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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1900)
THK M0RN1MQ ASTQ1UAN SVtlKUAV, 8, I'm BTOUIC CLOSES AT 7 P, About ; V": . . DRESS GOODS A varied assortment The predominating feature of our dress goods stock 19 the vastness of the assortment There is not a taste that cannot be suited, because the variety embraces every stylish weave, every iasmonaole coloring. Headquarten for Dry Good RACING ON STEADT BASIS. California Turf Men Form Stock Com pany. SAN FRANCISCO. Sopt. 7.-The much discussed plan of Prince Andre Pon latowski to control and conduct raring at Tanforan and tngleslde has taken definite form. The San Francisco Jockey Club has organised with J1.000. 000 of preferred stock and a similar amount of common stock. But little of each class of stock Is to be Issued. The directors are Prince Ponlatowski, Charles Fair. J. J. Moore, of Menlo Park. J. Carolan ami Major Rathbone. The officers are: President, Prince Ponlatowski: vice-president, Charles Fair; secretary, P. Lynch PrinKle. 1 ne new jockey club is to lease Tan foran and Ingleside for a lengthy pe riod, the arrangement being satisfac tory to the stockholders of the two tracks. Tanforan Is to be formally leaded today. On September 12 next a lease of Ingleslde will be perfected. Prince Ponlatowski, who goes east to day, referring to the new club said: "Our stakes are all added money, every cent put up or received going to winners. Stakes will be the same every year and will thus become classic events. The moneys put up will in crease with the normal development of racing, but the conditions will remain the same, riving to winter racing In California a eputatlon of silliness and permanency which in t'ic past has been a sucjt's.t of yearly controversies in the East often keeping away a great rnany bo. semen." WILL BRING HOME. PEAD. t m ... .Tl --if- Navy Department Wants the Bodies of Its Heroes Interred in America. WASHINGTON. Sept 7.-The officials of the navy department are making ar rangements for bringing home to the United State for Interment the remains of the officers and enlisted men of the navy and marine corps wha died or were killed In action ashore or afloat and were buried outside the continental limits of the United States since April 1S9S. Careful research shows there are 105 cases of this description, Including five officers. 67 enlisted men of th navy and 41 enlisted men of the marine corps. It Is the purpose of the navy depart ment to have these remains interred at the places in the United States selected by the next of kin. Where no prefer ence as to place of interment is ex pressed by the next of kin. the bodies of all brought home from the Philip pines. China and Hawaiian points will be Interred at the national cemetery near San Francisco, and all unclaimed bodies brought home from the West In dies and Atlantic Porte will be interred In Arlington cemetery near this city. It Is suggested that persons Interest ed In the disposition of those remains communicate wlih the bureau of navi gation, navy department, Washington, t. C. before September 21 next. If pos sible, for inform ition and Instruction. k AGED METHODIST MINISTER. Died Suddenly at a California Railroad Depot. WILLIAMS. Cel. Sept. ' 7.-Rev. Lo renzo Waugh. the oldest Methodise min ister In the world, died suddenly in the railroad depot here Just after alighting from a train. He celebrated his ninety second birthday at his old home In Petaluma on August 28. and for come time had been very feeble. He was born In Pocahontas county. West Virginia, and entered the wln ldtry sixty-eight years ago. He came to California In Hi2.. and soon after wus presented by General Vallejo with a half section of land, on which he made his home. He was known throughout the state as "Father" Waugh. t ' INDIAN STONED TO DEATH. Failed to Cure the Sick Daughter Rival Chief. of NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.. Sept. 7. Chief lllowahe, an aged medicine man and chief of the Yakima tribe, has been brutally stoned to death In his tent by an Indian named John. The murdeTed Indian was . eighty years of age and had accompanied a band of about fifty to the hop fields below Klona. He had been called on by John to save hia child, which was sick. The old doctor went through the usual barbaric formalities us best he could, yet the child died. The father then went to the medicine man's tent and stoned him to death. . John was next In line to the chief tainship and had long desired the death of lllowahe. BUSINESS HOUSES BURNED. Center of Mantow. Illinois, Consumed By Fire. PEORIA. Ills., Sept. 7. The business LEA l4Th 1 M. EXCEPT SATURDAY. on the Lower Columbia. portion of the town of Mantow, U miles south on the Peoria .ft St. Louis rail road, was destroyed by a Are which started at 1 o'clock this morning and at 3 o'clock was still burning but prac tically tinder control. Six business Mocks have been burned. Including Heckman Brothers' furniture establish ment where the fire started. The totfn Is without tire protection and help was asked from Pekin and this city. The loss will exceed $5fl.rt). ENORMOUS NEW FLEET. Nineteen Merchant Vessels to Be Con structed at a Cost of Eight Millions. PITTSBURG. Sept 7. The Commer cial daaette says: Pittsburg and associate Interests have placed a hurried order for the construc tion of a fleet of ten great freighters that will ply from Lake Erie ports, via the Welland canal and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, across the Atlantic, car rylng Iron and steel. The fleet will cost something like $3,w).0o0. The work of construction has bgun at the yaris In Lorain. Cleveland and De troit. Various Interests have placed the orders, but the notable purchasers are the Carnegie and Rockefeller In terests. For the canal boats the orders were placed in the past fortnight, and at tending them orders of greater magnl tude have been placed for freighters to ply over the great lakes in the ore and coal trade. In all. the contracts are for nineteen vessels, and the lake freighters will be built to carry a ton nage of 7000 to S-XiO tons. The lake car riers will cost an average of J3"0.000 and the combined orders will aggre gate an expenditure of $S.000.0. Con struction of the craft Is li be hurried to completion. The fleet of canal and ocean freighters will take on consignments of Iron and steel for export at the harbors of Cleveland and Conneaut. SALT TRUST INVADES ENGLAND. American Syndicate Covets Control of British Salt Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 7.-The English salt trade Is excited over the report that an American syndicate covets control or the British salt market, ac cording to a London dispatch to the Herald. . . Brokers acting In behalf of American principals are said to be quietly at work buying shares of the salt union, a combination of producers which en Joys a monopoly of the industry In the unuea iMngaom. with a view to ac quiring the majority of the ho),linr Word comes from Liverpool that the American syndicate has already In vested iv0,000 (fl.SaJ.O'jO) In salt union shares. SUICIDE IN NEW YORK, German Drowned Himself In the North River. NEW YORK. Sept 7.-The body of me mar. round In the North river last night Is supposed to be that of August Eichlr, who lived In West Hoboken. fcicnldr lert the house several days ago. Last night, when his room was searched, a note was found stating mat ne was tirei or lire. He was about fifty years old, born In Germany and had no relatives or family in this city. CUT DAUGHTER'S THROAT. Dastardly Act of New York Plumber While Intoxicated. NEW YORK, Sept 7. Samuel Hayes, a plumber. Is under arrest for attempt ing to take the life of his ten-year-old stepdaughter. Hayes, last night, while Intoxicated, walked info the child's bedroom and rut her throat while she lay sleeping on a cot. Her screams brought her mother, and the man was arrested. The nhv- elcians have some hopes of saving her lire. GOLD FROM WRECK BAY. Mlnsrs Are Now Taking Out Two nun dr?d Dollars a Day. VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 7.-The steamer Wlllapa. from the West coast brought $1500 In gold from Wreck Bay, the output of three weeks. The miners expect to take out about $200 a day now, since the big machines have been put In. NO RELIEF FOR 20 YEARS. "I had bronchitis for twenty years," said Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, III., "and at times have been bedfast. I never got relief until I had tak?n Foley's Honey and Tar. It is pleasant and gives quick relief, and Is a sure cure for throat and lung lln?a-e." Take nothing CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. e Best Cooks in the Country recognize the superiority of PERRIEJS' SAUGE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE CWARC Of IMITATION For dame, Steaks, Roasts, Soaps, and averv variety ol mada flha 'Om a no Invaluable. Johh Duscax's Sons, Acorn, Kiw You, DEMONSTRATION BY GERMAN NAVY tOontlnued from page one.) tlw allies In order to be tried and pos sibly executed. The report that a punitive expedition Is starting from Tien Tsln for Pao Tin Fu Is probably eorr-ct, but the further statement that an allied column Is get ting out for Tal Yuen Fu, the present residence of the empress, nearly 100 mill's from Pekln, Is certainly fictitious. A suggestive Item of Chinese news yesterday was that an order suspending th departure of the fourth brlgmlc of Indian tro.ips has been cancelled and that the entire fore would prcod at once for the far Ka-st. Twelve hundred more Indian troops have been landed at Shanghai, so there are now over Siw men there and loot camp followers. The German troops landed at Shanghai yesterday and the Austrian are also prer.iring to disembark small detach ment, doubtless to give moral support to the allies; so that powerful little International army Is gradually being formed at the Yangtse treaty port. It Is possible that the powers may al so have to land a force further south before long. Street riots are said to be frequent In Canton and the situation In that quarter Is by no means settled. The rut 1 lea t Ion of Admiral Seymour's detailed report of the operations of the abortive Pekln relief expedition has made a good Impression. The admlr:il pays high compliments to all the for eign sail rs and marines under his com mand, and there la no doubt that all concerned in this enterprise did very well. The report does not lead to be lief In the efficiency of regular Chinese troops. Had they possessed any skill :n the use of the ex.-ellent weapons with whlih they were armed thev should hie wiped out Sevmour's small de tachment, encumbered as It was with wounded nvn and helrg short of sup P'ies. Put the Chinese almost Invaria bly tired high and their volleys did lit tle execution. Li Hung Chang's secretary, accord ing to a message from Hong Kong, has arrived at that place and rf ports that Earl l.l leaves Shanghai for Pekln to morrow. Whether he will lie escorts! by a Japanese or Russian cruiser he was doubtful. Probably the task will oe mor congenlil to the latter. Germany's reply to the Russian pro posal for the evaluation of Pekln Is commented upon by nearly every paper this morning. The Times states that the German de cision Is one to which nobody need ob ject It Is for Germany as for each one of the powers to settle f r herself what her own position requires. The Standard says the answer from Berlin Is in fact a rejection of he Rus sian recommendation, though In form it aprears to be highly conciliatory. The News remarks that ;he reiily Is. as might have been expected, neither complete accep'ance nor entire rvfus.-!. In form It Is nearer refusal than accr' ance: In substance It Is nearer accr ance than refusal. The Telegraph says that nothing b. an explicit refusal to evacuate Pekln was to be expected from a nation which, through the murder of Its ambassador, has suffered In a peculiar degree from the brutal recklessness of the Boxers. The Mall says that Germnny'g decision to retain her troops at Pekin was cer tain firm the first for. though the Oer man policy Is above all things anxious to avoid quarrels with Russia, It Is not less anxious to avoid making Itfwlf ridiculous In the sight of the world, which result must Inevitably have fol lowed had Count Von Waidrs landed at Taku to find that even the German army had retlr?d. The Shanghai correspondent of tho Times say that the viceroy of Wu Chung has telegraphed to the British consul-general urging that Great Brit ain should without delav initiate peace negotiations. He lays stress upon the magnitude of the British trade Inter ests, which are seriously thrateml by tne possininry or a continuance of d s- order. HILL 13 FOR BRYAN. While Disagreeing With Him In Some Matters He Earnestly Desires His Election. HERKIMER, N. Y.. Sept. 7.-Sena- tor Hill, who is visiting here, was sf re naded tonight. Hill made'a speech In which he declared his loyalty to the ticket and predicted that Bryan would tarry New York unless the Democratic state convention acted unwisely. -Mr. Hill said: "It is needless to say that I am heart ily In favor of the election of Bryan and Stevenson. While tilsagreelng with Mr. Bryan In some matters, I need not reiterate that I earnestly desire his election." SITUATION IS SERIOUS. Closing Down of Manchester Cotton Mills Likely to Cause Much Suffering. LONDON. Sept. 8. The morning pa pers comment upon the seriousness of the crisis which has arisen at Man chester, where suffering Is likely to be caused by the idleness of the opera tives, and especially if. as Is possible, the stoppage continues into October. The prospects of a satisfactory Amer ican crop are regarded as slender. MILES COMING WEST. Now on a Duck Hunting Expedition in North Dakota. MINOT. N. Da,, Sept. 7.-GeneraI Nel son A. Miles and party arrived here this morning in a special car. The par ty left In carriages for the hills this afternoon for duck shooting. From Ml- not they may go westward to the coast, Inspecting the different military posts on the way. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Setft. 7. Wheat. Walla Walla. G6c; Valley, 59c60c; bluestem. HAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 7. Wheat, December, lOS'; cash, 103. CHICAGO. Sent. 7. Wheat. October, opening, 7314, 73; closing. 7314; 73. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 7.-Wheat, Sep- tember, 5s. lld. HALF THE WORLD IN DARKNESS as' to the cause of their ill health. If they would start. - to. treat their kidneys with Foley's Kidney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back ache, headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. CHA8, ROOER3. Durgglst. i ri.ra UU.lfDg Heat Rash, Chafings, Irritations. Tan. Sun burn, Bites and Stings, Too Free or Offen sive Perspiration, Red, Rough, Blistered , Hands, Tired, Lamed, Strained Muscles, Soothed, Cooled and Y mw o Followed when necessary by gentle applications of CUTICURA Ointment, purest and sweet est of emollients and greatest of skin cures. Millions of People Use Cutlcura Soap Exclusively (or preserving, purifying, and beautifying the ikin, fur cleansing the icalp of crusts, icale,, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and toothing red, rough, and sore hands. Millions of Women use Ccticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying Irritations, inflammations, and chafings, too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, for many sanative antiseptic purpose, which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mother,, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can Induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and puri fying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. Ct ln.t'KA Soap com bines delicate emollient properties derived from Crtict ha, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of Mower odors. No other miJicaltd soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserv ing, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet toap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in Osv. Sn.U' at One Price, viz., Twenty-Five Cents, the best skin and complexion soap and the BEST toilet and best baby soap in the world. vJ Special attention Is called to the u of Chtiitra Ointment In ronnnetlon wltli(.'i;TIi t;HA SoAF. 1H "On NiKht Trrmuiral of ihr llanria," or Miogle Tramral t ihe Hnir," or ue after Alhlrlica, rrrllng, goJf, traai., riding, aparrla r anf kparl, eucll lu couiiectlou Willi Ilia use of Clticlea Soap, Ls sufficient evidence of nils. Cuticura Con,I,e8 Externa! and Internal Treatment (or Every Humor, Wl IIVMI i Consisting of CCTicriiA Hoai- (2.) to ckinsn the skin of Th fiat ffil OR crusts ud scales ami soften the thkki-neil rutli lt;. iX'tujiAa Tlie ei tti.t ointment (60C) to Instantly allay IM,h,K. i,ll;,,,m,atlo,' an Irritation. and soothe and heal, and (JimruKA Ukhoi.vknt (Boo to im, ami dnaiise the Hood. A Cinulc Hkt Is often sufficient to cure the must torturing, dlsflKuruiK. and humiliating skin, scalp, and Wood liumurs, tvlth loss ol Imlr, wlicn all ehe fulls. Bold throughout the world. I"ottkb Iui;j aniiI'hkm. f'oiu-.. Hole I'roiu.. ilonton. Mas. HAU about the care of the &klu,Kcalp, and Jluir, In Kuiiimer," tree. FLORIDA HURRICANE, Beveral Vessels 7-ost and Crews Drown ed by Tropical Ktorm. MIAMI. Fla., Srpt. 7. A tropical hur ricane which has done much damage on the Islands of Jamaica and Cuba struck the Florida coast Wednesday. The wind at onp time r-ached a velo city of tifarly Vid mlloH per hour. It Is fearfd that th- crews of at b-ast two vffsfls were swept overboard about 3 miles south of h-re. Thn bar kuntlne C'ulboon. of Kt. John, N. B la don with lumber, Is aahore 23 mlb-s south of Miami. Nothing ha ber-n heard of her crew. Thr'-e miles south of f'ulboon Is a disabled Jumb'T bark which stranded during the nllit of the fifth. The crew, It ls eared, were swept overboard. NEBRASlCA'jpniMATlIES, Edward Rosewater the Favorite ' United BUites Benator. . for OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. 7. At DouKlaa county primaries today the preference for United States senator was submit Healed by Baths with ted. Edward Rosewnter, of the Omaha Hee, and John L. Welmtr, a leading attorney, were the candidates. Uosewater d"le(?aten were elected from every precinct. The county con ventlon tomorrow will name twelve candidates for the trenei-al assembly pledired to vote for Uosewater. COCKRAN FOR fiRYAN. New York Orator Will Tour the West for Rryan. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-It was an nounced todiy that Rourke Cochran would take the stump In the Went for Bryan. . National Committeeman Richardson called today on former Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle, and the two were toKether for an hour.- Richard son said hp Kot no satisfaction , and Carlisle said he knew his own mind but preferred to make no statement. "I had a running gore on riy let for seven years," wtlfe Mi's. JusFor"-; Of, Ct)eppwa. Falls, Wis., "and spent hundreds of dollars In trying- to (ret It healed. Two boxes of Banner Salve entirely cured It." CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. STATE NORHAL SCHOOL SIH S Xi--iS- .fi 3 3 INSTRUCTIONS Mis Bertha Hnrtln's Decorative Art Room. Hauiu MO Dtkuw HulUtlitg. 9l "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Hut hnt sort of livlim in It yntt get with . mkii stove or riio in your kiblii'liT litiyii Star Estate Range Tkey insure K'xnl living W. J. Scully. Agent ...... 4ill HONI) mm mmi college Conducted ly .be Benedictine Fathers THE IDEAL PLACE Vill Reopen September 5, 1900 aruiuvvtuvuiuiAuuutnAA 2 V IOTRI . W-ksV PORTLAND. OH. c THe Only Plratt-ClnNH Hotel In Portlnnd KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pooiflo Brewery, of wbicb f Dottled rr for family use or ln- Mr. Job a Kopp it prof'ietor, makes ber for domet'to nod export trade. North Pacific Brewery We Rent New Many now Seo our latest No. 2 New Art Catalojfnfl Free , , . i ' " wmm "' 1 DAD TRKSERVED BEEP. Now Air Procew Hoof Condemned at Liverpool. T.TVrenPOOL. Bunt. 7. Today a cor poral of Innrx-dlon comlnmned a law nnrtlnn of th bwf and mutton, nre- norvetl by tho new air proceim, brounht by the WrltlHh tpnmer uouint-m crow, from Iluonof) Ayre, AuKUHt R. TllA f AM t lit th riLrno realized about half the price of American chilled beef. CENSUS RETURNS. Rcturna From Fifty-four Cities Show Incrcone of Three and a -Half MJIllons. ; WASIIINttTON. -Bent. 7. The cen- lated the rt'turns of 54 cltle". Then, ahow a population of 14.644.711. Thin an average Increase in population r city of 27.90 per cent. Tho name cltlea in MM hol a population or H,- 150,015, a toUl Kaln of 3,Wt,m. Maklflu Many Speolie for Pryan In Idaho. BOISE, Ida., Sept. 7. It Is announced ...... .t , ,f.n, Unnalni. Allan n f Vi.h. braaka, will deliver five "peeche In MONnOUTII, OREGON. full Ttrm ovhi Neptrmtwr l"h. Tne tlmli'iiUnl Ihx Nurmnl Hctuxd ara rprJ l Use Ihs Main tVrlin. i Immediately uu giiilu sllim. I.milunli't rrsdllf svriir itmi1 ihhIiIuiii. Ktpcii.n i'f yrnr Imm f i Hitiing Ai'mti'iule mul rmnxsliuiiil ruursea. Kiw firlul ii' In Mumml Tialnlntf. Urll Ktililil I ralllliiM lpnMiiiPRl, fat CnUli'iiue conUliiliiK lull mimitilii'Kiu mhin'M 1. Ul'AMI'MKl.b, Of W. A WANS. I'lrililmit. Hv f nl Faculty. Hi T$- -Sii tj iH--HJil ' 0H0ERS SOLICITCO Tell Hat at Nt embroid ery Materiel. Initials 9pcUlty, Csnlci Stlectloi ol 9ntipl Denim. Stemplog .Nesily Dae;, ad tiaihluglua Ml., i'urlUad, Or. s l r a lt ' JLi MTUIil'T FOR YOUR BOYS aTsafTrtW V s-. f SJ. 5 beer snpulinj st ny time, tlollvury it Ibe city Ire. Typewriters. ininroveinents inlilwl. Smith Premier Typewriter BIS lira 1 L. M. ALEXANDER & CO. Kxolimive I'Hoilli! CoHHt Drulcm 24fi8tnrk Kt., 1'ortliuiil, Ore., F W. M'KECIINIE. l.oml AgiTit. tho NorthwcMt next week. Hn will bo at Bolne on the loth, Caldwell on the lllh, Moscow on the 13th, Kpukane on the 14th. nnd Wallwe on the Kith. Chan. A. Town addressed a iifNitlnj at VVelsiT tnnlKht. Tomorrow afternoon he v III gpenk In Caldwell nnd In the evcnlnu he will' Hueak In this city. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Is a pure medicine, and contains In con centrated form, remedies recuKnlzi"! by the moHt skilful of tho medical profes sion as the most effective aKeiits for the cure of kidney nnd bladder diseases. CHAS. KOGIcns, DniKKlflt. GUN EXPLODED. Many Austrian Soldiers Killed During Military Manoeuvers Yesterday. VIENNA, Sept. 7.-Durln'ff" 'Austrian military manoeuvers today a big (tun oxiUx!hK kllllnir four, man 0iUrlvUt,uJ fatally wounding eighteen. ;'AV goodmany consumptives would be cured and the worst case comforted and relieved by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Suggest It to those afflict ed. Tou should do this as a friend, CHAS. HOQEItS, Druggist. . ft