The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 03, 1900, Image 3

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1 3000 Yards ;v v i
t American ; $
Flag Bunting ... ;,'
$ . J -AT-. ' '
am lornuii
roilTLANH. July 3,-Orrgon. Wash
liiuton ntwl Ma; generally fair to
day. ,
All contract for iidvertwintf In
tha Astoi luit urn inuJo on a Rimr.
unUe of circulation four time
larger lliun that of uny pupvr
published or clrculutcJ In Clut
op county.
Frrih outt?rmllk at tht Parlor.
Horses for sals at Onston's stabl.
Hm. bnll tiMl'iy. Portland vs. Astoria.
Ire irmm i'K a lu.irt at th l'nrlor.
Has.UII tHlay-A. P. C. Park. Ad
nilmilon, JSc.
Th lnllrallmis ur for good wtlirr
for Oto Fourth.
Minn Iiuta raul-md hm returned
from her visit to I'm Hand.
Hl.v at your own prlos at Y. O.
Wutlrrs, for a fw days only.
Olio of tlm flnf draft honws ;if John
Ki'j'P died of colic ynttrday.
Heat IJ-cont meal, lllslnf Sun Res
tauraot, til Commercial strsot '
JufTi rrataurant tha ' largest -and
U-st. A trial will convince you,
For rnt 7-rooin house, nlcl jfur
filnhrd. Arply at 3S Exchange street.
Sweet oram at tha Parlor, It tenu
a pint; Juit what you want for bor
rles. Tim Drill. h hlp Wvr.dur t tx
pfctnl djwn from Portland thl morn
inf. ,
Mn. ivill Madison has returned from
her visit to Iter old horns In Indepen
dence. "
Mil Mabell goes to Portland
today to ipsnd noine weeks with
The bent and cheapest tailoring In
tha city at A. KIUUNEN, S3 Com
mercial 8trct,
" Ths steamer W. II. Harrison, bound
for Tillamook, went out at daylight
light yesterday.
Hi today's bus.'Uall gnme. Portland
vs. Astorl. Admission, Including
grnniln'ond, 25c.
Prayer meting at tha Metfiodlst
church will l on Thursday evening
Instead of tonight.
Tim coast steamer Del Norte, bound
for Han Francisco and way porta, went
out at sunrise Sunday,
Th const steamer Columbia, bound
for Hun Francisco, went out at day
light yi'stonlny morning.
Tha Urltlsh ship Hsrleck Castle went
.up to Portland at sunrise yesterday, af
ter another cargo of wheat.
The Athens baseball team of Asto
ria defeated the Seaside nine at that
.pluce on Hunday by a score of 10 to i.
Roslyn coal lusts longer, la cleaner
. and makes less trouble with atovos and
chimney flues than any other, George
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone MIL
The Best and Safest ;
; Family Medicine ii
1 , FOR ALL, . , !
Bilious and Nervous Disorders ;
Sick Headache, Constipation, i
Weak Stomach,' Impaired Dl-; ;
gestlon, Disordered Liver and (
; Female Ailment. ; ;
:The World's Medicine;;
Annual Salt Exceeds 6,000,000 Bon. i
10 cants and 28 cents, at all drug stores.
1 nwlism'i pllli hnv the lunrent le of ' '
uny I'mprlemrjr Mwheliie In tlie world, and
T Uii I'M beeu acliiuved
T Without the publication of testimonials'
llUmvlllllMlllrV ,
When you want a stylish new suit
made cheap, call on A. KIUUNEN,
lit Commercial Street.
A small place at Clatsop for sale or
rent. Suitable fir chicken ranch. Ap
ply to A. Tag g, Parlor Candy Store.
I). Gregory, of the Port Oregon Trib
une, was In town yesterday on his way
to Portland, where he will spend the
The W, C, T. 17, room, corner Pond
and Kleventh streets, will be open for
a "r-st-room" on July 4th. All are
Splendid drs shoes In Vkl Kid, cloth
ti'I'S, or all Kid penned stitched. Gulf
cut, latest out, :.M a pair at F. U.
Poys wanted to ell panul today
and on the Fourth al the Parlor con
fi;tlonnry store. Apply early this
A number of EpUcopal clergymtn
wei In the city yestvrday t-n route
fr Heaslde, where they will epvnd a
few days.
Yesterdny Judgt Gray appointed
Maxwell Young, O. F. Morton and It. R.
Cole at pralsrs of the estate of the late
T, I MiMori.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Kitchen and child,
of t'athlumrt, and Mm. Led ward, of
Oakland. Cel., are paying a vlult to
Frank Splttti),
Many Chinese took advantage of the
fine w.ather yesterday to try the
kites which they have prepared for the
kite-flying contest. '
Yesterday, In the county clerk's of
fice, N. Gustaf Pvenson, a native pf
Sweden;-TrtrvinrM hhj Mention 'of 'be
coming an American cltlsen.
Remember we guarantee our let
cream to contain nothing but cream
and augar and flavor. It Is fifteen
cents per pint at the Tarlor.
Yestrdy th contract for furnish
ing supplies lo the quarantine smlon
and to the quarantine steamer Kloctrlo
was awarded to rish.r Pros., for on
' Roslyn coal la the best and most eco
nomical coal for household use In As
toria. Try It once and you will have
no other. George W. Sanborn, agent.
Telephone 1311.
The slight Increase In thn salmon run.
which lastud for three days, sems to
have fallen off again, as last night
the fishermen had the same old story of
few, If any, fish.
A deed eight years old was filed In
the recorder's office yesterday. It
wits from the Sheriff to 8. fl limner, for
lot H, block 114. McClure's Astoria,
and grunted for a consideration of 12.50.
There was filed yestredny In the cus
tom house a bill of Mile whereby Paul
Schrader transferred the steamer W.
II. Harrison to the Paclilc Navlmttlon
Company for a consideration of $6,000.
NOTICE. All persons havins; rooms
to spare for the accommodation of 4ih
of July visitors are hereby requested to
send their names, address, number of
beds and price tor same to ALPERT
DUNBAR, Beoretory. ,
There was only one case before the
circuit court yesterday, that' of Mo
Gregor A Normlte against George Tay
lor. ' motion for a new trial was ar
gued and taken' jndor advisement . The
court convenes again. this afternoon.
Judge Gray and the county ofllclals
regret exceedingly the condition of
Commercial street, between Eighth and
Seventh, and they had made all ar
rangements to put. It In good repair,
but the follure of the street railway
company to remove lta track, which
had to be ehlftod first, has com
pelled this delay, which no one regrets
more than the county olUclnls.
James Lather and Jack Kill, who
will meet In a finish contest at ISrlck
sen'a hull tonight, 'vlll weigh In at
10 o'clock this evening. Hill and Lath
er will probably tip the scales at the
same weight, almost to the ounce be
tween one hundred and forty-seven and
one hundred and forty-eight pounds. It
seems to be pretty well settled that
James J. Mackey of this city will be
chosen to referee the fight. Both prin
cipals and their Immediate friends have
met Mr. Mackey and express satisfac
tion that he would act with the great
est Impartiality. Among those who
have already announced thclr lnt3ntlon
to challenge the. ninner of the contest
are Dud Evans, Charles Jost and Geo.
wnito. ; r . .
' - :
No soap in the
world is so cheap.
No soap in the.
world is so lasting.
Cream Fure Rys. America's finest
whisky, only purs goods; guar
anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl
son, sole ajent-'
You ran save (2 on a pair of shoes
by buying al F. O. Walters. Our Good
yen r welt 1ln In tan and black for 13
and 13.50. They r Indeed a happy
combination of style, beauty and wear,
None better made.
To those wno drink whiskey for
pleasure: Harper's Whiskey adds
sest to existence. To those who drink
whiskey for health's sake, Harper's
Whiskey makes Ufa worth living. Bold
by Foard & Blokes Co., Astoria.
The Steph ns Addition baseball team,
of Portlnnd. will meet the local nine
at A. F. C. park today. The visiting
tn in Is sevorid only to Multnomah of
all Portland t urn, and has not suf
fered defeat this eaJKn. The lcal
Icum has been materially ttretigthen
ed and the sp-jrt will doubtless be
excellent. The gnme will be called at
2 o'clock. An admission fee of 25 cents,
Including grandstand, will tw charged.
Notwithstanding the threatening
weather twelve hundred people were on
th lell 'r-rarriers' excursion on Sun
day, and at least two hundr?d and
fifty tri'ire exptvtant, but disappointed,
excursionists, Were left behind for lack
of truln uroomrnodatlon. There were
seventeen well-filled coaches, many
ernns being compiled to stand, For
tunately the sky had cle ared by the
time the train reached Seaside, so the
excursionists had nothing to mar their
Imt evening one of the pilots
brought In a German ship which he
annoiincd as the rtlikmr Rickmcrs,
advertised as having sailed June Kth
from Hong Kong. As this would
bring her here In sixteen days, or a
little less than steamer time, It Is like
ly to be tht Robert Rlckmers, now due
from Hloga,' or clue the Rlckmer Rlck
mers left at an earlier date than was
reported. She comes for a cargo of
w heat consigned to Balfour, Guthrie &
Yesterday the newly-elected county
olltiiuls were Inducted Into office. In
accordance with, a provision made by
the legislature the recorder's office was
don away wl'.h and Its duties fall
upon the county c!rk. As It would be
necemary to have a deputy to assist
the clerk In the performance of his
double dutli, former Recorder Clinton
was appoint d nnd will continue In his
former position. School Superintendent
Ice was succeeded by Professor Ly
man, County Commissioner Lewis by
Andrew Young, and Constable Wick
man by William Kelly. The qther of
ficials remain as before.
The parade of the Horribles promises
to be par exellenve the funniest thing
In the entire celebration. Anyone may,
and every one Is urged to, compete and
three prizes are now offered for the
three most horrible '"horribles" $7.50,
$5 and K M. The' decisions will be male
by three prominent citizens, not yet
selected, and announced from the re
viewing stand In front of the city hall,
at the conclusion of the parade. All
contestants are requested to be oil
hand at 7 o'clock sharp tonight at the
O. R. &. N. dock, and prepare for ar
rangement In marching order.
Not enough Interest Is being taken
In the bicycle pa rale by local wheel
men to Justify the belief that the event
will be as successful as was hoped, un
less Immediate action Is taken. In near
ly every city of Importance In the
United States the bicycle parades are
among the most Important features In
public parades. Astoria wheelmen cer
tainly should not fall to make a cred
its bio showing In the Illuminated pa
rade to take place In thjs city. Dick
Mitchell, the local upholsterer, has con
tributed a neat mlnature couch which
will be given as a prUe for one of
the races. The commlttio has added
another prlie for the best floats sec
ond prtxe, $10, the tlrst prlxe being $20.
The committee wish to , have about
twelve or flfte?n boys apply at head
quarters at 9 o'clock this evening, to be
employed to assist In showing visitors
about to different lodging houses,
Tho Bteamor Junean, of Portlnnd, ar
rived down yesterday morning, bound
for Seattle and from thence to Nome.
She was formerly a river boat unler
another name, but has been remodeled
and Improved, 'and will have still
work done on her In Seattle. She made
a record trip from Portland, coming
through In Jiint ten hours, and the cap
tain expects to arrive In Seattle In 27
hours after leaving the wharf here.
She carried no cargo, but had thirty
tons of coul, ten tons of Iron ballast
ar.d six and a half tons of water. She
will take on passengers and freight at
Seattle for Cape Nome. She will not
return here till autumn, at least, but
will run as a passenger packet" be
tween St. Michael and Cape Trince of
Wales. She Is not a large boat, 110
tons gross, and to a landsman appears
rather high for ocean travel.' ShO Is
In criitrKi of Captain Tlios. J, I'arry,
who I well c'ualhi4 with Alaskan
waters, and belonpi to the Pacific Com
mercial Company, f;J E. Miller, presi
At 3:30 Hunday warning two Finns,
John Hanglcr snd Oscar Fetonrr, had
a fight on the cornier of Sixth and As
tor streets and were promptly Jailed
by Officer I'hllllps.j Fetoner was re
leased on ball, which was forfaited by
his non-appearance; for trial yesterday
afternoon. Hangler appeared and tes
tified that It was an unprovoked as
sault upon him by Feloner, stating,
with an air of fnjured Innocence, that
h hud never hud a fight In his life,
and that he was simply throwing up
his hands to ward oft the blows of his
assailant. Officer Phillips testified that
he saw him rtrlke Fetonr but that
he was struck first; furthermore, that
the two had had a slight scrap before
on the same night, and had been ordered
to keep off tho streets, which they had
not done. Cotisjqijently Judge Nelson
Imposed the light fine of $5. A com
mon drunk was also fined $5, but 'bis
flno was remitted because he hal al
ready served two days In jail sobering
up. A sullor from the Harlech Castle
wss also fined $5 for drunkenness.
Yesterdoy afternoon, promptly at 2
o'clock, Receiver C. A. Coolldge began
the reading of the notice of receiver's
sale of the street railway company's
property, In front if the court house
do"r. Many prominent attorneys and a
f"W capitalists were present, and It was
thought by some that there would be
some spirit. -d bidding. After complet
ing the reading of the notice Mr. Cool
Idite stated that ten per cent of the
amount of the bid must be paid down
or the property would be resold. The
first bid was that of G. J. Mltch il, rep
resenting tht General Electrical Com
pany, who offered $29,000. He was
quickly followed by Attorney John M.
Oarln. who offered $25,000. No one
else bidding, the proiTty was knocked
down to him at that price. Mr. Gear
In stated that he wai bidding for
a man numd George C. Holllster, who
('id not live In Portland. He further
stated that new cars tvould be built to
repine the Noah's arks which now per
ambulate our streets. Mr. Mitchell re
ported that the successful bidder was
frum New York, or at least that the
Instructions to bid In that name came
frcm New York. It was reported on
the street last night that the man had
large interests In Seattle.
Encorj After Encore at the Opera
House Last Night.
A moderate-sized, but very appre
ciative audi.'n:e greeted Kerr Anton
Schott and Astoria's local musical
celebrities at the opera house last
night. A triglot rendition of famous
musical compositions by muMcIans of
the first rank does not often come to
Astoria -and deserved a packed house.
The German and Scotch songs were a
delight to the musically Inclined, to
which class most of the audience evi
dently belonged.
The first piece was encored but did
not respond. Herr Schott was called
out for a second Scotch song. The ap
plause at the conclusion of Miss Hob
son's song was deafening, and though
she held back with.' her usual modesty.
she was finally persuaded to respond.
In fact every selection met with great
applause and an encore was insisted
upon. The memory of Herr Schott's
magnificent voice will, long remain
with those who had the great priv
ilege of hearing him last night. The
feeling and expression manifested In
Mr. Belcher's solo, added to his clear
ringing notes, made his effort one of
the most pleasing of the evening. Many
of the officers of the cruiser Philadel
phia were present.
Wherever the Amei lean flag Is raised
In token of sovereignty. It stands for
liberty, Independence and equality.
What our flug Is to the nation, Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters Is to the Individ
ual, Inasmuch as it not only gives you
freedom from your aliments, but pro
tects your system In such a manner
that they cannot return. When your
stomuch gets out of order, causing
you to belch after eating, or when you
are so nervous that you toss about all
night, unable to sleep, you should cer
tainly try It, because It will strengthen
your stomach, steady your nerves, and
Induce sound, healthy sleep, and for
Indigestion, constipation and biliousness
there Is nothing to equal It. Rheuma
tism Is also counteracted by Its direct
action on the kidneys.
All persons having bills against the
Fourth of July committee tre hereby
requested lo present the same at the
headquarters of the committee TODAY,
as all bills will be audited at once.
Notice Is hereby given that there are
funds In the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the general fund
and endorsed prior to December 1st,
1SS9. Interest will cease after this date.
City Treasurer.
Astoria, Or., July 3, 1000.
All members of Seaside lodge, No.
12, A. O. l). W., are requested to meet
at their hall at 9:30 on the morning of
the Fourth, to participate In the pa
rade. By order of the lodge,
JAY TUTTLE, - Master Workman.
Famous Cruiser Will Anchor
Opposite Astoria Today.
Crew to PgrUclpite In Grin J Pirtie-
ABtborltJeiitWisbfaaloa OrJer
the Cruiser to Cklies Witm,
aj Sbc Will Leave Soob.
The United States cruiser Philadelphia
crossed In yesterday morning at 7:30
and' anchored ',n the lower harbor.
Shortly after. Mayor Bergman and the
members of the recjptlon committer
went aboard the cruiser and extended
to Captain Mead, nls officers and crew
the fredom of the city, at the same
time Inviting them to be the guests
of the city of Astoria,
Accompanied by Lieutenant Cloke, the
Fourth of July committee, composed of
Herman Wise, J. N. Griffin, C. H. Coop
er and Albert Dunbar, visited the Phil
adelphia yesterday afternoon, to Invite
Captain Mead to review the paraie and
to allow th? men on the Philadelphia
to participate In the parade. Captain
Mead and Lleu.-Commander Bcheutre
exten.iej to th committee every cour
tesy and Captain Mead promised to re
view the parade and ro allow his men
to participate. All seemed Interested
in the race betwjen the crews from
the Philadelphia, the Manzanlta and
Naval Reserves, and Captain Gregory
has been requested by the committee
to call upon the officers of the Phila
delphia to make fur.her arrangements.
Ther are forty-eight ofllcers on
Iward the Philadelphia, and 320 men.
Eight more men are expected today
from va.ious parts of '.he country to fll!
the quoto decided upon by the depart
The following officers are In charge
of the cruiser:
Captain William W. Mead, V. S. N
commanding: Lieutenant-Commander
W. 8. Hugh' s; Lieutenant N. C. Twin
ing; Lieutenant F. H. Schofleld, Pay
Inspector J. R. Stanton, Medical In
spec.tor M. H. Simons, Captain Ma
rines C. M. Perkins, Chaplain L. D.
Boorom, Lieutenant Georgj E. Burd,
Lieutenant J. K. Robinson, Lieutenant
D. F. Sellers. Ensign T. T. Craven, En
sign E. P. Jessop. Fr Lieutenant F.
L. Bradman. V. S. M. C, Naval Cadet
E. J. Sadler, Naval Cadet J. B. Gilmer,
Par Clerk O. O. Haskett, Pay Citrk
J. J. Doyle, Assistant Surgeon F. E.
McCullogh. Gunner C. E. Jaffe. Boat
swain J. S. Croghan. Carpenter J. A.
Barton; Actin Warrant Machinists,
James .A. Hlckey, William J. Powell,
Arthur O. Gates, Robert J. VIckery.
It was stated hut night that the
Philadelphia had been ordered to Chi
nese waters nnd that she would leave
Astoria within a couple cf days.
The cruiser will be at anchor opposite
the city today, probe.bly early this
Candy Free!
A box given free to every purchaser
pf our celebrated
We lead. Best goods. Lowest
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35c per pound.
33, 40, 50, 60, 70c per pound.
10, 15, 25c per can.
Teas. Coffees, Spices, operating 100
stores throughout the Pacific Coast
QUALITY so good.
PREMIXMS so many.
PRICES so low
PREMIUMS so beautiful.
Great American Tea Importing Co.
Admission 25 cents
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
ThO Korth Faotflo Brewerr. of vhiflh f Rnttl4 her for familr dm or kea
0 1 I
sir John Kopp Is propietor. makes beer
for domestic and export trade. v I
Korth Pacific Brewery
For OutsMe Use on "Wood Brick and Stone.
Keady for immediate use by adding
Made in Brilliant White and Sixteen Colors. For sale by
Astoria, Oregon.
; ;.';;;n(!;t;l
j.n.Yi mi) m ?
"The World
Owes Every Man
a Living"
Bat what rt of living ii it yon get
with a pool store or range in your
kitchen? Hay a
Star Estate Range
..-.They insure good living
V. J. Scully, Agent
431 BOND
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
A. V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
racitic IN avigation uompan y
Steamers "R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison'
Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Hay City, Hobsonville.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Tortland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t-
Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE.
OOHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navi(ration Co.,
The Only Flrst-Clnss Hotel In Portland
i ruruiruiarirtri nxuvinnnnrvirinjtruvmr
We Rent New
- - w
beer smpplied at any time, delivery It
lbs city free.
Their quality, flavor and general
quality as to workmanship, etc.,
will win every time if the bet is
placed on the celebrated American.
There's enough Havana in them
to start another Spanish-Ameriean
war; enough right-flavored nico
tine to quell all the battles of the
world. The price? You don't
have to guess.
W, G. SMITH & C0.
22 and 23 Wssbio?ton Bnildiotr,
4th! and Washinirton 8ts. over Lilt's,
--it -1 tV M 2
Many, new improvements added.
See our latest
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
New Art Catalogue Free . . .
1 EioluHive I'acilio Coast DeaWa
245 Stark St., Portluml, Ore.
F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent.