The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 02, 1900, Image 3

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The New Gloves
Tito mi mo old kinds of cloven; tho huido m to quality and fit;
tlio mimo worthy itortH that you huvo como to expect at thin
xtoro. Hut tlio coIurinKB nro new correctly new und thero is
t fud or a fancy nhout embroidery or finibli here and them
J hey art) now glovc.
0a!. 0i1fi4tic VVflAlr 2-lncli Tailor Suiting Kcd.icc
OytUllI jaiV HIIO HVwtt from $.2ft to 1IH ctntrcr yard
All contract! for advert win k In
Did AhIoi Inn urn Hindu on u mmr
untco of circulation four time
turner than that of any puper
rublUhcd or circulated In Out
nop county.
I1UTI.ANI. Oct. 8.-Or.-gon Wuh
Inglon ami Idaho, slmwei- today.
Ic cream 10o a quart at tht Farlor,
J. O, Nurmburg, of Walluakl. u In
th illy yesterday.
Augiut K rants ro'unx-d from Port
land ycitrrday nosn.
Charles lirrry. tif Vancouver, Wash,,
It a visitor In tho rtty.
Mr. J, T. Itoan returned from I'urt
land )rtcr.Uy morning.
Beat U-ccnt meal, niilni Suo Res
Uurmnt, (11 Commercial street
Don't overtook our aohool suit Tbey
r hiniim.'li, KUAN AHAN B.
C. C. Clarke, the NevanU'um logger,
tarlol up his ctmp yesterday.
JfTs restaurant the largest
test. A trial will convince you.
Ue.,re O. Halley. of tfkamokawa, was
In Atorla on buln yeU-rday.
W are headquarter for everything
In school uinlle. HHANAHAN'8,
V a i ii
n. O. Waldmati returned yesterday
from spending Sunday In Portland
For (mid itrong school clocking buy
th Illiuk CM brmnil st 8HANAHAN'8
Tim ieam schooner Dnpatch left out
for Bnn Franolso tsrly (Sunday morn
II. A. fihorey, tho Portland mining
man. was In Astoria, yesterday on busi
ness. 9
The best and cheapest lalldrlng In
the city at A. KlUUNEN, ill Com.
menial treet.
0):rK Itnlsam, a native of Greece
wu admitted to cltlaenshlp In tht
county court yesterday.
When you wait u stylish now suit
made cheap, call on A. KILJUNEN,
t:3 Commercial street.
Tho Imrkrntlne Tarn O'Slianter. with
a cargo of lumber fur fun Francisco,
went to sea Hun Jay evening.
C. C. Cummlngs, of Portland. Inter
preter In the Wong Loong trial, return
ed to thnt city last evening.
Astoria visitors to Portland can ob
tain conies of tht Pally Astorlan at
tht news stands of D. D. Rich.
The Ralston physical culture class
will resume Its regular meeting Wed
nesday. October S. at Honthorn' hall.
P. A. Etoke. O. C. Fulton and F. P.
Kendall are In the Willamette valley
on a hunting trip after Chinese pheas
ants. The three masted schooner Repeat
with a cargo of lumber for 8nn Fran
cloo whs towed to sea early Sunday
Three tint-class barbers at Occident
Hotel barber shop, under the manage
ment cf A. rcterson. Intoly of ths Pal
ace Buths.
Mrs. T. T. (leer, who has been vis
iting her parents In this city for sev
eral dnys, left for her home In Salem
Sunday evening.
Cream Pure Rye. America's finest
whUkv. Ths nnlv nure goods; guar
anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L.
CARLSON. Sole Agent.
Remember we guarantee our Ice
cream to contain nothing but cream
and sucar find flavor. It Is 15 cents
per pint at the Parlor.
The Ccrttirlon cleared at the custom
houso yesterday for the United King
doin with 48,448 socks of barley and
7830 sacks of wheat on board,
Tloslvn coal lasts longer, It cleaner
and makes less troubl wltii stoves and
chimney flues than any other. George
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1111.
Sheriff Llnvllltt thl veiing to
Hul"m to take Wong Ixng, who wu
sentence I to IS years In tht penlu-n
tlwry yewterdiy iftrn'nm.
Jumea McCarihy was aptxtlnted ad
mlnltlralor of the emato of tht late
Margaivl McCarthy In probate court
yratorday. Tho estate Is valued at
A marriage llccime was sUfd yes
teniay ariernooit frm the county
clerks ottlie to John A. Hush and Miss
Clar V. Anderson, Uith of Clatsop
Wdn. duy being Yom Klppur, or Day
of Atonement, a Jv.vlih holiday, all tho
JswUh inrchnt of this city will clime
their pluces of business that day un
til p. Tl.
The American bark Harry More
was ti)w,d acrun th4 river to Knupp
ton yestrruay morning by the tug
Wollulu. She win bud lumber for Bun
Captain Wood. McVI.-ar and Mai
then ar outalde the bar on the Jos
eph I'ulllxi r. waiting for some of the
nuiiH-roii hl of the October grain
Meet that are du In.
Mik Lulu and Miss Qrace Dillon
sister of Mr. W. R. Dunbar, have
returiii-d from a vacation trip and are
again In the dn-Miinnklng department
of Mrs. Dunbar's store.
The Italian -hip Kllna cleared ye
leMay morning at Portland for Al
goa bay. South Africa; the first of the
(K-tober grain fleet. She had S2.000
bushels of wh-at on board.
The Routh Perd Journal says: Hap
y Jark. tl g!s-eater, w-koown
round nere, won u nort time ago
vi iy proerly ahanghaled at Astoria,
and I now sailing o'er the bounding
Ths German steamship Eva, with a
cargo of lumber for Vladlvimtock.
which was expected to leave Portland
yesterday afternoon, did not get away
but will probably be through some
time today.
The October term of the coucty com
misHioner's court will convene on next
Wednesday. The epoplnlment of the
viewers to select a route for a road
from this city to the upper Nehalem
will then be made.
The steamer Columbia started out for
Ban Francisco yesterday after having
taken on here several hundred tons of
shook and oysters and several passen
gers among which were J. L. liellmer
und Frank Connor.
Captain Ileum, captain of the Qen-
114. appeared before the grand jury
at Portland vestenlay In spite of the
general bellf hut ho would forfeit the
$1ii0 ball. Ht say the matter will be
fought to the Mtter end.
L, Lebeck, who has taken a sub
contract to put braces on the new
wharf at the quarantine station and
to construct a roadway leading to It,
sent a force of men over yesterday to
lKgln work.
Ernest Woodfljld. who ha been at
Point Roberta during the summer, re
turned yesterday. He reports that the
canneries In that section are having
hard work to make their guarantees
ard that they will all undoubtedly lose
money on the fall pack.
There has been a cutting of the lev-
lee In swveral of tha counties of the state.
The levy for 1900 In Umatilla county
Is Jr.,fl24,2, a reduction of $264,606 from
that of last year. This la probably
done because of the corresponding big
cut In Multnomah county last year.
Cherley Rorglund, who has been con
nected with the store of Johnson Uros,
for a long time has associated him
self with D. Stevens and they will en
gage In ttw oyster business at Lltt't
restaurant at the corner of Sixth and
Alder streets In Portland, they hav
ing purchased the business. '
The steamer Sue H. Elmore arrived
n from Tillamook yesterday morning
with 1100 cases of salmon, 600 boxes of
butter and about 200 cases of cheese,
benidet other miscellaneous freight.
Captain Schrader reports a very satis
factory trip In every way. the boat
nrovlng herself a staunch sea-going
vessel and well fitted for her work.
Mrs. Andrewa of Uppertown was ar
rested late Saturday night on the
charge of being drunk and disorderly,
nd used some very choice language to
the officer who arrested her. Sunday
morning she was released on 110 bail
and fulled to show up when the cast
was culUd In police court yesterday
ftfumoon. Hhe I the woman who
caused a seniatlon In Uppertown some
months ago by having a row with her
husband after which he separated from
her taking their three children with
Tht Victoria Colonic says If. M, 8.
Hcaru Is bai.k In K'iulmalt from a
cruise In liehrlng tea. She brought
bad news for thoso Interviewed In the
sealing Industry. The season In Reti
ring sea has been a complete failure,
all of ths 40 or more schooners which
ore out having mlsrably poor catches.
Had weather rather than a scarcity
of iMals, Is responsible for the unfor
tunate situation.
Duncan MeTavlxli relumed on Sat
urday evening from having pent near
ly three years In the Yukon mining
country. He says that nearly all the
Astoriuns wh'i were at Dawton htve
gone to Nom. Mr. McTavlnh worked
bench claim on nonanta during the
greater portion of hi stay ihWe. It
Is hi intention to return to Alaska In
(he spring as he has several valuable
claims mere.
I Strebllch, who came to Antorla
after the accident at Saldern'e log
ging camp last week and was arrest
ed Friday for being found drunk on
the street and fined $5, Sunday morn
ing pulJ the fine and was rl-Hncd.
HumTay afternoon he again became
unable to navigate and wn taken In
again, lit wiu fined $5 yeterday af
ternoon and In default of that amount
I six nding a few day with the city.
The monument that I to be erected
by Concomly trt!e. Improved ord-r of
lledm-n, over the grave of the late
Sheriff William, was succesafully tak
en out to Oivmwood cemetery on Sun
day. It was a difficult undertaking,
considering the condition of the roads
and Its great weight. The II. F. Pruel
Company had charge of the -work and
with three four-horse teams deliver
ed it there without an accident t.f any
Captain Nlelson .of the schocner R.
W. Harnett, which arrived at San
Francisco Saturday, reports having
righted a dead whale on September
4tn In latitude M deg. 10 mln. north,
longitude 14 deg. 44 mln. went. This
position Is twenty-sevjn mile can of
the position of the vessel reported as
bottom up by the schooner J. O. Wall,
and It I believed that the carcass of
the whale was mistaken for an over
turned vessel.
The management of the Tloneer
Woolen Mill of Dallas which has been
making proposition to town and cltle
throughout the Northwest, for the past
three months, to move tht mill to any
location giving It the neeeary en
couragement In the way of a bonus,
has at last found a city In California
that wishes to Invest In such a prop
erty. Thl little cMy of 7,0o0 people
propose to move the machinery from
Dalla and add to it as much more new
machinery from the East, and place it
In a building erect) by the people on
lands donated by them. It Is estimat
ed that the mill, will cost the people
of that town a little over $26,000.
The Young Men's Republican Club
will open the campaign In Clatsop
county. Thursday evening. October 4,
with a grand rally and smoker. Hon,
Otorge H. Williams, of Portland, at
torney-general under Drlgadier-Qeneral
Grant, will make the addresa of the
evening, after which pipes and tobac
co will be furnished those present and
the remaining time spent In short
speeches by prominent local Republl
cans, smoking, music and a general
time. The young men's club extend
,ui Invitation to all Republican and
to cltliens generally to come out and
hear Judge Williams on Thursday next.
Dan Canuto, foreman for Jos. Supre-
nnnt. came from Portland on the train
Sunday night, and during the ride had
two teeth knockod out. Doc Farrell
was on the train and got Into some dif
ficulty with a Chinaman and pounded
the heathen up badly. Canuto was In
tne car ana remarxed itvat it 'was a
shame" to so abuse a helpless China
man when Farrell replied by striking
Canuto In the mouth, knocking him
down and "out." and when he recov-
red he found that two of his teeth
were missing. Canuto says that, he
will swear out a warrant for the ar
rest of Farrell, charging him with as
sault. Yesterday afternoon Farrell.
continuing, his spree of the night be
fore, became too obnoxious and was
arrested on ihe charge of being drunk
nd disorderly. He will be held to
ppear before Judge Nelson this after
It is a wonderful soap
that takes hold quick and
docs no harm.
No harm I It leaves the
skin soft like a baby's; no
alkali in it, nothing but
soap. The harm is done by
alkali. Still more harm is
done by not washing. So,
bad soap is better than
What is bad soap? Im
perfectly made; the fat
and alkali not well bal
anced or not combined.
What is good soap?
All tart of tiorn tell h, tpeclallr druerlstM
The British ship Pentherlllo, which
left Portland last Friday -on her way
down the river, Is reported hard
aground between Reeder"B and Knapp's
Just above Willow Island bar. She
nmt, premiums FfAA
Given Oct
Teas, OoffcQs,
Spices, Extracts,
Soda, Baking Powder
(ood l ime and 1'lace to Uuy
Come Juat to See
QL?8!011 Tea Co.
571 c"o7nmercIai Street, Astoria, Or.
truck once In front of Reeder's and
after considerable difficulty got char,
but had scarj?ly gone a quarter of
mile before she struck again, this time
to slay awhile. Tht predictions of old
pilots seem to be coming true that
the floating sands of the Columbia
would eventually fill the channel to
such an extent a to render the upper
portion of the river useless for navl
gallon. The Penth-Hllla is loaded with
wheat ond draws, 22 fe-t. When the
Palley Gatzrrt posd her yesterday
morning she waa about In the middle
of the stream. It Is thought that If
he cannot be gotten off before, that
the high tides of next week will lift
her off.
.-inimuc compiled by the census
enumerators tend to show that since
the dvent of the white man In large
numbers in the gold country and In
Northern Alaska the Eiklmaux are dy
ing off rapidly and are destined In
few years to become almost If not
'julle extinct. Arthur C. Jackson, pres
IJent of the Alaska Geographical So
ciety who spent two months during
the past summer In the territory says:
"The condition of the native Esquimaux
in Western Alaska Is pitiful to behold.
During the past year dls?oje has
wronght much havoc among them, and
unless some measures are token short
ly, by the government, to better their
condition It will only be a short time
until that race of people will be num
bered with the past. During our trav
eit, ror my wire was with me. we
saw many touching ,lghts. tome of
which are never to be, forgotten. To
the advance of clrllltatlon Is partly
Jue their state, for It cannot be said
that the Eskimo- haa yet adapted him
elf to the new conditions. While :
was at Cape Nome I talked with the
census supervisor!. . Ift informed me
that many of his enumerators, who
did the work In the Koyukuk district.
brought In with them stories of an ap
palling nature. He said that In several
of the districts, from the reports that
he had received he was convinced that
fully 60 per rent of the Indians had
died from disease and prlvaflon since
the enumeration began. In several of
the sections that we visited. we found
llttlo Indian huts In which there had
been no fire for the enUre winter sea
son. Wood was scarce; the head of
the family was either dead or 111 with
some one of the many diseases that
have been rampant among the Indians
of that section during the past season
ana mere was no one lert to go on a
Journey for wood. So through the long
winter day and night these Impoverish
ed people lived In squalid poverty with
no lire to. keep the body warm or with
which to prepare a meal, should the
victuals be In the house with which to
do It. ,
During a recent Interview the cap
tain of a ship now lvlng at Tacoma
is quoted as saying: "When the ques
tion was up before congress) much was
said about the protection of the sail
or; but nn experience of many years at
fO, both before the. mast and on the
quarterdeck has , convinced me that
anybody who loses any sleep over the
wrongs done this class of sailors had
better betow their sympathies upon
some other class of laborers. ' Now,
don't misunderstand me. I am not
harsh In my Judgment on sailors, but
upon the class of sailors who gener
ally nre the ones who kick up a fuss
nbout Ill-treatment, poor food and In
sufficient wages. On my voyage to this
one I cleared from Hull for China and
Japan ports, and from there to Aus
tralia for coal for 'Frisco, so that by
the time I reached 'Frisco I had been
nn thp way fourteen months, as I had
long waits In all the ports of call. Now,
my crew consisted of sixteen men be
fore the mast, and every man of these
sixteen had not lc than 30 pounds
coming to them, and yet, you can be
lieve ire or not. but before I haa been
In 'Frisco four days, nil I had left
of my sixteen men was four, the oth
er twelve had skipped over the side,
leaving 30 pounds wages due them!
and 1 am willing to wager not a single
one of these was shipped in even as
well found a ship as the one they had
deserted from; and two of them I af
terwards learned had shipped In a
packet that the mate was arrested for
brutally beating the crew. Another
thlng In this quesUon of crimping sail
ors is the question of charter rates. As
long as rates are ruling low. away
down In the twenty shilling scale, sail
ors are then getting the Identical wages
they are getting now when rrelght rates
have Jumped up to near the fifty shil
ling mark, therefore I don't see that
the ship owners have really much of
kick coming if the Doarding nouse
runners try and make a little extra
money out of the high rates prevail
ing, and If you come ciown to nara
facts, the one who Is toeing 'Jobbed'
Is tbe farmer who grows the grain in
the eastern section of this state.
Ordinance Fixing Compensation of
Firemen PassedStreet Improve
mentOther Business of the
The city council held tholr regular
meeting last evening. Councilmen
Agren. Cook. Hansen, Parker, Svensen
and Utxlngor wer preent.
A liquor license wo granted to Alex
rant and an appllactlon for liquor
license by Carlson Brothers was laid
before the council.
The resolution regardllng the Im
provement of Duane street from Four
teenth to Seventeenth against which
a remonstrance wot filed at last meet
ing wot read and after a hot discus
sion and Introduction of an amendment
by Parker, to provide for a division
of that section of the street In ques
tion, making the resolution read that
the part from Fourteenth to Fifteenth
be Improved and from Fifteenth to
Seventeenth be repaired, the report
with the amendment was adopted.
The following claims were allowed:
C. A. LInenweber. $5.15.
Astoria Electric Supply Co., $1.23.
C. F. PraH $1.25.
A. 4 C. R. R.. $5.00.
K. Thompson, $.50.
A. O. Long, $8.15.
West Shore Mills. $3,00.
Fred Sals. $2.00.
Aiex. Bremner. $10.50.
Mr. Oedde. $1.00.
A. F. I.acy, $30.00.
Schofield & Hauke. $27.30.
West Shore Mills. $8.00.
A. Brunold. $2.50.
Fisher Bros.. $19.51.
A. G. Long. $47.30.-
A resolution was Introduced to pro
vide for the numbering of buildings In
Unlontown or West. Astoria, and pass
ed first and second reading.
A resoltlon to improve Franklin ave
nue from Twenty-sixth street to Thirty-second
street by replanking renew
inr posts, the addition of a handralllng
and providing that .he work be finished
by December 15. 1900. that the council
advertise for bids, etc., passed first and
second reading.
Ordinance were Introduced to pay
N. Clinton 4 Son $1096 for the Im
provement of Commercial street from
Eighth street to Tenth street; $469.95
for work on Seventh street from Bond
to Astur; $312 Commercial street, Ninth
street to Eighth; $150.05, 8eventh street
from Bond to Astor.
The ordinance fixing the compensa
tion of the -mlef engineer and other
employes of the Are department as fol
lows: Chief. $70; drivers. $65; foreman
and extramen. $8.70; engineer of chem
ical, $65, was passed unanimously. The
effect of this measure la to increase
the salaries of drivers from $54.60
monthly to $65.
A resolution wa introduced direct
ing the board of assessors to make an
especial assessment for the Improve
ment of Ninth street from Bond to As
tor street.
A resolution was also Introduced di
recting that the board of assessors hold
a special meeting on Thursday. October I
25, to equalize and correct assessment
roll No. 35, for the Improving of Frank-
tin avenue from Thirty-first street to
the claim line.
A resolution wag Introduced directing
that the city surveyor make an exami
nation of the Und near block 42 for
the purpose of ascertaining means of
bringing water to the city.
Mayor Bergman Introduced a reso
lution recommending that the vacancy
In the police commission caused by the
death of the late W. F. Schlebe be
filed until the regular election by the
appointment of Leander Lebeck. The
resolution, however, was not confirm
ed. The meeting was then adjourned.
..School Begins..
Vacation time is about over and our children
will be taking up various studies, but have you
grown up people learned the lesson of . . .
when you get ready to Crfinnl Qllif C 1
buy for your boys their OUIUUI OUl 13 f
I invite you to call at my store and learn how
you can eava 60 cents, 75 cents and $1 on Little
Fellows' Suits, and from f 1 to $2.50 on Big
Boys' Suit-, while our Men's Suits are reduced
from $1 to $4.50.
We are Sole Agents for RUSHFORD. WAGONS." We
guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength.
and durability, and. our prices are right
Fisher Bros., Agts.,
Astoria, Oregon.
Wong Loong Pljads Guilty to Charge
cf Manslaughter and Is Sen
tenced to 13 Tears' Impris
onment and Pay a
Fine of $50.
Court opened yesterday afternoon af
ter having stood adjourned since
The trial of Wong Loong for the kill
ing of another Chinaman at Booth's
annery. about August 1st, came on
and by his attorney, Mr. Wlnton, de
fendant entered a plea of guilty of
manslaughter, which was accepted by
the prosecuting attorney. A number
of witnesses were examined to show
previous reputation of defendant. The
witnesses were for the greater part
Chinamen and were examined chrough
C. Cumlnga, of Portland, as Inter
preter. The Judge stated that the tes
timony as to the prisoner's previous
reputation was not of much weight
and then sentenced him to undergo an
imprisonment of 12 years in the state
penitentiary and pay a fine of $50.
Two curioua Jlttle bits of paper or
silk were Introduced In evidence, said
by the Interpreter to be high-binder's
Timothy Corbett, charged with as
sault with Intent to commit rape, was
arranged for trial In the circuit court
yesterday. He had entered a plea
of not guilty to the' charge, but. with
the consent of Prosecuting Attorney
Allen, was permitted to enter a plea
of guilty to a charge of simple assault.
Mr. Allen stated to Judge McBrlde
that both the complaining witness,
Mrs. Deck, and her husband were very
anxious that the case should not be
called, Mrs. Denk being unwell and un
able to go through the ordeal of again
testifying In the matter. Inasmuch as
the complainant was not seriously
Injured, Mr. Allen was Inclined to
agree to tbe proposal of C. W. Fulton,
attorney for Corbett, that his client
be allowed to plead guilty to simple
assault. Judge McBrlde Imposed a fine
of MZH, In default of which Corbett
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers. ...
A Vt ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
We Rent New Typewriters.
Many new improvements added.
See our latest -
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
New Art Catalogue Free ...
Exoiudive Pacific Coast Dealers
245 Stark SL, Portland, Ore.
F y. SI'KECHKIE, Local Agent.
W. G. SMITH & CO.,
22 and 23 Washington Building.
4th and Washington Sts. over Litt'a,
will remain in the county Jail for 75
days. It Is probable, however, that
the fine will be paid.
All the lurors, with the exception of
George Nelson, H. D. Thing and Jas.
Finlayson, were excused for the term.
The above were held subject to the or
der of the court
In the case of Thomas Miles vs. Co
lumbia River Packers Association the
demurrer was overruled and the defen
dant allowed ten days to answer. This
case will be tried some time In November.
In the City of Astoria, on Wednes
day evening, October $, 1900, at tha
hour of 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of
organizing a Republican club for the
campaign of 1900. All voters who ex
pect to support the Republican presi
dential ticket are cordially Invited to
be present.
We believe this to be a matter of
great pubUc Interest which should re
ceive the attenUon of every voter. It
is a' matter In which every man has a
personal Interest and, therefore, should
make It a point to be present
Aug. Danielson, Thomas Ryrle,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tha money if It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
WARD. . PARIS, Aug. 14. American whlsklea
received the official approval of the ex
position today when the first award
for merit was made to Bernheim Bros.,
Louisville, Ky., on their L W. Harper
The undersigned hereby call a public
meeting to be held at the court house
TH. D. Thing.
Albert Dunbar,
H. C. Thompson,
J. T. Roes.
A. V. Allen,
J. H. Seymour,
C. W. Fulton.
John Fox,
Thos. Llnvllle.
H. J. Wherity,
A. Montgomery,
C. S. Wright.
S. Elmore.
Jas. W. Welch.
W. L. Robb.
F. J. Carney,
A. S. Reed.
J. Q. A. Bowlby,
Geo, H. George,
Theo. Bracker.
W. E. Dement,
R. Carruthers,
Chas. McDonald.
P. J. Goodman,
F. K. 8tokes,
Martin Foard. '
Fred Hayberg,
E. P. Parker.
All members of Qunlin lodge No. ISO.
B. P. O. E., are requested to attend
the regular session to be held this
evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp. Business
of importance, a large attendance is
desired. H. L. HENDERSON,