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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1900)
TUK MOUNINU ANIWUAN, WEIMESUY. r SKPTWIBER 12, 1900. i ...KNOX fall SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND Cm H. COOPER The Leading HIE MORNING ASTORIAN TKLCl'HOXB Mil. Alt contracts (or HilvcrtiNttiK in tha AMotlmt r imiJa oil Rtiur mile ot circulation four tlnicn lur-gar limn .hut of uny pupcr published or circulated In Clut- op county. j i ' TODAT'8 WEATHER. PORTLAND, Bcdc. 12. Fair weather, f(Hlr twlay. - AROUND TOWN. lc cream SOo a Quart at the Parlor, One drunk was the report of the tkv for yesterday. Bur rrtrt: Wind northwest; busy mouth: nut III lit In iiitht. Frank II. Woodfuld returned from A trio to Portland last cvrnlnir. IVnt lS-crnt meal. Rising Bun Rs tauraut. 013 Cmnmervlal trel. Mm. S. Nurnill U visiting her pur nu In Portland fr a few day. Jp(T restaurant the largest tent. A trial will convince you. and Mli Loutse TuUuiit hna returned honw frni a weok's vlult In Portland. Mark Kelly, of Hkamkawa. wa lulnr visitor In the city yesterday Mit. cant. liirhardDon returned on ll nlsht's train from a visit to Port lund. Mmc Annie and Emma Petrrnon, of Hkamukawa, were In the city yeater day. Mrs. Alfred Tee was among tha re 'turning carnival visitors on lam nljcht'a train. The boat and cheapest tailoring In the city at A. KILJUNEN, S2 Com. menial street. Wanted A girl to do general house work, Innulre at 427 Tenth street, cor, Irving avenue. Wanted Two furnished roomi with tioard, In private family, Address "R,M " Astorlan Offlce. Judge Taylor and family returned from a vlult to tha carnival in Port land lnt evening. When you wart a tyllh new ault mad cheap, call on A. KILJUNEN, 822 Commercial street, Mint Dion No ion leave thin morn- Ing fur a week' vlult with Mis Ag mni Todd In Portland. All the prle bablei In the city iro up to Portland today ni thli la priie liaby duy at the carnival. The county court yesterday afternoon Signed the order uranium the discharge and exoneration of the bondsmen In the estate of Olaf Peterson, thua clos Ing up the matter. HRST lll-CENT MEAL; 8UN RESTAURANT. RISING LASSef Baldwin's Celery Soda eon a hMdaehe at ones. It ti cl sat, eparklliia, flrTwoit 4r)nk that ue nomaoo, nntij qni aaa riiliiH ku pwi n. II nru tick and b hMda' bM. auitokiiHaa aod man 'tifoe.. tic, aoe. coe; ff.OO FRANK HART, Vuccenor to Th. Olien, KlO-t Com. Bt mm HATS- Hi Hi His Ob SOFT STYLES Hi House of Astoria 1 . Mr, Rl bantam, of the Wallunkl Im- clns camp, li In town to attend the funeral of Emll Krlckaon. The Kteamvr Harrlnon arrtvrd In at 10;t0 yenterday mornln from Tilla mook and other coont point. Aetorla vlaltora to Portland can ob tain coplea of the Dally Aitorlan at the new atandt of II. I). Rich. Mr.. A. Llebermiui and daughter. Fay, wert nmotiir the retunilnif mieM limt evening from the carnival. The ladlr of the M. K. ihurrh have planned to hold their annual fair thin tear on Thurtday. Dtnenibur . A. J. Cunhlnblo ,a pnmlnent cltlsen of Hkamokawa. waa In Aitorla on bue liietm on Monday and Tuceday. fUimip Mill I n'w runninif nllii and day In order to K'-t out the num eroua nmuuut of order now on hand. Mim Ludle Cob, who Imi ben vl Ulnar In Portland for evernl d,iy, returned on the evening train lunt nlaht. Randall Reed and alxter, Ml Nan Rx-d. returned from a vlelt to the car nival at Portland on ut cvenlnR' train. The athletic club foiled to ornanlae Monday evenlna. not having a um cient number out to Juetify itolni; through the form. Cream Pure Rye. Xmerlra'a flnert whUkv. Th.i nnlv pure sood; gi'ar anleed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAHLBON, Bole Agent Remember we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and xurar and flavor. It Is IS cent per pint at the Parlor. Joe O. Do Foret. well known In Ore. gon athletic circle. ha been elected bualneea manager of the Daily Palo Alto, at Stanford rnlvwalty. Captain Kennedy, of the Monmouth hlre, will be accompanied on hi pres ent trip to Hong Kong and way port by Mr. Kennedy and child. Th Oklahama la up the Lewla and Clark with a load of feed for the farm era In that section. Phe will probably be down again this morning. Max Rcrende Is In Portland looking after some chickens with which to stock his parks acroaa Youngs bay near the mouth of the Lowi and Clark. Mr. A. M. 8mlth received first priie and Mrs. F. L. Ball second priie In the contest at the afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. B. C. Turner yesterday. Roslyn cool lasta longer, la cleaner and make less trouble with itovea and chimney flue than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 1311. The temperature ranged a trifle above FP degrees In th shade yesterday and the heat became quite oppressive. Something aulte unusual for Septem ber. The Woodmen of America held a meet Ing last evening to arrange for the fun- j eral of Emll Erlckson, who waa Kill ed at the Ryan & Richardson logging camp. Mr. 8. C. Mitchell ,ofvthe General Electrlo Company, of Tacoma, and gen- eral manager of tha Astoria Street Railroad Company .was In town on Monday and left up on the evening train. A farewell dance will be given Park Upshur and Harry Graham by the young people In the haill at Knappton Frldny evening. Park Upshur goes Monday to Porto Rico and Harry Gra ham goea to Gray. Harbor. The tramp steamer Monmouthshire arrived down the river yesterday af ternoon at 1:30 and Is taking on 450 ton of coal at the Main Street dock. She will also take on 1000 barrels of flour which was towed down on a barge earlier In the day by the Oklahama. The adjourned session of the county court will meet today to consider any business that ;nay come before It, but more especially that of a petition for a road from the city of Astoria to the county line near Vesper, via Olney and Jewell, to be known as the Nohalen: road. The J. K. Armsby Company haa an nounced to the trade that the entire pack of the Alaska red salmon haa been sold out. This Include the entire sup ply of the 35 brand packed by the as- solution fur the donu-siln trado. Tin-re have been additional Inquiries from L'nglitnd for round lots, the prlca of fered going high a 21, but th-r have bun no Hccitance so fur a can be learned. ..' The much ncedd new planking and sidewalks on th section of Ninth atreet betweon Astor and Hond are nearly lomplftM and add greatly to the gen eral appearance of the atrset There are other sections much In n?d of the same treatment. Let the good work continue, . ..... . The North IVnd sawmill, on Coos bay. ha been shut down, pending the putting In of four new boilers, a HI niondsoii steam log turner, a re-ssw and other Improved modem machinery, which will increase tho output of the mill a number of thousand feet of lumber per (In v. As soon as the mtll Is ready to sav lumber 1 xMter sti um er to thw Mn Uliv will b built. The I'nltei) Ptates transport Innox arrived In nt 10.10 yesterday morning from Taku. China. In water ballast Hhe ran led nine patNensfrs, electric Inn and returning soldiers, and had an uiievntful voyage, with the ex cept Ion of a Kale encountered of the north roust of Japan, which sho w.ath ered however without damage or par tleular discomfort. Bhe left up the rlv er at y ester lay afternoon for Portlmt where she will load horse, mule and auppll-a for Manila. Bh was empllH a much a practical of bal Inst for her trln up the river and stood out of water like an old wooden Hilt leh inm-of-war. MlkS Clara W. Younf, who, during the past Winter has mad a specialty of teaching under W. Glfford Nah of th department of music at the Uni versity f Oregon, will open a clans for piano Instruction on Beptcniber 15, Terms. $3.50 rx r month; lessona weekly. L'ugene. Or., June 10. I900.-Ml Clara Young has studli-d with me during the past wliiter. and has given me much uleasure thtr-UKh Inr great Interest, conscientious end'-avor and i-atlsfactnry progress. Ml.a Young has become ;lanlst with a g od technique snl touch, and hns ac.du'red the singing tone, which I one of the strong point of the "Krause Method." I can ree omniend Miss Young to all those who wlxh to study the piano, and feel con fident that she will be ospeclally suc cessful as a teacher. W. OIFFORD NASH University of Oregon. Den't of Music, (Formerly of Lelpslg and London.) A ai.'patch to the Astorlan from Aberdeen, Wash., oya: The local fish' ernmen are complaining because of the large number of Oregon men who, they say, have come to tlw harbor and are engaged In fishing, contrary to law Under the law only cltliens of the state are qualified to take out a licnse, the Intention being to preserve the fishing Industry of the state to cltlsens and to exclule non-realdents. A com plaint hna been forwarded to the state fish commissioner, the flshernvn alleg. Ing that ovt 100 of those engaged In f!hng here are doing so without license or the right to secure a license, They demand the enforcement of the law, deeming It of special Importance this year, the salmon catch thua far having fallen to far short of their ex pectations. O dlxpatch from Port Townsend. dat ed Sept. 10, says: The steamer San Pedro arrived from Nome this even Ing with 278 pasengers. The San Pedro sailed Auuust 30, and passenger con firm the reports of the richness cf the Blue Stone discovery. A man by the name of Parker came down on the ves sel. He waa among the first on the ground, and sold his claim for $10,000, and Is on hi way East. Returning passengers report that already winter I setting In. the night being remark ably cold. The ruffian element aided by the darknees of night have become unusually bold, and men are knocked down and robbed nightly .and several cases are reported where victims had lust enough money to pay their fare on the, boats, and while on their way to the vesnis w-ere sandbagged and left deetltute. One of the many picturesque sights on the Seattle water front at the pres. ent time, says the Poat-Intelllgencer, Is the huge government transport Arab, new loading at Arlington dock a cargo of horses, mules and sup plies for the United States army In China. A visit to one of the great ocean carters chartered by the war de partment for this purpose Is always worth the while, and In the case of the Arab there la a picturesque feature not ordinarily found In the fact that the crew of the steamship with the exception of the officer and engineers, WE ARE SELLINQ China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Silver Tlated Ware, Jardinieres, Agateware, Kitchen Ware, AT AWAY OOWN PRICES COMB JUST TO 8EB3. GOOD TIME AND PLACE TO BUY. Great American Importing "-Tea: Company 571 Commercial St, Aatorla, Or. ' PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Is made uo of natives of Hindustan. Forty lithe, brown-skinned, good-natured young Hindoo are there aboard the veel, busily engaged In stowing away Into her Immonse lower hold th big cargo of :hlr' stores she will need cn her long voyuge, carrying load that would tax the strength of th average white longshoreman nearly twice their slse. Few, If any of the swarthy seumen, are more than feather welahts, acordlng to the rating of the prize, ring, but dozen of them are able to and do carry on their narrow shoul ders burdens weighing from 100 to 200 pounds. Three fifty-pound sack of flour Is an ordinary load, and with It one of the little brown men will run up a gangplank set at an angle of forty-five degree with the agility of cat. Tho Nurweglun ateamor Thyra. which was reecntly chartered by the government, I being I1 ted a a horse ship on the East Side, at Portland. Bhe will be ready In two or three week, and will follow the Lennox with about 350 head of horae and mule. There are, at present. 700 head of horses and upwards of 1 00 head of mules pastured at Vancouver, awaiting shipment to the Philippine. It will be Impossible to send all of them over on the two steamer. Each vessel will be loaded to Its full capacity, and the balance sent to Seattle for uhlpment on the next steamer to sail from that place. Cap tain Wainw right, who ha been In the Northwest during th past year buy ing horses and niul for the govern ment has been ordered not to purchase any more, end has returned to his sta tion In Chicago. He secured about 2000 animals In that time. The Telegram of lost evening has the following account of the narrow escape of a .Northern I'aclflc train from what might have been a terrible dlsavtei : "Hut for the timely warning of several paMcngere last evening's Northern I'aclflc train would have been In serious wrtck. probably cauvlng the death of the majority of the passengers. The train was crowded with people, coming to the carnival, according to one of the passengers, who resides on the t Side. Whn the cascade tun net had been reached the passenger waited for the frelpht to come up. By aoinc neglect on the part cf one of the tr.idi hands, the patisenger switch was left wide open. As luck would have It. though, several of the passen gers had got ton out of the car during the delay, and wre pacing up and down the track, when one of them, who knew something about such matters, seeing the turned switch, adjusted It mmedlately. He was Just In the nick of time. too. for the freight rushed through half a minute later. Tin pas sengars on the train were unconscious of the terrible darger that they had lust escaped." Details have been received of the sad accident mentioned In yesterday's As torlan by which Emll Erlckson met his death on Monday at the logging camp of Ryan & Richardson on the Walluakl. In getting out a log which had become Jammed he had attached a block to a partially decayed stump or stub and the other to the log and at almost the first strain the stump gave way and was precipitated upon Mr. Erlckson who waa standing by with a double bitted axe in his nana. The The stump struck him upon the right shoulder, face and breast and burled him to the ground. One blade of the axe waa forced into his back. Its full length. Just at the upper extremity of his hip, causing a fearful wound. Some internal Injuries must have resulted, as death waa almost Instantaneous." The remains were brought In to Under taker Pohl' parlors at noon , yester day, where they will remain until the funeral services, which will be conduct ed under the auspices of the Wood men of America at Lewis and Clark at 1 o'clock today. Mr. Erlckson was 30 years of age and a native of Swe den, from which place he came to As toria about ten years ago. He was unmarried and had one brother. Olaf Erlckson. living at Melville. Congressmen Cushman and Jones have returned from a visit to the gov ernment dry dok at Port Orchard on a tour ot inspection, gays the Tacoma Ledger. While there they were the guests of Captain Wyckoff. the engi neer In charge, The main object of their visit was to famlllarlae themselves cmcerntng the workings and require ments of the drydock. At the last ses sion of congress, the Washington rep resentatives succeeded In securing an appropriation of 1317,000, most of which waa devoted to fitting up the machin ery department and providing for cur rent operating expenses. At the next session an, appropriation of not lcs than $1,000,000 will be asked for, and there 1 every reason why this sum should be allowed. That the Port Or chard drydock has been operated un der extreme d-Uflcuities knwn at Washington as well as In this 'state. Ever since the drydock waa construct ed there ha been a shortage In the number of men employed to operate It. because the government failed to make the necessary financial provisions to meet regular requirements. Con gressman Cushman stated yesterday that he had communicated with the naval authorities at Washington re questing them to do all within their power to provide sufficient business for the Port Orchard dock to enable the employment of a regular force of men throughout the year. In his communi cation Mr. Cushmali pointed to the fact that the government drydocks at San Francisco were forced to do more work than they could conveniently dispose of and aaked that a portion of thla extra business be sent to Port Or-1 chard. THE CRIMP QUESTION. The Portland Chamber of Commerce LUct'.ssed It at a Meeting Yesterday, At a nieetlng of the Chamber of Com merce In Portland yterday morning, say the Telegram, the following com munication from Balfour, Guthrie A Co., of that city regarding the extor tionate price charged by the boarding house combination for tailors, wan read; "President Chamber of Commerce, City Dear Sir: We beg to call your attention to the extortionate rate now being charged for auppiylng seamen at thl port, all 'the way from $100 to 1170 per man, and the harassment generally being practiced on ships. We are In receipt of a cablegram from the Shipowners' Association of England, with whom we have previously been In conference on the subject, calling our attention to the matter, and urging that something be done to enforce the law a regards crimps and deser ter. "W need not point out to you the great damage that Is being done by this state of affairs, and we would uige that you do everything In your power to remedy matters. in :aw in enect. a you are no doub aware, are quite adeq-irte for the purpose. If they re only enforced rigidly and proper protection given to shipping generally. "Your line of action, we would there fore suggest, should be towards calling upon the proper offhlals to leave no stone unturned to check the operations of the boarding-house gang, and let ting the ofllcials understand that they will be held respnIble i the bar of piibll-j opinion If they fall to effect a remedy. , "The worst feature of the matter Is thit no such state of affairs exists at any other port on the coast, and a! ready the effect of it Is being found in the Ircreased unwillingness of ship to come here. If this should go on much longer. Portland may find herself ser lousiy damaged in ner position as a shipping port. Your faithfully, "BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO." The communication was discussed at some length, and It was agreed that the main difficulty Is with the sailor. The least bad treatment that la shown him Is the ground for a desertion on his part and he Immediately enters undr the banner of the boarding-house gang. A sailor dees not '.are If he has U or 1100 coming to him, he will desert Just the same. The ships are gainers by these desertion and this. In a cer tain way. offsets the excessive charges of the boarding-house gang. The Chamber of Commerce has had thla "crimp" trouble to contend with before, and at one time succeeded In making amicable arrangements be. tween the crimps and the shipowners. Thl arrangement did not stand long, however. The rate agreed upon was not to be more than S55 per man, Competition turned up. however, In the shape of the Astoria boarding-house keepers, and the Portland and Astoria "crlmpa" formed a combination. One condition which makes the mat ter doubly hard to contend with Is that sailors are very scarce at present It was suggested that the shipowners could bring men from Tacoma. where the rate are moderate, but Tacoma has no men to spare at present An other unfortunate feature of the situa tion Is that the produoer haa to pay the added freight rate. VALUE OF MAN'S LIFE. The supreme courts have recently de cided that the life of the average man A man's earnings depend to a great extent upon his health, and It Is al ls worth just what he Is able to earn, ways within his power to Improve his condition. The stomach Is the measure of health and strength. Every man mav be bright active and happy, if his digestion Is normal. If It Is not, Hostetter'a Stomach Bitter will make It so. It puts the digestive organs In condition to properly digest and assi milate food. Try It for constipation. Indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, liver or Uldney troubles. There Is nothing Just as good. The genuine has our Private Revenue Stamp over the neck of the bottle. ATTENTION. WOODMEN! All members of the Modern Woodmen of America, Astoria Camp, No. 6665, are ordered to assemble at Hanthorn hall at 12:30 o'clock d. m. sharp. Septem ber 12, 1900, for the purpose of attend ing the funeral of our late neighbor. Emil Errlcson. Royal neighbors art invited to be present. By order of Venerable Consul. JAMES KEATING. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The board of equalization of Clatsop county, Oregon, will attend at the office of the county clerk of Clatsop county( Oregon, September 24, and. dally there after, until and Including September 9th, to FJbHjly eam!ne the assess ment roll for the yeas' 10, and correct all errors In valuation, description QT qualities of land, lots or other prop erty; and it shall be the duty of all parties Interested to appear at that time and place, for the purpose of cor recting any errors that may appear In said assessment rolls. C. W. CARNAHAN. Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon. PORTLAND STREET CARNIVAL EXCURSION RATES. From September 5th to 15th Inclusive the Aatorla & Columbia River railroad will make a rate of one fare for the round trip from all stations to Port land (except from Astoria and points on Seaalde division). Tickets good go ing: on any of the above dates and re turning; up to and Including September 16th. CAL!fllJi;3 Efficient Preservative for Woodwork. . Ex rosed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical Remedy against all Vermin. Fisher Bros., Agts., Aatorla, , Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V ALLEN Tenth and Commercial Streets Pacific Navigation Company Steamcrs-,Sue II. Elmore." "VV. II. Harrison Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, ilobsonvillts. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Colombia River R. B. for isac Francisco, Portland and all points eaot. For freight and passenger rates apply Snttmel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. ( 0. R. A. N. R. R. Co., Portland. A gents A. A C. R. R. Co. , Portland. (B C. LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. WEDDING CARDS WEDDIHS CHROS W ft SMITH I M VISITIHG CARDS BUSINESS CARDS C0PPES PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS FOUNDED SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. . CMh Aeta, - m Cash Amti In United States, a,6io,o3s J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, WTNFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, SAMUEL ELMORE PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR CASH OR ON EASY - PAYMENTS Tht home of dickering Kimball Pianos, Kimball, BOAT FOR SALE, e, On the stocks at shipyard, Shoalwa ter bay. excellent hull, ready for launch ing, Intended for sloop yacht for pleas ure and racing, about 65 feet over all in length. Can be easily changed for gasoline COWef. Fof particulars apply to C. C. Dalton, llwaco, Wash. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. PARIS, Aug. 14. American whiskies received the official approval of the ex position today when the first award for merit was made to Bernhnim Bros., Louisville, Ky., on their L W. Harper whisky. HOW PLIGHT'S fclSEASE STARTS. Indigestion, blHonsriess, blood poisoned with urea and nrio acid (which should nave been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains in nerves and joints, : .AVEIARK. Oregon. Villi II M W V. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washiiwtnn Bniiding, 4th and Washinjrton 8t, over Litt's, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. D. 1710 GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS ' ' CARL A. HENRI - San Francisco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. It U easy to obtain a good on. Where no local dealer sells them, we will send a piano or organ (or a small cash payment, balance In monthly payments. Two years' time to finish purchase if desired. We would like to explain our method. We will send an instrument guaran teeing satisfaction, or the piano may be returned to us at our expense. Catalogues free for the asking tell all about them. Special prices and full information if yon write. la Haw Hwalo BmlMUsTi 881 Waakimsiam It rorttem. Or. Pianos, Weber Pianos, Crown, Needham and Great Westerri Organs causing Irritation of the kidneys, then pains over the small of the back, mark sure approach of Bright' disease. Do not delay taking Foley's Kidney Cure, for it makes the kidneys right. Take no substitute. CIJAS. ROGERS, Drug gist -- ' the Louvre Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Am me Bisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the bouse. Palatable lunches will be served at all noura Dr. T. L. Ball DENTI3T. 573 Commercial Ptreet, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Echlussel's Clothing Stors.