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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1900)
TI1K M011NLN0 ASJ'OIUANji TIEiUAl. OCTi;KII lo, J9W. What's wanted In ; Upholsteries? Here's your chance, Tho women who crowd our upholstery department day day do not coino horo by chance. If thero in a drapery need to ut tlio flniHhing touch to an apartment wo have it: Special CllflrifO Wofll NewShdsTafMtH Ribbon l9und dfllv iMS TTVtK'jjc d. Regular prlc.aB und J5 THE MORNING AS 10 III TULRrHONK 661. All contract for iidvcrtminii In the Antoilun lire nut Jo on a Rtinr Hiitc of circulation (our time lai-Rer than that of any purer published or circulated in (.tut nop comity. TOIMt'8 WE ATI! En. HiltTLANP. )m. NTOregon, fair an (t cml'-r. WanliiiiKion, f itir- mrrp trtilxilily stinwrrs ulmis lh count. Ida ho, fair v.-atlur iiii'l cooler loilay. AROUND TOWN. Wado Hampton Smith piit yrater day In Astoria. MIm Clum Welch U In Portland vis Itlng with friends. MIm H'-rihn (luntiur, of Portland. U vuitiim In ttii rity. Ilsr rrpt.rt: Win. I, nurt Invent; Unlit; clear; bur, h. W. U Vag". of Portland. It tlio guest Of lll UIK'li-, Judge Page. John Irwl, tho John Day rancher, We in tlio city ymtTlay. Mini Mrany has returned from Week's vlult In San Pramisco. J. II. MrPhrson, of Bvenson, li regitri4 at the Ajitor Houso. Prat 15-csnt meal. Rising Bun Res taurant. 613 Commercial slrsst. Jpft'i restaurant tht largest and Let. A trial will convlnoe you. Itrv. and Mrs. Trumbull were I fiii'ri up on lat evening's train fur l'ortmnd. I'aul Trulllnfrr an Rosoo Cassell re tin a fishing trip to 1'crp river fur a few days. C. F. Overbaugh, travollng freight rnl of the U. It. & N u In the city yrsinrday. There will be regular communica tion 'if Temple l-cxlir". No. 7. A. K. & A. M thlt tvenlng. All kinds of silver and gold plating done on short notice, by A. lllrveia, iii Commercial street. The Ciforge W. F.ldcr left out from thla port Hunday morning on her last trip fur the Columbia. Tom IlunM left for Portland last evening, where he vo to enter the Holmes' buslmwa college. Joe Pulley, who ha len employed at The I mice for the past two month, has returned to I'ortland. E. Ilartlet Webster and Richard Hay er, of Fnlrhaven, Wah., were In the City on business yeaterday. Mr. I. Cohen, arocmpanled by Mra, Cohen and Master Edmund I'uhen, have Rone to i'ortland on a visit. W. A. Smith, of t'athlnmet, waa In the rlty last evening and left thli morning for Orayi Itlver on a vlalt Don Ooulter returned Saturday even- lnif from a ten days hunting- ami flxh Ina trip In Pacific county, Wanning ton. W. H. WeblHT. manager of the Eu reka and Epicure cannery, across the river, arrived down on the noon train yesterday. Pure Whiskey Harper. Perfect Whin key Harper, Kvcry bottle guaranteed Harper. Hold by Foard & Htokei Co., Aitoria, ur. The Itrltldh hlp Dechmont, now In the harbor here, Roea aoon to HrltlHh Columbia to loud aulnmn for the Unit ed Klnvdoin. If you are not already a patron of tne Occident Hotel barber ahop you will not regret giving it a trial. Hatha In connection. A. J. Taylor and family have mov ed Into the UoRerH home on Frnnk lln avenue, which they will occupy dur ing tho winter. AiiRUHt Krantx, the Job printer, late with J. 8. Dtflllnger, has reglitne.l his position here and goi to Balcm, where be hnn a situation. Cream Tun Hye. America's finest wlilxWv. Thi nnlv nure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN I CAHLSON. Solo Agent. A dance will be given by the Forcg tora of America on Wednesday evening October 31. at Foard and Stokee' hall. Tickets 70c; ladles with escort free. A concert will be given Thursday evening. October 1R, by the MIbsob Fla vol, nt tho M, E. church, for the bene fit of the library association. The repnlrs to tho steamer Colum bia In Pan Francisco harbor have been completed and he loavca out from that place on her regular run today. The Drltlsh ship Conway arrived In late Sunday afternoon. She came across from Nag.-umkl In 40 days. This Is a fulr pannage, but stands out in re markable contrast to, tho run of the County of Edinburgh, which recently nme across In 27 days from the Japa nese port. BEST 1R-CENT MEAL; HI8INQ 6UN HESTAURANT. . : Mr, llelknap and Mr. Jlndcllff, of Kimi'im, wi-r In tho city yeierdny to vllt Sir, lleiKtinp niotiier, Mr, inn who ,'Houly ill at tin hoHpltul Astorlu visitor to Portland ran ob tain fiMile of the Pally Astorlim the n stand of U. 11. Ulch, Fifth and MorrUon strevta and Hotel Port land. 1 For Jteiit Newly furnished rooms, with or without tiotird, In prlvat duxliing. Apply Mr. J. A. Hill, for merly of Hensiile, at M7 Franklin ave nue, cor. Fifteenth 8t. Wllllnm HJoitren, a aallor from the IlrltlAh nhlp HaleWiHMl, ,.n at Ht. Mry' hoxpltal at 10:30 rtuturdiiy nlKhl liinlli una itui to blood Hoiitig, the result of a tumor on the bowel. The nut., of California left out for Hun Fmum Isco yinti-rday inornlna. A she I a fusii-r b'Hil than the l'.h r thele I polne rtiectlllltlon us to V. hi'lher she will arrive first at Hnn rramisco, The llrltlsh ship Portia waa towed down to Fort Htven on Hunduy af tern. Min and atu-hored there, while the lug went out after another ship out side l lm bur. Yesterday afternoon however, ho was lowed out over the Imr und started on her trip to Queens town with a cargo of wheat. Anchor Council, No. M, Knight and Uidli of Security, will have a public Installation of olllcer timlKlU In Cur nahun' hull, wlun thn national organ ler. Mra. tiuslln. will be pnnwit, anil fine program will be render"!. lie frenhmelit will be o-rved by the ladle of the order, and all men bi-r are rt IM-rted to be present with their Invlti-d friend. The will-known Hrltlsh ship Mlstley Hall, which waa dismantled aoine time ago off tho roast of South America an with dllt'culty beat her way buck to Montevideo, hn been purchaed by the Itullnns for :VK). After reaching the I'ruguay port her cargo wa discharged and the vessel sold at auction. The .Mlstley Hall I well known In the Co. lumhu river. The first of the Hrltlsh Columbia sal mon Hurt of 1900 sailed from the Fraaer river Friday afternoon. The Initial de parture waa Hint of the Clan Macketv sle. which wa towed to aea by the tug Uirne. The Ian Mncketialc had below hisr hatrhea 63.4'( raar of aalnion, 'P resenting a value of about IJoo.000, for the I oiled Kingdom. , The I'nlted Ktute snagboat Mfttlilo ma I on the bei"h near ttainler, whtre she will lay until temporary repairs are made to her hull. The boat was en gaged In pulling anag near luinlcr, HcvocU day gj ahe made fast to one and tried to remove It. When a strain was put on It. however, the snag broke and the portion that stayed beneath the water bumpjj iirilnat the bottom of the Muthloma. breaking a hole In her, It was necessary to bench her. Ths l.rltl.h ship Delcalrnle arrived In bunduy afternoon front II logo, Jan an. In ballast. Hhe ta under charter to load wheat at Portland rnd arrived before her sailing date had been an nounced here. The Delcalrnle put Into Astoria about three years ago, and af terward ran down to Honolulu and took cargo of sugar. Her short stay In the Columla was characterised by the the Columbia W'na characterised by the vis. who reii overboard and was drown td. The flint ottlcer of one of the com. puny'a vessel, then at Han Francisco, waa sent north to command the IXi- calrnle. William L. Campbell, an aged reel- Jent of Warrenton. died at hla home in that Place on Hunday afternoon of a complication of diseases, aged KS yars. Tho funeral waa held yesterday from the Warrenton Methodist chur.-h, with Interment at Ocean View cemetery. Hev. J. MucCormac of this city ottl- c la tod. Deceased wus born In Campbell county, Irglnla. February 14, 1812, and moved to Indiana In to Kansas in 1861, and In isai joined his sons Sid ney and Luther, who were living at Warrenton, where he has since resided. A widow and nine chllrvn are left to mourn his loss. The motion to quash the Indictment against W. A. Kuetemeyer and the Ep person boys, charged with the mur der of William Lunrult, was argued yesterday morning at Portland by E. Mendenhall, and taken under advise ment by Judge George. It was argued la behalf of the defendants that the grand Jury, although not Intentionally, by Indicting the Epivrsons, debarred Kuetemeyer from calling them as eye- witnesses, and that he could not call them as witnesses until their cases have been dliosed of. William Gregory has been appointed to aprear for the Ep persons, and Monday is set as the time to plead. The Hrltlsh steamship Norman Isles. now nt Han Francisco, Is reported to bo chartered to load lumber at Port land for China. The Norman Isles Is sister ship to the Elm Hranch, which recently cleared from this port with a cargi of lumbsr for Asiatic ports. The Ncrmnn Inles will take about 3.000,000 feet. Lumber business with China is looking up and large itiantltles will be sent across tne pa cific before the end of the year. The trade, slacked up during troubles In China, but Is now opening up ngnln In good shape. British Columbia and Pu- get sound ports are exporting consld- rable lumber on sailing vessels and the German ship I'aul Rlcknters is now cn route from Hlogo to Chumalnus for a cargo of lumber. It has been a ong time since a sailing vessel carried lumber from Portland. the ltirobr t thi sttlrs to compHe the apptou;hes and build the bridge. Hlnc the county court ugred to fur nish the lumber, there have been from twev to fifteen men at work to com plete their pwrt, a llsplay of energy ivhlrh Is ti'inrnernlaljle. Th comple tion i,l thl bridge will enable a horse man to leave this city, go by the way of Young river fais to Olney and return by that road, ami three or four weeks' work will make the road so a wagon tun easily puss over the tume route. Advices from Meatus soy (hot the cuntierli's on I'uget sound are for the most part still piuklug on cohocs, and also on chums, which are b'-glnnlng to run. The catch Is gi-nerully much llghtr Ihun lust year. Cohoes are firm ut l.l')jll.i.". for lulls, and V,'rUc for liulves. Houthem Oregon cohoes are reMirted to huve been ild from first hnn us early ut $1, and the asking price now I ll.or.5itl ID, The Columbia full run continues light, and no prices have y t be, n announced. The Alaska Fish ermen's I'm king Compuny, of Bristol bay und Astoria, hus about 10,000 cusi unsold und reporied h'id for an ad vuncH In price. The O. N. Fish Com pany's loss on the binge Dlrlgo bus litfisllu(fd the rufirHllrig of a Ji.OOO order f"r SOO.iWO s.iltcd salmon for the .laiiaiiese trude. The A. P. Association h.ut made II ?.! tut King talis and II M for Huts. The pin k is small, and the puck of medium red I also reported small. The following report of canned sal mon fioin Hun Francisco show the market still Very aiming with a tenden cy lowuid a steady rise: The J. K. Arnmby Company, ag"tits for the Alas ka Packers' Aaosciatlon, huve at pres ent no salmon of any kind to offer, but the lirlillih-Imrney Compuny still Hint as Inst week In lurge quanti ties: Columbia river spring c hlnooks, tails I.ii",. flats I M ; Oregon chlieiok. Alaska r.-l 1.2". the tin g.ins, It will be observed, having been llilv0nc"d 10 rents. It Is too soon us yet to speak with certainty f the mck of the out side rivets, but. owing to the Inslg.ilfl .'iince of the run, no fall puck of the Columbia river or Puget sound are presently (looted. The Pacific Pteam Whaling Company's steamer Ji anle has been gut sufely off the roc ks and will resume service within a month, but tho arrival of th enrgo of 40,000 cases that she hus to bring will be delayed by o much. Arrivals from Alaska this week are the Two Hrothers. with 47, i'M cases, and the Ht. Nliholu. with '.2.2;'4 caws, for the Alaska Pack'-rn' Association, and the J. I). Peters, with i,(i.'i cases, for the Pacific Hteam Whaling Company. Yesterday the V. I J. Morse also arlrved with 10.000 cuses for the Alaska Packers' Association. About two weeks ago a young fellow blew into Astoria on a most laudable errand, a search for work; he found .... in i 7 m .- . 1 ',-... "i ' ., - .j : . .. FAREWELL SERMON. Rev. Isaac Peart Delivers an Able Ad dress In the M. E. Church. Rewi Ihaac Peart, of the M. E. church. In this city, preached hi farewell ser. nn m to a large and Interested audi ence Hunday evening. our children's children, thus holding us responsible to posterity. In our choice of thing In this life. Choice of our lives, In thl world, he stated In conclu sion, whether we would devote our selves to God and consecrate our lives to his service or follow the baaer Im pulse of the world, determines our ul timate detslny. At the close of the sermon Mrs. will n ... hi. ....' ..,n.. .., ,i, Kinney sang a very sweet solo, ISth verse of the 24th chapter of Josh- After the music air. Peart In a few ua: " ye this duy whom ye will "'f-J '"jl K.tlZ; serve." the theme of his sermon being to the church expressing regret "Choice affects character, domestic thal of -labT.rJl J" happlncs. pcscterlty and destiny." Mr. same direction ano l Wng th in con- Pcarts interpretation of the text was tlnued success th"Knher'"f. clear, strong, forcible and his earnest with the ''wP"tor. There we tears enthusiasm held his hearers spell- "" " " .r bound. Among the numen.u points he h fm-ludea and much regret Is ex- 1 1 u lid miri..fliw1 In U i irk In r avir of our estimalile cltlxens to a turn. The brought out are the following In brief: Pressed at his departure, young man gave hi name a W. H. Ilremner and applied to Alex liremner, the blacksmith, giving out that he was ,i muchlnuit and draughtsman. Mr. Ilremner assisted the young man In finding a room at C. C. L'txlnger's. with board at the Model restaurant. During the week James Premner, of Knappa. was In town and as he was Intending building a house took the young man home with him to draw up plans fur the work. The young fellow secured the lean of about $30 worth of draughting tools rfum J. E. Ferguon to assist In the work. On Monday he came back and worked a couple of half-daya In the shop and In- Mentally picked up three or four loose blank checks of Mr. Cremner snd also a copy of his signature, and being han dy with the pen. proceeded to fill out one of the checks for $2 and got It cashed at the saloon of C. C. 1'txln- ler, by the bartender. Previous to this however he showed Mr. Ilremner a pawn ticket from Tacomo, where he said he had been forced to pawn a suit of clothes and an overcoat. Mr. Ilremner promptly dug up 115, the amount of the ticket and a day or so afterward two dollars more for a suit of underwear. After cashing the check nn Wednesday the fellow disappeared and now several people are feeling that their confidence and good intentions were slightly misplaced. A question of considerable speculation is whether or not he set em up to the bartender, where he got the check cashed. In cluding Mr. Ferguson's tools nnd var ious other touches, board, lodging, etc., he got away with about .s and went cut of town on velvet, where he came In on a tie pass. Although some ef fcrt was made to locate him the par ties interested are keeping pretty quiet about the affair. Chc-lc c.f our friends, our associates "ls Presence n me wcreu . and habits Infallibly determine our '"" r"'"" J 8"Thti ,he m.d character. The choice of a young man lh '"1! nf hi, or young woman of a helpmeet through " Increased the knowledge of his peo- llfe determines whether peace and do- mcstlu happiness shall be theirs while time shall last, or quarrels. Incongen lulity and the many other things that The church was very tastefully deco rated with potted plants and cut flow ers. There was also a large attendance """"":.: at the morning services. nmne me very iiiuiid oi noinc i'i . ... u prt ,. iMM than a mockury. come to thc-m. and ,uM,r and iJrs-f-t,t i Rt,, make wreck of their live. The choice " ,7TV nr r?k of our habits, our lives, passions and day It bj Pted t hat Rev Dr Bock- H.-ir-n -hither we exercise control '". presiding elder of the Portland or give free rein to them surel" a7- fWrlct, " Pch next Sunday morn fects our children and through them and evening. MUST HAVE CORK HELMETS. Armv ofTtcers were considerably sur prised at reading dispatches of the suf ferings if the American troops in Chi na, from the heat, on account of their huts. It waa the .belief that the regi ments sent to China had been equipped with cork helmets and that their cam paign hats had been discarded. The heat of the sun Is dangerous, but over heating of the digestive organs Is even more so. To overcome irritation ana other stomach troubles there Is noth ing to equal Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. No matter how long you have suffered from constipation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, the Hitters will cure you. It also cre ated a hearty appetite and Is an excel lent tonic for the nerves. Try It. TO CIRC A COLD IX ONE DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All drugglatii refund the money 'f It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each box. 25c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. II. M. Cake et al to Mary J. Craig lot 9 block 7, Railroad addition to Ocean Grove: $30. Wllllnm N. Gatens and wife to Wnv H. Barker lots 6 and 6, block 17, Adair addition; $1000. John Lewis to Maud P. Wright and James Watts tract of land In section T 4 N. R 10 W; $1000. The settlers on Tucker creek In road district No. 6, are working Very ener getically getting out tha piling and caps for the six hundred feet of ap proaches on each side of a small, one hundred foot bridge across the creek that will be built with a 2-foot bal ance draw. After they have complet ed tho work of driving the piles and capping, the county court will furnish 3 "nies premiums Given as many Free WITH Teas, Coffees, Splcca, Extracts, Soda, Baking Powder Good Time and Place to Iluy Come Just to See GreaL&jm erican Imp ortinir Te a Co. "571 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or. CITY COUNCIL Council Again Fall to Confirm Mayor's Appointment of Police Commissioner. ; By a tie vote of four to four the council refused last night for the third time to confirm the recommendation by the mayor for the appointment of Leander Lebeck to nil the unexpired term of W. F. Scheibe as police com missioner. The mayor in a short speech before the vote was taken stated his reasons for the appointment. That the late Mr. Scheibe was a Democrat and that he appointed a Democrat to take his place but had the deceased been a Republican he should have certainly antxilnted a Republican to take his place. In fact he went over much the same ground as before but the coun cil split even on the question and re fused to be shaken. The mayor, now ever, asserted that he could be as stub born as they and-that he should still Insist on the appointment. Liquor licenses were granted to the following persons and firms: N. Sl mondson. Harry Jones and Neufer & Stelner. A petition was read from Mrs. Dill man, proprietress of the Tlghe Hotel, complaining that the smokestack of the planing mill of C. E. Bain was of such character that the smke and soot was blown directly against ihe hotel and covered every thing with black and that the complaint was general and prayed that the stack be extended so as to carry the smoke above tne notet or that the council take some measures for the abatement of the nuisance. This was referred to the committee on health and police. A petition from C. E. Bain was also read, calling the attention of the coun ell to the existence of a nuisance on the south end of lot I. block 60, alleged to be committed by Mrs. DUlman. pro prletress of the Hotel Ttghe, by throw ing garbage and all sorts of rubbish from the hotel. The petition prays that the council take Immediate steps for the abatement of this nuisance, ihls was also referred to the committee on health and police. A petition w-as read from U. N. Bing ham, of Portland, asking for the pay ment of certain warrants amounting to I'JOO out of the Youngs bay fund. It was referred to the ways and means committee. Councilman Scherneckau asked If there was not some means of making some settlement of this mat ter, as It had been running for over two years, and during the discusion City Attorney Smith brought out the fact that it had been taken to the courts and that the Judge had not as yet handed down hla decision, and that the city was powerless to act on me matter till It was decided. The citizens of Unlontown have fil ed a petition praying the council to establish an electric street light on Suome avenue by what is known as Union block, which they allege is In total darkness at night for half a mile. A motion was made to refer It to the committee on streets and ways, with power to act but the motion was not carried and considerable discussion followed. A communication was read from D. K. Warren through the contractors, N. Clinton & Son. In regard to the refusal of the Street Kailway Company to al low them to use their plledrlver on Bond street, where they were preparing to drive piles vesterday for the founda tion of the addition to Ross, Hlgglns & Company's store and.hsked the coun cil to take Immediate action In the matter. Attached thereto waa a letter from Superintendent Coolidge, of the Street Railway Company, refusing to . allow the railroad to be blocked during the day and threatening legai action If same were done. The mailer was re ferred to the city attorney for legal opinion. Tne report of the committee appoint ed to confer with the county court on the road tax levy was read and on motion filed. The following bills were ordered paid: Fire and water: ,H. B. Parker, $66.34. Fred Sals, $4.25. West Shore Mills Co., $1.50. H. F. Praei Transfer Co.. $3.75. Chas. Rogers. $1. Alex Bremner, $11. A .V. Allen. $2.30. C. A. Linenweber. $3.15. Health and police: H. H. Scheel, $9.24. Fisher Bros. $2.55. Olof Peterson. $22.50. Bills of the Morning Astorian aggre gating $43.95. Streets: S. Normile. $62.50. Griffin & Reed. $12.15. Foard & Stokes. $11.20. J. K. Wirt. $8.30. H. F. Prael ft Co.. $65.75. Astoria Box Co.. $13.88. Clatsop Mills, $30.53. Clatsop Mills, $2.59. Clatsop Mills, $22.61. Clatsop Mills. $6.48. Clatson Mills. $11.68. The ordinance accepting the comple tion of Fifteenth street between Ex change and Irving avenue passed first and second reading, but motion to sus- tend rule was blocked by Farker. Ordinance same as above on Eleventh street. Franklin to Harrison avenues, Motion to suspend rule was blocked bv Svensen. The ordinance declaring the Intention of repairing Twelfth street. Commercial to Franklin, passed third reading. Ordinance Tenth street. Exchange to Grand avenue, same as above, passed third reading. The resolution to repair and improve Duane street from Fifteenth to Seven teenth in two sections, by replanking and srradlng from fifteenth to Six teenth"; and by piling and planking from Sixteenth to Seventeenth, was passed unanimously. WEST SIDE NOTES. Mrs. Mclntire, of Ashland, Is visit ing her son. J. A. Mclntire. of WTar-renton. Presiding Elder L. E. Rockwell is visiting the little churches on this side and preached at Hammond and Seaside Sunday. The Bryan speakers did not have a very large audience at Warrenton Fri day night. Grandma Hill was taken to St. Mary s hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Collins and son Rich ard are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Abbott. Mrs. Win, Tagg and daughter are visiting In Portland. Mrs. Ida Mitchell, of San Francisco, was a guest of Airs. rang sievens tlis week. Mrs. Frank Hobson, from Tillamook, visited her people at Warrenton during the present wesk. Grandma Hill is very 111. Her daugh ters, Mrs. Belknap and Mrs. Hobson, have been called to hsr bedside. Mr. George T. Moore haa so much Improved that he is able to leave the hospital and return homo but he goes tx Astoria almost dally to have his hand dressed. Mr. M. It. Winsor. of Portland, is at Sklpanon working on the Olsen houses. Miss Eveline O Harra is attending the Sisters' school at Astoria. Mrs. C. S. Carruthers is visiting with friends on the West Side. ..School Begins.. Vacation time is about over and our children will be taking up various studies, but have you grown up people learned the lesson of . . . PRACTICAL ECONOMY when you Ret ready to Ciaa1 Cllftc buy for your boys their OvllUl1 OU1 V O I I invite you to call at my store and learn how you can sava 50 cents, 75 cent3and $1 on Little Fellows' Suits, and from $1 to $2.50 on Big Boys' Suits, while our Men's Suits are reduced from $1 to $4.50. OUR SWEEP SALE IS HOW IN FULL BLAST. THE RELIABLE m 7-M &7 TO FARMERS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT FARMERS We are Sole Agents for " RUSHFORD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningstrength and durability, and our prices are right Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Oregon. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paciflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer tor family nse or ket Mr John Kopp is proprietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery h. tor domesHo and export trade. I the city free. Korth Pacific Brewery WEDDING CARDS "MM' cmos m, g. SMITH S CO., 1S'T"0CMDS ENGRAVERS. BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Building, C0PPE8 PLRTE PRINTERS 4th and Washington 8ts. over Litt'i, PORTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered at your office, store or residence, 6Qc per month. Mrs. A. E. Allen is visiting friends in Portland. Mr. Hiram Grav is connnea to ms home with la grippe. ' Mrs. V. H. Hobson Is a guest of Mrs. D. B. Pease. Mr v.. P Potter and famllr left for Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Graham were in Portland this week. Mrs. J. Tracy ana dauenter are vis iting In Salem. The onlv tales that dead men tell are ghost stories. The little green apple la always ripe enough for mischief. All the world's a prise ring and all the men and women merely ecrappers. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Astoria, Oregon, Oct 15, 1900: Anderson. Mrs. Ch Parker, Nellie Bartucevlch, GlovanStenslana. Henry Erlcsen. Otallons Sterne, Ed. C. Estes. J. W. (2) Walls. R. W. Funk, Peter Wright, P. T. Harris, Ether Wilson, Carl H. Lawson, Arthur Watson, Matt R. McNab, Miss Maggie FOREIGN. Simpson. Geo. hah rinn oalvh, th most healing alv. In the world.