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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1900)
Tilts. MORMNU ASTUlUAa FlUDA.. MA. 2 MM, r XTORA CLOSES AT T P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY. LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS A Great Clean Up Sale This Week... DIG CUT IN PRICES TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK Headquarter for Dry Goods AFTER THE SHINGLE TRUST. Proceedings Commenced In the United States Court at Tacoma. TACOMA. May 54. The first cas to I; tried In this state under the act of congress which prohibits combinations having for their purpose the restraint of commerce, came up In the United States court yesterday, when the case of A. S. Glbbs vs. The Washington Red Cedar Shingle Manufacturers' Association was called. The defendants demurred to the com plaint on the ground that the forma tion of the association was not" a vio lation of the act of congress referred to, and holding that the mere fact that the defendants manufactured shingles All not signify that they would ship them, as there Is no state law against the formation of such combinations as associations. If the contention set up by the defense holds good. Mr. Glbbs would have no re course In law. Judge Hanford asked both sides to submit briefs, which was done, and the case was taken under advisement. Mr- Glbbs asks for heavy damages on account of alleged Injuries to Ms business by reason of the formation of the association. AN IMPROBABLE STORT. i Heavy Loss Among American Troops In a Philippine Battle as Re ported By Way of Paris. PARIS, May 24. A dispatch received here reports a stubborn fight on the Island of Catublg, one of the Philip pines. The American losses are report ed aa 500 killed or wounded. The above dispatch Is undoubtedly a Filipino account of the battle which occurred at Catublg on May 20, and in which there were about 20 American casualties. It will be remembered that Agoncillo, the representative of Aguln aldo, is In Paris, and that he from time to time gave out alleged dispatches re grading events in the Philippines, which have always proved to be ex aggerated accounts of occurrences that have been fully published. THE LABOURGOGNE DISASTER. Owners of the French Line Avoiding Payment of Damages. NEW TORK, May 24.-The French line oflicially known as La Campagnle Generale La Trans-Atlantique, whose Bteanishlp Labcurgogne, sank on July 4, 189S, frm 60 to 100 miles off Sable Island, with a great Ioes of life, has filed a petitlm in the United States district court which, it Is said, will practically cut off without a cent all claimants for damages. There are 63 claimants In all. and the claims which have been stated in papers filed amount to $1,206,534.75. There are 21 claims In which the amounts are not stated and these will bring the sum total up to about $1,500, 000. THE MEDITERRANEAN FLEET. American War Vessels Gathering in Turkish Waters on Pleasure Cruises. NEW YORK, May 24. A special to the Herald from Washington, says: Secretary Long says the cruiser Al IA1JW The majority of persons upon reaching middle age and past find their blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were eflsilv Controller! in Mrlipr 1if hpoin in ffirt ihm rnnctitiitinn Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Gout and other hereditary troubles may escape till then, but as they age the blood, so long tainted and weakened by accumulated waste matters, is no longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark for disease. At this critical period tv; 1 vi uic iuc ujuvu juuoi uc xc-cuiurceu ueiore u can penorni us legitimate iuncuons ana nd the system of these poisons, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. js S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood, improves the appetite, and builds tip the general constitn- f . jr..' tion. It is not only the jt'Jj ''. nerves, removes all : ; 4 . ceo ii. . 1 t w. u. uic wuijr puiciv vcjreuiuie uioi meuuane Known, rsoi one particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison can be found in it. and it may be taken for anv length of time without harm S. S. S. is the only remedy that reaches deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible for any poisonous waste materials to accumulate. If you have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal. Or Are tmilllt.rl lirlfll f;io ant i.arV,nlAa tn,0 Q (1 - , ..... u kj um,i. ijui-. ouu jjci iiiuucu. tuic ui iucsc jicsLs. ik your sysiem is run aown itia you feel the need of a tonic, S. S. S. will strengthen and help you as it has many others to a happy, healthy old age. 8. 8. 8. cure Mr. H. Borden of 6auroviIIe, Va., of a cae of Eczema of thirty-five years' standing, after the best physicians in the surrounding country had failed. This was seven years ago, and there has been no return of the disease. If you are In doubt about your disease, and will send us a statement of your case, our physician will jive you acy information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga O. S. O. IS THE WEAL TOIIIC'AIID BLOOD PUltlFIEIt FOR on the Lower Columbia. bany will cruise In the Mediterra nean. No orders have been given to the vessel, the secretary rays, to proceed to Turkish waters, though no objection woull be made if her commanding of-fii-er should proceed In her to a Turk ish port. The auxiliary cruiser Buffalo, with a crew of landsmen aboard, Is now on her way to European waters and the Es sex will also visit European ports, re maining abroad until September. The itinerary of the Lancaster contemplates that she shall go to Europe and re main until Ociber. It is stated that the despatch of these vessels has noth ing to do with a naval demonstration to compel Turkey to pay the mission ary cluims. REI'l'BLICAX TICKET. STiTE. I For Congress. Second Con I gresfional District : MALCOLM A. MOODY, of Wasco County. J For Justice of the Supreme 1 Court 2 CHAS. E. WOLVERTON. . of Linn County. X For Oregon Dairy and Food 4 Commissioner J. W. BAILEY. of Multnomah County. COUNTY. For Legislature F. R. STOKES J. E. YOUNG. For District Atorney HARRISON ALLEN. For Sheriff THOMAS LINVILLE. :For Clerk H. J. WHERITY. T For Treasurer X H. C. THOMPSON. For Assessor C. W. CARNAHAN. S For Surveyor 4 i R. F. C. ASTBURY. i For School Superintendent f J. T. LEE. t X For Coroner- E. P. PARKER. For Commissioner T $ DAN. J. INGALLS. J For Constable 4 WM. CHANCE. 4) For Justice of the Peace f C. C. B ROWER. T , For Road Supervisor 4) C. E. FOSTER. TTfffff fT BUMMER RESORTS. "To the mountains our people In in creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine in fair working coniltlon. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this iirectlon the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland, Colestln, M best blood Dunfier. but the best tonic for taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease ' t . 1 ii-.i ,: , . . .... . 1 Mr. D. K. Johmon, of BlackiriMr, Gi.,wa for yearg afflict td wilh a severe type of rheumatUm, and harl uied every remedy known and recommended aa a cure without receiving any benefit. 8. 8. 8. promptly reached the seat of the diaease an4 uiauc complete ana permanent cure. OLD PEOPLE. Anderson. Bartlett, Byron and Paso Uobles. "BofoM visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quires concerning these attractive rc sorts." Send to Mr. C. II. Markham. general passenger agent, Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shnsla Springs, McCloud river, Yosemlte, and excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R, & N. which vnt Into effect April 12nd. shortened the time to Chicago 13 hours. and Kives a double daily service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9: 15 a. m. U known as the "Chicago-Port land Special. Its equipment Is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Tort land at 6:20 p. nv. and furnishes com' plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the b.-st of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. SOLFILINE. SoKUtne! Solflllna! If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to longing the life of same at least fifty per cent. If you wish to save greas ing your belts In ycur manufacture, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astorltt, ana try a case of Soifiiine on your shoes and harness. Buy your sho?s only of those who have that scientific remedy. Take no other. Address. PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents. Astoria, Or go. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29rh a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent. Portland, Oregon. OSTEOPATHY. Astoria Oregon. MRS. C. J. RAMSEY. D. O. All chronic and nervous diseases of women treated by this method. Exam inatlon free. Hours, 1 to S. Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin. ODD FELLOWS ATTENTION! Souvenir albums of Astoria and Co lumbia river scenery at Snodgrass, the photographer, 633 Commercial street. The straight and narrow path Is en tirley too wide for some narrow-mind' ed Christians- QUICKEST, SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO THE EAST - SOUTHEAST IS THE TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULE1) TRAINS LESS THAN THREE DAYS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Library Cars, First class Reclining Chairs Free. PORTLAND to DENVER, KANSAS CITY. OMAHA and CHICAGO without change. Only one change to NEW YORK, BOSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informa tion, call on or address, . G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. & N., Astoria, Or Or J. H. LOTHROP, Gen'l Agt., No. 125 Third St, Portland. Or. old rieorile. Trartn Viv,1w.i t Ir .m, wv.u. uiiu vuuw-a, v j w kJ. w. i " VS ' r - V'V? : X BAD COMPLEXIONS, pimples, blotches, blackheads, ml, rouRh, oily, mothy skin, dry, thlu, and falllug hulr with irrltutcd sculps ami dutt drufl, red, rough hands, with ttchlug, burning palms, shapcle units and painful finger en.dSy.aud baby blemishes, preveuted by Cutktiu Soai. It rsnioves the cause ot disfiguring eruptions, loss of hair, and baby blern. Ishes, viz. : the clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or sluggUh condition of the Fores. No other medicated soap ever compounded U to be cotnpaml with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the sklu, icalp, hulr, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet tonp, liowever expensive, U to be compared with It for all the purposes ot tlio toilet, bath, and uurery. Thus It combines la Osi Soap at Oxb Paics numuly, 23 Cents tha best skin and complexion coup and the bet toilet and the bestt baby sonp hi tlie world. Sold everywhere, Puuu amd Ciik. Coup., Sole Props., Boston, U. S. A. " How to Purify aud Beautify tho Skin," f ree. Complete External and Internal Treatment of Cvory Humor. CUTICUR CoaMM( ! CrrierS4 Sor (t , to ttam Iks wl iIm ! ml t THI SIT 1 2S USUkailwl,Cimi't'a OolnuaKJW.I.InlnaluU alUv IUII tn4 l-nun.. ana Mhaud SMI.ISI Cnnnt Simno iJK.x Iim u iInm kaul. AUimls SX k aft B6at k tan Um amral knaws aa all 4m hik M ZEALAND FIRE Of New Poland V. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, .... $5,000,000 Paid-up Capital, .... 1,000,000 . Assets, 2,5-1.5,114 Assets in United States, - - - 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders, - - 1,718,792 Has 4been Underwriting on the Tatific Coast over twuity-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. .......MiiiMillHIIIIIIIIIIIIM.MIMMI"'l"IHMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIItttlHniniWllllimilllMIUiailIWt OVER 6,000,000 BOXES SOLO YEARLY. " The reason is simple asABC llOlilliS : There b a reason for everyth!:i?, sml the reason for the pnpularlty rf Ilwhnm'i PI!M S Is. that they fill nil t!ie reUiaiiKti(4 ol RtiH-nil anudixo tut ALL IIII.ICH S AND s : NERVOC'S DIStjKURRS In n Qoro wibfuctory niaiiocr Uinn Buy proprietary nn Jlriiio S evt-r plaiwl tvinro ttij puM-. Iwlioiu's Pills ore l.roiitflit Ivlore )"ur rmtli. ami, S whetlier you rvqulre lhm cr wa i( not tlny. you ciny tomorrow whin tlie D'-itmlly ! S srls you shout I. In yir own lntrrt, tok them. Tne riivin (or llu-ir Is ndin r I btst known Ut ynunwif. Lxir. 1 Hint m It may, yon will show gxri Judyiccat tjr tuliluu J S Uiem In reaaoaaLleil'Bei. anj doiiii o l as siuiplc as A B C i i The enormous sole of Beecham's Pills ha been achieved without the publkotkxi j : of testimonials, the fact bnimj that Beecfuun's Piils recommend tlwmselves. : 8oldeverjrwbere,lnboxea,tocentaadcentMeat!b. : eHUIHIIIHIIIHIIIHIIMIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIItllllUlliNIMUIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIUIIIIIIHIIIMUIHHMIillllNIIIIHMM'HIIlur A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the best service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employes of the WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our trains are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping; and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JA8. C. POND, Gen. Pass. Agt. or JA8. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, 246 Stark St,. Portland, Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah. Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME Days to Walt Lake 2 J Days to Denver 3J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered touriat sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to Or C. O. TERRT, W. E. CO MAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNSBERRY, . Agent O. R. k V. IMIlffl ! SI Kavi bsen 2z inaaior IV 53 years. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. PORTLAND. Arrlvn. 1:00 a. m. Portland Union Dpot,ll:l a in" 8.55 p.m.for Astoria and lnter- 9:40p.m imraiaie poinia. I ASTORIA. T 7.45 a.m. JFor Portland k tn-lll:M 6.10 p.m.termedlate points (l:M SEASIDE DIVISION. a.nv p.m p m.ja. m. 6:00lll:J5fLv 5:Kll:MAr 5:601 12:13! Lv ' :30f l:00Ar a.m. p.m 4:W I 81 lit) ... Astoria.. .. Arl Tr Lv 7:40 7: :M ................ Af ...Bi'iHlde,.., Lv 8:16 SPECIAL SEASIDE SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at l:S0 a, m.; arrives ai Seaside t:4f a. m. Pajwengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Baakl rvs ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren ton. All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Pactflo trains to and from the east or Sound points. At Portland wtth all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. R. k N. Co.'s boi and rail line to and from Uwaco ard North Beach points. THROUO1 TICKETS on sale at As toria for , amen to. Ban Francisco, alt tantern and European points. City ticket oOloe Aston. 24 fwnmer. ttal street. J. C. MAYO, Gen' I IVt and Psuw. Agent Mill 1 1 11 A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & ft. Paul Hallway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited'' trains every day and night vetween St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. ''The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connec tions are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, Cf a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pans. Agt., Gen. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North FadlQo llrewory, of which IkiUlml tieer for futility use or keg Mr.John fvopp Is pmr-lotor, niHkee tM--r I boor tuiipHm! al any time, dollwy la for doaiNi'io ami eiporl trade. I Ihs city (roe. North Pacific Brewery iii ' i 1 i Agricultural Implements CARRIED IN STOCK AND FOR SALE AT BOTTOM PRICES BY FISHER BROS. WEDDING CARDS WEDDlftt CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS We Rent New Typewriters. e"""","- Many new iiiiiTovoincnts nilJctl. No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter V r 1 1 J V New Ar c,,,ttl""', rr,,' r X l' M. ALEXANDER & CO. I ' f'" I Kxclnsivs 1'scilli! ('tst IVslrrs : - W Hinrk St , Portland, ' F W. M'KK( IINIE, Lirsl Afci-iit. Pacific Navigation Company Stcumcrs-'-K. I. I'lmorc," "W. II Hun lsorf Only llne-AMorlu to 1 llluniouk, (iurlbuldl, Hay City. Ilvhtonvillo. CoDDwlins at Ailoria wltl tdr Oniron lUlliosd k Nsvlallim Co. antl alio the A si o' Is A Colunihm Klrrr H. It. for hsc FtsntUro, 1'oitlatid and all points rast. For Irrlnlit and ratscrgrr rslrs p ly Ij BarttM! Elmore A Co. Orntrsl Aitt bts. AKT01UA, OPE. C01IN k CO., Aruts, 0crn lU llttsd A NlstlD Co., TILLAMuUt Ore. A. k C. K 11 Co. 101(1 LAND. Ort. "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Hut what sort of livlnu in it you M with n jhioi stove or ranun in your kiklnti? lUiya Star Estate Range Tbey insure ooJ llvliitf W. J. Scully, Agent -431 IIOND Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for finlienncn, Farmers and Loggers. A. Vs ALLEN, Tenth nml Coinincrrliil Mreeh I INSTRUCTIONS GlVr" . Alls Bertha flartln's Decorative Art Room. Kooiu 820 Dokum Building-. 3d e 0 0 0 03 g G 0 r. H OTEL PORTLAND, OR. nr . . . , a. t i. I ne uniy r irni'winnn iiuiki in f urimnu s. ...The Esmond Hotcl... PQRTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. SA 3 Kuroueso plan. 8oc to 11,10 oer dav. . Z American plan, 11.00 to 2.00 per day. W. G. SMITH 4 CO.. ENGRAVERS, 2'J aud $ Wialiiu. Ion llulldlng, 4tl:sml WailiH'tnn HK-uvrr lilt's, I Cim AMU MGON. i. f - i - i . in mimnim z Sr BTHliET ML IB -5i W'i--$-G--S S ORDERS SOLICIUO rail Line ot Newest Embroid ery Materials. Initials i Specialty, Choice Selection of S imping Designs. Stamping Neatly Dor.;. sad Waalilugtun 8H., Portland, Or. PORTLAND x a nAi.. a OSCAR ANDERSON, Managor. & j, c pendKOAHT. Chief Clerk, f