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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1900)
t J wTUKi' MORNING , ASIORIAN, -I'llESU. . SflPTEMMit " 18, 190V 1 ...KNOX FALL SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND C. H. COOPER The Leading THE MORMNO ASTOHIW TELEMOXE 661. All coutritct fur UilvcrtiniitK In Ilia AMinlan ury Hindu on a miitr nntca ( circulation four time lurnr thiin thut of any pupcr published or circuited In Cliit- nop county. ' i j - . - TODAY'S WEATHER. I'OUTI.AND. Hrtt. Il-Oregon. Ida ho ituil Washington fair weather and warri'or toduv. AROUND TOWN. Ic crram Wo a quart at tha Tailor, Mr. and Mm. Martin Foard wore In Portland over Hunday. Kara Dawson, the lgrr. of ClaUop n In the city y-trdy. W. 3. and Chas. IS. Gray wrre In Portland over Hunday. J. II. Johaiinsrll. of Bt-aaldt. u In tho tltv yoitrMay on business. Peal -lS-cent meal. Rising Bun JV Uurant. 1J Commercial trt. Jrff'e rrataumnt-tha largt trat. A trial will convince you. and Dur report: Wind northwest. Uaht haiy; smooth, and nothing In sight, E. M. Orlmw. of th New Grimes II, ti I at Srasld. waa In tho city yra ti-iay. The )mt and cheapest tallurlnc lu the rlty at A. MUUNEN. W2 Com menial street. Mrs. F. M. Cottle, of Ban Jo". Cat 1i tM (rural of her cousin. Mra. Jume C. Fot. in tbla city. Mr. and Mra. C. IS. Bain and two -htldrrn arrived down on the Oatiert yesterday afternoon. The British ahlu Marathon. In bollaat wa taken uo tho river yvtrdaf after noon at 2:30 'o'clock. When you wart a atyllah new ault mad cheap, rail on A. KILJUNEN 122 Commercial street. Portland' total contribution to the Galveston relief fund now foota un ti the tidy aurn of IU9S. Astoria visitor to Portland can ob tain copies of tho Dally Astoria at the new atanda of B. D. Rich. Captain Bam Randall, who ha been on a trip to California, returned home yesterday morning on tho Columbia, The steam achooner Fulton arrived down the rlvur early Sunday morn Ing and left out for Ban Francisco. Three llrst-class barbera at Occident Hotel barber ahop. under the manage of A. raterami, lately of the Pal- ace Batha. Fish Commlnloner Reed haa not yet returned from hla trip up the river In tht Intircrt of the various nalmon hatchvtiea. The Ban Franclaco ateamer Columbia arrived In early yeaterday morning with forty-five tona of freight for the local werxhantn. Cream Pure Bye. Amerlca'a flneat whUkv. Th nnlv Dure gooda; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAHLBON, Bolo Agont. Hcmomber we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and aupar and flavor, It la 15 cents per pint at the Parlor. E. C. Smith, until recently Icoahler of the O. R. & N. at Wallace, Idaho, take his position as cashier of that company In this city today. Roslyn coal laata longer, Is cleaner and makes less trouble with stoves and chimney flues than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone lilt Parke Upthur . started yesterday mornln for Washington. D. C., where he will remain for a month. At the expiration of that time he will leave for Porto Rico, where he haa a situa tion with an ynole, who- Is secretary of the island. BEST IB-CENT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISING HATS..; 1$ p. SOFT STYLES wc Hi m His House of Astoria Th vlrwum and surveyor will meet at lh court house t)il morning at o'clock t make arranavintnta for th construction of the Nehal'm and Olnvy load. Cha. I.nn. who was am-stod Hntui day nlKht for drunkenness, wu fln"d $5 by Judge Nflann ytrdy afternoon but tho fin waa remitted on account of tlti.- ani-nt In Jail. The Antorltt I'uMIc Library Aworla tl n denires. throuch the Atrlan. to thur.k the president and members of th Astoria Il'jwlnit Club for thHr gift of 1111.75 to the library fund.. A rlil. not ) than IS years old. dwlrlng to attend school this winter and do llirht housework for her board and lodging. , may apply for further Information at thn Aatortan ortlcc A couple of mi Inn d of fish thut were shipped from The Pallis arrived down hers on Sa'utilay, bur Were not fit for use upon their arrival, s they were tmn.-d over to the IV Furce oil works, The Orrnlla. which arrived down the river from Portland a'ter havlnc Wen stuck In the Willamette and taking five dy fr the trip, on Sunday morn Ing. waa engnited yterday In taking on the 400 ttitia of her ranro lightered down by the R. R, Thompson. Mr, T. Donovan, proprietor of the Parker Houe, and two daughters. Ma bel, and Iola, Mi.mgers on the Ixmt for lnrtlnnd. Sunday night. Mr, iMiftn-an returned on last evening's train. The young lodles will remain In Portland for" the winter and attend school. Word was rectWed at th Btate Tl- publican headnual te'ra In Portland ye teriay from the national headquarters of th. j.nrty at Chicago that Senator Aioeri J. iKArrPige could not smak elthriat Mim or Dallaa upon the datts heretofore announced, his entlro Western Itinerary having been can celed. According to Ihe Victoria Colonial some complaint Is being maxlo by Brit Inn Columbia cannera over the Invasion of American fluhemien Into the terri tory of the British canners at Mud bay, which, although Its mouth la In tlw territory of Ihe republic to the aouth !i wholly on the Canadian side of the line. Sunday afternoon at the 8pgh hop- yard, near Lancaster, four mllca north of Junction City. Joe Huckster, a boy It years of age. waa accidentally shot In the left side with a' shotgun and died yesterday morning. The lad was seated In a buggy with his pnrrnts at the time when In some unexplained way the gun waa discharged, the muxile being with in IS Inches of hla aide, making a frightful wound. Rev. Isaac Peart, pastor of the Meth odist church, left last night for Ash land to attend the annual conference at which the appointment of ministers for the ensuing year will be made. Mr. Peart haa made many frWnda here who will deeply regret hla removal, should he be transferrer! to another! charge. The conference year has clos ed with the finance of hla church In very satisfactory condition. Chu. a Chinaman, died at his home on Bond street, oppnalte the pout office, on Bunday afternoon, at 2:30 clock. Dr. Henderson was called, but rrlved only a moment before the man breathed his last. It aovms the China man was 111 but a ihort time and the ttentlon of passers by waa attracted by hla peculiar position as he was visible through the window, and forced tho door, only too late to be of any as sistance. A vcte was polled on a Southern Pa cific train recently as a result of a wag-t between two prominent cltUens of Southern Oregon as to the relative umber of McKlnley and Brynn men on the train. The result was very In teresting. It showed that of the 177 voters on the train 1H would vote for McKlnley and 61 for Bryan. As many of thosrt'on bonrd the train were Ore gon people returning from the fair It la perhat a fair test of Oregon'a political opinion. Senator Fairbanks, the noted Repub lican leader of Indiana, will arrive In Portland this afternoon, and Is to speak at t'ordra''a theater In the evening. Senator Falrbanka will he one of the best Republican oratora heard Jn Ore gon during the campaign, and a large attendance at the theater la antici pated, Accompanying the senator Is E. . Ilolloway, also of Indiana, who HI stump Oreg-on. Mr. Holloway la to speak at Grant's Pass, September 20, at P. m. A recent lisuo of a Dawson paper hot an account of the finding of col by a couple of miners 14 feet below the froxsn surface, of the mirth and undnrnealh a five foot layur of solid Ice, Thv coin, according to the nc count as given. Is In alnvwt perfect oon dttlon, althouxh all the evidence poln to the fact that It baa lain there 'for countless centuries. It Is cover! with hieroglyphics that are absolutely unln tellUlbln to several experts In that line to whom It baa been submitted, It was found In Bit Skookum Gulch. A rn' riy mirty composed of the Mlss Mnrjorle Ilalntead, Sadie Crang, !uls Tallant, Harriet Tallant, Margaret Hlguln. Nan Reed, Hue Elmore and Kloiitin rciri'or'-fl chaperoned by Mrs, II. D. Thing. Mrs. C. R. Hlgglns and Mrs. Itobt. F. Wilson, will spend a few days as Dm gnosis of Ml Loll Hen nett at Mrs, W. S. Kinney's cottsge Oearhiirl Park. The residents of that locality, having learned from prevlcu experience of the "taking'' ways of the energetic forsglng committee, hav wisely arranged to put padlocks thWr chicken houses ind barb wire fences around their vegetable gar dens. The West, published at Fl'irence, says thut considerable Interest is being man Ifcuted iis to what will be the result of placing rMitraps In the river this season. The llrhermm here as In oth er places ar much opposed to tho use of traps, saying that It will destroy th finhlnK Industry, as the traps cati small and larxe fish alike. In prevlo'ie years Ihe fishing has been mostly with gill nets' which furnished employ ment for a lurge number of men and no trans were used, But this season Hie owners of both canneries have ar ranged to put In traps, saying they are compelled to do It In order to get their share of fish at a price uhlch they ran afford to pay. The .xravntlnn work on the l"ng tun nel which passes under much of th buxIni'iM section of the city of Everett Is coin Ictcd. Work has been started laying track at the east end of the tun nel and It Is expect'd to have trains running thmush It In about thirty davs. When the Oo-at Northern b gins urine: the tunnel several mill's of the present line will bn abandoned. The trains will run Into th center of the city, and the long run around the penln sula, between the Sound and the Sno' hwih river, will be saved. The change will shorten the Great Northern n.aln line four or five miles. The new tun nel Is between 2.000 and !,M0 feet In length, and passes diagonally under eight blocks of the city. ' H. R, Plckel waa murdered early Sunday morning In hla saloon In Port land. Robbery was the motive but the brutal assassins cmlv secured about $210. a small price for a man's life. Death was caused by beating the vie dm with some heavy, blunt Instru ment or possibly brass knuckle. He waa literally beaten to death, the fore of the blows being such that death must have ensued within a few mln utcs following unconsciousness. No trace of the murderers haa yet been discovered, nor la their Identity estab llMhed. Four detective are now work Ing on the rase, but the clews are neither numerous nor definite. Mr, Dlckell was the proprietor of the Me rhnnlra' saloon, situated on the south west corner of Fourteenth street and Marshall streets. The following la a general sum up of the canned salmon situation uo to the present: The only quotation obtainable from first hands la 11.05 to 91.10 for all- versldes of outMde Oregon rivers. The Alaska packers Steam Whalln Com' pany have sold pink salmon at SO cents and anticipate a full delivery of that description. Later they will have some red to offer. For the present second hands offer this description at 1-17H In large blocks, and at 1.25 to 1.30 In Jobbing way. Pink la probably worth from S74 to 97tt. The English market Is very high and excited. Sacramento river fall Is obtainable at 11.50 for tails, Extra Double Presents OR Extra Double Tickets V'lth 0r Celebrated Teas. Coffees. Spices, Baking Powder. Extracts, Soda OUR MONEY-SAYING TEAS ElHewhere. Our 40c Teaa cost you 50c Our C0o Teas cost you 60c Our 60c Teas cost you 75c Our 70c Teas cost you 90c Our 30c Teas coat you $1.00 Money-Savior Roast Coffees 15c. 20c, 25c. 30c. ' 3Se, 40c pern i Our Sultan Blend makes a Perfect Cup of Coffee. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. feat iEoiicai few uiifeCo '671 Commercial St., Aatorla, Or. rears : Its least virtue is that it lasts eo. . Soap is for comfort; the clean arc comfortable. Tears' soap cleanliness is perfect cleanliness. All ton of Moel tut it, til teru of Mora Rogue river spring is at the same price. Outsldi river' falls Is quoted at from 11.20 to 91.35 for tails according to the brand and location. No prices have been made on Columbia river fall. The arrivals from Alaska lost week amount ed to something over 60,000 rases and about 6,000 barrels. Beyond that above mentioned there are no fall fish pres ently on offer, A pack of 20,000 te 40, 000 esses of cnhoes Is expected In Brit ish Columbia, but pa kers, taught by re cent experlenoe, will not quote prices In advance. The fall pack on Puget aound Is expected to be limited, aa the nsh will be largely taken by the cold stor age people. The Puget sound aockeye pack Is estimated at 200,000 cases, as against 4!'7,OO0 lant year. Thn Tvlrgram says Tom Traeey, the welter-weight champion of Australia, now of the Pacific coast, left Saturday evening for San Fran -isco. Tracey will return to Portland in the near future, and will make his headquarters here for some time to come. It Is his in tention to do what ho can toward re viving the sport In Portland. In speak In of his fight with Thompson Fr'dav nlsht, Tracey said: "Thompson Is the gamest man I ever met In the ring. Before the last round was over I thought I would have to get an axe to knock him out. Every time I knock td hhn down I punched him hard enough to put a quietus on any ordi nary man. He Is as square a fighter, too. as I ever saw." Traoty's views of Thompson are held by all who saw the fight as being about correct. Both are clean fighters, and there was not a drop of blood spilled during the fray. This kind of an exhibition puts sport on a good footing once more. The Taroma Ledger says Ihe lumber market Is not promising and states that It li nrohable a number of the smaller shingle and lumber mills will close down within thirty davs for vary ing i-rlo-l. There will be no con certed movement, but a number of mills hae determined that they will not attempt to run continuously through the winter under present conditions. Son.e of th? loggers will also suspend operations temporarily. 1 The effect n the market from thesa causes Is fx-pecti-d to be beneficial. Eastern build ing troubles during the early part of the year, combined with an unufually henvy output, more than the market would have Justified had It been settled at all times. Is responsible for an un favorable condition of the trade at present. Mlllmen report that tnelr sales are regular, but they are not on basis that can be accepted as sat isfactory. Shlnglee are eelllng general ly at the mills on the basis of 61.15 for stars and $1.35 for clear. Jobbers are handling them for 5 centa more. Log gers ore telling cedar logs on their ba sis of $5.50. Former prices ran as high as $6.75, but the reduction was forced by tha shingle men. who de clared they could not pay the higher price and operate without a low. The loggers made the reduction. It Is prob able the present quotation will stand until the thingle market brightens, aa there Is a stock of logs In the water more than aufflclent for present needs. Wages In both the shingle mills and egging camps have remained unchang' ed and there Is no possibility of trou ble on this account MUSTERED OUT. An Aged Veteran of the Civil War An awers the "Last Roll Call." Chaa. Edwin Osgood passed peace fully away at noon yesterday at his home on Youngs river, at the advanced age of 71 year. Mr. Osgood has been In declining' health for the past year, but it was not until the lost two weeks that the family realised the end waa near. The deceased was a native of Ames, bury, Mass., having come to Oregon 20 years ato, where he has since resided He enlisted In the Fortieth Massa- chusetts volunteer Infantry at the first call for volunteers and served his coun try four years. He leaves a wife and son. Chas. H., who were with him at the end, and two sisters, Mrs. Chas, owell and Mrs. E. P. Wallace, of Amefbury, Mass., to mourn his loss. The Interment will take place at Greenwood cemetery on Youngs river, Wednesday, September 19. K. E. O. BOAT FOR SALE. On the stocks at shipyard, Shoalwa- ter bay. excellent hull, ready for launch ing. Intended for sloop yacht for pleas ure and racing, about 65 feet over all in length. Can be easily changed for gasoline power. For particulars apply to C. C. Dalton, Ilwaco, Wash. HOW BRIGHT'S DISEASE STARTS. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with urea and urlo acid (which suould have been exoreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pain in nerves and Joints, causing Irritation of the kldneya, thn pains over the small of the back, mark sura approach of Bright'? dUco. Do not delay taking- Foley' Kidney Cure, for It make the kidneys right. Take no aubstltute. CHAS. ROGERS, Drug gist. . .. .'. -, COUNCIL MEETING. A Nomber of Important Street Im provements Other Business of the Meeting-. The regular meeting of the city coun ell was held last evening and consider able business was transacted. Coun cllmen. Cook, Hansen, Parker, Bcher wwkau and Utzlnger wero present; the othor member not answering to the roll call. Several resolutions to pay for recent Improvement were given a preliminary reading before the council. A resolution wa Introduced by the chairman of the street committee and read before the council to Improve and repair Twelfth street from Commercial to Franklin avenue. The resolution was passed. A resolution wa also Introduced to repair and Improve Seventeenth street from Commercial to Franklin avenue, This resolution wa also passed. The reroiutlon to Improve Commercial street from Third to Seventh street wa passed as a resolution by a ma jority vote, being opposed only by Par Iter. A resolution to Improve Tenth street from Exchange to Grand avenue by grading and p!nklng. waa also Intro duced and passed. Thj remonstranc? axalnst the im provement of Duane stret was referred to the street committee. The council also directed that a new asseMment be made for the Jmpr.we. mtnt of Franklin avenue from Thirty first to the claim line. A liquor license was granted by the council to E. A. Larson. Councilman Scherneckau. as chslr man of the committee to confer with the court In regard to the levy taxes, reported that the committee had not yet completed Its work and asked for an extension of time which waa granted. ' The meetliir was then adjourned. CIRCUIT COURT CONVENES. Business Transacted In Yesterday Af tcrnoon's Session of Septem ber Court. The regular September term of the circuit court waa convened yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Judge Mc Bride and a number of the cases on the docket were disposed of. Jurors H. S. Lyman. A. E. Allen, Cy rus Harriman. F. M. Warren, W. H. Barker, R. M. Louden. William W. Mudd, O. B. Wirt. C. F. Lester. John Christians and V. Boelln were excused for the term and John N. Griffin for one week. The Jury were then excused until 10 o'clock this morning. Orders for confirmation of sale were given In the following cases from the last regular session: A. Scherneckau vs. Valinda A. Conn, et al. . F. A. and A. C. Fisher vs. H. F. L. Logan et al. F. A. and A. C. Fisher v. John Welch et aX John Stephenson vs. Mary R. and H. A. Smith. John Lamont vs. E. C. Adams et aL M. D. Staple va. Margaret M. Bal sam et aL Other case were disposed of a fol lows: Astoria Box Co. vs. J. E. Dalton and W. E. Edwards: settled and dlsmlsed, Equitable Savins? and Loan Asso ciation vs. Mary Humphrey et al; de fault. A. Leberman vs. C. J. Curtis; plaint iff allowed to amend his amended com' plaint and defendant allowed three days to answer. Howell Lewi vs. Isaac Bergman; Judgment and default. The case of Chin Fee Leung vs. Chin Leung was also settled and dismissed. During the session Loul Anderson, I native of Norway, waa admitted to clt liens hip. The court was then adjourned till 9-30 this morning. A NEW SAFETY MATCH. A match has at last been discovered which can be manufactured absolute ly without the aid of phosporus. This safety match contains neither red nor yellow phosphorus nor a compound of phosphorus, but possesses the great advantage of being able to be manu factured with the plant and machinery hitherto In use. Invention still strides onward through every line, and yet there some things which seem imper ious to Improvement, For Instance, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, that fa mous medicine, has stood unequalled for fifty years as a corrective of stom ach disorder. Imitations have sprung up about It, but like a beacon light, It has stood Immovable, pointing1 the way to health from all such ailments as constipation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, sluggish liver or weak kid neys. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of letters remaining unclaimed for 30 days In the post office at Astoria, Or.. Sept. 17. 1S00: Aschmore, Mrs. B. Patrick, Walter F Ferguson. Chs. H. Smith. Anna Cora Jcnings, Visa M. C. Vpham. J. H. Karaete. Miss LlzzK Waters, Mrs. S. B. Kyle. Ruth Young, Mr. Matt Linton, Dr. C. E. Wallace. William FOKKIUN. Barker. Clara G. Powell. Mr. w. Ostrander. Mrs. S. Vinlerhus. Asklel TO CIRC A COLD 1.1 ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drurelsta refund the money if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 25c. .. . CARBGUliUE Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex posed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical Remedy against all Vermin. Fisher Bros., Agts., Aatorla Oregon. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS....... Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets "The World Owes Every Man a Living" But what art of living iit it yoa get with a pool stove or range in your kitchen? I lay s Star Estate Range ...Tbey insure good living W. J. Scully, Agent 431 BOND STREET Pacific Navigation Company Steamers-Sue II. Elmore." "W. H. Harrison" Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Ore iron Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Colombia River R. B. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply Sanmel Elmore & Co. General Agenta, ASTOEIA. ORE. (0. R. A. Agents WEDDING wedding caaos VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPES PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby Riven that there are funds In the city treasury to nay all warrants drawn on the ireneral fund and endorsed prior to January 1, 1900. Interest will cease after this date.. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria. Or., Sept IS. 1900. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. P.ARIS. Aug. 14. American whlskle received the official approval of the ex position today when the first award for merit waa made to Berntaf Im Bros., Louisville. Ky on their L W. Harper wnUKy. HALF THE WORLD IN DARKNESS as to the cause of their 111 health. If they would atart to treat their kidney with Foley' Kidney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back' ache, headache and rheumatic pain would disappear. CHAS. ROGERS, uurggist. A FEW ERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating trip, whether on buslnesa or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable aa far aa speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar paid to serve the public and our train are operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging line at all Junction points. rullman Palace Sleenlna? and Chair Car on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meal served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell yon ticket over..... heVYisconsIn Central Lines. and you will make direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all polnta East For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, WU. General Agent. M Stark St.. Portland. Or. THE CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On June 17th opened up for traffic their new line from Belle Plalne, la., to Mason City; also their new Fox Lake branch. The length of this new line la 195 miles, which added to their mileage, give them a total of 8,462.85 miles, the largest mileage of any rail road In the world. AvBIARBBK rjElOlh: fa N. R. R Co., Portland. a. (ua.a jo., roruaou. B a LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. CARDS y a smith rn B, VI. Vlilllll U UU. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building. 4th and Washington 8t.8. over Litt'i, PORTLAND, OREGON. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria In the State of Oregon. At the Close of Business, September 5, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $256, Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 2, V. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 12, Stocks, securities, etc 64, Other real estate owned 9, Due from National Banks 'not . Reserve Agents) 11, Due from State Bank and - Bankers 33, Due from approved reserve agents 112. .733.34 679.43 500.00 124.99 414.63 ,090.01 ,939.11 831.65 893.30 95.00 68.19 Internal-revenue stamps Note of other National Banks Nickels and cents Lawful money re serve in bank, vis: Specie $131,920.00 Legal-tender notes.. 80.00 132, 000.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625.00 Total. .$633,999.71 LIABILITIES. CaDltal stock paid In 130,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, loss ex penses and taxes paid 30,013.10 National Bank note outstand ing 11,900.00 Due state banks and bankers. 2,581.49 Individual deposits subject to check $406,801.30 . Demand certificates Of deposit 112,783.82 519,505.12 Total ...$638,999.71 STATE OF OREGON. County of Clat sop, ss : I, S. S. Gordon, cashif-r of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tlie above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thla 13th day of September. 1900. Notary Public. Correct Attest: Jacob Kamm, W. F. McGregor, W. M. Ladd. ' Directors. KO RELIEF FOR 20 TEARS. T had bronchitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111., "and at time have been bedfast. I never rt re4l"f until I had tskn Foley's H jney and Tar. It ia pleasant and give quick relief, and 1 a sure cure for throat and lung disease." Take nothing el&. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist