ME MORNING ASTOR1AN. SUNl'AV, JULY 'li, ItOO JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main t6L TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Seat by mall, per year.. ........... .10 Sent by malt, per month.. M Served by carrier, per month....... M SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per fear, in advance JIM Postage free to auDScrioers. All communications intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astonan guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap cllcatlon to the business manager. Pot President WILLIAM M'KIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODOKE ROOSEVELT, Of Sew York. More toan two months have, elapsed and Astoria seeois to have got along pretty well without the luxury of elec tric street lights. There would seem to be little difficulty in bearing with the sana tion for a while longer. Like asphalt pavements, electric lights are a modern metropolitan convenience; very nie to Lave, but like 60 many other good things forbidden to people of small pocket books. Twenty years ago a majority of the people of Astoria had perhaps never even seen an electric liibt. Astoria was a good town then ; some say a better one than she is now. The members of the citv council who saved the eitv the larve sura of money which would have gone to j pav for electric lights in the past two months, besides the liability for the thousands of dollars which the light company undertook to extort by its pro posed long term contract, have earned the everlasting gratitude of the taxpay ers, withont the slightest apparent de privation to the general public.' Asto ria's fight over the attempted light ex tortion will live a long while in the memory of her inhabitants, besides being an inspiration and encouragement to hundreds of other intelligent commcni nitiea in their efforts to emancipate themselves from the grasping tentacles f public utility monopolies, fastened npon them by improvident or co'rnptj municipal enactment. By all means let the good fight in Astoria go on. Let there be no let up or lag, nor si;n of weakening. In the language of a distin guished member of the Electric L:ght and Water Commission, the present is not an "opportune" time for Astoria to indulge in electric lights. Not having the means to buy electric lights, if some cheaper method of lighting the streets cannot be found, let us manage to get along without any, as the experience of the last two months has demonstrated that we can, until such a time as in the opinion of the au just electric light and water commission the time is opportune lor the resumption of that convenience. Lazy Livers are many time th causa of various d ww. Ninety per cent of the American people are cud to be troii I Jeil with liver and stomach complaints each as constipation, diz.iiicbs. indigestion, buiouaueaa, sluggish Uver.eto. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and cure theae His. The tablet act as a gentle laxa tive. Thi'V make the liver auil stomach do their duty aa they ahouid. The moat olwtinate cww yield to these little tablet. Tbey coat Z"c and can be procured at FRANK HART. I Successor to Th. Olsen, JOO-2 Com. St THE SOUTirs CIT.SR. The spirit of intolerance which: rules the South is well illustrnte.1 in the atti tude the Louisville Courier-Journal has been forced to assume toward the Bryan platform and ticket. Never wa9 there a worse case of stultification and cowardly submission to an ignorant and blindly prejudiced public senliuient thnn the change of that really great newspaper . trom n cuatupiousuip ot sonna money and expansion to free silver and the' demagogic cry of imperialism raised by Bryan. It is a sad and pitiable spec tacle. Both the editor and proprietor o' the Courier-Journal have publicly re-can ted their former political opinious and contrary to their couviction of what is for the best interest of the section they represent are now advocating the election of the Hrya ticket It is little wonder that the Soutk fails in progress and development. It Is little wonder capital refuses to go there for investment and that its best blood is forced to seek more congenial aud in telligent sections of tbe country for start in life. Yet the South erercis twice the political power as the same number of voters in the North. It is shame and a reproach and a menace at the same time to popular government that this should be so. The republican party has to obtain the votes to elect its national candidates at the North by in telligent discussion aud through the sheer merit of its' position on public questions. It goes Into the electoral col lege handicapped by the entire electoral vote or the South, cast for any candidate and any set of political principles the democratic party sees fit to set np and proclaim. Leading newspapers all over the country are apologixing for Mr. Watterson and hi paper, bnt for men of the intelligence and attainments of Mr. Watterson and the proprietor of the Courier Joarnal there can be no reasonable excuse. They deserve the severest condemnation of in telligent and honest men everywhere. No other commentary is needed on the diflerence between the North and the South than lo8ay soy public man or reputable newspaper in the former wonld be utterly and irretrievably ruined by sncb a shameless and confessedly sordid course as that pursued by Mr. Watterson and Mr. Haldemau. One of the bet discussions of their case is by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It makes the usual apology for them, but tells the facts in their case without palliation or drossingover. It reads as follows: The attitude which Mr. W. D. Halde man. proprietor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, has been compelled to take, both personally and in bis paper, is almost pitiable; yet every newspaper man can understand why be has been forced Into the position which he now assumes. Both Mr. Haidernan, the owner, and Henry Watterson, the editor of the Courier-Journal, were opposed, and are still opposed to every plank in the Chicago platform, re-enunciated at Kansas City. They are believers In the single gold standard; have no sym pathy with free riot strongly antag onize the proposition to reorganize the supreme court for the pur pose of securing a majority to overturn existing decisions; and In general are opposed to all the Populistic program of the so-called new Democracy. More over, on the one issue which the Demo crats are trying to force to the front in the East, that of anti-expansion, they are heartily in sympathy with th policy of the administration. Take it all in all, there is not one single issue before the country in the present cam paign in which these two prominent Democrats are not far more in sym pathy and accord with the Republican administration than they are with Mr. Bryan, to whom they have now felt compelled to render a perfunctory sup port. The explanation is simple, the rea sons are not far to seek. The Louis ville Courier-Journal has been for a generation one of the great Democratic newspapers of the South, . with a clientage extending over many states. As a property it has had extraordinary value. Four years ago, the proprietor and editor of the Courier-Journal, strong in their convictions of right and of the duty which they owed to the country, refused to support the Demo cratic program for a debasement of the national currency. They doubtlens believed that the strength and prestige of the Courier-Journal were too great for any serious Injury to result from its refusal to support the party nomi nees; particularly as the parer had previously taken a decidedly indepen dent attitude on many national ques tion, without loss of prestige. They did not allow for the bigotry and intolerance which are marked characteristics of the Bryanltes; but they soon learned. The tremendous falling off In business and the growth of rival newspapers with more elastic consciences, showed that a great prop erty would be wrecked If a change was not made. When the next election came around, the Courier-Journal was a healthy supporter of Ooebel and even endorsed the Goebel law, which It had previously allied in the bitterest terms. When It saw that Bryan was certain to be nominated, It gave In Its adherence to him. It fought strenu ously the threatened abandonment of the historic Democratic nttltud on the question of expansion, but when the Kansaa City platform wsa adopted, It accepted the bitter pill, and clung to Democracy and to the business office receipts. SW "'" ' nounres that he rronoses to vote for nryan. The. waaon wnloh ne C(m give for his changed attitude Is that he sympathises with the Boers. This I the nole point of harmony between him and Mr. Bryan, and this Is the only reason which he can publicly avow. The attitude of the Courier-Journal and of Its managers ought not to be criticised too harshly. The sacrifice which they made four years ago for principle must have amounted. In act ual dollars and cents, to an enormous sum. That vhey do not propose to be completely ruined, financially, for the privilege of giving expression to views which the people who take their paper do not care to read, says only that they ar? not ready for the martyr's death. It Is well, however, that the public, wont to be Influenced somewhat by the utterances of what was once a great Independent paper, should un derstand precisely the motives for its present change of policy. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the , Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BT THE WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFastTrains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the moraine train. travel via the evening train. Both are nneiy equipped. OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIM THROUGH SEftVIC PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago, Kansas Citv, St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Other Eastern Points Tickets good via Salt Lake Citv and Denver. It Is to your Interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A N. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 133 Third St, Portland. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lefva. PORTLAND. Arrlv. OOa.m.lPortland Union Depotill:10 a.m. 8 55p.mifor Astoriaand lnter-l :40D.m. ?2:30 " ImeJIate Dolnts. I 5:60n.m. I ASTORIA. I 7.45a.m.lFor Portland A ln-ll:a.m. :iv p m-nermdiate points p.m. Dally except Saturday. Saturdays only. SEASIDE DIVISION. 8:15 a,m....l 11:30 a. m I llAia. m. ... f 5:50 p. in. J ( 7:a. m. j 10::iSa.m. i 4,00 a. m. 1.... 5:!i0 p. m. ASTORI t. 5.M p. in. Haturday only. :15 a. m... .. 9:10 a. m ,.1J:H p. m . 1:30 p. m .. 7:) p. in I) a. in... SEV'ftDB ;:n ii.rn . i o. m. . All trains makv cloaa connectlou ai Goble wRh all Northern Paclflo tratn to and from the eaat or Bound nointa J. C. MAYO, Oea'l FVt and Asn Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, vl the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or CO. TERRT. W. E. CO MAN. Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agent 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O. R. A N. Jill T UXURiOUS 1 RAVEL THIS "Northwestern Limited" trains. electric lighted throughout, both Inald and out, and steam heated, ars with out exception, the finest trains In th world. They embody th latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience, and luxury ever offered tha traveling public, and altogether are th moat complete and splendid producton of th car builders' art. The Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern I'ndflc and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for the s'iparlor accommodations and all classes of tick eta are available for passage on th famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by th Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD. F.C. SAVAGE. General Agent, Ticket Agt Portland. Or. oilUoiiVl, Ii t " war TlVtU 5CMKOUtES I PKHAKT Kroiu j Aaaivs rhtut- t Like. leaver. Kt.i Portland Wonh, Oinal.a. Kail-; . pecinl M 1'iiy, M. LuiH,! 'P-1"- IJ. tu Oiling i and Kail- Salt Lake. Denver, t.l At'aniln Wurth, Ou.alu, Kan- , , xpresa otv. si. u,j " '"' P ! Chicago and Ki, j IV ilia Wa'la, I. -wil j MyiKaue N(Hjku. MIiiumim 'iyT. n, t. Paul, 1'ii utii.M Wa in. 6 p. in. Milwaukee, Chtngo, ami Knat. i Tm Aatnna j OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All SMtllnf Pat, tub I )e't u I'haiiKv. For sail Frnnetiro-Nl ' Myl,,13, tM,iJ, J Colembla filwr ( 7am StMicers j u m t Gxtiuuiliif To I'orllaiKt an Mo day Way Landings. (am l&'lt I U ew, i, ... 4 d) t. Ill Ex Suu ,y " .. r.n E umllJ I Ntletii A War-Laud a. , Tuea.Thur' Kivarm. ;i,.,V,d and oat iun"oviiy,iiy,i anU f rU way Lundiuaa. Klpirla Il.vlin lv dly Soak Rlvtr. Kiparlaw ewlitoa. , u.uo in a. m. lany (am WILt.kVKT KHIVIII 4:0 d. in, lun.inui: rurtiaud to Corv.lli Saturday I aud way I aiding. Mod, ttpd f rlday G. W. LOUNSBERRT. m Agent, Astoria, V. tl. MWULiBUKT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Or. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. L S. Engineer Office, Portland, Oreg.. r..i.. or tiuiii ' sValed proposals for removal of 12.500 cubic yards, more or less, rock, dredg ing 32S,Md cubic yards, more or less, material from the Columbia river. In the vicinity of Astoria, Oregon, will be received here until 12 m.. August 27, i-w, ana tnen puouciy opened. Infor matlon furnished on application. W. C. LANGFITT. Captain Engrs. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given, that the common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Intention to establish the Krade on Thirty-fourth street In that part of the City of Antorla laid out and recorded by John Adair and generally known as Adair's Astoria, from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Harrison avenue, so that the grade of the same will be i the following neignts aDove the bane or grades when ho established, to-wlt: At the intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Franklin avenue. 65 feet; at the intersection of Thirty-fourth street ana urand avenue, 101 feet; at the Intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Harrison avenue, 122 feet, the crossings to be level and said street throughout the width thereof to be on a straight and even slope or Incline between the points designated. This notice is published for ten days by order of said council. The first pub lication being on Wednesday. July 18, 1!0. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, For the County of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate of Jemima Slilbbe, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un designed has beon duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Clatsop county, administrator of t:ie estate of Jemima Hkibbe, deceased. All persons having claims against said state are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at No. 627 Bond stre?t, In the city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from the date her30f. Dated this 10th flay of July. 1000. MAX L. SKIBHE, Administrator of the estate of Jemima Skibbe, deciasld. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Olflce at Oregon City, Oregon, July 21, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will ba made before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on August 31, l'JOO, via: William Row, H. E. No. 11519, for the S. E. 'A Section 1, Tp. 4 N R. 9 W. He names the following witnesses to prove hU continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Paul Ah, Astoria, Oregon, Andrew Johnson, Astoria, Oregon, Jonas Untln en. Push, Oregon, Henry Hill, Push, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. I.KOAL NOT KM lUIIX-llT OF ASTORIA WATER COMMISSION. . v ' ' Astoria, July R To th Hon.' Muy or and Common Council of th City of AKtona, uregon. Gentleman: tn accordance with 3o tlon No. 155 of the City Charter, wt hirwlih report th rocclpta and dis bursements of the Astoria Water Com mission for the quarter ending June SO, l'."H), as follows: RECEIPTS. For th month of April our gross re eetpts were: From account of water rates I3.13J.W From account of tap ping nuilns 13.20 Frm account of delin quent t'lmi'Kea , 5.75 From al f ? ft. con demned ti-ln. pipe at Kc J.90 From sale of 1-ln. cor poration covk 1.50 13.159.55 For thu month of May, 1W0, our gross From account of water rates $2,511.03 L'-.... ..... I rill mtiMllil Ol lHi- plug mains SO.OO From account of delin quent I'luirui-a f.ii From 0. C. Masten re lairing ditmnge to conduit K.w J2.S4J.30 For the month of June, lWO, iur gross receipts were: Fr"iu account of water rates 52,300.40 From acrount of tap ping main 10.00 From account of delin quent charges .... 4.T5 $:,313.1S Total receipt for the quarter,. .I7.S24.0O Kulanrt) in treasury at date of lml report tiled April 12, I'-HHJ .' 12.U3.8S Total H9,?;.M DISBURSEMENTS.. Interest pivld on bonds. Salary of superintend ent 3::..w 210.00 73.00 60 00 23.00 30.00 15.00 I'-itS S3 M 73.0iJ 4 60 2.SJ 1 00 71.10 10 50 Salary of attant.... Nilury of keeier at power home Salary of keeper at hi ad works Salary of clerk salary of citv attorney. Salary of Janitor Kxen account Otllen expense account. Kent account Stationery Jinl printing Expense ..'hanging dis tribution malm Tapping mains ti. day s labor) Repairs to mains Repairs to conduit OlhY furniture Stock account (apeclal catii:gn. etc.) :;.t3 1:1.03 Tool account uoose property c. count J W H-palrs to I ower hou 80.00 53.40S.7S Leaving balance on hand In general fund of 110.659.20 Respectfully submitted. ASTORIA WATER ii i.MMISSION, 1 y C. 8. WRIGHT. Chairman. Attest: J. It. Mansell. clerk. l'IP.POSALS FOR rfTUSET LIGHTS. Notice Is hereby given, that un to the hour of i o'clo-'k p. m, on Tuesday, the 31st day of July, iwo, the commit tee on ways and mean of the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, will receive sealed bids for funhlng the City of Ast.irla with no less than titty nor more than slxty-flva aro elec- ttij lights, for a period of from one to thre! yeurs. to be run all night, of not leM than 1200 candle-powei each to be furnished ind maintained at suoh places a shi.ll be designated from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Astorli; as provided by ordinance No. 2524 of the City of Astoria, entitled "An ordinance author Ulng the committee on ways and mear.s udvertlne for bids for Khllna- tha City of Axtorla and to enter Into con tract with the lowest responsible bid- (i r, which ordinance was approved the 17th day of July. 1900, and ull bids must conform to the .equipments of said ordinance with regard to the bond required, thereby and otherwise. The rlsht is reserved to rejK.-t any and all bli'.s. Said -rommlttee will also ud to said tlmi aforesaid receive proposals or bids for lighting the City of Astoria with n stinVlcn: number of Incandescent liKlits, gasoline, acetylene, or oil lamps to be reported to the Common Council of suld city at Its next meeting, but said committee will not contract for any lights other than arc electrlo lights as first above stated. A. SCHERNECKAU. E. P. PARKER, 1 , A. BRIX. Committee on Ways and Means of the ' ninion Council of the City of Astoria. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM- PROVE ELEVENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, has declared IU determination and Inten tion to Improve that portion of Elev enth street In the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, Clatsop Lounty, State of Oregon, from the outh line of Frinklln avenue to the north line of Harrison avenue, by tak ing up and removing from said portion f said street the existing planking, except at the intersection of said Eleventh street and Grand avenue, rid replacing the same with good. sound red or yellow Mr planking three Inches by twelve Inches, twenty feet lcnir, said planking to be laid upon the exlHtln? stringers upon said portion of aid street and raid 'mprovement or repair shall consist In replanking said I oi tlon of said street except said cross ing of the same with Grand avenue, upon the existing stringers to the width of twenty feet through the center thvp.of. urn! uld work shall of course Improve said str'ift upon the present established grade thereof, and shall b made in matters of detail according i the plans and speMtlcaUons therefor to be filed with the auditor and police judge by the city -turveyor as hereln- aft-r ordered. lhat tlr-f costs and expenses of mak ing said Improvement or repairs shall be defrayed by special asHesnment up on the lots, lands and premises bene fited by said Improvement, which said lands are hereby Included within a special assessment district to be assess ed therefor which Is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at ihe northeast corner of lot 3 In blovk 70 and running thence south to the southeast corner of lot 2 in block 91. thmre west to the south west corner of lot 6 in block 90, thence north to the northwest corner of lot In block il, thence east to the place f beginning, all In the City of As toria, as laid out and recorded by ohn McClur and. expended by Cyrus .MIAI. NOTU'M. Olney In Clatsop County, Stats of Ore gon. - . 1 ' ' '' That the city surveyor Is instruct. d to forthwith ptvparo and deposit with the auditor and poll.'s Judgt of said city estimates of the coat and expense of said Improvements and specltU'Mtlona for the proposed work. Till notice I publUhed for eight day In th Mornl ig Astorlan In pur nunc to a resolution of the Common Council adopted on the ltfth day of July 1900, directing Ih same, (lis dais of th first publication thereof being on Thursday, lhe 19th. dny of July, 10, 11. M. NICI.80N. Auditor and Polios Judga of the City of Astoria, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land om.-e, Oregon City, Oregon. July 7, 1900. Nolle I hereby given that In com plluticv with the iwovlalotis of th act of coiiKlvn of Juns S, 1ST.H, entitled "An act for lb nalt of timber lands In the state of California. Oregon. Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as fNtendvd to all public land mates by net of August 4, im. Ottlllo M. Loksii, of Astoria, county of Claiaop, slat of Oregon, ha this day filed In this oltlue her swurn tatem'nt No. 5243. for th purchase- of the H. W. "4 of Bectlon No. 9 In Township No. 6 N.. Rang No. 7 W and will offer proof to show that the land sought I more valuable for It timber or atone than for agricultural puriH at', and to ubllh Iter claim to said land before th Reglatvr and Receiver of this oftlce at Orvgon City, regon, on We Inesdiiy, the 3d day of October, 1900. She names as wllnra.irs: Julius Our be. of Olney, Oregon, 8 bastion OlnS'T, of Olney, Oregon, Jacob iH-nk. of olney. Oregon. John OIsr, of olney, Oregon. Any nnd nil perms claiming ad Veraely the above -described lands are requested to (lie their clulnib In this (dl'ie on or before suld 3d day of Octo ber. 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES. Ktglaur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Oflflce. Oregon City, Oregon. July 7. 1900. Notice I hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of th act of emigres of June 3. lS.'s, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land In fie tnte of California, op-gun, Ne vada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all oubllo land states by net of August 4. Wi, William C. Logan, i t Aatorln. county of Clatop. stats of Oiegon, ha this day filed In this ottlo hi sworn statement No. 5243, for lb punbnae of the . E. H of Bectlon No. In Townahlp No. 4 N., Range No, 7 W.. and will offer proof to show that the lund sought I more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pun oe. and to catabllsh hi claim to :ild laud before the Register and Receiv-r of this oMce at Oregon City, tiregou, on Wrdncsduy, the 3d day of October, 1900. He names as witnesses: Jullu tiarb-. of Olnsy, Oregon. 8e baallon Glawr. of Olney. Oregon. Jacob lvnk. of olney. Oregon, John Glaser, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the abovj-dcrlb-d lands arc requested to die their claim In this nitu-e on or lie fore the said 3d day of October. 1900. CHAS. D. MOORFJ, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Jun 23. 1900. Notice Is lieheby given that tha following-named settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to make final proof In sup port of hi claim, and that said proof will be made before th Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20, 19ot, vis: James 8. Rathbun. H. E. No. 13,444, for th 8. E. of Section IS, Tp. 4 N., il. W. II names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon ard cultivation of sold land, vis: J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. Rockafellow, of Portland. Oregon, W. 8. Cone. Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlcs at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20. 1900, vis: Jasper N. Fowler, H. E. No. 12454 for the lots 9. 10, 15 and 14, Section 13, Tp. 4 N., K. 10 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of said land, vis: Jnmes 8. Rathbun, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. Rockafellow, of Portland, Oregon, W. S. Cone, of Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OllUe at Oregon City, Oregon, July 21 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the fol-lowlng-nnmcd settler has filed notlco of his intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be mailo before the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on feptember 7, 1WK). viz: Harold Llndslad, H. E. No 11585, for the VV ',( of N. W. Section 20. and E'4 of N. K. V4 S'!Ctlon 19, Tp. 6 N., It. 9 W. Ho mimes the following witnesses to prove his-continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nils Olsson. Seaside, Oregon. Ole Anderson. Push, Oregon, Arne Fryseth, I'Ufh. Oregon, Albert Olsen, Push, Or egon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. SEALED PROPOSALS. Office of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., July 2, 1900. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., August 2, 1900, and then opened, for furnishing forage and bedding at the several mil itary posts In this department and camp at Hkagway, Alonka, and Port Valdez, Alaska, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. Information furnished here o by quartermasters at posts, U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part there of. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Forage and Bedding at ," and ad dreasel to undersigned. J. W. Jacobs, C.-Q. M. . LKIIAL NOTH K NOTIClfl FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Oltlee, Oregon City, Oregon, July 3, 1900. Nolle I hereby given that In coiupll. ni' with tha pmHalon of tint act of vongrims rntlili-d "An act for the sals or timber lands In tun states of Call fornlii, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all Pub Un Lnnd tHaie by act of August 4. K'S. Luther Eager, of Henttle. county of King, state of Wellington, ha this day filed In this utile hi sworn tat mini t No. 623H, for th purolia of lb N, 10. H of Section No. 4 In Township No. 6 N Hang No. W and will offer proof to show that th land sought I mors- valuable for Its timber or ston llinii for agricultural puipoe, and to eatabllah hi claim to said land bnfor the legtlr and Receiver of this ulllo at Orrgon City, Oregon, oil Friday, th UMh day of tfeptember, 19u0. II name a witiiwaes: Bartholomew J. Bulks, of Hotd Oregon, J nine T. Huiku, of Heaal 1, Orvgon, l lmrli-a llarbniiKh, of Volga,, Mouth Dakota, William lluike, of Uua side, Oregon. Any and all person claiming ad vnrsvly the atiovc-dvacrlbvd land ai relocated to fll tbelr claim In this otili'o mi cr before ld Sith day of Septcinbrr, liKXt. CliAfcV D. MOORES, ..,) Register. NOTIC1S FOB PUBLICATION. .Land OflKs at Origin City, Oregon, June Si. lJ.v. Notice la hereby given that th fol-lowllig-nniiied settler lias filed nollo of In intiiiiUon to iimk final proof In I support or tils chum, and that aid J proof m1 ba made before th Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20, I'.hsj, vis: Andrew I), Kockufallow. H. E. No. Mm, for the E. i of d. W. i and bd I aud 4. Section IS, Tp. 4 N.. R. I He names th following witnesses to prove hi continuous reaiuViio upoa and cultivation of said land, vis: J. 8. Ralhbun, of Portland, Orvgon, J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon. W. H. t one, of Bay City. Oregon. . John fin ley, of Astoria. Oregon. CHAS. 11. MOORES. )tgltr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States iJind omYe. Oregon City, Oregon, July J, lJ. Notice l hereby glvrn that In com pliance with the pruvliiuii of the act of cons re, uf June 1. l;j. entitled "An ad for the sale of Umber land In th state of California, urrgun, Ne vada, and Washlnatun Territory." aa - extended to all Public Und States by act of August 4, 1392. Charles liar rough, of Volga, county of Brooking, state of South Dakota, ba this day filed In this ofMi-a hi sworn statement No. -247. for the purchase of the N. W. 14 of Section No. I in Township No. 5 N Range No. t W.. and will offer proof to show that th land sought is iiioro valuable for Its Umber or atone thnn for agricultural purim., and t tabllh bis claim to said land before the Regiit,.r , Racelwr of this office at Orvgon City. Oregon, on Friday, th SSth day of September, 1900. H names aa witnr; Bartholomew J. Burke, of Ranald. Oregon, James T. Burke, of Seaside. Orva-oll. Wlllliim llnrw ,.r u..i... .,. egon. Luther Eager, of Seattle. Vah- ttJ tun. Any and all person claiming ad verely the above-described lands ar requested to nie thai i.i,. - ----- ,, ,1 il n or before said 3iq day gf CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE .-......,,.,, vy virtue or an order mad and entered by Hon. John .7: ' """"e " uansruptcy ror the ,i" i i court "f ,ho L'nl,l " f"r '""""i o uregon, on July S, 1J00. In Ihe matt t of H. R. Jcs.up. bankruDL I will, on Saturday, August II. at I p. I", " i-reiiuaes io in hlgbeat hllliler fnr rmh unt.l . ... .. I rif lh i.ii,l .11 ...... ' : '. " vww., me num. title ana nurest of said bankrupt In and to tha following described premise, to. wit: Lots S to 32. Inclualve, block (. lota 6 In 31. Inclusive, bleu k lots I to 31. Inclusive, block 7; lot 1 l0 " Indus vs. block 10; lot. 1 i ni,,u: slve block 11; lot, 1 , 2j. ,nc,ai,. Hemlock I'urlr ..i.i ... ( latsop county, Oregon. A. W. PRESCOTT. Salem. Or.. July 10. 1900. lru" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that th un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of P. M. Dewley UeceeseJ. and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned at the oftlce of S U. A. Bowlby In Astoria, Oregon nroo erly verified within rlx month from V"." te,V J- c- J'EWLEY. July 13, 1900. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County, In the matter of the estato of Eilxa beth A. Bco-.t. deceused. hint l-A lu lw,..t. ..I. .1. . . ........... m.-n, mat tne un dersigned hns ben duly appointed by the county court of Clatsop couniy Oregon, administrator of the cstata'of iMisnoein A, Scott, deceased. All nei-anna linirlniv ,.l,.l.u. - . wmiru against said esiato are hereby notified t pre. sent the same to me verified as bv law re iulnd. nl iilu, ,.m.. . . ,i ... ..... ..nit:,. , li Ulllin UroH., In AMtorla, CIutHop county Ore. iron, within air mnnik.- i 1 . of this notice. """ ln . Dated this 20th dny of July, A. D 19O0. JOHN II Hi'n-P-e Administrator of the estate of Ellxa octh A. Hcott. deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lund Olllce nt Oregon City, Oreuon July 21, 11)00. ' Notice Is hereby given that the f. lowlng-numed settler has llu-d not It f his Intention to make flnnl proof n a "a""' i"1' tnat said proof will be made befre the county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, o,-. egon, on ' September 7, 1900 ' viz: Nils OiBHon. H. K. n0 ins,ri foi the NV4 of S. K. H. H. W. ,f H K Section 23, and N. W. ii v f Section 28, Tp. 6 N., R. 10 v Hu names the f.illowlng witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultivation of said land viz- Harold Llndstad. Push, Oregon, Ole Anderson Push Oregon. Charlie j,,,," son, SeK n, Oregrm r n v .i , Portland. Oregon ' " ' ,nt't CHAS. B. MOORES. Agister.