THE 'MORNING ASTOHLLN, SUNDAY," JUM, 17, 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main C6L TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year $M0 Pent by mail, per month JO Served by carrier, rer month....... .W SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mail, per year, in advance tt.80 Postage fre to suDscrioera. All communications Intended tor pab ligation should be directed to the editor, Business communications of all kind and remittances must be addresavd to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Its ad' vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising ratee can be had on ap plication to the bustneaa manager. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. The Astorlan has received a copy of the official reDOrt of Ellis H. Roberts, Unit 3d States treasurer, who has this to say regarding the ne era in the United States finances and currency, as established by the act of Man-h 14. 1900: "This law makes a unique rate of in terest on government bonds, and so af fects the earnings of capital in all uses. It fixes, except for a small per cent, the denominations of silver certificates at 10 and below, and of United States notes at $10 and above, while it does away gradually with treasury notes and puts silver certificates in their place. It opens the door wide for In crease In the notes of national banks. It glv?s parity to all our currency. On the face of all our money, paper and coin, white and yellow, on all our bonds, all wages, all trade, all bank ing, all business, it brands deep and sure, to be read of all men for all time, the pledge of gold intst abroad and at home. The lowest rate of Interest borne by the bonds of my foreign nation Is two and three-quarters per cent on British consols. This is to run until 1303, and then to be two and a half per cent. On only a part I the debt of Germany, France and Russia is the rate as low as three per cenr. Denmark borrows at the same rate. AXuHa pays no less than four per cent, and Italy no less than five. ' The average bank rate for money in the Europo centers, in the year ending with June last, was 2.6 per cent In Amsterdam, 17 In Paris, S.17 In Lon don, 4 59 In Hamburg and Berlin. From July 1. 1899, to March 2, 1900. the average in Paris was 3.24, In London 4.40, in Berlin and Hamburg 5.57. In the year ending with June last, the av erage for call money In New York was 2.36 to 3. C3, and for prime paper 3.34 to 4.30. For the months from July 1 last to March' 2, the average In New York for call money was 3.52 to 6.51, and for prime paper 4.75 to 5.87. "The changes every day in New York are greater than elsewhere, but the rec ords show that the rate for money Is less in our country than in any point , In Europe, except Paris, and often lower than on that bourse. "At the market price during March last our 4 per cent bonds of 1925 earned to the investor an average of 2.149 per cent a year; the. fours of 1907 earned 1.543 per cent; the threes earned 1,593, and the lives only .0972. ; "For April, on the same basis, the av erage earnings were: For the fours of 1925, 2.244 per cent; fours of 1907, 1.851; threes. 1.738; fives, 1.452. "The contract with foreign loans is most marked. The German three and T bit. VJLJ4JJ " Baldwin's Celery Soda cures a lioadach t one. It la a plaaa- ai.t. J.....'.:;...-, l?. "o; tat Or'.uV artalniHiaduitelT. Itcleana and pnr.fliae Uie stomach. Kotly quiet til nerTM aud ralitvM all pain. It ours sick and narvolu hudaeUML Maniclcr! aild D1IU' tal fatigue. .lO.Ct ZSc 80c, 1.0 0 Successor to Th. Olsen, 00-I Com. Bt a half per cents sell at 9tV to 87, and the threes at So to Sty, so that their earnings to the buyer are more than the interest stated. The premium on British consols Is about one per cent, and on the French rentes one per cent, or a slight fraction more, and their earnings vary a little above the face interest. The latest allotment of British treasury bills was at 96-1M tor three months, and 96.9J for twelve months. Thus money is cheaper with us than anywhere else among men. "The labor and wealth of the Amer ican people underlie the law of March 14. 1900. To them are due the results of which we are thinking. More po- tent for riches than even the yellow metal Is our agriculture, with Its corn and cotton, hay and tobacco. Its farm animals- The malie which the red men gave us, which saved Jjhn Smith's colony from starving, turned out lost year a crop $629,210,110 In value, anl that exceeds the capital of all the na tional banks. The worth of farm ani mals by latest figures is Jl.997.010,467, very nearly equal to all the money In circulation In the country. "And yet no less than our agriculture our manufactures create an El Dorado richer than the early navigators sought, and their growth expands with each new year. It is not enough that the American people have long led all nations in this broad field the rate of Increase exceeds that of all the rst of the world. If the earth is already giv ing us its maximum crops, Imagina tion fails to limit the products of forge and mill, of factory and laboratory. Take pig iron as an Index of manufac tures: The Increase from 1S97 to 1SJ9 was 41 per cent The product is now at the rate of 15.20,000 tons a year, more than 50 per cent greater than that of Great Britain. Our exports of man ufactured articles for the ten months ending with April were 34S,OO0,OO0, In dicatlng for the year over $450,000,000, and that is more than our total exports as late as 1S70. The product of our manufactures this year will hardly be less than three times the total assets of all the national banks, $15,000,000,000. 'Our products flow outward Into all the world in a gulf stream ever rising. Our total exports 'or nine months end ing with March were $U72,73S,6S5, be ing $135,945,857 more than for the same period last year, and indicating for this year i,4W,wo,ooo, and a balance of trade of $550,000,000. Comparison with Great Britain cannot fairly be made, for she is a trader more than a pro dueer. and is a wayport for the world's commerce. We sell what we raise and make, our foreign trade springs from our home industries. Our net balance of trade belongs to our own people." CHOATE GROWS A BIT FUNNY, Ambassador Choate, at the banquet to Sir Henry Irving, the other night, poked some fun at John Bull. Wheft one bpanish fleet was deroyed by Dewey in Manila and another by Schley in .Santiago, the average Eng lishman affected the belief that the feats were of no extraordinary charac- r, and expressed no little wonder that Americans should go into ecstasies over them. With this as a text Mr. Choat humorously twitted John Bull anent the paroxysms of exultation which the re lief of Ladysmith and the capture of Cronje had called forth from the Land's End to John O'Groafs- Of course, the astute diplomat did not tell John Bull, as he micht hav lr,n that there was really nothing to boast of in either of thoee feats. He mirhtl have pointed out that for eight weary months an army of 10,000 was cooped p In Ladysmith by a force that rare ly exceeded 3,000, and that Cronje, with only 3,700 men and no guns, holding Roberts and his hoBt of 70,000 men at bay for three days, was an achieve ment of which the Eoers and not the British should feel proud. On these points Mr. Choate was wise ly discrete, and, after all, It is no body's business If Mr. Bui!, elated with his belated and inevitable success, should crow as loudly as any chanti cleer of the barnyard. This pleases John and dots no harm. Don't think that every ead eyed wo man you m-jit has loved and lost; perhaps she has loved and got him. Don't send for a doctor If you prefer to die a naturU death. WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company, Bailey Gatzert leaves Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun day at 7 a. in White Collar Line tickets and O. R. tc N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Aft U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 11L President llbusework is hard wAwttoutGoLlDustr TO WASH BRUSHES AND COMBS T walk talr snub aid combat tlteolw a ubleipooaful of Gold Dust WtsVing Powder Is boillai vattn b l la atari told, dab brldlta ap aad do without alloeiat tb backs at tbt brvabaa at bacon vq vhta tht braaht ar cltaa, dip thta la plala cold water aad dry lata altkar by th fir or la th opt air. Soap lars lb Itott back comb or kratha ytllew. bat Oold Deat doc aot lajar this, mouio auua rva aovaaauas" tal Cm m MtaaH to tni a. a. raisaauR eoatPMr, St. taata. Hot Vara, Corrects all blemishes of J the face, removes blot X lSQOm S '. Pln ples. tan. sun burn, freckles and makes a beautiful complexion. It Is also th best tooth w-ash, and excellent for deranged stomach. Fisher's Opera House L. E. SEUO, Lessee and Manager. WEDNESDAY, JUNE JO RUSCO AND HOLLAND PRESENT Gideon's Big Minstrel Carnival AND Nashville Students 2 Complete Faultless Insti tutions in a Mighty Union 2 45-MINSTRELSTARS45 2-BIG BANDS-2 PICKANINNY DRUM CORPS Travclln? In Its Own Train of Pullman Cars. 12 Comedians , 10 Solo Singers 16 Dancers 8 Bia'OIIo Acts The most stupendous street parade ever given by any minstrel show takes place daily at noon. ADMISSION Reserved seats 75 cts: gallery, 50 cts. Seat sale 'pens Tues day morning at Griffin and Reed's. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE Ta St.Paul.Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicane and All Tolns East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND 8CENERY UN EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourlut rileaura billing and Knife! Mmuklng Library C'sra Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Aatorla, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 M0KRIS0X STREET, PORTLAND, Fur rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receivt Special Attention. No. 6ZS Duaoe St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mrr Res. Tel. 113L ml o) & TIMB 5CHI:DULB5 PKPART From Aa4l t'hloHif- Salt likt Penrrr. ft. Portland Worth, llmal.a. Kan- . Hei'iiU fa i itjr, tit. Louia, P-ra- tl.Sn.tu t'lili-afo amt KaU . , -"alt Uke, IH-nvor, H. At'amlft Worth, On.nli. Kan- fcxirrt , iny, hi. Uuii, P j i lilrmco and Knit, 7 a. ru W .lW;U. I. wMou, 8HikH i SlHikuio. MltltlMtw. .'Ijer. I IK hi. P.ul. Pniulh, Wain o p, m, Milwuk, t liiejito ar.d Katt. From Aitorta OCEAN STEAM5NIP5 All Balling Datca tub I Jrct In change. 'For !n KreueiacoMall May 3. a, IS. IS, a. a Colombia Rlrr StMrcera To Portland aa4 Way Luttftaca, 7 am El Sunday Jloiilay from Portlaml earn Ex SuuJay W1LLAMKTTK HlVKR 4:30 d. m Ki Sundy ,Oreon Ctv, Newbera, (Meni A Way-Und a. I it - . . v 7 a.m. I km m . JDP. B, Tuci.TUur' Mon.,Wed. and sal. y""n i,iijr, i -ayton, a and rrl. Klnarla Leata dljr 5nakt Rlrar. KIparlatoLawlilon. I. Lcwiall .uo a ia i:ui m. di am WILI.A.MET! K RIVEK Tuea,Thur Portland to Cnnalll. Saturday and way lndinin. 4: 0 p, m, Mod. Wed rriuay G. W. LOUNSBERRT. . Agent. Astoria. w. ft. tl UJrvLiUUHX, Oen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Or. EiST m SOUTU Depot Fifth and I Streets. Overland Express Trains for Salem. Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden, San Fran cisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, Kl Paso, New Orleans and tho East Leave Arrlva 7:30 p.m '1:11 a.m 8-30 a.m 7:0t p.m At Woodburn (daily except Sun day), mornlnf train connect with train for Mt, An gel. Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt Angel and Silver- tnn Ii7:30 Corvallls passes- lI;Mp.m Il!:a.m srer. 114:60 p.m Sheridan passen . I Ker Daily. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and 111 second class, Including; sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern points nu .uruje. Aiao japan, unina, Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B, KIrkiand. Ticket Agent 114 YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson St Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, l:4e a. m.; 12:30, 1:65, 3:26. 6:16, 1:23, 1:06, 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday uuiy. Arrive ai roriiana aaiiy at :!&, 8:30, 10;60 a. m.; 1:26, :16. 4:30, f.lQ, i.iv, iv. w p, m.; it:w a. m. aaiiy ex ti-iii diunuuy; o.iv ana iv:ua a. m, on aunaays only. Leave, for Dalas dally, ezceot Sub. day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland ai v m a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Airue Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days at 2:46 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, inurauays ana oaiuraays. Except Sunday. R, KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt and Pass. Agt Candles Kothln lfM auMi no mnnh 1 totb hrmof th rlrwifisf room or Iworioir m tli mtt lr rsnii- nt utit from CORlXiVA tlawilv. flthmc Will tisOTit rilrtit mnrf to f h ftrtiitic U'JH or 111 UI4 -hMOIt, i Ua or dionr. Tb bent ijncfrativ cAadlM fur tho BimpiiHtt or I ho Bo4 4?U Jkt( fnnrf ifin-for eoU Uiro or niaVDaion. Mad in til colon muX tn tnont Qi)llr,tm tluU )$ HTA.MAbBOILl. vod oold ovorrwhor v.V S 7y 1 L-S M t i La QUICKEST. SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO TUB ' HAST SOUTHEAST IS THIS icto TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULEl) TRAINS LKSS THAN THRKli) DAYS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO ThroiiKh Talsce and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Library Cars. First- class Reclining Chairs Free. PORTLAND to DKNVER, KANSAS CITY, OMAHA and CHICAGO without change. Only one ctiange to NKW YORK. UOSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informa tion, call on or address, O. W. LOUN9BERRY. Agent O. 15. A N., Astoria, OrH ur j. 11. i.u riiKui', uen i Age, No. 1H5 Third St.. Portland. Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THB DIRECT ROUTS TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the I nton Taenia Fast Mall Lint, or me two uranue ecenio udn, LOOK AT THB TIME 1 Days to Stilt Luko 2J Days to Dviivcr 3J Days to Chicago Days to New York. Free reclining chain, upholstered lounsi steeping cars, and Pullman (al ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or C. O. TERRT. W. E. CO MAN, Trav. I'ui Agt. Oen. Agent i; iniro et.. roriiand. or. O. W. LOUN8U1CRRT, Agent O. R. N. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS T,'l , . ... ncn peopie are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, mrr uuiuraiiy wint in, nat mpvim obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employe, of tha U'liflltttOt.1 n . I . ii.iw.iaiii (.L.IlUb ar puiu (o nerve tne pumio and our trains are operated so as to make close con nectlons with divera-lnc llnaa at ail Junction points. Pullman I'alace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meals ai-rvru a, ia carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ruk the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over..... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at at. raui rr unicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call On any ticket aKent, or correspond with JAS. C. I'OND. Qen. Pass. Agt or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee Wla. General Agent 246 Stark St. Portland. Or. THE lOrYKE. Strangers vihitiniz In tnn niv llt rtn.l tbe IxjUVre fill uttractivn raonri li to spend ti,0 eveoinif. The Amme Misters I.slies' OrcLentra is still on the bills and presents nightly a mnsical nroirrnin iA exceptional merit, Handsome pool sod billiard room nre s ft-ature in connection with the Iioiiuk. I'lilutohle Inn .lies will 1 nerved at nil nonra THE PROOF fi m puadlng Is la tba aavOaf and the proe of hquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that' ceo elusive demonstratloa. Ours will aland rfca Met HUGHES & CO. J A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder LKOAt NOTICE FINAL ACCOUNT, Notice Ih hnliv irlv.-n w k. r ri'K '' .ft:Ir,,l"Htrator of the estate I J. W. Mlnuk. r, Jeceosed, has filed n the county -.i,e? ,.t . -j . t -me mans oi Oregon for :int,p county, his final ,. :,L u ,n tt'"inlHtrator, and the same has .(.n t... . day, the 10th iluv of Jniw io(1ii . in clock a. in., at thi rami. 'nt f,l.hein"r'-il.h0l,w' In thfi Cltr A" torla, In C atanti r,,nm .11 ' 1 '""'Ji virgin), All persons Intit-r.ut.,i u. ...i.i are hereby notlfl.-V'to then and 'there i ..mii'1 """I account should not be '"'r' U,,IJ l Personal property be onitlng to said e.tto rfi-i.n..,,. .k. administrator difh. ' i. - bon.lHmen txoneratil. AdmlnlHtraUir of the Estate of J. W. Mlnaker, Deccaoed. Dated this Sth day of June, 1900. LKOAt MOTIt'KI ADMIMSTIIATOR'B BALE. NntU Is tii'ioby given that l urauant to an order tunde and eiiOtred in tl county I'duit of the state of Oregon fr i'lntnop rnuuty on tho 50 ih day of Anril, 1D00, the underaliined mliiilnls Untor of the eatatn of 1". V. Coleman, deoeiiHiHl, will on Monday, the Hh day o( July, l'M at tha hour of two o'uUh k p. m,, In front of the court houae door at tho city of Astoria, In Clatsop coun ty, slate of Oregon, offer for aitle and sell at auction to the hlgluat bidder for rush, all of the following tteacrlbfd real eatuto situated In snld county, to wn : The north half of the southwest quar ter, and the went half of tha southenat itmrter of Section number on tl). In Townahlp six 6), nrth of Itauge nine t. west of the Willamette meridian, Dnt-Hl at Astoria, Oregon, this first day of May, 1W0, C. W. FI'I.TON, Admlnlatratiir, CONTEST NOTIC. Department of the Interior, Land Of nee, Ulegou City, Oregon, May 7. A suniolent contest alfldavlt having bivn llled In this ottlca by W. O. Howell, contestant, agalnat Homestead Entry, ro. s.aoi, niniln November 14, IS11I, for 4 oi v h. Hectlon 17, Township 5 N, lUnge 19, by Cory O. Aduiiia, conteatei, in which It Is alleged that contestant knows the present condition of the same; a I ho that suld Cory O. Adaina ma wnoiiy aoandoned said tract of iumi ana changed his residence there from, (or luoru than four ai,,.., making suld enlry and next prior to date of this aittdavlt and that he has rnllid to cultivate and Improve said trad of lund as provided by law and that said alleged atiaence from the said land was not due to his employment In the army, navy, or marine corps of the l nlted States as a private soldier, om c,T, seaman or marine, during the war " ' npam, or auriiig any other war In which the United mates may be en gaged." said partlee are hereby noliriod to appear, reapond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock . in. vii Jnna ?1 before tho register and receiver at the vimei mates land office In Oregon vi. j, vieguil. The said contestant havlnv in er affldavit filed February 1. liwo. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cunnoi o made, It Is hereby orderoj and directed that such notice be given uue ami proper publication. Signed, WM. OALU)WAT. Receiver. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county. Rebecca Hall, plaintiff, vs. William P. Hall, defendant. To William P. Hall defendant In the name of tha state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the ISth Cay of June, WOO, that beln the time prescribed In the order of pub lication of this summons for filing said anawer, and If -you fall tn a,, mui. and answer said complaint the plain- uu .in Biipir io ine court for the ra lief demanded In sold complaint, to wlt for the dissolution of tha of matrimony existing between you and me piaintiu anu ror such further relief as may be juat and equitable. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. J. II. D. Oray. county Judge of Clatsortcounty, Oregon, made and en tered the SMlh day of Anril. lsoa: mmiA order being made by said county judge In the absence of the circuit Judge, and me uaie oi tne nrat publication Is May i. 1900, and the said publication la to run Six consecutive weeks from ih said dato. GEO ROB II. DURHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Astoria, Oregon. April 2J. 1W0. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice la hereby riven that on Unn. day, April 1, ltoo. at It o'clock A. at the court house door, in the city of Asiuna, in uiataop county, uregon pursuant to an order of the county tuuri oi me state or uregon, ror Clat sop county, made and entered on Feb ruary IS. 1900. I Will, as admlnlatratnr or tne estate or liendrlk Patree, de ceased, sell at public auction to tha highest bidder for cash, the following described property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: Lot two and the south west quarter of the northeast ouartap oi section tnirteen, intownsnip seven norm, range ten west of Willamette merldan. In said Clataon county, and also, a contract for aaln of the timber upon said land, made by the said da. ceased and one Nick Petrorr with ona u. it. uole, or date of June 4, VMS. uatea Marcn l, im FRANK J. TAYLOR. Administrator. TIMUER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 18, 1M0. Notice Is hereby given that tn com pliance witn the provisions of tha act " v v vmi, ,.ih VIIUllVU An act for the sals of timber landa in tr.e states or California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of Auguit 4, 18M. Sarah L. Bottom, of Jewell, county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, has this tlay filed In this office her sworn statement No. 5170, for the purchase of the NWfi of section no. j, in lownsnip No, I N, range No. t W and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for Its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday, the 7th day of July, 1900. She names aa witnesses: John Corcoran, of Vino Manic. Orearnn James W, Walker, of 'swell, Oregon. Iriaao N. Foster, of Jewell, Orevon. Bernard A. Johnson of Jewell Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ofllce on or before said 7th day of July. 1900. CHA8. D. MOORES. Register, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Nolle Is hereby given that the un derlined has been by the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the last will and textsment of Lvellne Siferte, deceased: and that said will has been duly prov en and admitted to probate by said court All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased must pre sent the same, duly verified, to tbe umlernlKned, at the ofllce of IlarrUuti Allen, attorney at law, room 7, Page building. In Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. ALBERT T. SIFERTE, Executor of tbe Last Will and Testa ment of Eveline Hlferte, Deceased. Dated this 11th day of June, 190. I.KIMI. NOTM IIS. RISC El VIS US 8 A LIS, In the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, County of t'l'iisop, The rlecui'lty Huvlnv A Trust Com 1'itny pltilntirr, vs. Tha Astoria Street Itull Aiiy Company defendants. Notice Is hereby glvvn that In pur suance of a Judgment, decree and or der of ait Id duly made and entered In the above entitled suit In the above untitled vourl on Monday tha :nth day if May, I wo, which luiUiiunt -was In favor of plaintiff and asalimt dvtand ant for thu sum of thirty thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars and the coals and dlaburaemeiils of said suit, and In and by which Judgment and de cree the mortgage executed to plaintiff by dofeiulitiit on the Slid day of May, Mi di'scrllied In the complaint In the above entitled suit was foreclosed and aald sum of thirty thousand, two hun dred and fifty dollars secured by said mortgaiie, together with the costs of aid suit was declared to be a lien upon all the property iiieiiilond In said mortgage and In tha complaint In this tilt and herein set otil and wliluh judgment, order and decree dlrooied me as receiver of all suld property heretofore appointed In tha above en titled suit to sell all said proimrty to satisfy said Judgment, coats and accru ing coata, I will on MONDAY, Tl 1 13 I NO DAY Of JULT, I'M, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. of uld duy, at the court lions door In I'luteop county, state of t 'ergon. Sell for cbmIi in V, M. gold coin, to the high eat bidder all right. (Ilia and Interest which the defendant, the Astoria Btraot Itittlwny had on the Und day of May, IMJ, or has stiico acquired on the prop erly mentioned In said mortgage or ai.y part thereof, which property la more particularly deacrlbed as follows, to-wlt: All the real properly of said Antorla Hlreel Hallway Company, Its rights of way, raaemeiits and appurte nances; all Its railroad and si reel rail way In the city of Astoria and In said county of Clatsop, the roadbed, tracks. IHilea, Hum, lines of wire, overhead construction, engines, machinery, dy namos, generators, electric motors and other electrical apparatus, and all loots and Implements, all rolling stock, cars equipments; all leaseholds, all build lima, car houses, power houses and Oth er structures; all licensee, rights, priv ileges and franchises appertaining ta aid above mentioned property, or owned or bvliioglng to said railway company, or In or to which It haa any right, title or Inter t; all things In ac tion, contracts, claims and demands, and all and aingular, all the property, real, personal and mixed owned at the date of said mortgage or thereafter acquired by said railway company aa well In law as In equity, and the In comes, revenues, rents, laeuea and pro fits of said property; and with tha right to the purchaser of said property to succeed to and enjoy all the rights, privileges. Immunities, franchises, and all licenses, corporate or otherwise of said railway company, being the entire and complete railroad and street rail way plant and property of said com pany. The street railway of said railway company, being substantially on the following route and on the following, named streets of said city of Astoria, to-wit; Hck-liutlng at the Intersection of Court street with Washington street, running thenoe easterly on said Court street to West Fifth Btreol; thence southerly on said West Klflh street to Cedar street, thence easterly on sold Cedar street to Salmon street; thence southerly on said Salmon street to Hemlock street; thence easterly on said Hemlock street to the north side line or tlflh street (being the south side line of block sixteen (It) In the t'urt or upper Astoria); thence north- raaterly crossing sold block sixteen (1, Augur at rret and block seventeen (17) In said Port of Upper Astoria to Fourth street; thence easterly on said fourth street to llonnevllle avenue: tbence northerly on said ttonnevllla avenue to Third street: and thence easterly uu said Third Street to Dick inson avenue, with the side tracks. switches snd branchoe belonging or appertaining thereto. f he real property now owned by said railway company, and hereby adver tlwd for sale consists of those certain lots, tracts or parcels of real property tying uetween and situate In Clatsop couniy, state, pf Oregon, particularly deacrlbed as follows, towll; Allot lots two (2), three (S), four (4). nine (9), ten (10) and eleven (11) In block numbered two (2) In Shlvely's Astorln (now In the corporate limits of the city of Astoria.) And also all of lot two (2) In block numbered two (2) In Tort of Upper As toria (now In the corporute limits of said city of Astoria.) Heferetice being had herein to the re corded and ratubllshed maps and plats f suld Hhlvely's Astoria and Port of Upper Astoria. Together with all and singular the ten ements, hereditaments and appurte nances belonging, or In any wise ap pertaining to said lots, tracts or par cels of real property; Uelng all and slngtilur the nronerty of said defendant corporation. The Astoria Street Railway Company, real, personal or mixed: and all rlirhts. nrlv- lleges. Immunities and franchises owned by snld company. And notice Is hereby further given . that I will offer for sale and sell all said property above described, real, personal and mixed, and said promise, rights, privileges and franchises and Immunities of overy kind and descrip tion covered by said morteusa of May 2, 1SU2, whether owned by said defend ant at the date of said mortgage or since acquired, In one parcel, to satisfy snld Judgment, liens, costs and accru ing costs. Honds secured by snld mortgage and overdue coupons belonging thereto will re received on account of any amount bid at said sale as provided In said de ma and order of salo. C. A. COOLIDOE. Receiver of Astoria Street Railway Company, ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at Oregon City, Or., May I I, 1UUU. Notice is hereby alven that tha fol lowing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said, proof will be made before the county clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, uregon, on juiy z, jw, vis; HARTHOLOMEW J. DURKB. It. E. No. 123M. for tha 8 half of tha Sli quarter, NE quarter of Hlfl quar ter and BE qunrter of NE quarter of section 9, T 5 N, It 10 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John P, Euerman. of Seaside. Ore- Ron; James Irwin, of Seaside Oregon; fieorge Irwin, of Seaside, Oregon; Phil ip M. Condlt, of Seaside, Oregon. UHAH. B, MOORED, Register. Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST. S7J Commerclil Street ASTORTA. ORH. Over Bchluasel'i Clothing store