The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 01, 1900, Image 1

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books, .rio I :; Is, MnRariiw
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1 1 1
.NO. H30
A. 4 .a. 1 I A. A. Jfc. t JUL. . Jk.
8co that it in all right,
M'foro tho warm soanon
M'tn in. Wo will fix
everything riht fur
yon, nt u reasonable
lm Ann
Ross, Higgins & Co.
ring (tods
, Fishing Tackle, Rods, Reels, Lines, JFlies,
Hooks, Leaders, Baskets, etc Everything
necessary to complete your outfit.
Spauldlng's Base Ball GoodsThe .best in the
Croquet Sets and Bird Cage; A large assortment
to select from.
Fruit Preserving
Time is Coming..
...Fruit Jars, Sugar and Fruits...
Fir, Spruce
. and Cedar Lumber
Boxes, Sash and Doors,
Shingles and Mouldings
Manufacturer of
the Always Reliable
A lull Una ol Plpot, Tobacco,
ad 5mokr.' Artlclta.
ATA Commercial Mi ,
"La Belle Astoria" Cigar
Scheme's Opera Star
Scheme's Special
And Othar Brando
Commission, Brokerage, CM,,om HoM,e Dpokep'
Insurance and Shipping. Agent W. F. A Co., and Pacific Kxpreai Co l.
Immense Docks of North German Lloyd Steamship Company and
Three Oceanic Steamships Destroyed M lioboken,
Involving a Loss ol Over $10,000,000
Sleamiblpi Suit, Breaiea aid Maine, Set Fire From (be Blailnr Pltn, Bura lo the
Witcr'i Ede Scares ot People oi Board, Moil el Whoa Lost Their Lives
Hobokei Flrt Depsrlaeat sod New York Fire Tugs I'uble lo Cope
Witk Ibe Flaaies, and Djoamlte Is Retorted to-Twca(y-fiw
Bodlei Recovered L to 2 O'clock Tbli Morolnf,
NLW YORK, June 30.-AImosl U'
million doilora' worth of projxrty w
di-Mroyed, m:my lives Mat, many per-
iiiin were Injured and at leut 1,500
live wirt Imperilled by a fire Hint
aturted among the cotton baits under
Mi-r No. 3, nf the North German Lloyd
htfiuiiHhl Company. Irt Hubuketi, N. J.,
at 4 o'clock ihla afternoon. In less
than fifteen minutes tit Hit mm covered
an arc a of a quarter of a nilhj lun.
extending outward from the u'tual
hor line to the bulkhead, from 600 to
1,000 feet away, and had caught four
great liner and a dozn or more auiull
r harbor craft In Its graap.
The stories In regard to the loan of
life are conflicting, the number being
variously estimated at from 50 to 200.
Up to midnight ten bodlee had been re
covered, but they were all ao badly
burned and blackened that IdeiitllUa
tlon waa Impoealble.
The crowd on the banka ot the river
were almoat oa great aa that which
formed to witneaa the triumphant re
turn of Admiral Dewey. Looking up
the river towards the burning ships
and pier, the acene was a wonderful
and tragic one In grandeur. Along the
cruey shore small Area were blaxlng.
started by the wreckage from the great
teamshlps. On this aide of tho liver
the flrv caused the greatest excitement.
as the drifting steamnhips and barges
floated all alame to the New York
shore and crushed against the piers
from Canal to Murray streets.
From what can be learned tonight
the flumes started among a largo pile
f cotton bales on Tier. No. 2, of the
North German Lloyd Steamship Com
pany, and spread with such remark-
Mo repldlty that In fifteen minutes
the entire property of the company,
tuklng in over one-third of a mile of
water-front and contesting of three
reat plera waa completely enveloped
lit tire.
The llames started so suddenly and
uino'l such headway that the people
on the piers and on the numerous ves-
a docked wore unable to reach the
street. There were great gangs of work
men on the piers and these, together
Ith a number of people who were ut
the ducks on business and visiting
ships, scattered In all directions. As
all menus of exit was cut off by the
flumes, they were forced to Jump over
board, and It Is believed a great num
ber of people were drowned.
At the docks of the North German
Lloyd was the Saale, a single-screw
pussenger steamxhlp of 4,965 tons gross;
tho Bremen, a twin-screw passenger
and freight steamship of 10,500 gross
tons. They all caught lire and were
burned to the water's edge. The cele
brated Kaiser Wltholm der Groese,
which had Just come In," was the only
one of four big vessels at the locks
that escaped.'
Tho flra was first discovered oy a
watchman on the pier at 4 o'clock. He
saw a small streak of flame shoot
from a bale of cotton on Tier No. 2, at
which was docked the steamer Saale.
He Immediately ent In the alarm. In
a few nili'ut.-n the (lames had extended
to the ship .Mid were communicated to
the adjoining pier on the north. Here
were docked the Kaiser Wilhelm der
Grosce and the Maine. Tugs were im
mediately made fajt to the big Kaier
Wllhelm der Grouse, and she wa got
ten out Into midstream with safety,
though badly scorched at the owa.
The ship Maine, however, was doomeJ,
as the llames hid alrvadji become so
fierce on -he north side of the pier
thut no tug could approach the ea
sel. Then, by a shift In the wind, the
flames were sent (n the direction of
Tier No. L
To the north of Pier No. 1 wag the
dock of the Hamburg-American line
at which the steamship 1'hocniiiu, a
twin-screw passenger steamer of 6.071
gross tons waa docked. The flames
got a good hold oil the Phoenicia and
she was towed out Into midstream
ablaze. The Are had by this time be
come ao fierce that the otllcials of the
Hamburg-American line decided that
the only way to present Ibe total de
struction of their great pier wa to
blow- up the side of the dock at which
the Phoenicia lay. and this was done.
A number of barges docked at the pier
also took fire, but lp the effort to save
other Property, no attention vas paid
to them, and they were allowed to
It Is feared that the loss of life In
the holds of the vessels waa frightful,
as It Is said that many of the crews,
who were asleep at the time, were lm
prlsoneJ there. The worst tale will
come, from the Maine, which was un
able to be tow-jd from the pier. , The
vessel had only arrived this morning
and some of the passengers were still
op. board . When the cry of lire was
raised most of them Jumped overboard,
cn-J, save for a few who were tricked
up by the tugs, not one has Deen heard
from, although every hospital and ho
tel In the city of Hoboken is crow.ied
with the Injured. Some of the pas
sengers of the Maine tried to escape to
the pier and It was almost certain that
they woull perish In tho flam?s.
There was an panic on each of the
ships. Many persons jumped overboard
and the water for some distance along
the docks was lined with people. They
were clinging to piers and even to the
rudders of the burning vessels. Some
were picked up, some were drowned.
' Peter Quinn, Justice of the peace In
Hoboken, tells the story of having seen
at least thirty people perurii.
I When the lire broke out such headway
! was gained that by the time the Ho
i boken tire department arrived they
were helpless to cope with the llames.
Calls were maile to the New York fire
department for assistance and the fire
tugs were sent over. They, however,
had little effect on tlii sreiit mountain
of flames and smoke. Uy 7 o'clock thre.;
piers of the German Lloyd Steamship
Company had been burned to the
ground. The south end of the Campbell
Storage Company's property, consisting
of five five-story structures, caught on
fire and the buildings, being filled
mainly with Jjte and whisky, burned
rapidly. . In the buildings a large loss
will be sustained.
The Saale and Bremen, after being
pulled from the docks, were lowed
ablaxe down the bay and leached off
Liberty Island. On the Bremen, as she
blazed out In mid stream, six men
could ba. seen with their heads out of
the port iioI.m, waving Inndkerchlefs
for aHlntaiicf. The tugboats dart
around tin big atcamMilps, making
every effort to save them, but the ter
rlole heat of the flaniea kept ttmm
r"lvc niiiiut after the fire broke ou
a woman Jumped from one of the ship'
In a vain attempt lo rtach water. The
f'ltmi: diove her from the ship and ah
leaped Into a burning lighter along
slly the ship. An officer on board
the ship saw her, and plunged down
after her, hoping to drag her out o
the burning llithter Into the water,
both perished In the flames.
L'p to 2 o'clock twenty-five bodle
had been recovered.
Several Holes Punched Into the Bot
torn and Forward Conlpartmehta
Are Leaking Badly.
WASHINGTON, June 30.-(SpecIal to
the Astorlan. The following dls
patches were received this afternoon at
the navy department relative to the
grounding of the Orc-gou:
Che. Foo. June 2Jth. Secretary of
the Navy. 'We anchored yesterday
during a dense fog in seventeen fath
oms of water, three miles south of
How Ke Light, in the Gulf of Te Chi
LI. We sent out two boau and sound
ed. The least water was five and
half fathoms. Weather was clear. Got
under way and struck a pinnacle rock.
There Is much water In the forward
compartment. The aa la perfectly
smooth. Shall charter a steamer If pos
slble at Che Foo and lighten the ship
The rock went through the aid of the
ship above the double bottom about
frame 19. Small holes also are through
the bottom of the ship." (Signed
"HONG KONG. June 29. Secretary
of the Navy, Washington. The Piincs
ton has arrived. The Brooklyn leaves
today for Nagasaki. The Safiro which
is at Che Foo haa been sent to assist
the Oregon. The Iris la going to her
assistance.'' The point where the Ore
gon grounded la 50 miles northwest of
Che Foe.
LONDON. July 1. A special dispatch
from Shanghai, dated June 30 (Satur
day), says that all on baird the United
States battleship Oregon, which went
ashore In the Gulf of Pe Chi Li. have
been saved. There is some chance that
the vessel may be floated.
The Famous Pioneer Passed Away at
Seaside Yesterday.
PORTLAND. June 30.-Judge O. N
Denny died today at Seaside, ajed 62
years. Judge Denny was a pioneer of
Oregon, having come here In 1S."2. H
was consul-general to Shanghai. Chi
na, under President Arthur, and af
terwards advisor to the King of Corea.
Northern Pacific, Union Stock
and Mattress Factory
Have Losses.
TACOMA, June 30. Fire today de
stroyed the warehouse of the Puget
Sound Lounge and Mattress Factory,
the buildings of the Union Stock-Yards
and Damaged the Northern Pacific
property In the company's freight
Captain Carlson, fireman, was struck
by a falling timber and knocked out
of a three-story window, breav.'ng his
arm and suffering severe injuries about
the head. There were dozens of nar
row escapes from the flames, smoke
and falling walls. The total loss will
amount to $1S,!)00.
Screens and Screen frames,
Fire and Draught Screens....
Victim Says He Is Sorry He Did Not
Murder More People.
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. June 30.
Philip Nordlund. who on May 13 last,
on tho steamer Prlnz Carl, on which
he was a passenger, murdered seven
men. and wounded seven others, was
today sentenced to death. He expressed
regret that he had not killed every one
on board the Trlna Carl, emphatically
denied that he was Insane and asserted
that he had committed the crimes In
order to "avenge himself on mankind."
transport service, !a anked the wnr
department for InV.ructlons In rfgard
to the transport Grant and the horse
shlim Ltnnox, Conemaugh and Iele
naw. The transport Is scheduled to
null Sunday with the Sixth cavalry
for Nagasaki and the Conemaugh to
night for the name p!.v;e. Th: Lennox
on July 3.
Among the officer who will fail on
the Grant are MaJ .r Groesbeck, Major
Kills. Hixth artillery, and Major Wat
roun, paymflMter; Captain M. C. Alex
ander, Thirteenth Infantry; Captain
Klrkman, Tldrte-n-.h . infantry; Lieu
tenant Conl?y, Twenty-first Infantry;
Lieutenant Shaff-r and Lieutenant
General Shafter telegraphed to Wash
ington to learn whether 22 nurses who
t;ad been ordered to Manila on 1 the
transport Grant should not be
detained until a later transport. Sec
retary Hoot replied that the women
should go aa planned. At the head
quarters it is sail that what troops
and nurses are not waited In China will
be sent to Manila on mall steamers.
IVjJv'f1"'1 and iia" ,r"m ,h"re United States to Send an Expe-
dition lor Their Relief.
Bricklayers' Union Suspended
Fines Are Paid.
chilaw, June 30. Unless the
bricklayers' and stonemisons' union
pays finc-s aggregating $1100, and alters
Its agreement with the Chicago masons
and builders' associations. IU members
will be considered aa non-union work
men. A resolution to this effect was
adopted by the Building Trades' Coun
cil lust night, together with a declara
tion that the bricklayers' union, which
Is composed of over 3.000 members,
stood susinded from the central organization.
Soldiers Returning From the Islands
Will Get. at Sea. Passage and
Food Only.
WASHINGTON. June 30.-In accord
ance with the provisions of the last
army appropriation act, the secretary
of war baa amended the general orders
so as to provide aa follows:
"An enlisted man when discharged
from the aervice, except by way of
punishment for an offense, shall receive
four cents p"r mile from the place of
Ills discharge to tha place of his enlist
ment, enrollment or original mu3ter
Into the service, except that for sea
travel on discharge to and from or be
tween our island :xssesslons, trans
portation and subsistence only shall
be furnished him."
One More Added to the List of Sus
pected Assassins.
FRANKFORT. K, June 30. Rob
ert Noaks .suspected of being implicat
ed iu the Goebel assassination, has
been arrested at Big Stone, Va.
Santa Fe Brings Two Hundred and
Thirty Marines.
first overland passenger train to reach
Point Richmond over the Santa Fe
road arrived 'today with 230 marines,
who are to leave tomorrow on the
United States transport Grant. '
Will Take Soldiers and War Material
to Chinese Ports.
MARSEILLES, France. June 30. The
French transport Cachard sails tomor
row for Tonquin with twenty-six of
ficers. 700 soldiers, battery of S guns
and 2,00 tons of provisions and ammu
nition. The transport Ernest Simons
also sails tomorrow with some offljers
and 600 tons of war material for
American Soldiers Serving In the Isl
ands Will Git More Pay.
WASHINGTON. June 30.-The adjutant-general
of the army has issued a
circular, to govern recruiting for the
regular army, which differs from pre
vious circulars on the same subject
only In providing that the pay proper
of enlisted men serving In Porto Rico,
Cuba, the Philippine Islands. Hawaii
and In the territory of Alaska is In
creased 20 per cent over and above the
regulation rates of pay.
Superintendent of the Army Transport
Service Asks For Definite
SAN FRANCISCO. June 30.-Colonel
Lord, superintendent of the army
Commander of Battleship Texas Passes
Away In New York.
NEW YORK, June SO. Rear-Admir
al Philip, who died today, commanded
the battleship Texas and participated
in the destruction of Cervera's fleet as
w-ell as In other Important naval move
ments In the West Indies during the
Spanish war.
Embezzler Neely's Case Adjourned to
. July 23.
NEW YORK. June 30. A writ of ex
tradition for Charles F. Neely, charged
with embezzling, was moved for by
United States District Attorney Bur
nett before Judge Lacombe In the cir
cuit court. The motion was made in
accordance with the provisions of the
act passed by congress In the clos
ing hours of the last session. John D.
Lindsay apr ,r?d for Neely. The case
was adjoi ., to July 23 next to give
Mr. Lindsay time to prepare his brief
and submit it,-and also to enable the
government to secure more evidence.
Declined lo Arnault Chinese Forces Except
Wbea Necessary la Order to Protect
Amerlco-Newi Frtm Taka Olv
Isf Detail! of Several Conflicts.
no less than four accounts have come
to the state and navy departments re
specting the condltlcn of ministers at
Pekin, no one of the messages gives the
slightest Intimation of why the minis
ters failed to leave the Chinese capital
when given a day's time to do an. One
assumption Is that the ministers de
clined because they would have gone
out of Pekin to certain massacre by
the hordes of Boxers outside. Another
Is that they dilned to leave until
other foreigners were safely removed,
something beyond the capacity or In
clination of the Taung LI Yamen to'ar-,
complUh. But In absence of the facta
the government today determined to
proceed upon lines laid down, namely,
the ministers are In Pekin and in need
of help. The navy and war depart
ments will continue the plans already
set afoot for the despatch to Pekin of
an expedition to bring away the ministers.
LONDON. June 30. A special from
Shanghai says that the railway between
Tien Tsin and Taku la now In working
order. A telegram from Che Foo, dated
yesterday (Friday), reports that a Jap
anese steamer has arrived with a num
ber ot ladles and children from New
Chang; which. Is now:leXiaid.d by.Rus.-.,
slaiis and Japanese. Shang Tung prov-.
lnce la now up In arms, according to
special dlsptches from Shanghai, and
the rebels are destroying missions.
Foreigners are escaping by means of
an escort of tha governor.
Boxer placards have been posted at
T.- , i . I i . . M l . .1 . ,. u .....
Shanghai, fixing Sunday as the day for
a massacre of foreigners and the burn
ing of the- missions.
The consul has detained a steamer
which will take away foreigners.
Young Mr. Denby, son of the late
United States minister to China, Col
onel Charles Denby, has been reported
from Shanghai as being safe.
The City of Chin Chow, according
to advices received from China, has
been attacked by tlie Boxers, who are
now looting It. The missions have
been destroyed and the members barely
escaped with their lives.
NEW YORK, June 30. Harvard won
the baseball game from Yale today by
a score of 5 to 3.
TAKU, June 27.-The greatest anx
iety exists concerning the foreigners
at Pekin. Admiral Kempff believes
that large reinforcements are neces
sary to reach Pekin. Major Waller's
command with 440 Russians was am
bushed three miles from Tien Tsin on
June 21. They were compelled lo re
treat, the Americans abandoning a 3
Inch rifle and a Colt's guns, losing four
killed and seven wounded. American
casualties In relief of Tien Tsin follow:
Privates John Hunter and Nicholas,
kitled: Sergeant Taylor, Corporal Ped
rick and another, wounded.
Lieutenant Irwin ind Cadet Pettin
gill, with 40 men. were found In good
condition at Tien Tsin.
. TAKU, Jjne 27. Admiral Kempff op
posed the pjlicy of attacking the Chi
nese army unless they began hostil
ities. It Is now- admitted that the pow
ers awacaing me ions turnea tne i.m-
nese Into allies with the Boxers. Amer
icans think this might have been
avoided. Admiral Kempft has held,
aloof from tostilitles beyond move
ments necessary to rescue Americans.
The forces ashore now number 16,000,
of which 3,200 are British, 1.300 German,
4,X Russians, 3,600 Japanese, the re
mainder belns Americans, French, Ital
ians and Austrlans.
Yesterday the English torpedo boat
Fame visited the fort at the new city,
12 miles up the river. It was found de
serted and was Mow n up.
Lieutenant Juyr.e, of the Newark,
trying to reach TlehTsin by boat at th,
tlme of the storming of Tien Tain, had
a fierce, fight with -.he Chinese.
Major Waller's battalioa of 110 ma
rines, with ' Commander Craddock's
British naval brigade numbering 500
men, were camped on June 22 eUht
miles from Tien Tsin where the rail
road had been destroyed. At duviiulu
on the morning of the 23d Major Wal
ler and two companies of British
marched on Tkn Tsin. The rniiiin'tT
of the British, and 800 Welsh fusiliers,
supporting, went up the river bank.
Another column, consisting chi.-fly of
Russians and Germans, took up the
(Continued on Fourth Page.)