iS-i k ... . : 5'P? ',1 -.J irt .1 r VOL. III. ASTOlilA, OitKGON. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 27, l&OO. HviT 111 WW WE ARE SELLING AGENTS IN ASTORIA FOR BRIDGE, Superior Stool Ranges BEACH Sylph Heater t CO.'h Olio Heater COLE Hot Blast Heater for Coal MFG. Dome Top Heater for Wood CO.'h Russia Iron Heater tor Wood We aliw mituufucttiro ft Ruwmi Iron Queen Heater for Wood. These comprise the bewt lino of stove in the Htnto. We nt'll no seoond-elafu) stove. An in njwtion of our line of etoves will pay you. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. School Boohs and School Supplies Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Slates, Composition Books, Note Books, Sponges and Inks . Everything Necessary for f chcol Ue ...GRIFFIN & REED... A FEW SPECIALTIES Fancy Navel Oranges, Lemons, Apples. Bananas, Gordon Dil worth's New York Mince Meat. Chase & Sanborn's High Grade Tea and Coffee, Eastern Crab Apple Sweet Cider. New Nuts and Raisins oflEvery Variety. TRY MALTED RUSH FOR BREAKFAST- -- ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. Thanksgiving Tableware LARGE PLATTERS CARVING SETS AND DINNER SETS Foard 8 Stohes Company... "Tlie World Owes Every Man a Living" Rut what i art of living in It you set with ooi stove or range in your kikbenT Huy a Star Estate Range Tbey Insure Rood living V. J. Scully, Agent ii r-siA 1 IS 431 BOND STREET C. R ) .i ENCHAR Commission. Brokerage, Insurance acd Shipping Aisut W. F. Ado, and Paoiflo iU press Co Custom House Droker. ASTORIA. ORE. JOINT NOTE HAS BEEN PREPARED Envoys Agree Indemnity Cannot Be Less Than $.300,000,000. CONGER IS COMING HOME Mtiiuni Wblcb He Advocates Do Not liar, noalia Will Those of lot Adnla-lalrailoi-Japaa Is Favor of Modtrallos. LONDON, Nov. 2.-Dr. Morrison. wiring to the Time. Sunday, says: "The foreign envoys have agreed to the propositions that w-re previously requested owing to lock of unanimity. "Thtf delay In the presentation of in Joint not I. due to postponement by the huniff governments. This Increases th UHticultles of th iliuutl.m and ag gravate the dislocation of trade and flname. especially In th collection of International revenues. At the lowewt, the Indemnity Is computed at 0,. M,m." JAPAN TUB DECIDING FACTOR. NEW tOIUC. No. UrtM-nt d-vi'l-o.i). ntn In the Chlnvn? .Ituatlon. says a VuMtilii((trn ni"-diil to thr Il'-rulJ, hw that's dYclitliin will deter iniiU' whclhrr he vrns-'ance policy of Q.-rmny shit!) b a'l'tp:. j cr nJt'ctd. H-r vol in favor of a policy of moder ation will. In tho opinion i t fTSc-lal. go far toward ilvli:c the political prob li m.' Qrvn.t Ilrltuln, Orinnny, Au.trla. and Italy favor pnpwnting- to th Chlricw ta; coinnlniiiier a demand for the Imponltion of SfVr p rtaltit-j upon the authors of the Hoxr outrafin. The Unlwd 8tat, I'.UMla and Europe are oppoutl to asking mow than the Chl ri sovrrnni-;it cau reasonably grant. Japar.'s course In China convinces cfTl clalh at Wmhlnsion that sh under stands the folly of acklng th jmprUI Sovrriuiuni to make coiioeMiona which would at onov show Its weakness and rerv th conflict. Therefore It Is b-llt-vt'd tlm: the Toklo government will suppoit a policy of mortlon. A diplomat of hlRb standing In the corps of European representatives said laioly that Svretary Hay'a note had once mrir shown Euri that the Unit ed 8ttos purposes to obtain rvnewed SfMirnnc.'s In Hue with those alrvady Blven or segregate the power or pow ro which have allowed ambition to smother trHr unselflvh puir. CONCER COMING HOMS. NEW YORK. Nov. 2S.-A Washington dispatch to the World saya: Mr. Conger probably will return to t'.e l.'Mled States. His relatlona with the administration have not been har monious alnc the relief of Pekln. Mr. Conger advocates mencurea which the President regards as too radical and has not taken kindly to the fact that his views have not been endorsed at W.inhlngton. business of lloyt and McK b cn tlnufid and conducts solely by Frank McKee, who Is to relve H of my share of the profits thereof. "In making ny will at prwent," ih will concludes, 'I hv n relatlv-'S nearer thnn cousins to be considered, but us my cousins and distant rela tives have rc-ver shown by any act any desire for my friendship or r0! I have dwned It inor consistent with fair dealing and justice to dispose of my properly to thos who during my life have been my constant companions and wellwiHlwrs, and to such charl tlis as In my Judgment are as fit ting," . DEFENDER FOR CANADA'S CUP. Yacht Will Be Built by a Chicago Hyn dkate. CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-Th Times-Her ald says: Thrw Chicago yachtsmen have f rm- ed a syndicate to build a defender for the Canada's cup. The cunning of an eastern designer, the skill of an eastern bulldT, together with the best of equip ment monoy can buy. will combine to produce a craft which the prospective owners may worthily represent the Chicago Yacht Club In the Interna tional race with the Canadian represen tative. O-Hirtre M. Pynchon. Benjamin Car penter and Morrill Dunn, all of whom have hnd consldenibl experience In s-tiiitijt iiMn the Inland lakes, have P'leI Interests and fir several weeks have been scheming as to whet Ideas would bst bo Incorporated In tlw new craft As the class of the yachts competing for ll.e trophy Is yet to be determined by the Joint committee of the Royal Canadian and Chicago Yaht Clubs, plans for designs must be held In abey ance However. It la settled a yacht will be built and It will be In Lake Mlrhlean by May 1. BOM'S CREDITORS ARE AFTER HIM Gould Brothers Enjoined Prom Giving Countess Her Money. . $385,000 DUE FOR CURIOS BRYAN WILL SPEAK. At Jarkson Day Banquet to Bo Held In Chicago January 8. CHICAGO. Nov. 2.-Bcforv W. J. Bryan left for his home In Lincoln, it Is sold he gave assurance that he would be present a the Jackson day banquet to be held in this city on Jun uary 8. Other speakers have not been selectej but It Is believed that one of them will be Cato Se4ls. of Iowa. Mr. Sella was to have spoken at the last bano.iu-1 held In the Tremont House, but as he was alighting from the car rlace that brought him from the Sher man House he allpped and fell so se verely that he sprained his side and wis confined to his bed In the Tremont House during the remainder of the evniiiR and for several days following. It is thought that at the corning ban quet Mr. Rryan will declare himself on the future of the party. PROMINENT DOCTOR SHOT. Murderer Accused Him of Alienating His Wife's Affections. MARYSVILLE. O.. Nov. 26-Dr. H. A. Hamilton, a prominent physician of this place, was shot today. Alfred Aim, 33 enrs of age, who had accused the doctor of causing the sc-puratlon ot Alin and his wife, Is under arrest. charged with firing the fatal shot. HOLD DISCOVERER, DEAD. SALT LAKE. Nov. 26. Henry W. Blgler. who made the first record of the great California gold discovery In 1848, died at St. Georgv, Utah, Saturday. CHARLES HOYT'S WILL. Ignores His Relatives Because They Were Not Friendly to Him. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. The will of Charles Hoyt, the playwright, was filed today In surrogate's office. It was ex ecuted October IB, 1893. After making bequests to his frlonds and employes. the testator says: 'It Is my wish that the theatrical OVERSEER KILLED A MEXICAN. Now In Arisona, a Fugitive From Mex ican Laws. YUMA. Aria.. Nov. 26.-John Taylor. overseer of the wood cutting camp of the Imperial Canal Company, has ar rived here, a fugitive from the rigors of the Mexican law. Taylor had gone to the wood camp Just across the Cali fornia line In Lower California to measure wood cut by contract. When thus engaged he became in volved in a quarrel with a Mexican, whom he shot and mortally wounded. Taylor says he acted In self-defense. He narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of the Mexicans. Loodos Mercksat Ocli lajuscllos From New York Supreme Cosrt-CUlas Cst lellsses Css Spare Esoafb to Pay Dtotf. NEW YORK. Nov. 2.-Sainuei Un- tcrmcyer applied to and obtained today from JustJco Fitzgerald, sitting in the supreme court, an Injunction order re turnable Monday next against Count and Countess deCastellane.EdwIn and George Gould, Howard Gould and Hel en M. Gould as trustees under the will of Jay Gould, restraining them from paylntf to Anna Gould, Countess de Cas- tellanc, any part of the estate in th bauds of the trustees until further di rection of the court. The plaintiff in the suit Is Anthony J. Datlman. who sues as the assignee of Asper Wethemer, a London bric-a-brac ciealer. The complaint contains copies of drafts drawn by Wertheiner and accepted in writing by Count and Countess de Castellane, amounting to upwards of $3$5,0O. It la alleged that Anna Gould baa W8.O0O.O0O held in trust for her by her brothers ai d sister and that ber In come Is about JW0.0O0 annually. It Is claimed that $220,000 a year hi all that the count and countess require for their support and the plaintiff asks that the remainder of their Income should be applied to the payment of the couple's debt. A few weeks ago George J. Gould was appointed guardian for Countess de Castellane in a proceeding in a French court. INSANE TRAVELING MAN. Well Known as Prince of Storytelling Drummers. FlipENIX. Aria., Nov. 26.-Joe Mul hatton, once well known from New Y'ork to San Francisco as the "Prince of Storytelling Drummers." has been plac ed In the territorial Insane asylum In this city. Physicians say the chances of recovery are small. SCHOONER ADVANCE ASHORE. POUTS MOUTH. N. H.. Nov. 26,-The schooner Advance drifted ashore here today. There was no one on board. PRICE OF SILVER. NEW YORK. Nov. 28.-SIlver. 63. ..REMOVAL, SALE.. For the next sixty days our entire stock of furniture and carpets will be closed out at less than cost. Call early and avoid the rush. M si CHARLES HEILB0RN & SON CAVALRY IN READINESS. Colorado Officials Determined to Exp A Indian Hunters. DENVER. Nov. 26.-AdJutant-Gener-al Overmeyer today wired troop A, cavalry, at Grand Junction, to be In readiness for Immediate call In case Game Commissioner Johnson's force should not be able to expel the Indian hunters from the White river coun try. WARDEN AFTER INDIANS. CHICAGO. Nov. 26. A special to the Tribune from Glencoe Springs, Colo., says: Chief Game Warden Johnson, accom panied by five deputy game wardens, passed, through here en route to Meek er, Colo. There the Mention Is to drive from Colorado the Indians from the Uintah reservation In Utah who are killing game In the" western part of this state. ' LACE MAKERS ADMITTED. Action of the Philadelphia Immigration Officials Reversed. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. The treas ury department today decided to admit the laceworkers and their families who were brought to this country by Dr. J. A. Dowle, the "divine healer," and the founder of Zlon City. III., to teach others the art of lucemaklng. Thls'is a reversal of the actions of the Phila delphia immigration officials, who had decided that the lacemakers should not be admitted to this country. danger line here and the people In the lowlands are already moving out. DAMAGE TO RAILROADS. HINTON, W. Va., Nov. 2S.-Thre have been various reports tonight about bridges on the Chesapeake & Ohio b !ng KttHhel out and a train running Into the river with all on board lost. There is nothing In any of these re ports. All of the tmlns are accounted for, either at Alderson or White Sul phur Hprlngs, and the passengers on delayed trains are being entertained at hotels In the best possible manner. While none of the bridges are washed out yet the rood has suffered much damage for a distance of about 20 miles In embankments being washed out and In landslides. 8NOW AT BUFFALO. BUFFALO, Nov. 26. Buffalo and vicinity Is submerged tonight by a fall of about one foot of snow. From the surrounding towns comes the report of serious damage to telegraph and tele phone wires caused by the snow. I RAPE AT PORT TOWNSEXD. Negro Enticed Two Young Girls Into His Room. 4 PORT TOWNSEND. Nov. 2.-Jerry Stancliff. a negro, was arrested and lodged in Jail this tvening charged with the crime of ripe on two little girls aged 12 and 13- He enticed them to his room with candy and then com mitted the crime, after which he kept them prisoners in his room for three days. The absence of th children from home alarmed their mother, who noti fied the authorities and the police lo cated them. Indignation runs high but no fears of violence are entertained. TWO SCHOONERSkWRECKED. Sailors Lashed In Rigging for Two Days and Not Yet Rescued. KINGSVILLE. Ont. Nov. 26.-Au un known schooner Is sunk on the middle ground off Point Peiee and the sailors are lashed In the rigging, the masts being above water. Since Sunday morning the tug Am herstburg has been trying to rescue the men but there is such a high ses" "running that her efforts have been fruitless. It Is feared that the men will die from exposure before aid can reach them. The schooner Reuben Doud Is also on the middle ground but nothing is known of her condition. ANOTHER ROAD WANTS AN OUTLET Will Reach Tidewater at Bell ingbam Bay. B. B. & B. C. R. R. EXTENDED Supt. Dosovas Aosouaces That the Roes Will Be Built Over Ike Cascade Mountain-Pass Hit Beet Found. NEW WHATCOM, Wash.. Nov. '26.- Superlntendent Donovan, of the Bcl- llngham Bay and Brlttrti Colombia Railway, announced today that the ex tension of that road now being built to a point about half way up the west ern slope of the Cascade mountains would not end there but would go a considerable distance further and that the contract would soon be let for the work. The present extersion was only in tended to reach the company's coal mines on Boulder creek, and the an nouncement that it Is to go further. It Is understood, can only mean that the road is to be built over the Cascade mountains to connect with one of the big western roads seeking a route to tidewater. The railroad company has had an engineering corps in the field for the last 90 days, trying to find a pass through the mountains, and the an nouncement made today indicates tb success of the mission. The B. B. A B. C. Ry. is owned by D. O. Mills, of New York. Olvinxa Hayward and P. K Cornwall, of San Francisco. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. Will Closely Follow the Estimates of the Engineers. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. The river and harbor committee of the house met today and began the preparation of Its appropriation bill. It was decided that no hearing will be granted except In special cases. The Impression among the members is that the estimates of the engineers ap pointed by the secretary of war will be closely followed In making the bill. FLOODS IN PENNSYLVANA. Many Residences In Du Boise Have Four to Six Feet of Water on Ground Floor. DU BOISE, Pa, Nov. 26. This sec tion of country experienced a severe flood today. All the mining plants sit uated on low ground were compelled to close down this morning and many res idences In tho lower parts of town have four to six feet of water on the ground floors. RIVERS AT DANGER LINE. CHARLESTON. W. Va., Nov. 26,- The continuous rainfall of the past 48 hours has caused a rspld rie in a!! the streams In this section of the state. The Kanawha has almost reached the CLERK WAS A THIEF. Stole $50,000 From a Florida Railway to Speculate With. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. A clerk of the Seaboard Air Line has been arrested at Fernandina. Fla., for the theft of $30.- 000 from that line. It is said that the money taken by this clerk was lost through speculation with the Arm of C. B. Lawrence & Company that re cently failed here and the principals of which are now under arrest. CLARK GOING EAST. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Nov. 26.-Wm. Clariv, of Montana, will leave here to morrow for the East to remain until the first of the year, when he will re turn to Montana to further his Inter ests In the senatorial contest In the state legislature. WELLINGTON'S NAME OMITTED. WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. In making up the Republican caucus list of the senate the name of Senator Wellington, of Maryland, has been omitted at his own request. He has chosen a seat on the Republican side, however. CORN WAY UP. CHCAGO, Nov. 26. November corn reached 50 cents today and closed at 49, four cents above Saturday's close. KRUGER SEES EXPOSITION. Ascends Eiffel Tower and Is Shown Paris. PARIS. Nov. 26. Mr. Kruger took a long drive during the afternoon. H was aerompan!.! by hla grandson and . escorted ty police cyclists and mount ed guards. He entered the exposition grounds. There he ascended th Eiffel tower to the second story where M. Plcard, the director-general, showed Mr. Kruger the principal buildings of the exposi tion and the monuments of Paris. Kruger stopped and gosed at his own bust, which was profusely decorated with flowers and other tributes of ad miration. ... KRUGER'S SPECIFIC CHARGES. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. According to a dispatch from Paris to the Journal and Advertiser from Michael Davltt, Presi dent Kruger. the British press learns, is likely to follow up the line taken In his pnnunclamento at Marseilles by formulating specific charges of the breach of the code of civilized warfare on the part of Lord Roberts In Instruct ing his officers to resort to reconceu trado methods In the effort to entirely crush Boer resistance. , SARAH BERNHARDT. , . Makes Her First Appearance In Her Farewell American Tour. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Madami Sarah Bernhardt, after working until 2:45 this morning In perfecting the details of her farewell American tour, and then re maining in bed all day with a high fever, made her first appearance to night In "L'Aiglon" at the Garden theater before one of the most repre sentative audiences ever seen. SENATOR DAVIS DYING. ST. PAUL, Nov. 26. It now seems to be but a question -of hours until Senator Davis passes away. t ... ASK FOR ... -5 t 2 "Charles Carroll" "General Gccd" i. c CIGARS TWO UN EQUALED SMOKES ALLEN & LEWIS, :) DIatrlbMtors, Portland, Orcrr.::