The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 01, 1900, Image 3

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    TIIH MOBNINO A8J0EIAN. K;NtA1. .JULY I. 19(10.
$ suou lards
I American
Flag Hunting
I'OUTLANI) July l.-On-g.w: Hun.
1ny. fulr ami war'wr. Wimliliiitmi:
Buiuluy, fulr ri'i-iii nh(iuiti in imrlli
wml inrllnii lu tnoinliig; wurinvr,
Mulio: rlmi'Uy. fulr. wurtnrr.
All co ut r tic U for aJvcrtiHiiiK in
4 he fti Uu nr iiiuJo on h Kiur
Mit of cll'Clllutloll fOlir tlllltt
Juritvr thwn tlmt of any pupur
publUlicd or drctthitcd in Clut
nop county.
Ftfh buttermilk at th Parlor.
llrc fur ul at QiMton'a liable,
t'lmrli W1. of Oak I'ulnl. U In th
1 Ituwll, of Kurt Hli-veii. I In the
Judiir llrowtr u In I'urlliiiiJ !
L. A. Arnuitroiiir. of Lnvr, Col., I
In ( tip (Ity.
IC O. lUurman, of Itiunur, I v 1 1 1
ins Aiturlft.
lMiia Col. of Fotvm ilrovc, It at tli
l'urk'r lliur.
Mr. 0. I. Pcli-rlM n I vliltliif
at Furl Cnnbjr,
N. It, WIMnt. of Zag Cliff, win
In town ymtfrduy.
C. L. Silvvrmnn. of SkamoVawa. m
In lown ymtrrtlny.
AU'xniuIrr Camtall, of St-atils, a
In town yrttrrdity.
V, A. HuMerfMil, uf Hun Kranrliico,
tprnl yi-Kt-rilny In Aalorla.
W. 0. Taylor, of Chlrngo. u at
th I'urlu-r l!our ymlcrduy,
Hl.tH at your own price at F. 0.
Walto. for a few rtuya only.
I)-( 15-Crnt meal, Illalnc Sn Re
taurant. (II Conimarclal atrwL
Mr. ami Mr. J. K. Marali, of Mo
Jail, wcr In town yeatcrduy.
Jeff rritaurant tha lurtett and
brut. A trial wilt convince you.
Juiliie Mclirlild will convene the cir
cuit rourt tomorrow afternoon at 1:30.
For rnt 7-room houie, nicely fur
iilnhi J. Al'i'ly at 638 Exchange gtrcet.
8we t cream at lh Parlor, 10 cent
a pint; Jut what you want for ber
ries. Ivn't fowl the HU-hott mimical con
cert at Flulur' opvra houHc tomorrow
Cleorg! P. Kennedy, prenHinan on tho
Anucomln Slumlord, I vlnltlng- friend
In Aatorla,
A. ard C. Olden, Ys Pearson and n.
Neliion, of Dip river, were In the city
Ml Jennie IUIrt, of Portlund, and
Frank badger, of Gray's rlvcr, are at
the Occident,
The bent and cheapest tailoring In
the city at A. KILJUNEN. 623 Com
mercial Street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Magce and
dnuRhtor, of Coos bay. ere stopping
at the Occident.
Hoslyn coal lust longer, la cleaner
and makes leu trouble with stoves and
chimney flues than any other. George
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311.
'Thomas Wlthoy, O. B. Davidson, II.
A Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, (,'rand
nil, N. Johnson, J. O. Coleman, Paul
C, Hates, Hen Mitchell, T. J. doriiian
and C. I). TresoHt, all of Portland,
were In Astoria yesterday.
ral? EC
For all Bilious and tiorvous Dlsordorsj Sick
Headache, Constipation, Weak Stomach,
Impaired Digestion, Disordered Llvor, and
f Wlsl
. Z BoMtitm'e Pill tisn the 1rnt of n PraprUUr? Mtdioin In lh world. Thli hti beta
Z aohimd wltbwl the piiblicslios of IsstisiiMlslS. 10 onu tod 2) oest. til drug itorM. M
For Itmt Nicely furnished room.
N. 15. corner of Fourth and Cornmer
clul streets.
Will Tullont's new launch, construct
ed by th Astoria Iron Work, was
luunrliH yesterday.
Orsi.t Tiulllngrr won th prise suit
of clothes at the drawing at Madison's
clgur store last night.
When you want a stylish new suit
made cheap, cull on A. KILJUNEN,
6.'2 Conimerclul Btreet.
(leoitio Hunter, Oeorge Iluber, E. E.
IIouhIi and K. U Ward, of Cathlumvl,
were In lown yest-rday.
The Alliens baseball team of Astoria
will pluy ugnliist a tiutn of Seaside
boy at the t-u h toduy.
The I'nlled Slates training ship
A tain arrived from I'ortlund at 3 p.
m. yesterday and pussrd directly out.
A small place at Clatsop for sale or
rent. Dutiable for chicken ranch. Ap
ply to A. Tagg. I'srlor Candy Store.
Splendid dn-ss shoes In Vlcl Kid, cloth
top, or all Kid penned stitched, tiolf
cut, latest out, l.'.r.O a pair at F. O.
Anlrrw Anderson of Portland was In
the city yesterday m route to Seaside,
wturv he will spend a few duys In
Iler-aftvr the Iloston Restaurant
will be open from 6 a. m. until 1 a. m.
It Is a first xlass place for after thea
ter supper parties.
Tettrrday a Chinese gambler and a
drunk forfeited ball. Another suffer
er from ever 'MnvlvlaJity was fined
110 in the police court.
The Portland maJUarrlers will have
their excursion to Seaside today, and
another heavy train load of excursion
ists may be looked for.
A Imarrlage llcens was Issued, yes
terday to Carl Knobloch, of Tierce
county, Wash., and Ella Rlmpcla, of
Clatsop county, Oregon,
Remember we guarantee our let
cream to contain nothing but cream
and sugar and ilavor. It U fifteen
cent per pint at the Parlor.
The run of fish continues to show a
slight Improvement Yesterday after
noon about SH tons were brought In
to Trescott's cold storago' warehouse.
Roy N. Stearns, of the Portland Cliy
Laundry, came over on the steamer
Canby yesterday from Hay Center,
where lie has been visiting friends.
The Sehott convert promises to be one
of the greatest musical events of tho
season In this city. It will take place
at Fisher's opera house tomorrow night.
Roslyn cool Is the best and most eco
nomical coal for household use In As
toria. Try It once and you will have
no other. Georgo W. Sanborn,, agent.
Telephone 1311.
At 1:30 p. m. yesterday Pilot Staples
brought in tho Drlttsh ship Harlech
Castle, Captuln Find ley, 23 days out
from Honolulu. In ballast, for Portland
for a cargo of wheat.
Astorlans should be preparing their
flag poles and other decorations for
the Fourth. If you have no flag-pole
on your house or In your yard now Is
the time for putting one In.
NOTICE. All persons having room
to spare for the accommodation of 4th
of July visitors are hereby requested to
send their names, address, number of
beds and prico for same to ALHERT
DUNHAR. Beoretary.
Herbert E. Dender, son of J. A. Ben
der of Knnppa, died In Astoria at
about I p. ni. yesterday . of consump
tion aggravated by pneumonia, at the
age of twenty, after an Illness of one
month. He was brought here for treat
ment a fortnight ago but the compli
cation of diseases was beyond reme
dy. The Interment .will be at Knappa.
was the first maker of
sticks of soap for shav
ing. Pears' Soap' es
tablished over ioo
Cr:ttm Purs Rye. America's finest
whisky. The only pure goods; guar
anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl
son, sole agent
The river has been unusually mud ly
for the past few day and orn fish
ermen clulm that this accounts for the
Increase In the catch, for when the wa
ter Is too char the fish fight shy of
i he nets.
You can sax's 12 on a pair of shoe
by buying at F. O. Walters, Our Good
year weit iiiii; in tan and black for 13
and ttM, Thi-y are Indeed a happy
combination of style, beauty and wear,
None better tnude.
To those wno -drink whiskey for
pleasure: Harper's Whiskey adds
test to existence. .To those who drink
whiskey for health's sake, Harper"
Whiskey makes life worth living- Sold
by Fuard ft Stokes Co., Astoria.
The city :ouii'-ll mcetlig tomorrow
cvetiing will have consldciaoli busi
ness of Importune,, to transact. The
ques'lon of ulr.x-t lighting will sgain
li brought up, and other iuestlnns of
public Importance will b' considered.
It Is suggested by the members of
the Fourth of July committee, that the
merchants and residents generally rt
move boxes and oilier rubbish from the
streets before the celebration. The
suggestion Is a go.vl one and should
b generally compllm with.
The Astorlan today publishes the
name of those chosen a a reception
committee for the Fourth. Mayor Herg
nmn, who I chairman of the committee,
requests that all members meet at the
commltte headquarters at -30 Tues
day night.
About t o'clock yestenay afternoon
sonii one shot and killed the valuable
setter belonging to S. V. Leu bo, on
Ninth sired near Grand avenue. The
clog was killed In the yard of a neigh
bor and the name of the one who did
the killing Is known.
Tho pretendid agent for Muney's
and the Cosmopolitan, who worked As
toria a week or two ago, securing many
subscribers for theft magaxines by
orrcrlng a special reduced rate for
cash, haa been expoted as a fraud
by the publishers. He haa worked
several r.f the Valley town to hla own
profit and accumulated a good sum by
his enterprise. The police will make It
warm for him If he trie to work the
some dodge In this part of the country
Those w ho w III ' participate In the
pugilistic contests on Tuesday night
are doing ome hard training to pre
pare for the occasion. Jack Hill Is In
splendid shape and will give Lighter
a hard battle In the main event. Over
fifty , of Portland's ring admirer have
engaged admission and probably as
many more will determine to come be
fore tho departure of the train. The
cont,st between Hill and Laghter will
be deferred until the arrival of the
train from Portland. The last-named
contestants will enter the ring at 145
pminds ea;h.
The Schott recital tomorrow prom
ises to be the musical event of the
season. The people of Astoria on that
occasion will have another opportunity
to hear Herr Anton Schott who has
been pronounced by many eminent
musical critics to be the greatest Wag
nerian tenor the world has produced,
At tht- Gadnkl recitals In San Fran
cisco In which H-irr Schott assisted the
prima donna, the audience showed its
high appreciation of his artistic effort
by continued applause, which was
equal, If not greater, than that award
ed to the eminent Wagnerian so
prano. Herr Schott Is to be assisted
by several of his pupils who are ex
ceedingly popular In Portland and As
toria musical circles. On this occa
sion will be heard Mrs. J. T. Ross; the
full, sympathetic soprano of Astoria's
favorite, Miss Reba Hobson; tho cul
tured voice of Miss Velgeuh, eo popular
with Portland audiences; the sweet,
mczzo-Bopranu of Herr Schott's assist
ant, Miss Otella Schucklng, and the
clear stentorian tones of Astoria's son,
Mr. Belcher. The management has
placed the admission at the extreme
ly low prl?e of 60 cents. Reserved
s"ats can be secured without extra
charge at Grlltln & Reed's.
On June l'th opened up for trafttc
their new line from Belle Plalne. Ia.,
to Mason City; also their new Fox
Lake-branch. The length of this new
line Is 195 miles, which added to their
mileage, gives them a total of 8.462.S5
miles, the largest mileage of any rail
road In the world.
We nre closing up our business, and
selling out stock, Any parties desiring
to purchase goods can obtain bargains
nt cost. HUGHES & CO.
June -20, 1900. ... ....
News Not on What Is Itelng bone
for thj Big Ceiubratlon.
Messrs. A. DunU-Uon and James W,
Welch have raised 130 additional In the
vk'lnlty of their block and have turn
ed the amount over to the Fourth of
July committee for the purpose of hav
ing an arch rcct;d at their corner.
Tttu or three ladles, wive of oftlcers
on the ''hilodelphla, arrived yesterday
and expert that cruls.-r to arrive today.
Chairman Wise regrets that there Is
so much fus made over rooms. He
iuy that while the committee wuru
all the; accommodations they can get,
I ho commit ten have the accommodation
problem so Well In hand that there will
be no trouble at. all In providing for
.lorn 6,000 to 1Q.00U vlstior.
Astorlan should remember that It win
pay best to be reasonable in charge,
especially should It be remembered thai
the people from The Lullc are our
neighbors and friends. Don't over
charge anyone,
Uur busln-ss people should see to
It that no boxvs or cord wood are per
mitted to blockade the sidewalks.
There Is every assurance that all
buildings, '.arge Jr small, will Uou the
,iutlonal colors. Everybody will l!u.
Old Clory to the bret-z and go In to
make the Fourth, this year, a holiday
to be long reimin') -red.
Most houses will be illuminated on the
evening of the third; the committee ha
olfcied prizes or 110- and 15 for the
best lilutiilnutcl building.
Who suid there wouldn't be any floats
In the giutid parade? Just keep your
.-yes wnlv open and you will see llaoi,
floats, floats.
George and Martha Washington,
with their escort, will not allow the
goddess of liberty and her maids w
monopolies all the appiause, and t-'n-c.;
tain's bluu-jackett aid soldiers
aill receive as much of a reception t
our naval reserve boys.
Architect IxLIn Is working like a
b'.nver, and much of the success of the
celebration will be due to his good
Arthur Callun has worked faithfully
on the float proposition and, together
wit'; the rest of the parade commute-
he Is entitled to the thanks of
the committee.
If anyone thinks that It's an easy
Job to train a small fcrmy of little ones
let him follow Prof. Iteggs In his daily
work and then know what it nwans to
The committee on sports will be glad
when the sport Is over, as they will
be wanted here, there and everywhere
on the third and fourth, but they are
equal to the test.
But no one person deserves greater
praise than Mrs. A. Kkkards, wno,
from the very beginning, offered her
services to the committee and, de
spite many discouragements, she
bravely fought It out, and her reward
will come when the multitudes will
break Into applause at the proficiency
displayed by her "Empire Guards."
The following gentlemen have been
chosen to serve on tfie reception com
mittee on the Fourth:.
Mayor Bergman, Chairman.
J. C. Mayo, J. T. Lighter.
John Fox. Robert Gibson.
a. tH.nernecKau, W. C. Logan.
C. H. Page.
George Noland,
H. F. Prael,
W. T. Chutter,
J. O. Meglor.
O. W. Lounsberry,
S. Dansiger
S. Dansiger,
E. C. Hughes.
F. J. Carney.
L. Staples,
Jus. Tatton,
P. C. Gordlner.
P. L. Cherry,
J. H. D. Gray.
C. C. L'tiinger.
I. Agren,
B. Van Dugen.
B. F. Allen,
J. W. Cook,
F. J. Taylor,
W. F. Schlebe,
W. E. Dement,
F. A. Fisher.
C. W. Shlvely,
J. H. Smith,
O. 11. Beckman.
A. A. Finch.
August Kinney.
CV J. Curtis.
S. Schmidt.
S. S. Gordon.
Frank Palton.
Charles Goddard,
Jame W. Welch, Alfred Kinney.
w. ii. uarker, C. w. Stone.
P. A. Stokes.
J. Q. A. Bowlby.
C. J. Trenchard,
W. L. ltobb,
Benjamin Young,
O. H. r,stes,
J. S. Bishop.
Hill Hastings,
J. E. Gratke.
J. A. Harp?t,
G. C. Kulton,
J. E. Hlggins.
W. F. McUregor.
George Nelson,
John McGulre.
Harry Hamblet,
A. V. Allen.
O. I. Petersan.
H. D. Thing.
M. D. Staples.
Dan McVlcar.
C. 8. Gunderson,
F. I Parker,
C. W. Fulton.
John Hahn,
Jens H. Hansen,
K. P. Parker,
Geo. H. George,
J. C. Trulllnger, Thomas Dealy.
John Kopp,
J. T. Ross,
C. S. WrigM,
Samuel Elmore,
Geo. C. Flavel,
M. 8. Copeland,
N. Schlusael,
Wm. Madison.
Charles McDonald, H. A. Matthews,
Jay Tuttle, Archie Cann,
J. A. Fulton, Geo. W. Wool.
H. L. Henderson, Eric Johnson. ,
The powers will soon be collecting
fragments of broken China.
The Oregon Is only scraping an ac
quaintance with the Celestial kingdom
and will not long remain stuck on
If that "Easterner" would only stay
here awhile and get more used to our
little cuss words he wouldn't think so
badly of us.
The desire of the Porto Ricans for
free rations Is quite rational.
The Illinois democrats propose to get
the full benefit of their band now, for
they know they will not want It In
November, when their party disbands.
The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Co. will place In service April
29th a New Train between St Paul and
St. Louis, called th "Flying Dutch
man." The train will have through
Bleeping oars and be first-class
throughout. Ask any ticket agent for
particulars or address '
C. J. EDDY. General Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Probably the reason foot-ball Is so
popular Is because, the punishment fits
the crime.
Mls4 I.lmore, Miss Fioretta Elmore,
Mis Halst-ad, Miss Bennett and Miss
Crang, chaperoned by Mrs. J, T. Light
er, lift for Portland Friday evening
to witness tho launching of the new
stfrsmer "Sue II. Elmore" on Saturday
A delightful surprise party was ten
dered Mr. Harry Graham at hi home
on Tenth street last night Mr. Gra
ham expects to brave Astoria short
ly, and the party was a testimonial of
tho esteem In vhlch he Is held by his
many friends.
Miss Minnie Lighter entertained the
Knob Hill Tennis Club and a few
friends of the club at her home on
Franklin avenue, Thursday evening.
The evening was Joyously passed with
games and dancing, and dainty re
freshments were served at 11 o'clock.
Methodist Episcopal. Preaching by
the pastor, morning and evening. 11
a. m.. subject. "The Value of an Act
Is to Be Judged by Its Motives." 8 p.
m., patriotic sermon on "Our Country:
It Foes and Its Friends."
Presbyterian. 11 a. m.. Sacramental
service, t p. m sermon by the pastor
on "The Pace That Kills."
Baptist 11 a. m.. preaching by the
pastor; 8 p. m., children's day exer
cises. Salvation Army Hall. Gospel ser
vices at 3 and 8 p. ni.
Congregational church. There will be
services In the morring only, today.
Preaching by Prof. H. 8. Lyman. Sun
day school Immediately after the morn
ing service.
Swedish Baptist. O'Brien's Hall 10:30
a. m., and at 7:30 p. m.. Missionary
Osbrink occupying the pulpit
T. S. Simpson and wife to the Asto
ria Company northeast quarter of sec
tion 36, township 4 north, rait 8 west,
containing lfiO acres: 1750.
Chas R Page to J. E. Ferguson et
al-lot 3 of Hock 44. McCll'e's Asto
ria; J3.000. '
R. M. Dooly, trustee, to A. T. Webb-
west half of lot 3. block 2, Ocean Grove,
8. K. Stanley and wife to A. T.
Webb beginning at northwest comer
of lot 10, block 6, Grimes' Annex to
Ocean Grove, running thence west to
medium low water; thence south from
said northwest comer to said lot 10.
Two hundred feet along the west line
of block 6 and of lots 10 and 11 to the
southwest corner of lot 11 In block (
In Grimes' annex; thence west from
raid sou' h west corner to lot 11 In block
6 In Grimes' Annex to medium low
Wherever the American flag Is raised
In token of sovereignty. It stands for
liberty, Independence and equality.
What our flag ia to the nation, Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters Is to the Individ
ual. Inasmuch as it not only give you
freedom from your ailments, but pro
tects your system in such a manner
that they cannot return. When your
stomach gets out of order, causing
you to belch after eating, or when you
are so nervous that you toss about all
night, unable to sleep, you should cer
tainly try It, because It will strengthen
yoUr stomach, steady your nerves, and
Induce sound, healthy sleep, and for
Indigestion, constipation and biliousness
there is nothing to equal It Rheuma
tism is also counteracted by Its direct
action on the kidneys.
Serious Trouble Is Threatened In
RAT PORTAGE. Ont. June 30.
There Is a threatened uprising on the
Rainy river, Ontario. Three thousand
Indians gathered near the mouth of
Rainy river. Leach Lake Indians are
said to be among them. Inciting them
to murder and pillage the settlers,
who are sending out their women and
children. One hundred and fifty reach
ed here on the Kelmora tonight. The
Indians are also gathering at Ralny
lake. the largest and most secret gath
erings ever known. Indian agents say
they know of no special grienance.
Illinois Democrats Will Go to Kansas
City eo Masse.
CHICAGO. June 30. The Cook
County Democratic Marching Club
has completed arrangements for its
trip to Kansas City. Including a band
of n0, the party will be 300 strong. A
special train of 11 .:ars has been char
tered to leave Monday over the Bur
lington. To the rear end will be at
tached a orlvate car for the benefit of
Mayor Harrt-wn and the other dele
gates at large, and Samuel Alschuler,
the democratic nominee for governor.
All the district delegates In Chicago
will accompany the club.
Eight Thousand Dollfrs Found In
Canvas Bags.
BERKELEY, Cal., June 30. Eight
thousand dollars In gold encased in
canvas bags has be?n dug up in the
garden of the late Captain C. P. Thom
as, president of the Standard Soap
Company, to which the money be
longed. Captain 'I'homas drew the
money from an Oakland bank two
day3 before his death on May 2S last.
Will Each Pay Strikers 50 Cents Per
Week. '
CHICAGO. June 30. The Joint cigar
makers' unions of Chicago last night
unanimously agreed to assess each
member 50 eents a week for the bene
fit of the New York cignrmakers who
ure on a strike.- The assessment will
amount to $l,Su0 per week. Six thou
sand strikers will be benefitted by the
In wearing bloomers a woman shows
her Independence as well as some of
her other good qualities.
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
TLa North Faciflo Brewery, of whicb Bottled beer for family use or k
UrJobn Kopp it proprietor, makes beer beer (applied at to time, delivery it
tor domes lo and nport trade, tbe city free.
North Pacific Brewery
For Outside Use on Wood Brick and Stone.
Ready for immediate use by adding
Made in Brilliant White and Sixteen Colors. For sale by
Astoria, Oregon.
I "The World
! Owes Every Man
a Living"
Bat what irt of living in it yon get
with pool stove or range in your
kitchen? I toy a
Star Estate Range
..-.They insure good livinu
W. J. Scully, Agent
431 BOND
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
9 W ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
Miss Bertha martin's
Room 820 Dcknm Building, 3d
Pacific N avigation Company
Steamers "R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison"
Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oreeon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply j
Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE,
COHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.,
TILLAMOOK, Ore. A. 4 C. R. R. Co. PORTLAND. Ore.
Thn Orilv PlrMtaClnnn Hotel In Portland 5
1 iv.nnfuxnjinn ' uvuvnnni ruiru
We Rent New
Q vi ill
! - -
F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent.
W. G. SMITH & CO.,
22 and 23 Washin.'.-ton Building,
4th: and Washington 8t. over LUt',
Fill Line ol Newest Embroid
ery ntterlals.
Initials Specialty.
Choice Selection ot S'amping
Stamping Neatly Dos:.
sad Waibinglon 8U., Portland, Or.
iruuiruv iAuuumruuuvnjoarunaa
Many new improvements added.
See our latest
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
New Art Catalogue Free . . .
Exclusive Faoific Coast Dealers
245 Stark St., Portland, Ore.