THE MORNING AS1'R1AN. Stt.l.', SEP! SMBEK 0. UUU V JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main tO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Pent by rnall, per year IteO Eeat by mall, per month M Crv.,1 hr carrier. Der month .1 SEMI-WEEKLT. Eent by mall, per year. In advance $190 Foctag free to nuDacnoer. AH coraniunicatlona Intended for rep lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kind and remittances must be addressed to "Th Astorian." The Atonn guarantee to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on tbs Columbia river. Advertising ratce can be had on ap plication to the buslneaa manager. Per President WILLIAM M RlXtCY, Of Olio. Por Yict-Presideat THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Xtw York. Tie Astorian has recti ved from the rromot?rs cf the Buffalo Pan-American exposition a series of magnificent views of the great buildings now being erected The exposition baa been plan ned on an Imposing scale and will be a fit celebration of the dawn of the twentieth oentury. San FranclscD Is enjoying an era of prosperity in the ship-building industry, which has gotten far beyond the capa city of local yards. During the term rf President McKinl?y, over thirty ves sels have been built there, a many more purchased in 'he East, fifteen or. twenty more ar still on the stocks, and numerous contracts have been Jet in Scotland. That California, after s.uch record, can cast Its electoral vote against the Republican adminis tration which has produced these con ditions seems altogether inconceivable. The Manila chamber of commerce. Just orxanlied. has sent to Portland a com munication requesting the co-operation cf the Portland body In the develop ment cf trade between the Philippines and the Pacific coast of America. A a mans to this end. the producers, manufacturers and wholesale dealers of American goods which might be in demand in the Philippines, or for which a demand might be created, are a?ked to send cata'ogues, price lists and samples of gods. There is an oppor tunity here for Astoria salmon packers to enter a field which has been prac tically ur.3ev.4oD?d. though Columbia rive salmon are found the world ovr. By Judicious advertising through the Manila chamber of commerce, the many valuable products of Oregon, hitherto nlmcst unknown In the Asiatic tmpirs, may be placed upon a market which promises to be Insatiable. WOE IS me:" The rwnt decision of the registra tion board of Batti.nore that Porto Ricans residing !n America are entitled to th franchise whenever they have complied with the residence prona tors of th state wherein they reside excites a howl of terror from The Dalles Times-Mountalner. which says at the conclusion of its wail: "If the Porto Ricans became citirona ty annexation so did the Filipinos. They came into the Cnion under the same treaty. A citizen of this coun try is privileg-ed to go where h? will without passport r permit. If the Filipinos are cltizns there is no law to prevent their coning to this country by the million, and since they are a people who can and do subsist on al most nothing, enter the labor markets and drive our ware earners out of the field. Vi'e can and have restricted the immiration of alien Chinese, but we cannot restrict the immigration of our own citizens, whether they -? Chinese, Tags log or whit not Our new clti rers are liable to prove a most objec tionable element." If tbt Filipinos were so anxious to come to thU country jchy have they been waiting for the decision of this wicked Baltimore board? The fact is that we have cevsr kept them away and never shall need to, for the sim ple reason that they have no desire to come. Hew many Filipino laborer doe the Times-Mountaineer imagine have gone to Spain in the centuries of Its pos session of the Philippines? The fact ia that the Tagaio is not looking for a Job and if ne were would not go to a cold country where he would require some cMSei. tn fcls back and a -roof ever hi head at the cost of harder labor than he has ever dreamed of. The Tagalo does nothing and live or nothing, practically shaking, 4 state it txi&tenc possible only In tropical climates and to uncivilised man. The few Filipinos who leave their Island to resile In other countries are not la borer but students or professional men. Lt the Tlm-Moantalnvr dry its eyes and calm Its fears! The worst peril wh'ch confronts us Is Pryanism, m defense of which It is publishing as argument columns of such senseless flush as that which we quote above. SPREAD OF ANARCHISM. Victoria Colonist European correspondents say that the anarchists are more busy than ever, and have formed plans of a very extensive nature. The statement is made that groups of ten or more in dividuals each have been told off to asasinat all European rulers, includ ing the president of France, .md Presi dent McKlnley is also on the list Spec ial effort Is to be made to kill the king Italy, the Idea being that if his death follows closely upon that of his father, a revolution will be precipitat ed. It is funher alleged that In Italy the anarchist movement Is backed up by men of large means, and also that In all pans of Europe the class which Is espousing these terrible notions Is recruited frxn the ranks of thinkers rather than, from workingmen. It seems clear that the anarchbts are pretty well supplied with funds, and it is alleged that most of the money comes from Italy and Poland. An al liance between the anarchists of West ern Europ; and the Nihilists of Russia is thought to hav been made. Much allowance must be mads for exaggeration in these reports. It al ways happens that after a ruler has been assainathl. stori of plots to kill others become very common: but there is little reason for surprise that in Italy and In Russia, the people are ripe for any kind of mischief. These countries have to maintain not only a sovereign, but an expensive nobility. The people might be able to afford the first, but the two together are more than they can bear. In British coun tries no Idea can be formed of the ex actions of the governing classes in It aly and Russia. The great nobles themselves may not be very objection able. Their education has made them indifferent to the conditions of the working classes and the peasantry, but possibly, man for man. they are quite as kindly and well-intentioned as any Jther people. Much allowance must be made not only for their education, but for the influence of heredity, not only upon them, but upon their dependents. These great nobles do not come direct ly in touch with the humbler classes. Between them is the class made up cf agents, stewards and so on. These grind the faces of the poor after a manner that we cannot in this coun try Imagine. A tithe of what the peas antry of Italy and Russia have to bear would precipitate a rebellion In any British country. To them th law is something which is ever demanding the small fruit of their toil, ever res training them from simple liberties, ever exacting from them more than they can possibly afford to give, eith er In money or services. It is not, therefore, a matter of surprise that thinking men believe that the only remedy Is in revolution. That they should countenance murder as a provo cative of revolution Is the incompre hensible thing. This is worse than Frarce during the :ast century. There revolution preceded murder. The situ ation in Europe is described as ex tremely serious, and the public are warned to expect at any day news of another assassinatiin. HOW BRIGHTS DISEASE STARTS. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with urea and uric acid (which suouid nave been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and Joints, causing irritation of the kidneys, then rains over the small of the back, mark sure approach cf Bright' iwut. Do not delay taking Foley's Kidney Cure, for it make- the kidneys rieht. Take no substitute. CIIAS. ROGERS, Drug gist The new woman will have to keep a choice collection of cu?s words in slock for use when her collar button roils under the dresser. HALF TEE WORLD IX DARKNE33 as to the cause of their I'd health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley" Kidney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back ache, headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. CHAS. ROGERS, Dure gist. People often talk of breaking the ice. cut it wcu.1 require a powerful flight of the imagination to think of breaking the ice-man. T "WIUT-S THE TIME?"' A booklet with this title. Just pub lished by th Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, should not only be In the hands of every traveler, but should have place on the desk cf every banker, merchant or other busi ness man. The four "Time Standard", which govern our entire time system and which are more or lee familiar to most of the trawling public, but by many others little understood, are so fully explained and Illustrated by a, series of charts, diagrams and tabic that any one who chooses can become convers ant with the subject In question. There are also some twenty-four tables by which almost at a glance, the time at any place can be ascertained In ail the principal cities of the world. A copy of this pamphlet may be had on application to George II. H. 'af ford. General Passenger Agent. Chicago, enclosing two-cent stamp to pay pos tage. ' C J. EDDY. GeneraJ Agent If a man has the right tuft :n h'm. It's hard to come out. That's what makes some men's noses so red. "I had a running sore on riy leg for seven years," write Mrs. Jaa. Forest, cf Cheppewa Falls, Wuu, "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured If CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist If men were built Ilk pianos, there would be more square and upright peo ple in this wi-.ked world. A good many consumptives would be cured and the worst cases comforted and relieved by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest it to those afflict ed. Tcu should do this as friend. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist If riches don't bring happiness, they have at least one advantage over pov ertythey don't prevent it Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and piles, quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine in the world. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist If the shoe fits, wear it unless you are a woman, then of course you will want a size smaller. Allen Halverscn of West Prairie. Wis., says: "People come ten mllee to buy Foley's Kidney Cure," while J. A. Spe ro. of Helmer. Ind.. says: "It Is the medical wonder of the ag" CHAS, KOGEKS. Druggist H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 23. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car M11 Receive 8 pedal Attention. No. US Duaxwe St. W. J. COOK. Ufr Astoria. Or. Res, TeL 1UL The man with a swelled head doesn't usually suffer as much as those who are compelled to associate with him. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO SLPaul.DuInth, Minneapolis, I'hicap and All Poln East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME: SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through tlr sod Tonrfit Steepen Dining sod Buffet Smoking Library Cart Ticket to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. A N. Ticket Office. Astoria, r Great Northern Ticket Office, 263 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rate, folder and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent Portland. Ii T, UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL THE "Northwestern Limited" ralna, electric lighted throughout both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest train In the world. They embody the latest newest and best idea for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of th car builder' art These Splendid Train Connect Wita The Great .Norther. Tbe Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these nperlor accommodation and all classes of tick et are available' for passage oa th famous "Northwestern Limited." AH trains on this line ar protected by the Interlocking Block system. W. II. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agent Traveling; AfL Portland. Ore. WHITE COLLAR UNI Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Gatiert leave Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m, litres IVr' and dally except 8un dav at I a. i" Whit Collar Line ticket and 0. R. A N. tlcketa Interchangeable on lUIUy Gatiert and Hassato, Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcot ta trom liwaco and Long lteach point. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria, Agt, U. R SCOTT. Telephone UL President ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. UirT PORTLAND "J ArrtT" 8 :Wa. in. Port fan J Union Ipot'll:19 a.m. p.m. !f r Astoria and inter- 1:40 p.m. Invdlat points. I ASTORIA. Portland A in-IU Ma.nL riOp m ltirrnsllate point llO SOp.m. KEA8IPK DIVISION. 11 m. V l.m. i.JW p. ta. ASTORIA SEASIDE 7 4 tti p. in ) ! V a, in '.(Op, ra All train make, close connections at Goble with all Northern Facinc train to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Cen'l Tfl and Pas. Agent A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best ervio obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar paid to serve the public and our train are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging line at all Junction point. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the flnt-clau ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yon a ticket over TheWIsconsIn Central Lines. and you will make direct connection at St Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point East For any further information call on any ticket agent or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Agt or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. General Agetit 248 Stark St. Portland. Or. THE CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On June Kth opened up for traffic their new line from Belle Piaine. Ia., to Mason City: also their new Fox Lake branch. The length of this new line is 136 miles, which added to their mileage, gives them a total of 8. 441. Si miles, the largest mileage of any rail read In the world. 0 o. Tine SCHEDULES DEPART from roriltod. Aasrvs i Chiragw salt Like. Dearer. Ft.. Portland! Wonh, Omaii. Kn- , peril i in i;hy. rt. Louu.i " m 8 15s. m I Chicago and Kt- ! at'antic Wurth.On.aha.Kan fciprrs ; ia city. L LouiaJ . m. p. in- ; Chicago ana taut, , Walla Wall. I.-wion, Ppoksn ; Hpoiane. Mltneapo i Firer, i li., kl Paui, Im'uth., 40sia. tp-m. ; Milwaukee, CliiCiji) I d Kan. I , From Astoria OCEAN steamships! All Sailing bat mb jeet lu change. i For Baa Francaco Hall , I MtyS.8,11. is, a. CoirmMa River 7 am Hdamer I u m ExEuDdajiTa Portland aa4 Mu dar i Way Laaainga. ' Oregoa t i!, Ntwberg,: i aaiem A Way-Lasd a. , WUtaaaetu aa Vaa-'J0 T."'",w ki".UvT' Hon.ei an4 aat Oregon City. Dayton, a and Frl. I Way Laud jufu j Lee dly, River. m l utn. ' mpariaui ewutoo. . d4jy Cam WliliVmi KIVCIi Tnea.Thui; fcrtrlaud to ( orTalli'. mid, Wed Saturday , aEd way lading. iKriaay G. W. LOCNSBERRT, Agent Astoria, W. H. HURLBL'P.T, Gen. Pasa. Agt- Portland, Or, 11 A familiar name for the Cblcaa. Milwaukee k. St Paul Railway, known all over the Union aa the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night vetween St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tion are rrade with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the beat service known. Luxurious coaches. eiecinc ngnt (team neat or a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States -or Canada, Ail ticket agents sell them. For rate, pamphlets or other Infor mation, addrewa, i. W. CA5ET. C. J. EDDY, TrT. Pasa. Agt, Gen. Art Portland. Oregon. Portland. Or. POSSIBLY You Arc Not Aware of the Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE fir WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO HIE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train, liolh are finely equipped. 'OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERYICE rt'LLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS Pl'LLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. I.IMtAHY (CAFE) CAR FKEB RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hour In time saved to Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Citv. St. LodIs, New York. Hotoo, And Other Eastern I'olnts Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. If ! In vrttlp (ltirat rn mm Y!1? OVEHLANU LIMITED. Tickets and riteping-car berths ran t secured from U. W. LJLNsUEKHr, Agent O. R. N. Co.. Astoria, Or., OR J. II LOTHR0P. Crneral Agent 135 Third 8t, Portland. Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTS TO Montana. Utah, Colorado 2nd all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pactne Fast Mall Una, or the ttlo Urand Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated an all trains. For further Information apply W Or C O. TERRY. W. E. COMAJI. Trar. Pass. Agt Gen. Agent U4 Third 8t. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUN8BERRT. Agent O. R. A N. SOUTH I Depot Fifth and Leave I KfrMta Arrive Overland Express Train for Salem. Loeeburg. Ash land. Sacramento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, JJojav, Los Inr.lM II P.u, 7:30 p.m !l:lf SvSB l 8 J0 a.m New Orleans and 17:0 b.b tne tast At Woodbum (daily except Sun day), morning train eonnctr with train for aft An gel, Bin r ton. Brownsrllls. FprlngQeld, and Natron, and even ing train for ML Angel and Silver ton. Corvalila passes rer. 11740 s,m IUMP i;i:S0 p.m Sheridan paasen- I ger It: Dally. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tlckeu on sal between Pert land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rate 817 first class and tU second class. Including deeper. Rate and ticket to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Kirkland. Ticket Agent Ui Third street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St Leav tur Oswego dally at 7:M, : a. m.; 11. 26. 1:65, 1:25. 4:18, 1:08. 11:30 p. m.; and 8:00 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at :X8, 8:30. 10.M a. m.; 1:28, 8:14, 4:80, 8:10, 7:40, 10 00 p. m.; 11 40 a. m. dally x cept Monday; 8:28 and 10:05 a. m. on Hundays only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Sun day, at 4:80 p. ra. Arrive at Portland at 9 80 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdsya Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunosy. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt and Pas. Act THE LOUVRE,, Strangers visiting in tne city will And tbe Lonvre an attractive resort wherein to spend tbe evening. Tbe Amme Sister Lalies' Orchestra ia stiU on the billi and presents nightly a musical program oj exceptional merit. Handsome pool and Uiliard rooms a- s feature lo OuanecUon with the hoose. Palatable Jancbes will be served at all ooar " LKOtt MOTUfS, NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. "paasi Notice Is hereby given that (he com mon council of the city of Astoria ha declared lis) determination and inton tlon lo Improve or repair all that por tion of l.'th street In th city of Asto ria, Clatsop county, tat of Orvgon, an laid out and recorded by John Mo Clure and extended by Cyru Olnry. from the south line of Cvmmrrclal street to the north line of Franklin avenue. rXi-vplins the rroitig at tho Intrrsvctlon of l.'th street with Kx change street; by retlanklng said por tion of said strrt't trvirn curb to curb with covering plank 4 inches In thu k neas liv 1J lnchn wide cm the present ewtahlished grade thereof and on th prretnt existing stringers and tiinov ti Hie old planking thervrrom. Stlil ret nlrs shall be made In con foitiiilv with the srwincatlons llxrt tr to b Med with tie auditor and io Uv tii lite l-v the city surveyor. That (lie coats and rxix-nses of said reimln ir Imiirovement shall he de frayed by stK-clal asarsami-nta upon th lots, land and lrnilrs benuflti'd by the making of said repair or Improve uient which Mid lota, lands and prem ise are hereby Includrd within a ape lial a-mrnt illtrti-lo Im asarsaed pro-rata to defray the coats and x-prta- of making, said repair, w hloti raid dlatrlct Is a follows, to-wlt; Com nirnclng t the northaeet cornrr of lot numbr flvet 51 In block numtn'r sixty one ('D and running thence south and trallil Hh the east line of block i. (4 and (5 to th southwrit cornrr of lot 10 In block sixty-five til, thence eaxt t the south line of blocks ii and (T to ih east line of said loan of Astoria. Ciataop County. Ormon. as Uid out and rectnd -d by John Mn'nire ami exl-ndfd by Cvrua Uln-y. thence n rih nl'itig said east line of mid Mr. .'lure's Aatoria to the northeast cornrr of lot four (4 in block sixty-two (:. thrnce west along the north line of blocks tl and 68 to the place of begin ning, and containing all f hlocka a:. and and lota 5. (. 7. 8, 8 and 10 tn rach. of blocks (I. 44 nnd Sj. all In the town (now city) of Astrla. Cllp county, atate of Orrgm. as laid out and r"copld by John Mc'ture'snil extend ed bv Cyrus tlnry and gwrally known us MH.'lurf'a Astoria. That the city surveyor of ald city has V, n directed to forthwith ir-iare and "lie with the auditor and police ludx of said l it r ratimat,- of the coat and rX(Mniir of making -Mid muilrs or imprvvemrnt and pvmctit f, said lr't d rvpalr or work. This notice la publlnhrxl In the Morn Ins Astorian for right days In p-irvu-anc-e to a revolution of th Common Council directing Hie same, duly adopt 1 on Moinlay, the Kth day of tept. m. (he Unit publication of this notice being on the 2:'nd day of Sept.. lw. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of th City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR HTUEET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is herby given that the com mon council of the 'tty of Astoria has declared Its deirrniiiiall n and Intention to improve Commercial street In the Citv of Astoria, a laid out and re corded by John McOure and extended by Cyrus Olney, In Clatsop county. State of Oregon, from th wrt line of Seventh street to the east line of Third street, by grading the same tn th es tablished srade throughout the entire width thereof arid planking the sam firwn curb to curb from th west Hn of Seventh treet to th east Hn of Sixth street and planking th same to the width of sixteen fret throush the center thereof from the wet lire of Sixth tret to th east line of Third street, and the construction of aid walks on both aide of said portion of said street elarht fret wide from Third street to Seventh street, and th construction of gutters on each side of said portion of said street from Third street to the west line of Sixth street which gutter shall be connected with a catch basin to be placed In the sewer at the northwest corner of the cross ing of Sixth street with said Commer cial street. The planking of th street U be twelve Inches wide by four Inches In thickness: and sll , material used shall be of good, sound red or yellow Or lumber. Said Improvement In mat ter of detail ahall be made In conform ity with the provisions of Ordinance No. l.lil. entitled "'An ordinance in re lation to the Improvement of atrtwt." excejt aa herein otherwlae provided. That the roots and expenses of mak ing aald Improvement shall be defrayed by special aaeament upon the lot. land and premise specially benefited by said improvement, which said lots. lands and prmle are hereby Included within a special axement district to be assessed pro-rata to defray the costs and expense of making sold Improve ment which said district Is as follows. to-wlt: Commencing st the northeast corner of lot five ii) in block twenty-two (22), and running thence west through the middle of blocks 22. 21 and 20 and 19. to the n.jrthwet corner of lot eight (). In block 19. thence south to the south west corner cf lot number on (1) In block thirty-two (82), thence ct through the middle of blocks S2. 2L V) snd 2 to the southeast corner of lot rour (4) in block twenty-nin (). thence north to the clace of beginning and containing lot 5. . 7 and 8. In each of Mocks 19. 20. 21 and 22, and lot 1, 2. 2 and 4. In each of blocks 29. 20. 31 am) 82, all In the town (now city) of Astoria. Clatsop county. state of Oregon, as laid out and re corded by John McClure, and which said district Includ.'s all lota, land and tremlea benefited by said Improve, went. That the city surveyor of said city ha been directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judge of said clcy specification for aald proposed Improvement and estimates of the coats and expense thereof. This notice I published In the Morn ing Astorian for eight days In pursu ance to a resolution of the Common Council, dim tins the same, duly adopt ed on Monday, the 17th day of Septem ber. 1900. the first publication of this notice being on the i2& day of Septem ber. 1900. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR FTREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria does Intend to improve and has declar ed Its Intention to Improve 17th street In the city of Astoria. In Clatsop county, Oreg., as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely from the south line of Commer cial street to the north line of Frank lin avenue in the following manner, to-wit: From the south line of Commercial street to tho north line of Exchange street said street Is to be Improved by removing all planking, raps and underpinning. Inclusive of sidewalks and underpinning, and putting In new underpinning and planking the street upon the established grade thereof throughout the full width thereof be tween sidewalk and conatructlng side walk 10 feet wide on the aides of th street and from the north Hn of Ex change treet to the north line of l.fctUI. MOTIt'M Franklin SVemie by gradlm snld street to the established grade throughout th wliHh thereof and plunking th sain to a width of 20 feet through lit wiitsr (hereof ami ronetrti 'ling on th side thereof lilewlks planked 8 fret III width snd with the curb thereof two feet toward h enter of lb street from the edge of h sidewalk Planking snl plating or coiiatruutliig gutter along th curb uf the ld walk. The planking for III s(rl is to b 4 Inches thick and U Inohe wld a to all par's to o Unproved and at lh itomiiik tbe ST.'"! I '" t'lked , throughout Ih ehtlr width thereof. That the '.! d rip-lieee of ttd Itni'iovriiiclil (eacrpl (lie i l-olllg) Shall be defrayed by levll aaollhHt Up on t. lands and premlao ben.nted by said Improvement wiihln th special aemi'!it illatriit hereinafter dealg natcd. which said P'Ul aaae.ament district Itu'ludc all M". I""'1 " premise benefited by snld Improve ment and Is drrlbrd a follows, u-wlt: Commercing st the northwest corner of lot thre In block one hundred and Ihlrty-thrra (1131 In the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shive ly. and running thence southerly In A atraight line to th southwest corner of lot ten In Work on hundred snd thirteen and running thence easterly on a straight line to thi southeast cor ner of lot nine In hl"'k on hundred and twwvs and running them norther ly on a atrnltrhl line to the northeast comer of lm four In 1I k on hundred and ihlrtv-two and running thence wes terly on a straixht line t th point of lrginnli'g, all of Mil district being In thr city of Astoria laid out and re corded br J. M. Milvely. This notlc published In th Morn ing Atln for lht days In pursu ance to a resolution of the common council directing th snine. .Inly adopted on Monday, th t'lh dav of Hnitem'wr. 1900. the lliat publication of thi notice being on th 22d day of Hepleniher. I'W. II. E. NKlJU'N. Auditor and Police Judg of th City uf Astoria. This notlc I published In in .Morn Ins Astorlsn for eight dm In pursu ance to a resolution of th common council directing lh same duly adopted on Monday tho Klh day of September, l:oo. the nrt publication of this n"t!c being on th 2M day of September. 1M). II. E. NKUOS. Auditor and Police Judg of th City of Astoria NOTICE KOU STItKET IMl'ltOVE MKNT. Notice la hereby given that th Com mon council of th i ity of Astoria ha declared It iteternilnallon and Inten tion t j Improve loth street in th city of Astoria as laid out anil rconld by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, from the south line, of Lichang trert to th north lln of Grand av tiu. excel ling the ensuing of aald lnr tlou of 1'jth street with Franklin avs nue. by grading that portion tlwreif from th south lln of Kichang street to th north lln of Franklin avrnu lo th eatabllshrd grade from lh curb of th sidewalk on th side uf said lorton of said street to th cast lln thereof, and by grading that portion thereof from th south lm of Franklin avenu to the north line of (iranj ar. nu to tbe established It rails through out the entire width thereof, and by blinking aald portion of said street from the couth lln of Kichang street to lh north lm of Grand avrnu to th width of twenty fret through th center thereof with Wank 1 im hea wide by 4 Inches In thickness and 20 feet long, and by the construction of a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side of said portion of said street from Exchange street to Grand avenue and a sidewalk eight fret wide on the west aid of said Portion of aald street from th south line of Franklin avrnu to the north line of Grand avrnue, with th con struction of gutters on b-'th sides of said portion of aald street. Th mater sal to be used In said Improvement shall be sood, sound red or yellow fir lumber and aald Improvement shall be made In matters of tntn4i except as herein otherwise provided according to the provlslma of Ordinance No. 11. en titled "An trdinnc in relation to th Improvement of streets" and th plan and specification tlwiefr b filed wuh the auditor and polite judg by the city surveyor. That the costs and xteiae f ,ald improvement shall lie defray,! by ape rial assessment upon thr lots, lands snd premises benefited by aald Im provement wiihln th ivl.i assess ment district hereinafter d.-signated which said special arseiimrni lltn(rc Includes ah lots, land and premises benefited by said Improvement snd which I dcwrlbed a follow , to-wlt: Commencing at the northeast corner of lot two (2 in bliK k number forty. fiv (4i), and running thence south through the middle of bUx ka 4J and 71 in the southeast corner of .,t sevt n i7) In bloik seventy-one (71), thrm-e weal along the south line ,,f b!ka 71 aud .2 to tbe uthwei corn-r of lot num. ber six (() in bl.nk sevmty-twa (72) !hea.'.nt'rth ,hrouh lh middle of block 72 and 4 to the northwest corner of lot three (2) In block forty-slg thence east In a straight lln to the place of beglnnlns. and roni.inin. cast onc-half of b!, ka 72 nni it and th v.-.i... o, uukhs ,i nnd 43, all In th city of Astoria, Clatson county stats of Oregon aa laid .,t and record- ed bv John McClur and exirnded by That the city surveyor f th citv of Astoria has been dlr.ct.j i forth with prepare and file with the auditor and police judge of .aid city rstVma ,1 of the costs and rxp-ns. of said lm. provement and sprtiflrations for aald proposed work or Improvement This notice . published n the Morn- anVli'l M r-U. snce to a res-Wut on of iu. ,,,. council directing the ,amc, 1V adon ted on Monday, the 17th .llty ,f S ..einhe? 100. th first publication of ! being on th 22d day of S,pi,.;''bV i? NOTICE OF IMPr.OVK;i;.sT Notice Is hen-by given tli.i n errl'l. fixate of the comie,.tl , tah. i, Provement of Ninth m A from th. north line of lionn ,r.'m ti the Imprtrvmi ,r.,M";irre,.V'l!C J. K. Wirt, the contract ' lLb filed In the oftlce of the ? fCTi Pile judro nr said ( ly UhU'" ''r n1 perlntendent of .tre ;1,h; wh and committee on street, u T , ,f,y,?r ways, and that unl-'ss ,M. ' .1"ub" mads to the acceptance t the same will be accept ..V'jL" meeting of the.Cominon , 0! L ' "f" -ity ni AstJrla. to-wlt n X the 1st day of OctoWr i. Mon(J,ly' r-Asto011- "Wai, Ur.'.T.l. Ball " DENTIST. 678 Commercial Htreet. Over echlusser, aothinV 8 I V