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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1900)
TUK MOHMNO ATOFtiAk SufcWA' SCPl'EMBEK W, lWW... 8T0R2 CLOSES AT 7 F. M. EXCEPT SATURDAT. Fashionable SKIRTS In great array Most of our skirts xmw from New York's leading makers. That fact establishes their stylishness, Most of them will fit without alteration, but if it should be necessary we will have tho change made at our expense. Headquarter for Dry Oocds BOMB IN CAMP OF CONSERVATIVES Chamberlain's Family Profit by Admiralty Contracts. 250 AMERICAN LAUNDRIES Will Be Establishes" la loidon-Bcielor Lerd Llssdsfl Grieved by A o son see meat of Birth of Child ta Countess Llaadatf. LONDON. Sept. 22. The political campaign has commenced in earnest. Only another week remains before the polling begins, and it will be only a little over five weeks before the new parlia ment assembles. That it will be a conservative body Is a foregone conclusion. Mr. Herbert Gladstone admits that it is quite im possible to win over the 160 seats neces sary to give them a victory. Thus from the outset the election loses Its interest, practically resolving itself Into an op portunity for politicians on both sides to air their views and to discuss the momentous issues of last year untram melled by the conventionalities of St. Stephens. This outbreak of oratory Judged from the Initial stages promises to develop no new or starring facts. The Conser vatives confine their energies to a de fense of the war In South Africa and of its management while the Liberals attempt tc Ignore it. concentrating their attacks upon the failure of the Conser vatives to fulfill their promises of ben eficial home legislation. Though this Is officially the Liberals' main plank, the division of their ranks over the war Is so great that It Is Im possible to keep all the candidates In line. Thus while Sir Edward Gray and the Right Hon. H. H. Asqulth and oth ers are telling the voters that it Is useless to discuss the war and are ad mitting the annexation of the Boer republics as the only logical outcome, Mr. Morley and other well-known mem bers of the party are telling them that the war was unnecessary and that the annexation of the republics Is a blot upon England's fair name. On one point, however, the Liberals all unite, and that point is the unfair ness of Lord Salisbury In bringing about a dissolution at the present mo ment when tha register of 1896 Is ex ' plring, so that thus all who were not registered over two years ago are dis franchised. The new register comes Into force In February. Thousands are affected and the Liberals maintain that Lord Salisbury's action is unconstitu tional. On the other hand, tha Con servatives claim that Lord Salisbury acted fairly, as had he waited until after February he would have the un doubted advantage of the votes of sol diers returning from South Africa. In their wrath that the election was precipitated with so little warning, the Liberals are not alone. Business men regardless of party are furious over the disintegration of trade, which al ways accompanies election contests. Publishers, for Instance, after a wretch ed year, seeing the war In South Africa ending and affairs in China becoming more quiet, made all preparations for a IE-GLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda curat headache at ono. It li pleas ant, erarkline. -ffnrrent drink that MMUUUIMimUiiy. Ueiaaue auil (lUri&ifc tae itomacb., yeotly Qoita tb nerval and reliT( all fain. It oare tick and nrrou badwh",eieknfleanfl mn tal fatlyu. , IOC, 20c, OOc, $I.OO FRANK HAKT, Successor to Th. Dlaen, 100-2 Com. Bt 'U bt uX 'if hi mm on the Lower Columbia. revival of trade. Just as they were be ginning to put books out, the an nouncement of the dissolution of par liament came like a thunder clap, spoil ing all their prospects. The stock ex change on the same grounds has a great srlevance against Lord Salisbury, as it will be well into December before the public can be expected to take a keen Interest In stocks. The question of home rule except In Ireland Is scarcely mentioned. Mr. Her bert Gladstone, who represents West Leeds, advises his constituents to let the matter rest, but the Earl of Sand wich strikes a much franker note in renouncing his adherence to the gov ernment and returning to the ranks of the Liberals because "home rule" Is dead. S A miniature bomb has been thrown into the Conservative camp by the Liberal Morning Leader, which pub lishes a lengthy story showing that the wife, sons and daughter of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain hold almost all the shares of the firm of Hskir.s Sons, contractors to the admiralty. Among the wins holding large amounts of the stock is Mr. J. A. Chamberlain (the eldest son). who Is a civil lord of the admiralty To put wore complexion on the matter It is pointed out that there are no Hoskins now connected with the busi ness, which Is practically a family con cern and apparently prosperous. The only answer so far vouschafed to the accusations Is a letter from Mr. Cham berlain's secretary saving that the min ister Is not disposed to "notice cowardly Insinuation contained In an Indirect charge." S W W Rumors assign the war ministry to Mr, Chamberlain In the next cabinet, the supposition being that the Marquis of Lansdowne will retire and also that Mr. Chamberlain will then have Lord Roberts as i'ommander-In-chIef and Lord Kitchener as adjutant-general. TSarl Halsbury, the lord high chancel lor; Earl Cadogan. lord lieutenant of Ireland; Viscount Cross, the lord of the privy seal and Mr. William Court Cully, the speaker of the house of com mons are all said to be likely to ie- tire. The controversy on the relative mer its of the British and American bag gage systems has been revived by the complaints of trans-Atlantic visitors who have lost trunks in England. These In turn have called forth protests against the adoption of the check sys tem. An Englishman who has visited America writes to the Pall Mall Ga zette giving details of his checks, the delay and the allr-ged Impossibility of obtaining compensation, declaring the Americans tolerate any system how ever complicated so long as it has the appearance of being buslness-llfte. Most of the detractors of the check system miss a point by devoting their argu ments against the delay In delivering baggage aft?r its arrival. It !s pos sible that the correspondence may ac celerate the adoption of some form of American system for. partly through Ignorance and partly through the de fects of the English system, no end of trouble and expanse Is undergone bv the thousan-ls who yearly cross the Atlantic, through loss of baggage. Another American Inovatlon will shortly appear In London in the shape of 2'0 laundries run by American em ployes and with American machinery. : How greatly the British government profits by death can be Judged by the returns of the estat? duties for 1893 1000. Just issued. They show that near ly 14,000,000 pounds were added to the excheiu;r from this cause. The total sum bequeathed by 65,431 persons amounted to over -292,000.000 or half the national debt. Twelve million ac counts paid tolls to the amount of 2,000,006. Lord Llandaff Is airing a curious grievance. The advertisement columns recently contained the announcement of the birth of a child to the Countess of Llandaff. As Lord Llandaff is a bachelor (he was born in 1S62 and was home secretary from 1SS6 to 1S92, the announcement caused him gome annoy ance and mystification, which was on ly explained by the fact that a child was born to the wife of a man named Matthew who two years ago announced his Intentlcn of assuming the title of Ear) Llandaff. This announcem?nt ap pears to be his only qualification for the peerage. HURRICANE AT SPOKANE. SFOKAXE, Sept. 22.-One of the worst wind storms in the history of this section was experienced today. In Spokane the wind blew forty-eight miles an hour for a few minutes, a velocity equalled but twice in eighteen years. There was a fall nf 14 degrees In the . temperature in lets than half an hour. INDIAN ACQUITTED. Navajo Tried for Murder of a Cowboy In Arisona. FLAGSTAFF. Arlt.. Sept. 22. -To HI Begay, a Navajo Indian, hns been ac quitted her ot the charge of th mur der of a cowboy named Montgomery last November In the mountain about thirty-five miles south of here. Afwr the killing of Montgomery a pitched battle occurred Wtween seven Indians, among whom was To HI. and Deputies Hogan and Koden. In which five Indians were killed and both depu ties badly wounded. One chief named Boa get In participat ed In the fight ar.d was wounded. He remained In hiding for nearly a year, sending word to the officers sent to ar rest him that he would be on hand when the pow wow owned. Accord ingly he travelled 100 miles over a rough country and walked Into court Just as To Hi Bogay's trial began. On the acquittal of IVgay. Boagotln was. also released. FOVND HIMSELF LOST. Strange Mental Lapse of a New York Undertaker. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. P. Charles Murphy, a New York undertaker and son of Felix Murphy, ex-assemblyman of the second district. New Tork, has been wandering aimlessly over the country since early In July. Yesterday he appeared at police headquarters attired In overalls and Jumper, his hands calloused from hard work, and asked to have his wife com municated with and told of his condi tion. He remembered nothing since the Fourth of July, which he spent in New York, until he suddenly realised whilo Kin-illinE along the streets of Denver, that he was In a strange city. He attributes his mental lapse to excessive use of patent bitters prescrlb ed by a physician as a tonic. LORD ROBERTS' RETURN. Cape Town Is Preparing a Great Wel come for Him as He Starts Homeward. NEW YORK. Sept. 22. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says; "When and how Lord Roberts will return frcm South Africa depends up on the views of the veteran field mar shal himself and the course of events. That Is the Impression the Telegraph representative gained as a result of a visit to the war office. None of the officials would confirm the statement that he is coming home within a month. Cape Town, however, is already preparing a great welcome for him, and It Is believed that he will salt for England shortly." MUTINY ON TRANSPORT. Five of the Frankfort's Crew Put In Irons at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 22. The German transport Frankfurt has ar rived here from Japan and will at once be prepared for the carrying of horses to China. Soon after the vessel entered port five of her men were placed In Irons for mutinous conduct. While in an Intoxicated condition they refused to take orders from their su periors and one of them made an at tempt to assault the commander. The matter will be reported to the Ger man government. TRANSPORT'S CARGO AFIRE. Coal on the Bosnia at San Francisco Is Burning. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22. The big German transport Bosnia, which arriv ed here a few days ago, has a cargo of coal on board which is smoking and apparently ready to burst Into flames at any moment. It Is possible that most of the car go will be saved by spreading It out ashore. The German government will have to dispose of the coal as best It can. It cannot be gold at this port for the reason that it is a domestic ar ticle and was brought here in a foreign vessel. CASCADES PENETRATED. Last Blast In Great Northern's New Tunnel Was Fired Yesterday. SPCKANF, Sept. 22.-The Great Northern officials here announce that the lan Hast In the great Cascade tun nel was fired at 9 o'clock this morning, breaking through the thin wall that reparated two gangs of men. The tun nel Is two and a half miles long. RAILWAY COMPANY SUED. TACOMA, Sept. 22. Seven suits for damages against the Tacoma Railway and Power Company were, filed today. The claims arise out of the Fourth of July accident and range from $2000 to $20,000 each. AZTEC ARRIVED. WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. General MacArthur has reported to the war de partment that the transport Aztec has arrived at Manila with a pack train and Ml horses belonging to the Third cavalry. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED WEEK LY EXCURSIONS. An experienced excursion conductor General Freight and Passenger Agent, wants and welfare of passenger will be In charge of Tourist sleeping car to Chicago vJa Union Pacific, ThI car leave Portland on "The Portland-Chicago Special" at 9:15 a. m, making close connection at Ottcftto with ilinllar service to Boston and New York. El derly iwopU and ladles traveling alont or with children Mil find hl very convenient and satisfactory. For tickets, berth reservations and full Information, call on G. W. I.OUNSBERRY, General Agent. O. U. A N. Co. Or Aitorla. Oregon. J. H. I.OTHROP. General Agent. 13S Third St.. Portland. Oregon. ftTiin liW" A familiar name for tha Chlcaga, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway, known nil or the Union as ths Great Hall way runnlikg the "Pioneer Limited' tralna every day and night vetween 8t Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tion are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to pawngert the beat service known. Luxurious coaches, electrle light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point n the United State or Canada. All ticket agent sell them. For rate, pamphlet or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trar. Pass. Art.. Gen. Aft. Portland. Oregon. Portland. Or. It N a populir suiH-rstltlon among ball player that a home run In time saves nine. REPOHT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Astoria National Bank At Astoria. In the "tato of Oregon, at the Close of Pi.lne. September 5. likH). RESOURCES, Loans anil discounts JHT.TJi 05 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 1,547 13 U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 1-5M fO U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. de posits U. S. Bonds on hand Premiums on U. S. Bonds.... l. 00 Stocks, s.-ctirltl.'s. etc 2S.072 29 lianklng house, furniture and fWtan-s 3 3 01 Other real estate ownrd !)..'0 00 Due from National Hanks (not Reserve Agents) 11,747 7i Due fnm State Banks and Bunkers S.4SJ SO Due from approved reserve agents 4I.SS1 H Internal-Revenue stamps SS Checks and other cash Items... 2.370 79 Exchanges for clearing house.. ,t of othr National Hanks S13 00 Fractional paper currency. p'rVs sid cents 330 06 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: Specie $25,171 40 Leg I -tender notes .. 35 00 U. S. Cert If 'a of depos it for legal tenders 23,.5 40 Redemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 CO Due from U. S. Treasurer, oth er than 5 per cent redt-mp-tlon fund Total $2M.379 55 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ SO.ftoo 00 Surplus fund 9.250 00 Undivided profits, less ex pense and taxes paid .... 3.202 91 National Bank notes outstand ing . S.G.V) 00 State Bank notes outstanding Due to fthcr National Banks.. Due to State Banks and Bank ers Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks Dividend unpaid Individual deposits subject to check . H19.5S2 47 Demand certificates of deposit 20,152 63 Time certificates of de posit S5.042 52 225,677 64 Certified checks 199 00 Cashier's checks outstanding.. United States deposits Depoclts of U. S. disbursing office Notes and bills discounted.. Bills payable Liabilities other than those above stated Total $296,979 55 State of Or?on. County of Clatsop, ss: I, D. K. Warren, president, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. K. WARREN, President. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 21st day of September, 1900. G. C. FULTON, Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, H. C. THOMPSON. A. SCHEKNECKAU. Directors. A sailor always liken to see a light how" but it' different with a theat rical manager. fisher's Opera House L. E. iEI.H;, Lenae and Manager. ONE NIOHT ONLY. Saturday, Sept. 29 THE FAMOUS In De Woll Hopper's fireat Buceean WANG Magnificent Scenery, Elaborate Effects, Pretty Girls, Superb Coatumeg. 1 A'lmlsfllon Hos'-Tverl seats, $1; gal lery, 60 cents. Advance nale of seats orn Friday morning at oninn need s. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Conducted by tbe Benedictine Fathers , THE IDEAL PLACE Will Reopen September 5, 1900 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL s &4hhs &aH-e&2--3 INSTRUCTIONS GlVf Mis Bertha Hartln Decorative Art Roonii Know 0 Dak Din Hullilllif, S1 FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE or LOMWN THE OLDEST IH'RFI.Y FIRE OFFICE IN THE WOKl.I). Calt Ata, C'asli Aat in t'nltvd Htl, J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, WIN FIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, SAMUEL ELMORE qAnuviruwuxrirwuin;vru 2i mTRi.nrinri a TVTrv in fVitX 1 EJFLkiU PORTLAND, OR. 3 nr. . t . . da.t.riaau llnnl Iri Dnf(lrit ? a il aa vraajr a a m-viMnn - " - - Pacific N avigation Com pan y Stcamcra-'-Suc II. Elmore." "W. H. Ilarrlxon'' Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Hay City, Hobsonvlllo. Connecting st Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Columbia River K. R. for tiac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates ap;lv U Samuel Elmore S3c Co. Oenersl Agents, ASTORIA. ORE 0. K. A. N.R.R. Co., Portland. Agent A. A 0. It. R. Co., I'ortland. B C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paolflo Brewery, of wblob Bottled beer for family use or ki MrJobn Kopp ia prop-ietor, make be r beer applied at auy time, delivery 1 for domestic and export trade, a the city free. Korth Pacific Brewery M ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, - - f 5,000,000 Paid-up Capital, .... 1,000,000 Assets, . - - 2,5-45,114 Assets in United States, 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders, 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Const over twenty-twojara SAMUEL ELMORE & CO.. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. FOR YOUR BOYS MONrlOUTII, 0RRO0N. Tni tmteiila i the SiimiHl i IhiI are pffparml .f. l-b- It, Htal., iVrtlfW'Mlrt llli llll-ll lllU 1 V till lirHlltl- Htlon, .railiiU n-filllr ivrtir Kind ImwHIou. KV'ioiif ymr from flJu iul.'i, iniiill acniti'Mlr ami I'ti'fM'U'MR' MMirari. New i-iwliil ii riin. hi In Manual liaising, Wrll Kitil'd Training, lit'pArtliirNl Fur I'.UUm.s nuitaliiliil full aiumum-finn adorpM P. 1.. CAMI'MKI.I., Or W, A WANS, I'wililfUt. Ho nf Faculty. m rs sh-r$ ii QHOtM JOUCBtO' 1 rll Hit of Seat! Cmbroid try Materials. Initials Specialty. Choice Selectloa of amplog Design. Stamping Neatly Doe:. aad Uaihliiglim I'orllaml, Or. A. D. 17IO GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CAUL. A. IlltfUX San Francisco, Cl. & CO,, AGENTS. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST ANDQUICKESTLINE TO St.l)aul,Duliiili.Mliiiii'amlls.nilfijr) and All r!n Kat DAH.Y TRAINS; FAST TIME; BElt. VtCli ANI HCKNKIU UN KQUALt:i). Through l'al ami Tonrl.t Hlajir uiniHi ihii iiHHvi """-a - Tlcktt to point Kat via Tortlana and th (irrat Northern Hy-. on ! at O. It. A N. Ticket Omc. Astoria, or Orsut Northern Ttckt Omca 268 M0KKISOX STREET. PORTLAND. Fur rates, foMni and full Informa tion waarillnf liu.tern trip, call on or, p & DBNNWTOM. City Tass. and Tlokol Aavnt. I'ortland. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. t'nloii lrpt 11:10 a m. t il Aatorlit and Inter- .40 p.m. ni(Miatt (mints. '" ACrTOHU. I " 7.45 a.m. (Tor Portland A In-Ill Ma-ra, ( 10 p.m trrm illiitu point JtO 30 p.m. REASinn DIVISION. 11 a. in. ASTORIA ' l', a m 4 to . lu i to p. 111. Pi. w. a. so p. in. seaside r;;;,;:s All trains maks close connections at Ooble with all Northern l'sHlto tralna to and from ths ICnai or H.unl point. J. C. MAYO, Oen'l Fr't end Vv. Agvnt. WHITE COLLAR LINL Columbia IMvsr and Puaet Round NaT- Uatloa Company. Ballsy Gatiort Inarsa Aitorla daily txeept Bundsy at ? p. m. Leaves t'or:ana aany siwpi uun day at 7 a. in White Collar Lin tickets and O. R. A N. tickets lnterchanahl on lUlley nntsert and llaaaulo. ThroUfh I'ort land connection with utramer Nahcot- ta truin llwaivo nn.l m IWach point, A. J. TATLOIt. Astoria, Aft. U. D. BCOTT. Telephone llL President. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT nOUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Pilots. Gives choice of two favorite route, via, the Union rarlflo Fait MM) Lin, or the Itlo Grande Bcenlo Line. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 1 Days to Salt Luke 2 J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicagu 1J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholtr4 Imirlat aWntna- eara. anil Pullman rl- ace iloeiier. operated on all tralna. For further Information apply to Or c. o. Tunnr. w. e. coman. Trav. I'a. Art. Oan. Agent 124 Third St., Portland. Or. O. W. LOUNSUEHRT, Agent O. R. 4 N. Ur. T. 1 . Hull DENTIST. 573 Commercial Street, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Pchliissel's Clothing Store. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Car "Will Receive Special Attention. No. 1138 Duana St, W. J. COOK. Mgr Astoria. Or. Re. Tel, 11IL 1 hete tiny Capiulei are superior ... r.' ' M 10 BBiasm Ot copaiba tubebi or Inlectioni and CURE IN 43 HOURS tha tame discuss w;th Out Inconvenience. v aI Prui-irtft, rv 1A to)