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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1900)
Til fe. MORNINO AiU'OBlAN,. 'AUitLA. 1KPTKMBKK t, 1900. 1 ...KNOX FALL SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND 5 C. H. COOPER h Tbe Leading House of Astoria THE MORNING ASTORIAN tkLkihoxc mi. All contracts for aJvertiHinu In the Astoi lun itrc inuJc on u Rimr mite of circulation four time larger than that of any purer (published or circulated In Clut aop county. TODAT'B WEATHER. poi'TLAM). rVpt. S.-Orcgim. cMr Inic In Urn tmth"rn portlim. shown In the northern portion Washington, jliowgt. AROUND TOWN. 'Ico cream SOo a quart at th parlor. Maa A Dawson, of Hklpnnon. wan In (ho -diy ymtenUy. No arrrata have Wn made by the polk for three days. Jcd'a Restaurant th largt 'iKie. A trial will convince you. and Dvit lS-cent rural, Rtiing tfun Rs uurnt. til Commtrclal street Today the Potter will make her last trip from Portland direct to Ilwaco, Mr. and Mrs. J. F- Moor, of Port' In ii J. aro the gurata of A. J. John ton. J. H. Hamilton and family have re turned from a trip to Southern Ore gon, Tho aong: "Oh. What a Difference In th Morning." wm quit popular yva trrday. Mint Ruth Cowing, of Oregon City, U in the city, a gurat of Mlsa Ethel Winn. Jmr report: Wind north weat. light weather cloudy; bar amooth; nothln In alKht. Frank Fplttlo will leave ahortly for u two week' vacation In the Cascade mountalna. Yesterday waa a Chinese holiday and many flam were thrown to the brceio In Chinatown. Many fiahormrn wore out on the jnlddlo aanda yesterday catching aal mon trout. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Imiulr at 427 Tenth itreet, cor, Irving avenue. Wanted Two furnlahed rooms with board, In private family. Addresa "It. Atorlan Office. The beat and cheapeat tailoring In the city at A, KILJUNEN. 621 Com tnerelal Street. Th Del Norte passed out yesterday fur Sun Francliteo with a general cargo from Portland. Astoria vlelton to Portland can ob tain copies of the Dally Aatorlnn at the new stand of B, D. Rich. The ateaniahlp Columbia arrived In yesterday from San Franclaco. She waa light In both freight and passon gers. The ateamer Electrlo has been re chartered at the quarantine officer's boat for the flacal year ending July 1, 1001. Nothing will be done by the county court regarding the rood and poll tux levy, until the October term of the court. Hnrry Hamblet left Inst night for a visit to his former home In Newbury port, Mass. Foard & Stokes and the Pacific Sheet Metal Works of this city have very creditable exhibits at the atreet fair In Portland. Tho steamer Walla Walla Is detained In quarantine at William's Head, near Victoria, D. C, because of a case of smallpox on board. When you want a stylish new suit made cheap, call on A. KILJUNEN, 5-'a Commnrclal Street. According to a letter- received from Rev, J. J. Walter In Skagway, physi cians have reported that his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Gregory, who received so much newspaper notoriety In Tacoma recently, Is of unsound mind. BEST 15-CENT MEAL; SUN RESTAURANT. RISING 0 HATS... w Hi Mi Hi Hi) SOFT STYLES Cream Pure Rye. America' finest whUky. The only pure goods; guar antord rich and mellow. John L. Carl son, sole agent W. Rvardon. of Midland. Mich., who la Interested In timber lund In thin county, panned throuh here yesterday en route to Seaside. ltiMm miIht w guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and sugar and flavor. It Is IS cms per pint at the Parlor. A moat wonderful clairvoyant and bunlnnsa medium will give readlnga dally, for a abort time only, at room li. Main Street House. Fleers, otx-n or olwtlnato sres, scalds and piles, quickly cured by Manner Halve, the most heullng medicine In the world. CHAH. ROOEItS. Druggist. The county court has been petitioned to make a monthly allowance for the support of Mrs. O. Henson. The court placed the matter with Judge Gray. The fall fluhlng aaaon on the Co lumbla river opens Monduy. So far as known no agreement as to the trice the fishermen will receive has been made, Itonlyn coal lasts ongr, Is cleaner and makes !.- trouble with stoves and chimney fluee than any other. Oeorgt W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone MIL The launch Comet, belonging to the Columbia RIvtr Tackers Association, left out yesterday morning for Shoal water bay, to be lined In collecting fish there. Monday, September 10, will be the last day upon which to pay water rates, In order to avoid the penalty of 25 cents which Is charged against all delin quents. Rain fell almost all day yesterday In Portland, but the flower parade came off as scheduled. Returning Astorlans state that the parade was a beautiful one. Governor and Mrs. T. T. Oeer are In Portland. Mrs. Geer was a member of a committee to Judge the floral decor atlona on carriages In yesterday's floral parade. Clark & Uuehanan, accountant ex perts of Portland, have been given charge of the county books for exam ination. They commenced work yester day afternoon. Fish Commissioner Reed has gone to Grant's pas to Investigate a report that a dam was built acroas Rogue river, which prevents salmon from reaching the spawning ground. All the usual services will be observ ed at the lUiptlst church tomorrow. Theme of tho morning sermon: "The Lent Orders." Evening theme: "Christ und the lawyer." Everybody Invited. Allen Holverson of West Prairie, Wis., says: "reopJe come ten miles to buy Foley's Kidney Cure." while J. A. Spe- ro, of Heliner, lnd says: " It Is the medical wonder of the age." CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Samuel B. Matthews, at one time Identified with the salmon Industry In Astoria, died In 8an Francisco recent- ly. Mr. Matthews from 1SiB to l3 ! acted aa foreman for M. J. Kinney and i will be remembered by nil of the old I residents here. I t I Al ",B --oreiun r.1:Kr,. eran cnurcn tomorrow: ,ngusn eun-1 day school (:30 a. m.! Norwegian aer vices at 10:45 a. m., subject. "The Messedneis In Serving Jesus." English lervlcea at 7:30 p. m subject, "The Prodigal 3o.v" All welcome. No ser rices next Sundny. Tho funeral of the late Captain W. A. Beeaon was held at South Bend Thurs day afternoon. It was the Intention to bring the remains to this city for In terment, but for reasons. It was not done. The widow and children of the deoeased went from here to South Bend to attend the funeral. An Associated Presa dispatch from Portland Thursday night was to the effect that the prise for the fattest Elk fell to Qulnltn lodge, but returning member aay there waa a mistake. Postmaster McDonald Is reported to have carried off the bun for being the leanest. Perhaps the Jqke ta on the postmaster. Honolulu, since coming under the folds of the Stars and Stripes, is mak ing rapid progress toward civilisation. A recent copy of the Honolulu Repub- illean itatei that a crusade has been commence! ag-nnst all Japs who sp pcur on the -streets wearing blmonm. The sheriff rounded up fifteen of th Mikado's auloct And they were given a lucturo by the Judg", The Ropubll can Is ut a loss to know what would happen should a company of "Hoot Mens" on thslr way to the Orient to fight for the quuun, drop Into the city, Captain Morgan, the submarine dlv r who was employed at Rooster Hoc to rulse the lost tug Fearless, found upon going down Into the water that Instead of the Fearless he was stand lug on tho deck of the old steamer llonlta that was wrecked on Fashion reef, about ten miles above Roostv Rock, In ISM. "Boot black Hklbbu" has been pre scntjj with a medal by the regatta committee for the high diving ixhltd tlons he gave during the regatta. It Is of gt'U, and has an engraving on one sld'j representing a boy Jumping from the tip of a Mle driver. Those who saw the lad's recklcse work feel that he Is deserving of the award. Pursuant to orders from Washington the lighthouse tender Columblns will leave out this morning for her new poat In the Sound. On the way up, the Columbine will visit the lighthouse along the Washington coast Majo Langfltt and District Superintendent Wurili.k came down from Portland yes ("relay to accompany the I'oluinMne on her trip. The ecrvleB at the Methodist enure tomorrow will be a follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 m. The subject of the morning ser mon will be: "Thy Curmi nt Smell of Myrrh and Aloea and Cashla." In th evening the subject will be: "what Doth the I-rd Require of Thee, but to Do Justly, Love Merc), and WaJk Humbly Ik-fore Thy Ood?" Chief Ha'lo.-k. while In Portland with the Elks combined buslnmi with pleas ure. Hi wus sure all the gooda re cently stolen from the Pee Hive had not been recovered, so went out on still hunt. A telegram received from him yesterday by Oflicer Kimball etate that he would return to Astoria to day; that he had located more Ilee 'live property and would remain over and bring It down with him. The Norwegian steamship Tyr, Gram master, passed In yesterday from Vlad Ivostock. Flherla, (o Portland for cargo of flour. The Tyr reports slg nullnu a I'nlted State transport hour., west, nnd reported all well, on August SI. In lat. M. long. 162 weat. On Sep' tember 3. the Tyr spokj toathe achoon er Altalr if San Francisco, seventeen days out, bound to Alaska, In latt t ide SS.10 north: Vnidtud-? 14230 west Shag rock, No Z. was blown to atoms Ve.lneslnv afternoon In San Franclsc.) ba. Tho explosion, raised column of wu.'r several hundred feet In the air. Ic Is not thought the spray and debn wss t! 'iivti as high rs when rock No. 1 war blowii up. Tie i was split by 2.000 pounde of nl'ro glycerine, which was placed upon the top of the r.ef which la several fet nmier the w ater. No drilling was done. Soundings have not yet been made, Mnf. M. E. Hoxter, who la In the city In the Intereata of the Florence Crlttenton Refuge Home, located In Portland, yesterday presented to the county court a communication In which the attention of the court was called to the needs of the home, requesting It to give Its proportion of the J2.500 per year, formerly given by the state leg Mature, for the support of the home, The amount asked of the county Is $62.50. The court decided to grant the request. Mrs. Hoxter stated In the communication that Clackamas, Colum bla. Union. Wasco, Raker, Sherman Jackson, Douglass, Lane and Yamhill counties had granted her request. The ateamer North Star, belonging I to the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Co. arrived In yeaterday from Bristol Bay, Alaska. The vessel had a rough time of It In Fehrlng sea, encountering such weather that It was Impossible to put In at Dutch harbor to enter at the custom house'. Otherwise the trip was a very pleasant one. and It Is well that auch was the case, because there was not aufflclent coal on hoard to run another day. The bark Harry Morse Is on her way down with the nack and employes of the cannery, and is expect- , ai.r,v. horn ulthtn the next wn dV M.,, of the season' work aa being good, WE ARE GIVINQ 2 time a many WITH Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts! Soda, Baking Powder GOOD TIME AND PLACE TO BUT. Great American Importing Tea Co 571 Commercial Street, Astoria, Or. A BlgPremlnm 01 With Try Furchnte Pears' Only they who use it know the luxury of it. Pears' is the purest and best .toilet soap in all the world. County School Superintendent Ly man, In a report of his apportionment of state school money, which he has submitted to the county court, says "Finding that a considerable number of th schools of the county were near closing, and that therefore all school funds available would be convenient and would enable them to complete the'r terms mote exactly, I have, with the consent of the county treasurer, today apportioned, a follows, the state school money reported to me by the treamir er: State school money reported by treaaurer, 15770.44; persons of school age in Clatsop county entitled to appor tlonment. March. 1900, 3.0&9; rate of apportionment per capita, $1.54.M Rl Is for Imprcvementsat the quar antln station were opened yesterday by Quarantine Officer Hantlngs. The work to be done coniriat In repairing an old do;-k, repairing the old cannery building, and putting In a syatem of water works and aewerage, beside ren ovating three dwellings. J. W. Supre nant was the loweM bidder, and it ho been recommended that the bid be given him. Dr. Hastings has request ed the department to let the contract by wire so that the work can lie fin Wied b'J November 15. Th) bidder and blda follow: J. W. Suprenant, J7.060; J. A. Fastabend. $7,270; Ferguson & Houston. 57.166; C. G. Palmberg. 17.360; L. Leb-ck. 17,415. The specifications re quire that the work be finished within tlxtv d.iys" time. MIds Clara W. Vounj. who, during the past winter has made a specialty of teaching under W. Glfford Naah, of the department of music at the Uni versity cf Oregon, will open a claes for piano Instruction on September 15. Terms, 13.50 per month; lessons weekly. Lusene. Or.. June 10. 1900. Miss Clara Youiik has studied with me during the peat winter, and ha given me much pleasure thiougn Hex great interest, c.mclciitluun endeavor and hatlsfactory progress. Miss loung has become a pianist with a good technique and touch, and has aeqti'red the singing tone, whic h Is one of the strong points of the "Krause Method." I can rec ommend Mlns Young to all thoae who wish to study the piano, and feel con; fident that she will be specially suc cessful as a teacher. W. G1FFORD NASH. University of Oregon. Dep't of Music. (Formerly of Lelpslg and London.) A good story is being told on two of the city officials who were with the Elks in Portland. In their rush to get on their duck trousers, the two put them on over their Street dress. One of the officials found, after donning the trousers that there waa a narrow atrip of fringe down the eeama of the leg and that there were no buttons. He waa quit dismayed, until the other called his attention to the fact that he had put them on wrong sldj out. Af ter the parade these two were In as '.nuch of ft rush to don their street dress as they were to put on their uni forms. The one or. whom tha Joke was, took his ducks off and calted to the other to rush matters, which was done by merely pulling on his coat and vest over the white waist. After walking around the city. th one wtlh his ducks on. went Into a saloon and removed them; but forgot that he had a duck shirt on. Hal It not been for his fellow sufferer he would have gone out on tho stro?t with the duck shirt hang ing over his trousers, a la Chinese. Each took one on the other and made solemn vow never to mention their discomfort to anyone. The Warrenton Tribune, In an item on the cycle path says: Eight hundred dollars must be raised for the purpose, Porsnns subscribing for the path are not bound In any way until the eight hundred dollars have been subscribed, after which, the amount subscribed must be paid within sixty day. The association Is to be a permanent organ laatlon. for the purpose of making the beautiful Clatsop Beach a place of re sort, not only for Astoria and War renton, but for any other cities which will unite with us for a near place of resort. This will be no small task. The Warrenton people have subscribed over four hundred dollars this week, and earnestly solicit the co-operation Of the Astoria business men who re ceive a share of the trade of the people on this slda of the bay. People of Astoria, and other cities near by, who wish to have a scenic bicycle path to beautiful beach, a good outing, (only 30 minutea rldi from Astoria), 8hould not hesitate a moment to subscribe liberally for the project while every ef fort la being put forth. It will not only be a great blessing for Warrenton but for Astoria as well, where there are more people to enjoy It. Near Wapanltia. a little town about 50 miles from The Dalles, la a peculiar freak of nature In the form of a small. deep hole In the ground, from which the air rushea with auch great force that at tlms It can be heard a dis tance of over a quarter of a mile. For a period of six hours the air Is forced out of this hole, and then for similar length of time, it Is with great worce drawn back again, and so on without cessation, according to the East Oregonlan. About ten years ago, an old man, Hampton Key, bored tor well, and on reaching the depth of HO f'-et, the drill suddenly, and wlthou ny warning, fell for a considerable distance, and It was found that a large cavity had been struck and the al rushed from the hole with a tremend ou force. From that day to this the air ha continued, hour by hour and day by day, unceasingly and with reg ulurlty to be ft reed out for aix hours, and then drawn In for a like period of six hours, never falling, never dl mlntshlng. At time the air ruahee with greater force, roar and weird sound than at others, and the old set' tiers say that when this happens great change In the weather takes plas-e or a storm Invariably follows, and for yeari old Hampton Key was able to predict a storm or change of weather, and It wa found mere reliable than a barometer, and when a great storm wa predicted everybody prepared for it. The temperature at the mouth of the hole la always the same, about (2 degrees In winter and In summer. Tears ago the owner, always expert mentlng and inventing, connected this air by a ploe and ran It Into a milk house, and In the beat of summer the little mllkhous? was always cool, while on the outside all was sweltering, and in cold blasts of winter, when the mercury stood low In the thermometer, the little miikhouse wis kept 'warm Inside, and th9 old man stored all his potatoes and other vegetables there and they never would freeze. CHA3I.VO A 8TEAMSHIP. 6mallrox on Board Ail Patsengere Get Away. The steamship Queen of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company la In aerioua trouble with the government aa the re tult of neglecting to report a case of smallpox to the United States author Itlea at Port Townsend. The Queen came in from Skagway and other Alaskan ports to Tacoma with 135 passenger, a majority of them Eastern tourists. Some time after passing Port Town send it was discovered that the ves sel had smallpox on board and that at leaat one perron and probably aev eral more were very ill with the dls ease. The health authorities at Seattle were at once telein-aphed to with instruc tions to send the steamer back to Port Townsend with all of her passengers and freight. By the time the message waa re ceived In Seattle the Queen had dlsem barked all but a few of her passen gers and had gone to Tacoma to land the balance of her cargo. The marine oflicer at Port Townsend waa at once apprised of this fact and wired the United State marine officer at Tacoma to prevent the Queen from having any communication with the shore-, and to order her back to Port Townsend to the quarantine station, The, telegram stated that the vessel had evadid the officers at Seattle and that It waa of great Importance that tbe should be prevented from touching at any other point. This telegram reached the marine of fice at 7 o'clock, when the Queen had already landed the balance of her pas sengers and freight and waa on her way back to Seattle, having sailed at (.10. The deputy collector of the customs house waa requested to order the Queen to quarantine, but hla notification was received too late to enable him to catch the ateamer. Again telegraBia went flying to Port Townsend and back and the elusive steamer wa finally overhauled at Se attle and sent to quarantine. Mean' while the health officers of Tacoma and Seattle are on a vigorous hunt for the passengers who were landed, for every one of the 155, aa well aa the officer and crew, were exposed to the disease, and It is deemed necessary to locate them to prevent the spread of the scourge. It Is evldant that either some one at Port Townsend blundered In allow ing the steamer to pass without be ing quarantined, or that the steam' ship's off cers failed to make any men tlon of the case. tru9t!ng to land the patient at Seattle without being ob served. The government Is already apprised of the facta as far em they are known, and will order a strict Investigation that will fit the responsibility. . The penalty for violating the law re quiring the reporting of cases of con tagious disease is a fine not to exceed 15,000 In the discretion of the court REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John W Walker and wife to Ole Johnson lota 8, i 5 and 6, block 2, Knappa; $50. Grimes Grove Land Company to F. A. Schoope lota 4 and S, block 7, Grimes Grove; $i90. Grimes Grove Land Company to Al fred S. Bennett lota 1 to 4 and 15 to 17, block 4, Grimes Grove; $500. COUNTERFEITING Was once punishable by death in Eng land, a fact which led a Judge In pass ing sentence upon a man convicted of that crime to cay: "I can hold out to you no mercy here, and 1 urge you to make preparation for another world, where I hope you may obtain that mer cy which a due regard for the credit of our paper currency forbids you to hope for now." This was certainly se vere, and yet counterfeiting of any na ture deserves rigorous punishment One which has occasioned much misery Is the Imitation of the well-known dys pepsia cure, Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. Don't be deceived. The genuine ha our Private Revenue Stamp over the neck of the bottle. Try it for In digestion, constipation and biliousness. CAPJIOUNEM Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex posed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical Remedy against all Vermin. Fisher Bros., Agts.9 Astoria Oregon. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. t . A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets Pacific Navigation Company Steamers-,Sini II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison" Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, liobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Kail road k Navigation Co. and also the Astoria A Columbia River K. R. for tac Francisco, Portland and all point east. For freight and passenger rates ap;dy t, Samuel Elmore 6c Co. General Agenta, ASTORIA. ORE. Agents WEDDING CARDS Cflos W. G. SMITH & CO., VISITING CflSDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPEH PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS FOUNDED A. D. 1710 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OF LONDON THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash Aats. - n.Oo,ooo Cast AimU In United States, ,616,03 J. B. F. DAYIS & SON, WrXFIELD S. DAVIS BURT 215 Sansome Street, - SAMUEL ELMORE BOAT FOR SALE. On the stocks at ahlpyard. Shoalwa- ter bay, excellent hull, ready for launch ing, Intended for aloop yacht for pleas ure and raclnv, about 53 feet over all In lentrth. Can be easily changad for graaollne power. For particular apply to C. C. Dalton. riwaco, wasn. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The board of equalization of Clatsop county, Oregon, will attend at the office of the county clerk of Clatsop county, Oregon, September 14, and dally there after, Until and Including September 29th, to publicly examine the assess ment roll for the year 1900, and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other prop erty; and It shall be the duty of all parties Interested' to appear at that time and place, -for the purpose of cor recting any errors that may appear in said assessment rolls. C. W. CARNAHAN, Assessor of Clatsop County, Oregon. PORTLAND STREET CARNIVAL EXCURSION RATES. From September 5th to 15th Inclusive the Astoria & Columbia River railroad will make a rate of one fare for the round trip from all stations to Port' land (except from Astoria and points on Seaside division). Tickets good go ing on any of the above dates and re turning up to and Including September ifttn. HOW BRIGHT'S DISEASE STARTS. Indigestion, biliousness, blood poisoned with urea and uric acid (which should have been excreted by the kidneys), rheumatic pains In nerves and Joints, causing Irritation of the kidneys, then pains over the small of the back, mark aure approach of Brlght's disease. Do not delay taking Foley's Kidney Cure, for It makes the kidneys right. Take no substitute, CHAS. ROGERS, Drug gist. '" T -J H.F.Prae! Transfer Co Telephone 221 DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goo-Is Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. 533 Duan St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr Rea. Tel. 1UL ATOAPJJG 0. B. &. X. R. K Co., Portland. A. A C. B. R. Co., Portland. B G LAMB, Tillamook, Ore. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building. 4th and Washington 8ts. over Latt', POBTLAXD, OREGON. GENERAL AGENTS. L. DAVIS CARL A. HE2TRT - San Prandsco, Cal. & CO., AGENTS. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. PARIS. Aug. 14. American whlsklse received the official approval of the ex position today when the first award for merit was made to Bernbflm Bros., Louisville, Ky on their L W. Harper whisky. POSSIBLY Yob Arc Not Aware of the Fast Time "r AND ';r SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BY THE i ' WE HAVE 2-DailyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train. travel via the evening train. Both are finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In Urn saved to ' Omaha, Chicago Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Other Eastern t'oints Tlcketa good via Salt Lai City and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE' OVERLAND LIMITED. Tlcketa and elcrplng-car WiV.s er. s.-jr.-.! Trc. Agent O. R. A N. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent. 135 Third St, Portland. Or. 1