The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 21, 1900, Image 3

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    THK JlOIiNINO ANIMUN, Fill LAW PtCEMHER t'., 1900. )
Silk Dress
for Christmas
What woman would not wclcomo ono? Particularly if it is
of our high-griulo, guaranteed black Bilk, tlio final reach of
human hkill and cxji'ri(ncoin black silk making. Absolutely
all juru nillc and urent dycn, and amplcHt values for tho money
Prices from 50 cents
All contract for itdvcruainjt In
(lit) Aati lull arc inaJtf on a Kur
putted of circulation four tlmc
turner than that of uny purer
published or circulated In (Hat
op county.
J. T. rto. wu in Portland on busi
ness yr.trrday.
Mra, A. Leberman U vlaltlng In Port
land. C. W. Cottatn. of Oakland, Cal., la
in the city.
luuio tarann wa up from Seaalda
Jah Putt, of Olney, wa In Astoria
F. It. Htokca la down from Portland
on buslneaa.
T. Johnaon, of Knappton, waa In the
city yeaterday.
T. II. Illrka. of Boaltle waa In the
city yesterday.
n. auiafon waa over from Oraya
River yraterday.
Abram Krl.-kaon waa over from Deep
Illver yestorday.
Arvllle King, of West port, ppent yes
terday In Astoria,
Oeorre MrFarland. of Olney, waa In
the city yesterday.
Mm. Wllkte, of Fort Stevan. waa In
the city yeatrrday.
iiprt 1S.PI5NT MEAL: RlfllNa
Danziger's Unloading Sale
Space will not permit us to enumer
ate each article. These are a few
offerings taken
Neckwear Assortment
Comprises all tho latest stylos,
shapes and patterns tho east
ern market atfords.ranging in
prico from . 25C tO $1
In this line we think wo ex
cel anything over displayed
in tho -city. Wo have tho
Linens with initials as well as
the Silk, riain Handker
chiefs and Fancy Borders in
largo variety; ranging in
prico from 2SC tO $1
Our stock of Clothing, Underwear, Hats,
Caps and Shoes is still complete in all
lines. Bear in mind we are giving
On Men's, Boys' and Children's
Clothing and' Mackintoshes.
Except E . & W. Collars and Cuffs,
Rubber and Oil Clothing and
Denim Goods.
This Sale Will Only Continue for Fifteen Days RIore
to $2.00 per yard.
Gti I Wanted For rental houMWOrh;
small family. Apply this office.
Mm. F, J. Taylor returned from Port
I ii ml laat evening.
George MiFarlnne. of Olney. wa in
Die illy yesterday.
Bllaa II. Smith, of Bklpanon, WM In
tha niy yeattTday.
J. M. Ellsworth, of Kimpplon. wa
in Anion yeaieruay.
Irofrir Hiupp. of N"W Aaiorla, waa
In Astoria yesterday.
C. C. Maaten. the Bvenaen logger, u
In the city you-may.
Ed. niMrbuh. of Vine Maple, wai
In the city yesterday.
W. If. Coat, of Detroit, Mich., u
in th city ywteraay.
Kmll LuHo, of It.MM burr, Wash,, win
in the city ypumruay.
A. II. Crow and wife, of Portland, are
guests of the ucciii-ni.
St. Taut drrM-mnknff parlor at Ctn
iral Hold. MIm Wllke.
Mm. 0n. of Fort Canby, It vUlt
Irtir frtrnita In Aatoria.
rim. Oar, of Troy, N. Y I rg
Isleicd t the Occident.
Martin Murray, of Ioulavllle, Ky li
a gui-irt at tho Occident.
n. A. Hawkins and wife, of Ilwaco,
are In tho city on a vllL
L. C. Ilurklln, of Arlington, li regl
lered at the Aator House.
0. C. .Clark, the Necanlcum logger.
In Astoria yeatrrday.
at random.
Smoking Jackets
Our lino is complete and up-to-date;
have to bo be
appreciated, ranging in prico
from $5 tO $10
For Men and Boys in plain
and fancy webs, ranging in
price from 25C tO $250
WHAT IS MORS acceptable aa a
Chriatmaa Gift than a handsome
umbrella; we have them from the
Aiiot to the cheapest for Men, Boya.
Women and Children.
James Kinlsyaon him returned from
a business trip to Portland.
J. T. Henley, of Gray Illver, la rtf
ltrd at the I'arker liouae.
Prat IB-rent nival. Rising Hun Re
taurant, 012 Commercial street.
Tim Ilrltlah ahlp Odarbank baa ar
rived at Cardiff from the Columbia.
JrlT'a reataurant the larxeet and
teat. A trial will convince you,
Th Wotnan'a Club metlna- will be
poatpoticd until the 12th of January.
Thomae Ron, of the H. B. A. re
turned homo lat evi-nlnif for the holl-
Conti'Hi'tor Nuimlle rturni-d at noon
yxHli-rrliiy from a bualiifaa trip to the
The Ilrltlah ahlp Lttnirdale left down
the river from Portland yeaterday
The OtcMfnt barbnr ahop haa three
flrat-cltte barbr under It new man
Atfviueiit. Donuld R. Ra haa returned to Port
land Mfn-r a rw diiya with hla par
mu ruTf.
For llont. Bult of furnlnlii-'d rooma
aultublu for llaht hou kplng; In
quire at room 17, Klitv-I brick.
Mr. Catitnln Flavel l-ft yeaterday
mormiiK for Han Frum-laco, when; alie
will I'-iimUi for B4'veTnl week.
The nazaart Holiday aoodi, bam
bm ftiriillnre, tntl-x underwear and
nolt;na; 6ni Commerclnl etreet.
Mm. II. D. Johnaon left yeaierlay
moriiliiK fur Tlie lutllea, where erio will
IM'nd ChrlHtma with hr pun-ntg.
In the Juatlce court yeaterduy a JuU
rti' iit by di-riiult wu taken In the cane
of F. I-uiiahunlt v. C. C. Cliirke, a
ault to nt'over $175.
The reculur holiday vara t bm will
coinnieth e In the city aehool tomorrow
nftiTO'Min and will (onlluue till the
Winliwaday after New Yeara.
HON'U. .
Mlaa Harriet Tallant returned laat
evenliiK fnnn Portland, where nhe w-ni
to utteiid the iiiilily bull on Wediue
day evenliiK,
The tu Kacort la und r(r'lnn repalra
to her rudder. It havinK b-en Injured
by a la while the tua waa In the lower
harbor recently.
Cream Pure Rye. imenra'a flneat
whiokv. Thrt nnlv nure gooda: mar-ant-ed
rlrh and mellow. JOHN L,
' The Ren Lee, from Santa Ronall& for
Ta'oma, out ti dnya, la being hHd by
Kn Krumlitco brokeni at th rate of
2S per cent n'lnaurance.
Ronlyn coal laat longer, la cleaner
and make lee trouble with atovea and
chimney lluea than any other. Oeorge
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311.
The funeral of little Roy Bngbretaen,
of Cppertown, will be held from the
family realdeiire this afternoon at 1:30
o'clock. The Interment will take place
in Oreenwood.
N. D. Pain, of Beaalde. waa In the
city yeaterday. The atorm carried away
the amokeKtaclt of hla mill at that place
anu aiao aemoimnca tne winumui on
the tlrmiei' hotel.
Mr. Samuel Elmore and daughter.
Mia Floretta. have returned from
Oakland, California, where they went
to attend the funeral of Mra. Elmore'
mother. Mm. Hurd.
Aa P. J. Goodman and Co., are going
nut of bmlneni, their entire atork of
boot and ahoea are for aale at prices
It will pay the public to cn and ee;
at No. tSl Commercial street.
Owing to the fact that the wire have
been down alnce yesterday afternoon
and no night dlspatchea received, the
telegraphic report of the Aatorlan thl
morning la neceiwarlly somewhat llnv
Chnrlea Albee. of Raker City, who re
rcntly bought a lot In that city on the
Inatallment plan and then stole lumber
to erect a houe on It waa sentenced
on Monday to three year In the pent
It s a getitlemnns whiskey, a pure
Ovllclou beverage and a grand appeti
ser. Don't forget the name. "I. W,
Harpor" whiskey. The kind your
grandfather used." Sold by Foard and
Stokes Co,, Aatorla, Ore.
The C.ermnn ship H. 8. Charlotte will
leave down from Portland today. Her
delay Is due to the fact that some of
her cadota are taking examination be
fore one of her owners' Inspectors, who
lately arrived from New York.
The Chamber of Commerce of Baker
City, after two years of existence, have
finally concluded to disorganise aa there
I a depressing lack of Interest and
financial support. And thl from Ba
ker city which claims to bo such a
hustling town.
The tea which was to be given by
the LAdlcs' uulld of urace church on
Wedmsday will be held today at Mrs.
Lyman Kinney', corner of Seven-Ii and
Corr merclol street. Fancy arttcl and
home-made candles will be for sale. All
ar cordially Invited.
A number of restaurant keepers and
commission merchants In Seattle have
been arrested for having game birds In
their possession for market purposes,
out of season. The gnme warden Is
determined to fir,.; compliance with
the laws and 1 taking active measures
to do so.
The British ship Astracana cleared
from Portland yesterday afternoon for
Queenstown or Falmouth for orders.
She was dispatched by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company, and carries
91,82 bushels of wheat, valued nt $SI,
500. She la the tenth vessel of the De
cembcr fleet to clear.
The steamer Mayflower had consider
able trouble In leaving her dock yester
day afternoon. The atrong ebb tide
heid her against the dock aa If she
were tied fast and with the Eclipse
lying on one side of her and another
steamer behind she had some work be
fore she could get out. As It was she
struck tho Eclipse quite hard but was
Anally fended off and succeeded In
getting out
Cracksmen broke hmn th safe of
the lllue Mountain Cpmpany at Port
land during Wednesday night and loot'
ed the strong box to the tune of about
WiQ. There I absolutely no clew to
the burglar. The olllcn of the com
pany I at 247 Mark street, a block
and a half from the police station.
The lighthouse tender Columbine will
go to Tillamook rock a oon us the
weather moderate to take off the two
mechanics recently put ashore there.
The Columbine waa the tender that
sighted the sunken ateamer Sarah
Lilxon, on her return from an up-rlvtT
trip. Instead of the Manxanlta, as In
advertently stated.
The barge Defender la lying Just be
low the Parker Hoiiae dork wlih a
load of pile for the railroad trestle
across Young bay. Th barge arrived
down from Stella In tow of thu Calen
der but the Heather was too rough In
the bay to unload the pile at the
treatle, and the work will be deferred
till the weather moderate.
The break In the arc circuit of the
West Shore Mill Company was not lo
cated till about 9 o'clock last evening
and waa found to be on the hill near
the cemetery, where the whipping
branches of a tree had chafed a wire
off one of the insulator. The break
was soon repaired and an hour later
the light were again In operation.
The British steamship Olenlochy.
loaded with wheat, sailed from the
Sound for Europe by way of thp Sues
canal. The original Intention of the
(llcnlorhy waa to go around the Horn,
but late Monday evening ord-r were
received from the owner of the vessel
In London directing Captain HIM to
take hla boat by way of the Sus canal.
An adjourned s'-sslon of the circuit
court will be held In lh rourthouse to
morrow, with Judge McBrlde on the
bench. A number of civil cji will
be set for hearing at the next regular
session. 1'urlng the session It Is prob
;He that Judge McBrlde will name the
citizens who are to serve on the park
commission. There will bo no criminal
cases to come un In today's session.
The Cire&t Northern Railroad will
Issue a through tariff before the open
ing of navigation from all points In
American Alaska to St. Paul. This
will be done In conjunction with the
Pa-lflc Coust Company and they will
also Issue a new tariff to California
via Puget sound and the 1'arltlc Coast
Company. The main objoct Is to secure
the Immense Alaska trod for the Cum
ing season.
The lodge of Eagles will have a
Christmas tree at their regular meeting
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Every
Eagle attending, whether short or long,
lean or fat. golden or bald-headed,
will receive a present from the tree. A
number of birds are expected to soar
away from their eyrie at PTtlnnd and
Join with the denlaens of Astorlas for
est heights In the celebration of that
event which comes but once a year.
The board of directors of the Salem
Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday decided to
purchase a 3lte and erect a building
at a cost of 110,000. to be raised by
aubscrlptlon. Pendleton, not to be left
behind, will also have a bolldlng for
the local Y. M. C. A. At a meeting
of a committee of business men In
that place recently. It was decided to
give the city a Christmas present of
J.i.000 for a side and building for Y,
M. C. A. purposes.
.1 11 lnhninn mt Pfirtlftrwf I. htillrl.
Ing a small steamer for the Portland
Alaska I'ackers Association. Tne craft
la to be completed by April 1, and I:
understood to be Intended for opera
lion as frelcht tou-hoar In Ataffkfti
waters. She Is to be 1S5 feet long. 18
rw neoin anu win nave a aeptn o
holil nf eli hi feel. She Is to he a nro
!eller craft and will be fitted with
rore anil nrt compound engines, iuxij
with a 14-inch stroke.
It Is reported that the British ship
Castle Rock has been charted to load
ore at Victoria. B. C, for the 1'nlted
Kingdom. This will be the first full
cargo of ore to be shipped around the
Horn from the North. The Castle Rock
waa offering at this port and the Sound
for wheat charter and her nw depart
ure came as a surprise. She Is now
out 64 days from Hong Kong for Brit
ish Columbia, and la being quoted for
reinsurance at the rate of 15 per cent.
The steamer Oswego which was lying
at the Astoria Iron Works' slip was
discovered to have sunk at her moor
Ings early yesterday morning. She was
known to be leaking some forward and
she bumped quite a considerable in the
rough weather of Wednesday night and
probably strained her hull. She Is an
old craft and has been In svrvlce on
the upper river for a great many years.
She lie on the bottom clcse.up by
the end of Leathers' boat building es
tablishment so that she Is almost entire
ly exposed at low tide and she can
be easily floated. She had Just tied
up there the day before for repairs.
The steamship Robert Dollar, which
put Into this port In distress a few
week ago and was compelled to wait
several day for repairs, went to San
Francisco and lately returned to the
Sound. She has been the subject of a
number of libel suits since her return
from Alaska and on Tuesday she was
libeled again at the Instance of the
North American Transportation and
Trading Company for 53.432.37. The li
bel states that when the Dollar waa
at St. Michael last September her mas
ter engaged the plaintiff company to
do a large amount of lighterage .work.
The bill for this was as stated, and
no payments have ever been made. A
surety company Is said to be arrang
ing a sediment of all the libels now
standing against the Dollar.
Tho comedy event of the season In
Astoria will be the appearance on Wed
nesday night, Dec. 26th, of Harry Cor
son Clarke, who Is well remembered
here from the hit he scored last sea
son In "What Happened to Jones," sup
ported by a New York company In a
brand new farce entitled "What Did
Tomklns Do?" Judging from the press
criticism, Mr. Clarke has scored a hit
of huge proportions In his latest at
tempt, the opinion obtaining that his
performance Is the very top notch of
comlo effort. One feature of his pro
duction, upon which no money has been
spared. Is the beautiful stage settings,
the handsome women who support him,
and the beautiful and artistic gowns
they wear. There are no less than a
dozen Parisian creations of this season
and they alone represent the expendi
ture of a small fortune.. The advance
sale of seats opens Tuesday morning
at Grlffln & Reed's.
VntlA l haMihv o-tven thAf there ore
funds In the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general fund
onrl anrinrseA rvrlor tn Mareh 1st 1900.
Interest will cease after this date.
Cltv Treasurer.
Astoria. Oregon. Dec. 13, 1,900.
The Severest Gale for Many
Ll.hU'jIp at McKculc Hd Carries' Ffrtber
laibare Vessels Report RoagbeU
Weather Ever Ciperieoced,
The atorm which has been raging for
several day on the coast Is one of
the most severe that has visited this
section for several years. While the
t"tuj extent of damages to shipping can
not be known for aonve time It cannot
fall to bo very large. The storm seems
to be general all along the coast and
vessel that, arrive in report the rough
est weather ever known along the coast
The steamer Centennial, from Seattle
to Han Francisco, arrived at the lat
ter place Tuesday afternoon after the
roughest trip In her history, bh'e wa
several days overdue and fears for her
safety have been frequently expressed.
The Centennial wa In the storm at
Nome during the past season, but the
ofllc'Ts state that that storm wa as
a gentle zephyr compared with the one
through w hich they have just passed.
The steamer Willamette also arrived
at San Francisco Tuesday in a condi
tion that plainly told of her experi
ences. Hlgn seas washed over her,
shifting the after house and carrying
ovt-iloard the forward house. A half
dozen old life-boats were crushed to
kindling wood and swept away. Off
Point Blanco the downpour of raL-was
terrific. The cabins and cook's gal
Icy were tloided and the occupanta
forced to the upper deck rooma for
shelter. The forecastle was knee-deep
In water and the sailors were compelled
to leave. During the height f the
storm a huge wave swept Captain
Bridges from the bridge.
In Astoria the damage was light
compared with the terrific force of the
gale, and no really serious damage
was done. A few fences, sblewalks and
signs were the principal sufferers from
the wind. About 50 feet of the sidewalk
on Twenty-third street was picked up
bodily and turned up against the Clat
sop milL
The house of J. K. Wirt on the hill
waa moved about six Inches on Its
foundation early yesterday morning,
considerably alarming the family and
barely escaping wrecking the building.
His barn waa also slightly twisted.
Several windows along the north side
of Commercial street were flooded with
rain that beat tKrough the Interstices
and the window displays of P. A. Stokes
and of the A. Dunbar Company were
gulte badly damaged.
The tide made a rise to about an eleven-foot
stage and flooded several ware
houses, etc. The basement of Foard
& Stokes store bad about six inches of
water in and caused some lively work
In protecting the godds
lb the harbor the shipping was mixed
up with the middle sands a little but no
very serious damage was done. The
French hark General Millinet dragged
her anchor and fetched up broadside
on the sands Just Inside the spar buoy
about even with Smith's Point. She
seems to be hard and fast on the sand
although uninjured. It is the opinion
of the pilots that she will have to be
Hahtered before she can be hauled off.
The British ship Muskoka was more
fortunate. She dragged nearly half &
mile and stuck her stern on on the
sandr In eighteen feet of water. At this
Juncture her anchor held and she
hauled In on the cable and when the
tide came In. floated safely.
The stranded lightship on McKenzle
Head was carried back early yester
day morning over the ground she had
been worked off and now lies nearly
SO feet furiher Inshore, harder aground
than ever. Although she had lines
running out to anchors the force of
the gale was such that she was picked
up and carried like a, chip.
The roof of the scnool house at New
Astoria was bloc.wn off and at Fort
Stevens th latest reports received stat
ed that the velocity of the wind at
that place was over 100 miles an hour.
All communication with the outside
world by wire has1 been shut off as
there Is not a telegraph or telephone
line working outside cf the city.
If you want your best fellow to quit
chewing tobacco, why don't you buy
him one of those nice Christmas boxes
of cigars. All kinds, sizes and prices,
The steamer Shaver left Portland for
the scene of the stranded steamer Sarah
Dixon, which is lying on the break
water below Mount Coffin. The Shaver
haa In tow two large barges and the
necessary appliances to be used In rais
ing the steamer. The members of the
Shaver Transportation Company, to
whom the Dixon belongs, do not antici
pate any great trouble In pulling her
oft, as her stern is submerged In fifteen
feet of water, though her bow rests on
the dike. It Is not known to what ex
tent she Is injured, though it Is thought
the hole stove In her bow Is large. It
was first stated that the craft struck
during a fog. but one of the crew ar
rived from the scene yesterday morn
ing and stated the accident waa due
to the fact that the light on the dike
was not burning, and the skipper
thought he was clear of It.
German China.
Articles almost without
number artistically decorated
Caka Trays
Card Boxes, Smoko
Sets, Plates, Ash
Trays, Holders, Pin
Trays, Chocolate
Our Prices
Just Like Finding Money
Gr sat Amsricaii Img GrtlnsL Tea Go.
S71 Commercial street. Astoria.
For 'Is
Exquisite Neckwear at
Plain and Embroidered
Handkerchiefs at
Su?penders and Sox at
Fancy Vests at
Under and Over Shirts at
Overcoats and Mackin
toshes at
Boys' and Children's Suits
Reliable Prices at
Genteel Treatment at
A Full Line of
Heinze's Mince Meat, Queen Olives
ani all kinds of Holiday Delicacies
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for family use or ksT
Mr. John Eopp Is proprietor, makes I beer supplied at any time'. Delivery
beer for domestic and export trade. I In the city tree.
North Pacific Brewery
Delivered at your office, store
or residence. 60c per month
Notice Is here by given to' all partlea
holding Clatsop county warrants en
dorsed prior to July 13, 1598. to present
the same to the county treasurer at his
office, 16 Tenth street, for payment.
Interest ceases after this date.
Dated Astoria. Oregon, this lath day
of December. 1900.
County Treasurer.
Tenders are invited from responsible
parties to float this vessel ashore at
North Spit, Willapa harbor on the "No
cure no pay" principle, and place her
at a safe anchorage. Bids must be
delivered to Captain A. Young at
South Bend, not later than noon, Dec.
21st. Lowest or any tender not nec
essarily accepted.
South Bend. December 15, 1900,
Just published by the Southern Pa
cific Co. Is a phamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon, which In
cludes an excellent map of the state,
and contains Information on climate,
lands, education, etc., existing Indus
tries and their capabilities.
Attention is also directed to such
new fields for energy or capital as
promise fair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregontans, in replying to
Inquiries of eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agent
Southern Pacific Co., or from
C. n. MAnTTAM,
O. P. A., Portland, Or.
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
Wise's Gooddothes Store
flsher's Opera Jloiise
L. K. 8ELIO, Lessee and Manager.
The Popular and Versatile Comedian
Supporting company of exceptional
excellence. More triumphant than
What listened toJcr.cs
ADMISSION Reserved seats. 75 cents:
gallery, 50 cents. Advance sale of
siU .(-) at Gnn H-i's Tues
day morning next Christmas day.