECKMiiMi 2S, ihni. BRITISH GENERAL ASKED TO RESIGN War Office Begins Army Reform in Sensational Style. FIRST VICTIM IS COLVJLLE Qarilloa of Hit Responsibility for Undlcj DiMtlcr Waa lawtltsted Last Sam sMraas" He Was Retaliates Refuse to Resljo. LONDON. Dec. 27. The war office baa begun Ita promised reform of the army In a sensational manner. It has demanded the resignation of Major General Sir Henry Colvllle, command ing the Infantry brigade at Gibraltar and recently commanding the Ninth division of the South African field force. Colvllle refuses to resign and la now on his way to England. . The news Is all the more startling as the question of General Colvllle'a responsibility for the yeomanry dls' aster at Lindley last May was fully Investigated by the authorities when Colvllle waa reinstated In his command at Gibraltar. The attitude of the war office Indi cates that a new regime In Pan Mall will reverse the decisions of Lord Lans downe and Lord Wolseley in regard to some of the recent commanders in South Africa. General Colvllle. like General Methuen. has always been a great social personage In London, and a prominent clubman. He has had a most distinguished military career; has been repeatedly mentioned In dis patches, and Is familiarly known as "bdgers." He is also known as an author, and on the occasion of his marriage created a sensation by going on his honeymoon In a balloon. of Osgood, Tnd. Levi waa also a victim of the mob. The men killed were Rob ert Andrews. Heine Schuter, William Jenklna, a 17-year-old boy and Lixlt Levi, an aged soldier. There was a fight In which shot wens fired at a deputy sheriff. Jeiikin with the others was arrested and then taken to tail at Versailles, Ind. Mrs. Jenkins suspected that mb violence waa brew. Ing. walked from Osgood to Versailles at night and pxced the streets till dawn, armed with a revolver. For several hours she waited under the win dow of her husband'a cell, ready to challenge any who came to do him harm. Her fears being finally allayed, Mrs. Jenkins started for home. No sooner she out of sight than the mob gathered. Drajrping; out the five men, the members of the mob killed them In succession by beating them over the head with a musket stock. Mrs. Jenkins was compelled to flee to save her own life, coming to Chi cago. Here she brought suit for 13000 damages against Sheriff Bushing's bondsmen before Judge Baker In the I'nlted States circuit court. The eult dragged along for three years and fin ally the bondsmen decided to settle out side of court. Mrs. Jenkins, when compelled several montha ago to go to Ripley county to attend the trial of the case, was pro tected by a bodyguard of government detectives. She will go to Versailles next week to get the 14000. RUSSIA AFTER COREA. Secures Special Privileges From Corean Government the KSCAPED FROM THE ASYLUM. Millionaire Patient Gets Safely Away and Is In Hiding. NEW YORK. Dec, ST. The Times says: There Is every reason to believe that John Armstrong Chanler, the million aire who escaped from Bloomlngdale asylum at White Plains on November 28 last, never Intends to return to that institution. Samuel B. Lyons, superin tendent of the Bloomlngdale asylum, said last night that he firmly believes that Chanler has gone for good. "I believe." said he. "that Mr. Chan ler is waiting for a month to expire so he will be a free man and that he Is hiding with friends. At the expiration of a month after the time a patient leaves an asylum, under the state lun acy law. he cannot be brought back." It was learned last night that Mr. Chanler always believed his relatives were his enemies and for that reason the general opinion is that he has gone to West Virginia, where he owns a large stock farm. He often talked of going there and living a quiet life. DETECTIVES HARD AT WORK. Searching for More Clues In the Cud ahy Kidnapping Case. OMAHA. Dec. 27. All hope of cap turing Pat Crowe Ir. this vicinity has been abandoned and the police and peclal detectives of the Cudahy kid napping case have settled down to a systematic search for evidence from the clues In their possession. These are few, but may lead to important discoveries. They began at the beginning and are now going over the entire ground cov ered by the bandits Tuesday and Wed nesday nights of last week. In the hope that they will find at least two Im portant articles in the chain of evidence the gasoline stove in which the outlaws boiled coffee In the Grover street cottage and the buggy used by them at various stages of the case. TACOMA, Dec. 27. Oriental advices state Russia's minister to Corea was recently received In audience by the em peror of Corea. whereupon the minister proposed that he should have the priv ilege of Interfering in Corea "a civil ad ministration with the object of Intro ducing reforms; also that negotiations with other powers should be referred to the Russian minister before taking action. The emperor called a meeting of his privy council to consider the propos als. The government became uneasy and in an official communication asked the Russian minister If he was in earnest The minister then backed down, stating that he bad no recoHec tlon of making such propositions. He was granted special privileges, now' ever. One of these permits Russia to increase Its military strength In Corea and construct a large fort at the port of Masampho. WANt KD TO KILL HKR HU81UND. New Hampshire Society Belle Arrested on a Charge .if Conspiracy. CONCORD. N. H., Deo. 17.-A sensa tional episode cam to a climax last nljtht in the arrest of Mrs. Carrie Sin clair Huntoon, 26 years of age. well known In society and at the tlm of her man lags one of the belles of the city, on the charge of conspiracy with In tent to kill her dlvorvjd husband, Wal ter C. Huntoon, of whom It la asserted sh has been extremely Jealous. At the September term of the superior court, Mrs. Huntoon ' was granted, a divorce- from her husband on statutory grounds. The story of the murder conspiracy as given out by the police la as follows: un Monday, Mrs. Huntoon went to an American or English Jockey club course he would have been allowed to fulfill his engagement, but the advisa bility of ' so doing la questioned. As a prominent turfman said; "What la Sloan to gain by It? The money ho would receive for riding In a few races between now and the firat of next year would be so small It would not enter lino the argument. On the other hand the fact that he Is r'dlng la as much aa raying to the English Jockey Club, 'I can do as I please this year; your edict dots not gv) Into effect until next season.' " The Earl of Ctonmel. who la a well known turfman and breeder of thor oughbreds and now In this city, was asked what he thought about the Sloan case. He said; "I think Sloan would have been much wNcr to have kept In the background, at any rate for the present, and If he Boston and In the union station there I behaves himself In a unlet and unosten- acccsted a young man, William H. Dut-1 tatlous manner for a year there la no ton, of Dorchester, a total stranger, doubt he will be granted a license MYSTERIOUS MURDER. worn brought her by canal, as against some 1,753,000 buahlt 111 1839. Of tlx Dying Italian Refuses to Betray the total wheat receipts at this port by Names of HI Assailants, rail and canal, tha canal carried 1,528, ooo bushels, whlla 91.01T.V90 arrived by rail, In 1H9 tha wheat moalpta by rail were over 13.000.000 buaheli. There was a marked Increase In the receipts of corn by canal, the figures for 1900 for 1S9 DIAMONDS IN NEW MEXICO. It Is Believed That Rich Mines Have Been Discovered. ALAMO GORDO. N. M.. Dec. 27. A rromlnent railway official here to day received a box of thirty gems close ly resembling and alleged to be dia monds. found near Capltan. the coal camp on the line of the El Paso A Northeastern Railway Company, 50 miles north of this place. The stones were found by J. J. Blow, formerly associated with the De Beers Consolidated Company at Klmberly, South Africa, who! has secretly been Investigating the field for the past month, and a letter from him accom panylng the shipment states that they are either diamonds or something so closely resembling the gem that they deceive Mm, They will successfully stand every crude test known. The gems will be sent away for final anal ysis. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR CUBA. Free Entry Will Be Permitted Until January 15 Only. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.-The war department has amend?d the recent tariff circular authorizing the free en try of Christmas presents Into the Phil Ipplnes, Porto Rico and Cuba, so that the concession In the case of the Cuban ports will expire January 15 Instead of February 7 as originally provided. It Is stated at the department that the privilege of free entry applies to goods of the character described only, ad I dressed to officers, soldiers and strictly military employes. AGED MERCHANT DEAD. Joseph Theodore White. Formerly of San Francisco. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Joseph Theo dore White, an old merchant of this city and a veteran of the Seventh reg iment, la dead. Mr. White was born In 1P12 in this city and was the young est son of Joseph Falrchlid White, of Dan bury. Conn. He began bis busi . ness career when only fourteen years of see. At the age of sixteen he rep resented and managed an agency of a New York Arm In New Orleans. Dur ing the gold excitement in 1849 he went to San Francisco and engaged In gen eral merchandise business. SORRY HE CONFESSED. Murderer Now Tries to Retract Voluntary Statements. His DAMAGES AWARDED. Wife of a Man Who Wag Lynched Gets Four Thousand Dollars. CHICAGO. Dec. 27.-Mrs. Lulu C. Jenkins, now of Chicago, has Just been awarded 1-1000 for the lynching of her husband in Ripley county, Indiana, three years ago. The money will be paid over by the eight bondsmen of ex-Sheriff Henry Bushing, and Is the result of a private settlement of the Indemnity suit Instituted by the widow three months after the murder. This puts an endtoacaae that has aroused attention all over the United States. William Jenkins was one of five men lynched for alleged complicity in the stealing "of a horse from Lisle Levi, SACRAMENTO. Cal., pec. 27.-H. Green, the man who entered the police station and surrendered himself for the murder of Bill Feeney, which he said he committed In Michigan In 1875, now denies he Is guilty of that crime. He claims that he wag under the In fluence of opium when he confessed. The police, however, are Inclined to be. Ileve his original story and are Investi gating the matter. SUICIDE'S SUCCESSOR. French Consul at Vancouver Tempor arily Stationed at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27.-Baron H. De St. Laurent, the French consul at Vancouver, B. C. hag arrived here to become acting consul in the place of the late Paul Antolne. He will have charge of the consulate pending the appointment of a permanent consul. ARMSTRONG GUN INVENTOR. Lord William George Armstrong Died in England Yesterday. LONDON. Dec. 27. William George Armstrong, inventor of the Armstrong gun and a writer on electrical and scientific topics, died this morning at his home at Cralgside. asking him If he was looking for work and would like to earn a dollar. He said no, but she outlined a plan to him to kill her husband, promising a re ward. Dutton gave her no definite anawer and be went home and told his father of the conversation. His father sent him to the police authorities In Bos ton and they In turn notified City Marshal Locke, giving the latter a description of the woman as Dutton re membered her. On Tuesday, the po lice say. Mrs. Huntoon came back to this city and wrote a letter to young Du:ton telling him to come here at orn-e and giving directions as to how he was to do the job when he got here. Dutton showed the letter to the po lice and by their directions met Mrs. Huntoon here at the rear of the state house. Marshal Locke and Assistant Marshal Rand watched the proceed ings. Young Dutton claims that Mrs. Huntoon handed him a loaded revol ver and an envelope which she said contained a 15 bill as part payment for the )ob and another envelop as a de coy which was to be given to Hun toon, her fonner husband. In order to get him out of the house and Into a favorable place for the carrying out of the crime. Mrs. Huntoon pointed In the direc tion of the house and as she did so the city marshal stepped up and caught her by the arm. She recognised the marshal and went Into hysterics. When KIDNAPPED ROY FOUND. Taken Back Home but His Mother Waa Not Arrested. INDIANAPOLIS. Deo. 27.-AI 2:30 o'clock this morning, the hi' kmart who drove Mrs. Miller and her son was lo cated and it developed that he had con veyed the woman and boy to Bright wood, six miles east of this city, where she came to her senses she was al-, nt,.n,ei t0 ta. first train on lowed to say good bye to her aged , tn. mK Four for New York. motner ana ner lime cnna ana men Samuel Miller, the huban.! aga'n. He brought this thing on him self by his manner of living and his barefaced effrontery. It waa eomnum talk that Sloan was betting, and If his application for a new license had not been refused something worse would haw happened to him. I think he was let off very lightly and I do not think anything more la meant than a warn ing. Sloan must learn his place aa a Jockey If he wants to ride In England again and I am surprised that he has been tolerated aa long as he haa." Foxhall Keene thinks under the clr cumstance.4 Sloan did no harm bv rid ing at Tanforan. Aa his license is not revoked he considers he is In good standing until he uppltea for a new li cense and Is refused. Colonel Thomas Ochiltree expressed surprise that the Tanforan authorities should have permitted Sloan to ride, but at the same time he did not think that their permission would have any effect on the case when It came be fore the Jiickey club. CHICAGO, Dec. S7.-llofulng to dla close the names of the men who at tempted to slay him, John Qarvor slman Italian, Ilea dying at hla home. With hla abdomen alaahed and gored being , 139, 190 bushels and aa though lth a blunt stiletto and about 1,100,00. his shoulder cut In shreds, the wounded Oats showed a heavy decline, last man, still mnselou but with his life year's twftlo via canal being 1.896.700 despaired of, refuses absolutely to be- and In the previous season over 6,700,. tray hla Italian brethren. The case ooo bushels. In M9 th total grain la the most mysterious Italian crime receipts at this point, both rail and that has come to the police and It beara canal, were over 107,110,000 bushels, every evidence of a vendetta. while tlilsi year's totals up to and In- The police first learned of the af- eluding December S3, but nt Including fair through a doctor who had been pens, were only 1,616,73 bushels. called to attend the wounded man. Gar vorslo, while on his way home on Tuea-' day nlghl a met by two Wn, one of whom savagely attacked him J, MURDER AND Sl'IClDH. with a knife. Oarvorslo managed to drag himself home and all night ha lay In agony, refusing to summon a doctor. In the morning he consented and when advised to go to a hospital refused to be removed. From ilarvorslo'a neighbors the police bullet Into learned that he haa fr weeks been atantly. W. Tlnsley Killed Ills Wife and Himself on the Street at Lo Angeles. 118 ANGELES. Cal.. Dec. 17,-John W. Ttmdey shot and killed hla wife on tha street May and then fired a hla own head, dying In- looking for a man who la said to be the murderer of hla cousin In Italy. The murder occurred several years ao and Garvorslo followed the murderer to Chicago. Lately he la said to have located him. One of the men whom Present Democratic Machine Will Have It la al'egvd that Tinsley ha another wife In Tuwnseiid, Mont, BUTAN NOT TIIK CANDIDATE. Garvorslo met Tuesday night Is be lieved by the police to be his enemy. ! Another Man In 1W4. PRINCE OF WALKS MAY COME. Would Like to See the Yacht Racee but the Quern Mar Detain Him. CROWIO IN CHICAGO., Kidnapper of Young Cudahy Reported) to llavs Masqueraded Thera at a Young Widow, CHICAGO, Dee. S7,-DIguld as a woman, Pat Crowe, tha notorious erlnw Innl who li being sought by tha po lice on lbs knowledge that h was the kidnapper of Eddie Cudahy at Oma ha, haa been seen In Chicago within tho lnt few days and may still bo hiding here, according to a statu ment mada tonight by Detective Jam Storm, of the Chicago police, whit has arrested Crowe a number of times In Iht past. It la laid that Crows haa been mas querading In the suburb of Engle- wood as a young widow. Rli)TOt'rt"wrc7"T. U. WOMAN. Hulns a Valuable Painting and a Mir ror In a Hotel liar-room. WICHITA. Kaa Dee. 7.-Mrs. Car. rlj Nation, president of the Harbor county W, C, T. If., entered the Carry hoM bar-room, and with a Stan mashed a IJoo painting of 0opatrs at her bath, and a mirror valued at tint. Hint la under arrest but no charts haa yet been made. She appealed to Governor Stanley who Is tn the city and h refused to ad In any way. She broke mlrrura at Kiowa, Has., In two aaloons some montha ago. She declares there u no law under which ahe ran bo prosecuted. IUIITIH1! OFFICIALH INSULTED, Tutklslt Soldiers Grossly Assault! Charge d'Affalr and Other Mem- -ber of K mousey, CHICAGO, Dei-. S7.-Chaa. A. Walsh, secretary of the ttemocratlo national committee, who arrlvd today, makes a denial of the report that the pres ent org4.ilxatloit of the IVmoctwtlo tar ty la planning to make W. J. Hryan NCW YORK. lvc. 27. The English the presidential candidate In 1ih4. people will be delighted If the Prince of Wales .an see Id way to accept FREIGHT ST1UMER PURCHASED, j CONSTANTINOPIJ. VC :4.-8oms th lnvltailn which Is reported to be . Turkish soldier have gnly assaulted extended to him by the New York Government Huya the Samoa at llong , maltreated the IMlUli charge d'af Yacht Club to be prvm-m at the races Kong for Uso aa a Transput t. fair. Mr. IK Hulw-n. and other mem for the America" run. y the Lvnd n hers of tho Rrltlalt rnbiy. In the corr'Siioitiieiit or me rriDune, waimiinuto.n. ivo. J7.nie sevre- vicinity oi ins poworr mnios'ne m The irln- e Is an enthuslaittlc yacht- tury of war tod purthowd the large M ikrlki ln (Makrlekeuy). Sharp de man and he lias more than once ex- freight atramer Samoa at llong Kong inand for rrdivs have been made t pressed a desire to see one of the great for Uv In the transportation to Man the I'orte, yachting mati lie between England and Francisco of the Volunttt-r army now, America, but circumstance may arise Ui the Philippine. I to prevent him Waving this country 1 - ' HOUND FOR HAWAII. was arrested. Mrs. Huntoon's only ex cuse la that Huntoon sneered at her when they met on the street. Many of her friends say that her troubles with her husband have caus ed her extreme mental anguish and that she Is not responsible for her acts. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS. Remarkable Showing Made State of Iowa. by the and father, with a corps of newspaper men and detectives. Immediately secured carriages and the party was driven rapidly to Rrlghtwood. On arriving there they were Inform ed that Mrs. Miller and her boy had been taken to Lawrence, Ind.. the next station north. The party proceeded to this place, found the woman and child asleep In a boarding house and the father with his son Is now on his way back to Indianapolis. NO MONEY FOR CRAMPS.. Tuikev Will Pay the Kruppa Before the American. Four Hundred More Porto ft leans Hall From Ponce. j CONSTANTINOPLE. Deo. .-It Is ! the general belief that the Cramps' 8 AN JUAN. Dec. 27. The steamer contract for tha construction of a 'TUl- und Increasing Infirmities consider It Arcadia sailed from Ponce yesterday er for Turkey was signed without lbs not advisable that he ahould aaaln for New Orleans having on board 400 first payment being made, This view cms the Atlantic during her lifetime. Porto Rlcuns, U per cent of whom I supports.! by thi fact that the Porta are women and children, destined f-w has formally promised to pay nothing next autumn. The uueon will not al- j low him to visit Australia for the commonwealth celebration and. not withstanding that New York la only a week's voyage from London, her maj-1 rmy may on account of her great age NEW YORK. Dec. 27. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Expenditures for school purposes last year amounted to 128,032.563, and while this was a larger sum than was ex pended by any oth?r state. It was only 14.0.1 per capita, while Massachusetts spent 15.07 per capita; Nevada, If 96, and California 14.09. The smallest per NEW STEAMSHIP LINE. Vessels Will Sail From New York to South Africa and Calcutta. NEW YORK. Dec. 27.-A new uteam ship service Is to be established from New York to South African ports and Calcutta by the Deutsche Damps capita expenditure In any state was i chiffahelts Oesellschaft Hunsa, the new in North Carolina, where It amounted to S3 cents. Although having a larger population. New York falls behind Pennsylvania In the number of pupils enrolled, the en rollment for Pennsylvania being 1.184.- 146. against 1,179.351 for New York. The percentage of pupils enrolled to population In New York Is 19.94. while in Pennsylvania It Is 1176. The high est percentage of school enrollment to population Is . In Kansas, where It la 27.87. Iowa makes one of the best show ings. The total sschool enrollment In that state is 554,992 or 26.42 per cent of the population and the percentage of teachers to pupils Is larger than In any other state, there being . 28,694 teachers against Zi.i'iS In Pennsylvania and 33,902 teachers In New York, to teach approximately twice the number of pupils in each case as In Iowa. service to oe Known as tne Mansa ser vice. The exact date when the ser vice will start has not been announced, but It will be In the near future and the service will at first probably be monthly. The boats will leave New York for South Africa, thence to Calcutta and direct from the latter port back to New York. The Hansa lines Include at present some thirty-six vessel which ply be tween Hamburg and Antwerp and Co lombo, Madras, Caclutta. Bombay. Kar achi and Rangoon. NO RAILROAD COMBINATION. President of the Canadian Pacific De nies the Rumor. MONTREAL, Dec. 27. T. G. Shaugh- nesy, president of the Canadian Pacific railway, when shown the report assert ing that a combination Is under way by which the Canadian Pacific, North ern raclflc, Erie and cnicago, Mil waukee St. Paul would work In harmony, thus forming a new line from New York to Vancouver, said; "While there la the best of feeling between all the roads mentioned and the Canadian Pacific, there Is no com bination of any kind. The roads men tioned may work more harmoniously tn the future than In the past, as It Is In their Interest to do, but there Is no truth In the story of a combina tion and a new transcontinental rail way." SLOAN'S CASE DISCUSSED. Many Think HIrn Unwise In Courting Notoriety. NEW YORK. Dec, 27. Many New York tuafmen last night discussed the case of Tod Sloan, it being brought Into prominence again by his riding Vesuvlan at the Tanforan track, Cali fornia, on Christmas day. The fact that Sloan's license Is not revoked is generally accepted as the real reason why the Tanforan authorities permit ted him to ride, and there Is no doubt that bad Sloan accepted & mount on to, street. CASE OF GIIBAT INTEREST. Declrlon to Be Rendered In Regard to Difference In Charges on Carload and Fractional Lot. NEW YORK. Dec. 27.-A dlxpatch to " the Journal of Commerce from Washington says: The Interstate commerce commission will render as early a decision as pos sible on the Important cases before them In regard to the difference in chargr-s on carload lots and on frac tions of a carload. The case has been postponed until April 15. when the final testimony will be taken. It Is expected that the arguments will Im mediately follow and that the Issues Involved then can be taken up by the commission. The case has attracted attention among railway men and ship pers because of the novel points involved. OIL MAGNATE DEAD. NEW YORK, Dec. 27.-Thoma n. Hawaii. HAFF AS CAPTAIN. Williams, ex-member of the board of governor of the stock exchange, brn D finder"s Master Will Kail the BiMiton at Pine Ridge, Mlsslsalppl, I dead. Cup Dvfender. Mr. Williams was Interested In the' ., Interstate oil Company, which Is said I BOSTON. Dec. 2T.Csptln Ilahk to control W.OOO acres of oil property if .. i. , i .m. In Wyoming. ter of the new boat to be built t de- t- American before paying the Krupps, and the Germans have not yet received anything;. HEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, In tho Statw of Oregon, at ROYALTY TO UK INVITED. It I Not IMIev-d That the Invitation Will lie Fr.a,i Preald' nt Mc Klnlcy. WASHINGTON. IVc. 27.-Nothllig la known at the While House concerning the story that the New York Yacht Club would Invite Emperor William, of Germany, and the Prince of Wal.n to witness the yacht races for the Amer ica's cup next summer and that Presi dent McKlnley would write concurrent- i ly to th kaiser ami prince, Inviting! them to visit the United State. I fend the America's cup. He sailed the the close of business, December lllh. Volunte-r In US7 and the Defender In 19u0: -"- 1S5J. gt I WiSOUUCEU. s .Loan and discount IKt.iOJ W PHIUPPINB TARIFF. I Overdraft. .xured snd un- j secured 4.001 63 Commission Has Completed and For- " .f;.. U.Mu warded th BUI. I Btocka. securities, etc 4.2 "4 other real estaw owned .3M 63- i Dun from National Hank (not reserve agent) 4.21 34 MANILA. Dec. 27.-The Philippine commission has completed the tariff bill and mailed It to Washington for Approval. slon will be mado public Monday, Due from tUate llink and Ranker 42.394 8 The decision of the commla- j "u" arpmvro rwn-e atV'iilJl WAR REVENUE BILL. Inicrnul-Kovcnue. Htam .... Check and other cash Items. Notes of other National Hank Nickel and cent . . . , , , , i Lawful Money Rracrva In Uojeci 10 me iniruuuciion ui .iiiii'k i Hank Vll! MINERS ON A STRIKE. 123.411 M 794 74 1 SO 20 94 IS, Machinery, House Amendments Will Reconsidered j piTTSBURO. Dec. 27.-8lx hundred by Semite Committee as Soon as i miners of the Bakert kv Coal Compony Con'greKs Reconvene.' ! mines, near Rarnesboro. are on a strike. Specie .....M.GOO l-cgal-trrder notes ... .20 IOt.530' Iteiiemptlon fund with U, 8. Treasurer (5 of circulation) 625' The atrlko arises from tho recent In- i WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Senator Al- troductlon of mining machinery. llson, who 1 the second number of j the senate committee on finance In WHEAT MARKET. point of seniority, said today that the house bill amending the war revenue PORTLAND. Dec. 27. -Wheat, Walla law would be taken up by that com-1 WnJln, 54tf. mlttee after the reconvening of con-1 gress, i r?A i ivAnv mvv, iva.-. i. ui..,,. H.j stated that no hearings would be ! Majr 1M ; c,h' 8'' granted by the committee. i .... ' CHICAGO, IM-c. 37. w neat, way, opening, 73; closing, 72. CROWE SAID TO BE IN JAIL. Detective Who Knows Him Believes That He Is Imprisoned at Laramie. DENVER. Dec. 27. Detective Delue, of thlg city, who has been doing crim inal hunting In Denver for a number of years, says he Is positive that Pat Crowe Is In Jail In Laramie, awaiting trial on the charge of attempting to uteal a trav of diamonds from a Jewelry store. He knows Crowe well and de- clan-s the description tallies exactly with that of Crowe. FATAL CHICAGO FIRE. One Woman Eurned to Death and Oth ers Seriously Injured. CHICAGO, Dec. 27. One woman was burned to death and two others and a child were seriously Injured In a fire of mysterious origin at 224 Wet Mon- RUN ON THE BANKS, , , Embarrassment of a Baltimore Bank Makes Trouble for the Others. BALTIMORE. Dec. 27.-The effect of the embarrassment of the Old Town Bank, for which a receiver was ap- Total 14.11. M 53 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In I Surplus fund 25,000 Undivided profits, less expens es and taxes paUt 34. OHO 71 Null. mill ltank notes out standing 12.009 " Hue to State Hank and Danker 136 SI Individual deposit Ktihjoct to check.. $106,1104 08 Demand certificates Of deposit 103,544 93 510,34 9 01 LIVERPOOL, Dec. 27. Wheat. March 6s. d. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United State to John Hagglund southeast quarter, section 1, T 7 N, R 8 w; patent, pointed yesterday, was felt In all the chas. McDonald to Thos. Ryrle east savings banks In the city today. Throngs of depositors were lined up before the doors. The demands In all cases were promptly compiled with. STRIKE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC. Rumor That Telegraph Operators Will Co Out. ST. PAUL. Dec. 27.-An evening pa per says: An event of today Indicates that a strike of telegraph operators on the Northern Pacific Is more than possible. The company Is sending men west to prepare for an emergency. RAIL VERSUS WATER. Marked Fulling Off In Transportation of Grain Through the Erie Canal. NEW YORK, Dee. 27. Official sta tlstlfs complied by the New York pro duce exchange show a marked falling off during the past season In the amount of wheat transported to New York by the Erie canal as compared With lust season' traffic This season about 3,525,000 bushel half of east half of section 19, T 6 N, R 7 W; II. U. 8. to J. E. Bralller 160 acre in T 4 N. R 10 W; patent Total 1331,566 51 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, as; I, 8. 8. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best: . of my knowledge and belief, 8, 8. GORDON, Cashier. Pubacrlbed and sworn to before ma- this 22nd day of December, 1900. Correct-Attest: C. R. THOMSON. Notary Public. JACOB KAMM. J. O. HANTHORN. W;. M. LADD. Directors. STATE NORHAL SCHOOL MONnoUTIU OREGON Pall Term opens September I8ih. The itnrlenu of Ui NuruiHl School urs prepared t" take the mte CurUtlcnte Immediately on girin. fltlon. l.mdiwito reHdtly secure good imlilniit. Kipeiue of year fins YiS o llfiO. Htrong Aerricmln snd I'nifmsldiiii' ennrtes New rpeclal In pHritncht in Mniinul Tm'nlni;. Well kiiiilppcd 1 mining Department For C.i.laliKuu containing lull mnionuceni ad"re I', li, CAMI'MKI.I., Or W. A WANS. 1'icniliul. Huo'y ol Faculty. t4V4U4l4m ... The Esmond Hotel.. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON 8TS. fim ie" pin.6(ifltnl.WDer dar. OSCAR ANDERSON, Mananor, Anurxau 11.00 to 2.oo per day. J. 0. PKNtiKOAHT, ChW tie k I