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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1900)
TUK. MORHING A8I0EIAN, 111 UBS LAI . SEFfEMfJEK' : x7f 1900. - ....... . TKLCI'HOXR M. All contrite! for iidvcrtiNing In tha Aatoi Iun am nmJu on m guar ante of circulation four tlmw larger limn that of any ppir publUliJ or circulated In Glut dp county.' TODAY'S WBATUJ5H. PORTLAND. Hi)t. 7.-Orrgon. Id ho and WaMttltitftiti), fall wuatlier today, . . . ... "i . . AROUND TOWN. Ic cream JOa a quart at tht Parlor. O. D. Taylor, of The Dalle. I In tht city. B. Nurntlla made a trip t Portland yvatrroay. John Klernan,f I'orlland. wa In the clly yrsterday. C. C. Masten, of Hvmarn, wat In th city yesterday. W. L. Rnyan and wlf of l'liar Itovk r in ui tiiy. W. T. Langliila, of Destruction Island, la in the illy. rtllr are blng mad on the ottlce or I li- Crnlral hotel. 8. Ixinilgrr wrnt to Portland yea letilay on bualln-as. Mm. T. T. Otter, of Hm, I vlnltlng tier iann( In I liln clly. Hr ri it: Wind. northwest; clar; bar. almoin; nothing In aiaht. Prat l'-rnt meal, Rising Run Rea- laurant, (11 Commercial street. Jeff roataurant th large and Int. A trial will coavlnot you. Ham Will Ml went to Hraald ylr day, w lii-rc he U ngagd In eme work Mlna MuImI Ohlr. who ha Wn spending rvrul w ka In I'ortland, haa returned. Th cnt alvamxr Despatch arrived In Tuesday evening and proceeded on up the river. Th brat and cheapest tailoring In (ha rlty at A. K1UUNEN, S2I Com. nwrciai street. When you wai t a stylish nw suit mad- chean. call nn A. KIUUNEN. Ki Commercial street. A daovhtor wa born to Mr. and Mr. Adiilf Juhnmn yesterday morn inf. Wright, poumla. Mr. Albert Wunplo and Mlaa Maria flalml wer married Tuesday evtnlng by itev. j. Macrormae. Colonel Jatkn who waa In tho city to Inaim't the naval reserve waa ac companied by hla "wife. Th Danish ahlp Jupiter which baa been am-horod out near tht bar cr. d out at nnon yrattrday. One of the employee of tha Clatsop nulla had hla thumb quit badly cut on aaw yesterday afternoon. Thomaa Johnson, of Knapa, i er Imjiiiy in with in attack of grip com Mlcated with other dlx-aaea. Anuria vtaltnra to Portland can ob tain coplea of th Dally AatorUta at th new stand of li. I). Illch. II. M. Hranaford haa qualified aa spec ! agent of the renaua oftle to collect atatlstlcs of manufacture In Aatorla. Thr tlrat-claaa harbor at Occident Hotel barber ahop, under tha manage, mrnt of A. Psursnn. Intoly of th lit I-1 ac Uuih. The four-mnated Ilrltlah bark W. J. Plrri left up the river early yester day mornlna for Portland, wher ah Kill load grain. The gaaollne achooner Anita, with a cargo of general rcrrchnndla and can nery aupplle. crossed out yeaterday af ternoon for Ncslucoa, Cream Purr Rye. Ammira'a finest whukv. Tha nnlv nur good; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN I CARLSON. Bolo Agent. Ilcmember w guarantee, our Ic cream to contain nothing but cream and aui'ar and flavor. It la IS cent per pint at th Parlor. ' Norwegian Lutheran torvlre will be beid In the buitement of the Congre gational Vhurch by tho Itev. HoloVn W. Wright. All welcome. Yim lirltiHh aliln feniurlaa at Port land haa llnlahMl I(1Imk grain for Kngland. ' Kho tak. a tO.MS aacka of I barloy vnJuid at i,00U, and 17,421 buahola of wheat, valued at mm. Mr. Itolfe, repreaenllng Htrauaa flro., of Chicago, will be at U. II, (.:oper i on Thurwlay and Friday, Hpt. 27. 2, with a great Una of fin woolun In the piece. Order taken ana utmra;iion guaranteed. Th I'. B. tmnxiNirt Lennox, with a cargo nf 4f.7 how ajid general at on, arrived down tha river at 11:1)9 y-1 tardny morning and prrx-eeded oti out lo iv on her way to Manila, r. I. Bha croaed out at 1 o clock p. m. Th ftdlowlng marring llrenaea ba bw n ianui'd bv County C rk wnerlty: Nornmn Alklninn Marr and Kugenla(0 urply th market of the atatea, II. I.ewl, Viktor Heln'men and rntaiand Texaa dealer have had a prod I- I'aulaon, Albert Wuoplo and Maria Hal-I coj monopoly of the bualncaa. The soap is not onlv the -best in all the worla for toilet and bath but also (or shav ing. Pears was the in. ventor of shaving stick soap. ' All tort of Mopt HM ptaK1 mp, all torM ( wwii Mil U. MMcully iuf Kitta. , , , ml. All of Clataon county. A civil aervlr taamlnatlon feir th poaltlon of clerk and carrier waa held at th pnatofllc yeaterday. Tho tak- Ina- tha examination wer aa followa: t lrk. W. J, Hinder Mr. A. M. Fulton and Mlaa Anita Trenuhurd, for carrier, Allen Anderaon, Th wedding of Mr. Norman A. Marr and Mlaa Kug"iUa II. Lewi t""k place at Orac church at 3 o clm k yeaterday afternoon. Itev. Mr. Bhrt om.Uting. Mr. and Mr. Marra left up on laat vmng' train for a trip to the Hound after which thy will ream ner. The work of dou'ilw-braclng the new dock at tha quarantine tatlon actoa th river, and alao th re-bullding of lh nlil mharf ao aa to maa a roaU' wav Inahnr hua been aub-let (o I-an- &,r Cn trat or Hiiprenani. Mr. Lrbeck expTta to l-gin worg aion- day. W. W. Whipple returned from Han Kmnclaeo. where he went to pnKur gniollne nigln-a to Inatall In the deep aca tlahlng achooner Jennie. He lift Inat evening for rVattle to iuperlntend the work of Inatttlllng th nglne In the achooner. which la expected to go to ara In about ten dnya. Whent ehartera are ateadlly advanc ing In all the ahlnplng porta or tne N.irthweat, and are now quoteij at 50 tilllinra at Tacoma. Thla I anld to be the hlgheet figure ever reached at that port. In I'ortlund the charter run even higher, the llalewood having decline! an offer of 51a. Jd. Ther are three ahlpa now loading wheat at Ta- loma. the mrene. i.ii-naru ana How ard. A ateum tug tin been eeurrd by the FaJklnnd Ivland Comtmny. at rort Htanl.-v. for ue In alHtlng veea-la tiaaalng throuah th atralta of Magel. Ian. The Urill.h admiralty will alao have a tug at Port Htanley aa aoon a th naval worka there are completer. Heretofore. teamrr In dlalreaa near the Falkland lalanda hav had to gt a dlatance of mllea to Montevideo for aaalatanre. Th Corbett caae. which wax to hav been tried In circuit court today, wa discontinued at a late hour yeaterday afternoon till Wrdi raday of next week. Deputy I'rarl waa out at the time, near Olney. wrvlng the aubpo. naa. Th aherlft wa compelled to aend man out to notify the witnoaae of the postponement of th trial to wave the unneceary rxpen of having them aptveor today John Juola. Katie Helkklla, John W. Takkunen, Mooae Toroonen and John Zylka. all native of Huiwla. some of whom declared their Intention aome Ight or ten yeara ago and have been practically enjoying th prlvllegca of Itlxenahlr ever alnce. were formally admitted to rltlxenahtp In the county court yeaterday afternoon and the county enriched to the extent of ten dollar. It. F. Holand. the mlnlater who ue- ceda Itev. Inane Peart In the M. B. church in thla cJtv. come from Ver mont, where Mr. I'eart goe to exchange with him. Mr. Holand. It la expect ed, will lenv Vermont ao aa to ar rive here by 8unday. October 7th. to ume hla dutlea aa paator of thla church. Mr. Peart will b followed to hla new home by th beat wlahe of many warm friend In thla place who Incerely regtvt hi oepartur. The bid of Hluker A Spark, of Van couver, for connecting nine brick and cement clatern at Fort Btevena. haa been approviit. The bid waa U.tii. The original appropriation for thla work waa only M.toO, and when the bid w-ere opened It waa ekpected all of them would be rejected. lAter, how ever, an addltlonnt appropriation of tl.01'4 wa made, ulllclent to Permit the letting of a contract. The claterna are to b located at the varlou barrack buildlnga and are for th purpoa of providing a water upply for the post. building of th DurllngUm cut-off the opening wedg for th Pugtt wund lumbermen and they nrpo to give th railroad a chamw to how whether they want th bualnesa or not. A com mute ha been appointed of which United Htate Henator A. 0. Foiter U a member. Bherlff Llnvlll and Contable Kelly, of thla city, were arrcateij yeaterday afternoon by Deputy United Btate Murahal Iloberta. on warrant aud from the United Stata dlatrlct court and charging them with violation of elatute No. t'iW. During the dltlculty of Auguat 2''. Qeo. Jeffer and verJ I other aallor were arreated at complaint of Peter Urant. the Portland Bailor boonllng-houae keeper, charged with the larceny of aome blanketa. etc. The men were taken off the ahlp (Vdarbank by HherlrT Unvllle and Conetable Kel ly, on warrant Imued by the Justice court, while the mrn were In the cus tody of a deputy marahal. The aherlfr and Conatable Kelly were hHd In IfiO ball eah to await trial, lloth men furnlahint ball. Hull haa ben commenced In the pro bate court by Mr. Nancy C. Turpln. of Weatport. to gain cuatrxly of the two children of John Geddea. Mr. Oeddea died of comminution at the hi pltal laat wwk, and the father took one of the rhlllr.m. a little girt, the other child being turned over to the rare of Mr, Turpln, mother of Mr. Oeddea. deceased, After aecurtng cue- tody of the girl. Oedd.- placed It un der th car of hi mother. Nnw Mr. Turpln aka ruetndy of both children, contending that Mr. 0ddc la not a pmiwr iieninn to cars fur the little girl, .Several memlwra of the W. C. T. U. have lntcrted theneve In the mat- C1KCU1T COU'KTC" T Davla and flulllvan Convicted of Bur glarlxlng th B Hlv Uoth Oet Flv Year. Court wa regularly opened yeter day morning and Herbert Davl. who teatlmony In hla own behalf waa un finished th preceding evening, took th etand. H denied emphatically ev er having been In Aatorla previous to th day he wa brought here by the officer and rwor positively that he waa not In the Bee Hlv when the grip wa purchased, ' In hla plea to the jury Attorney Win ton made a strong appeal that they consider 'th evidence which tended to how that defendant waa not in the city at tha time the crime wa com mitted, and that the prisoner should be given th benefit of the least doubt, should any exlut. Dlatrlct Attorney Allen briefly stat ed that ther waa a clear cae against the prisoner and that the evidence was certainly sufficient to convict him. The case waa then given to the jury. Aa the court house waa crowded the Jury were taken to the city hall. They remained out about twenty minute, and returned the following verdict: "We, the Jury In the case of the Btate of Oregon v. Herbert Davl. find the defendant guilty aa charged in the Indictment. CEO. A. NELBON, "Foreman." Th conviction of Davis left Bullvan, who wa indicted with him, but who was to have a avrarate trial, no alter native but to plead guilty at the opening of court yeaterday afternoon he entered that plea The men waived the statu tory time that may Intervene between th verdict of the Jury and the sentence and announced themaeive ready to hear the sentence. Judge McDride sen tenced the men, without comment, to Ave yeara each In the state penitentiary. SUBSTITUTE FOR COAL. A good deal of anxiety has been de voted to the question, what will the human race do when coal gives out? Its disappearance will not make the ter and win saaist Mrs. Turpln In her ; slightest difference, aa a chemical tub- legal nhi for curtody of the girl. The mntt'T will come before Judge CI ray aome time todny. The Ml tract Ions at ruber's opera hnu next Baturday evening, by the Thompson Lyric Opera Company, In Dewoif Hoppers comic opera "Wang . ' will no doubt fill the house to over flowing. It will certainly be a treat. The cast Is an exceptionally strong one, Mr. ivunkie playing the title rule: Mr. Henderson. IViiat: Mine Josephine Hianton. Mataya: Mia IVrtha Davl. Marie; Mien Kara Carr. Madam Frim- ereae. and Mia ilertha Nellaoo. Gillette. hi galaxy of stars will be augmented by a strong chorus of thirty male and female voice. The opera will be nut on In flrat-rlaa shape and nothing will he left undone to make the engagement a memorable one In the hlatory of musical aurcetae here. Beat sale open tomorrow morning at Grlltln Koed'a Tb steamer Crest, of Tacoma. wa burned at t o'clock Monday mornfng at Olg Harbor. The e.t wa a practically new boat, only having been launched aome three month ago and waa used a a passenger and freight steamer between Tacoma and Olg Har bor, alao carrying the mail. Bhe left Tacoma at 6 o'clock Sunday and. after landing her paaengers and frtcght at nig Harbor, tied up at the wharf there No one waa near her when the Are broke out. and her officer are unable to account for It origin. The watch man had l"ft the boat an hour be fore the Are waa discovered. Ther being no nre protection at Olg Harbor the boat burned to the water's edge and tne nun sank In about ten feet of wa ter. Bhe wa owned and operated by mini lire., and no insurance waa car ried on her. The loss will aggregate QUOUt -,oou. stitute haa been discovered, which U cheaper and better. The new century I bound to witness many changes, but there la. one human benefactor which will remain aa firm aa the Pyramids, and that la HoatetUr Stomach Bit ter. It I a cure for all stomach ilia No one haa been able to discover any thing ao effective for Indigestion, con stipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver and kidney trouble as the Bitters. Be f ure to give It a trial, and you will be convinced that it la the medicine to strengthen your stomach and restore your appetite. forward: Foreman!, malnmaat, mlxsen mast, pankermat, jlggermaat and drlvermast. The vessel wUI carry 12,000 guar yard of the heaviest duck. Borne Idea ot the Immensity of the Vese may be had from the fact that over a million feet of hard pine was used In It construction, and about 100.000 feet of white pin deck plank. Indeed, her material would make a load for several averaged-elaed achoon er. Not only la the veasel of remark able slxe, but she I uncommonly hand some withal, for her great length takes away all appearance of bulkines; so that she look more Ilk an immense yacht. Twelve schooner ilk her. rang ed In line, would occupy a mile of pier frontage, for from the Up of her driver-boom to the tip of her Jib boom Is about 425 feet. A schooner that would have been considered large a score of year ago would not carry enough coal to tuuat the George W. Wells. All this 1 very satisfactory as far a It goes; but the most satisfactory thing of all from th owner's point of view, In the fact that hia magnifi cent craft ahauld be a splendid money maker. Carrying at least Ave- thous and tons of coal on a draft of only four and twenty-fcet, and with only four teen men all told for crew master. two mates, steward, engineer and nine seamen she should easily beat her competition at carrying men when freights are low. A full-rigged ship of! slxe would require at least thir ty-one men all told. PRIVATE SCHOOL. On Monday, October 1, a private school will be opened in the school room or orace church, in addition to the regular work a course In manual training will be given by Mr. D. P. Dyer, of Bishop Bcott Academy. For particular apply to the head master.. J. W. M'CORMAC, 739 Franklin Ave. KNAPPA ITEMS. "WHAT'S THE TIME?" Chung Wan. who waa arreated Tue. day evening for carrying bundles on a pole and obatructlng the sidewalk In violation of city ordinance, section 1341, A booklet with this title. Just pub llrhed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, should not only be In the hand of every traveler, but should have a place nn the deek of every banker, merchant or other busi ness man. The four "Time Standards" which govern our entire time system and which are more or lea familiar to moat of the traveling public, but by many other little understood, are so fully explained and Illustrated by a series of I Nelaon yeateril guilty to the charge, but stated that he had Just arrived In the city and knew nothing of the prohibitory law. He appeared to be that "rara avis" an Detective. Kerrigan and Snow, who I h"ne' "'"""" "rt V!Jn have been in the city the past few day as wltmnses In the Davl larceny case. ar.d gave ball, appeared before Judge k.. h.-,. .... k. lay afternoon and plead " "''"'" iuoni w returned to I'ortland lost evening. Tloslyn coal laat longer, la cleaner and make less trouble with atovea and chimney flue than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone. 1311. N. Nnkatonl, the Jap merchant who whs here a a wltnes In the Davis and Hulllvnn trials, returned to his home In Portland on lost evening' trnin. Lieutenant Commander It. E. Davis, of the navnl battalion, accompanied Col. Jackson, of Portland, who was her lost evening to Inapect the naval re aerve. Max Herende hns purchased fifteen fine thoroughbred Belgian hare from A. A. Strobe. The hnrea were recently purchased by Mr. Strobe from the Os borne brothers. rllned to be lenient with him. and fined him the minimum amount of IS. He stated that he had no money, however, and was Incarcerated In the local bas- tlle. BEST IB-CENT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. HIRING 4IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIB ECI.IAD'8 mil ft IbkM , I t IW I dot ! .CONSTIPATION STOMACH PAINS ! BILIOUSNESS iSIK HfiApAam. Etc. NMHHUIIIIHMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIHIIIIIKIUIUUH one who choose can become convera ant with the subject In question. There are also some twenty-four tables by which almost at a glance, the time at any place can be ascertained In all the principal cities of the world. A copy of thla pamphlet may be had on application to George H. Heuf- ford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, enclosing two-cent stamp to pay pos tage, C. J. EDDY. General Agent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Captain Ferguson. quartermntr of the Lennox, which ernwjed out yester day, waa one of the men who swim a river with General Fvnmon In the Phil ippines In the face of a murderous Are. He Is on his way to Join his regiment, and merely holds the position of qunr- termnntee for thin vovnire. After the adventure with General Funston, he Llpman. Wolf A Co. to Helen F. Da wn promoted to a lieutenancy from a vis lot 8, bl-xk 7, Railroad addition nrlvntc. aa a reward for his hero am. lo vcean urove; io. and aasigned to one of the new regi ments which were sent to the Philip pines. Here he displayed further brav ery, and waa wounded, for which he was promoted to a captaincy. Messrs. Walter Goas and Carl Lewis, of I'ortland, champion of the -state of Oregon, In doubles, played our local tennis team, Rev. Henry Marcotto and Dr, Hill Haatlng yesterday morn ing, the rhamplona winning the series by a score of 6-1, 6-2, 6-1, The local men were not In form and hardly put up a representative game. The fea ture of the champions game was hard play and smashing at the net. After the main event a game of mixed dou bles was played by Mr. Go and MIhs Ilalateud, against Mr. Lewi and Miss Floretta Elmore, and waa won by Goes and HatRtead, score. 6-2. The games were refereed by Mr. R. C. F. Aat bury. A combine of the lumber manufac turers of the entire Puget sound coun try hn been effected for the purpose of securing a favorable freight tariff on Kast-bound tonnagua. All the Intlucnoe of the allied lumber Interest will be directed toward obtaining rates to Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas. The yellow pine of Texaa haa been sent Big: Sale. White Stone China Cnpaaud Haucera 7 eta Dinner lMatea 6cta nuwl--all kind Seta Pitcher - Demand uctn Hrcakfnat Plates..... Acta Meat Ilhe...Sctandiact Wash HaMln 4 art ire a Pot... aft eta Soap Dlahea 8 eta Toiiut Het.... act 1.40 Chamber ... 3 6 eta Wub 11 owl and Pitcher ..... .. ael 88 eta We are Cutting: Prices all to Piece During: Our Big Clearance Sale. Great AiaericanImi)orliJiTea Co. 571 Commercial Street, Aatorla. Pr, Mr. Baglry haa spent most of this week In Portland. Mr. Taylor made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. H. Radcllffe made a short visit to Weatport laat week. Mrs. Nickel Is slowly improving after an Illness of a number of days. Mr. and Mr. James Coulter were made the happy parents of a fine baby girl last Tuesday. Messrs. Sam A Robert Coulter made a flying trip to Knappa from Fort Bttven last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Belknapp and daughter, Mis Lena Warren, spent last Monday In Astoria. Mr. Crow's school at the wharf closed lost Thursday. A program of appropriate exercise tor the occasion .a well rendered. Owing to the absence of Rev. Jaa. Hawkins, who Is at the M. E. church conference, there waa no service In the M. E. church last Sunday and will probably not be next Sunday. COMING FROM CHICAGO. We will have on display on Thurs day ana rnacy, September Z7, zs, a great line of fine woolen sent to us especially for this occasion by Strauss Bros., of Chicago, America's leading! tailors. All the latest effects are com bined In the line and the goods are of enduring quality. A gentleman train ed In the tailoring business will be present to supervise this display and skilfully take your measure. Grasp this exceptional opportunity of order ing your suit or overcoat from good In full piece. Remarkably low prices, per fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. It will pay you to see us on the above date. If not ready to order let us take your measure any way for future reference. C. H. COOPER. Aatorla, Oregon. ..School Begins.. Vacation time is about over and our children will be taking up varioun studies, but have you . grown up people learned the lesson of . . . PRACTICAL ECONOMY when you get ready to CpfiAAl Cnlfc buy for your boys their OvUUlf4 OUUO I invito you to call at my store and learn how you can eava 60 cents, 75 cents and $ 1 on Little Fellows' Suits, and from f 1 to $2.50 on Big Boys' Suits, while our Men's Suits are reduced from fl to f 1.50. OUR SWEEP SALE IS NOW IN FULL BUST. THE QUI ABLE sf TO FARMERS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE ROT FARMERS We are Sole Agents for u RUSHFORD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength, and durability, and our prices are right TO CIRC A COLD IS OSC DAT Take'Laxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggets refund the money tf It I falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on each box, c Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Oregon. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to January 1. 1900. Interest will cease after this date.. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria, ur., sept is, im A BIG SCHOONER. Description of the Six-Masted Schooner George W. Wells, Re cently Launched. One of the latest triumphs In rhlp- bulldlng haa lust been launched In the George W. Wells, a six-masted schoon er built for Captain John O.-Crowley. She Is the largest vessel of the kind In the world, and her completion Is regard ed with scarcely leas Interest than the Oceanic and Campania, among the stately liners. The following particu lars will prove of Interest: She Is 1.75a tons net register, with a carrying capacity of over t.000. She is 302 feet long m the keel, S43 feet long on top, 23 feit deep, and bas a beam measurement of tv,a feet. She haa two full decks, her frame throughout being made of white oak. while all her plank ing and celling Is of hard rine. Her keelson la remarkable, being 13 feet high aft and 17 feet forward, and built of hard pine timber. It Is fastened with no fewer than 50 tons of 1H-I". Iron bolts. The vessel's fittings Include a windlass, ope t ted by a thirty horse power engine; two pumps, with a com bined capacity of 1.200 gallons a min ute; a atockless archne, weighing S,!00 pounds, and another anchor weighing 500 pounds, besi-l'-s kedge and steam anchors, weighing respectively 900 and 600 pounds, and 00 fathoms of 2V-ln. bar chain. Her water tanks hold 7,000 gallons. Her six lower masts are splendid sticks of Oregon pine, each 119 feet long, and 30 Inches In diameter In the partners; topmasts each 58 feet long, the fore topmast 20 Inches In diameter at the cap. The Jib-boom Is 75 feet long. 20 Inches at the cap! driver-boom 75 feet long. IS Inches in the slings; other booms 43 feet long. 14 Inches in the sling. All the standing rigging Is ot wlr. set up with turnbucklea. The masts are named aa follows, beginning HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RB- ' WARD. PARIS. Aug. it. American whiskies received the otficlsl approval of the ex position today when tha first award for merit was made to Bernhelm Bros.. Louisville, Ky on their L W. Harper wouxy. i i. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS-.. .. Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. ' . A V ALLwGN, Tenth and Commercial Streets J. 1 Correct all blemishes ef VllSQOm S face, remove Mot . , . rhes, pimple, tan, un , ' , " burn, freckles and makes nhDTmno beautiful complexion. RUUBilWUit I, also th best tooth wash,, and excellent for I deranged atomach. . . J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder V- ovjj)jrT J HIGH GRADE CIGARS are always a lucky find, becau there are so many inferior ones on the market What's the use of ex-, perlmentlng and wasting time, mon ey and patience when you can be certain of getting the real thing at Madison's reliable cigar store. Im ported, Key West and Domestio. Cigars, aa low aa 5o .and aa high as 60o. Smoking and chewing- to bacco aa well. ' Vill Eladbon. fisher's Opera poUiselwEDPisg cbros - - v G SMITH VISITING CflSDS L. B. (CLIO, Lse and Manager. CO., ONE NIGHT C&LY. Saturday, Sept. 29 BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building-. 4th and Washington Sta. over litt's, PORTLAND, OKEGON. VISITING CARDS THE FAMOUS In De Wolf Hopper's Great Success WANG We Rent New Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Pf einlef Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . L H. ALEXANDER 4 CO. , Ezoloaite Paciiio Coast Dealers . - 245 Stark St, Portland, Ore, F W.M'KECHNIE, Local Agent. , , , . - Magnificent Scenery, Elaborate Effects, Pretty Girls. Superb Costumes. THE ASTORIAN.... Admission Reserved seats, il: gal lery, &0 cents. Advance gale of seat opens Friday morning at Qrlffln as Reed's. Delivered at your office store or residence, OOc per month