The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 14, 1900, Image 2

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gaily stotiau
Telephone Main 6sl.
Pent by mall, per year
. .50
Pent by man, per monin
Served by carrier. per month
Sent by mall, per year, In advance, J2.00
Postage free to subscribers.
All communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the editor,
Business communications of sJI kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
"The Astorlan."
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertlsers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap-
licatlon to the business manager.
Pot President
Of Ohio.
For Vice-President
Of New York.
The stuffy little railway cars of Eu
rope are at last beginning to give way
before the magnificent passenger coach
es of America.
Cleveland Is evidently on the fence.
Too sound on finance to favor Bryan,
he th.nlw too much of Queen Lil to
cast his vote for McKinley.
Now that the Chicago speculaDrs
have been jugced for "gambling In
grain," let Upton be extradited to an
swer for his crime In cornering the pork
The Anglo-Saxon can be relied upon
to support an honest and capable gov
ernment wild theorists and
demagogues In America as well as In
Without at all disparaging Empress
Frederick, the world will recognise an
other Illustration of the survival of the
fittest should England's queen outlive
another of her progeny.
It is better to be a webfoot and en
Joy the gentle mists of Oregon than
a bluenose and be roasted In summer,
drowned under a ten-Inch shower of
tain In ths autumn and frozen to death
in the winter.
Governor Pingree Is one crank who
knows how to get there. His success
in passing his anti-railroad monopoly
bill through the Michigan legislature
is only one of the many victories he
has won for the people against the
corporations. And Pingree is a Re
publican, Jlr. Bryan.
Next to the unparalleled prosperity
which this country has enjoyed under
McKinley's administration, the most
striking feature of that administration
and the one which win live longest In
history is the superior diplomacy which
hag marked the relations and communi
cations of our government with the
powers of. Europe and Asia.
The fruit of the freedom with which
anarchists from all parts of Europe are
permitted to come and do their plot
ting In America has begun to thow
itself In the restriction placed upon
travelers by the Roumanian govern
ment. Other nations are threatening to
enact legislation which will seriously
is "bad blood." A little break
of the skin becomes a sore;
you come to have a good many
perhaps. There are other
manifestations of scrofula.
This is the plain one.
There is a germ to be killed.
You kill it with vital force.
What is that?
It's the power that life has.
Full life is strong; scant life
is weak
Take Scott's emulsion of
cod-liver oil, to cultivate life.
Abounding life is, perhaps, the
cure of all diseases.
We'll atnd you little to try U you like, .
SCOTT 5 VVWWt, 409 fart street Vtw rV.
mar the pleasure of 'European travel,
believing it to be necessary for the
safety of their rulers that the charac
ter of every foreigner should be known.
The county clerk of Lancaster coun
ty, Ntbraska. has Issued a sworn state
ment of the assessed valuation of
Bryan's property from 1S9S to the pres
ent year. In the good old Democratic
days, Mr. Bryan's estate dwindled in
value from iM In 13 to 9270 In ISM.
Immediately after the Installation of
President McKinley It leaped up to a
value of J1.4SS, and the tax list for
the present year shows that he is
worth $4,560. Yet Bryan wants an
other reign of Democracy.
Bryan has been telling the farmers
what a repressive effort the protective
tariff has upon the exportation of agri
cultural products. Like all the res-t
of Bryan's statements, this can be eas
ily refuted by a reference to facts. In
1S92, under the McKinley protective tar
iff. American farmers exported agri
cultural products valued at $73S.32S.2S2.
In 1S95, under the Wilson Democratic
tariff, these exportation amounted to
only rN53.210.026. In the past fiscal
year, under the Dingley tariff, agricul
tural products worth JS05.912.S52 have
been exported.
The English have lately seen fit to
criticise the length of the campaigns
which precede our elections. They seem
unawaie that America is a big country
and cannot be traversed in a couple
-if days by even our long-legged, strong-
throated champion of Democracy. Vet
the people must be informed, or mis
informed, on the great issues of the
day, in order that an intelligent bal
lot may be cast. The superiority of
American over stagecoach British meth
ods is shown when the time for the
elections comes. We have been receiv
ing the returns from England for two
weeks and the latest dispatches tell
us that "the elections still drag on."
The result of our election on November
5th next will be known within twenty
four hours after sunset on election day
and probably several hours earlier.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
Speaking of trusts in England and the
I'mted States, the Philadelphia "Rec
ord" s.iys:
'England is under a system of free-
trade, and it is false and misleading to
bracket it with "other low-tariff coun
tries." Every combination in trade to
fix prices and to control production In
England would be subject to competi
tion with all the world. Hence it Is
manifest that the so-called trusts in
England are absolutely wanting in the
features that make the industrial mo
nopolies so odious and oppressive in the
United States. The essential condition
Is that it shall undersell all other com
petitors at home and abroad."
This is intended as an answer to the
f.ict. frequently set forth in Republican
newspapers, and definitely shown in the
Republican campaign text-book, that
trusts are as numerous In free-trade
and low-tariff countries as In the Unit
ed States.
The weakness of the anewer Is appar
ent at a glance. In the first place, there
is the forced admission that trusts can
exist with or without a tariff. In the
second place, there Is the assertion that
trusts In England can maintain them
selves only by underselling all competl-
tors, with the Intended Implication that
uch is not the case in the United States,
when as a matter of fact the state- I
ment is true of both countries. The i
great complaint against American !
trusts is not that they raise prices, but
that they extinguish competition by j
lowering them. And this often proves j
their ruin, as witness the recent col- j
lapse of the wall paper trust, which
had the benefit of a 35 per cent tariff,
but which was driven to the wall by In
dependent manufacturers of wall pa
per. The largest and most securely in
trenched of our combinations Is the
Standard Oil Trust, which has no tar
iff protection. A close second is the
anthracite coal trust, and there Is no
import duty on anthracite coal. In
sugar and tobacco there are rival com
binations which defend the public
against attempts to exact extortionate
The citation of these facts is not in
tended to have any bearing on the mer
its of the trust question. It Is only in
tended to show that the Democratic
attitude towfcd trusts Is merely a poli
tical and tactical one, having solely
in view the arousing of prejudice
against the protective tariff. A trust
In free-trade England is only a "so
called" trust, and Is harmless; while
a trust In protected America Is an ac
tual agent of evil. So say the Demo
cratic organs, not because of any gen-
ulne convictions on the subject, but
because protection I a Republican pol
icy and" must be slurred as such. Yet
It Is rot reasonable to suppose that
English trust are orguiilsed for phil
anthropic purposes, or that the organ
Uers have any, object In view other
than their own advantage and profit.
All this Demociatlc tariff-trust talk
I for purely partisan purposes, and tt
Is so transparent In motive and weak In
substance that no Intelligent and rea
Mnlnir iwrt.m should be deceived or
milled by It. The protective tariff is
fully vindicated as a promoter of busi
ness and Industrial pi asperity, and the
mass of the people will not be turned
against It by the utterly hollow and
false arguments designed to fix the re
sponsibility for trusts upon it.
It Is exasperating to one who knows
Foley's Honey and Tar, and knows
what it will do. to have a dealer rec
ommend something else as "Just the
same" or "Just as good" for cold.,
coughs, croup, la. grippe, etc. CHAS.
ROGERS. Druggist.
The wearing of the green was first
Introduced by Adam and Eve when
they put on the fig leaves and they
were not Irish either.
Don't be deceived or humbugged by
people who claim the discovery of
some hitherto unknown herb or root
in swamps, or on some mountain or
prairie, for the cure of kidney and
bladder troubles. Any doctor or drug
gist will tell you that such claims are
fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure sim
ply contains remedies that are recog
11 1 led by the most skilful physicians
as best for these complaints, so don't
be credulous or foolish. CHAS. ROG
ERS, druggist.
The ant can draw twenty times its
own weight but as a drawer the mus
tard plaster can double discount the
After exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It never falls to stop
a cold if taken In time. CHAS. ROG
ERS. Druggist.
Always hope for the best. Tou will
never get it. therefore you will have
no excuse lor abandoning hope.
"I have always used Foley's Honey
and Tar cough medicine and think it
the best In the world," says Chas.
Render, a newsdealer of Erie. Pa. Take
no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS, Drug
gist. ' .
A man's enemies never kick him
when he Is down; they stand aside and
let his friends do it.
The editor of the FordvlIIe, Ky., Mis
cellaneous writes as a postcrlpt to a
business letter: "I was cured of kid
ney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney
Cure." Take nothing else. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist
A man may be handicapped by being
born a poet, but there Is no reason why
he should not brace up and make
something of himself.
The manufacturers of Banner Salve
have authorized the undersigned to
irlllrsnlw tt fni hnrna Atita mpM
cers. tetter, eczema and all skin dis
eases, iou nave your money back
If It doesn't do all It claims. CHAS.
ROGERS, Druggist.
Nature has a roundabout way of do
ing things. For Instance, from chick
ens we get eggs, and from eggs we get
High living. Intemperance, exposure
and many other things bring on
Bright's disease. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent Rright's disease and all
other kidney or bladder disorders if
taken In time. Take nothing else.
CHAS. ROGEP.S. Druggist.
Verily this Is an age of progress.
Formerly a business man took his pen
In hand, but now he takes his type
writer In his arms. .
When suffering from a racking cough
take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar.
The soreness will be relieved and a
warm, grateful feelmg and healing of
th? parts affected will be experienced.
Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS.
THE "Northwestern Limited" 'rains.
electric lighted throughout, both inside
and out and steam heated, are with
out exception, the finest trains in tha
world. They embody the latest newest
and best ideas for comfort, convenience
and luxury ever offered the traveling;
public, and altogether are the most
complete and splendid producton of the
car builders' art.
These Splendid Trains
Connect With
The Great Northern
The Northern Pacific and
The Canadian Pacific
No extra charge for these superior
accommodations and all classes of tick
ets are available for passage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
trains on this line are protected by the
Interlocking Block system.
General Agent Traveling Ast.
Portland. Ore.
If a man would live to a ripe old
age, all he has to do is keep right on
living. t
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
Telephone 22L
All Goods Shipped to Our Care
Will Receive Special Attention.
No. 638 Duane 8t, W. J. COOK. Mfr
Astoria. Or. Re. Tel 1UL
Columbia River and Fuget Sound Nat.
Igatloa Company.
Bailey Qatiert leaves Astoria dally
except Sunday at " . m.
Ivrs Portland dally except Sun
day at 7 a. .r
White Collar Lin tickets and O. R.
& N. tickets Interchangeable on Halle
tlatiort and Hassalo. Through Port
land connection with steamer Nahcot
ta trom Ilwaco Mid Long Reach points
A. J. TATLOR, Astoria. Aft.
U. D. SCOTT. Telephone ill.
Lev. PORTLAND. Arrive.
8 OOujn Portland Union Depot 111: 10 a.m.
6:55 p.m.lfor Astoria and Inter- 1:40 p.m.
liiKMiate points.
r5 am.lFor" Portland A in-Ill :N a.r
6:10 p.m. lternudlat points (10:30 p.m.
1I::C1. m.
5 . m.
H-V. lu.
!..) p. III.
7-1 a, tn
4 U p. in
12 V. in
7 .00 p. ill
All trains make close connections at
Goble with all Northern PacMo trains
to and from the East or Sound points.
Gen'I Fr't and Pass. Agent
hen people are contemplating a
trip, whether on business or pleasure,
they naturally want the best service
obtainable as far as speed, comfort and
safety Is concerned. Employes of the
paid to serve the public and our trains
are operated so as to make close con
nectlons with diverging lines at all
Junction points.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair
Cars on through trains.
Dining car service unexcelled. Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the first-class ser
vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yott
a ticket over.....
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
and you will make direct connections at
St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and
all points East
For any further Information call on
any ticket agent, or correspond with
JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Aft.
or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis.
General Agent,
Z46 Stark St. Portland. Or.
On June 17th opened up for traffic
their new line from Belle Plalne, la.,
to Mason City: also their new Fox
Lake branch. The length of this new
line Is 195 miles, which added to their
mileage, gives them a total of 8.462.85
miles, the largest mileage of any rail
read in the world.
r'ruin rorllauu.
Chleag v
9-15 a. m
Halt Lake, Denver, Ft. I
north. Omaha, ktii'
sa ''ny. lit. Louis
Chicago ml KaM.
I p.m.
plt Luke, Denver. Ki.
p. m.
womi. oo.iini, null 4 . M
iu City, Hi. Loula. ' ' ""
I Chicago and Euat, j
j IV ilia Walls I."Wllon,
6 p. m.
Nookane, Mlniieaiio I
IK ht. Haul, uuiaib.l 8 10 1 in.
Milwaukee, CIiwmkd
anil Kaat.
I from Astoria
All Hailing Dates aub-
jeci 10 cnatige.
For ban Fraiicnco 8l
May 3. 13, 18,23,
Columbia River
To Portland aa4
Way Lansing.
7 am
sU Sunday
4a rax
Mo. day
Vnm U, .-'.... .1
ll'tf I . u bit if n . rtr(j 1 a.w d. m
E timway L 7, ;K Suuday
TlPAttfifl fit IS UaU..
I rtalem 4 Wyllan a. '
'WlllametU seal Vaai-
Tuei,Tn'url bl"
sod to. Oregon City, Dayum, A
I Way Landing.
1:90 p. m.
and Krl.
Leave dly
3: to a. m.
Klvtr. j 1:U m
KlparlatoUwIaton. , daily
Tuea.Thm j forlland to Corvalll .
Saturday and way ItndlnK.
4:4) p, m.
Mod, Wed
Agent, Astoria.
Gen, Pass. AgU Portland, Or.
A familiar name for the Cblcagt,
muwauKee a tii. raui Kauway, known
all over the Union as the Great Rail
way runnlmr the "Pioneer f.lmli.'
trains every day and night vetween 8t
raui ana cnicago, ana Omaha and
Chicago. "The only perfect train in
the world." Understand: Connec
tions are made with all transcontinent
al lines, assuring to passenger the beat
service known. Luxurlou coaches,
electric light, steam heat, of a verity
equaled by no other line.
See that your ticket read via "The
Milwaukee" when going to any point
In the United States or Canada. Ail
ticket agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlet or other Infor
mation, address,
Trsr. Pass. Agt., Gen. Act.,
Portland, Oregon. Portland. Or.
iUO llJd
Oregon Short Line
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routs, via
the Union Paclfio Fust Mail Line, or
the Rio Grande Scenic Lines.
U Days to Suit Lake
'2 J Days to Donvor
IlJ Days to Chicago
Days to New York.
Free reclining chair, upholstered
tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal
ace sleepers, operated on all train.
For further Information apply to
Trav. Pass. At. Gen. Agent.
124 Third 8t. Portland. Or.
Agent O. R. A N.
Strangers visiting In tne city will find
the I-onvre u attractive resort wherein
to shiuI the evening. The Arame Mister
Ladies' Orchestra is still nu the bills and
present nightly a musical program of
exceptional merit. Handsome pool sod
billiard rooms a feature iu connection
with tlu house. Palatable lutichei will
be served at all uour
In n word this tel of the Paaenr
Service via
..f ho Northwestern lino..
ICIUht Trains Dally between St. Paul
and Chicago, comprising
The Latest Pullman Sleper.
IVerWua LUnliiir rr
Library and il.rvutlon Cars,
Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The 20th Century Train
Runs Kvery Day of the Tear.
The Finest train in tha IVorlo
Electric Li(btcd Steam Heated
Klneat Dally Triln Running Hetween
St. Paul and Chicago, via th Short
Connections from the West made via
This Is also the BEST LINE between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
All agents sell ticket via
The Northwestern Line
tieneral Aent. Ticket A rent.
2IS Alder Htrwt. Portland, Oregon.
PrODosals for Fivnh Pwf ami Mmtnn-
Oltlce Chief Comu.lmaiy, Vancouver
nnrracKs, wasn., Sept. i. 1300. Seal.d
proposals for furnishing and delivering
Fresh Reef and Fresh Mutton for sis
months. b-a-lnnlnff Turin irv 1 lint noil
he received here and at the offices of
ronimlmurles at Fort Stevens. Oregon;
I'i'lHt' linrrscki and Jnnip oaborn. Ma
ho: Pnrt a l'nv Fl-iilor U'iIL tl'nli.
Wright ami Vancouver Barracks, Wash
ington. sni BKagivay and values, Alas-
ko. unrn ii a. m . -icto'ir l. and
then onvned. lnforinntlnn fiirnlhrt r.n
Application. Envelopes containing pro
Tonal should Le endorsed "Proposals
for Fresh Reef and Fresh Mutton," and
addressed to con'niissnrv of pout to re
HUnnlli'if or to Motor Jinii'i S. AID.
son, Chief Commissary.
Oregon City. Oregon. August C, 1300:
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 117S, entitled
An act for the sale of timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4. 1S92, Elizabeth) Olaser,
of Omey. County of Clatsop, State of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office
her sworn statement No. C2i5, for the
purchase of the 8E quarter of Section
No. 6, in Township No. 6 North, Range
No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or Mone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
lahllHh her claim to, said land before
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 23rd day of November, 1900.
She names as witnesses: William W.
Pope. Julius Garbfl, Hbastlan Olaser,
Oorge Flnley, all of Oiney, Clatsop
County. Oregon.
Any an l all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-dem-rilied lands are re
iUPbted to file their claims In this of
fice on or before said 23rd day cf No
vember. 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that the board
of awsHor have completed the apec-
asHi-rMinent for the Improvement of
Franklin avenue from the east line of
Thlrtyfirst street to the east line of the
J. M. Shlvely's Donation Land Claim
end have reported the same to the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria and
the same has been filed with the au
ditor and pollen Judge and named and
numbered Special Assessment Roll No.
35, and the committee on streets and
public ways of the Common Council of
said city has been appointed to meet
with said board of assessors on Thurs
day, the 25th day of October, 1900, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. In the
council chamber of the City Hall in
Astoria. Oregon, thon and there to con
sider, review, correct and equalize said
Special Assessment Roll No. 35. Any
person objecting to said special assess
ment must file his objection thereto
In writing with the auditor and police
Judge of said city. H. E. NELSON,
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
United State Land Orrio, Oregon CUy,
uivgtm, August iv, I.
Notice I hereby given that In cm
Pllanre with the provlaious of ths set
of congreis of Juns 3, 1S7M, entitled "An
ad for the sale of Umber lands In ths
states of California. (rgon, NcvmU,
and Washing! m Territory." s cilniid-
eit to all putillo land state by act of
Augunt 4, iv.13, Nicholas. WlHtirr, nf
Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of
Oregon, has thl day filed In this oltlc
Id swum itaU'inont No, 62(13, for th
purclinao or t lid IN. K. u of section No.
11 In township No, 6 N range No, 1
W an! will off.'r proof to show that
Ilia In nd sotiKht Is more valuable for It
ilinler or stoiio than for agricultural
purposes, and to ftnlillh bis claim
lu knld land before tho res inter and
receiver of this otPco at Oregon City.
Oregon, on Monday, the f'Jih day of
winner, m,
11k names as wltuxaos:
John I'eiuk, of Astoria, Oregon, Al
bert Heyer. of Astoria, Oregon; Hebas
tlun LilasHer. of Aatorla, Oregon ; O. F.
Morton, of Aatorl.l. Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the alve-ili'acrlled lands are
reiiueaUd to die th"lr claim In this
otln-e on or before said ISth day of
October, 1W0,
United States Land Office, Oregon City,
Oregon. August 10, 1900,
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of the act
of congress of Juno S, l s 7S. entitled "An
act for the sale of tint her lands In tht
slates of California. Oregon, Nevada,
und Washington Territory," as rxtenl-
ed to all the public land stat.-s by act
or August 4. lv'3. Albert Heyrr, of As
t'rla. county of Clatsop, state of Ore
Ron, has this day tiled In this oftlon his
sworn statement No. 5261 for th pur
chase of the 8. Iv h of section No. IS
In township No. I N., ran No. T W
and lll nffr proof to show that th
limit sou it tit Is more valuable for It
timber or stone than for agriculiural
purposes, and t rstabllsh his claim
to uld Inn I before the register and re
ceiver of this office at Orea-on City. Or
t iron, on Monday, the 29th day of Oct-
opt, im
He nnnies as witnesses:
John IVnck. of Astoria, Oregon: Nich
olas Wisner, of Astoria. Oregon; Se
bastian iilis-r, of Astoria. Oregon; O.
F. Morton, of Astoria, Oregon.
Any ani all person claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requewted to n their clnlin In this of
fice on or before laid !9lh day of Octo
ber. VW).
Oreg.-.n City. Oregon. August 27. 1W:
Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions rf the act
of Congress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land In
the stales of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory." rs ex
tended to all the I'ubllo Ind State by
ru t of August 4. 1. William W. Pope,
of Olney, County of Clatsop, fttate of
Oregon, has this day flld In this office
his sworn statement No. 6271, for th
purchase of lot 4. Section 3: lots
1. 2. 3. and i. tit Section No. 4, In Town
ship No. 6 North. Range No. 7 Wist,
and will offer proof to how that ths
I it ix I sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of thl office at Oregon City,
Oregon, nn Friday, the 23rd Jay of No
vember. 1W0.
He names as witnesses: Jack Denck,
Sebastian Olaser. Anna M. Olaser, John
Denck. all of Olncy, Clatsop County,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-descrltwd land are re
quested to file their claims In this of
fice on or before said 23rd day of No
vember. l'JOO.
United States Land Oitlre. Oregon City.
Oregon. August 2th. IWW:
Notice Is hereby given that In ap
pliance with the provisions of the act
of conKrexs of June 3. 1X78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of Culifornla. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," a extend
ed to all the Public lJind States by act
of August 4. 1S9 M. Elinor Duffy, of
Astoria. County of Clntsdp, State of
Oregon, has this day llled In this of
Hie her kworn statement No. S272, for
the purchase of ths Wits 5, 8, 11 and 12,
of Section No. 4. In Townhslp No, 6
.Norm. Kim it o No. 7 West, and will or
er proof to show that the land sought I
more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of 'his of
fice at Oregon City, on Friday, the 23rd
day of November, 100.
Hire names as witnesses: Mr. Mary
Denck, of Olney. Oregon: Mr. Bebaatlan
GIojit. of Olney, Oregon; Mr. Appol-
lonia. Johnson, of Olney, Oregon; Mr.
Sldsey Dill, of Astoria, Oregon:
Any and all pertoiis claiming ad
versely the ahove-deserlbed lands are
requested to file their claims In this of
fice on or before suld 2.1rd day of No
vember, 19U0,
United States Land Olflce, Oregon City,
Oregon, Sept. 4, 1W0.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with th provisions of the net of
congress of Jun 1. 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
slates of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," ns extend
ed to all the public land states by act
of August 4, 1892, Theodore Holt, of
Astoria, county of ClntRop, state of Or
egon, hits this day filed In this office
his sworn statement No, 527S, for the
purehiiHe of the Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14,
of Section No. 15 In Township No. 8 N.,
Range No. 7 W., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone thnn
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this ofllc-e at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
23d day of November, 1900.
He names a witnesses:
John Denek, of Olney. Clatsop county,
Oregon; John Olaser, of Olney. Clatsop
county, Oregon; Sebastian Olaser, of
Olney, Clatsop county, Oregon; Henry
Nohrn, of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ab've-d-scrlbed lands are re
quested to file their claims In this office
on or before the 23d day of November.
I . Register.
Oregon City, Oregon, August ?S, 1M:
Nvtlcs Is hereby given that In com
plluni-e with th provisions of th act
of Congress of Jun I, entitled
"An act for th sal of timber land In
th slates of California, Orogoii, Neva
da and Washington Territory," ex
tended to all tha Public Land Htams by
act of August 4, 1MI3, Jaine I, Hum
llton, of Senilis, County of King, Htat
of Washington, ho thl day filed in
thl oillce his sworn ' statement
No. 5289, for th purchase of th
s half of NK quarter and N bUf 0f
Slfi quarter of suction No. II, In Town
ship No. 6 N.. Hans 9 V and will
offer proof to sliow that the land ami slit
Is more valuable for Its timber or stun
than for aurlrulltiral purpose, and to
establish his claim to said bind before
the Register and Receiver of (Ills of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, oil Sat
urday, tli day of Novmulxir, 1W0.
He names a witnesses: Harlholomtw
J. Hurke, of Seaside, Clatsop Cuuitly,
Or I James T. Hurke, of Seaside, Clat
sop County, Or.; Jay T. Parker, of Be
anie, King County, Vsh.j J. O.
Johnston, 0f Seaside Clatsop County,
Any and all persons ttalmlng dvrs
ly the above .b-scrlbe I lands are re
quested to file claims In litis of
lice on or before th Kin day of No
vember. IIKH).
Oregon city. Oregon. August tt, 190;
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pllanre vtith I lie provisions of tlis act
of Congress of Jun I, l7i, rntltied
"An act fur the sale of timber lands In
the stales of California, Oregon, Neve
da and Waablngton Territory." as ex
tended tu all th I'ubllo Land Slate by
an of Auiiiist 4, 1U2, Anna M. Olaser,
of Olnry. County .f Clatsop, 8iat 0f
Ore,, has this day filed In this olflce her
sworn statement ,N0. S:;o, for th pur
chase of tha lot 7, X, 9 and 10 of sec
tion 4, In township No, I North. Rang
7 West, and will offer proof t4 show
that I ho laud sought Is more valuable
for It timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to ealabllah her
claim to said land before th Regis
ter and Receiver of this ottlc at Ore
gon Cliy. Oregon, on Friday, ttit Mrd
day of November, l!W0.
She names u witnesses: Jack Denck,
Sebastian Olaser, William W. Pop and
John I'eiuk. all of olney, Clatsop
County, Orrgon.
Any and all pvr-.on claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to III their claims In thl of
tic on or befor said Urd day of No
vember. lw).
Oregon City, Oregon. August it, 1900:
i-auiii-s is nrreuy given that In corn-Mlam-a
tilth th muii..- . t. ...
of Congress of June t. l;s, entitled
An ail ior me sol or timber land In
the atalra nf Calif., rtOa n..-..M
da and Washington Territory," a ex-
irnueu io an in miiiie i.and Htate by
act (if Allfllll 4 l ir,.u,
-n. of Olney. County of Clatsop. Stat
of Orrgon. ho tills day tiled In thl
office his sworn statement No, f,;;4, fr
the purchase of the NK half of Srctlon
No. I, In Township No. 6 North. Rang
7 West and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuabl
for It timber or stone than for agri
cultural iiuriMtai atwl in -Mf.hii.ft. hi-
claim to said land before the Register
n Jirceivrr or tins omeo at Oregon
ClIV. Orrvon nn IfrOlnv lh .. .-
of November, 1900.
He nanus as witnesses: William W.
'one. Jiillua llnrh MmKa.ii.- h...
(ieorge Flnlry. all of Olney. Clatsop
Any and all persons claiming tdvirs-
IV ths aliovr.ili.-rll...l ln.t.
qurted to file their claim In thl of
fice on or before said 23rd day of No
vember. 19lK.
Oregon City. Oregon. August l, 1900:
om-s is nrreoy given that In com.
D lance With tha irnvl-ln- n .h-
- -- - , . - v.t III- mV
of Congress of June J, 1H78, entitled
nn nci ior me sine or timber lands In
the states of California. Oregon. Neva
da and Washington Terrliory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land State by
act of August 4, 1892, Mary Denck. of
Olnev. Coiinlv ,f 'lni..,r. u.... .
Oregon, has this day filed' In thl of-
me nor worn statement No, 6273, for
the Durchuse of th Iota 0 in m .-. is
of section No. 15, in Township No. t
North. Range No. 7 Wet. and will of-
ier prooi 10 snow mat the land (ought
Is more valuable for its timix,. n.
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to suld land be- '
ior mi lu-gisicr and Receiver of thl
Ofllce at Oregon Pllv Hr.-An r-
day, the 23rd day of November, 1900.
one niune as witnesses: William W,
Pooe. Julius liarh. H,.lir.iin ni.
Oeorge Flnley, all of Olnry, Clatsop
vuuilljr, I'irKUII.
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
Iv the above-ileserlheil l.n. ...
quested to file their claims In this of-
nee on or nciore said iir& day of No.
vomber. 1900.
By virtue of an execution nnd order
of sale Issued out nf the i funis niiiel 0
the State of Oregon, for the County of
' ""!'. mi ion uin nay or October
1900, upon a decree rendered therein
on the 24th day of September, 1900, In
favor of John Nleoli i,l..iiiif ,
, " 1-Mllllll. Hill
against O. A. Ancarola, Emmanuel Mn-
iiigiimim. j nerestt Mninganiba, his wife,
and John Konn. ilef..ii,i..iu .
sum of .r,,l8, together with Interest on
inereoi in mn rate of 8 per cent
per annum from the 3oth day of Sep.
ternber. 1S99. the costs and disburse
ment of this suit taxed at l n "in ....I
the costs of and upon this writ rotn
mandlng and requiring me to make
sole of the following described real
property, to-wit:
The N. E. quarter of section No, 23
In tnwnshln No. 7 nnrih ...........
.. - , - . . ., , lining ml),
9. west of the Willamette meridian in
iiimop .ouoiy, uregon.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Monday, the 12th day of November 1900
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore
noon of said day In front of and at the
court house door In the City of Astoria
Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at publld
auction to the highest bidder for cash '.
the above described reel property to
satisfy said decree. Interest ,no. ...
.. . . VVDa won
all accruing costs.
Sher fr. l.'lntson ('mini,, n.
Aitorla, Oregon, Oct 8, 1900. '