THE MORNING ArORLL,1 KUNPAVl" l U LY 1, ' 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. gent by mall, per year.. Bent by mall, per month Served by carrier, pr month .St0 M " . SEMI-WEEKLY. Bent by mall, per year. In advance JtW Postage free to subscribers. All communications '"".irtoV '.ication should be directed to the editor Business communication of all Kind. n4 remittances must be addressed to "The Astorian." The Astorian guarantee, to IU ad vertisers the largest clrenlaUon . ol : Mf newspaper published on the Columbia rter. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. Per. President WILLIAM M KIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODOKE KOOSEVELT, Of New York. Ol" It PRESIDENTS AND PRESIDENTS. VICE- Tlure have been 2S presidential elec lions sine the organization of uur government, beginning with the first ekctlon of Washington held on the first uv,insiav of January. and end- ii g v ith the election of McKlnley four years ago. Of our presidents, Wash ington. Jefferson. Madison. Mcnroe. Jackson, Lincoln, Grant and Cleveland were twice elected, and four of ou: 25 presidents were elected as vice-pres Idents and succeeded to the offlce by the death of the president. John Adams, John Qulncy Adams, Martin Van Buren and Grcver Cleveland were defeated in contests for re-election, but Cleveland! after, havftig been de feated for re-election, was again chosen four years later. , The oldest of our presidents when In augurated was William Henry Harri- J 1.. I son, wno was w years ox died a little more than a month after he became president. The next oldest president Inaugurated was James Bu chanan, who was 68, and Taylor who was next In age was C5 when be be came president. John Adams and An drew Jac&son both entered the presi dency? at the age of 2. The young est oft our"presidents when Inaugurat ed ws General Grant, wlwNwas only 17. Cleveland was the next youngest, being, 48, with Polk and' Garfield closely following him at 49. McKlnley became president at 54. There are now only two ex-presidents living Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland. All of the earlier presidents, with the single exception of Washington, lived to an advanced age. Washington died at 67, but Adams reached the age of SO, Jeflerson 83, Madison 85, Monro "3, John Quincy Adams 80, Andrew Jackioi; 78 and Martin Van Buren 79. Adams and Jefferson, two of the com mittee who presented the Declaration of Independence to the Colonial con gress, both died on the Fourth of July, Thus the elder Adams lived Just one year after his son became presi dent. Garfield was the youngest presi dent when h died, being but 49, and Polk was the next youngest at his death, being 53. There have been 24 vice-presidents elected by the people, beginning with John Adams In 1799, and ending with Garret A. Ilobart in 1896. The nomi nation of Governor Roosevelt as the Republican candidate for vice-president presents one of the youngest of our can didates ever offered for the second of fice of the government. If elected vice president, when Inaugurated on the 4th of March next, Roosevelt will he 43 yars of age, but Vice-Presidents Tomiklns rnd John C. Calhoun both en'cred the vice-presidency at the same ape. The youngest vice-president ever chosen was John C. Breckenrldge, who was only 36 when he was Inau gurated, and the oldest vice-president elected was William R. King, of Ala bama, who was 67 years of age when h was qualified as vice-president in Cuba on the 4th of March, 1853. He had been spending the winter in Cuba for his hnlth, and died there after having ben sworn in as vice-president on In auguration day. Four vice-presidents have been elect ed who were over 60 years of age. They were King 67, Clinton and Hen dricks 6f, and Morton 65. Six vice presidents died In office; Clinton, In 1:m2; Grrry, in 1814; King, In 1885; WH- son, .In 1S7S;; Hendricks," In 1S. and Ilobart, In 1S99. No vacancy was made In the presl dentlal ollice by do ith, resignation otherwise from tho organisation of th government until 1S41, a period of ov half a century. President . Harrlse died In 1S41, and was sueoMded John Tyler, the vice-president. Tayl died In 18.10 and wa succeeded by Vie President Fillmotv, Lincoln died I ISt!.", and was succeeded by Vice-Pre Idont Johnson, and Garfield died In lf'H and was succeeded ly viee-presi dent Arthur. Tyler and Johnson serv ed nearly the full presidential term as Harrison and Lincoln died a llttli more than a month after their Inau guration. Fillmore served as president for two years and a half, and Arthur for nearly three years and a half. There aw today only two ex-vlce-presidont MvinK Levi P. Morten and Adlal K. Stevenson. The question of the presidential sue cession In the event of a vacancy in the office, was somewhat obscure b yind the vice-presidency until congress pa:sed the act of January IS, 1896. pro viding that the cabinet ofTlcers begin ning with the secretary of state should succeed to the presidency In case of the death or removal of both presi dent and vice-president. First of the cabinet In eligibility is the secretary of state, then secretary of the treas ury, then secretary of war, then attor ney-general, then postmaster-general then secretary of the nay, then sec retary of the Interior, but no one of them can succeed to the presidency unless he has been appointed to the cabinet by the advice and consent of the senate, and is eligible to the office of president under the constitution. That precludes a naturalized cltixen, who Is eligible to the vice-presidency an to cabinet positions but not to the pt?sidency. It has not ben left for Lemuel E. Quigg, the New York member of the committee on resolutions of the Repub lican national convention, to refute the charge that he smuggled the word "isthmian" into the canal plank of the platform 'In place of the word "Nica ragua." The Interview with Martin B, Madden, the Illinois member of the committee, not only completely exoner atos Mr. Quigg from any blame In con nection with the canal plank but as sumes direct and personal responslbll lty for its warding, "isthmian" and all. Mr. Madd.'n says that not only old Mr. Quigg have nothing to do with the plank beyond voting for it along with other members of the committee but that he (Madden) drew the reso lution as It was submitted to and ap proved first by the sub-committee and afterward by the. larger body. More, over, the word Nicaragua never ap peared In Mr. Madden's draft of the resolution for the obvious reason stat ed by him that he deemed It inadvis able to commit the party in advance to any specific route. This explana tion of Mr. Madden's so thoroughly ac quits Mr Q'Jigg of any connection with a surreptitious tampering with the can al resolution that it adds force to his refutation of the charge made by Gen eral Grosvenor that he had suppressed a plank affirming the power of con gress to legislate for our territorial pos sessions. In both Instances Mr. Quigg was charged with doing a wise thing surreptitiously. That was a tribute to his discretion which he might have ac cepted silently as a compliment had It not been accompanied by baseless insinuation. It Is proposed to run trains at the rate of 112 miles an hour between New York and Chicago. The man who In- rHousavork is haid woAwittout GoldDusf TO WASH COLORED TABLE CLOTHS A frtt a? pmou whs lira m farms ui Ihav te U taalr set uhiat, aard clon4 ttklt Hats to aavt hla,. Tt imp them kwlloj and rrorn radial N a little Gold Dust Wishing Powder . Is tin vaaa vaitr, tad fry Is tht ahade. It la Ivaadtrful hoe hwa a prtttj rtd labia cltih will lap Its tmhataa eaahte this iu, X aak id I ar colond atpklnt tha aama vay. TV ll takM tMaa m frw Wtl.t "Aom auus res eoisawiuu thi a. s, ramsiNR oompsnv. QUICKEST, SHORTEST , and MOST DIRECT LINE ' TO TUB . ' ' EAST SOUTHEAST IS THIS vented the system might find an lin medlnte customer by addressing "tVm Paul." ttenerxl Je Wheeler is now on duty as commander of the department of the La'-ces. He also reserves the right to climb the first tree he comes to. Mas O'Kell has written an article entitled "Thi Woman I Hate." We hope for Max's sake that he has not only mentioned her name. T "N rt TT DKPART t'lilcsit IVttlaiid 'H'l'il !.). m TIMS 5CMl:HULES Kioii. turiliiuL Salt Like, Deliver. Ft. worth, Vmtl.i. hm. am ity. m. LuiiIm,! C'lili'nii ) n'l.l F.t j Aaaira At'antie Thra Mlv 'nllt vk InulMiint.. Ilii.l! P" Tom Piatt's fractured rib Is by means cle to a broken heart. no Corrects all blemishes of blot-sun burn, freckles nnd makes a beautiful complexion. also the best tooth and excellent for deranged stomach. lU.'ffl fa. removes 1I10UU111 3 kes. pln ples. tan, burn, Koberlinc S?A SiHikane Flyer. 6 p. 111. Luke. IK-nvvr, Ft. I V nrlh, Oh.kIim. Kan i iw llty. st. lotua,: ! c lili'a0 4iid Ka.l, i V dill tVn lil, l.-Ot-li.M,1 j XiHikHti ', .MIlhtoiw ; It", M. I'.lll, iMlMllh, Milwaukee, lliK'igu ' and K,ii. j Flota Aitorlit ' OCEAN 5TEAM.MIIP3 All Snilliic iMt.a aub I Ivct to rliMiiiie. i For Sn r raivpie.-Kl Miy3.,13, lit, a. 4 p, 111. 7 i. in W a hi THE PROOF of tha pudding U la tha Um th proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an anronraot tbat'a ro elusive demonatratloa. Ours will stand ths tax. HUGHES & CO. H.F.Prael TransferCo Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING .All Goods 8hlpped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. Lolrmbti Rlrur 7lm Almirr.Ara ExSuuduy'To Portland aa4 Way Landings. i -In m '.x ' Mo. day From Portland 1LLAMKTTK K.VKlt' . . j Suloiii A Wsr-InJ a. ' i K Sunday .... Wlllamftta and Vm.' ' - P1- ! hill ll.Z SPR1. luea.mur Mon.'td. lilp.irla I-fttre d!y 3 4-i a. in. 5naka Slvr. !rlaio :wlaton. 6am wit I iiitTi i' i,rt,i, Tuen. Thin! prn;.,r... .' !.iurdy . ud wav l.ndinM. iM m in dally 4: 4 p.m. ioii, n Kriilay O. W. LOUNSBERRT. w tt ,.t At Astoria. Oen. Pass. Aft, Portland. Or, No. E3S Duane St, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. MsT Res. TeL 11SL GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO Paul.Dalutb, Minneapolis, Chica?) and All Polns East AILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN-EQUALED. Depot Fifth and n..f.b.treu- Arrive """"u express Trains far Salem, Iiosebur.v Ash land, Bacraniento. gaen, San Fran- 'Ml m rlan l. I .UJ A n li 8 30 L. Leave 7:30 p.m. At Woodburn luany except bun day), mornlnf train connectrwlth train for Ml n el, Sllverton. Brownsville, hprlngfleld, and Natron, and even ing train for ML Angel and Silver-ton. Corvallls passes- I irpp ll:M Sheridan pasaen- lU:Wp.m liS:2Sa.m Through False anil Tourlut Hleeucra ninsBod Kairet Hmuklng Library Ci Kin mm iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda enreg a headache at one. It is a pleas ant, ar.arkliii(, effnrToticent drink that actaimmediatcly. It cleans and pur.tiiw tha atomach, Kntly gnieta tha nervaa and relierex all pain. It eurea tick and DrvouBheaduhp8,anaickneiand m-n-tal fatigue. IQc, ZBCj BOCj f I.OO FRANK IIART, Successor to Th. Olsen. 0-2 Com. SL Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at i. K. A ;n. Ticket Oliice, Astoria, or 'jrcat iNorinern xicKt-l Ulnce 268 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Tljk"t Agent, Portland. A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Pt. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night vetween St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connec tions are made with all transcontlnent al lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point n the United States or Canada, All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., Gen. Agt, Portland, Oregon. Portland. Or. Daily. Dally except Sunday. ' Rebita tl. kBi. , i- v.. . N-tVtemfl"'0, a?d 6an anclco. aml th'ket8 t0 Eastern poInU RS2 EaUnd PAust a?,anACbhenaobfe YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20 ! m.; 12;30. 1:BJ, 3:26, lis. t 20, .Vos 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. on Hunday .y ' ..Arrr,-'Ve at Portand dally at : l?'00."' m'; 12:40 a- dally ex- S?,nt,,i0"da.y: 8:30 and W: a- on Hunaayg only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Sua day at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland at D ili a. m. a i i, t.8 lram l,lave" Dalas for aiiuttys, weanesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays Thltru,latt rA c ....... ' - ..... . . . t. m,u aaiuiuuyif, iixcept Sunday, R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. uen. jrrt. and Pass. Aft ICtO TWO DAILY SOLID VESTinULEl) TIUI.N3 LESH THAN THREE DAYS PORTLAND TOCMCAQO ThrotiKh Tnliiee and Tourist Sleepers. Dining ami UulTet Library Cars. First eluas Iteiiining Chairs Free. I-OKTLAND (o DENVER. KANSAS CITY, OMAHA and CIIICAUO without change. Only one change to NEW YOKK. HUSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Inform. Hon, call on or address. a. W. LOUNSBEItRY. Agent O. It. & N Astoria, Or Or J. H. LOTH HOP. Uen'l Ail, No. 125 Third St.. Portland. Or. LttUL MITIfKR NOTICW OF FILINd Hl'l'CIAL AS , 8KSHMKNT HULL NO. fi. Notice Is hereby given that the board of assessors have comiiluted the spec ial aasessiiient for the lmirovvmeut of Seveiiteenttt street from the smith line of Franklin avwiuk to tha north line of Irving avenue, and have reported Ihs anion to the t'oiituion Council of the City of Astoria nnd that Ihe sum him been llled with I ho auditor and police Judge of the City of Aatorla and limned and numbered Hpeelul Asseas iiient. No, 39, and (hat the commit te on ativta and iubllo ways of Ihe Com mon Coiuull uf k,1 city has been ap pointed to meet with the board of an sensors on lh lath day of July, I'M at the hour of 10 o'clm k a. in. of suld day In the t'oumll Chambers In the City Hall of Hie t 'It y or Aatorlil, t'lut sop County. On-gtm. to then and Hum consider, review, correct und I'ntinllno iUd Special AxMcaainrnt ltoll, No, 33, Any person objecting to auKl asseas incut mum lie .his objections (hereto In writing with the auditor and police Judge. , K, NKI.HON, Ainllior and Tollc Judge of the City of A'torla. Date of First I'ulillcallon. June io. 1900, LROAL NtlTICKS, Oregon Short Line Railroad. THK DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah. Colorado ""rv'y iui" nr pUsh. orm: ' ,,' vui VVlViauU j K..t lllltune,,, f I'u.h. tir.gon; Wl ana an tajiern points. Gives choice of two favorite routes. rU the Union Paclrto Fast Mali Line, or the IUo Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 Davs to tfalt Lnke 2J Days to Doiivcr 3J Days to Chicago -1 Days to Now York. Free reclining chairs, upholster! tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman tl ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY. W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Thirl St.. Portland. Or. G. tV. LOUNSUERRY, Agent O. R. a N. RKCKIVRIVB PALIS. In lha Circuit CoUr,f mBta ()f Oregon, futility, of Cluaop, The Hm-uiliy Havings A Trust Com-pnny-plulmiir, vs. The Astoria Biroet Hallway CiiiiipanydorvnilMiits. Notice is hciThy given that In pur simnco of a Judgment, Om rce and or der of sale duly imidu and entered In tlm abdve.eniiiliiii suit In the above entitled court on Monday the 23th duy of May, which luiUment was In favor of plnlntllT ami nvulnat defend, ant for tha sum of thirty Ihouiand, Ui hundri',1, id Ofty dollars end the costs ami illabui'RciiiciiU of said suit, and In and by which judgment and de cree the iiiorimKt. rxnouted to plaintiff d.'fendnnl on the 2nd tiny of May. IMiJ tlKscribvil In the complaint In the above entitled suit was foreclosed and suld stun of thirty thousand, two hun dred ii nd llfty dollars SMuured by sold mortgage, together with the costs of said suit was declared tu be a lien upon all the .property innnlloiied In said mortgage and In the complaint In (his suit ami herein l out and which judgineiil. order und decree directed me as roc-lver of all suld property heretofore appointed In the above en mud suit to sell all said property to satisfy said Judgment, coots and accru ing costs, I will on MONDAY. THE 2ND DAY OF JULY, liwo. at the hour of I o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court houae door In i latsop county, state of Oergon, sell for cash In U. H. gold coin, to the high rat bidder nil right, title and lnieiet which the defendant, the Astoria Htreel Hallway had on tlm 2nd day of May, It'-', or has since acquired on the prop erty mentioned in i,i mortgage or aiy pail thereof, property is more particularly described as Mlows. lo-wlt: All the real property of said Astoria Htreet Hallway Company, Us rights of way, easements and appurte. nances; all Its railroad and street rail way In the city of Astoria and In said county of Clatsop, tho roadbed, tracks, poles. Hues, lines of wire, overhead construction, engines, machinery, dy. tiaitloS. Uellel-Al.trM ..l,.lrl.. ........ ..... Register, I other electrical apparatus, and all tool " Implements, all rolling stock, cars EXnClTOR'S NOTICE. equipments; all leaseholds, alt build- logs, car houses, power houses and oih. Notice Is herebv clvrn that Hie un. vr structures: all licenses, rliihts. tirlv. d.'rslicncd hua !.-, ti l.v il,d e.iiiiww H' geS and fianchlai'S aniwi lulnln l court of Clulsop county. Oregon, duly "'x-ve uienlloiied property, or appointed executor of th last will and uw,,rJ r b-'noglng to said railway testament of Eveline Slfcrte. deceased: v , ,, ""' "r " "r t which It has any and that said will has been duly prov- r'nl u" ur Inter -at: all things In ao en and admitted lo probate by said l,'"tracl, claims and demands, court. "d all and singular, all the property. All persons having claims ssnlnal T1' Personal and mixed owned at ths Hie estate of said deceased must pre- "ate pf said mortgage or thereafter sent the same, duly verified, to the nt4ulr-l by said railway company as undersigned, at ths office of llnrrlson wH' lww " equity, and the In Alien, attorney at law, room 7, Page '' i rvwnucs. rents, issues and pro- NOTICE FOR rUHLICATION. Ijind Offlce at Oregon City Oregon. June 18. Iixai. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing named s.-ttler bus filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In import of his claim, and that said proof will be mnde before the County Clerk of Clatsop County at Astoria, I'regon, on July ju. iswo. vis: Jt'HN ANTTILA, II. E. No. 1I5SS. fur the lots 9, 10, It nn. I io. secllon if, t 4 N. It s W. He nnuiea the following witnesses to prove tils continuous res deuce uuon Ja llllam How. of Tush, Oregon; Alb.-rt Hill, of i usii, I'rcgnn, t'll AHI.ES II. MOdRES. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are eontemniatln trip, whe;her on buslnesa or pleasure, they naturally want tha K. ...tZl obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety I concerned. Employes of the .. -ciiiau 1.1 N.b are riu io nerve tne puDiio and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with dlverelna- lln. .it Junction points. I'ullman 1'alace SlMnlna- mnA fh.i. . , , " r m x. Ltmi i van un inrougn trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meals oi-i icu a i cane. In order to obtain tha flrt.eia. .... vlc?vMk the Uck" ent ,0 ii yon The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connection! at oi. raui ror umcago, Milwaukee and all points East For any further Information rail nn any ticket agent, or correspond with JA8. C. FOND. Oen. Pass. Agt. or JA3. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. 216 Stark St.. Portland. Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. """" PORTLAND ArrtT 00 s. m.fportlsnd Union Dpot,ff:l s m" :65 p. m.lfor Astoria and lnter-1 :40p.m Imedlate points. . I A8TORLC I 7.4Ba.m.lFor Portland A In-Hf aar y.m.nci icctnaie points it:np.nx 8EA8IDE DIVI8ION! iniildliig. in Astortii, Oregon, within six in initis rr. in this dnte. ALHERT F. BIFERTE. Exei iili.r of the Last Wilt and Testa nient of Kvellll,! Hlferte, Iieceaaed Dated this 11th duy of June, 1SO0. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given, that the un- uis or saia proiwrty; and with the right to the purchaser of sold property Io succeed to and enjoy all the rights, privileges. Immunities, an.l all licenses, corporate or otherwise of said railway company, being the entire and complete railroad and street rail way plain and property of said Company. Ihe street railway of suld rail war J a a an iiiiii hid Ull' I .. a ' r dri-slgned. administrator of the estate , ,, 1 , u,ln" ul'tantlally on the of J. W. Mlnaker. Jweased. has BW '-mi,n ?nJ . V" ,lho ful!u'- in the county cour: of the state of ,7 ".,. v " ,,r Astoria. t'regon for Clatsop rounty, his final account as such administrator, and the same lias ucn st for hearing Mon day, the 16th day of July, llHn, at 10 o'clock a. m at the county court rooms at tne court house, in the City of As toria, in uatsop county. Oregon. lo-wlt: Resinning at Ihe lnferw-!l.m e touri street With Washington street, runtdng I hence eojiterly on Said Court tret to West Fifth street; thence southerly on said West Fifth street to Cedar street; thence easterly on said All' persons Interested 'in said estate -Vd.n.r ,n"'t ,0 Halim.n street; thence are hereby notlrted to then and there 7, . ) Pr V on imon street to appenr nnd show cause. If any. why .." 7" "ence easterly on the said final account shoul allowed and the personal prone longing to said estate distributed, ttilmlfilatrnlni i1l.,ha rvmA .n.l bondsmen exoneratil. .y crossing said block sixteen 8. 8. GORDON, Augur street and block seventeen Administrator of the Estate of J. W. L ' lu "tt,J Vurl ot UlPr As(orla to any why ""''I'! "treel; thence easterly on ild liot be r,n''J ,i'',Ll'K' lo th "Me operty be- 1 h "rest tbolng th, south Ibuted. th 7 "n8.,"t l,w:k 'leen (1) In the and his n ot l l'l)rr Astoria); thence north- Mlnaker. Deceased- Dated this sth day of June, 1900. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. round street; thence easterly on said round street to Uonnevllla av.nut' thence northerly on soJJ li.M.nnviii. avenue to Third street: and thenre easterly on mild Third Htreet to Dick inson avenue, with the -side traeka Notice Is hereby given that r.ursuatit Itches and brunches belonging or to an order made and entered In the appertaining thereto. county court of the state of Oregon I property now owned by said for Clatsop county on the JOth day of railway company, and hereby adver- April. 1900, the undersigned admlnle- J'd for sslo consists of those certain Irntor of the estate of I'. W. Coleman, lots, tracts or tiercels of real nr, merit, deceased, will on Monday, the 9th day 'V'" between and situate In Clatsop of July, 1900, at the hour of two o'clock county, state of Oregon, particularly p. m.. In front of the court house door described as follows, towR: at tho city of Astoria. In Clatsop coun- A" of lots two (2), three (3), four (4). IV. statH of Oreiron. offer fop nil. and nine (0). ten (10) anil eleven (111 1. sell at 'auction to the highest bidder blo'lt numbered two (2) In Shlvoly's for cash, all of the following described Astoria (now In the corporate limits of real estate situated In suld county, to- ,h cty of Astoria.) wit: And also nil of lot two (2) In block The north half of the southwest nuar. numbered two (2) In Fort of Conor As ter, and the west half of the southeast lorln, (now In tho corporate limits of quarter of Hcetlon number on., m. In said city of Astoria.) Township six (6), north of Range nine Reference being had herein to the re in. ia. nr.. 6:00ll:J5fLv .Astorls..., Ar n:ill:UAr ... r 6:54 12:13 Lv wsrrenton.. :' a.m. I p. m. 1:40 4:00 7: I 6:61 1:10 :!' I j 1 fiT m II Jti aeasyto haul a tut; S.J Joad up a LV hie hill if you grease the wairon wnceis with. MICA Axli Grsaca 0t a box tn.1 Icm wti i. Ik-hI Kn aw evnr put on an ajle. Sold evfrrtnlnem, Md l, BTANUAKO oil. CO. liL?!001 A r- -i: 8"ssjd. , . . SPECIAL SEASIDE 8UNDAT TRAIN weaves Astoria at 6:60 a. m.i arrives at Seaside 9:4ft a. n. Passengers may return on anr tr.i., shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from 8askle rvs ot Flavel and Hammond rla Warrtn. ton. All trains make close connections at Qoble with all Northern PsctUo trslna to ana rrora the east or Bound nolnts. At Portland wHh all trains lesvln. Union depot At Astoria with I. R. tc N. Co.'s bo., and rail line to and from Ilwsco ar.d North Beach points. THROUO' TICKETS on sals at As. (orla for .amsnli flna Pr.n,i.. .i Kafitern and Kuropcan points. ' ' City ticket offloe AstorU, 624 "nmer. rial street. J. c. MATO. Oen'l Fr't and Pass. Ageni WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia niver and Puget Sound Nav igation Company. Bailey Oatzert leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves PorVand dally except Bun day at 7 a. m White Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Dalley Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Agt. U. B. SCOTT, Telephone UL President (9), west of the Willamette meridian. I'ati'd at Aslor a. Orvs-on. this first uuy or .nay, im, C. W. FULTON. Administrator. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. corded nnd established maps and plats oi sum nmveiys Asioria and Port of l pper Astoria. Together with all and singular the ten. ements. hereditaments and appurte nances belonging, or In any wise ap pertaining to suld lots, tracts or par cels of real property; Being all und slmrular (h nrnnnriw of said defendant corporation. Tha Astoria Street Railway Company, real, personal or mixed; and all rights, priv ileges, Immunities and frnn.hl... owned by said company. Ana notice is hereby further given that I Will offer for sale and anil ail said property above descrlbod. real. personal and mixed, and said premises, rights, privileges and franchises and United States Land Office, Oregon City, uregon, April is, two. Notice Is hereby given that !n com pllance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," as exienaeu to an tne putnio land states by act of August 4. 1892, Sarah L. linttf.m nf .T.urnll t son. stat of Circa,, h.. (hi. ,i. fli.4 immunities of every kind and ileserln In this office her sworn statement No. i1"" "ovrcd by said mortgage of May 6179, for the purchase of the NWK of lm wht!ther owned by said defend section No. 18, In township No. 6 N. ant at tnB rtate ot a'd mortgage or range No. 6 W and will offer proof 0 I since acnuirou, in one parcel, to satisfy snow mat tne land sought Is more val- I . u Ju"H"ieiu, uens, costs ana accru Uable for Its Mmhee nr atnn. than n. Ing COStS. , agricultural purposes, and to estab- llonds secured by said mortgage and Ilsh her claim to said land before the "Vl,rrtuo coupons belonging thereto will register and receiver of this office at r9 roct''v'd on account of any amount uregon Uty, Oregon, on Saturday, the ulu ,u 11,118 as provided In said de 7th day of July, 1900. She nameg as m'e and oril"r "f '. wllnpflsea: C A. fnnr.TnnT?! John Corcoran, of Vine Maple, Oregon n,;r,,,vei' ' Astoria Street Railway James. W. Walker, of 'swell. Ores-on. Company. Isanc N. Foster, of Jewell. Oreiron. nernaru a. jonnson or Jewell Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-descrlbea lands are requested to file their claims In this ontce on or before said 7th day of July. 1900. CHAS. B. MOORE8. Register. s a vi MS. eso tiny Capsulfig are luDanorl C"ubebs or Injections" and nmnSl CURE IN 48 H0URSl"WJ the sama diseases with-V Xl out Inconvenient. ,oft fr alt ftrtirrfi't. THE I01VKR. NOTICH FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlco at Oregon City, Or., May n,i l trvj. Notice In herebv alvon thnf th. i. lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that ni.i proof will bo mado before the county clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Strangers visiting in tne. citv will find v" :", " 4 V. I ''..vl?' the I).ivre au attractive resort wherein if ' r ,1'"I."lw.u u: ... to spend I the. evoniiiR. The Ammo Histors HH nuarter, NK fimirter of HIS nuar" Lndice' Orclicslrn is still nn the bills and ter and SI) quarter of N13 quarter of presents nightly a musical niorrrnm of section 9, T 6 N. It 10 W. exceptional merit, Handsome pool and ,,e ntimes the following witnesses to billiard rooms are a feature in connection Prove J11" continuous residence upon no, viz; Seaside. Ore- Beaslds Oroirnn- Ooorge Irwin, of HenBldo, Oregon; Phil Ip M. Condlt, of Seaside, Oregon. (J1IA3. B, MOORISH), . Register. , billiard rooms an-a fimtiire in coiinuclion pr , continuous resldei with the house. Mutable lnnchea will anj ,hUl va',!.?," ot ald lam1' tie serve.1 at all nours ron t.L. l.T""'. Df fn! James Irwin, of Seasld J. A. Fastabend, Gcncrol Contractor and Builder. Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. C7J CommerolU Street, ASTOniA, ORB. Over Bchlussel'g Clothtn Store.