The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 13, 1900, Image 2

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Tilephone Main (61.
Sent by mall, per year 16-00
Sent by mull, per month Ml
Served by carrier, per month 60
Sent by mall, per year, fn advance, $2.00
Font ase fre to subscribers.
All communication Intended tor pub
lication should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan."
The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad
vertiser the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on ap
lkation to the business manager.
for President
Of Ohio.
Por Vice-President
Of Xew York.
Sir Thomas Llpton Is Inclined to go
the whole hog.
The Chinese court Is getting as peri
patetic as Agulnaldo.
With four thousand Nomers return
ing. Seattle should bi preparing for
another census recount.
The Cuban police will find they are
monkeying with the bun saw when
they attempt to shoot American sol
diers. The stories of the wonderful docility
and friendliness towards Europeans of
tin? Cantonese don't seem to jibe very
well with present conditions at Hong
Kong. Kowloon and Carton.
Although the Boer war Is over, as
I.or.1 Rcbects has' kindly Informed us.
the Boers keep merrily at work gather
ing In British supply trains and reduc
ing the size of the British army.
The decision of Judge Klrkpatrlck
that the federal laws permit the na
turalization of whites only Is a re
markable one and not creditable to our
national reputation as the ''land of the
There is a tendency towards rowdy
ism In nearly all the great colleges of
the eastern states which Is compara
tively unknown In the Oregon insti
tutions of higher learning. Whether
our young people are of a higher order
or there Is something superior In our
educational methods Is a debatable
question. Such disgraceful scenes as
the Jeering and hooting at Bryan by the
students of the University of Michi
gan, the second largjst university In
the country, are not only common In
the larse Institutions but are considered
"smart" and proof of manliness rather
than boorishness. The universities of
Oregon and the state Itself are to be
congratulated upon the absence of this
type of the modern scholastic hobo.
A writer In the New York Times
takes New Zealand for a text on Impe
rialism, and discourses thus:
The Islands of New Zealand were dis
covered In 1642. Capt. Cook visited
them In 1772, but not till 1839 did Wake-
It is clear that doctors and
mothers think more of special
foods than they used to.
The reasons are: (i) both
mothers and babies live less
naturally than they used to;
(2) mother's milk is not so
plenty, and not so good, as it
used to be ; (3) Scott's emul
sion of cod-liver oil is mother
food as well as baby food
enables the mother to feed
her baby naturally.
We'll send yon i little to try If you like.
field of England take formAl possession;
"A bioodyVar with "the native lasted
from 1S43 to 1S69; 100,000 of the most
ferocious cannibals formerly Infested
the Islands. Now there are in their
place Ko.OeO civilised Maoris and 6S0.000
Eutv.pcans and Americans. The area
of the Islands Is 1(4.031 square miles. In
terspersed with 2.CO0 miles of mllroads;
il75.000.000 lias been spent on public
Improvements; the crown appoints the
governor, but the people elect their own
representatives, and are free from all
political and Industrial control; they
tax themselves; they build their own
railroad and public works, and the
government backs up private enterprise
by lending Its machinery, etc. The
school system ranks high, and there are
no less than K.000 schools. They have
a referendum vote on every Important
question: no bosses, equal suffrage, and
nomination by petition. Saloon? are
scare, drunkenness Is almost un
known, Sunday and holiday closing Is
the law, and for every case of Int oxica
tion the saloon keeper selling Is arrest
ed, and for a second offense his license
is revoked. Cltlsens of 23 years' stand
ing and over 65 years of age receive
pensions when needed.
It Is the worklngman's paradise. Thy
have more favorable labor laws than
any other two nations; trades unions
are encouraged, strikes are unknown.
the working day Is ekht hours, wag?s
are comparatively higher than In the
Cnlted States, paupers and poor-houses
are almost unheard of. the government
finds work for unemployed (when there
are any), there are more holidays than
In any other country, the government
lends out money direct to farmers, etc.,
there 's no monopoly of anything (not
even of land), and there Is prosperity
for all. The wages on the railroads
are 30 pr cent higher than in the
United States, and ilvlng expenses far
Illiteracy Is almost a crime. There
are postal savings banks for the peo
ple, and there Is never a bank failure.
In short. If there ever was In modern
times a X'topia Jt Is New Zealand. It
approaches Bellamy's dream of "Look
ing Backward." It has become famous
all over the world as a nation of prog
ress. Reformers of all kinds rave over
it. Socialists with all their beautiful
vision of equality and brotherhood
point it out as a goal a consummation
devoutly to be wished. It Is a model.
The law of growth points to such na
tions as the next stage In the evolu
tionary march of man towards perfec
tion. This happy nation, this modern
Utopia, is a colony of England! For
nearly a century 100.000 cannibals had
fattened upon the flesh of missionaries,
but the cruel sword of Imperialism has
killed half of them, and the remainder
have become educated citizens. The
desert has been made to blossom as the
rose. A model nation has been born.
Fifty thousand souls reclaimed. Canni
balism banished. Imperialism
American Economist.
"What does the Republican party do
to help the farmer? Has It any means
of raising the price of what he has to
sell?" Bryan said to Virginia farmers.
Yes. Mr. Bryan it has, and very ef
ficiert means. It Is called a protective
tariff, more specifically the Dingley
law. It helps the farmer, because It
insures a home market, and a home
market raises the price of wheat the
farmer has to sell.
You well know, Mr. Bryan, that the
farmer sells SO per cent of his product
at home. In many cases he sells hi
whole product at home. If his country
men are working and getting good wag
es they want all he can raise, and when
that Ib the case he gets more for his
product than when there Is no demand
for it.
Do you know of anything, Mr. Bry
an, which the farmer produces that is
net higher in price than when the Wil
son law, which you helped to frame,
was in operation?
Wool is almost twice as high. Sheep
and lambs bring three and four times
as much. Cotton, tobacco, whf;at and
all kinds of grain and provisions are
much higher. It would be a waste of
time to show that farm products have
increased in value. The farmers well
know it, Mr. Bryan, and you know It,
too. What has cancelled the mort
gages? What has filled the banks?
Why, Mr. Bryan, the free-trade law
which you helped to make brought a
loss of $1,23,000,000 in farm products,
while the Dingley law has brought an
increase In value to the amount
of $5,355,000,000, and yet you ask:
"Has the Republican party any means
of raiting the price of what the far
mer has to sell?"
Carp at the full dinner pail, if you
will, Mr. Bryan, but the farmer, who
fills It with Jwead and butter and eggs
and ham and potatoes and cheese and
cakiTahJ pie, doe not sneer at It, for
It ttteans 15 to 20 rents to him more
than the empty pall, and 10.000.000 full
palls 3u0 day In the year meant 35,-
Oh, yes, Mr. Bryan.' the Republican
nartv has a most efficient way of rais
ing the price of wheat the farmer has
to sell.
When the dinner pall I full the lunch
counter Is lot, led. and the dining tabu?
Is heaped with not only necessaries but
luxuries. And the breakfast table and
thi supper table contribute their share,
too. Don't you know, Mr. Bryan, that
we eat twice as much under protec
tion as we do under free-trader That
Is the means we have of raising the
price of what the farmer has to sell.
It Is exasperating to one who knows
Foley's Honey and Tar, and knows
what It will do. to have a dealer rec
ommend something else as "Just the
same" or "Just as good" for colds.
roughs, croup. la grippe, etc. C1IAS.
kuueks, iruggist.
If you would write a tuccessful r.ov
el. s!ect for the hero a man with a
future, and for the heroine a woman
with a past.
Don't be deceived or humbugged by
people who claim the discovery of
some hitherto unknown herb or root
in swamps, or on some mountain or
prairie, for the cure of kidney and
bladder troubles. Any doctor or drug
gist will tell you that such claims are
fraudulent. Foley's Kl Iney Cure sim
ply contains remedies that are recog
nised by the most skilful physicians
as best for these complaints, so don't
be credulous or foolish. CHAS. ROG
ERS, druggist.
If a man would fill his pocket-book
with odds and ends like a woman does,
he could make a oretty strong bluff.
After exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on. take a dose of Foley'
Honey and Tar. It never falls to stop
a cold If taken in time. CHAS. ROG
ERS, Druggist
If you can't solve the problem of
life, go to your drjgglst he can al
ways give you some kind of a solu
tion "I have always used Foley's Honey
and Tar cough medicine and think it
the best In the world," says Chas.
Bender, a newsdealer of Erie, Fa. Take
no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Drug
gist. If there Is anything more dear to the
heart cf a woman than another, it is
getting even with some other woman.
The editor of the Fordvllle. Ky., Mis
cellaneous writes as a postcrlpt to a
business letter: "I was cured of kid
ney trouble by taking Foley's Kidney
Cure." Take nothing else. CHAS.
ROGERS. Druggist
If a woman would always write the
postscript first. It would save her the
trouble of writing the letter.
The manufacturers of Banner Salve
have authorized the undersigned to
guarantee It for burns, cuts, sores, ul
cers, tetter, eczema and all skin dis
eases. You have your money back
If It doesn't do all it claims. CHAS.
ROGERS. Druggist
If time is money, what is the use of
a man spending so much time trying
to borrow a little money.
High living. Intemperance, exposure
and many other things bring on
Blight's disease. Foley's Kidney Cure
will prevent Brlght's disease and all
other kidney or bladder disorders If
taken In time. Take nothing else.
CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist.
If the near woman will get up every
morning and light the fire, the old man
will have no kick coming.
When suCf ?ring from a racking cough
take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar.
The soreness will be relieved and a
warm, grateful feeling and healing of
the parts affected will be experienced.
Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS.
If you are in a house and hear a baby
cry. It is a sign of marriage or If it
Isn't it ought to be.
THE Northwestern Limited" trains,
electric lighted throughout, both Inside
and out and steam heated, art with
out exception, the finest trains In the
world. They embody the latest newest
and beat Ideas for comfort, convenience
and luxury ever offered the traveling
public, and altogether are the most
complete and splendid producton of the
car builders' art.
These Splendid Trains
Connect With
The Great Northern
The Northern Pacific' and
The Canadian Pacific
No extra charge for these superior
accommodation and all classea of tick
ets are available for passage on the
famous "Northwestern Limited." All
trains on this line are protected by the
Interlocking Block system.
General Agent. Traveling AgX
Portland. Ore.
If a man would live to a ripe old
age, all he has to do is keep right on
H.F.Prael Transfer Co
Telephone 22L
All Good Shipped to Our Care
. Will Receive Special Attention.
No. S33 Duuie St,
Astoria. Or,
W. J. COOK. Mfr
Res. Tel 111L
Columbia River anl ruiret Sound Nat
, Igatlon Company. , ,
Bailey Gatiert leaves Astoria dally
except Sunday at 1 p. m.
trivet Tor"and dally exctpt Sun
day at T a. io
Whit Collar Lin tickets and O. R.
A N. ticket Interchangeable on Ballty
Outsort and lUxsalq. Through Port
land connection with steamer Naheot
ta irom llwaoo and Long Reach points.
' A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria, Aft
IT. SCOTT, Telephoat UL
litri. PORTLAND. " "Arrive"
SiWiUitlPortland I'nlon IVpottll:10 a.m.
:55 p.m.lfor Astoria and Inter- 1:40 p.m.
imedlatt points,
" ASTORIA."' j "
:7J a.m.For "Portland Aln-U:M a.oi
6.10 p.m ltermjdlate point llO.SOp.m,
U: a. ra.
J p. in.
7 i! .m
4 tiu p.m
li son. m
7 .00 p. m
All train make cloe connection at
Coble with all Northern Pacific train
to and from the East or Sound point.
Gen'l Fr't and Pass. Agent
When people are contemplating
trip, whether on business or pleasure,
they naturally want the bet service
obtainable as far as speed, comfort and
safety Is concerned. Employes of th
paid to serve the public and our trains
are operated so as to make close con
nectlons with diverging lines at all
junction point.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair
Cars on through trains.
Dining car service unexcelled. Meals
served a la carte.
In order to obtain the flrat-claaa ser
vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yon
a ticket over
TfieWiscousin Central Lines.
and you will make direct connections at
St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and
all points East
For any further Information call on
any ticket agent, or correspond with
JA& C. POND. Oen. Pass. Aft
or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis.
General Agent.
246 Stark St.. Portland. Or.
On June 17th opened up for traffic
their new line from Belle Plalne. Ia.,
to Mason City: a is- their new Fox
Lake branch. The length of this new
line Is 195 miles, which added to their
mileage, gives them a total of 8,462.85
miles, the largest mileage of any rail
read in the world.
From lurUtnit
f pecial
9 15 a. ra
-Salt Like, Drnver. It. I
north. Ointlia. hn-
m i'l;y, .-I. Liiiiin.j
Chicago nd Earn.
4 p. m.
plt Uke. I).-nver, Ft. I
9 p. m.
Worth, Ou.aha, kill' '
mm City. Ht. Louis, i
i.'hlc&Koand Earn, ;
7 . m.
ViUlla Walla. I.-whtmi,'
6 p. m.
npoKMir, Mir.uenpo
lii, Ht. J'.ul, Dinucli,! :.
Milwaukee, Cliicigo;
and Kaal.
From ftatorla
' A.11 Balling Dates tub I
i leet Ui rhuuire.
'For bm Francisco Hull !
May 3,8, IS, 18,23,
Columbia Rlvor
7am fttaamera
4a intx
Mo day
Ex Sunday To Portland aa4
Way Landings.
From Portland
." W1M.AMKTTS k.vrn ' 4 - m
Ex Smuay - "- ' ,Ex Sunday
dulem & Way-Und a.
7. . Wlllamctu and Yam-
W p. m.
and Fri.
auu Hat. ulr"" "-iiy, intywn, a
nay ituaiugs.
Leave dly
3:4 ) a. id.
Snak Rlvtr.
u-(ri) a tn
KIparltuiLewliton. , daily
Tues, Thin I'ortlaiid to Corvulli
Saturday j and way luidlDgi.
4: 0 p, m.
Mod, Wed
Afent, Astoria.
Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland, Or,
"Tim nil nr i vum
A familiar name for the Chlcaft,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known
all over the Union as the Great Rail
way running the "Pioneer Limited"
trains every day and night vetween Bt
Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and
Chicago. "The only perfect train In
the world." Understand: Connec
tions flrp mnAa vrlfh All li-iini.tnllnit.
al lines, assuring to passengers the best
service Known. luxurious coacnes,
electric light, steam heat, of a verity
equaled by no other line.
See that your ticket reads via "Tht
Milwaukee" when going to any point
in the United States or Canada. All
ticket agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets or other Infor
mation, address,
Trar. Pass. Aft., Gen. Aft,
Portland, Oregon. Portland. Or.
Oregon Short Line
Montana, Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, Yla
the I'nlon Pactfio Fast Mall Una, or
the Rio Grand Botnto Lints,
Days to Salt Like
2J Days to Donvor
."IJ Days to Chicago
4 J Days to Now York.
Free reclining chalrt. upholsUrtd
tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal
ace sleepers, operated on all trains.
For further Information apply to
Trav. Pas. Aft. Osn. Agent.
124 Third St.. Portland. Or.
Agent O. R. A N.
Strangers visiting In tne city will thul
the 1-ouvre au attractive resort wherein
to sKtuI the evening. The Am me Hitters
Ladies' Orchestra ii still on the bill and
present nightly t musical program of
exceptional merit, Handsome pool and
billiard rooms are a feature In connection
with the house. Palatable lum liet will
be served at all uourt
Ity lrtue of an fx-s-utlon and ord.-r
of ine ln.iu d out of the circuit court of
the State of Or.'ti.m. for th County of
riutKop, on the 6th day of m-toter,
1X1), upon tt divrve rendered therein
on the 24th day (if SeptemlH-r. I), in
favor of John Nicll, plaintiff iind
nKiilnst 1. A. Anearulu, Kiiinmiui. l Ma
lninunlia, Theresa Miiiitvnmtut, hist wife,
und John Kopp, defendants, for the
sunt of :3S, toother with Interest on
USS, thereof at the rate of S per cent
per annum from the 3th day of Sep.
tember. MX the cots und dlshurw
in. n(s ( f this suit taxed At tX'.'i) and
the routs of and upon this writ font
mamlliiK nnd requiring; me to make
sale of the f41ownir described real
The N. K. quarter of section No, T3,
In township No. 7. north of range No.
!. west of the Willamette meridian in
t latsop County. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on
Monday, the l.'ih day of November. 1900.
at the hour of 10 o'ebx-k In the fore,
noon of said day In front of and at the
court house d,ir In the City of Astoria.
Clatsop County. Oregon, sell at public
auction to the hhrhest bidder for rash
the deeorlbed renl iCop'Tty to
satisfy said decree. Interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff. Clatsop County, Oregon.
Astoria. Oregun, Oct. 8, pwO.
I'nlted Slate Land Olflce. Oregon City.
Oregon. Sept. 4. 10.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with :h provision uf the net of
congress of June 1. entltle.l "An
act for the si'.le of tlmhvr land In the
states of California. Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land state by act
of August 4. lS'Ji, Theodore Holts, of
Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Or-
i (ton. has this day file, In this office
his sworn slatement No. 357. fir the
purchase of the Lot 11. 12. 13 and 14.
of Section No. 15 In Township No. N..
i tun po No. 7 w., and will offer proof
to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone thon
for agricultural purro?s. and to estab
lish his claim to raid land before tht
HeglMer and Receiver of this office at
"regon City. Oregon, on Friday, the
23d day of November. 1900.
He name ns witnesses:
John IVnrk, of Olney. Clatsop county.
Oregon; John Glas-r, of Olney. Clatsop
county, Oregon; Hcbistlan Olaser. of
Olney, Clatsop county. Oregon; Her.ry
Nohrn, of Astoria, Clatsop county, Ore
gon. Any nnd all persons claiming adverse
ly the Bb've-d"tirrlhe l Ian Is are re-
Muested to file their claims In this office
on or before the 23d day of November.
Oregon City. Oregon, August M. 1300:
.Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 117S, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In
the states of California. Oregon. Neva
da and Washington Territory," a ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4. 1S92. Elizabeth Glaser,
of Olney, County of Clatsop, State of
Oregon, has this day Hied In this office
her sworn statement No. C275. for the
purchase of the SE quarter of Section
No. 5, in Township No. 6 North, Range
No. 7 West, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is mors
valuable for Its timber or Mont than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri
day, the 23rd day of November, 1900.
She names as witnesses: William W.
Pope. Julius Garbe, Sebastian Glaser,
George Flnley, all of Olney, Clatsop
County, Oregon.
Any an 1 all person claiming adverse
ly '.he above-dcxi-iilied lands are re
(iiei,ted to file their claims In this of
fice on or before said 23rd day cf No
vember. 1M0.
Notice l hereby given that the board
of assessors have completed the apec-l-il
assessment for the Improvement of
Franklin avenue from the east line of
Thlrtyflrst street to the east line of the
J. M. Shlvely's ruination Land Claim
end have reported the same to the Com
mon Council of the City of Astoria and
the same has been filed with the au
ditor and police Judge and named and
numbered Special Assessment Roll No.
35, and the commltu-e on street and
public ways of the Common Council of
said city has been appointed to meet
with said board of assessors on Thurs
day, the 25th day of October, 1900, at
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. In the
council chamber of the City Hall in
Astoria, Oregon, then and there to con
sider, review, correct and equalize said
Special Assessment Roll No. 35. Any
person objecting to said special assess
ment must file his .objections thereto
In writing with the auditor and police
Judge of said city. H. B. NELSON,!
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
L'nlttd Plate I-and OiTlot, Oregon City,
Oregon, Aliguat 10, 1904).
Notice I hereby given that In com
pliance with th provision of the act
of congress of June S, 1H78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber land In tht
state of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory, " at extend
ed to all public land slates bv ant of
August 4, isuj. Nichols Wlsner, of
Atiori. county or 'lattop, state of
Oregon, ha thl day filed in thl oltlct
hi sworn ttateinent No, 6.'J5, for tht
pun-hose of the N, K. i of section No,
li In township No, N., rang No, T
' and will offjr proof to show that
the land aought I more valuable for lit
timber or atone than for agricultural
purpose, and to establish hi claim
to said land before tht register and
receiver of this ott'oe at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Monday, tht 39th day of
October. 1W0.
He names as wltneste:
John IVnck. of Astoria, Oregon, Al
bert Heyer, of Astoria, Oregon; Hob
tlan tllasser. of Astoria. Oregon; O. IP,
Morton, of Astoria, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely the aliovt-descrlbed lands art
requested to tile th"lr rlalun In this
oilice on or bvforv said t'Jth day of
October. 1W0.
United Slate Land Offlct. Oregon Clljr,
Oregon. August 10, I'M).
NYtlct Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provision of the act
i f congress of June S, ISiS. entitled "An
set for tht sale of timber lands in tht
states of California. Oregon, Nevada,
und Washington Territory." a rxlenl-
I to all tht public land state by act
of August 4. 1SU Albert Heyer, of As
torla. county of Clatsop, state of Ore
gon, hat Oils day filed In this ofttce his
sworn statement No. I26t, for tht pur
chase of the S. F.. U of section No. 1
In township No. ( N., rang No. 7 W
nd will off.-r proof to show that tht
bind sought Is mors valuable for Its
limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his rlolm
to raid land before tht register and re
ceiver of thlt office at Oregon City. Or
egon, on Monday, tht 29th day of Oct-ob-
r, 1500.
He name a witnesses;
John IVnck. of Astoria. Oregon; Nich
olas Wlsner. of Astoria. Oregon; He.
tn st Inn lllir. of Astoria. Orefon; O.
F. Morton, of Astoria, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tht above-described land art
requested to flit their rlnlma In thl of
fice on or befjr laid 29th day of Octo
ber. 1W9.
, Iteguter.
Propmal fir Fresh Peef and Mutton:
OHlce Chief f omir.lsstry, Vancouver
llurracks. Wash., Sept. 4. 1)00. Sealed
proposals for furnishing and delivering
Fresh Heef nnd Fresh Mutton for ill
months, beginning lanuiry 1, 1901, will
be received here and at the office of
commissaries st Fort Sleven. Oregon;
1'olse liarracks anil Cnmp osborn, Ida
ho; Forts Casey, Fligicr. Walla Walla.
Wright and Vancouver Parrarks, Wash
ington, and Hkugway and Valdes. Alas-
ku. unui ii a. m . cio!ir i. iwsj, Bn
then opened. Information furnished on
flTifllli'Mf Ion Knv,,l.iett enntii!lil(i nMi.
rosals should be endorsed "Proposals
ior rmn neei anj r rrsn aiutton. ana
addressed o coii'missarv of post to r-
supplied, or to .valor Jtme N. aim.
son. Chief Commlssurv.
United States Land Oltlce. Oregon City.
i 'regon. August win. two:
Notice la bereltv irlvee, thnt In an.
DllancH with the iirnvlalona nf h
of congress of June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An
act ior tne sale or timber lands in th
slates of California. Oregon. Nevada
ml Ti.rrllnev " ..l...l.
ed to all th Public Ijind States by act
oi August . j-iyj, m. rcunor imnry, of
Astoria, couniy ot uinisop, ptatt or
Oregon, has this day Hied In thl of
fice her kworn statement No. 5272, for
the purchase of th lots S, t. 11 and 12,
of Section No. 4, In Townhslp No. t
Nortn. Range No. 7 West, and will of
er proof to show that the land sought
more valuable for It timber or ston
than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish her claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of 'his of
fice at Oregon City, on Friday, tht 23rd
day of November, 1900.
She name as witnesses: Mrs. Mary
Denck. of Olney, Oregon: Mr. Sebastian
Glaser, of Olney, Oregon; Mrs. A pool
Ionia. Johnson, of Olney, Oregon; Mr.
Sidney 1h.II. of Astoria. Oregon:
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described land .are
requested to file their claim In this of
fice on or before suld 23rd day of No
vember, 1900.
Oregon City, Oregon, August 27, 1906:
Notice Is hereby given thai. In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1873, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the states of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory," rs ex
tended to all the Public Land States by
act of August 4, 1892, William W. Pope,
of Olney, County of Clatsop, State of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office
his sworn statement No. f271, for the
purchase nf lot 4, Sctlon 3; lots
1, 2. 3, and 4. of Section No. 4, In Town
ship No. 0 North, Range No, 7 Welt,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish hi claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this ofllce at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Friday, the 23rd lay of No
vember. 1900.
He names ns witnesses; Jack Denck,
Sebastian Glaser. Anna M. Olassr. John
Denck, all of Olney, Clatsop County,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described Innds are re
quested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 23rd day of No-
ember, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that the cer
tificate of the completion of Fifteenth
street from the south line of Exchange
street to the north line of Irving ave
nue under ordinance No. 2522 by W. A.
Ooodln, the contractor, has been filed
In due form with the auditor and po
lice Judge of the City of Astoria by
the city surveyor, superintendent of
streets and committee on streets and
public way of the Common Council and
that unless objection to the sume be
made in the meantime taid Improve
ment will be formally accepted at tht
next ' regular meeting of the Common
Council of gald city, to be held Monday,
October 15, 1900. II. E. NELSON,
Auditor and Police Judge.
noticis ron publication. .
Oregon C'lty. Oregon, August tt, 1901:
Nutlet It hereby given that In com
pliance with tht provision of (ht act
uf Cultures of Jun I, in;, entltltd
"An act fur th salt of timber lands In
Hit states uf California, Oregon, Nova
da and Washington Territory," a ex.
tended to all the Public Ioind State by
act of August i, 1S'.3. Jame , lliun
llton, of Seattle, County of King-. Htatt
of Washington, ha this day 11 led In
this oilice hi sworn statement
No, 62H9, for Hit puruha of tht
H half of NK iiuarter and N mf of
U quarter of section No. I. In Town
ship No. t N.. Hang t v and will
offer proof to tliow that tht land sought
I more valuable for It limber or sion
than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish hi claim to said land bi fort
the Keglster and Receiver uf till of
fice at tirrgon City, Oregon, on Sat.
urday, the lith day uf November, 100.
He name as witnesses; llarlholomtw
J. Huike, of S(lde, Clatsop Cuunty,
Or.; Janice T. llurke, of Heida, flat
op County. Or.; Jay T. Parker, of Ha
utile. King County, Wash.; J. II.
Johnston, uf Seaside, Clatsop Cuunty,
Any and alt persons claiming advert
ly the abovtvlcurrlbe I landt art rt
l nested to flit their claim In thlt of
lies on or before the 17th day of No
vember, im.
Oregon City, Oregon. August 17, 1904;
-.oiu-e ii nerepy given that In com
piittiu with tht provision of tht act
of Congress of Junt I, 1S7S, t-ntltltd
An act for the sale of timber landt In
tht stales of California, Oregon, Ntv.
da and Washington Territory," at n
tended to all tht Puhllti Land Siatet by
act of August 4, IhM, Anna M. tllotcr.
"f Olney, County of Clatsop, Suit of
Ore., has thl day filed In this oillct tier
sworn tiatcment No. iliO, tr (,, pur.
i hast cf th lott 7. I. I and 10 of tto.
Hon 4. In township No. I North. Hangs
7 West, and will offer proof to show
that the land (ought I inort valuablt
for It timber or tiono than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before tht Regis
ter and Receiver of this offlct at or
gon City, Oregon, on Friday, tht Uri
day of November, 1900.
She names as witnesses; Jack Denck
Sebastian tliaser. William W. Pops and
John lenck. all of -llney, CJalton
County. Oregon.
Any and all perions claiming advirtt
ly the abovo-decrlbl land art rt
quested to file their claim in thl of
ttce on or befor said 2Jrd dy of No
vember, 1X0.
Oregon City. Oregon. August 2, 1900:
Notice Is hereby given that In com-
Pllunce With tha nmvlalnna nt . I..
of Congress of Junt 3. 1S7. entitled
An act for the sal of timber lands In
tha states of Callf.irnla )....
da and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Und States by
act of August 4, 1SJ2, App.llong John
"n. of Olney. County of Clatsop. Utat
of Oregon, baa IhU A nl.t
office bit sworn statement No. 6274 for
the purchase of the NK half of Baotlon
No. . in Township No. I North. Range
". mi win oner proof to ehow
that th land sought it more valuablt
for It timber or ston than for agri
cultural purpose, and to eslabllah his
claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this oirieo at Oregon
City. Oregon, on Friday, the -3rd day
of November. 19O0.
He names as witnesses; William W
Pope, Julius Garbe, Sebastian Glaser.
George Flnley. all of Olney, ClaUoo
County, Oregon.
Any and all persons lalmlng adverse
ly the bove-d.s-rlbe,i binds are re
quested to nie their claims In this of
fice on or before said 23rd day of No
vember, 1900.
Oregon City. Oregon. August 23, 100:
Notlct Is hereby given that In com
pllanct with tht provisions of tht act
of Congress of Junt 3. 1873, entitled
'An net for the salt of timber landt In
the states nf California (ir...... vi....
da and Washington Territory," at tx
tended to all the Public Land State by
act of August 4, 1892. Mary Denck, of
Olney, County of Clatsop, state of
Oregon, ha thl day filed In thl of-
ico iht sworn statement No. 6273. for
the Dlirrhaae nf th- Inta a in it i
of section No. 16, in Township No. I
North. Range No. 7 West, and will of-
cr prouj 10 snow mat the land tought
Is more valuable for H iimi- , .tnn.
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land be
fore tha Ri'fflatep nnrt I).!....- tuim
ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Frl-
my, iov tjru any or jNovemper, 1900.
She name ns witnesses; William W.
Pope, Julius Garbe, Sebastian Olaser,
George Flnley. all of Olney, Clatsop
County, Oregon.
Any and all perem t lalmlng odverst
ly the above-described land are re
quested to file their claim In thl of
flee on or befnr nia 9ir,i
vember, 1P00.
Notice IS hereby irlven hn IK. en
tlflcate of the completion of Eleventh
street from the south line of Franklin
avenue to llm n,n-th li.... ..t n..r.i,n
........ .L.v .1, inuii
avenue under ordinnnce No. 2K9 by
.i. iv, win, the contractor, has been fil
ed In due form with the auditor nnd
police Judge nf the City of Astoria,
by the city surveyor, superintendent of
streets and committee on streets and
nubile waia of Hi..
and that unless objection to the inmo
ne mnoe in tne meantime suld improve
ment will bo formally accepted at the
next meeting of the Common Council of
suld city to be held Monday. October
l-r. 10- II. E. NELSON.
Auditor and Tollce Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that the cer.
tlllcate of the completion of Thirty
eighth street from the crossing of
Duane street to the south iin nt Har
rison nvenue under ordinance No, 2520
oy d. ixormne. tne contractor, hat been
died In due form with the auditor and
police Judge of the City of Astoria by
the city surveyor, sunorlntnruli-nr of
streets and committee on streets and
public ways of the Common Council
and that unK-sa objoctlon to the same
be made In the meantime said Im
provement will be formally accepted
at the next meeting of the Common
Council, of said city, to be hold Monday,
October 16, 1900. H. E. NELSON,
Auditor and Police Judge.-