The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 22, 1900, Image 3

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ttlno went through that way without
dllflculty, Soma of th older pilot
claim that Oil channel with aid. prop
erly directed, from the government
would permanently Improve and deepen
the harbor of Aatorla,'.
Mr, Wolff, of the wrecking firm of
Wolf Zwloker, waa 'n the city yea
etrdav afternoon and when aeen by an
Aatorlan reporter itated that the firm
ha been granted an extension of time
on the contract for taking the llght-
The Leading' House of Astoria
All coittrnctt for nJvcrtmutK In
llio Aittoi Un urn muJo on n gunr
mitco o( circulation (our time
lttritcr than tlint of miy puper
publUluJ or circulated In Gut
nop county.
., .i i
PORTLAND. Bul. 22.-Oron, IJft
lio mid Waahlngton, fair today.
Ic. cream tOo a quart at th. Tarlor.
Par rrport:
bar. smooth.
Wind, northwvati tiaiy;
A. M, Himiwon, of Ban Franclaco,
waa In cliy on builii" yeawrday.
All tlift local chunlira hav now
clmnirtl the hour of thlr .veiling ser
vice from o'clock to l.iO.
Peti 15-rcnt niial, Tilling Sun Tt
taurant, CU Coimnmial it root.
Jeffs rataurnt-lh. Urgent
teat. A trial wilt eonvlnc you.
Th brat and ch-anat tallrlnc In
tha city at A. KIUCNEN, K2 Com-
lurrclal Itrret.
When you wart a atyllah new ault
mad rail on A. KIUUNEN,
121 Commercial street.
The Marianita croatxd out at
o'clock yeaterday morning, but carnt
back In during tb afternoon.
A.ioria viaitnra lo Portland can ob
tain coplea of th. Ially Aatortan at
tha now a stand, or u. u. wen.
Mr. and Mra. Augurt Erlcki-n bava
returned to their borne In Portlaad af
ter a vlalt of aevwal dayi her.
Hank Ingalla. of Foard A Btokoa Co.
la on a business trip to Qrays Har
tor and other place In that part of
tha country.
Three fint-claaa barber, at Occident
Hotel barber shop, under tha manage
ment of A. roterann. Intaly of lh Pal
ac Hatha.
Prof. Wm. Lrmos art collection at
1181 Commercial atreet. Two daya' sal.
Friday and Saturday. Falntlngi at
your price.
The .team achooner Del Norte, which
haa arrived from flan Francisco, bad on
board aa a portion of bar cargo 2,600
bundlea of shlitlfles.
Cream Puro Rye. America'a flneat
Vhlakv. Th nnlv cure goodi; guar
anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L.
CARLSON. Sole Agent
Itemeniler we guarantee our Ice
cream to contuln nothing but cream
and mijrar and flavor. U la 15 centa
per pint at tha Parlor.
Tloalyn coal laata longer, la cleaner
and makea less trouble with atovea and
chimney fluea than any other. Oeorgt
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1IU.
Sheriff Llnvllle la In Salem, where he
went to take the convicted forger Jae
ger, who waa sentenced to three and a
half year. In the atate penitentiary.
J. W. Suprenant ha been awarded
the contract for the new hoapltal at
Fort Steven. The hoapltal li to be
a 2.1-hed affair, and work will bo com
menced upon It very som.
Five dollan and tit dally made idl
ing campaign buttoni, badgoe. etc.
Good entirely new and guarantied beat
sellers. Time la limited. Write today.
Onyx Uutton Co.. Box 184, Clovoland. 0.
A all I, not less than IS years old.
dlrlng to attend school tbla winter
and do light hoiiaework for her board
and lodging, may apply for further
Information at the Aatorlan office.
I C. Hartwlg, who haa been doing
electrical work In Portland for several
mot) th a imt. la anendlng a few day
with bla iMtrenta In thla city, before
leaving for Sumiiter, where be will re
main for several nionthe.
United State Flah Cnminlaaloner Wll
cox. of Washington. D. C, who wa In
Aatorla on Thuraday, proceeded to
Portland, where he will be Joined by
Flah CominlMlimer Heed, and they will
vlalt the I'mpqua hatchery.
Steady and reliable young man of
Finn clem ent, well known In city, want
a poaltlon In dry good or gnvcry
houae; am willing to atart at bottom
and work up. Wagea no object. Ad-
dreai, A, W., care Antorlan.
Mr. McGregor, of the Aatorla Jlox
Company, gxt-a thla morning to vlo
the lara raft of apruce lo recently
punhaae.1 by that firm of th.? Waillout
Logging Comimny. Tlw rnft I aald
to contain ubout f,-et.
The communlratlon regarding the le
tnllty of the road from Nowlen'a
alough to O'Hanna. via 8tavHOAt land
ing and Sorkett'a mill, that wai re
ceived by Judge Gray, waa referred to
the dlatrlct attorney for an opinion.
The Danlah ahlp Jupiter, which arriv
ed down the river at 12:45 yeeterday af
ternoon, haa on board over 93.000 buah
ela of wheat, valued at 157,000. She
cleared at Portland on Wedneaday and
took two day to come down the river.
The achooner Ilepeat. which arrived
down vraterday afternoon at 12:43, In
tow of the It. n. Thompaon, which al
io brought down the Jupiter, wai tak
en acroa to Knapptnn later In the
afternoon by the tug Wallula. She will
load lumber for San Franclico.
Tteiiahie man to ivpreeent. In realdent
community, old etabllahed houae.
w(rth 1:30.000. Dutl require hiring
help, making collectlona and aome oinVe
work. Liberal aalary and exrwnae ad
vanced to right party. Addreai WM. J.
t'HL. Mgr.. 7:1 Cheatnut St.. Philadel
phia, Pa.
There will be aervlcoa aa follow at
the Ilaptlat church tomorrow. Sunday
achool at 10 o'clock a. m.: preaching at
11 a. m. Subject of the morning air
mon, 'TempUHon." The H. Y. P. U.
will meiH at 8:30 p. m.; preaching at
":J0. The aubject of the evening icr-
mon will be "The Destructive Power
of One Sinner."
There will be lervlce In the Swedljh
Lutheran church on Sunday aa usual.
In the morning at 11 o'clock Swedlah
aervlce; aubject. "Lay Up Treoaurea In
Htfaven." In the evening aervlc In
Rngllah at 7:45; aubject. "Momenta."
Good mualc at each ervlce. All wel
come. 8unday achool at 10 o'clock.
Th clna In confirmation meeli every
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
The New of yeeterday afternoon h;i
an Horn referring to the trial of Rev.
S. A. Starr, at Aabland, In which It
auva "that gentleman will b tried be-1 enger.
alilp off the landi bctn Fort Ct pby
and MiKenile Head, but refuaed (4
itate for how long the extension a
granted. Mr. Wolff la perfectly cnfl
dent that the ahlp ran hi taken off
and that thlr firm would aucceed In a-
rompllatilng the work. He uya that
had hla Inatrucilon been carrted out
the ahln would b laying at the dTk
In Aatorla to1ay. The condition a
preaent, he aaya, ar unfavorahle. but
with the hl:h tide of next 'month
there will be a foot more water cround
the ahlp and ahe will be floated at that
Pacific Coast Company's Local
Bunkers Destroyed by Fire.
A. J. Johnaon, of AMorlo, foreatry
expert of the United State geological
aurvey la preparing a fore try reiKrt,
arientlflrally and eommerrlaJly. of ev
erv timbered acction In the atate of Ore
gori. entlinatlng the atandlng tlmb'T o
vrv variety, tree and hrub. which
are vt economic value, and alao the
amount of lumber cut by each mill In
the atate. and eetliimtlug the oe by
for- Area and alao determining the
rauan of atich Area, whether acoldcnta
or otherwa. and the reault of tefore
etatlon after theae flna. Thla report
will be uaed partly aa foreatry atatia
ilea of 1M0, alao frr a new man of
the atate, which, when flnlahed, will
ahow the amount of Umber and what
part of the atate la timbered and partic
ularly the dlairlbutlon of the different
varletleaof timber. He ho been engag
ed In thla work nearly two yeara. and
will era reel y flnlah by the end of the
year. He hu int three month tbla
aiitnmer In exI'Ming Eastern Oregon
llinlx'r. and he la now working In Crook
cfiunty. In a recent Interview he aJ
"The tlmlHT of Oregon la foat becom
Ing known to Bjuitern lumlHM-men who
are now actively bxiklng to foreat In
veatmenta, aa the lumbrr aupply of the
Knatern atate la almoat exhauated and
the demand for timber on thla count
Id ratildlv Increaalng. aa I am In a po
altlon to know by coming In contact
with the leadlni lumbermen of. the
United Plates, while In charge of the
world" fair foreatry exhibit at Chi
cago In 193. and alao the foreatry de
partment at the Omaha expnaltlon In
1858. where X represented Oron and
received aeven gold mlala, three allver
and twelve diploma, being the hlgh
eat awarda and honor for foreatry at
the exposition.. I e.onalder the timber
of thla atate by far Ita moat valuable
reaource. there being In the neighbor
hood of 400.000.000,000 feet of atandlng
timber, and the annual rut at the prea
ent time being about 530.000.000 feet."
TV Sue H. Elmore Arrived Down the
River Yeeterday Afternoon.
The ateamer Sue H. Elmore arrived
down the river yeeterday afternoon at
4 o'clock and at once became the cen
ter of considerable attention. She tied
up at the O. R. ct X. wharf and will
lay there till tomorrow when ahe will
atart on her Initial trip aa freight and
paaaenger boat between thl city and
She I a trim built little craft of 132
ton groe reglater and la designed ea
peclally for barred harbor and coasting
trade. Site la 100 feet In length and
21 feet beam, with a maximum .draught.
loaded, of 8 feet.
She I fitted with a 10x 20x20 In stroke.
fore and aft compound engine built by
the Willamette Iron and 8teel Work
of Portland, and haa double ateam
wlnchea, both fore and aft. She haa
cargo porta and haa In fact all the lat
ent Improved machinery for handling
freight. The engine la connected with
an extra large boiler on which a prea
aure of 150 pounda la allowed. She car
rice three modern Improved life boat
and a life raft.
The Interior of the boat la arranged
with 'excellent taste and her cabin la
elegantly fitted up with atateroom for
the accommodation of twenty-five paa-
The French bnrk La Fontaine, Hau
moti. mauler, 102 daya out from Sun
tandir, crowed In at 11:30 o'clock yea
torduy morning. She I In ballast and
will continue on up the river to Port
land. ' .1. .Ufcll
What a luxury Pears
soap is!
It is the cheapest and
best toilet soap in all the
All aorta of people It, all aorta of atom
Mil It, upaciaOy arugiiM
fore a ipeclal committee of 13." If)
It usual lethargic atate the New fail
ed to notice that the trial referred to
had already takn Te the day be
fore and that the Aatorlan of yoaier
day morning printed a dlapntch an
nouncing the result of the tame.
There will be the usual lervlcn at
the Presbyterian church on Sunday.
The theme of the morning sermon at
11 o'clock will be "The Upper Room;"
of the evening aermon. at 7:30. "Three
Aatoundlng Statement." Y, P. S. C. E.
ervlce will be at 8:30 o'clock; 8undny
chool at 12:15. A very cordlnl Invi
tation In extended to all. Pleaae no
tice that evening service begin one
half an hour earlier than usual,
The ealmon market at the present
time Is in an exceptionally artong po
altlon. It was never before o strong
10 early In the season, and the end Is
not yet. Buyer are still calling for
salmon from first hands and It 1 Im
possible to fill the orders, as practical
ly all the salmon Is now sold out of
first hands. England Is still calling
for salmon, which It will be Impossible
to send. Prices are sure to advance
within a short time.
The new channel from the cool bunk
ers to Miller' sands on the north side
0 the ship channel continues to deep
en. On her last trip the ocean steamer
Columbia went over It at half tide and
the coasting steamer Del Norte.- when
she came in on the 20th, fully loaded.
She carries patent anchor, la schoon
er rigged and is fitted with tow bits.
Her builder Is Joseph Supple, of Eaat
Portland, and during her trip down yes
terday she easily maintained a speed
of over ten knots an hour and bt,ds fair
to be not only the most serviceable
boat In the harbor but also one of the
fastest. She Is In charge of Captain
Peninsular Land A Trust Co. to Elis
abeth Carlson lot 9, block L Taylor's;
Grimes Grove Land Co. to Mrs. J. O.
Anderson lot 7 block 12, Grimes Grove;
$40. '
John E. Logan to Ella M. Casey
140.40 acre In section 7, T 8 N, R 7 W;
Albert Thompson and wife to Eman
uel Svenson lots 5 and 6, block 2, Tay
lor's; 1500.
T. S. Damant to Susan B. Henderson
lot 20. block 27, Case's Astoria; SI.
George Hartley to James Maher
north half of southeast quarter and
northeast quarter of southwest quar
ter of section 6. T 4 N. R 10 W. 140.78
acre, quitclaim; 32.
James Maher to John Lewis same
property; 360.
Heroic Efforts ef Fin Compuy Siv 0. R.
k N. Co. Wharf Properly Proba
bly Coertd by liisraacc.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggUtj refund tha money 'f It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove'i ilgnature
li on each box. 23c.
Fire wa dlacovertd In the coal bun
ker of the Pacific Coast Company at
the upper end of the O. R. St N. wharf
at 1213 o'clock thla morning and In
Aftven mlnut-M the entire building waa
In flame and It waa only by the (tren
uou effort of the firemen that the
a barf wa avd. The lorn will aggre
gate In the nelghb?rhxd of H0.OW.
A few mlnuttr after 12 o'clock Officer
Scitem, wh ha the Uppertown beat,
noticed smoke laaulng from the upper
end of the building and thought at
first that It came from the river
steamer It. u. Thompaon, whlcn was
moored along on the river aide of the
bunker. Clo?r Investigation, however,
showed that the smoke wa coming
from the outheaat ?orner of the build
Ing and that spark were beginning to
come out with the emoke. Settem then
wl.letled to Officer Thompson, whom
he had Jut left at the Junction cf the
two beati near the entrance to the O,
It. & N wharf, a that would be the
quickest may of lending In the alarm
Olllcer Thompaon responded promptly
and Immediately turned in the alarm.
In a few momenta compan-a No. 1 and
No. 2 were on the scene and aftr a
brief delay had two streams playing
merrily on the fire. The flames, how
ever, had gotten under tremendous
headway and hopes of aavlng the bunk
er were not even entertained for a
moment, the firemen turning their en
tire attention to aavlng the wharf by
keeping the flames nearest It partially
under control. They were assisted by
the wharf fire hose and also two
stream from the tug Wallula, which
wn fortunately laying in her usual
berth alongalie the dock. -and thus
flue slrenm were kept playing on the
end of the bunker next to the wharf.
The Iremen were working over what
was practically a sleeping volcano.
Situated midway between the two
buildings underneath the planking la
the large gasoline tank used to aupply
the engine at the bunkers, and, al
though it contained but about 30 gal
lons, might have caused a terrific ex
plosion had It become Ignited.
The fire burn?d with a most Intense
heat. So strong In fact that it could
hardly be borne at the roadway aome
two or three hundred feet away and a
bucket brigade of Japs were kept busy
putting out the innumerable biases
that keit starting tip on the railroad
trestle opposite the bunkers.
An engine was called Into requlsl
tlon and soon had the cars that were
atandlng on near-by switches, out of
harm's way. Fortunately there was
no wind and the sparks and pieces of
burning wood shot straight up Into tb'
air, Instead of drifting on buildings
nearby. A few burning brands dropped
on the rdof of (he O. R. 4 N. wharf
but the metal roofing effectually pre
Vented any damage.
The river steamer R. R. Thompson
which had tied up alongside the bunk
ero for the night was gotten under way
as socn as possible and warped out
Into the stream. The tug Wallula
crowded on what steam she could on
shnrt notice and helped with two fair
streama on the blaie.
The North Star which was laying In
side the wharf against the bunkers had
to be pulled down out of the way by
hand, and the Escort No. i was served
the same way. The Sue H. Elmore lay
farther down the dock and was steamed
up ready to leave out If necessary. The
several craft that lay In behind the
dock would have been In a pretty un-
comfortahle position had the wharf
gotton on fire.
It was a magnlflcient spectacle as
the great billows of name rolled
straight upward to an Immense dis
tance lighting up the whole city and
reaching far out over the water, reflect-
ng on numerous fishing boats and
throwing great grotesque shadows and
ever and anon as the fire progressed
one of the hutre bins of coal would burn
through letting the contents drop with
a sullt-n plunge Into the water, sending
up a cloud of blaok nmoke. steam and
parks, and making the whole scene one
of weird grandeur.
The fire companies under the direc
tion of Chief Stockton did some very
creditable work with the circumstances
very much against them. Chief of Po
lice Hallock turned ilreman for the
time and handled the wharf hose like
an old tlrnn-.
The bunkers contained some six or
seven hundred tons of coal and togeth
er with the building, the loss will prob
ably be between $30,000 and $40,000.
The cause of the fire is not definite
ly known but It Is generally thought
that there was some fire remaining
from the Are of last week or else the
water turned on the coal at that time
produced fire damp or sort of a spon
taneous combustion.
The loss will probably be covered by
Insurance, out a that 19 attended .0
at the company's i offloes In Seattle,
nothing definite could be learned. 1
O'Connor Fined $.V) for Asiault Court
Orders That Bro-n Children Tit
Sent to Mt. AngH College
OthT Proceeding,
Circuit court convened In regular ses
sion yesterday morning at J:39 o'clock,
Judge McTirld presiding.
In the caae of A. Leberman va, C.
J. Curtl. the plaintiff wa given a Judg
ment by default.
A Chinaman with a string of ftllaaei
a yard long wa arraigned before the
court on the charge of murdr. He I
charged with having killed another
Chinaman with a Hat of name nearly
a long aa hi own, at Booth' cannery
on August 1st. The court christened
Wong Loom lo av confusion and
victim I known by the appellation of
Wong Ark Toy. The defendant wa
given till Monday to plead to the
John D. O'Connor who wa arraign
ed before the court on Thursday on
the charge of assault with a danger
ou weapon and given till yeaterday
afternoon to plead, appeared and waa
allowed to plead guilty to the charge
of almple assault and wa fined 1Z0.
He paid the fine.
Herbert Davie and John 8ulllvan, the
men arrested for burglarizing the Bee
Hive In thl city, pleaded not guilty to
the charge and their trial wa fixed
for next week. They will be given sep
arate trial, that of Davl taking place
on Tuesday, and Sullivan' on Wednes
day. Some four yeara ago. In fact, on the
21st day of April. ISM, Concordia Brown
wa granted a dlvxrce from John W.
Brown and each were awarded the
cuatody of two of the four children.
In March of this year Mr. Brown re
ported to the court that the children
under his charge were being taken
care of by his mother, who was near
ly W years of age, and not capable of
giving the children proper care. One
of the boys being 111 with typhoid fe
ver at that time and not receiving nec
essary care. In the meantime Mrs.
Brown had remarried and Is now
known as Mrs. Bolander. The court
then ordered that he be given the
custody of the other two children oro-
viaeo. nowever. mat sne comolv with
Mr. Brown's request that the children
be sent to a Catholic Sunday school
and a Catholic day school. It appears
mat the tvtA not complied with that
portion of the order and the case was
brought before the court yesterday af'
ternoon when It was ordered that the
two boy that have been In her charge
since March be sent to Mount Angel
College at Mr. Brown's expense. There
waa a stormy and tearful acene In the
court room when the little fellowa real
Ixee' the Import of the order aeoarat
Ing them from their mother, but they
finally succeeded In manfully keeping
dock tne tears as tney went away.
Court was then adjourned till 9:30
otlock this morning.
The great fire of last night, painted
by Prof. Wm. Lemos. who will close
out all bla paintings nt your price. The
last day of the sale. All welcome. 531
Commercial street.
NotlM Is hereby given that there are
funds In the city treasury to pay ail
warrants drawn on the general fund
and endorsed prior to January 1, 1900,
Interest will cease after this date..
CltT Treasurer
Astoria. Or.. Sept, IS. 1900.
PARIS. Aug. 14. American whiskl
received the official approval of the ex
position today when the first award
for merit waa made to Bernheim Bros.
Louisville. Ky., on their L W. Harper
At Astoria In the State of Oregon.
At the Close of Business, September
5, 1909.
Loans and discounts $256,733.34
Overdrafts, secured and unse
cured 2,879.49
U. S. Bonds to secure circu
lation 12,500.00
Stocks, securities, etc 64,124.99
Other real estate owned 9,414.63
Due from National Banks 'not
Reserve Agents) 11,090.01
Due from State Banks and
Bankers 33.939.11
Due trorh approved reserve
agents 112.S31.63
Internal-revenue stamps 89S.30
Notes of other National Banks 95.00
Nickels and cents 63.19
Lawful money re
serve In bank, vis:
Specie $131,920.00
Legal-tender notes.. 80.00 132,000.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (a per cent of
Total $633,999.71
Capital stock paid In $50,000.00
Surplus fund 23,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 30,013.10
National Bank notes outstand
ing 11.900.00
Due state banks and bankers. 2.5S1.49
Individual deposits
subject to check J406.S01.30
Demand certificates '
of deposit 112.7M.83 519,505.12
may be in prodd demand, but I propose
to create a still greater demand , for
Clothing, Hats and Furnishings.
There are no ifs and ands about it. I
am determined to go to the factories
for my spring stock and stand ready to
so as to clear out every article in my store.
We are Sole Agents for " RUSHFORD WAGONS." We
guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength
and durability, and our prices are right
Fisher Bros., Agts.,
Astoria, Oregon.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
. Farmers and Loggers.
A. V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
are always a lucky find, becaua
there are so many inferior ones on
the market What's the use of ex
perimenting and -wasting time, mon
ey and patience when you can be
certain of getting the real thing at
Madison's reliable cigar store. Im
ported, Key West and Domestic
Cigars, as low as So and as high
as 50c. Smoking and chewing to
baccos aa well.
Will Eladison.
Conducted ty tne Benedictine Fathers
Will Reopen September 5, 1900
Total J838.999.71
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clat
sop, gs: J, s. s. uoraon, casnier of tne
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement 18 true to the
bet of ivy knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
13th day of September, 1900.
V, UUi.LLl.NU,
Correct Attest:
Jacob Kamm,
W. F. McGregor,
W. SI. Ladd.
Notary Public.
Cash Aaseta, -,ooo
CitbAmti In United States. .oiO,933
213 Sahsome Street, - - San franclsco, Cat.
1 "