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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1900)
TliK MORNING AHJ'ORIAN, . WKfcNMl A) . OC'fOBKK 10, 9W). NEW SILKS - TlicvVo here the crcatcst nurt of them. . Aim they form tin array of eluganoo und uoyelty tho like o .111 .II..1 I ! -- . - . which nun nuiuoin uwn een in nny itioru. - Ctwhf Q1fli.c VVaaIt- Tim O'Sh.-iur Cipi25ceimEich wpvviui uttiw suit? iiwn While They LiU. THE MORNING ASTORIAN TELEPHONE 661. All contracts foi' Hdvrtiinu I tlio Atoi luii uro iiiiiJu on a Ruur niitcd ( circulation four time turner than that of nny pupc published or circulated in Chit nop county. t, TODAY'S WEATHEH, PORTLAND. Oct. I0.-Orcron, Wash Inmon am Mulm. showers, and cooler, AROUND TOWN. Oytcr at lloollor'i. lutr rriMiri: Wind, south; f"tm! Ijur smuoth. J. T. Hull, of Marhnlil, was In tho city yesterday, Froh oysters at llucilar'i. Open VonlllK UllUI 13 o'clock. P. A. 1 lall.K k, of Grant's Pass, In lti city tor few day. E. 1C. I.yitn, of C'atltlaiiK'l, wun In Ai Urin on busim yesterday. Prst 15-cent meal. Rising Bun Ret taurant, 01; Commercial tirtti. The Young Men's Rnulllcn Club VIII inert im Iliurailay evening. Jeff's restaurant ths largeft and Cmt. A trial win convince you. Th Ku H. Elmore will l-ftvr out for Tillamook on tttuntay morning at V O I'lWI, Editor David, of thn Cathlamct On- sent, was ut in city yean-way on business trip. , Ed. J. KaJi-r. nil lor of Dm Ashland Record, la in ths city attending th K of I. grand lodge. Hon. L. It. Reedcr. of Pendleton. U In ili" city attending the K. of I grand olir convention. The American barkontln Arago that la at Knappton to load lumber la from Bonta ltoalla, Mexico. The Every Monday Club of tho Flrat rrrsbytrrtan church, will hold lu an- nuol sale on Friday, November X. Tho Hue II. Elmore arrived In from Tillamook at 5 o'clock yesterday after noon with a full cargo of freight. Pure Whiskey Harper. Perfect Wh. krjr Harper, Every bottle guaranteed Harper. Hold by Foard & Stokes Co., Aitoria. (Jr. If you are not already a patron of in Occident Hotel barber anop you will not regret giving it a trial, Uaths In connection. C. O. Guernsey and Henry I. Hup- prion, two business men of Canyon City, are In attendance on tho grand lodge K. of P, E, K. Sharon, grand representative of the I. o. u, r. ana of the K. of p.. U In the city attending the grand lodge of the latter order. The quarantine, ateamor Electrlo haa moved up to hor old berth at the foot of Fourteenth atreet. Bhe goci Into commlMlon today. Victor BftnWron ho roturned from a trip to Nome. He wvyi there la plenty of gold there and expects to re turn In the aprlng. Hoefler haa Juat otnid a department for oyitera In connection with hla con fectionery and Ice cream parlor. Open till 13 o'clock p. m. Duncan Stuart left yeatwday morning for Hkagway, Aloaka, where he will be connwtinl with the brunch atore of Itoaa. Hlgglni ft Ox Aitoria vliltnra to Portland can ob tain coplea of the Dally Aatortan at the news stand of 13. n. Hlch, Fifth and Morrlaon street and Hotel Port land. NEST 1S-CENT MEAL; RIflINO SUN RESTAURANT. It is Incontrovertible! The Editor of the "Christian Million' under th haading ol Oonoral Nut, on Auguit k, ilvit, wruli i " A goad rtkl will Und upon It own mf rlt. nd w miy rely upon It that nothing . III continue Ion which do not, In a mnr or In degr, liarnionli with th tt itianu which r publUhwl concerning It." Mr. Ball Calnc, Author of "Th DMtniUr," "Th Manx, man," "Th CbrUtiau," to., when ipk .ng on "Criticum," recently, uld When a thing that I advrtled greatly I food It goe and goea permanently when It la bad, It only goe lor a while i th publle (Inde It out." The proprietor of BEECIIAM'S PILLS haa laid over and over again " li I a fallacy to Imagln that anything will .'ill luat beceuee It I advertleed. Hew ma ny noitruma have been etartad with glare cni jnulled out In gloom Th tact la, a nan I not eaally gulled a aecond tlmi and vry dlaaatlalled Hrchaar doe ten tine more barm Uan en Mtlalled doe good. Aaauredly the aal ol ator than (,000,000 boaet el BHBCHAM'S PILLS per annum, after a public trial el hall-a-century, I con. cmalv iMtlmony their popularity. ai perlorlty and prgverblal worth." SMthue'i rillt k. U nny run Imm (he OnouUr jllwIHiiewhiiae HnjIWi Uiziii(tliipuk.ii. .nd Ikay now lUnd wllhnul a fiv.l, la boiM, CRM tnd t Dili e.ik, at til dtuf HorM. Cram Pure Ry. tmenca's finest whlakv. Th onlv nur goods; guar antreii rirn and mellow, JOHN CAULHON. Bol Agent. Mr, Hegnrdi, the englnwr In charge of the cuiiatructlon wurk on the let ty at Fort KltevHi, wu a vlaltor to the city yentrrduy on bunltRns. The limrrluge of Miss Idlna People, rurinerly of tlil city, and (Jor Mi t'li'llnn Heath, of Ilwaio, luok plaie In Houtli I lend, Wahlngton, last even lug, Reward A suitable reward will be paid for the recovery of the body of Win, Coburn, who waa drowned luat Pnturdav. James Harry, Deep lllver, Wah. III'! will be oncd by the ilrwt coinmltt'-M thl afternoon for the r pairing of Franklin avenue from Twinty-alxih wnret to Thirty-first street. Wedmnday. Octi ler 10, will b Inat Any uion which to pay water i In nidi r to avoid the penalty of 2S wlilrh 1 charged suul'mt all ju.nta. the rntm nt elln The IVnthealica cleared at the ruatom house y.-tT'ly fur Uueenmown or Fal mouth for order. Hhe hud on board J3.:ti! rrtiial of Oregon barley, valued at 11.1 Id. lion't forget lh broom are "till uo nnik th price stilt down at Herman liw s big clothing store and also re mcrntH-r that dollar raved, iiinl d l Inr made. William rira..,irli.l.l una In. I evening at 10 jVIocI: t:y tittlcer J'hll- lips for violating city ordinance agulnst coiiiniiiiing an ctort-eni act on tne pub lic street. Hherlff IJnvllI returned yesterday nom from Portland, where he went with the (.Jedde chlldn-n. who were committed to the care of the Hoy' and tilrla' Aid Hoclety. The attempt made on Monday to float the stranded light ship at McKeiixle Head proved a failure although there waa an extreme high tide of nine feel and one Inch. Cntitjiln flreffiirv nf flh llirhlhnna MinvanllA ultl tuk vaf.nllfin ahfftllnv t,hi.iiiiiti In Ihn VllliLni,.lt vsiicy wnne tnat crart is undergoing ivpftlr at Portland. The evidence In the case of Tetcr AvI anl vs. Vincent Mardesich, which was on trial In the justices court. Is all In, ami Justico Hrowor will hear argu monta this afternoon. Hon. C. W. Parish, a prominent at toriu y of KiLnlern Uregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgo Hagney, of Canyon City, are In Astoria during the convention of the grand lodge K. of P. An ntimHiin Mtmnvlnv liintn waa recently succeasruny perrormea ai tne hospital on one of the sailors of the llalpwood I hut rami Intn thla nurt lha inner part i ioki monin. A log raft came Intn collision with otte of the channel buoys early yes tenluv morning and as a result No. 11 snd 11 are about SO fWt aiart out In front of the O. it. N. dock. The ladles Guild of Qrare church will have a tea and apron sale at the horn of .Mrs. Chos, lingers, 277 Tenth trcft. this afternoon from I to 6. A cordial Invitation la extended to all. Albert Toxler. secretary of the Ore gon Press Association, Portland, paid hla respects to the Astorlan ottlce last venlng. He la In the city attending the session of the grand lodge of K. of P. The German shin Philadelphia started up the river at o clock yesterday af ternoon. She wo taken up above Tongue Point by the Wallula and will be picked up by one of the river boats and taken up the river. The announcement that Mlsa McCuI- lum had returned to her home In Ban Francisco that appeared In one of the evening papers, was erroneous. Mlm McCullum will remain with Mrs. noes for at least several months longer. Reach and Rowers' all white mln strols will be the attraction at Fisher's opent house Friday night. The com pany Is composed of sixty performers, each one engaged for his oleverncss In his respective line of minstrelsy. Seat sale ojiens nt Griffin & Heed's tomor row morning at 9 o clock. There Is a report that the Portia, one of the ships loaded with grain. Is stuck on the sand or mud at tho mouth of the Willamette. It. however, cannot be vcrllled. If such Is the case with the present extreme high tide, navigation of the river by the larger ships will soon be Impossible. W. C. Cake, president of the Multno mah Club, of Portland, was In tho city yesterday and was Interested In the forming of a football club here. Astorln has g"t the material for a good foot ball team and the boys should get to gether and organise. There Is no rea son who we could not have some good games this winter with Portland and other teams. Captain Milton Smith ami H. F. Klr- ry, of Tillamook, are about to build a steamer for use In Tillamook bay. The hull will be built at Rainier, where the work will be begun this week. The fssel has already been chartered by the first commissioner for the Columbia river patrol, which will last for per haps 30 days, after which she will be takon to Tillamook for service on the bay. There Is a well-defined rumor that President Mellen contemplates, the spmlv removal of all Northern Paci fic officials from Portland to Tacoma. The promotion of W. O.-Pearce to a notation enuai in many respects to that of the president, and the advancement of E. A. Law to the place left vacant by tho promotion of Mr. Pcarce, point to a centralization of official authority In Tacoma. Albert Thompson started yesterday morning for his old home. In Finland, on a visit (o hi uged mother. The evening before he was called to police hi''liiiHrt'r where he found th full force of oltlcers gathered and Chief Hallock, on behalf of I he force, pre sented him with a handsome ring. It came u a compute surprise to Mm and h wns much affected. He was very popular here as an officer. The mill of th Humpter Lumber Co., at Humpter, (Jr., burned at 2 o'clock yestriduy morning from an unknown ctiusr. I'ss, $hihh); insurance, $1000. Forty tlH.usnnd feet of lumber In the dry house was lost, but three hours' hard work saved one and a half minion feet In the yard and other building. The null hud 3.M fft dully capacity and orders for 40,000 a day were coming In, 1 In rim for rebuilding are already underway. The steamer Lavelle Young, that has been lying at Hi. Michael f,,r ervral months, has finally been sold, and Cup odUns now control the craft. Captain AI Hell, who represented the owners at Ht. Michaels, has returned from the north. 8veral times the Canadian tried to purchase the steamer, but there wu no one who had the power to elose the d'-Hl for the owners. Cnptnln Melts wu dually given the power of attor ney and he nnde the sole. It Is uml, r sIism that the price (mid for the steam er was close to l.'7,000. The Iavelle Voting was built In Portland In inm for the Yukon trade, byt a syndicate of Nfeumhoatmcn. Hhe operated with vary. Ing sure as for a, time, and finally got mixed up In some litigation. Commissioner Reed, who, with 17, H. Fish Commissioner W. A. Wilcox, of Washington. I. C has been on a trip down the west -rn coast of Oregon. says both the Chetco and Prltol rivers were found Impussuble to salmon by reason of sand bars, which, however. will ilimiiinar with the advent of the fall rains. Home fluh are b"lng caught si the I'.ogue river. There was a heavy run some week sgo, and another gistd run I expected as soon as the rains set In. Hut few llsh JU-e being caught in the Hlxe river, and the same con dition prevail at the Cooullle. which had a good run early In the season. At the t'mpoua and Coo hay salmon Just at the present are scarce niso. A little better luck J typ'srlcd by fish ermen In the fluslaw, on the whole Mr Heed found the situation anything hut encuursirlng to the fishermen, al thoUKh nil hope for better sue-css lu ter lt the season, Mr, Heed has yet to visit Tillamook and lauulna bay, when his traveling for the season will be at an end. He does not know yet when he will etimpMe his itinerary, hut hopes to before the middle of next month. GRAND LODGE IN CONVENTIOf Knights of Pythias Meet in This City. RATHBONE SISTERS HERE VOTINO IN WASHINGTON. ASTORIA. Oct. "-.-Editor Astorinn: Will you please answer the following nilHNllnn. an, I fi)lirk? I ""' , - i.u- itu-.i 1 1 . . . . 1 ,1 - . - I . . 1 .... . 1st While hsvlna: a ooiltlcal arsru- I e -"'c "r' proj-i m ment H says that the president inn't favored by the National Editorial As vote by reason of his residence In , soelatlon. the Ores-on Press Association Election of Grind Lodje Officers for Ensulof Year-Reports of the Virions Committees. The grand lodge Knights of Pythias. of the state of Oregon, with Its aux illary organization, the Rathbone His ters, met In regular annual convention In this city yesterday morning. Dele rates to the number of 114 of the Knights and over CO of the ladles are present from the different lodges all over the state, beside many other, vis lllng brethren, not delegates. The morning session of the Knights was almost entirely devoted to organ ization and roll call. It was called to order at 10 o'clock by J. P. Kennedy, U. C. The office of O. O. O. was the only one vacant, this from the death of Charle Fellows, which occurred In Portland June 13th. The vacancy was filled by the appointment of Charles Kuyce to that position. i be report of the committee on cre dentials on the representatives present and entitled to seats, was made, and the grand lodge rank was conferred on fifty-four past chancellors. jn various omcers made their re ports which were read and referred to the several committees. They showed a handsome Increase of membership during the past year and the finances of the organization In an exceptionally prosperous condition. A resolution of Noma!) lodge. No. 42, of Portland, passed at a recent r. g. ular session of that body, waa read and will be held for later consideration. The resolution was as follows: "Renolved by Nomah lodge. No. 42, K. of P., that It most heartily endorses 1902 Pacific Washington. A say be can. Which la right? nd Why are the people of the Dis trict of Columbia not allowed to vote and It the Portland Press Club and be "Resolved. That this lodge subscribe the same as those of other states In for $2W .n of stock , the Pacinc the I'nlon. for president? i ... . , 3rd lioes a man who ni-cent a aood u wmvi'i position In Washington, say he lives ' organised and ready to receive sub In Oregon, who also takes his family, I scrlptlons. And be It further iloes this man lose his right to vote? B says ye. A says no. Your truly. A REPUBLICAN. 1st A Is right The president can go home to vote, like any other officer or employe of the government, tempor arily In Washington, and who pre serve his residence In the state from which he came. President Cleveland, In one Instance at least during hla term of office, went to Buffalo and voted In the old precinct In which he formerly resided. 2nd The District of Columbia con sists of territory ceded by Maryland to the government. It Is as absolutely United StaUa territory and subject to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the general government a any fort or arsenal con trolled by the war department The deoent people of the District of Colum bia who pay the proportion of taxes levied by congress as their share of the burden of supporting the local government, and who hod property tolO. G.. Portland; J, protect and children to rear In the at- trustee. mosphere of Washington, became so disgusted with the corruption and strife of political control that they pe titioned congress years ago to abolish II forms of popular government In the District. This congress did and since then the control of District affairs has been lodged In three commissioners, ap pointed by the president and confirmed by the senate for life, subject to good behavior, who report directly to con gress, and over whom tho people of the District of Columbia have no con trol whatever. It Is conceded by all authorities on municipal government In Europe and America that the city of Washington Is the beet and most eco nomically governed city In the world. Elections of any sort relating to muni- Ipal affairs are unknown, and yet every man who owns a dollar Is con tented with the condition of affairs and could not be persuaded under any circumstances to consent to a change In tho form of government 3rd This question Is answered In the reply to the first Interrogatory. A Is right. EDITOR. "Resolved. That a copy of this reso lution be presented to the grand lodge at Its session at Astoria, October 9, with a request that that body give the Pacific exposition Its official endorse' ment" 'An amendment to the constitution fix ing Portland as the permanent meeting place the grand lodge was passed, The same will come up for final con sideration at the next annual conven tion. The following were the officers elect ed yesterday afternoon for the ensuing year: W. L. Brodshaw, G. C. Friendship lodge. No. 9, The Dalles; Col. J. H. Ait kin. O. V. C. Huntington; James W. Maloney, O. P., Pendleton; L. R. Stln son. O. K. R. S.. Salem; E. M. Sar geant. G. M. E., Portland; Emil Wald man, O. M. A., Portland; L. M. Curl. O. I. G., Albany; F. W. Cuthbert, G. P. Kennedy, grand The grand ball was held at Foard ft Stokes' hall. A large number of the order were present and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. One of the prettiest features of the evening was a cake walk by Misses Bessie Hill and Edith Blunt, dressed in dainty yellow and white cos tume. Refreshments were served. This afternoon the secret work will be exemplified at 2 o'clock and the In stalatlon of officers will take place at 3 o'clock. In the evening at Odd Fel lows' hall a social will be held for the entertainment of the visitors. Big Sale. Lamps Hand Lamp sjcts) Hand I.nmii, footed ...3cla tttuud l.uui ... . . j.t eta Mtand Lamp, larire .. jocts Lamp liurncr- A size s ctx Lamp Hunter-!! size locts Ittnp Wlckn-A size iloi Is cts Lamp Wlcks-ii size ln no eta Lamp Wicks -C -lie dua Jilctrt Lamp Wicks, round. .. 1 1 ct 4.15 Lamp cot to 3.14 ft Lamp cat to...... 3.B1 A. a Lamp cat to ... . 4.6R 7. SO Lamp cut to o.fl 10.00 Lamp cut to ... 8.11 U.flO Lamp cut to 9.3T 9 50 Lamp cat to Ifl.ftT We are Cutting: 1'iicen all to Pieces During our Big Clearance Sale. Great American ImporOsi Tea Co. 571 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or. RATHBONE SISTERS. The eighth annual session of the grand lodge of Rathbone Sisters of Ore gon met In K. of P. hall, also, at 10 a. m., with Grand Chief Davis in the chair. The following officers and rep resentatives were present: Grand Post Chief Susie T. Pannenter, Salem; Grand Chief, Cora M. Davis, Union; Excellent Senior LIHle B. Brook, Was co; Excellent Junior Miriam B. Brook, Portland; Grand Mistress of Records and Correspondence Nettle J. Vnger man, McMinnvllle; Grand Mistress of Finance Alma L. Dun-ten, UUlsboro; Grand Protector Susie E. Dow, St. Helens; Grand Guard of Outer Temple Lillian Olmstead. Salem; Grand Trus tee Elizabeth Dunning, Portland; Su preme Representatives Sarah E. Hoch stedler and Alice P. Richards, Albany; Mary 11. Houge, Alpha, No. 1, Albany; Anna Wood. Columbia, No. 3, Rainier; Ona Lincoln, Rowena, No. 9, La Grande; Olive M. Skipton, Centralla. No. 11, Salem; Julia Driver, Harmony, No. 12, The Dalles; Vine Glffen, Lucette. No. 14, Union; Hannah Wright, Diane cia, No. IS, McMinnvllle; Jennie Sewall, Phoenlca. No. 10, HlUsboro; Ella Houg Lillian, No. 17, Wasco; Lucy Gray, Ava, No. 19. St Helens; Ella Long. Orphia, No. 18, Portland; Elisabeth Dunning I venae. No. 20, Portland; Elizabeth Puroell, Mystic, No. Z2, On tario; Mollle Peacock, Dowdolia, No. 23. Brownsville; Hattle Whitaker. Damo nla, No. 24, Pendleton; Ida Bergman, Astor, No. 25. 'Astoria. Fourteen post chiefs took the grand temple degree. After the organization was complet ed the grand chief read a report of her year's work which showed a re sult of six new temples, th weak tem ple grown strong; the strong temples grown stronger, and an Increased In terest In the ord'ir on the part of the Knights of Pythias, The G. M. of R, and C.'s report show ed the present membership In the state to be 539 Knights and 479 Bisters, and the O. M. of F.'s statist!' showed the lodges to be prosperous financially. At the afternoon session, the iepma of the supreme representative were received. They gave the membership in the United State at 22.000 Knights and 41.000 Bister. Reports from sub ordinate temples and routine business took up the rest of this session. Last night the work was exempli fied by the grand lodge, who were the guest of Astor Temple, No, 23, of this city. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. When a few months more shall have passed we will then stand at the very tnnrtwid of the twentieth century, and 1 tn nineteenth will be a thing of the rnst. It will, however, be known as the century of Invention and discovery, and among some of the greatest of these we can truthfully mention Hos tetter Ptomach Bitter-., the celebrat ed remedy for all aliments arising from a reordered stomach, such as dyspep sia. Ir digestion, tlatuh-rvcy, constipa tion and biliousness. It has been one of the gnalest blessings to mankind during th rast fifty years as a health builder. M.ny physicians recommend It. Take their adWce, try a bottle and be cciivincfd. but be sure o ret the genuine with a Private Revenue Stamn over ihe nck of the bottle THE GALVESTON DISASTER. An elegant volume containing the only complete and authentic account of the great calamity, fad by the survivors. rf upwards of 500 page and profusely illustrate; wun a large number of en- graving mode from photographs taken Immediately after the disaster, etc. Price, only $1.50. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this book Is riledged to be sent to Geo. Sayers. of Texas, for the benefit of the sufferers. A sample copy of the book may be seen by calling upon Chas. Allen at Hart's drug store or at 330 Seventeenth street. Send orders to same address. Help the homeless. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Building and Loan Land Co. to Jo hanna Beckman lots 33 and 34. block 2. Taylor's; 3650. Peter Obrey and wife to Thomas Reardon 160 acres in section 19, T 4 N. R 8 W; $700. Sheriff to Roes. HIggins & Co lot 20. Unlontown; 1617.4. ..School Begins.. Vacation time is about over and our children will be taking up various studies, but have you grown up people learned the lesson of . , . PRACTICAL ECONOMY buy for. your boys their School Suits 1 I invite you to call at my store and learn how you can eava SO cents, 75 cents and $1 on Little Fellows' Suits, and from $1 to $2.50 on Big Boys' Suits, while our Men's Suits are reduced from $1 to $1.50, OUR SWEEP SALE IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. m WE Q Ell ABLE 7r: llM -TO FARMERS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT FARMERS Stops the Coast Works Ofl the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 1$ cents. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED WEEK LY EXCURSIONS. An experienced excursion conductor General Freight and Passenger Agent wants and welfare of passengers will be In charge of Tourist sleeping car to Chicago via Union Pacific. This, car leaves Portland on 'The Portland-Chi cago Special" at 1:15 a. m.. making close connections at Chicago with similar service to Boston and New Tort El derly oeople and ladles traveling alone or with children will find this sSice very convenient and satisfactory. For tickets, berth reservations and full Information, call on O. W. LOUNSBERRT. General A rent. ORAM rv Or Astoria. Oreron. J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 133 Third St. Portland. Oregon. We are Sole Agents for - RUSHFORD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrengtb. and durability, and our prices are right Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria. Oregon. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods 8 hipped to Our Cart Will Reoeivs S pedal Attention. No, MS Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mr Res. Tel. UIL Fisher's Opera Hoase to B. BKLIG, Lcaae and Manager. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A V ALa-LtfsBN Tenth and Commercial Streets FRIDAY, OCTOBER u BEflGfl and BOWERS BIG CONSOLIDATED MINSTRELS Coming with the BEST COMPANY they ever owned. 60 All White People 60 S-CARS-3 3 BANDS 3 Everything new this season. Positively the Largest and Most Expensive Minstrel Company Ever Organized... New Acts! New Faces! ! New Ideas! WATCH FOR THE BIG PARADE PraCES Reserved seats. "So; gallery, 50c. Advance sale of seats opens Thursday morning at Griffin & Reed's. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoiflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer for family nse or ket Air John Kopp is profietor, makes beer I beer supplied ai. any time, delivery b tor domestic and export trade. I the city free. florth Pacific Brewery BEFORE 011 BUY A PlflflO OR AH ORGAH It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO HOUSE OPFICEi 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a tine piano or organ for less money than you can get them elsewhere. "Write k)day. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes. II r caam a