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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1900)
rflK J10RN1N0 AS'ruiUAN.f 'MIIJKBDATj SEP! EMBEfi 21 ituu JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone MJn 66L TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year Seat by mall. Der month M Served by carrier. Der month M SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall per year. In advance SIM r ostag ire 10 suoscnocra. All communications intended for pT- Hcation should be directed to the editor. Business communtcatlona of all kinds and remittances must be address! to "The Astorlan." The Astonan guarantees to Its ad' vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia, river. Advertising rates can be bad on ap plication to the business manager. Pot President WILLIAM M KIXLEY, Of Ohio. Por Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. Owing to the campaign of the Demo cracy the government finds a large standing army necessary. The awful results of imperialism have begun to appear. Republican officials are going to allow Porto Rlcans who are residing In Baltimore to vote, and there will be no chance before election for the liberal-minded Democracy to pass a constitutional amendment deny ing them the privilege because their grandmothers didn't have It WHAT BASENESS DESERVES. Morning Oregonlan. William J. Bryan Is the most un worthy aspirant and dangerous candi date for the presidency of the United States offered by one of the dominant parties within the memory of living man. We have bad candidates with mistaken views, we have had men with fangerous policies. But we have never tad a man whow perversion of truth was so shameless, whose stock In trade consisted of appeals to class prejudice, whose hopes of success lay wholly In ministering to the basest passions of human nature. It Is past comprehen sion how any man who values truth before falsehood and sets law before an archy can ally himself with this most conscienceless of demagogues and roost pernicious of agitators. We printed the other day a letter that showed Irrefutably that Bryan had taken a message of Abraham Lincoln's, written to rebuke the ownership of cap ital In human labor, and so perverted It as to make It appear to be an Indorse ment of Bryan's senseless ravings against capital In Its relations with free labor. It was an act palpably and un mitigatedly dishonest, ttat should find, as It has found, no defenders, and that should forever debar Bryan from the confidence and support of men of prin ciple. Why did Bryan urge ratification of the peace treaty? For the purpose of putting the Republicans In a hole. It is the act of a cheap politician, it is not the act of a statesman. Bryan went about the country in 1S96 predicting all manner of catastrophe if we kept the gold standard. If he knew better, he Is a knave. If he didn't know better, he Is a fool. He talks silver at the West, antl-lm-perlallsm at the East, anti-trusts at the South. He Is for anything that will get votes. He wants us to return to the simple dignity of the Fathers, yet he scurries about the country to receive superfluous nominations, and shouts his speeches Into a phonograph. He denounces autocratic rule, yet he Is himself the most dictatorial of living politicians. He holds up Washington and Lin coin as examples, and yet he has done nothing for four years but pursue with unblushing and unwearied ambition the Democratic nomination for presi dent. Now. a man may be a cheap politi cian and an arrant demagogue and still be sound at heart But the baseness of Bryan's purpose Is clearly apparent from the nature of his appeal. If a man la contented, Bryan will do bis best to make him discontented. If a man defies the law with riot, Bryan pats him on the back.'' If a man Is poor, Bryan tells him the government Is to blame, Bryan encourages him to call down Imprecations on the rich. Here is a man who goes about the country stirring up the poor against the rich, the broken against the success, ful. the Idle against the busy, the la borer against the employer, the rioter against the courts, the propertyless against property, the disorderly against order, the lawless against law. Every man that Is enraged at the existing crder: every man that Is envi ous f his neighbor's progress every man that blames society for his own incompetence; every man that feels like taking the law Into his own bands to redress his grUvance against capital; every socialist, communist, anarcTHst and rioter: every enemy of progress and prosperity; every croaking raven of calamity; every apostle of discontent; every prophet of Jespalr. recognises a friend In Bryan, and recognises truly, because bis whole appeal, overt or co vert. Is addressed to these basest ele ments and most dangerous foes cf our civilization. Such a man Is out of place In the United States. Such a man Is at vari ance with American Ideals of liberty and law. Individual enterprise and re sponsibility. He Is the enemy of the doctrine of fair play, which Insures each the fruits of his labor. He offers us despair for hope, discontent for de termination, bitterness for ambition. despondency for courage. Such a man is dangerous, not only and not so griev ously because .ie perverts history, palms oft humbug as philosophy and menaces business and order, but be cause he seeks to poison at Its very source the fountain of our national life. He seeks to substitute for a virile self reliance, cbedlence to law and resolu tion to press forward, a spirit of an archistic rage and bitter complaint that belongs only In the decadent civiliza tions of ths Old World. The difference between Bryan and all his predecessors Is one not of degree, but of kind. We hare never had a man before who sought to build himself up on the ruins of prosperity, and not only that but on the wreck of individual ecurage and manly endeavor. The an swer of our sterling young American manhood to this base appeal should be decisive and overwhelming. I had a running sore on my leg for seven years." writes Mrs. Jaa. Forest or uneppewa f ails, wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured It" CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist Most necnle would hs mntant with their lot If It happened to be a lot of money. A eond mftnv mncnmnttvM vmiM Ha cured and the worst cases comforted ana reuevea oy using Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest It to those afflict ed. Tou should do this as a friend. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist The wag of a yellow dog's tail is better than the shake of a false friend's hand. Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and plies, quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine in the world. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist It Is the unwritten poems and the unsung songs that make life endur able. Allen Halverson of West Prairie. Wis., says: "People come ten miles to buy t oiey s Kidney cure." while J. A. Spe ro. of Helmer, Ind.. says: "It Is the medical wonder of the age." CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist The voice of the average man soolls what little music he has in his soul. HOW BRIGHT'S DISEASE STARTS. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with urea and uric, acid (which suould have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and joints, causing irritation of the kidneys, then pains over the small of the back, mark sure approach of Bright' disease. Do not delay taking Foley's Kidney Cure, for it makes the kidneys right. Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS. Drug gist It Isn't always modesty that keeps people from telling the naked truth. HALF THE WORLD IN DARKNESS as to the cause of their 111 health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley's Kidney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back ache, headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. CHAS. ROGERS, Du resist. It i a waste of time to point out the woodpile to a tramn actor and ask him to do the split. NO RELIEF FOR 20 YEARS. "I had bronchitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, III., "and at times have been bedfast. I never got relief until I had taken Foley's H ney and Tar. It is pleasant and gives quick relief, and is a sure cure for throat and lung dlseae." Take nothing else. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. 1133 Duane Bt, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. MIT Res. Tel lilt ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Commercial Street from West Unt oftOth to West line of Sth Street. Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No, K41 of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled "An ordinance confirming 'Special As sessment Roll No. S4' for the Improvement of Commercial Street from the Went line of 10th Street to the West line of Sth Street" approved Sept. 14, 1W0. will be due and payable In United States gold coin at the ofTUV of the City Treasurer on Sent 2Tth, 1900, and If not so raid at said time the Common Council win order warrants Issued for the collection of the same. The assessment Is as follows: BADOLLET. JOHN PAUL I BADOLLET, JOHN PAUL BADOLLET. JOHN PAUL.. BADOLLET. JOHN PAUL. BADOLLKT. DORA.. BADOLLET. DORA. BADOLLET, DORA BADOLLET. DORA DEMENT. JOHN C FLA V EL. MART C FLAY EL, MART C FLAVEL. MART C FLAVEL, MART C recvile: rv Jonn Met lure Zi.Dt Undivided half of lot 3. block 26. FLAVEL. MART C Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and Ireeordod bv John McClure 37.06 Umllvl led half of Lot 4. block 2. FLAVEL. MART C Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure 37.06 Undivided half of north half of FLAVEL. MART C Lot 1. Mock I. City of Astoria. as laid oiit and recorded bv John M:Clure J7.7S FLAVEL. MART C Undivided half of north half and east 36 feet of south half of Lot I. btvk 26. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure 34.44 FLAVEL. G C Undivided one-sixth of Lot 5, r ua .v. bIock ;5 CUy of Atoru u nJ out and recorded bv John Mc Clure 1J.3S FLAVEL. O. C L ndl'id"d one-sixth of Lot 6, block 2".. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Mc Clure 12.35 FLAVEL. G. C Undivided one-sixth of Lot 7. block 25. Cltv of Astoria, its laid out and recorded bv John Mc Clure 12.35 FLAVEL. G. C Undivided one-sixth of Lot S. blnk 25. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure 1J.35 FLAVEL. O. C Undivided one-sixth of Lot 3. block 26. City 0f Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Me nu 1JSS FLAVEL. G. C. FLAVEL. G. C. FLAVEL, O. C. FLAVEL. NELLIE. FLAVEL. NELLIE.. FLAVEL. NELLIE.... FLAVEL. NELLIE.. FLAVEL. NELLIE FLAVEL. NELLIE... FLAVEL. NELLIE.. FLAVEL. NELLIE. FLAVEL. KATIE. FLAVEL. KATIE. FLAVEL, KATIE FLAVEL. KATIE.. FLAVEL. KATIE FLAVEL. KATIE. FLAVEL. KATIE. FLAVEL. KATIE. HAMILTON. J. F... HOWELL, JENNIE HOWELL. JENNIE HOWELL, JENNIE HOWELL. JENNIE MASONIC B. A L. ASSOCIATION..., MASONIC B. & L. ASSOCIATION.... .Vndlvlded quarter of south half of Lot 5 block 24. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCluro I ISM , Undivided quarter of south half of Lot s, block 21. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 13 90 ,., Undivided quarter of south half of Lot 1. block 2. Cltv of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded bv John McOI-ire 4.64 ,,. Undivided quarter of west 14 feet of south half of Lot 3. block 2. City of Astoria, as laid ojt and recorded by John McClure 1.30 ... Undivided quarter of south half of Lot 5. block 21. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure ISM ...I'ndlxlded qunrter of south half of Lot 6. block 24. City of Astoria. as Mid out and recorded bv John McClure 1J.W I'ndlvld-d quarter of south half of Ut 1. block 26. City of Astoria, as In Id out and recorded by John McClure 4.64 Undivided quarter of west II feet of south half of Lot I. block 2. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and tecorded bv John McClure 1.S0 Lot 1. ohnk 27. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 74.13 Undivided half of Lot 5. block 25. Cltv of Aetorla as laid out and recorded bv John McClure 37.06 Undlt Inert half of Lot . block 2S. City cf Astorli. m In 1,1 out and rocor lid bv John McClure 3T.C6 Undivided half of Lot 7. block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure 37.06 Undivided half of Lot S. block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out and ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot 4. block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure 12.35 ..Undivided one-sixth of north half of Lot 1. block 26. City of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John McClure J.2J ,.Un llvided one-sixth of north half 'and east 38 feet of south half of Lot :. block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure jj 49 ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot 8. block 25. City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John Mc- 13,35 .. ndlvl"ed one-sixth of Lot 6 block 2".. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mo Clrre jjj5 ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot 7 block City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure 1235 ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot . block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out nnl recorded bv John Ve. Clure j, 35 Undivided one-sixth of Lot 3. block 26. City of Astoria as 'aid out. and recorded hv John ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot '4 block 20. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure ..Undivided one-sixth of north hniV 12.35 12.35 of Lot 1, block 26. City of Astoria, as Itild out and recorded by John McClure 925 ..Undivided one-sixth of north half and fast 3 feet of south half of Jot 2. block 26. City of Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John McClure U49 Undivided one-sixth of Lot 5 block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out ana recorded bv John Mc Clure ..Undivided one-sixth nf Tvt" 12.! block 25. City of Astoria, as laid out ana recorded bv John Mn. Clure UnrMried one-sixth of Lot 7 block V; City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc- 12.35 ;iure ..Ui.divlded one-sixth of Lot 8 block 25, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Mc Clure .. Undivided one-sixth of Lot 3, block 26. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Mc Clure ..Undivided one-sixth of Lot", block 2. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure ..Undivided one-sixth of north half of Lot 1, block 26, City of Astoria, as iald out and recorded by John McClure ..Undivided one-Rlxth of north half and est 36 feet of south half of Lot 2. block 26, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure ..Lot 2. block 27, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure .Undivided quarter of south half 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.33 3.26 11.49 74.12 or va a, block 24. city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 13,90 Undivided quarter.of south half of Lot 6, block 24. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 1390 Undivided quarter of south half of Lot I, block 26, City of Astoria. as laid out and recorded by John McClure Undivided quarter of west 14 feet 4.64 or south half of Lot 2. block 26, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 1.80 North half of Lot 3. block 27, City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded ty John McClure 5.61 North half of Lot; 4. block 27, SPELLMIKR, H SPE LLMIK R. U .'. ,'. . . . X. TKULLINGER, GEORGIA TKUI.LINGEIl, GEORGIA, TRIM-LINGER. GEORGIA,.... TRULLINGEU, GEORGIA. WISE, MORRIS WISE, MORRIS WRIGHT. MARGARET J WRIGHT, MARGARET J v Bv order of the Common Council Attest: ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Seventh Street fmm North line of Bond Street to South line of Astor Street, Notice Is hereby given that the assessment made by ordinance No. !MJ. of the City of Astoria, Oregon, entitled; "An ordinance confirming 'Special As scssment Roll No. 35 for the Improvement of Seventh Street from the North line of Bond Street to the South line of Astor Street" approved Sept, 14. 1W0. will be due and payable In United States gold coin at the oltlce of the City Treasurer on Sept. 27, 1W0. and If not so paid at said time the Common Coun cil will order wurrart Issued for the collection of the same. The assessment Is as follows: EKICKSON. AUGUST L,t 4. block 11. City of Astoria. as l Id out and recorded by John McClure I12S.04 FORD. HUOI? Lot 3. block 11. City of Astoria. us laid out and recorded by John McClure 41.41 HYLANP. MARTHA E Lot 0. block 11. City of Astoria. ns MM out and recorded by John McClure 41.43 HACKLEMAN. A Undivided half of Lot 1. block 10. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 41.63 MONTEITH. IMA II Undivided half of Lot I. block 10. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 63.C1 TATTON. FRANK (Trustee) Lot 8. block 10. City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure 13104 YOUNU. BENJAMIN Lot 2. blink 10. City of Astoria. us Ml I out and recorded by John McClure 41 4.1 The following Is payable In Installments, the first Installment due Sept. 27. 1300. BERGMAN. ISAAC Iit 7. block 10. City of Astoria. ns 1 ild out and recordod by John l'ROORESSIVE BUILDINO AND McClure 41-41 LAND ASSOCIATION Lot 5. block 11. City of Astoria. ns laid out and recorded by John McCluw 125.04 By order of the Common Council of the City of Astoria. Orea-on. Attest: If. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judie of the City of Astoria. Oregon. Astoria. Orearon. Sept. 13. 1900. LEGAL NOTICBA. NOTICE FOR BTREET MENT. IMPROVE- Notice Is hereby iriven that the com mon council of the city of Astoria has declared Its determination and Inten tion to Improve or repair all that por tion of 12th atreet In the city of Asto ria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure and extended by Cyrus Olney, from the south line of Commercial street to the north- line of Franklin avenue, excepting the crossing; at the Intersection of 12th street with Ex change street: by replanklng said por tion of said street from curb to curb with covering; plank 4 Inches In thick ness bv 12 Incheg wide on the present established grade thereof and on the nrtst nt existing stringers and remov ing the old planking therefrom. Said nunlrs shall be made In con formity with the snectfleatlons there for to be tiled with the auditor and no'iiv in dire by the city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of said rennlrs -ir Improvement shall be de frayed bv special assessments upon the lots, land and premises benefited by the muklng of said repairs or Improve ment which said lots, lands and prem ises are hereby Included within a spe cial nunc men t district to be assessed pro-rata to defray the costs and ex penses of making said repairs, which wild dlHtrlct Is as follows, to-wlt: Com mencing at the northwest corner of lot number flvef 5) In block number sixty- one "1) and running thence south and parallel with the east line of blocks 61, 64 and 65 to the southwest corner of lot 10 in block sixty-five (6u). thence east along the south line of blocks 65 and 67 to the east line of said town of Astoria. Clatsop county. Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney. thence n rth along said east line of said Mc Clure's Astoria to the northeast corner of lot four (4) In block slxty-two (62), thence west along the north line of blocks 61 and 62 to the place of begin ning, and containing all of blocks 62, 66 and 67 and lots 6. 6, 7. 8. 9 and 10 In each of blocks 61, 61 and 65, all In the town (now city) of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extend ed bv Cyrus Olney and generally known as McClure's Astoria, Tlint the city surveyor of said city has be, n directed to forthwith prepare and .lie with the auditor and police fudge of said city estimates of the costs and expenses of making said repairs or Improvement and spjclflcatlons for said prop.isd repairs or work. This notice Is published In the Morn ing Astorlan for eight days In Pursu ance to a resolution of the Common Council directing the same, duly adopt ed on Monday, the 17th day of Sept. 1!H)0. the (lrBt publication of this notice being on the 22nd day of Sept., 1900. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judje of the City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Intention to improve Commercial street In the Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and re corded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, In Clatsop county, State of Oregon, from the west line of Seventh street to the east line of Third street by grading the same to the es tablished grade throughout the entire width thereof and planking the same from curb to curb from the west line of Seventh street to the east line of Sixth street, and planking the same to the width of sixteen feet through the center thereof from the west line of Sixth street to the east line of Third Street, and the construction of side walks on both sides of said portion of Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure ........ MM South half of Lot S, block J7. , City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John Moviurt " South half of Ixt 4. block 17. I'llv rvf AatitHa lalif mil and recorded by John McClure 18.M Undivided quarter of south halt of Lot S. block 84. City of Astoria, ss laid out and recorded bv John Morium Undivided quarter of south half f lit 4, block 14. Cltv of Astoria, 0 laid out and recorded by John McClure M Undivided quarter of south half of Iit 1. block 16, City of Aslrl. as laid out and recorded by John McClur. Pndlxlded quarter of weal 14 feet of south half of Lot 1, block 26. I'liu n Ami. ,il.. InM nut and reordd by John McClure 1.30 North half of Lt 6, blin k 84. City of Astoria, as laid out nnd r- . . cordel by John McClure "-63 North half of IM . block n. Cltv of Astoria, as laid out and recorded bv John McClure H.M L"t 7. block 24. City of Astoria, a litl.l ,! Ittl.t rrttll'tlrt.t ItV John McClure H !j)t . block 24. City of Aslorla. m laid out and recorded by John McClure of Astoria, Oregon. II. R. NELSON. Auditor and Tollce Judge of the City of Astoria. Oregon. Astoria. Oregon. Sept. 15. 1W0. LKOAL h OTIC EB said street eight feet wide from Third street to Seventh street, and th construction of gutters on each side of said portion of said street from Third street to the west line of Sixth tret, which gutters shall he connected with a catch basin to be placed In the sewer at the northwest corner of the cross ing of Sixth street with said Commer cial Direct. The planking of the street to be twelve Inches wide by four Inches In thlcknem: and all material used shall be of gid, sound red or yellow fir lumber. Bald Improvement In mat ters of detail shall be made In conform ity with the provisions of Ordinance No. l.H)l, entitled ''An ordinance In re lation to the Improvement of streets," except as herein otherwise provided. That the costs and expenses of mak ing said Improvement shall be defrayed uv special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises specially bon.-fllod by said Improvement, which said lots, lands and premises are hereby Included within a special assessment district to be assessed pro-rata to defray the costs and expenses of making sold Improve- ;wnt. which said district Is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the northeast corner of lot five (6) In block twenty-two (22). and running thence west through the middle or blocks 22. 21 and 20 and 19, to the northwest corner of lot eight (I), In block 19. thence south to the south west corner of lot number one (I) In block thirty-two (32), thence cast through the middle of blocks 32, 31, 3D and 29 to the southeast corner of lot four (4) In block twenty-nine (29), thence north to the dace of beginning and containing lot ft. ". 7 and 8, in each of blocks 19, 20, 21 and 22, and lots 1. 2, 8 and 4. In each of blocks 29, 30, 31 and 32, all In the town (now city) of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, as laid out and re- corded bv John McClure, and which said district Includes all lots, lands and premises benefited by said Improve ment. That the city surveyor of said city has been directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judge of said city specifications for said proposed improvement and estimates of me costs anil expenses tnereor. This notice Is published in the Morn ing Astorlan for eight days In pursu ance to a resolution of the Common Council, directing the same, duly adopt ed on Monday, the 17th day of Scptem- oer, jwu, tne nrst puDiirallon of -this notice being on the 22d day of Septem ber, 1900. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice 4s hereby given that the com mon Council of tha eltv nt Aa.nln does Intend to Improve and hug declar ed lis intention to improve 17th street In the city of Astoria. In Clatsop county, Oreir.. us luld nut And raonrAuA kw 1 t Shlvely from the south line of Commer cial sireni to me norm line or Frank lin avenue in tne rollowlng manner, to-wlt: From the south lln. nf fVim 1 ....- ,'illlltr.iaj street to tho north Una nt t.'vh.n.. street said street Is to be Improved by removing all planking, caps and underpinning, Inclusive of sidewalks and underpinning, and putting In new underpinning and planking the street upon the established grade thereof throughout the full width thereof be tween sidewalks and constructing side walks 10 feet Wldfl ivn the al.l... .u. street and from the north line of Ex- cnange sireei 10 the north line of uranium avenue Dy grading said street to the established n w mi ougji K'U I, lilt width thereof and planking the same 10, a wiuin 01 m reei tnrough the center thereof and conatrustlng on the aides thereof sidewalks nlanio ... - ' .-.-.... v. 0 CT"l HI width and with the curbs thereof two icei low me ejnter of th I.KOil. NOTICE street from the edsw f Ih aldewalk plsnlilnf and placing coiisiruunng !..,.. ih i-iirlia of (hit aids UUI'll f,"i ." ----- walks. The planking for the sire"! ) to b 4 Inches tlili a ami inom iuw ss tu all par's to n improved and at .... .1,- .iKa.1 is to Ixi plunked throughout the entire width thereof. That the routs ami ripeniw. 01 imiuoveiiw 'ill (.except the civllig) shall be dcfrayd by special assessment up on lots, lands and premises beiiedled by said Improvement within the special awKiasmant district hereinafter desig nated, which said special asseesment district Inuludi-s all lots, kinds and premises beneMlcd by usUl Improve ment and Is ilvsorll-cl follows, to-wlt: Commencing at Ihn northwest corner of lot thr hi block oi hundred and thirty-three (113) In th city Astoria a Mi l out and reconb-d by J. M. Hhlve ly. and running thmre southerly In a straight line to th souilit corner of li ten In block ii" hundred and thirteen and running thniuw easterly on a straight line to the e.ulhul cor of lot nine In block one hundred and twMve ami running thence norther ly on a straight llii" tu tl' northeast corner of lot four in block un hundred and thil tv-two and running thence wes terly on a straight line to the point of beginning, all of sail district being In the city i.f Astoria s Mid out and re. cordrd by J. M. Hilvely. This notice Is published In the Morn Ing Astorlan for right days In pursu ance to a resolution f the common council directing the enm, duly adopted on Monday, the Uth day of ricptom'wr. I'JoO. the nrst publication of this notice being on the Kd Mr of September. Itwo. II. K. NKlJON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. This notice In published In the Morn Ing Astorlan for right days In pursu ance to a resolution of the common council directing the enme duly adopted on Monday the Klh day of September, I'.hh). the llrst publication of this notice being on the 23d iMV of September. 1. II. K, NICIliN. Auditor and 1'olU Judge of the City of Astoria NOTICE KOU STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is brr'ly given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria has declared Its dHermittallon nd Inten tion I ) Improve PUh slrwt In the city of Astoria as Mid out and rrerdd by John McClure and rtriid by Cyrus Olney, from the smith line of Ki. lisnge street to (be north line of llrand sve liue, excepting the cr.xwlng of said por tion of loth elreet Vklth franklin ave nue, by grading that tMirtinn there if from the south Hue of Exchange street to the north line of franklin avenue to the established grade from the curb of the sidewalk on the w-et side of said portion of said street to the east line thereof, and by grading that portion thereof from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Orand ave nue to the rtAbllelid grade through out the entire width thereof; and by Planking said portion of said street from the south line of Kii liange street to the north line of dm ml avenue to the width of twenty fret through the center thereof with (Wank 13 Inches wide by 4 Inches In thli klirss Slid 24 feet long, And by the construction of a sidewalk eight feet Wide mi the east side of said portion of said street from Exchange street la llrand avenue and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side of said portion of said strrvt front the south Hue of Franklin avenue to the north litis of Orand avenue, with the con struction of gutters on both eldes of aid portion of aald street. The mater ial to be used In said Improvement shall be good, sound red or yellow fir lumber and suld Impr-vetuont shall be made In matters of detail except as herein otherwise provided according to the provisions of Ordinance No. lwi, en titled "An Ordinance In relation to the Impruvemrnt of streets" and the plans ami M'eclflcatlons theirfor to be riled with the auditor and police Judge by the city surveyor. That the costs and rxtienses of tald Improvement shall be defrayed by spe clul assessment upon the lots, lands and ptemisis benefited by said lm provement within the xinyIhI assess ment district hereinafter designated whlrh milrt efuwlnt ........ i . -. includes nli lots, lands and premises neneiueq ny said improvement and which Is described as follows. io-wt: Commencing at the northesat corner of lot two (21 In block number forty-five 145), ami running them- south through the middle of blocks 45 and 71 to the southeast corner of Ut seven t7) n block seventy-one (71). thence west along the south line of blocks 71 and "J to the southwest cornr of lot num ber six (6) m block sevHity-two (72), thence nr-rth through the middle of blocks 72 and 46 to the northwest corner of lot three (3) In blink forty.slx thence east In a straight line to tbe place of beginning, and coiitntnlnir n. east one-half of blin ks 72 and it gn,i the west one-nair or blocks 71 and 45, all In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county state of Oregon, ns laid out and record ed bv John McClure and extended by Cyrus niney. generally known as Mc Olure's Astoria. That the city surveyor of the city of Astoria has been directed to forth with prepare and file with the auditor and police Judge of snld rlty estimates of the costs and expenses of said Im provement and specifications for said cronoeed work or Improvement This notice Is published In the Morn Ing Astoilun for eight days In pursu ance to a resolution of the common council directing the same, duly adopted on Monday, the 17th day of September 1900. the first publication of this notlcs being on the 22d day of September, imb II. K. NELSON Auditor and Police Judge of the Cl'ty of Astoria. ' liuxuRious Travel THQ ' Northwestern Limited" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Insld. and out, and steam heated, are with. 2,utMXC5!Lt,on' the flne"t lrl" In the and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, .nd altogether w hV mit complete and splendid producton of tbs car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Taclflc and The Canadian I'aclflc AT BT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. Nd extra ehaee-e accommodations and alt T:..or ets are available for passage on thl famous "Northwestern Limited." AU ....... un ipmim are protected by tha Interlocking Block system. W- "BAD, H. L. SISLEn General Agent Traveling Art Portland. Or. u