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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1900)
ME MORNING AST0K1AI. WEDNESDAY, SEnSMKKH )2, 11(H) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 66L TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, per year SlvO Sent by mail, per month .M Eerved by carrier, per month ' ,M SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. In advance IS.M Postage tree to subscribers. All communication intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astonan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be. had on ap Dllcatioa to the business manager. Per Fresidcnt WILLIAM M'KIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Sew York. The much-vaunted British nay ap pears to be less formidable than Brit ish bluster has led the world to sup pose, for England la reported to be in a panic on account of the wonderful submarine boats of -France and the speedy merchant nwrlne of Germany. Ifs getting to be too bad the way we, Americans run to imperialism. We were Just getting used to having an American woman the queen of India, and now there is (treat dangrer that the former Miss Vanderbllt will be come the princess of Ireland. The Duke of Marlborough, her husband, will suc ceed Lord Cadogan as lord lieutenant of the emerald Isle. The Importation of Senator Allen, of Nebraska, to Idaho, to help bring about fusion between the silver forces, shows the desperate attempts which the Dem ocracy is making to win In the coming election. It will not do for Republicans to rest in fancied security and permit the overthrow of aJl prin ciples of good government through over confidence. In a speech by Mr. Bryan at Knox vllle, Tenn., on September 16, 1896, was the following sentence: "If there is any one who believes the gold stand ard Is a good thing or that it must be maintained. I warn him not to cast his vote for me, because I promise him it will not be maintained in this coun try longer than I am able to get rid of it." The Gold Democrats and Re publicans who are being led away from the honest money ranks by the imper ialism bugaboo should bear this dec laration In mind. HOW DEMOCRATS LOVE LINCOLN. . .js'' yp-" Post-Intelligencer. Thre Is something revolting, some thing almost akin to the sacreligious, in the manner in which the Democrat ic orators of the present day mouth the revered name of Lincoln, and by garb ling or manufacturing quotations at tempt to hold him as sponser for sentiments from which in his lifetime be would have turned in abhorrence. In his lifetime, when the task which he had in hand was almost too great for his mighty strength, was taxing even his InDnite patience, when he was wear ing his great heart out in his patriotic labors for his country, there was no Democrat so appreciative of Ms great work, so conservative in his impulses, V The Best and Safest ; : Family Medicine I I , FOR ALL , . . - ; ; Bilious and Nervons Disorders i j i Sick Headache, Constipation, ( ' ' Weak Stomach, Impaired Di-; ; i gestion, Disordered Liver and i Female Ailments. ; ; ::Ihe World's Medicine:; Annual Sal Exceed 6,000,000 Box. I 10 cent an4 25 cent, at all drug (tore. 1 ' "r. .. v la mil. t.M-M, aalj, nt nr Proprietary Medicine in the world, and t 1 ibis ho been achieved T EWIlnOtlt inc puuuuiuvn ui icsunniHnu A, IB kd V U 1 Sr w v PILL as to refrain from the vile work of cast ing mud at this great representative American, whose name the same men and their political descendants now for political reasons profess to hold In rev erence. Take for example the late S. S. Cox, in private life a gvnilo, kindly, cour teous man, esteemed by his political op ponents for his many amiable traits, and for his inflnlte wit and humor. He was In no sense a rabid partisan. In a time of bitter political hatreds he al ways preserved intimate social rela tions with many of his political oppo nents, which was a decidedly exception al case. Yet this Is what Sunset Cox had to say of Lincoln In a political speech made at Columbus, O., on July 22, isf4, a sropjrtM In the Ohio States man, of July 23, 161: "Will not history; nay. will not the living present, curse this execrable tool of fanaticism who thus, even In the agony and article of our national de mise, flings away the hopes and Inter ests of this nation?" (Applause.) A voice "God d n him:" (Applause and laughter.) Mr. Cox "I cannot Join In the earn est Imprecation of my gentle friend. (Laughter.) While I do invoke that Providence may deal mercifully with the president. I pray that the people In November will damn him to everlast ing infamy." (Enthusiastic applause.) The fate which Mr. Cox so cheerfully invoked for one of the greatest figures la American history ought In common Justice have been meted out by the American people to Mr. Cox and others of the assailants of Lincoln, but the American people are not malicious, and the utterances of Mr. Cox and others of the Democratic leaders of that day would probably have been left in obli vion had it not become necessary now to drag them out Yet In that crowd which listened to the speech of Cox, and which enthusiastically applauded his shameful and brutal assault upon the president wer? doubtless men who today render as enthusiastic applause when Mr. Bryan atempta to wrap a portion of the shroud of Lincoln around him and from its shelter to proclaim sentiments identical in substance with those used by the most infamous of the assailants of the martyred president. "I had a running sore on my leg for seven years," writes Mrs. Jas. Forest, cf Cheppewa Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying to get It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured It." CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist Most people who try to ride the wheel of fortune, manage to puncture the tire before they get very far. A good many consumptives would be cured and the worst cases comforted and relieved by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest It to those afflict ed. You should do this as a friend. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist Once a wheel always a wheel; first a bicycle then a tandem, and last but not least a baby carriage. Ulcers, open or obstinate sores, scalds and piles, quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most healing medicine in the world. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist When a man begins to Imagine that he is in love with a bloomer girl, it's about time for him to stop drinking. Allen Halverson of West Prairie. Wis., says: "People come ten miles to buy Foley's Kidney Cure," while J. A. Spe ro, of Helmer, Ind., says: "It is the medical wonder of the age." CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST ANDQUICKESTLINE TO St.PauI,DuIuth, Minneapolis, Chicap and All Polns East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tonriat Sleepers Dining and Buffet Hinukine; Library Car Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry.t on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. mm afcs- .Tr WHITE COLLAR LINl Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Gattert leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at ? p. m. Leaves Por.'and dally except Sun day at 7 a, o White Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey liatxert and Hassalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Naheot ta irom llwaeo and Long Beach points A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Agt, tT. a SCOTT. Telephone 111. President. Depot Fifth and Leave I Streets. ( Arrive Overland Express Trains far Salem, Roseburg. Ash land. Sacramento. 7:30 p.m Ogden, San Fran- 1:11 .m Cisco, Motave. Los Angeles, El Paso, i S SO a.m New Orleans and .7:W p.m I the East At Woodburn (daily except Sun day), morning train connects with tram tor Mt. An gel, 6ilrion. Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train tor ML Angel and Silver ton. Ii7.:0 a.m Corvallia passes- I:Mp.n I ger. 114:50 p.m Sheridan pasaen- ;S:$5.m I ger 'Daily. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Pert land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates J17 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. Kirkland, Ticket Agent, 114 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave tor Oswego dally at 7:M, i:4 a. m.; 12:30. 1:65. 3:26. 6:15, 1:25. 1:06, 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland daily at : 16, 8:30. 10:60 a. m.; 1:35, 1:16, 4:30, 6:10, 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 1140 a. m. daily ex cept Monday; 3:30 and 10:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Sua day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9 30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. Fit. and Pass. Art ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAJLR0AD. Leave. PORTLAND. Arrive. 8:00a.m. Portland Union Depot!ll:10 a.m. 6:55 p.m.ifor Astoria and Inter- 9:40 p.m. mediate points. I ASTORIA. 7.45a.m.lFor Portland ln-U:Ma.m. 6:10 p.m.term3dlate points 10:30 p.m. BE ASIDE DIVISION. 11:35 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 6:15 a. m. 2:30 p. in. ASTORIA SEASIDE 7:45 a. m 4:UUp. m 12:50. m J;0Up. til All trains make close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the East or Sound points. J. C. MAYO. Gen'l Fr't and PaaB. Agent Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via, the Union Pacific Fust Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to Or C. O. TERRY. W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agent 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNBBERRT, Agent O. R. A N, GENERAL CITATION. Whereas the records and papers on nl.i in the probate court of Clatsop County. Oregon, relating to the guar dianships and af3mlnlstrations tiiow many estates of long standing, and no reports have been made as wiuired by law. It Is therefore ordered that the county clerk publish a general citation for a period of ten day, notifying all u'lmlnlstrators, guardians and attor reys that they must file, or have filed, their semi-annual accounts within six ty days from the fourth day of Sep tember, 1!)00, or stand liable to removal as provided by the hta"JL-s i t Origan. 3. TJ. I). GRAY, County Judge, Astoria, September 4, 1300, . NOTICE FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT, Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria has declared its determination and inten tion to Improve all that portion of Franklin avenue In the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlv" lcy. and generally known as Shlve ley's Astoria, from the east line of Twenty-sixth street to the west line of Thirty-first street, by removing all the old covering plank on said portion of said street, from curb to curb, straigh- fit?? SOUTH t.KO.U. NOTICK1 timing up tht posts where neceHsary, pulling in 7 new vnxtts for underpin nltm 1J Inches by 13 Inches ami W foet long, 3 new piwtR VixM. 16 feet long, new pot. la l'-'xU, 12 feet long and 2 ni'W posts Uxtj, 10 feet long; also two new cap, one 12x12, U fevt long and one lixli. 14 fevt long, said post and cap to plneod nt such place a shall bo ileatirnateil In the nliuia and speci fications for s-iid rvpali-a or linprow iiu'iu to be tiled by the city surveyor with the auditor and police Ju.lg of the City of AstM-la: and alio putting in new Mocks under th existing string era and poets on said portion of ;itd street and new srtay bracing, mid by replnnklng wild portion of said street from curb to curb with covering plunk 12 inch's, by 4 Inches, 17 foet long, th pin liking to oe placed iimn the exist ing stringer on said imrtlon of said street: and alo by putltng In new decking on the side walk on the north side of wild portion of stild street from the ea-'t line of Tntvelgluh street to a point HO feet rust thereof: mid bv constructing and 'Hitting In S'M fvt of new hand railing on the north sldi of wilvl iHUtlon of Mill treet between Thirtieth and Thlrty-llrst street. All mat-rial used in making said repairs shall be geo. round red or yellow ilr lumler, and said improvement or re pairs shall be made strictly In accord ance with the plans and specltlcutlons thereof to be filed with the auditor and police judge, of said city by the city surv.nor as hereinafter stated. That the costs and expenses of making said Improvement or repairs shall lk defray ed by sp i-lal assessment uhii tin lots, lands and premises, IneludiiiK water frontage, within .he special assessment district hereinafter destun.itexl to be assessel for the ourposc of defraying the ciHts and expense of making said repairs or Improvement, which said district Is described as follows., to wn: Commencing at the southwvMt corner of h t six ;S) In block number six (ij), and runnlt'g thence to the northwejt corner of lt seven ( In block 144. thence northerly to the north west rcrticr of Mock 144, thence east erly abriR the north line of blocks 114, ll.'i, IK 117 ntut 141 to the north enst corntr if blivk H:. thence south erly to the southeast corner of lot one tl in bloc t.v (2). thence westerly on a strnluht line through the center f bliH-ks 2. 1, 4. 3. anil 6 to the place of beginning, nnd contuinlni: all of blocks 144, H5. t. .47 end Its and the north half of blocks f, 3. 4, 5 and t. all In the town (now city) of Astoria. CUtsrp County. State of ures'on, as Inld cut and recorded by J. M. Shlveley, and which said district includ-s all the lets. landi and premise benefited by said repairs or Improvement. That the city surveyor of said city has then directed to nrejvire and file with the nuilltor and police Judge of sold city specifications for said tepa.r and improvement and estimates of the costs and expenses thereof. That this notice is published In the Morning Astorian for eight day. In pursuance to a resolution directing the Nitne. dulv adopted by said council on the 20th day of August. tSOO. the date of the first publication being on Wed. nesday. September 12. 1!0. II. K. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judgp tif the City of Astoria. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Intention to Improve all that ior tion of I'uanotreet from the east line or fourteenth street to the west line of Seventeenth street, excepting the crossing at the Intersection of raid Duane street with Fifteenth street to the full width thereof, excepting that portion thereof upon which the O'Brien Hotel stands at the southeast corner of block 133. and on the es tablished grade thereof, all In that part of the town (now city) of Astoria as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley. in Clatsop County. State of Ore gon. Said Improvement rhall consist In and be made by underpinning and planking to the full width all that por tion of said street from the east line of Fourteenth street to a point SO feet east thereof, with the construction of ten foot sidewalks on each Mde thereof, the covering plank to be 12x4 Inches; and from a point 50 feet east of ihe east line of Fourteenth street to the west line of Sixteenth street, excepting the crossing of said portion of snld street with Fifteenth street, said portion of said street shall be Improved by grad ing the same to the established grade and planking the same to the width of 20 feet through the tenter thereof and the construction of ten foot tide walks on each side thereof; the cov ering plank to be 3x12 inches and 20 feet long; and from the west .'Ine Of Sixteenth street to the west line of Seventeenth street said portion of said street shall be Improved by under-pinning and planking the same to the full width and the construction of ten foot side-walks on each side thereof; the covering plank of the street to be 12 In. wide and 4 Inches In thickness ;the side-walk on the north side of that por tion of the street occupied by the O'Brien hotel Is to he as much less than ten feet wide as said hotel build ing extends Into the street. Said Im provement In matters of detail except a herein otherwise provided shall e made In conformity to the provisions of ordinance No. 1901 entitled "An Ordi nance In Relation to the Improvement of Streets." and strictly In accordance with the plans and specltlcatlons there for to be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge by the City Surveyor as hereinafter directed. That the costs1 and expens'-s of said Improvement shall be defrayed by spec ial assessment upon the lots, lands and premises benefited by raid Improve ment, which said lots, landn and prem Isf benefited by said Improvement ore hereby included within a special assess ment district to be assessed pro-rala according to the benefits for the pur pose of defraying the costs and ex penses of making said Improvement, which said district Is a.i follows, to wlt: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of block 135, In the town (now city) of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J. M, Shlveley, and running thence east along the north boundary line of blocks 135. 134 and Wi to the north east corner of block 133, thence south along the east boundary lines of blocks 133 and 120 to the southeast corner of Mock 120, thence west along the south boundary line of blocks 110, 119 and 118 to the southwest corner of block 118, thence north along the west boundary line of blocks 118 and 135 to the point of beginning, and containing all of blocks 135, 134, 133, 118, 119 and 120, all In the town (now city) of Astoria, Catsop County, State of Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlve ley. That the City Surveyor-has been required and directed to forthwith pre pare and deposit with the Auditor and Police Judge specifications for said proposed Improvement and estimates of the expense thereof. That this notice ui published for eight days In the Morning Astorian In pur suance to a resolution of said Council directing the same duly adopted on September 4, 1900, the date of the first publication being on the date of Sep tember 6th, 1900, If. i:. NELSON. Auditor and Police Ju8ge of the City of Astoria. tKOAL NOTICKR NOTICE FOR rmLtCAYlOtf. Oregon Oily, Oregon. August ;?, 1H): Notice I hereby given that III coin, pltaiiee with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 173, entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the stall's of California, Oregon, Neva da mid Washington Territory," r x tended to all (he Public Laud State by act of August 4. lsi2. William W. Pone, of Olncy. County of Clatsop, State of 'logon, ha this day flb-d In this office his sworn statement. No. IS.'l, for the purchase of lot 4, Section 3: lots I. i. S. and 4, of Section No, 4. In Town ship No, 6 North. Katige No. ? W,t, and will offer proof to how that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the lieglster and lie reiver Of till ottlce at Oregon Oty, uiegon, on Friday, the SJrd day of No comber. l'JOO. He name ui witnesses: Jack Denek, Sebastian lilaser, Anna M. Olus'r. John IVntk. all of Olney, Clatsop County, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advert Iv the above-described lands are re- uuested to file their claims III this of' lice on or before said Jilrd day of No vember. 1W0. CHAS. P. MOORES. lieglster GO VKUN M ENT "pnorOS AL9. Proposals for Fresh Peef and Mutton Oitlce Chief ( omir.lssary, Vain-ouw Harracks, Wash.. Sept. 4. l'0. Sealn u,,,!. t.. t,irkil-l,l,iir nn.l ileMvarlm Fresh lieef and Fresh Mutton for lx llloiiltis. oeginnmg Jiinu ivy i, j:m, m he received heie lUld at the oltlccs u! commissaries at Fort Steven. Oregon Poise Harrack and '.'iui i shorn. Hia bo; Forts Casey. Flw'or Wnlla Wnlla Wright and ancoiiver narraca. vt nji liiKton. and Skagway and Valde. Ala ka. until 11 a m. cio'r 4. l:oo, a ,,i.,nM.l InftieiOHlMn f llrnlMlltfit I nt, It, .,1(1. in l'nv.l,ni.i cnntulnlnir tro fosals should be endorsed "Proposal for Fresh Heef and Fresh Mutton." and addressed to Ciiirni riot v o jiosi in r supplied, or to Major Juntos N. AMI son. Chief Co.mulsarv ' NOTICE IV II Pl'liUCATION. I'nlicl States Land Oltl.-e, Oregon City, Oregon. August 2Mh. r.": . Notl.v Is hereby gl ?n that In ap pliance with the provisions uf the act of coimnf-s of June S. ICS. rutliled "An act (or the ale of tlmb-r lands In the slates of California. Oregon, .Nevada and taahlnjtn Territory, a extend ed to nil the Public Uind State by act of August 4. sr M. Elinor Puffy, of Astoria. County of ( atson. State of Oregon, lias this day llled in this of fice her Mv.'rn statement ?. 5272. for the purchase of lh lots 6. . 11 and II. of Krctln No. 4. In Townhslp No. ( Norm, Untue No. i West, and will of fT proof to show that the land fought more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anil to establish h-r claim to said land before the Register anil Receiver of "hi of fice at i 'ivgiiri City, on Friday, the I3rd day of November. I'jw. She n&im us witnesses: Mr. Mary ivnck, of oiney, Oregon; Mr. Sebastian Olaser. of oiin-y, Oregon; Mrs. Appol Ionia. Johnson, of oiney. Oregon: Mr, ! Sidney I 1 1. of Astoria. Oregon; Any and nil perii claiming ad- versely the above-described land ar requested to tile their claim In thl of' tlce on or before said 23rd day of No vember, 1SOI). CHAS. R. MOORKS, ..' . Bester. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the Stat of orgon. For the County of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate of Jemima sHlbhe, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un derslgned ha been duly appointed by the county court of the state ef Oregon, for Clatsop county, administrator of toe estate of Jemima Hkibbe, deceased. All person having claim against said stale are hereby required to present ine sume to me properly verified, a by law required, at No. 527 Boad street, In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from the date heriof. Dated this 10th day of July, 1900. MAX L. 8KIBDE, Administrator of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe. deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop. E'lultable Savlsgs and Loan Associa tion, a private corporation, plaintiff, vs. James T. Buliack and Vlletta Buflack. defendants. To Jums T. Bullock and Vlletta Bui lack, defondan'. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the comnlnlnt filed agulnst you In the above entitled suit on or before the 29th day of September, 1900, and If you fall bo to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply io aiild court for the reiief demanded In the complaint, which Is In substance a follows: 1. For a Judgment against the de fendants, Jams T. Buliack and Vlletta Buliack, for the sum of $828.23, with In terest thoreon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date of the filing of the complaint, and the further sum of $100 attorney' fees, and the costs and disbursement herein; 2. That the lien of plaintiff's mort gage referred to In the complaint and being upon the following described property, towlt; Lot numbered 18, 19 and 20, block numbered 68, In the Port of Upper As torla laid out and -ecorded by John Adair. Clatsop county, state of Oregon, be decreed to be a first Hen upon said promises and that said morta h foreclosed and said defendants and each oi ttiem oe barrjd of all equity and In terest In said premises except the stat utory right of redemption. 3. That In case said mortgaged prem ises shall not sell for a sufficient amount to ray said Judgment that plaintiff do have Judgment against the defendants James V. Buliack and Vlletta Buliack and each of them for any deficiency, and that plaintiff have foreclosure for its lien upon six shares of stock In the Equitable Sav Ingn and Loan Association described In the complaint, tht? certificate thereof being numbered 2072; that the title or Interest for the defendant James T. .Buliack and Vlletta Buliack In said property be cut off by said decree and thut they be foreclosed of all Interest In said .oremlvs; that said property be sold according to law to satlsfv the Judgment above recltod and prayed for In the complaint, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seom moot ana equitanie. This summons Is published against you pursuant to an order of Hon. J. H. D. Gray, Judge of the county court of Clatsop county, state of Oregon, mane ny nam juuge on the nth day of August, 1900, In the Weekly Astorian for six weeks Immediately prior to the 29th day of September, 1900, and the date of the first publication of said summons In sail paper Is August 10, CAKE k CAKE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. IKUAI. NOTIl'KN, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land om.'e, Oregon City. Oregon, July T, 1)00, Notice I hereby given that In com Pllance wltli the provisions of the act of congress of Jun S, 1S79, entitled "An act for Ihe eal of t!mbc lands In the state of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," a extended io all public land mate by act of August 4, 1892. Ottlll M. Logan, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of ore, m, hu this day filed in this ottlce her sworn statement No, liii. for th putvhaae of the H. w. u of Section No, In Township No. N.. Bang No, 7 W and will offer proof to show that the land mught I more valuable fur It timber ot stone than for agricultural pui'ivse. ami id establish her claim to said land before th Register and Receiver of till utile at Orcgou City, 'regon, on Wednesday, the 3d day of October, h name a witneijc: Jlllllltt tlurlvM ? IIIiimv n,' .,n flft. ........ , - i , -' v ., bastion Olasr. of Olney, Oregon, Jacob Keiik. of Olney, Oregon, John Ulaser, or oiney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad senely the above described land ar requested to tile their claim In thl otine on or before said Id day of Octo ber, I'JUO. CUA8. a WOORE8. Register, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United State Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon. July 7, 1WI. Notice Is hereby given that In com I'llKiice with th provision of th act of congress or June 1. ISis, entitled "An act for the aula of timber lands In Cie states of California, Oregon. Ne vada, and Washington Territory." a extended to all publlo land states by net or August 4. im, William C. Logan. i t Astoria, county of Clatsop, state ot Oregon, bus Oil day Iliad In thl ottlo hi sworn stuteincnt No. 242. for the purchase of th H. K. 4 of Suction No. 8 In Township No, i N., Bang No, 7 W' and will offer proof to show that ihe land sought I more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before th Beglaier and Receiver of thl ciDce at Oregon City, regun, on W dnesday, the 3d day of October, 1900. lie name a witnesses: Jullu Oarb. of Olney. Oregon, Be bastion Olaser, of Olney, Oregon, Jacob tvnk. of oiney. Oregon, John Uluer, or oiney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the ubovj-descrlbed land or requested to file their claim In thl ottlte on or before th said Id day of it'ioner, CHAS. B. MOOBE3, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of th circuit court i f th tat of Oregon for the county of i. wisop, on ine nin day or August, 100, upon a Judgment and dacree rendered therein on th 2d day of March, 1894, In favor of J. W. Mlmiker, plaintiff, anu against i uiminil u Kiia and Hen ry l fc.Ua. defendants, for the sum ot vx-.w, together with interest then-on at the rat of S per cent per ajinuin, from the 4th day of March, 1894, let ine sum oi i:o.&u interest paid, and the costs of and upon this writ com manding and requiring me to mak sal or th following described real proper ty. to-wlt: All of the north one hundred feet ot l.ot no. 13 of Block No. 12, of the town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John M. Shlvely In Clatsop county, Oregon. Notice Is herby given that I will on Monday, the 17th day of September, l'JOO. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of sold day In front of and at the court house door In the city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, sell at public auctbn to the highest bidder for cnh tne above described real prop erty, to satisfy the JuJgment. Interest, cost and all accruing cost. Astoria, Oregon. August IS. 1900. THOMAS LINVILLE. Sheriff. Clatsop County, Oregon. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon CHy, Oregon, August 10, 1909. Notice la hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the set of congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In th state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extend ed to all publlo land state by act of August , vivi, Nicholas Wlsner, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has thl day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 526S, for th purchase of the N. E. '4 of section No. 12 In township No. 6 N., range No. 7 W., and will off.'r proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to .establish his claim to snld land before the register and receiver of this oft'ee at Oresron Cltv. Oregon, on Monday, the 29th day of October. 1900. He names a witnesses: John Dcnck. of Astoria, Oreeon. Al. bert Beyer, of Astoria, Oregon; Sebas tian Glasser, of Astoria, Oregon; O, F. aiorton, or Astoria, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-dPscrlbed lands are request d to file tholr claims In this ofllce on or before said 29th dav of October. 1900. CHAS. B. MOOBES. Beglster. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon Cly, uregon, August iv, i'jw. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1S78, entitled "An act for ths sale of timber land In the slate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extenl ed to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892. Albert Beyer, of As toria, county of Clatsop, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In this ofllce his sworn statement No. 6266, for the pur chase of the S. 10. Vt of section No. 12 In township No. 8 N., range No. 7 W and will off-T proof to show that th land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to ald land before th register and re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Or egon, on Monday, the 29th day of Oct ober, 1900. .He name as witnesses: JohnDenck. of Astoria. Oregon: Nich olas Wlsner, of Astoria, Oregon; Se bastian 01'jer, of Astoria, Oregon; O. F. Morton, of Astoria, Oregon. Anv and all person claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this of fice on or before saia znn aay or Octo ber, 1900. CilAS. a. JM.OOttr.rJ, Register, I. Ml A I, NOTICK . NOTICE FPU PUBLICATION. Oregon City, Oregon, August I'D, 1W: Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with I he provision of the ad of Cong res of June 3. 1878, entltiod "An net for the sal uf timber land In th stale pf California, Oregon, Neva da and Washington Ten Uoi ," a ex tended to all tue Publlo Land Slates by act Of August 4, sn, Jainc I. Ham ilton, of Seattle, County of King, Hiat of Washington, hit thl day tiled In I bl oiiice hi sworn statement No. BCdU, for th purchase of th S half of NK quarter and N half ot SK quarter of section No. , In Town ship No. 5 N., Bang V W and will oiTer proof to show that the land sought I mom valuuhl for It timber or stona than for agricultural purposes, and to eelabllsh hi claim to snld laud be for the Register Hint Receiver of thl of fice at Oi'eun City, Oregon, on Sat urday, the lUh day of November, RluO. II name ns witnesses; lliulholonnnv J, Burks, of Sinslde, Clntsiqi Ccunty, Or ; Jaiiie T. Burke,' of Seaside. Clt. sop County, Or.; Jay T. Parker, of S attic, King County, Wash.; J. B. Johnston, of Seaside, Clatsop County, Any and alt person t Inlmlng advent ly the above leserlbed land are re quested to file their claim In Oil of llce on or before the Hilt day of No vember. IW0. ('HA, B. MOOHr. ltegltr. NoTICM FOB PUBLICATION. Oregon city, Oregon, August 27. 190: Notice I hereby given that In com pliance with th provisions of the sot of Congress ot June 3, s;x, entitled "An act for the sal of timber land In the states of California, Oregon, Nova, da and Washington Territory." a tended to all (ho Public Laud Slate by act of August 4, piM, Anna M. Olaser, of oiney, County of Clatsop, State of Ore., ha thl day filed In this ohV Imr sworn statement No, B270. for th pur chase uf the lot 7, 8, 9 and 10 of sea tloti 4, In township No. ( North. Bang 7 West, and will ofter proof to allow that the bind sought I mr valuable for It timber or tono (ban for agri cultural purpose, mi l to establish hr claim to said laud before th Regis, ter and Reeelvrr of thl offliHt at Or. gn city, Orvgon, on Friday, ih IJrd day pf November. Io0. She names a witness.-: Jack Denck. Sebastian Olaser. William W. I 'ope and John Denck. all ot Olney, ClaUop County. Oregon. Any and all pernoiis claiming advtrat ly the above. described land ar re quested to file their claim in this ut ile on or before said !3rd day of No vember, I9oo. CHAS. B. MOORKS. Register. NOTICIJ FOB PUBLICATION. Oregon City. Oregon, August 2. 1900: Notice 1 hereby given that In com pliance with lh provisions of ihe act of Congress of June 3, 178. entitled "An art for the saI of Umber land In the stall- of California. Oregon, Neva da and Wahlng(n Territory," a ex tended to all the Publlo Land Slate by act of August 4, isvi, Mary Ixmck. of oiney. CiHinty of Clataop, state of Oregon, ha thl day filed In Oil of lice htr sworn Watement No. 673. for the purchase of the lot 9. 10, 15 nnd 1, "f section No. 15. In Township No. ( North. Bange No. 7 Wrt, and will of fer proof lit show thill Ihe Inii.t .nuht I more valuable for It ttmlwr or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land be fore th Refflster ami Itwslv.e t ,i,i office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Frl my. mo ;jra auy al .November, jjoo. un name a wtm: William W. Poor. Julius Onrlm In.. i:i... Oeorg Fitiiry. all of oinry, Clatsop Any and all person tlnlinlng adverse ly ihe above-described land are re queued to file their claim In thl of fice on or before said 23rd day of No- vemorr, jiuo. CHAS. B. MOOBKfl. Beglster. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Oregon City. Oregon. August 28. 1900: Notice is hereby given that In com plluni with the provision of the art of Congr of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land In the states nt ('nlir.rnlii rir...,n da and Washington Territory."' as ex- lenuea in an the rubiic Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, Appoilonla John- J-n. of Olnsv f'lillntv rit I 'In I.,,,, u., of Oregon, has this day filed In thl mien in sworn statement No. bin, for the purchase of the NK half of Section No. 8. In Townshln No. fl M,.nh i,,.. 7 West, and will offer proof to show mat tne iann sought I more valuable for Its flintier nt Minn than t. mhi rultural purixme. and to establish his claim to snld land before the Beglster and Receiver of thl office at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the 23rd day of November, 1900, He nnme as witnesses; William W. Pone. JiiMiis rtnrb, fl,.ltftMtlnn nt.... George Flnlry, all of Olney. Clatsop County, Oregon. Anv and all oorsons rlnlmlntr ndipp. ly the nbove-des-rlhod lands are re- lucHivu io me meir claims in tills of fice on or before said 23rd day of No vember, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES, Beglster. NOTICM FOB PUBLICATION. Oregon City, Oregon, August 28, 1SO0: Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land In the states of California, Oregon, Neva da and Washington Territory," ns ex tended to all the Public Lnd States by act of August 4, 1892, F.llznbeth Olaser, of Olney, County of Clatsop, State of Oregon, has thl day filed In this office her sworn statement No. K27II, for the purchase of the BE quarter of Section io. 6, in Township No. 8 North, Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or (.tone than for agricultural purposes, anil to es tablish her claim to said land before the Beglster and Becelver of this of fice at Oregon City. Oregon, on Fri day, the 23rd day of November, 1900. She names as witnesses: William W. Pope, Julius Oarbe, Sebastian Olaser, Oeorge Flnley, all of Olney, Clatsop County, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-deserllwd lands are re quested to file tholr claim In this of fice on or before said 23rd day of No vember, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES. . , Register, EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed exe cutrix of the last will and testament of Alexander J. Meglcr, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased, or his estate, must present the same, duly verified, to the under signed at room No. 4, Page Building, Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. MINA A. MEOLER, Executrix of the last wUI and testa- - ment of Alexander J. Megler, de ceased. Astoria, Oregon, September 5, 1800.