The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 28, 1900, Image 2

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gWljj glototictu;
Telephone Main 661.
Pent by mall, per year
Pent by mall, per month....."....
Served by carrier, per month...
. .50
. .60
6nt by mall, per year, In advance, 12.00
Postage free to subscribers.
All communications Intended for pub'
llcatlon should be directed to the editor,
Ruslness communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
"The Astorlan."
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap-
llratlon to the business manager.
For President
Of Ohio.
Por Vice-President
Of Sew York.
Another Democratic victory! t Six
American soldiers killed and nine
wounded In an engagement with the
friends of Bryan.
The largest fund of gold In the world
is now In the treasury of .the United
States. If you want It to stay there
vote for the man who got it there.
The two thousand stranded miners
vho were to come from Nome on the
transport Law ton were, like Democratic
majorities, much reduced when counted.
Dr. Leyds. the Transvaal agent n
Paris, Informs the Associated Press
that President (?) Kruger Is not ac
customed to a cold climate and hence
will not visit President McKinley. A
wise precaution!
That awful McKinley has been caus
ing some more strikes. Canadian shoe
factories and cotton mills have had to
close down and the blue noses are forc
ed to send across the line for our man
ufactured products.
The spectacle of two of Bryan's cam
paigning tours Inside of four years is
enough to make the Danish West In
dies fearful of union with America. He
might want to tour them next time, If
they agreed to annexation.
If the empress dowager, Prince Tuan
and other leading Chinese criminals
would follow the worthy example of
Governor Yu Siang, a vast deal of trou
ble would be saved the powers as well
as the Chinese nation Itself.
The New York reception to Governor
Roosevelt was as far ahead that ten
dered Bryan in that city, in all that
goes to make up a magnificent suc
cess, as the Republican majority in
November will be ahead of the Bryan
This terrible imperialism must be
stopped. Here is McKinley sending car
loads of rations to Arizona Indians
without calling a special session of con
gress to have an appropriation bill
passed or held up by Democratic ob
structionists. I. W. Hellman, president of the Ne
vada Bank, of San Francisco, and
Farmers' and Merchants' bank, of Los
Angeles, says: "I am a life-long Dem
ocrat, but I shall not vote for Mr.
Bryan for president. The 16 to 1 idea, if
put into practice, would upset all val
ues. Everybody would be injured; the
Celery Soda
euros s at ones. It Is i plus
ant, sparkling, eflerrsaccnt drink that
aotatmiiiwiiktely. It cleans and pnrioiM
Hit stomach, punt) quiets ta nerves
and rlleTN all pain. It our 4ok and
trou hmdu'liHS, sMlokn and mn
tti fsiigu. 10c, 20c. OOc, fljOO.
ljg -uioo j-oc9 'uaeio 'U 1 Jussaoang
merhanic and laborer a wtll as the
banker and merchant. America is to
day a credulous country and will con
tinue to be so unless we change our
monetary system. Let the ratio of 16
to 1 be adopted and It will drive out
what Hold there is here. Our securities
will be sent back from abroad to be
sold here In Immense sums. One crisis
would follow another. Manufacturing
interests would be greatly Injured; la
bor, which Is now In good demand,
would suffer. Another objection to
Bryan Is that he is not a Democrat.
I am a moderate expansionist. With
out expansion I believe that this coun
try would stand still, Just as any large
corporation does which does not ex
fand and keep up with the times. I
bellev in holding on to every foot of
land that the American flag flies over,
and would not give up one bit of it.
California has been much benefited by
this expansion. Our trade has grown
and is growing continually by reason
of the policy of the present admlnls
tration. I believe that this trade will
keep on expanding if Mr. McKinley is
re-elected. It would be lost If Mr. Bry
an were elected."
When Stevenson was running for the
vice-presidency In 1S92. the New York
Press took occasion to look up his rec
ord as an American and secured the
following evidence:
"Stevenson sold revolvers to traitors.
Affidavit of Parker Gardner, Wabash,
Ind., Aug. 6, 1S91
'Stevenson's name appeared on the
record of membership of the Knights
of the Golden Circle, which I captured
Statement of Major J. Olmstead. now
of Los Angeles, Cal.
"Stevenson was throughout the war a
friend of the Copperheads." Affidavit
of Rev. G. B. Snedeker, pastor of the
Methodist church in Mr. Stevenson's
home in 1S62.
"Stevenson said he was glad Lincoln
was shot and that he should have been
killed earlier." Affidavit of William B.
Whiffen. editor of the Metamora Senti
nel, where Stevenson resided In 1S62.
If 'General' Stevenson could produce
even one little bit of a speech of public
utterance made by him in 1S63 or ISM
in favor of a vigorous prosecution of
the war for the Union, or of sustaining
the hands of Abraham Lincoln, loyal
people may forget or believe themselves
mistaken in their firm recollection that
In 1S63 and 1SG4 A. E. Stevenson was
rank Copperhead politician and candi
date for office in Woodford county.".
Ex-Governor Hamilton, of Illinois, who
ved at Bloomington during the war.
New York Tribune.
Mr. Bryan has put forward, or his
friends have put forward in his behalf.
only one serious reason for trying to
shelve free silver and to make the
quaint and curious thing dubbed "anti
imperialism" the paramount :sue of
this campaign. In fact, only one reason
Is logically possible or conceivable.
That is that, great and Important as free
silver Is, "anti-imperialism" is greater
and more important. That Is the only
reason which could Justify the change.
It is the only reason Mr. Bryan could
give which Is worthy of a moment's no
tice. We do not say, and we do not
believe. It is his real reason. But It Is
his ostensible reason.
our years ago. however-since which
time, as Mr. Bryan himself assures us
neither he nor his party has changed in
the least in respect to the silver ques
tionwhat did Mr. Bryan say about this
then paramount Issue? He told the
people of New York that he believed
"the gold standard Is made up of more
misery for the human race than wars or
pestilence or famine, more misery than
human brain can conceive or human
tongue can tell." That Is what he said
then of his paramount issue, the Issue
he then made paramount above peace
and war, life and death, but the issue
which he now tries to shelve and to Ig
nore. He said that deliberately, as th
matured fruit of his statesmanlike and
patriotic judgment.
Is he prepared to re-af!irm that dec
laration today? If go does he mean to
try to persuade us that "Imperialism"
and "militarism" are worse than he de
clared the gold standard to be? Th-y
cannot be. If the gold standard Is
worse than tongue can tell or mind can
conceive, it Is idle to talk of anything
else being worse. The finite mind can
ot conceive anything beyond the incon
ceivable. There can be nothing worse
than the worst. Or at any rate we can
conceive of nothing worse than that
which Is worse than we can conceive.
On the other hand, If Mr. Bryan now
admits that the gold, standard Is not
quite as bad as he represented It to be,
and that it Is so much less bad that
It Is possible for us to conceive of some-
thing Sorse, he convicts himself of ex
aggeration and false Judgment then and
exjceff himself to the suspicion that
he' hay be equally in error now.
'.'Punch" once depleted one coster as
standing meek and mute before another
who was pouring upon him the vials of
his vociferous wrath with such copious
ness and illuminative resources as only
the coster vocabulary knows. "Why
don't you answer him?" demanded a
bystander. "How enn I?" was the
mournful response; "he's used up all
the best words!" Mr. Bryan must re
gret In 1S00 that in 1SS6 he used up so
many of his best word that he has none
left with which to convince the public
that to him any Issue Is itaramount to
the simple desire to get votes and the
simple greed to get Into office.
Stops tbe Cosqk and Vorksflff the Cold.
Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets cur
a cold In jne day. No cure, no puy.
rnc . cents.
When a farmer slves a iramn hi.
breakfast, there is no occasion for
thanks on the part of the tramp: he Is
expected to saw wood and say nothing.
It Is exasperating to one who knows
Foley's Honey and Tar. and knows
what It will do. to have a dealer rec
ommend something else as "Just the
same" or "Just as good" for colds,
couirhs. croup, la grippe, etc. CHAS.
ROC.KRS. Druggist.
People always have a good ;lme
setting Into- matrimony or any other
kind of trouble, but they have another
kind of a time getting out.
Don't be deceived or. humbugged by
people who claim the discovery of
sosne hitherto unknown herb or root
swamps, or on some mountain or
irle. for the mr- n.w m.i
prairie, for the cure of kidney and
bladder trouble Any doctor or drug
gist will tell you that such claims are
fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure sim
ply contains remedies that are recog
nised by the most skilful physicians
as best for these complaints, so don't
be credulous or foolish. CHAS. ROG
EKS. druggist.
Consistency is te word a man for
gets when he sees a two-dollar votnan
dressed In a two hundred dollar gown.
Arter exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on. take a dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It never falls to stoo
a com If taken In time. CHAS. ROG
ERS. Druggist
A man can fall In love on a small
salary, but he should remember that
safety pins are not on the free list.
"I have always used Foley's HoneT
and Tar cough medicine and think it
the best in the world." says Chas.
Hender, a newsdealer of Erie. Pa. Take
no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Drug
The father of triplets would no doubt
have preferred the accumulation of a
family on the installment plan.
The editor of the Fordville. Ky.. Mis
cellaneous writes as a postcrlpt to a
business letter: 'I was curtd of kid
ney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney
Cure." Take nothing else. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist.
It's a great pity that man can't find
an Insurance company willing to take
risks on his air-castles.
The manufacturers of Banner Salvs
have authorized the undersigned to
uarantee It for burns, cuts, sores, ul
cers, tetter, eczsma and all skin dis
eases. Tou have your money back
If It doesn't do all it claims. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist
When a girl does not look with favor
on a young man's suit, he should trans
fer his patronage to another tailor.
High living. Intemperance, exposure
and many other things bring on
Bright's disease. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent Blight's disease and all
other kidney or bladder disorders If
taken in time. Take nothing else.
CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist,
A man never loses money on fast
hnnie. It's the slow skate that drive
him to the free lunch counters.
When suff jrlng from a racking cough
take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar.
The soreness will be .relieved and a
warm, arratefal feellnar and heallnar of
the parts affected will be experienced.
Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS.
Druggist. j
A woman swallows flattery just as j
a baby swallows buttons regardless of !
the trouble that may follow.
The "Northwestern Limited" trains,
electric lighted throughout, both Inside
and out, and steam heated, are wll fl
out exception, the finest trains In the
world. They embody the latest, newest
and best Ideas for comfort, convenience
and luxury ever offered the traveling
public, arid altogether are the most
complete and splendid production of the
car builders' art.
These Splendid Trains
Connect With
The Great Northern
The Northern Pacific and
Tbe Canadian Pacific
No extra charge for these superior
accommodations and all classes of tick
ets are available for paiwage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
trains on this line are protected by the
Interlocking Block System.
General Agent. Traveling Agt.
Portland, Ore.
&T7Z PORTLAND. " Arr1.
:XmTPo7tUnd Union lVpotlli:10 a.m.
;5S p.m.lfor Astoria and Inter- 1:10 p.m.
inedjat points.
MS a.m.Por Portland A ln-lt.t.m.
6J0 p m.Jterm Mlnte points (10 JO p.m.
7 i a. hi
4 O.I i. Ill
I J Ml , in
? IV i. III
&:30 (i. m.
P. ni.
p. m.
All trains mak close connections at
Gobi with all Northern Paclflo trains
to and from the East or Sound points.
J. t MAYO.
Gen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent
When people are contemplating a
Hip, whether on business or plcusurc.
they naturally want the best service
obtainable as far as spent, comfort and
safety Is concerned. Kmplovea of the
imid to serve the public and our trains
are operated so as to make clime con-
fivtluiis with dlvi'i-Kinic llms ut all
Junction points.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair
Cans on thnniKh train.
Dining cur service unexcelled. Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the fli-st-cla ser
vice, ask the ticket ngvnt to sell vou
a ticket over
TheVViscoasL. Central Lines.
and you will make direct connections at
I. " fV , ?m . V "
' f." ' Jul for '"'-ago. Milwaukee and
all points Kiit
ror iiny mriner information call on
any ticket gni, or correspond ulih
t. . .... .... . . .
JAM. r. 1-ONIV Gen. Pass. Agt
or JAS. A. I'UK'K, Milwaukee. Wis.
General Agent
St.Panl,Diiluth, Minneapolis, Chicajfj
and All Polns East
EQUALED. Thro nfli Pulse ami Tourl.l ninpin
Mining and Hani Smoking Library Cart
Ticket to points East via Portland
and the Great Northern Ry., on sale
at O. R. A N. Ticket Office, Astoria,
or Great Northern Ticket Offlcs
For rates. foldrs and full Informa
tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or
City Pass, and Tl;kt Agent. Portland.
I Depot. Fifth and
Leave I Streets.
Overland Express
Trains for Salem.
Hoseburg, Ash-
Rnd. Kftjiramnntii
7:30 p.m Ogden. San Fran-'
9:15 a.m
Cisco, Mojave. Los
Angeles. Kl Pajin.
3:30 a.m New Orleans and
7:00 p.m
the East.
At Woodburn
(daily except Sun
day), mnrnlnor
train connects with
train for Mt. An
gel, Sllverton,
Springfield, and
Natron, and even
ing train for Mt.
Angel and Silver
ton. 7:30 Corvallls passen
I eer.
60 p.m
114:50 p.mj Sheridan passen-
'Dally. ' f
Dally eypnpt Sundny.
Rebate tickets on sale between Port
land, Sacramento and San Francisco
Net rates $17 first class and Jll second
class, including sleeper.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points
and Europe. Also Japan, China. Hono
lulu and Australia. Can be obtained
from J. B. Klrkland, Ticket Agent 134
Third Street.
Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St,
Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20 9:48
a. m; 12:30, 1:55. 3:25, 6:15, 8:25, 8:05,
11:30 p. m; and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday
only. Arrive at Portland dally at '8:35,
8:30. 10:50 a. m: 1:35, 3:15, 4:30, 8:20,
7:40. 10:00 p. m; 12:40 a. m. dally ex
cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a. m. on
Sundays only.
Leave for Dallas dally, except Run
day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland
at 9:30 a. m. i
Passenger train leaves Dallas for
Alrlle Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri
days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Except Sunday. ,
R. KOEHLER. Manager.
Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt
0mm ,
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
TeUphon tit
All Goods Shipped to Our Cars
Will Receive tipeelal Attention.
No. Ml Duar St.,
Astoria, Or.
W. J. COOK. Mr
Res. Tl. 11IL
Room 1. Knight's Building.
Over Cooper's Stor.
J. A. Fastabend,
ntid Builders
THE Louvui:
Strangers visiting In tmt city will ftml
(lie 1-ouvre au attractivs remirl wherein
to spend tli evening. Th Amine Sisters
Utiles' Orchestra Is still on the hills and
present nightly a musical program of
exceptional merit. Handsome pool ami
billiard rooms ire a font are In connection
with ths house. 1'alntabltt lunches ill
be srveil st all noiirt
i.'hiirb.a River and Puget Soun I Nav
igation Company.
lUlley Oatx. rt leaves Astoria 0""
ci pt Sunday at 7 p. m.
l-eavcs Portland dally sxcept Sun
lay at a. m.
White Collar Line tickets, (. R. & N.
tu ki ln nml IImmco Rv A Nav, nn
l any tickets Intercliatigcnble on Bailey
W.itziTt and lUsanlo. TIiI'oukIi I'mt.
I. nid .oniMi tl"ti with Htvuciir .N.ilu-utta
A. J
l:sm.i and l."iw lleacli pidnu.
Teli'pliiilie Nn, 111.
TAYI.oK. Am. tl,i Aitent.
W. I'ltli-H IMN. Portland Agent.
Oregon Short Line
Montana. Utah. Colorado
rnJ alt Erttern Points.
Olves choice of two favorlt routes, rl
the I'nlon Paclflo Fust Mall Llns, or
the Kto Grande Scenic Lints.
1 1 Days to Suit Lnkt?
JJ Ihiys to Denver
4 Days to Chicago
IJ Days to New York.
Free reclining chairs, upholatsrs4
tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal
ace sleepers, operated oa all trains.
For further Information apply to
Trav. Pass. Agt. Osn. AgsaC
124 Third 8t.. Portland. Or.
Agent O. R. A N.
That the Common Council of the City
of Astoria has declared Its determina
tion and Intention to Improvs all that
portion of 1'utine strwt In th part of
tne i uy r Astoria laid out and re
corded by J. M. Hhlvely and generally
Known as rwiveiy s Astoria lying be
tween tho east line of Fifteenth street
and thi; west line of Seventeenth street
except the portion f said street bo.
lii-n said points upon which the
o'ltrli-n hotel building stands at
the southeust corner of block
1"3 of said part of said cllv.
That between the east line of
Fifteenth street and the west line of
Sixteenth street said Improvement shall
consiHt of grading said strwt to the es-
tablliiheil grade thereof throughout the
entire width thereof and planking the
same to a width of 20 feet through
the center thereof with red or yellow
fir plunk, three Inches by twelve In
ches In thickness and width and 20 'feet
in length and constructing a sidewalk
on each side of the street ten feet In
wmth. That between the west line of
Sixteenth street and the west line
of Seventeenth street nald street Is to
be Improved, according to said determi
nation, upon the established grade
thereof by drlvlna- olles an that the
bents will be 13 ft apart between cen
ters ami there will be six piles to ths
bent and placing caps and stringers on
the same and constructing a sidewalk
ten feet In width on each side of the
street and planking the street to the
run wnitn thereof on the estab Ished
grade between sidewalks with plank of
rea or yenow nr four inches thick and
twelve Inches wide, except that at the
crossing where said street crosses Six
teenth street the street Is to be planked
mrougnout the ful w dth thereof as
such crossings are usually constructed
and that while ald sidewalks are to
be ten feet In width the sidewalk adja
cent to the snld O'lirlen hotel building
is to oe less than ten feet In width
ley the distance that said bulldlnsr tiro-
Jecls Into the street so that the small
li.irt of the edge of the street covered
by said building will not be Improved.
Said improvement Is to be made strict
ly In accordance with the tiluns and
specifications therefor to be filed With
l lie auditor and poiloe iudite of said
'lty by the city surveyor thereof as
hereinafter mentioned Hnd except as
otherwise provided herein and by said
pians ami specifications said Improve
ment In matte of detail shall be made
In conformity to the nrrwlslons of Or
dinance No. 1S01 of sail city entitled
n 'jruinance in Relation to the Im
provement of Streets."
I hut the coets and exncnnei if unld
improvement shall be defrayed bv a
special amessment UIn the lots, lands
and premises benefited by said improve
ment winen sain lots, lands and prem
ised benefited by said Improvement
are Included within a special as
aesMnent district to be assessed pro
rata according to the benefits for the
purpose or defraying the cost and ex
penses of milking said improvement,
which said district Is as follows, to
wlt: Commencing at the northwest corner
of block 134 and running thenoe south.
erly to the southwest corner of block
n ana mence easterly to the southeast
corner of block 120 and thenc north
erly to the northeast corner of block
im ana tnence westerly to (lie point of
beginning and accrdlngly Includes blocks
I1U, 1.11, 133 and 134, nil of said district
bring In th said part of Mild city laid
out and recorded by J. M. Hlilv-ly.
That the city surveyor of said city
has been reiuliid and ilmvlPd to pre
pare Ami depoult with tho auditor and
police Judge of said city specifications
tor said protMwed Improvement und es
timates of tht expense thereof.
That this node Is iMibllxlied for sight
days In th Morning Astorlan In pur
suance to a resolution of said council
directing the same and duly adopted
October 1Mb, 1W0, the date of the first
publication of tills notice being October
?:irit, IW0. II. K, NKI.HON.
Auditor and Police Judge of the Otty
of Astoria.
Oregon City. Oreson. Ausriiat 1900
Notice la hereby given that In coin
pllancs with th provisions of tli act
of Congress of Julia S. IHTS, rntltlsd
"An act for the sols of timber lands In
the states of California Oregon, Nova,
da and Washington Territory." as ex
ternal to all tin Piibllo I .and Stairs by
act of August 4. ISM. Ammlloiila John-
n. of Olney, County of Clatsop, Stats
of Oregon, has this day lllsd In this
offlcs his sworn statement No. 83'4. for
the pureltass of ths NK hnlf of Section
No. I, In Township No, ( North, Rang
7 West, and Will offer uroof In show
that th land sought Is mors vattiabls
tor its timber or stons than for agri
cultural purposes, and to rslubllsh tils
claim to said land before tho Register
rid Receiver of this oftleo st Oregon
ivy, Oregon, on Friday, ths !3rd day
of November, 1W0.
He names as witnesses: William W.
Pop. Julius llarbe, Sebastian Olaaer,
Ueorg Flnley, all of Olney. Clatsop
county, Oregon.
Any and all ierons claiming adverse
iy the above-d. rlOed lands ire re
'i nested to fll ttielr claims In this of
fice on or before said JJrd day of No-
vsiuber. I'JOO.
Oregon city. Oregon. August S7. IXX:
Nolle la hereby given that In com
i l!anc with th provisions of ih art
it Congress of Jtin 3, 1S78. entltisd
"An act for ths sal of timber lands In
ths statrs of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Trrrltry," as rx
I 'tided to all ths Public Land States by
net or August 4. in:. Anna M. tliaaor.
f Olney, County of Clatsop, Stat of
ore., lias this day filed In tlili olllc !r
sworn statement No. 5:'i'0, for th pur
chase of tho lots 7, 8, t and 10 of sec
tion 4, In township, No. I North, Rang
West, and will offer proof to ihow
that (ha land sought Is mor valuabl
for Its timber or stono than for agri
cultural purposes, and to rstabllnh her
claim to said Und bofor th Regis
ter and Receiver of this ofllc at Or.
m City. Oregon, on Friday, th 13rd
Jay of November, 1W0.
8h names as wltnesars: Jack Denck.
Sebastian Olaser. William W. Pup and
John Dcnck. all of Olnay, Clatsop
County. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advtrss
ly th abov-dccrlbd lands ar re
quested to file their claims In this of-n.-
on or be for said 33rd day of No
vember. 15o0.
Oregon City. Oregon. August IS, lfMM:
Nolle la hereby glvn that In com
pliance with th provisions of th act
of Congress of Juns 3, 1871. entitled
"An act for the sal of timber lands la
the state of California. Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory," as x
tended to all th Public lnd States by
act of August 4, 1H93. Mary IVnck. of
Olney, County of Clatsop, Stato of
Oregon, has this day filed In this of
fice her sworn statement No, 6273. for
th purchase of th lots (, 10, 13 an II,
of section No. 15, In Township No. I
Norm. Hangs No. 7 West, and will of
fer proof to show that th land sought
I mor valuable for Its tlmtxtr or stons
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land be
fore the Register and Recelvv of this
olllc at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 33rd day of November, 1M0.
She names as witnesses: William W.
Pope. Julius liarbe, Sebastian Olar,
Oeorg Flnley. all of Olney. Clatsop
County. Oregon.
Any and all persons lalmtng adverse
ly the above-described lands ar r
o,ueted to file t)ilr claims In this Of
fice on or before said 23rd day of No
vember. lWd.
United States Iind Oftlce. Oregon City,
Oregon. April 14. I'JOO:
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of th sot
f congress of June S, 1S78, entitled "An
net for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," a extend
ed to all the Public Land (Mates by
act of August 4. 1S'J2,
of Astoria, County of Clatsop, Btate
of Oregon, has this day filed In this
olllce her sworn statement No. S17S, for
the purchase of th HW quarter of
sictlon No, 23, In Township No. 6 north,
Range No. 7 west, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpose, and to es
tablish her claim to said land before
the register and receiver of this ofllc
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, ths
21st day of December. 1900.
She names as witnesses: K. 7,. Fer
guson, May C. Matter. Thomas Bry;e,
J). M, Stuart, of Astoria, Oregon.
Anv and all tiersons claiming adverse
ly the above-named lands are request
ed to llle their claims In this olllcs on
or before said 21st day of December,
Oregon City, Oregon, August "8, 1300:
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1R78, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In
the states of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public fond States by
act of August 4, 18112, Elizabeth Qlaser,
of Olney, County of Clatsop, Btate of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office
her sworn statement No. C275, for the
purchase of the SIS quarter of Hectlon
No. 5, In Township No. 6 North, Range
No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is mor
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said land befor
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 23rd day of November, 1900.
Bhe names as witnesses: William W.
Pope, Julius Oarbe, Sebastian O laser,
George Flnley, all of Olney, Clatsop
County, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands arc re
quested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 23rd dar of No
vember, 1900.
LRU IL Nimt'M (
t.. j t, . .'i x z x ijtz
Oregon City, Oregon, August I'd, IMi
Ntlc I hereby given that In com
pllanc will) th provisions of th aoi
of Congrvss of Jun I, Wi, riillUsd
"An set for th sal of timber lands In
lh stales of California, Oregon, Neva
da suit Washington Territory," a x
tended to all th Piildlu lnd Hlate by
set ut August 1 Ml, Jams I, I lam.
Ilton, of Seattle, County of King, Htat
of Washington, has this day flld In
this ofllc hi sworn statement
No, for th purchas of th
M half of NK quarter and N half of
tK quarter of section No. I, n Town
ship No. ft N., Rang W., and will
tiiTer proof to show Hint th laud sought
Is mor valuabl for Us tliubor or stun
than for agricultural purpi, and to
cMtabllsh his claim to said l.ind befors
th Register and Receiver of this of
flea at Oregon City, Oregon, oil Bat
urday, th day of Novinbr, 1W0.
Hi name as wiinoa: Hartholomsw
J. Hurka, of S.tulde, Clatmp Cnunty,
Or ; James T. Hurke, or Hm.ldo, Clat
sop County, Or : Jay T. Parker, of B
"tils. King County, Wash.; J, 11.
Johnston, of Seaside, Clatsop County,
Any and all persons tlalmlng advr
ly th hiivJecrlttc lands ar re
quested to fll their claims In this of
He on or before ths l.'th day of No
ve tuber, HIM),
CHAS, II. Mii'HtlO.
United fltt.- fond oi(i, , (.regon City.
Oregon, August 3Mh, VW.
Notice In hereby given that In sp
lltllllll'M Ift'ltll III I.I .iliUl. ilia ,.f fl.a
of coliare. of June I, l.', ellllHed "An
aci i.r in sale or llinlwr land In th
slates of California. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extend
d to all the Public I -and State by act
of August I. lsn, M. Kllnor Duffy, of
Astoria, County of Clatsop, Stat of
Oregon, lias this day Died In tin of
fli her sworn statement No. 857!, for
the purchase of th lots ft. 4. II and 11
of S.ctlon No. 4. In Townlislp No.
Nortn, Range No. 7 West, and will of.
i r proof m show that th land Sought Is
mor valuubis for lit timber or stun
than for asrlcullura! purpo-cs, and to
establish her claim to said land befor
the Regtatrr and Receiver of 'hi of
tie at Oregon Cliy. on Friday, th 13rd
day of November, IlioO.
She name as Mltnrases: Mrs. Mary
IVnck, of Olney, Oregon: Mr. Hibaailaa
IllOSer. Ilf IlllleV lll.H' Mr. A..i
liniia. Joluuon. of oiney,' Oregon: Mr.
eini-7 i-iii, hi isioria, i.'rrgon:
Any and all persons claiming sd
versely the above-drcrlbd lands ar
requisted to fll their claims In this of
ftc nn or before. I ...
Vcmber. J9O0,
Ongcn City. Oregon. August J7. lo:
Nolle is hereby given thai In com
nllanc with Hi. firnvlsiinfisl . s i. ..i
uf turirr of Junt 1. entlu4
"An art fup th an.0 of tlrnbir Und a In
lh tftt. of CaJIfornU. Or.n, Nvt
ild Kti'l Wahtr.Kt4in Territory," r !
Ifli.lal t, mil iKa tstl,llM I ....4 all..-, a- -
- in "ii nift.ri fw
s't of August 4. 1H93. William W. Pom,
of Olney, County of Clatsop, Htat of
Oregon, has this day flld In this offlcs
Ills sworn alaieniroii Nn In l ... -
Z. " ' "i iij
Ptirvhas of lot 4, Beeiloi, ; jot.
1. I, I. and 4. of Section No. 4. In Town
lllll Nil g V,,rlh It.noa Ht t u.
snd will offer proof to show' thai th
nun pouani is mor vsruani ror Its
timber or stons than for agricultural
purposes, snd to establish his claim to
sold land befor th Register and Re
ceiver of this offlcs at Orvgon City.
, ...... , , . . . . . . . . . . '
"Mr-nun, on rriimy, in SJril jay of No
vember, llttO.
II name a witnesses: Jack Denck.
Sebastian Ulaser. Anna M. (Host. John
IVnck, all of Olney, Clatsop County.
Any and all person claiming adverse
ly th abovs-descrlted lands are re
quested to fll thertr claim In this of
flcn on or before said 23rd day of No
vmber. I'JOO.
CIIA8. n. MOORfCfl.
t'nlted States fond Oftlc. Oregon City
Oregon. B-pt. 4, 11W0,
Notice Is hereby given that In compll
ance with th provisions nf the art of
congress of Jun 1. 1K7S. entitled "An
act for the siilo nf timber lands in th
slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed In all the public land state by act
of August 4. 1X92, Theodore Holts, of
Astoria, county of Clntsop, state of Or
egon, has this day filed In thl ofllc
his sworn statement No. i27t, for the
Purchase of the I.oi. it 15 n ..i w
of Section No. IS In Township No, ( N.
iwiiikf o. i w., ana win otter proof
to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or ston than
for agricultural purposes, snd to estab
lish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this offlc at
"regon City. Oregon, on Friday, ths
23d day of November, 1900,
He name as witnesses:
John Denck, of Olney, Clatsop county,
Oregon; John Olaitcr. of Olney. Clatsop
county. Oregon; Sebastian Olaser. of
Olney, Clntsop county, Oregon; Her.ry
iiiuirn, oi Astoria, (.taiaop county, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the abovc-d-vcrlbed lands ar re
quested to file their claims In this offlc
or before the 23d day of November,
Uy vlrtuo of an execution and order
of sale Issu-d out of the circuit court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
OIiUbop, on the 6th day of October,
laoo, upon a decree rendered therein
on the 24th day of September, 1900 in
favor of John Nlcoii, plaintiff and
against O. A. Ancarola, Kmmamiid Ma
Ingiimba, Theresa Malagamba, his wife,
and John Kopp, defendants, for the
sum of 3M8. together with Interest on
1488, thereof at the rate of 8 per cent
per annum from the 30th day of Sep
tember. 1899, the costs and disburse
ments of this suit taxed at I20..0 and
the costs of and upon this writ com
manding and requiring me to make
sale of the following described real
property, to-wit:
The N. E. quarter of section No. 23
In township No. 7, north of range No
9. west of the Wlllameti. mm-i.ii.. ,.
Clatsop County, Oregoa,
woucs is nereny given that I will on
Monday, the 12th day of November 1900
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore
noon of said day In front of and at th
court house door In the City of Astoria,
Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at publlo
auction to the hlirheet hMHi,
-. . b , ,11 I IU1 11
the above described real property to
satisfy said. decree, Interest, costs and
all accruing' costs.
Sheriff. Clal sum Pfttintv (lr..(r..
Astoria, Oregon, Oct, I, 1900. '