t'RE M011X1NU ASTOMAN, SATCUL)A., Allidal 18. IUH) JOHN T. LIGHTER. 12dltor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, DAILT. Sent by mall, per year ItnO Sent by mall per month M Eerved by carrier, per month .M SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance U.0O FosUff tree to subtcrlbera. All communication! Intended for pT Mcatton should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kind and remittance muat be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astorian guarantees to lt ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia, river. i Adverttsinr rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. Pot I'rcsidcnt WILLIAM .H'KIMCY. Of Ohio. For Vioc-fresldcat THEODORE KOOSEVELT, Of New York; ARE MISSIONS HARMFUL? There are a good many shallow-brain ed Americans who will agree with the views, published in another column of today's Astorian, of the bigoted heath en w ho represents the Chinese govern . ment at San Francisco. He says: There are 500.000,000 of my country men. They are Increasing In vast num bers. They are quick to learn and taking these facts Into consideration. what would happen if the white race succeeded in forcing Its clvllixation and Its knowledge upon them? They will be able to manufacture guns and all the engine of warfare with equal fa cility. Under these circumstances Christianity might triumph and again It might not." The fact Is that China is already wak ing up and. as the allied forces have learned by the evidence of their own senses. Is well provided with the mu nitions of war which the mercenary traders and manufacturers of Europe and America have been and are ready to supply at high rates for the slaugh ter of their own countrymen. The greed of the great manufacturing na tions for trade has been for decades opening up China and supplying it with the means of holding the nations of Europe at bay. The horrors of arson, rapine, fiendish torture and massacre which have characterized the Boxer movement are solely due to the fact that missionary effort has not kept pace with the movements of trade. A careful survey of the situation can bring no other conclusion. Those who have been won ever to Christ!antty by the faithful la bor of Its teachers are the sole reli ance of the hunted whites in the in terior of China, not only of the mis sionaries, but of the traders themselves, and stories of their brave defense of their white fellow-Christians are al ready published. The Christian Chi nese are the greatest sufferers from the Boxer outrages, because of their known sympathies with the foreigners. It is only because their numbers are so small that the Boxer movement has assumed such proportions. Is there anv assailant of missionary work so blinded by his prejudices that he be. lieves that the now-existing serious state of affairs could have come to pass had a majority of the Chinese, In- rtead of a small minority, been convert ed to Christianity? British rule over India depends for its very existence upon the spread of Christianity among the Hindu and Mohammedan population of that great empire. The enforcement of laws nec tary for the public health and safe ty continually causes a clash with na tive religious prejudices. The English government thoroughly understands the situation and is an active supporter of the mission stations, which receive grants from the government treasury. The "yellow peril" is no figment of a perfervld Imagination. It threatens the very existence of our civilization and all which that vital term conveys. The only safety of the white races and the only hope for the perpetuity of our Institutions He In the Chrlstlanizatlon of the races which the mad hunt for trade are bringing Into intercourse with the Christian world. THE RACE PROBLEM. Of all the vital questions which con front the American people none bears so ominous an asp:-ct as the negro problem, The apparent Browing bru tality of the Aimrlean negro and the unquestionable rapid growth of prcju dice against him, resulting In radical antl-ncgro legislation and In the con tinual Increase In frequency and vio lence of public uprisings, portend an Inevitable future climax. We, of the North, In our supercilious egotism, expect lynching bees In New Orleans and other centers of anti-imperialistic Democracy, but when Inno cent negroes are hauled from street cars by an angry mob In New York City, and with difficulty rescued by a squad of police, with ropes already fastened about their ncks and after having their fads perforated by hat pins In the handsof representative ladles of our metropolis, simply because they are black and men of the same color have committed brutal outrages re cently In the same city, then we may well begin to Inquire whether we are a civilised or even a sane people. The extreme nervous temperament of the American people is responsible for these Inhuman outrages, which differ from the crAnes of the Boxers only In that the former are the product of the overwrought nerves of too-hlghly strung organlxations and the latter the product of cold-blooded, unrefined bar barity. Strange It Is that results s similar spring from sources so nntl podal! But such things could not happen In a British community, not because of superiority In the British character. but because of a vast difference In tern peranient. Where the Britisher has settled among the darker races he is ha,ted for the haughty Insolence of his treatment of the natives, which differs vastly from ,the easy-going familiarity of the average American In times of calmness. But the English are respec tors of law. and the life of the native of India under British rule Is as safe as that of an Englishman, though he receives me.ny a harsh word and blow from his lordly master. Consequently the English aje, as a rule, hated and respected by the darker races among whom they mingle, while the negro Is j fast learning that we deserve neither his regard nor his respect. The Increase of desperate deeds of crime by negroes who appear utterly regardless of all laws, human or divine. may well be in a large measure attri buted to the bitter lessons we have taught them. As consciousness that he will receive Justice In the courts incul cates In the mind of the Hindu respect for law and order, may It not be that the consciousness that there Is no Jus tice in America for a negro embitters him and leads him to commit serious crime? The whole race problem la one which appears far from a solution; and, like. all other deficiencies In public morals, j the crime of the negro and the crime i of his assailant can only be prevented by the mental and moral educution of the individual members of both races. That any system of education can re move the American tendency to sense less mob violence under great excite ment Is extremely doubrful, necessitat ing, as It would, the complete reorgan ization of the common nervous tem perament, or, whit would be equally beneficial, the supply of an inexhausti ble fund of self-control. GO EAST VTA SHORTEST ANDQUICKESTLINE TO St.Pau!,Dti!mh, Minneapolis, Chicago and Ail Polns East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through 1'alac anil Tourtat Hlteper Uliilug and llullt Hniiiktng Library Can Tickets to points Eafit via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Tbket Agent. Portland. WHITE COLLAR LiNt Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Qatiert leaves Astoria dally except Saturday at I p. ra. Leaves For .and dally except Sun dav at 7 a. ,o Whlte Collar Line tickets and O. R. A N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey Oaticrt and Hawaii). Through Port land connection with steamer Naheot ta trom Rwuou Mil Long Beach points. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Aft IT. B, SCOTT. Telephone 11L President O LlU nn To) TIM8 SCHEDULE ' PKPART Kroiii lorll.uU. A unit! ("Mini Salt Like. Penvor. Ft. rurtUnd Worth, Omsli, Kan- . special ms :i.v. M. Luute, P-' t IA. in Chicago and K.-l. Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Atlantic, r Wttrth.On.aha, Kan- j , m Kipres u City. Si. Umli.i P n. v'hlcaguaud Koai, Italia Walla, Lewltton,) Spnkane spokine. M It neap) I .t'ljer, Ut, ML l'Ul. liiluili,;8:u. p. m. Milwaukee, CliiiMguj t'lit Kl. I ) From Astoria OCEAN STI2A.M5HIP5I All Sailing; Dates tub 1 1 Jevt in change. I For su Fraucnoo all : May J., IS. IS. 13. I Colombia River Tarn 8tair.era I 4a mx ExiiuuUay To loitUnd a , Mu .lav Way Landing. I ' 1 - I From Portland . , E S? "ay & Sand'-V ' .Oregon Ct. Neither.. I SaletuA Way-Laud a. 7 a.m. ,WUU?", V !:,. .. Tnea.Thnr' ". 'Mo.i.,Vrd, auu ai vt-" i-m) wu, a , ana rn. naf-auuiu( i Kiparla Leave dly Snakt River. Hi pari to Lewis ten. t.T Lewlsto M a m daily 3 . to a. m. am WILt.AMETiK RIVRK 4.0 p. m. Mod, Wed h'riilay luei, Tnm1 rortlaud to Corvalll fiWiurday and way luidintis. O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent, Astoria. W. H. HCRLBURT. Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland, Or. It T, UXORIOUS 1 RAVEL THE 'Northwestern LlnVted" trains, electric lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, the finest trains In the world. They embody the latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling public, and altogether arc the most complete and splendid producton of the car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these n pert or accommodations and ail classes or tick ets are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." An trains on this line are protected by the interlocking tsiocK system. VT. H. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Agt rorti&na. ure. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTES TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fust Mall Line, or me mo uranae scenic unes. LOOK AT THE TIME Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3 Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining 'chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to Or C. O. TERRT, W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agent 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. N. A familiar name for the Chlcagj, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited'' trains every day and night vetween St, Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tions are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "Tha I Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, 1. W. CASET, C. J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt, Gen. Agt, Portlund, Oregon. Portland. Or. SOUTH n, mi t pirtK nii Leave I Sireeta. I Arrive overland ExpreM Trains fur Salem, Koaeburg, Ash land. Sacramento. 7:30 p.nl Ugdon, San Kmn- t.ll a. to Cisco, Mojave. Loa AiiKVlea. Kl i'aao. i S SO a.m New Orleans and 7:(X) p.m At Wood burn (daily except Sun day), morning train cottnectrtih train tor Mt. An gel, SiUtrton. Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for ML Angel and Silver ton. 1 17: JO a.m Corvallts paaaca- l:Mp.ra I er. 114:50 p.m 8herldan passen- i:Ua.m I ger Dally. HDally except Sunday, Rebate tickets on sale between Part land, Sacramento and 8an Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and ill teoond class. Including sleeper. Bates and th-ket to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. a KirkUnd. Ticket Agent, Vii Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave lur Oswego dally at 7:10. t:44 a. m.; 12.30. 1:65, 3:2s. 6:15, l iU. 1:04, 11:30 p. ni.; and 9:00 a. in. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland daily at 8:30. M0:50 a. m.; 1:34, 1:14, 4:30. 7:40, 10 00 p. m.: 1140 a. m. dally ex cept Monday; S:30 and 10 04 a. m. un Sundays only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Sun day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9 30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunaay. R, KOEH1.ER, Manager. C. II. MARKIIAM. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Aft LEG A L NOTICES SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clatsop, on tha 14th day of August, 1900, upi.n a jujgm?nt ana decree rendfred therein on the 2d day of March. 1814. in favor of J. W. Mlnnkir. plaintiff, and Agdinat I'ltlmlna D'Ella and Hen ry D'Ella. -defendants, for the sum of pwi.hu, together with Interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum, from the 4th day of March. 1891, leas the sum of !244.oO Interest paid, and the costs of and upon this writ com mnndlng and requiring me to make vale of the following described real proper ly, io-wii: All of the north one hundred feet of Lot No. 12 of Block No. 12. of the town of Astoria as laid out and recorded by jonn M. tsniveiy in Clatsop county, Oregon. , Notice Is herby given that I will on aionuuy. the 17th lav of September jsw. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day In front of and at the court house door In the city of Asiona. LiaMop county, Oregon, sell at public au"tlw to the highest bidder lor cash the above described real dpod erty. n atlfy the Judgment, Interest. costs ana an accruing costs. Astoria, Opgon. August l.V 1900. THOMAS LINVILLE. Sheriff. Clatsop County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United SfatH Land Office, Oregon Cl'y, Oregon, August 10. 1309. Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of cnngreM of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the salo of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extend ed to all nubile land states by act of August 4, ISM. Nicholas Winner, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this olTlce his sworn statement No. .1265. for the purchase tf the N. E. v, of section No. 12 in township No. 6 N., range No. 7 W.. and will off?r proof to show that the InnJ sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Mild land before the register and receiver of this oftrre at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 29th day of October. 1900. Hf names as witnesses: John Dick, of Astoria. Oregon, Al bert Beyer, of Asiorla, Oregon; Sebas tlan Glasser, of Astoria, Oregon; O. F. Morton, of Astoria, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are request d to nle their i-.lalms in this office on or befor.t said 5'ith iln t October. 1900. CHAfl. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE F07 PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, August 10, 1900. Notice Is h'Tebv irivn thdt In com. pllance with the nrovlslons of the not or congra or June 3. 1S78, entitled "An act for th sale of timber lands In the states of f'allfornln. Orearon. Vevml-i and Washlngtin Tr?rrltory," as extenl ed to all the public land states by act of Aiig.ist 4. 1X92. Albert Bi ver. of A . torla, county of Clatsop, rtato r,f Ore Ron, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 52M, for the pur chase of the fl. R. y4 irf Hectlf)n No. 12 in township No. 6 N., range No. 7 W., and will off-r pns.f to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to ald land before th register and re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Or egon, on Monday, the 29th day of Oct ober, 1900. He nnitifi as witnesses: John Dick, of Astoria. Oretron: Nlch- olai Wlsnor, of Astoria. Oregon; Se bastian Olastrtr, of Astoria. Oregon; O, F. Morton, of Astoria. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are request! to (lie their claims in this of flee on or before said 29th dav of Octo. ber, 1900. chas. b. Moonr;s, Register. I.ICOAt. MMICM, ADMINIaTItATOll'S NOTICE. N'otlca Is hereby irlven that thtt un derslgnrd has b.vii uiqiliti"d admlnla trntor of thu oatate of Jacob K. Lam em, iletwiaiil, ami all persons havln cliunm mutual aald estate tituat preaont uiiie, July verltled, lo the underlined at the onioe of Fulton Bros., attormys, m Aaiori'k, l'littt 1,'ounty, Urrgott wiinin six mount rront tuts ivate, C. W. FULTON, Astoria, Orogttn. Aug. S, 1W0. SHKHIITSI SALE. By virtue of an execution and ont. of nle Isauod out of (he ctrvtHt court of the stute of Oregon, for the county ... M . . .... ... . . muii'li on ue un tiny or August, i upon a Judgment and decrve forvclomir reo.liivd therein mi th my of AugiHt. I'M), m favor of John. iuiioiit, pinJiititT, .iiiil asalnst J. i Adams and Mary E. AiUnm. Clara 1 l'ark:r and J. Q. A. llowlby, rxecutoi or the will tf 1 E. IVuae, deceased defendants, for the mini of i2.o;j.oo. an interest on the sum of ll.600.on thervo fr un the 1.1th day of July. 1900 at the rate of ten per win per annum, the costs and llsliuieiiienta of lliia suit inxed ni 113.00. and the cost a of an upon this writ imiiiiii Hiding and reaulr lug me to initke sal of the following iicscrioeu rettl pro.M-ly. town; t ommenclng !n the middle of the Astoria South Coast Itallrond Com pnny's truck, which point Is located as follows. t.t: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Donation Land l lalm of 1. C, Cull.-mlcr, thnie north 9.3 ft. th-noe north 4 d-g. and 30 mm. west, S.4SS.8 ft., thence wei to aal point to begin frm. thence from al point west l.b.7.0 feet to the count loud thetie north 4 .lir nn.l 111 mln west !.". fiN.t. th-nce eiist 1 fii9J feet to the middle of ihi said ruiirond track thence southerly along suld middle said rulhv iy tr.uk t the place of he KinnliiK. contuliiliig 21 50 acres. Paid 1 sections 2? and JH. township 7 north, o range 10 west W. M.. id land being the same ai null convevnl tv Josluh Ve and wife to J. C. Ajuma. by deed bear Ing date September. Isu. ald d blng recur led at ue TNj, voluuid or le-ds of the U'iNrd of 'nii lounty, Oregon, together with the ten emcnts, her'dltanents nn.l appurte nance thervtinti b-U ruing, or In an wise appertaining. Notice .4 hereby given lent I will on Jioiumy. the HHh Jay if Scpieinb mv. at the hour of 10 o'clock In th rorvnoon of said day, in front of and at the court house door in the city Astoria, flats ip county. Oregon, i at piihllc auction to the highest hld.le i"r casn. me aoove iii acrini real prop .. Callender D. L. C. Ih-lng located In rty. or so much th.-reof n mny b ne cessnry to satisfy the Judgment, Inter est, costs and nil accruing cs:. THOMAS LIXVILLI Sheriff of Claia p I'ounty. Oreg.n Asiorui. uregon. August 10. l'7. SUMMON?. t.. . k .. i. .. . - .. o mi- , in-uii i. nun "f the state o oregon, for th. .'our-ty nf ClaUop. f.qultable Savlrgs and Ai::a n i". ii imnite corporauon. puilnlirr. va James T. Bull.u k and Vlletta Buliack, defendants. To Jnni's T. Rull.v k and Vlletta Bui- hick, net -niii.-rs. In the namo of the state of Oreon you are her-by required to aineftr and answer the complaint filed ngulnst you in the above entitled suit on or lfr the 29th lay of September. 19s), and If you inn bo to appear and answer, for want tnercor, the plaliitirr will apply lo said court for the relief demanded In the complaint, which Is In sulmtance as rouows: 1. Fr a Judgment against th de fendants. Jani" T. Bullai k and Vlletta uuiiacK. ror the sum of Ii:s.'3. with In terest thre-n at the rate of six rr rent per annum from the date of the filing in me compiaint. ana me rurther sum of tloO attorney's fees, and the costs ana nisnursemnts herein; 2. That the Hen of plaintiff's mort rage referred to In the complaint and being upon the following described property, towit: Lots numbered H. 19 and 20, boek numt)erei as. In the Port of Upper As. torla Inld out anil vcorded by John Adair, t lntsop county, state of Orearon be decreed to lie a first lien upon said promises nnd that said mortgage he foreclosed and sal 1 defendants and each of them be barrel of all equity and In terest In said premise except the stat utory right or redemption. .1. That In case said mortgaired nrem Ises shall not sell for a sufficient amount to ray said Judgment that plaintiff do nnve judgment agxinst the defendant James r. Bullock and Vlletta Buliack and each of thwn for any deficiency and thAt Dlaintlff have foreclosure for Its lien upon six shares or siocK In the Equitable Sav lng and Lo.in AssixMatlon destTlbed In the complaint. th c Ttltlcate thereof being numbered 2072; thnt the title or interest for the defendants James T. Buliack nnd Vlletta Buliack In said property be cut off by said decree and that thev be foreclosed of all Interest in snn nri'mise tnat sad nrunertv n. soki Bccoraing to nw to nt sfv th Judgment above reclt-d ami prayed for In the complaint, nnd f ir such oijv-r nnd further relief a to the court may seem meet and equita!)). i his summon Is published against you pursuant to an order of Hon. J. H. D. Gray. Judge of the county court of Clatsop eounty, state of Oregon, made by said Judge on the 6th day of August, 1900, in tho Weekly Astorlnn for six wei'M Immediately prior to the 29th dav of September. 1900. and the dnt. of th llrst publication of said ummons In said paper .Is August 10, 1900. CAKE Sc CAKE. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Nollri U hereby given that (he un dersigned, ns administrator of the es tate of John n. Hansen .dwead. has fll'-d his final account In the office of the county clerk of flats p county. Oregon, and that ;he county court of the htate of Oregon for the county of Clatsop has set Saturday, the loth day of Sorit.'inbcr. jaoo, t thf. hour of 1:50 p. ni. as thp time. ,,nd ihe court room of ,;ald court In Astoria, Oregon, as the place, for the hearing of any nnd all objections; to the approval and allow ance of snM final acount. All persons having objeriotm thereto are hereby notlfler to present the same at said time nnd place. Hated August 10. 1900. ARTHUR WILSON Administrator of ihe Estate of John B. Hansen, deceased. PAX TON, BEACH & SIMON, Attorneys for Administrator. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. U. fl. Engineer Office, Portland, Ore. July 27, 1900. ' Sealed proposals for removal of 12,500 cubic yards, more or less, rock, dredg lr.sr 229.500 cubic yards, more or less, material from the Columbia river, in the vicinity of Astoria, Oregon, will be received here until 12 m., August 27i POO, and then publicly opened. Infor mation furnished on application. W. C. LANGFITT. Captain Engrs. -KOAI. fiOTHM, NOTICE FOR PUMJCATION BSJBJSSaM United Plate Und OftW, Oregon City, Oregon, July T, iwo. Notice la heraby given tlfct In com Pllniue with Uie provisions of the act of congress of June I. 1871. entitled "An act for Ihe sale of tlmh, lands In the states of California, Oregon. Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as rxiciKicii to an punilo land states by act of August 4. ISM. Ottilia M. Lovan. of Asiorla, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this office her swum slotonwnt No. 5243, for the purciiaso of the H, V. V, of Section No, In Towiuhlu No. ( N.. Itansa No. 1 V nnd will oftor proof to snow that the land sought la mors valuable for it timber oi stone than for agrluultural pui'ix ,, and to natubllah her claim to ald land bofore the KegUur and iieceiver of thia office at Orun Uiy, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 3d day of October, 1900, mm name as wttnMi Julius Oarbe. of Olnev. Oreson. 8. bastion Olas?r, of Olny, Oregon, Jacob IVnk. of Olney, Oregon. John OUter, or iney, uregon. Any and all iorm claiming ad wisely the above dn rlbed lands art requested to ill their claims In this once on or before said Id day of Ooto- oer, iw, CHAS, U, MOORES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stale Land Office, Oregon City, iTvgon, Juiy i, iwy. Notice I hereby given that In com riianc wiin tin provuion of the aot of congress of June 1, IS.s, entitled ' An act for tha sale of timber land In I'te tat of California Orraon. tia. vado. and Washington Territory.' a r.Mi iuie.i to an nuuun laud state by act of August 4, William C. Logan, i t Astoria, cuunty of Clatsop, tat of oirgun. has tin day filed In Mil office hi sworn atatmnent No. 5242, for th purchase of tho B. E. i of Section No. lu Township No, I N Range No. 7 W., and wilt offer proof to how that the lund sought U more valuable for it timber or none than for agricultural purfoiei. and to ectabllsh hi claim to k.Md land before the Reglsirr and KiH-elvor of ihl office at Oregon City, "ivson, on Wrilnoaday. the 3d day of October, 1900, tie nnuiea as witnrtse: Jullll Garb-), of Olncv. Ormnn Re bastion Olaaer. of 01ny. Oregon, Jacob !iiik, of Olney. Oregon, John Olar, or '.'inry, uregox Any and all persona claiming ad veraeiy the abovj-daacrlbcd lnri.1 are ri';u.ted to tile their claim in this otlUe on or before the said 3d day of IMIIUIT, iWV. CHAS. D. MOORES. Register NOTICE OF F1HNO SPECIAL AS Br.HS.wh.M- KOLL NO. Si. Notic Is hereby given that the board of assessor haw completed the special assessment ror th Improvement of h ranklln Avenun from rat line of list street to east Hue of J. M. Khlvely' u. L. C. and have reported the same to tne common council of the City of As toria, and the same ha been nid with (hi auditor and police Judira and nam-it and numbered Uncial Assessment 1UI No. 2i, and the commltit on strerts ana puuuc ways of the common council or said city ha been appointed to meet with the board of asscsaor on the 2S!h day of Ausust 1900. at th. nour or z o ckxk p. m. or said day In the council chamber In the cJtv hall of sold city, then and turre to consid er, review, correct and equalise said Speclul Assessment Holl No. 85. Any person objecting to said special assess ment must file his objections thereto In writing with the auditor and oollc judge. II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge, of the City ui nsiuria. Dute of first publication, Aug. 10, 1900, NOTICE OF FILINO RPEOIAL AS SESSMENT NO. 34. Notice Is hereby given that tbe board of assessors have completed the special assessment for the. Improvement of seventh tret from the north line of Bond street to the south line of Aator street and have reported the aiune to the common council of the City of As toria, and the same has been filed with the auditor and police Judge and named end numbered HpocUl Assessment Roll No. 34. and the committee on streets and public way of the com mm council t said city has been appointed to meet with tho board of a-vosnor on the 2Sth lay of August. 19o0. at ho hour of 2 ociocK p. m. of said dny In the council hamlier In the city hall of said city. then and there to consider, review, cor rect and equalise nald Hpcclat Assess ment Roll No, 34. Any person objecting to said assessment must file hi objec- ion thereto in writing with the auditor ami police Judge, II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Date of first publication, Aug. 10, 1900. NOTICE OF FILING SPECIAL AS SESSMENT ROLL NO. 33, Notice Is hereby given that the board f assessors have completed the special assessmint for the Improvement of 'ommcrclal street from the west ttne of 10th street to the went line of 8th street id have reported the same to tho com- non council of the City of Astoria, and the same has been filed with the audi tor and police Judge and named and umbered Special Assessment Roll No, and the committee on streets and public ways nf the common council of suld city has ben appointed to meet with the board of assessors on the 28th lay of August, 1900, at the hour of 2 clock p. m. of said day In the council ramber In tho i?lty had nf snld city, then and there to consider, review cor ed and equalize said Special Assess ment Roll No. 13. Any person objecting to said assessment must file his objec tions thereto In writing with the audi tor and police Judg?. if. K. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City 1 Astoria. Inte of llrst publication, Aug. 10, 1900. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clatsop, In the matter of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un- erslgned has bean duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, or Clatsop county, administrator of ie estate of Jemima BKlbDe, deceased. All persons having claims against said state are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, a by law required, at No, 627 Bond 6treot, In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from the date heraof, Dated this 10th day of July, 1900. MAX L. 8KIBBEJ. Administrator of the estate of Jemima Sklbhe, deceased. LKIIAL MtTltKN . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stale Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, July I, 1900. 'Nolle I hereby given that In compli ant with th provision of (he act of emigre Piitltlod "An act for th sal of Umber land In th state of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nuvado, and Washing ton Territory." as exttmdud to all Pub llo I.aiid fcltai by act of August 4, lio, Luther Eager, of Seattle, county of King, tat of Washington, ha this day filed In till utile hi aworn ttatc iimnt No. (23H, for th purcluu of the N. R, H of Section No. 4 In Township No. t N Range No. 9 W and will offer proof to allow that th laud loughl Is more valuabl for Its Umber or stous than for agricultural purposes, and to atahiiah hi I'luliu to ald land bvfor the Register and Receiver of till offiu at Oregon City, Oregon, oil Friday, the SXth day of Bplambr, 1901. lie name wiucaae: Bartholomew J. Burks, of . Seaside Oregon, Jaine T. Uuikit, of Heaall. Orvgon Chard' llaruaugh, of Volga, South Dakota, William llurke, of Boa side, Oregon, Any and all peraoti claiming ad versely th above-dtfocrlbed lands art riui'td lo nitt their ulalma In till onto on cr bfor said KSth day of September, 100. C1IA8. 0. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nltvd Stale Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1. 1)00. Nolle U hereby given that In com pliance with i In provltlvus of th act of congns of Junt I. 117. ntltled "An act for th sole of limber land In the state of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory." as XU'iidud to all Public Land Slate by act of August 4, Mi. Charle Kar naugh, of Volga, county of Brookings, slat of South Dakota, ha Ibis day filed In this offic hi sworn statement No, 4337. for the purchase of the N. W. M of Section No. I In Township No, i N Bangs No. 9 W and will offsr proof to ahow that th land sought Is more valuabl for It timber or stun than for agricultural purpose, and to establish. Ill Claim to a)d land be for tho Register and Ratvur of this office at Oregon t.'liy, Oregon, on Frlduy, th 2sth iluy of September, 1900. II name a witnesses; Bartholomew J. Burk, of Beuelda, Oregon. Jainr T. Burke, of Seaside, Orrgon. William Burke, of Seaside, Or egon. Luther Eager, of Bcattt. Wash lugton. Any and all persons claiming ad versely th above-described lands are re.ueid to file their claim in tht office on or befor said lath day of September. 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES, Reglsfr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. July 21, IisjO, Notice hereby given that th fol. owlng-nsmed ettier has nied notice of hi Intention to mak final proof In sup port of hi claim, and that said proof Will DO madtf liefon, lh iw.nntu ..I..-I. Clatsop ivunty, at Astoria. Oregon, on ' September 7, 19ml, vis: Harold iJmlira.1 n tr ... .. '' ev tltf3, t.'i ,h.'5 w- S",,l" . nd ..oi . r... h oection li, Tp. N., R. (In name the following Kir ,A prove hi contlnuou residence upon and cultivation of iald land. v: Nil Olsson Hial,lji ft...... nt . N'lva.iii, ii Anderson. Push. Oregon, Arne Frycih. Push. Oregon. Albert OIen. Push, or egon. CHAS. R. MO1RES. Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office vregon vicy. Oregon, July 21, 1900. Notice la hnrnhv lowing.nsmed settlor has filed nolle of hi Intention to maka nn.l ....., i. support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before th county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on August 31. 1900. via: William Row, H. E. No. 11549, for i in- n. r,. oectlon 1, i p. 4 N R. 9 W. He name th fniinwina, mi. ... - " ... i . i.i-i iu Prove his coiillnnmia and cultivation of said land, vis: Paul Ahn. A.f,.Hn o,..,.- . Johnson, Astoria, Oregon. Jonas Untln n. Push. Orea-on. Menrv inn t...h Oregon. ' ' CHAS. 11. MOORKB. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offic at Oregon City, Oregon, Juiy u, im Notice la hereliv irlven tli th. lowlng-named settler ha filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of hi claim, and that said Prjof Will be mn.U h..fnr ,h. clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Or- cuii, un flcrttemhna 1 IfMWt VIS! Nils Olsson. It. R Nri IlisK tnr the N'A nf H V, V. a w u . u m u Section 23, and N. W. A nf N. E. U Section ii. Tp. S N.. R. 10 W. Ha names the following itnuUI , prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Harold Llndstad, Push, Oregon, Ole Anderson. Push, Oregon. Charlie John-"-8n"lle. Oregon, C. O. Norback, Portland. Oregon, CHAS. D. MOORES. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereliv ulven Hint hn undue. signed ha been appointed administra tor of tho estate of William V. Schelbe, deneused. and all persons having claim against said e-tate must present same, duly verified, to tho undersigned at his Place of business In Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, within six month from iius uaie. JOHN HAHN, Administrator nf the Kutnio f wn. Mam F. Scholbe, decensed. Astoria. Oregon, Aug. 1, 1900. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Proposals for Potatoes nnd Onions: OHice Chief Commissary, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Aug. 15, 1900. Sealed proposal for furnishing and deliver ing Potatoes and Onions for seven montlis, beginning October 1, 1900, will be received lit Fort Stevens, Oregon, Bolso Barracks, Camp Osborne and Fort Sherman, Idaho, Fort Canby, Ca sey, Flagler, Walla VVn.Ha, Wright and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., until 11 a. m., Aug. SO. 1900, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Potatoe nnd Onion," and address to Commis sary of post to be supplied, or to Ma jor James N. Allison, Chief Commis