The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 17, 1900, Image 3

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The Latest
Sole Agent for Antorla.
1'OHTl.ANP, Jun 17.-Orfirn. fair
lid wartnrr tiMay. rxwtit Hsalbly
ahowar during lh fomnoun In north
iMirllnn. Wmililnxiiin, (air,
ci ahuwvrs truT coast, warrni-r In
southern anil wciwn xrtloi.
All contmcl foi itdvcrtimnH In
tho Aatoiiuit ure imidc on a giutr
nut to of clrculutioii four time
Jurcr than Hint of any pupvr
luiblUhcd or circulated In Clut
op county.
Frvnh tutt-rinllk at (h Parlor.
Horses for villa at Gaston's stable.
Bwe-t cream, ton cvnU a pint at the
W. O. Jlayne of Fort Stevens It at
(he Occident.
Mn. 3. W, fU'llow U vlaltln hrr
ter. Mrs. Qrvfry.
John Thomas cam up from Sulfation
yratarday morning.
Mm. II. C Sutherland, of Winnipeg,
U at Iho Occident.
tleo. E. Mauls, of New Tork, was
In the city yesterday.
PhJl Sella, of Bun Francisco, was at
Ins Occident yesterday.
Today'i baavball game la declared off
on account of the rain.
Daniel Duncan of Olnoy waa adrulttad
to the hospital yesterday.
If you want Ice cream that la made
of puro cream, try the I'arlor,
lst lS-cent mral, Itlalnf Bun Rve
taurant, (13 Commercial street.
Jeff's restaurant the largest and
beau A trial will convince you.
VI lie V. Mayo, of Portland, la visit
Ing her aunt, Mm. J. C. Mayo.
It waa very amooth outside today and
dead calm accompanied the rain.
F. B. Dewey, of Zm Angeles, Cal.,
waa at the Parker House yesterday.
The fishermen reported an average
catch of one or two per boat yesterday.
For rent 7. room house, nicely fur
nished. Apply at tZS Exchange street.
Bwevt cream at the Parlor, 10 cents
a pint; Just what you want for ber
ries. Charles Heuermann, a native of dor
many, took out his first papers yes
terday. Lieut. )I. B. Cloke came up from
Fort Stevens on ..he afternoon train
A drunk wns run Into by a street
car In Swllltown lust night, but not
aurlously Injured.
A good meat can be had at all hours,
at the Jewell boarding house. 728
Commercial street
Mr. James W. Hare and family and
Mrs. F, P. Kendall and family left
yesterday for Bcasldo.
The final account of the Westby es
tate has been approved and filed by
Mr. Carlson, administrator.
Geo. M. Hawcs, N. Poston, Maurice
C. Chcal and Wm. Zimmerman, of Port
land, spent yesterday In Astoria, I
Mrs. Jan. W. Welch returned yes
terduy from attending the Native
Daughters' convention at Portland.
RoHlyn coal Insts longer, Is cleaner
and niakes less troublo with stoves and
chimney Hues than any other. George
W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311.
rrsJ ir" ir I
i i li I
Hts for msnr years btea the
tbe Kuglish laogasge
in curing Xndlgeatloa, Sick Headache. Conetlpatloa, sad all Bilious
and Karroos Disorders,
10 oonta and 23 cents, ef m!1 twi too9
JapsntMiQ hoy wants situation to do
cooking or housework. Apply (12 Com
nien'lnl etroot.
Jolt's delicious Portland chocolates,
fresh every other day, at the Parlor.
Tweiity.flve cent and fifty otnt boxes.
A small place at Clatsop for salo or
rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap
ply to A. Tugg, Parlor Candy Store.
The fun-rul service of Qeorge Mc
Millan was conducted by Ituv, M. Mc
Corniuo at Olny yesterday afternoon.
If the weather ;)'Tiults, a party of cy
clists will lake a run down to BcauMi
this morning, returning on the after
noon train.
('renin Pure Itye. America's finest
wMky, The only pur goods; guar
anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl
son, idle agent
!Ier-sftr the Iloston Itestaurunt
will b open from S a. in. until 1 a. m.
It Is a first -clan place for after thea
ter supper parties.
F. D. Kuciiner, auditor of the A. A
C. It. It., has moved Into the house
formerly occupied by Thad Trulllngcr,
next to Dr. Finch's.
The partially decomposed body of a
man was awn !n the river yesterday
morning, lust below Kinney's cannery,
but was not brought In.
Remember we guarantee our Ice
cream to contain nothing but cream
and sugar and llavor. It la fifteen
ceut pr pint at the Parlor.
The government tug Geo. It Men
dell was surveying off the Heads yea:
terduy with a party under the direc
tion of Engineer O. D. ilegordt.
Contracts for the construction of the
new stable to be erected by Prael A Co.
opposite the O. R. A N. wharf, on Com
mercial street, will be let this week.
Rev. Seymour Short officiated at the
funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Jones at Bklp
anon yesterday afternoon. Many friends
from Astoria went down on the noon
Pror. A. L. Clark, of the Adair school,
w III spend the summer at the Yamhill
lock and dam works, where he has ac
cepted a temporary position aa book
keeper. Don't fall to try coco cola. It Is the
most popular new drink this season at
the Parlor. Those who receive coco cola
tickets can get them redeemed at the
Parlor free.
The funeral service of R, R. Vernooy
was conducted by Rev. M. McCormac
yesterday morning In the I. O. O. F.
Hall, The Interment was at Ocean
View cemetery.
Roslyn coal Is the best and most eco
nomical coat for household use In As
toria, Try It once and you will have
no other. George, W, Sanborn, agent.
Telephone 1311.
The Rrltlsh bark Qalgate, for Queens,
town with 131,547 bushols of wheat val
ued at $72,351. left Portland for Astoria
In tow of steamer Oklahoma at 1:15
p. m. yesterday.
Charles and Constance I. Rogers yes
terday filed a petition In the county
clerk's ofllce for the adoption and
change of name of Charles Lawrence
Illakeslee, a minor.
To those who drink whiskey for
pleasure; Harper's Whiskey adds
est to existence. To those who drink
whiskey for health's sake, Harper's
Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold
by Foard A Stokes Co.. Astoria,
Should the weather be favorable, one
of the largest If not the largest ex
cursion parties ever in Astoria will pass
through on a special train today, about
a hnlf hour behind the regular train.
Resides the Women of WoDdcraft It Is
expected that several hundred pleasure
seekers will be aboard. '
f A A
i fll I " 1
eopalar family medicine wherever
Is spokta, and they now
Only they who
use it know the
luxury, of it.
The Elf will make trips every few
minutes from 1 o'clock today between
Fisher's dock and the United States
training ship Adams, for the accommo
dntlon of those d'-slrlng to visit the
Fish Commissioner Reed returned
ycftcrdny from the Umpua and leaves
agalii In a few duys for Coos Ray. Re
fore starting h ewlll try to irott into
the mystery of the plica placed In
the sands In front of town a few nights
Visitors will be welcomed on I lie
training ship Adams today. This Is
llk.-ly to be the only opportunity, for
this year at least, to Instn-ct this In
t'T Unfc- vh. I. as she docs not expect
to st ip on the return trip from Port
land. After an unexpectei delay, the head
quarters of the Fourth of July commit
tee will be opened In the store former
ly occupied by the New Tork Novelty
Co., tomorrow morning. Prof. John
Moa'uc, secretary of the committee, will
be In charge.
Hospital Steward Wood, of Fort Ste
vens, has been granted a leave of ab
sence by the war department till next
November, In ord?r that he may at
tend the college of dentistry at Evans
ton, III. He will leave about the latter
part of July.
The lighthouse tender Manxanlta will
P-ave lodoy or tomorrow for Destruc
tion Islund. She takes out as a pas
senger a young lady who Is to marry
the assistant keeper of the lighthouse
ther, and also a minister who will
perform the ceremony. - -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook, Mr. "and Mrs.
W. C. Francis. M- W. Smith. J. M.
Parke, Robt. Adamson, W, B. McKen
si. J. a Coqper. Oo. N. Hoyt, F.
O. Duff urn. Mark Bchlussel anl L. J.
Kafurla, all of Portland, came down
on the train last night.
The Rrltlsh bark East African, bound
for Queenstown with 103,968 bushels of
wheat valued at 157,183, one of the
largest cargoes ever taken out on a
vessel of no grea'.er registered tonnage,
will go out today. The legal difficul
ties which threatened to detain the
East African have not been settled, but
she has been permitted to set sail un
der bonds.
At i p. m.' yesterday the tug Wallu
la' brought In the French bark Mar
echn .VllUfTiy a new. -raft, which left
Nantes In oallast. August 4th, to ob
tain a cargo of wheat from the Port
land Flouring Mills Co. She left Mon
tevldco, March 24th, and was not ex
pected here for a couple of weeks more.
The generous French bounty law en
ables a ship to innke expenses while on
long voyages In oallast.
The Astorlan of Wednesday gives a
time schedule for the summer run of
the A. & C. R, R. and concludes Its
Item aa follows: "A general reduction
of rates Is also promised." As the rate
from Portland to Astoria at present Id
only 25 cents. It is hard to conceive
where the reduction can come In and
whereas Mr. Hammond and Mr. Mohler
are travelling back East In company,
the outcome may be that a fair com
promise may be arrived at. and the
rates be advanced to reasonable pro
portions. llwaco Journal.
It Is regretted that the literary sage
on the Journal has not found time to
get out of the woods and take a trip
up the river on the railroad from As
toria. Had he done so, he might have
discovered that the two-bit rate ap
plies only to passengers travelling be
tween Astoria and Portland and re
turn. Fares between all way stations
and Astoria and to Portland remain
Just as they were before the cut. There
fore, per se, a material and general
reduction might be made without even
approaching the tW3-blt rate.
The Veronla correspondent of the
St. Helen's Mist forwards an Inter
esting Item of news concerning the es
tablishment of a creamery route Into
the Nehalem district as follows: "A
milk route for the Nchalem Is one of
the near possibilities. A creamery at
Astoria proposes to take all the cream
the people of the Valley will deliver
at Mist at guago prices. The farm
ers between Pittsburg and Mist are
maturing plans to have John and Al
bert Parker, the mall carriers, pick
up the cans three times a week and
take them to Mist, and the milk route
will be?ln at the home of C. L, Parker,
two and one-half miles above Pitts
burg, which wouli give the farmers
east and north of Vernonla the advan
tage of selling their cream. Something
of this kind would be of very good
benefit to this community and we are
glad to note that the farmers along
the proposed route are taking quite
an interest In the matter."
Articles of lncorp ratlon have been
filed with the secretary of state at
Salem by C. F. Lavwiworth of Port
land, Val. Rlldner of Hakjr City. J. T.
Laeey of Astoria and H. T. Hendry of
Raker City, who have associated them
selves under the name of Columbia
River Alaska Salmon Packing and Cold
Btursge Company. The corporation
proposes to engage in a general salmon
canning and oold storage business, Its
papers providing (hat It may purchase,
own, hold, sell asd dispose of r-al es
tate and personal property, may own.
operate and control fishing boats, scows
and barges nf ev-ry description, build
and construct buildings, wharves and
bridges, (,, take such other action as
may be d'emed necessary to the pro
motion of its business. The amount of
th capital stock Is fixed at fl.OQO.OOQ,
and Its principal place of business Is
Astoria. The capital stock Is divided
Intc 200,000 shares at a par value of
$5 each. The organization of the com
pany, according to the statement of one
of Its members, was conceived by J.
T. Lacey of this city, who appreciat
ing th- remarkable wealth of the Alas
kan fishing grounds, succeeded In en
listing enormous Investments to further
the proposition.
Two rtults Filed Involving Prominent
Robert Carruthers filed suit yester
day In the circuit court against Oeorge
H. George, S. Elmore, 8. S. Gordon.
W. II. Barker, W. H. Copcland. W. O.
Oosslln, F. P. Kendall, J. L. Carlson,
F. I. Dunbar, It, M. Leathers, John
Kopp, John Fox, F. A. and C. A.
Fisher. The compl iint alleges that the
defendants etit;r?d Into a partnership
with the plaintiff, the owner of the
nulling schoon-r Jennie, for the purpose
of cnKHKliig In halibut fishing, and that
each party inva!vd Invested 1100 and
agreed to share profits and losses
equally. The plaintiff alleges that the
entii prise was a total failure, that not
only was the I1M0 subscribed by the
stockholders consumed In expenst-s, but
that an Indebtedness of JHH.47 was In
curred and paid by the plaintiff. In
part payment of this amount he has
received the sum of K'A.W from defen
dants Fisher liros., Foard & Stokes
Co., Kendall, Leathers. Fox. Carruth
ers, Carlson and Dunbar, but nothing
has bon paid by defendants 8. S.
Gordon, George H. George, W. H. Par
ker. W. O. Oosslln, W. H. Copeland
and 8. Elmore, anJ he asks for Judg
ment against each of them In the sum
of $01.10, and that the partnership be
dissolved and an accounting of the af
fairs of the company be made. Plaintiff
Is represented by John H. and A. M.
Smith. The other suit Is Instituted by
John Nicoll against G. A Ancarola et
al. to recover the sum of 33 with In
terest due on a promissory note, and
to obtain foreclosure of tbe mortgage
held as security, etc.
Judge McBrlde Submits the Docket for
the June Term. .
The circuit court will convene In this
city tomorrow. The term will be de
voted exclusively to equity cases ac
cording to the following order:
The June term of ,he circuit court
will convene In this city on next Mon
day. It will be an equity term and no
criminal or jury cases will be tried.
There are. however, ninety-four cases
on the docket aa follows:
Joseph Holladay vs. C. B. Bellinger.
Joseph Holladay vs. Oregon Real Es
tate Co.
C. B. Bellinger, guardian, vs. Joseph
J. W. Graham vs. Pacific Construc
tion Co.
Edward Ehrman vs. Astoria & Port
land Railway Co.
Assignment of ChUholm ft Co.
Alexander Harkvlst vs. R. L. Nor
rls et al.
Assignment of Annie Feaks.
Emma K. Colwcll. admix., vs. E. E.
Assignment of E. R. Hawes.
0. M. Cutblrth vs. Wm. Holmes et al.
J. O. Hanthorn vs. Geo. Sandy.
1. H. DcForce vs. L. Abererombl?.
Astoria Tacking Co. vs. Mike Peco-
Sadie R- Schluss-l et al vs. T. Cadl
Rnn. H. Piper vs. Nlcolal Bros. & Co.
J. T. McKee vs. t'has. Forrest et al.
Foard & Stokes Co. vs. Eva Wall
mnn. Wadhams & Co. vs. Pacific Com
mission Co.
W. V Mears vs- Pacific Commission
Alfred E. F. Bell vs. William Bell.
ileorge Hill vs. J. W. Hare, sheriff.
Straight Seining Co. et al vs. Annie
JenRen et al.
Paul Schrodr vs. J. W. Hare et al.
Straight Seining Co. et al vs. W. E.
Tallant et al.
J. E. Hlgglns et al vs. Mary Morgan
et at
R. L. Sabln et al vs. W. H. Howell
et al.
S. Elmore vs. Ivor Junttl.
Adlosdorfer, Brandestlne & Co vs. T.
M. Burleigh.
John Nylund vs-'Chas. Mortensen.
David Keefe vs. School District No. 1.
E. Z. Ferguson vs. Peter Lamar et
Clatsop Mill Co. vs. Sal Get.
Assignment of Rebecca Strauss.
Anslirnmont of the Columbia Iron
Assignment of Clatsop Co-Operatlve
A. D. Puter vs. A. II. Loxler.
r.remner & Ho'.m?s vs. Clinton &
A. A C. R. R. Co. vs. Pacific Union
Pncklng Co. ,
J. M. Arthur & Co. vs. Clement Brad
bury. O. B. Wirt vs. Mary H. Llnenweber
et al.
C. S. Brown, extlr.. vs. May Case.
Frank R. Stokes vs. John Rlan et
O'NIel . Drew vs. Flavel Hotel Co.
Carrie Vleok vs. John Vleak.
Gilbert Bros. vs. Theresa O'Brien.
Columbia River A Pusret Sound Nav
igation Co. vs. W. P. Mclntire.
State of Oregon vs. Clatsop County.
J. A. McQuInn vs. Wm. B. Adair et
City of Astoria vs. J. E. W. Macfar
lane. Hugo A. Levlson vs. Ellen Hcffren et
A. A C. R. R. Co. vs. Cha E. Ford.
Jns. W. Welch et nl vs. Ed. Hflllock
et al.
Laura Yd vs. August Yd.
A. A C. R. R, Co. vs. Robertson
Raft Co.
M. J. Kinney et al vs. Wm. G. Gosa-
lin et al.
Equitable Saving A Loan Assocla-
We arc Anxious
That Tost
How Many
BcautiAil Premiums
With CofTsti)
With pice,
With F.x tracts,
With Bod a.
Wlrta Bakfng rewdtr.
Come Just to Look.
Oral teztiu Iotjii Ta Cl
S71 Commercial 8tret, Astoria-
tlon vs. Mary Humphrey et al.
H. Hamilton vs. City of Astoria.
Edmund Hall vs. Christian Felber.
Edmund Hall vs. Chas. Ubbelohde
ct al.
Casper Drilling vs. Victor Bergman.
J. D. Wendt vs. 8. D. Adair.
Columbia River Packers' Association
vs. W. L. Enyart et at.
N. I). Hain v. J. W. Conn et al.
Alex. Gilbert vs. O. P. Graham.
Thou. Hush vs. John Hagglund et al.
Astoria Savings Bank vs. John Hen
drickson. Wm. Tarrant vs. Robert Carrutbers.
E E. Leasy vs. Paul Hansel.
Mltha! Ness vs. Clatsop Mill Co.
On Gong vs. Wing Lee (Ju Guy).
W. L. Enyart A Frank Cook vs. Co
lumbia River Packers Association and
W. J. Rarry.
H. Hamilton vs. Hiram L. Parker,
Adm. Estate of F. Beerman, dee'd, and
State of Oregon.
The Scow Bay Iron A Brass Works
vs. The Columbia Electrical A Repair
A. C. Finher and F. A. Fisher vs.
John W. Welch et al.
K. A. Fisher and A C. Fisher (Fisher
Bros.) vs. H. F. L. Lgan et al.
Julius H. Amme vs. Marie Amme.
M. D. Staples vs. Margaret M. Bal
sam et al.
Josle A. Hubbard vs. Charles 8.
B. F. Durphy vs. Margaret E. Dur
phy. Rebecca Hall vs. vVUIIam P. Hall.
Elltabeth Contaa vs. Antonla Contos.
Chas. P. Salmi vs. A. Bakka.
C. R. Hine vs. J. W. Farquhar et al.
C. W. Stlveley vs. Clatsop County
and Ihos. Linville. sheriff.
State Land Board vs. G. WIngate et
Hermosa Park Investment Co. vs. C.
C. Grimes et aU
Chris. Peterson vs. J. C. Moorehead
et aL
E. A. Betts vs. Wm. B. Adair, adm.,
et al., .j
Mary J. Sutherland vs. F. A, Suther
land. Louis Kirchoff vs. Augusta Steab,
Anderson & Martin Anderson.
N. P. Sorenson vs. John Henry Bene
dick Marion et al.
Equitable Savings A Loan Associa
tion vs. James T. Bullack A Viletta
E. A. Taylor vs. Flavel Hotel Co.
John Nicoll vs. G. A. Ancarlo et al.
R. E- Carruthers vs. Geo. H. George
et at.
Recent statistics prove that the aver
age health and length of life of human
beings have grown stronger and longer
with the years. In the Sfteenth cen
tury, there was not to be found a man
or woipan over sixty years of age. It
Is clearly demonstrated that the change
for the' better has been brought about
by modern Ideas and methods. One of
the agents which has been most In
strumental In preserving life is Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters. Thousands have
died from stomach and digestive dlsor
ders, who might have survived had
they resorted to the Bitters. It Is the
greatest of known tonics for stomach
and digestive organs. It cures dys
pepsia. Indigestion and constipation,
and has done so for , the past fifty
years. There Is nothing to equal it.
Methodist 11 a. m., sermon by the
pastor to old people on "The Future
Palace of the Soul." At 8 p. m sub
lect. "A Mountain Filling the Earth."
Baptist 11 a. m., sermon by the pas
tor on "The New Life." At 8 p. m
subject, "Lessons from the Loaves and
Presbyterian 11 a. m.. rermon by the
pastor on "The Religious Instinct." At
8 p. m., subject, "Dead Flies," repeated
by request.
Norwegian MethJdlst Upper Astoria
11 a, m., sermon by the pastor on
"Christ Relieving Us of Natural Bur
dens." No evening service. Sunday
school at 10 a. m.
Swedish Baptist O'Brien's Hall, Up
pertown 11 a. m. and 8 p. m-, preach
ing services.
Chris. Peterson to Astoria Savings
bank southwest quarter of southwest
quarter of section 23, township 7, north
of range 9, west of Willamette merld
Ian, and northeast quarter of north
east quarter and north half of north
east quarter of section 27, township 7
north, range 9 west; $22.6o.
C. W. Fulton, administrator of es
tate of Auust Magne, to Alexander
Gilbert lot 5, and northeast quarter of
northeast quarter of section 30, and
east half of southeast quarter, and lot
6. section 19, and southwest quarter of
section, all in township 7, north of
range 8 west; (1.000.
The Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul
Railway Co. will place In service April
29th a New Train between St Paul and
St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch
man." The train will have through
sleeping cars and be first-class
throughout. Ask any ticket agent for
particulars or address
C. J. EDDY. General Agent.
Portland, Oregon.
Astoria Oregon.
All chronic and nervous diseases of
women treated by this method. Exam
ination free. Hours, 1 to 6.
Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin.
t ft - 1
WOMES and Women Only, especially mothers, are most competent t
appreciate the purity, sweetness, and delicacy of CtJTicnu Soap and
to discover new tuei for it daily. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing,
sod purifying properties, derived from CCTictBi, the great skin cure and
purest of emollients, warrant its use in preserving, purifying, and beautifying
the skin, scalp, hands, and hair, and in the form of baths and solutions for
annoying irritations, Itchlogs, inflammations, and chafing, too free or offen
sive perspiration, and alio in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
si well as many sanative, antiseptic purposes, which will readily suggest
themselves. All that has been said of CTTICCR. Soap may also be said of
Ccticcba Ointment which should be nsed after the Soap, la the severer
cases, to hasten the cure.
Complete External A Internal Treatment for Every Humor, 11.25,
conlun of CiTKCKA boxr (Sjc), to cleanae Uie iklnof crnguind -ale nd Kitten the
thickened cuUrle, CCTICC B Oiktmext !.), to tnsUntlf illar itchier, Inflammation, ant
Irritation, and toothe and heal, and Ccticcba Resolvent (30c), to tool and rleanae th
blool. A Single Met la often (oflclrnt to core the most torturing, dlaflKOrlnr. and hntnll.
ladnt- akin, aralp, and blood humor, with lots of hair, when all die fall. foTTEB I)st,
xu Cue. Coup., Sol Pro pa., Boatoa.
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North Paeiflo Brewery, of which Bottled beer tor family use or keg
Mr John Kopp k prorietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery ii
tor domes io and export trade. the city free.
florth Pacific Brewery
For Outsida Use on Wood Brick and Stone.
Beady for immediate use by adding
Made in Brilliant White and Sixteen Colors. For sale by
Astoria, Oregon.
cms W. G. SMITH & CO..
We Rent New
"The World
f Owes Every Man
a Living"
Bat what sort of living iii it you get
with a pooi stove or range in your
kitchen? liny a
Star Estate Range
..-.They insure good living
I W. J. Scully, Agent diSsS
..'-. n-ivTr
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, -Farmers
and Loggers.
A V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
w. a
22 and 23 Washington Bnildinsr,
4th: and Washington Bts. over Litt's,
Many new improvements added.
See our latest
No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter
New Art Catalogue Free . . .
Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers
245 Stark St., Portland, Ore.
F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent.
m i
is, i
o r;' r? T i