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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1900)
TUW MOItNIM AHl'OltlANj . WJ&MKSCAY. SKPTKMBKH ft, 1 900. I ..KNOX FALL SHAPES RECEIVED TODAY STIFF AND j C. H. COOPER ') . The Leading House of Astoria THE MORNING ASTORIAN TCLEI'HOSK 661. All contnuU fur lulvcrtiHinK In m Astoiinu nrtt inuJc on u Riiur. ii n tec of circulation, four time, larger than lliut of uny paper published or circulated in Clat nop county. TODAY'S WEATHER. PORTLAND, fc-pt. O.-Oregon, show n, probably warmer. Washington, cloudy mil threatening with liwrr In the rantern portion. AKOUNl) TOWN. Curfew now rln at $ o'clock. les crram 30o a quart at tbs oarlor, There was no police court ymtlinlu afirriHKin. William l.U'-r, of H Mit wi a vlsl tor hut yrstcrdayi Host 15-cent meal. Rising tiun Km taurnnt, 611 Commercial street Jilt Restaurant the largest and tint, A trial will convince you. Mr. and Mm. t A. Dixon, of Ban Francisco... are ut thn Occident Mr. and Mr. It. I). Kent, of Grays rlvrr, were In the city yesterday. W. A, Anderson and wife, of Tort land, are rralatered at tit Occident. 11, 8. McClowan. the canneryman. of C'Ulnuok. It regis terd at the Occident Alfred Davis, of the Cathlamet Oa aette, a a vtaltur In the city yeter- day. Benjamin Woraly, of Bvenaen, same down from that plot on luat night' train. Mr. John Granger and daughter, of Jeffersonvllle. I nd.. are at tha Parker House. Mr. and Mr. Thotnaa Telford, of Taeoma. were at thn Parker House yesterday. Mm. U Tillamook, luat night. Boluman and children, of came In on the Uarrlaon Mr. and Mr. Jam P. Lovett and children, of Orwm City, are visitors In llio city. Customs' Inspector MeRrlde and fam ily have returned from a vacation to 1ht Inland. Frlti Johansen. of Cathlamet, pass es! through here on hit way to Port Unci yesterday. Wanted Two furnished rooma with board, In private fajnlly. Address "R," Aitorlon Oftlce. Tht brat and cheapest tailoring In tha city at A, KILJUNEN. KM com rnerclal Street. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at 427 Tenth street cor, Irving avenue. When you want a xtyllah new ault mad cheap, call on A. KILJUNEN, 622 Commercial Street. A Chinese woman, the wife of Chin Yung, died yesterday morning after an lilt ens of several months. George Cornwall, editor of the Co lumbia Ttlver & Oregon Tlmberman. wa In the city yesterday. Axol Carlson and Peter Peterson, both natives of Russia, wera granted full cltlicnshlp papers yesterday. Prof, W. W. Payne, having success fully paased ao examination taken lust August, has been granted a atato li cense. See "The Brownies In Fairyland" to night at Flsher'a opera house. 8eats are now selling quite rapidly at Grif fin A Reed's. Take the little ones to Flshor'i op era house tonight and aee the funny little "Brownies." They will sure-ly en Joy themselves. Sheriff Llnvllle returned yesterday from Salem, where he placed Martin Empo, of Blind Slough, in the state Insane asylum. ; j BEST 15-CENT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. RISING Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi SOFT STYLES Hi Hi Hi Mrs. 8. O. Curtis and children cam In last night on the Harrison from Tillamook, They are on their way to Portland. Captain Day, Inspector of the light house district, arrived In the city last night and will go out this morning with the MnnsMiilta. , Cream Pure Itye. America's finest whisky. The only' pure gmds; guar anteed Hon and mellow. John I Carl son, aole agent Iletin mlx-r we guarantee our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and sugar and flavor. It la It cents Pr pint at the Parlor. A most wonderful clairvoyant and bualnes medium will give rradlnge dally, for a short time only, at room It. Main Street House. Ttoalyn coal lasts longer, la cleaner and mukca las trouble with stoves and chimney f1ij.- than any other. Georgs U Sanborn, agent. Telephone Hit The Callender Navigation Company of Knnppton, with a capital stock of 113,000, has filed urtUlm of Incorpora tion with thn secretary of slute of Wunhlngton. The effort of the restaurant and lunch counter m-n to l.ave a high li cense placed on lunch wagons have been rewarded by the itfUMrinq of an ordinance In the council. " Tlie government locks near MiMlnn vllle have been completed and that pluce Intend celebrating the opening by a atreet fair and carnival on the ::h. 27th an J 1'Sth of the present month. Go and enjoy an evening of pleas ure tonight at Flsher'a opera house and see 'The Hrownles In Fairyland." It will be the opening performance of the seoaon and the house, no doubt, will be crowded. Superintendent of Streets Kearney report that the I')0 feel drain bog. in AJdrrbrook, near the Scandinavian can nery, haa been finished. It waa put In for the purpviee of draining the swamp In that vicinity, Alex Gilbert. In a letter from Parla, elate that the exhibit of fish sent there by Mr. Kinney la a credit to the state of Oregon and the Columbia riv er. He expect to return here some time In November. At the Parker House: F. W. rres- ton. Warrenton; C. H. Pook, Dayton; Oeorgo A. Thomas. San Francisco; A. J. Aspnas. Horopter; A. L. Green and wife, Naheotla; Peter Peterson, Hay Center; I. M. Smith. Mlaa Amy Powell, who la at present attending school at Cambridge, Mans., ha written ' to the achool board re questing a leftve of abmmce for one year. Miss Powell taught In the high school the past school, year. A liberal reward will be paid by Mrs. 8trowbrldge. Ruvker building, for the return of a small gold watch, on the back of which are the Initials "E. A. S." The watch was lost yesterday between tha postolllce and Loeb's liquor store. The water commission have been pe- iiuonea oy retmiems or umomown to HATS- extend the main on Taylor avenue. A witness, was present and told the court nnllll.iH a fctnatA t haa- tnli Mi aIhIuI.1I. -. - I ,,-i.m.m. iu a. imvu-,,K ....... .u on Duane atreet between Thlrty-sev- cnth and Thirty-eighth haa also been j yiiat iiiiu. . ouu, (inwi " Constable Kelly for Interferfhg with that oltlcer In the discharge of his du ties came In from Westport yesterday to appear and answer to the charge. The case was postponed until this af ternoon at 1:30. At the Occident: A. Lewthewalte, George Rroughton, Oregon City; D. L. Rpsenfleld, A. M. Haradon, Portland; J. A. Luckel. W. G. Martin, Portland; James C. Murray, San Francisco; J. Hemmlngway, Cincinnati; It. S. Fisher, 'alo Alto, Cal. The quality of beer now being brew ed by Astoria' progressive brewer. John Kopp. Is gaining a reputation all over the Pacific coast for Its unsur- passing excellence and superiority over the many questionable liquid turned out by other breweries. Qulnlln lodge, B. P. O. E., met last night and completed arrangements for going to Portland tomorrow. The boys will go In a special train covered with banners and accompanied by a band, A glorious time la anticipated and will be had, as tha Elk have the reputation for never doing anything In a half hearted manner. A painting rWntly finished by Wll- llam llcker at Hwopr' was token to Portland yesterday. linker has yet many uiifl,nll'd piece of work that will compare ; favorably with the one now lit powicsKlon of Dr. Est.. and entitled "The Old Von." The Grimes Grove Ind Company yesterday -lied a deed for record grant ing to the public ths right to use the tide land In front of Its property at S a- slde a a driveway, but reserves the right to take clums and crabs from the probity, to the Inhabltunta of Orlme drove. Captain Gregory, with the light-house tender MantJtnlta, will take lightship No. 07 out to I'nialllltt reef this morn ing. Captain Day. Inspector of the lighthouse district, ram down from Portland last night and lll accompany the Maniunlta on her trip. IJefore re turnlnir the Manxiinlta will visit a numlH'r of lighthouse on the Oregon coast, Owing to a inlHiimPTsiandlng. Coun- cllmn t'txlnger, Hcherneckau and Hair sen hHd a council meeting of their own Monday evening. They hail for gotten that the council, at a meeting January 2. of thl year, ruled that when a day set for a m-tlng of the coun- ell fell on a legal holiday or nonjudl- rial day. that the tntetlng would be held the following day hi the usual time and place. The funeral of William Honhnrdt was held yesterday aft-rroon from Pohl's iindi-rtak ng eataiiiisnm-nt. i no run eral siTVlci-s were conduct ?d by Ilev. Father U'ne. of St. Mary Catholic church. After the conclusion of the s rvlct- at the umb-rtuklng estabth- mcnt the remain were u"romianlel to Greenwood cemetery by a di-l,-gntlon of Fur.-slfrs, of which order the deeas- e'l waa a memlH-r. The reirt of the superintendent of Ntreets In reference to the rotten cndl- Hon of Seventeenth street between Commercial trt"-t and Franklin ave - nue, haa been mode none to soon, and muiit be acted upon o.ulckly or the city may be defendant In some damage Kults for Injuries. The stringer and under - pinning of the ure-t are Mild to belaud dlht-useed the of having In a very rotten condition and liable to go down at any time. On Fraeer river the pack Is reported lo be verv low. The run ha been the poorest for many season. The total pack there Is much lees than a third of what It wa last year. The fluures aa given by the cannom approximate l.TO.OiK) cases, whl.h la 3S0.3S3 case be- low that of last r. when the pack amounted to &10.3S3 cae. In MS the pack wa 2'-.101 caaet. and In 1897. 80,- 419 cases, over alx time aa high aa the uuck of thla vear. lteglnnlni Saturday. September 3, the A. C. It. It. will make the following change In train schedule on the Sea- side division: Leave Aatorla dally at 11:35 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.; arrive at Astoria dally at 7:40 a. m. and 4 p. m. After Saturday. 8epUmber 1. the Sat- urday afternoon train leaving Portlund t 3:30 p. m. will be discontinued and beginning Saturday, September 8, the regular Saturday evening train out of Portlund will be resumed, leaving the V'nlon depot at the usual hour of 6:55 p. m. When the postscript to the letter sent by Councilman Goddard. In which he wrote. "And Ood will give you light." was read Councilman Vtxtnger did not think it proper to file the letter on record with the word " Uoa ' in It, o he moved that It be atruck out. This waa objected to by Councilman Parker, who remarked that It was the name of a good man and should remain there. The mayor waa also of the same opin ion as also were the other members of the council, Utiinger Included. It waa a caae of being misunderstood, on Councilman Utzlnter's aide. E. F. Kramer, who waa arrested on an Information charging him with rob bing his employers, Relth and Larson. at Lewis and Clark, had his prelimin ary trial yesterday afternoon In Jus- tlce Erowers' court. Kramer plead guilty to petit larceny and was sen tenced to pay a fine of $100. which is eoulvalent to 60 days in the county lali t w Helth. the comDlalnlnir lhat Larson missed nirrerent ums of money occasionally and was at a loss t0 know wnere t0 place the blame; tnat he wronsrlv accused another voune I man in his employe, and was about to give up the search until one morn- WE ARE SELLING China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Silver Plated Ware, Jardinieres, Agateware, Kitchen Ware, AT AWAY DOWN PRICES COME JUST TO SEE, GOOD TIME AND PLACE TO BUT. Great American Importing Tea Company-" 671 Commercial BtH Astoria, Or. , PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Ing, when Kramer packed what feW be- longings he had In a vails and wa about to leave the place. Out tit cur- loslty Larson picked up the satchel, which waa a amall one, and found ;hat It weighed more than It ordinarily Would have did It contain clothing only. The satch4 wo opened and all the money lost was found Inside. As the full amount was recovered. Judge Hrower waa Inclined to be lenient with Kramer, who doe not appear to be I overburdened with good ne, The talk made by many of the Coun cllmen In favor of raining the salaries of the flrifwn were masterpiece of oratory, especially the one mado by t't xlnger. When he spoke of the difficul ties) the fire boys encountered In their huzittdoos duties; of the feeling of rest fulnee that corns over property own er when they He down at night se cure in the thought that the fire boy Mnuld orntect the lives anil urotwrfv , )f ,h(. tMunm. and the tnat fme would hav were the firemen to be !nxy and Incompetent; he spoke the sentiments of all the citizens of As toria. It I to be rgmt-;d that three of the couru.'llmen could not ee mat- t-r as the remaining Member of the council did. Ik-cause of a scarcity of lumber, the ,mr(,vwm.nt of mhny f ,he trrt.u wl, necessarily be done slowly. The Clat sop Mlllfl) Company, which furnishes most of the matt-rial, had no logs un in yesterday ami it may be mat a sufficient ouantltv of fhi-m were r- clvM , Kivt tn ,.(,nlrartor, iumw.r yet every one having aln et work und r contract petitioned tlie council for more time. It waa stated by some of the councllmen that the representatives of the mill said It wo their intention to raise the price of lumber more than any other mill be.'iue of their ina blliiy to obtain the money from the contractors until many months had passed. The contractors have to wait on the council for their money and the mill Is forced to wait alio. One coun cllman favored buylnsr, the lumber out 1 side the city If the price of lumber is I raised. The Columbia River Fishermen's Un- 1 on held a meeting Monday evening I the present lishlng laws amended o las to protect the fishing Industry, and of compelling the officers to enforce the law to the letter. The union ap pointed a committee wtioee business u "i te 10 can on tne DUMiness ana cannery men of this city and ask their aid in the mutter. Printed representa tlve of the etate and a committee from the union will go to Salera to confer with member of the legislature at the coming session of mat twvly. Thomae Nelson. Paul Staglund, Frank Welrti and u. M. Lrfrentson were named to act Ia the committee to solicit aid. A. L. Mattson. Puul Stagland. Martin John n- Trta right. Frank Elg. C. P. Pelewon and Frank Welsh were elected a trustee to serve during the ensu Ing year. That Captain Benson of the launch Ionore met with foul-play la an es tabllshed fact, and every effort 1 now I being made by the authorities to fa I ten the crime upon the men, Gate and Olaen. over whose net the launch ran I and who brought the Leonore to South Bend and claimed aalvage. The fish I ermen were arrested and placed In Jail pending the finding of the body, which ai done yesterday morning. The throat of the iutaia waa cut from ear to ear and the skull crushed. An au- topsy was held yesterday afternoon, and It may be that the coroner' Jury will find sufficient evidence to warrant holding the fishermen. Both are now In Jail at South Bend. The remains will be brought here for burial within a few day. The dead man waa known to have enemies among the fishermen, because he had run over many nets. and was shot at several times while working here on the river. The last will and testament of the late Alexander G. Metier was filed for probate with the county court yester day. Mlna A. Megler, wife of the de ceased, la appointed In the will as exe cutrix without bond. To Mlna A. M?g ler the deceased bequeathed all prop erty, real, personal and mixed, to be disposed of In any manner she may see fit, subject only to the payment of all Just debts. Mrs. Megler 's request ed at such time as she can conven- (ently do so, to give from the proceeds of th .,. tinn th. foiwin.- nme per90ns. -8teri Mr8 Emma hi. nniiM- aw p rih Stephen Glrard. John Glrard; bis niece, Minnie Glrard. all of Hoquiam, Wash.; to his nieces Amelia and Estella Weln gart, and nephew Isaac Weingart, of New York City. The will waa made October 31, 1S99, and witnessed by E. O. Rogers and J. R. Bennett The court appointed O. Reed, 9. S. Gordon and K. Osburn as appraisers of the es-i tate. "ly P. L. Cherry, the British vice-consul. was a caller at the sheriff's office yes terday afternoon, for the purpose of learning the present location of the four sailors who were taken from the British ship Cedarbank. The men went to the vice-consul and claimed his pro tection when they were arrested and he did all within his power to assist them. After they had been sentenced to the county Jail, Mr. Cherry felt that It waa his duty to do all he could for them after they had obtained their release, but to his surprise he learn ed yesterday for the . first time, that they were in Portland and breathing the air of - freedom. He thought It rather strange that they did not call on him after their release, and was loth to believe they, were out of Jail until he was shown the records by the sheriff. The sailors' flnea were paid on August n, ahd they left the city im mediately. Where the money came from no one know positively, but many are of the opinion that It was a sailor boarding house scheme. Last night' Telegram contain the following Interview on the railroad sit uation across the river: "That was no bluff on the part of President Mullen, of the Northern Pacific, when he said he would build down the north bank of the Columbia to Portland In case he could not get trackage rights over the O. It. & N." said a well-potted railroad man yesterday. "I believe the portage road will soon be furnished funds, and that the Northern Pacific will furnish them, a the road will be a valuable link In a through road to Portland. By building the line," con tinued the railroad man. "the North ern Pacific would be In a position to defy competition. It would have a powerful system. It realize that Port land will always be the most Import ant grain port of the coast, because of easy grade and short hauls, and on no account will be shut out from tak ing an active part In the trade. It 1 folly to expect the road to haul grain tt Portland through Tacoma. A direct line 1 needed, and I am confident such a line will be built, unless the road I afforded trackage right by the O. R. & N." LIGHT ORDINANCE PASSED. Dolnga of the City Council Tersely Told. The City Council met last night and much business was attended to. Coun cilman Goddard. who is at Grays Har bor, waa the only member absent when he roll was called. A petition from E. A. Larson for a liquor license, and one from the prop erty owners on Duane street, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth, requesting the council to improve the street Its full width, were read and placed on file. A communication from Foard & Stokes, requesting the council to see them before purchasing water hose, was referred to the street committee. The very amusing letter from Coun cilman Goddard requeetlng a leave of absence for two months was read and the leave granted. A report from the superintendent of streets, stating that the condition of Seventeenth street from Commercial to Duane was dangerous to life and limb and requesting the council to attend to the matter Immediately, was read and referred to the street com mittee. The ways and means committee rec ommended the payment of $9.90 to H. A. Wherlty and the same was ap t roved. Two liquor licenses were granted by the committee on health and police, The committee on streets and public ways reported that there were no funds available for the construction of a drain on Thirty-eighth street, and recommended that the resolution order ing the some be filed, which was adopt ed. The committee recommended the payment of claims of the Clatsop Mills Company aggregating $51.33; J. A. Clin ton. $25.50; the pay roll of the super intendent of streets, amounting to $100; the city surveyor. $73.80; N. Clinton 4 Son, $40.50; H. F. Prael, $10.15; Asto ria Box Company. $9.60, and Foard & Stokes. ' $2.10. The same waa adopted. The committee on Are and water rec ommended the payment of $8.89 to Ross, Hlgglns & Co., and the same was or dered. An ordinance authorising the ways and means committee to enter into a contract with the West Shore Mills Company for not less than 50 arc lights, the same to be of not less than 1200 candle power, and to be paid for at the rate of $7 a month, and placing the said company under a bond of $1,000 for the faithful performance of Its duties, was read for the third time and passed unanimously. The same was immedi ately signed by the mayor and repre sentatives of the company who were In the council chamber. Ordinances extending the time for the completion of a number of streets until October 15. because of the Ina bility of the contractors to obtain lum ber, were passed under a suspension of the rules. Ordinances confirming the special as sessment rolls on Seventh street from Bond street to Astor street, and Cob merclal street from Tenth to Eighth, were passed under a suspension of the rules. An ordinance appropriating $455 out of the road and crossing fund for the payment of N. Clinton & Son, and one appropriating $900 from the general fund for the payment of the Gutta Per- cha & Rubber Company was passed. An ordinance fixing the compensation of the chief of the fire department other employes In the department was rend f6r the third time and lost. A resolution Introduced by Council man Cook, requesting the council to declare its Intention to Improve Duane street from Fourteenth street to Sev enteenth street, was adopted. A requisition from the fire depart ment for feed and other necessary sup plies was read and granted. No other business being before the council, an adjournment was taken. HARPER WHISKEY GOT FIRST RE WARD. PARIS, Aug. 14. American whlsklea received the otficlal approval of the ex position today when the first award for merit was made to Bernholm Bros., Louisville, Ky., on their I. W. Harper whlaky. FALL OPENING OF MILLINERY. Wednesday and Thursday to give the ladles a chance of seeing the newest and latest effects. Patterns, novelties. MISS MEANT, Succ;ssor to Miss McRae. eUNEUti "AWtoPJQJS urn Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex posed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical Remedy against all Vermin. Fisher Bros., Agts. Astoria, Orecoti. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR CASH OR ON EASY PAYMENTS ik ilWuafsil i' " esaJBMaB Tht home of dickering Kimball Pianos, Kimball, NOTICE TO MARINERS. Change of Buoyage at Entrance to the Columbia River. The following notice to mariners re garding the change in buoyage at the entrance to the Columbia river ha Just been issued by the hydrographic of fice. Oregon Columbia River Entrance Change in Buoyage. July 25, 1900: Out er buoy, a black and white perpendic ularly striped first-class can buoy, marked with the letters "M S" In white, was moved and Is now moored In 33 feet of water outside the bar and marks the entrance to the channel across the bar. on the following bear ings: North Head lighthouse N. 56 deg. E. true (NE. by N. mag.). Cape Disappointment lighthouse N. 87 deg. E. true (NE. by E. E. mag.). Point Adams. lighthouse old tower S. 54 deg. E. true (E8E. E. mag.). Approx position: Lat. 46 deg. 16 mln. 14 sec, Long. 121 deg. 08 mln. 10 sec. W. July 25, 1900, bar buoy, a black and white perpendicularly striped first class nun buoy, was moved and is now moored In 24 feet of water on the crest J of the bar on the following bearings: North Head lighthouse N. 44 deg. E. true (N NE. mag.). Cape Disappointment lighthouse N. 87 deg. E. true (NE. by E. mag.). Point Adams lighthouse old tower 8. 51 deg. E. frue (E SE. E. mag.). July 25, 1900, Clatsop Spit buoy No. 0, a red first-class nun buoy, waa mov ed Into 23 feet of water and marks the northwestern point of Clatsop Spit, on the following bearings: North Head lighthouse N. 36 deg. E. true (N. by E. E. mag.) Cape Disappointment lighthouse N. 73 deg. E. true (NE. Vt E. mag). Point Adams lighthouse old tower S. 55 deg. E. true (E SE. E. mag.). July 25, J900, Inner buoy, a black and white perpendicularly striped first-class can buoy, was moved Into 23 feet of water Inside the bar, on the following bearings: North Head lighthouse N. 14 deg. E. true (N. 94 W. mag.). Cape Disappointment lighthouse N. 63 deg. E. true (NE. ? N. mag.). Point Adams lighthouse old tower S. 50 deg. true (E SE. E. mag.). There Is generally a heavy sea be tween this buoy and the bell buoy. July 27, 1900. Peacock Spit buoy No. 1. a black first-class can buoy, was moved Into 22 feet of water and marks following bearings: North Head lighthouse N. 12 deg. E. true (N. W. mag.). Cape Disappointment lighthouse N. 71 deg. E. true (NE. E. mag.). Point Adams lighthouse old tower S. 46 deg. true (E SE. mag.). COUNTERFEITING Was once punishable by death la Eng- It U easy to obtain a good one. Where no local dealer tells them, we will tend a piano or organ for a small cash - payment, balance in monthly payments. Two years' time to finish purchase if desired. We would like to explain our method. We will send an instrument guaran teeing satisfaction, or the piano may be returned to us at our expense. Catalogues free for the asking tell all about them. Special prices and full information if you write. la Hew llt Balldlnr, 881 WaaMsstaw It, Fcrtiaat, Or. Pianos, Weber Pianos, Down, Needham and Great Western Organs land, a tact which led a Judge In pass ing sentence upon & man convicted of that crime to cay: "I can hold out to you no mercy here, and I urge you to make preparation for another world, where I hope you may obtain that mer cy which a due regard for the credit of our paper currency forbids you to hope for now." This was certainly se vere, and yet counterfeiting of any na ture deserves rigorous punishment One which haa occasioned much misery la the Imitation of the well-known dys pepsia cure, Hoetetters Stomach Bit ters. Don't be deceived. The genuine has our Private Revenue Stamp over the neck of the bottle. Try H for In digestion, constipation and biliousness. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to Frank Behneke 16 acres In section 19, T 6 N. R 7 W; pat ent Frank Patton. trustee, to G. J. Rum nlng undivided half Interest In blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, Warrenton annex; $5SS.75. Frank Behneke to A. M. Hotter 160 acres In section 14, T 6 N. R 7 W; $$50. The Grimes Grove Land Co. to Mary Stephens lot A. block 10, Grimes Grove; $63. M. J. Kinney and wife to Anna Pol lvka lot L In block 7, Gearhart Park; $200. C. E. Bain and wife to Rose Wlegand lot 1. Necanicum Grove; $325. PORTLAND STREET CARNIVAL EXCURSION RATES, 4 From September 5th to 15th Inclusive the Astoria & Columbia River railroad will make a rate of one fare for tha round trip from all stations to Port land (except from Astoria and points on Seaside division). Tickets good go ing on any of the above dates and re turning up to and Including September 16th. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between St Paul and St Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland. Oregon. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Guilder Dr. T. L. Ball DENTIST. i7S Commercial Hireet, ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schlussel'a Clothing Store. 1